eSchoolPLUS 4.0 Technology - Event Schedule & Agenda...

eSchoolPLUS 4.0 Technology

Transcript of eSchoolPLUS 4.0 Technology - Event Schedule & Agenda...

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eSchoolPLUS 4.0 Technology

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eSchoolPLUS 4.0 Technology

Jeff Miller – eSchoolPLUS Development Manager


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Learn about all of the exciting new technologies we are using to enhance the eSchoolPLUS application suite. We will review the types of technology being used to improve both its capabilities and the overall user experience.

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The Old

The New

Deep Dive: Plug-ins Used in 4.0

What’s Next


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What didn’t change in 4.0?

�The database

�Microsoft SQL Server (2012 or 2014)

�Minor Schema Changes

�Are be documented with the release


�Still using VB6 & COM+

�Task Agent/Task Load Balancer

�A big reason for leaving the DB as is

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What else didn’t change?

�The appearance/features in

� Teacher Access Center

� Home Access Center

Please note that we did modify some of the code so it could be shared with eSchoolPLUS Admin code

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So what’s new?




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New to eSchoolPLUS 4.0

�Completely New User Interface

� All webpages are being rewritten to be:

�Modern Look, Responsive Design

�Device and Browser Agnostic

�Includes over 1000 webpages

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eSchoolPLUS 4.0 Technologies

� Open Source Technologies

�HTML5 – Less coding for more browsers

�CSS3 – Adding styles to the web pages

� jQuery – Modern JavaScript library

� JSON – Packaging data to send to the web server

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eSchoolPLUS 4.0 Technologies

�Responsive Design Technologies

� Twitter Bootstrap – Field, Label and Card Placement

� Font Awesome - Icons

� Microsoft Technologies

�ASP.NET MVC/Razor View Engine – Application Framework

�C# - Programming Language

�Entity Framework/LINQ – Database Queries

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Entity Framework and LINQ• Object – Relational Mapping (ORM) Framework for data



DistrictBuildingSchool Year


Alert Type


CODEAlert TypeAlert Code


Var District as string

Var Building as string

Var SchoolYear as date

Var CRegConfigAlertas object


Database Tables Programming Object

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Entity Framework and Linq

� Coding the SQL:

select REG_CFG.*, REG_CFG_ALERT.*, REG_CFG_ALERT_CODE.* from reg_cfg

inner join REG_CFG_ALERT on


reg_cfg_alert.BUILDING = reg_cfg.BUILDING and


inner join REG_CFG_ALERT_CODE on





where reg_cfg.DISTRICT = ? and


reg_cfg.SCHOOL_YEAR = ?

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Entity Framework and Linq

// get the building configuration for the district, school year, and building

Return (from BuildingConfig in


where BuildingConfig.District == Environment.District &&

BuildingConfig.SchoolYear == schoolYearToUse &&

BuildingConfig.Building == building

select buildingConfig).SingleOrDefault();

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Entity Framework and Linq

(unrelated) Example you might see in SQL:exec sp_executesql N'SELECT







FROM [dbo].[SCHD_STU_CRS_DATES] AS [Extent1]

WHERE ([Extent1].[DISTRICT] = @EntityKeyValue1) AND ([Extent1].[STUDENT_ID] = @EntityKeyValue2) AND ([Extent1].[SECTION_KEY] = @EntityKeyValue3) AND ([Extent1].[MODELED] = @EntityKeyValue4)',N'@EntityKeyValue1 int,@EntityKeyValue2 nvarchar(128),@EntityKeyValue3 int,@EntityKeyValue4 nvarchar(128)',@EntityKeyValue1=11111,@EntityKeyValue2=N'11111 ',@EntityKeyValue3=1247349,@EntityKeyValue4=N'N

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Model – View – Controller Design Pattern

• Models (Business Layer) – Parts of the application that

implement the logic for the application's data domain.

• Views (Display Layer) – Views are the components

that display the application's user interface (UI).

• Controllers (Input Control)– Components that handle user

interaction, work with the model, and ultimately select a view to render that displays UI.

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Deep Dive: Plug-Ins

All Plug-Ins used by SunGard K-12 Education are carefully vetted

� Websites that add a ton of plugins slow down the website

• Use only what is needed and efficient

� Cross Product and Functional Area Technology Committee Review and Make Recommendations

• Representation from every product

• Cloud Team

• Security Approval

� Go Forward Consistency Across Applications

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Deep Dive: Plug-Ins

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Used for Dropdowns and Multi-selects


� Add an Open Source javascript file to extend jQuery

� We’ve extended the library to better handle our responsive design patterns and improve performance

� We use events to control how the page responds based on selected answers

• Selecting one value can cause fields to appear or disappear

� Example is the Quick Search

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Data that involved a time or date is easily formatted and adjusted for time zones


� Open Source JavaScript Library

� Database, C# and JavaScript can all store and format dates differently

• By default, moment parses and displays in local time.

• var date = moment(dateVariable).format("YYYY-MM-DD");var date = moment(dateVariable).format("MM/DD/YYYY");

• moment().add(3, 'days').calendar();moment().subtract(3, 'days').calendar();moment().endOf('day').fromNow();moment().startOf('hour').fromNow();

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FullCalendar is a drag-n-drop jQuery plugin for displaying events on a full-sized calendar.


� Open Source JavaScript library

� Provides total framework for using calendars for month, week, day views. We supply the data, it formats it nicely.

• $('#calendar').fullCalendar({

• year: currentYear,

• month: currentMonth,

• dayRender: function(date, cell) {

• //...add some special formatting or styling for each day

• },

• dayClick: function(date) {

• //...trigger some action if user clicks on the day

• }

• });

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Used for grids throughout the software if there is a need beyond the basic grid display


� Open Source Library

� This powerful tool gives us the ability to edit in line (even using select2!), paging, sorting individual and multiple columns

� Allows each cell to be formatted uniquely based on data conditions

� Easy to get edited data to save

� Makes Grid manipulation quicker and cleaner

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Used for time select fields


� Open Source

� Works with moment.js

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Used for Page Prints


� Commercial product which required us to purchase an enterprise developer license. There are no run time or deployment costs and the license never expires.

• No Worthy Open Source Options

• Cost was a factor. Some range as high as $5-6K per server license to install.

� Code Snippets for JavaScript capturing HTML and C# code generating the PDF from the HTML

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Code Snippets

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What else do we need to do?

Reports and calculations

�Why?• Remove older technology

– Still using VB6 and Com+

– Reports created using Active Reports 2.0

• Easier Installation

• Maybe sneak in some features?

�Approach• Over many releases

�Risk• Needs mitigated

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Thank You!

[email protected]
