es - Central Intelligence Agency 1960-62 VOL...CANDARE -18 on 5 May 1960 for Berlin. Comments: After...

es ..-r ciassinuatos DISPATCH SECRET I _Vas ricac —t.MIThr------ EGFA 33064 TO Chief, VE ITIFO cos HEACQUARTERS FLEE co. 32i-& 22/ FROM Chief of Base, Frankfurt D. C 26 January. 1961 SUBJECT CATARSVCABATON/Operational 0 CABATON Progress Report: 1 Oct. - 31 Dec. 1960 RE: "43 . 3' (CRECK ''X" OND --X 1 NARKED FOR INDEDDI NO FROWNS REQUIRED ACTION REQUIRED None INOENIUG CAN HE JUDGED Di QUALIFIED HO. DESK ONLY REFERENCED) None 1. SUMMARY: During this reporting period we acoommodation address and have dropped two, giving addresses, of whioh 32 are active. In addition, we and 56 who are not being used operationally pending status. Seventeen of our active addresses are assigned exclusive use of Berlin. 2. STATUS OF AGENTS: _ 1 CARRION-le Case Officer L Assimnments: (no limitations) __ ' on 19 September 1958 fol .._ ('-unused. .... -atn 28 February 1958 forL 'is toommun i tion: thus far unused. CAESUS on 23 April 1959 for Berlin: tested unused. CAPRICE 22 on 12 January 1960 for Berlin. CANDARE -18 on 5 May 1960 for Berlin. Comments: After the death of CABATON -1, have added one new us a total of 34 have CABATON8-52 resolution of their for the :thus far . emergency hut thus fsr his wife address, and She with us, She has recently and now has her continued to perform as an accommodation we have recently designated her CABATON-la. apparently intends to continue her assooiation and we are paying her DM 100 per month. moved back into her permanent apartment FOAM I G.07 ••••,/, (40/ USE PREVIOUS EDITION. REPIACES FCRIIS S110. 51 .25t AND 51.29 WHICA AU OBSOLETE. ir)scna ,trawir" t • " CLAMITICA1/911 SECRET mother living with her. The mother was ALLOWSC t o Uepsr from the DDR in November. CABATON-la continues to per- form satisfactorily. 2. CABATON-5: Case Officer r- Aseixements: (no limitations) CAELI-1 for POWS0 CARET for FOB/German CAROL-1 on 27 May 1960 for Berlin CABATON -24 for POWS0 Comment: Performance continues satisfactory, 3 CABATON-21 Case Officer Assipmentst (Non-Bloc mail only) None ' • ' Comments: Subject services a post box which he procpred for us in Wiesbaden and relays the mail to our local box. Performance is satisfactory, DECLASSIFIED AND RELEASED BY CENTRL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SOINC ESMETHOOSEXEMPI ON 3828 NAZI WAR CR IMES 01 SCLOSURE ACT DATE 2007 Pe HMV

Transcript of es - Central Intelligence Agency 1960-62 VOL...CANDARE -18 on 5 May 1960 for Berlin. Comments: After...

Page 1: es - Central Intelligence Agency 1960-62 VOL...CANDARE -18 on 5 May 1960 for Berlin. Comments: After the death of CABATON -1, ... On 2 December 1960 the drop was offered for the es;ciusive

es..-r ciassinuatos


I _Vas ricac—t.MIThr------

EGFA 33064

TO Chief, VEITIFO cos


32i-& 22/

FROM• Chief of Base, Frankfurt

D. C

26 January. 1961SUBJECT CATARSVCABATON/Operational0 CABATON Progress Report: 1 Oct. - 31 Dec. 1960

RE: "43 .3' — (CRECK ''X" OND








1. SUMMARY: During this reporting period weacoommodation address and have dropped two, givingaddresses, of whioh 32 are active. In addition, weand 56 who are not being used operationally pendingstatus. Seventeen of our active addresses are assignedexclusive use of Berlin.


1 CARRION-le Case Officer LAssimnments: (no limitations) __

' on 19 September 1958 fol.._('-unused. ....

-atn 28 February 1958 forL 'istoommuni tion: thus far unused.

CAESUS on 23 April 1959 for Berlin: testedunused.

