Eschatology-Unraveling or How Gog and Magog Became Friends




Transcript of Eschatology-Unraveling or How Gog and Magog Became Friends

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or !




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!!!!!!!! ! Opening ! and ! closing ! portals ! score: !find ! a ! portal

—! ! open ! it ! up—! step ! inside—! pose ! a ! little—! step ! outside!

! —! close ! it ! up—! seal ! it ! good—!repeat. !


Page 3: Eschatology-Unraveling or How Gog and Magog Became Friends

!!!!!!!!!! Delicate fortitude—! ! ! ! ! Kindred botanicals—!

! sadness piling up—! ! ! ! ! all alone on Easter—!

! pyramids—! ! ! ! ! ! consumption and!

! rage.! ! ! ! ! ! ! the smell of me—!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! language—!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! rage.!


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!!!!I ran out of tremors—justifications. !

!! ! Your alibis: ! fascism,!

! ! ! ! numerology. !




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Coincidence—solar plexus—lipstick—dirt.!

!Going away then coming back—lipstick—dirt.!


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!!!!Trainwrecks as blessings.!


! ! Unbecoming me.! ! !


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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Lakeshores bring me lakeshores.! !


!Hours rain.!


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!!!!!The barn—!

the buds—!

the rocks—!

the car—!

the cow—!

!!!!the ghosts—!

gone away—! ! !

! all the way—! ! !

! ! ! light—! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! goddess—!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! s m o k e —



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Falling asleep while praying.!




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Former lover,! ! !

salvage me.! ! ! !


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!!!!!!!!!!The sudden awakening of new conjugations—configurations—dirt.!


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!!!!!! ! ! Slack line—! !

! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! gold thread.!

!!Beside you—! ! ! ! ! ! ! beyond me—!

!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! beneath.!


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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! Foreshortened shadows—!

! ! ! ! ! ! progressivism.!


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!!!!!!!!! Lantern light to illuminate:!

! ! camping equipment—!

! ! cave dwelling ants and crystals—!

! ! ! ! beloved’s face.!


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What to call a place as it starts sinking? !

And once it has sunk?!


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And not even my father’s body is real.!


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A cosmology of storm clouds—!



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!!!!!!She pounded at his golden triangle with her dull pointed spear. At last, something (somewhere)

clicked and from within the center of their beingness spewed a silky white beam which rose into

the air—pausing !

!(a timeless moment)!

!—then fragmented into a shower of a million jewel-like droplets. A most pristine droplet fell

gracefully upon the center-point of each partner’s brow.!


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!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Tears—!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! torn fabric.!

! ! ! ! ! Composition as a proof of disinterestedness.!



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Media categorized by their various trajectories of light.!

!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


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If a stone burns, !

it burns inside myself.!


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!!!! ! ! ! ! ! Sharks can’t change their facial expressions.!

!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! Symbols are the sacrifice.!


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Articulation vis-à-vis disarticulation.!

!! ! ! ! ! ! Milking !

! ! ! ! ! it!

! ! ! ! for!

! ! ! all!

! ! its!

! ! ! ! ! ! worth.!


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Time as a beach.!

!Driftwood—the sandwich left to rot at the bottom of your first backpack—all that remains of a

parallel universe in which you died at the age of four.!


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!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! That same old vortex.!

!Spinning circles in an under-lit room.!


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!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! What is real responsibility? !

!! ! ! ! Like when I kissed you—tonal shift.!


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!!!!!!Jasmine green—the height of trees—every inch of skin—dirt.!

!Flying—getting a haircut—giving stickers to children—watching ice melt.!


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Swords make a wound sound.!


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Tortillas and how they stick together. !

!The closed-eye awareness of light.!




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White skies in late summer—an inside-out t-shirt—piles of leaves—dirt. !

!Light-filled basements—crates full of vegetables—your desire—dirt.!


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Falling—in and out of love.!


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The aftermath of an equation.!


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Old friends—phone calls—slightly off furniture arrangements—patience. !


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Wind as a metaphor for wireless internet. !


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A smell—a scent.! !