CAPRICE 22 on 12 January 1960 for Berlin.

CANDARE -18 on 5 May 1960 for Berlin.Comments: After the death of CABATON -1,

have added one newus a total of 34have CABATON8-52resolution of their

for the

:thus far.


hut thus fsr

his wifeaddress, and

Shewith us,

She has recentlyand now has her

continued to perform as an accommodationwe have recently designated her CABATON-la.apparently intends to continue her assooiationand we are paying her DM 100 per month.moved back into her permanent apartment

FOAMI G.07 ••••,/,(40/



,trawir"t • "



mother living with her. The mother was ALLOWSC to Uepsrfrom the DDR in November. CABATON-la continues to per-form satisfactorily.

2. CABATON-5: Case Officer r-

Aseixements: (no limitations)


CARET for FOB/German

CAROL-1 on 27 May 1960 for Berlin


Comment: Performance continues satisfactory,

3 CABATON-21 Case Officer

Assipmentst (Non-Bloc mail only)

None ' • '

Comments: Subject services a post box which he procpredfor us in Wiesbaden and relays the mail to our local box.Performance is satisfactory,





DATE 2007


Page 2: es - Central Intelligence Agency 1960-62 VOL...CANDARE -18 on 5 May 1960 for Berlin. Comments: After the death of CABATON -1, ... On 2 December 1960 the drop was offered for the es;ciusive

:anti rt.,. 0157 .?


•■•"--•••••-•-Ci.r nusammawsCONTIMUATIOU UP SECRET 1 FORA 33264, Page..2EASIVital


CABATON-22 Case Offieor

assigstants: (no limitations)

IRIMAHIPLE on 24 November 3.958 for FOB/Germ een; ! cu so c da month.

CARAT:ME emergency telephone and cable link: testod snd inuse.

Commeuta: Performance continues satisfactory; agent isopen for further assignment. CABATON-22 presentl y receivesreimbursement for her telephone in addition to a salary ofDIN 100.

CABATON-23 Case Officer A__'V

Assinonts: (BOB exclusively)


CATNYROED-3 on 9 June 1960 for Berlin

FACATTy-1 on 15 September 1960 for Berl 417 7 C:22LL

C14BATON-24; Case Offioer -;1/4--

Assignments: (no limitations)

AELICTOR on 19 August 1960 for ron/bov (cancelled)

L-• 3an 9 September 1958 foil

GOJAH assignment for FOB/SAT

Garments: During Auguat 1960, at the time cf ZEDeMCS,pits cddress was given by AELICTOR-1 to a Soviet undercircumstances mhich make it appear very lite]y that thisaddress lms been compromised to the RIB. We haverecently begun testing this address gnaw in an attemptto determine the extent of the compromise.

CABATON-25: Case Officer LAssignments: (Non-Bloc mail only) .GLDESTINY in June 1959 for Reedquerters

ARABIA in late 1959 for pos/sov

Comments: Subject performs well but needs additionalassignments.

CABATON-26 Case Officer L.Assignments: (BOB exclusively)

FOB/BAT un 25 February 1960 for BEDOX operation

Comments: -Agent continues to perform satisfectorily.On 2 December 1960 the drop was offered for the es;ciusiveuse of Berlin. We have not yet been notified of enYspecific assignments.

CABATON-27 Case Officer 1.--1---Aulgnments: (no limitations)

felThal, operation on 2 June 1g60 for Berlin

!JOB/SAT in August 1960 for!r!

Cements: Agent continues to perfone actisfeetorily.On III December 1960 this drop nes offered for sac byVienne for the backstopping of several outside sseeefficors. Thus far no specific assignmentsl'(?OeiVea. •


+ frit-?1 e6T- 4.

ts:Commen Performance remains satisfactorytorti OlLoA


Page 3: es - Central Intelligence Agency 1960-62 VOL...CANDARE -18 on 5 May 1960 for Berlin. Comments: After the death of CABATON -1, ... On 2 December 1960 the drop was offered for the es;ciusive

sttmeowucwSHORE T

,.—„ 01:..11C/I STAMM..AD . -.".-----', ,.—1

• • —

1:!))252l",::EOFA 33064, Page 3

• Case Officer L,Lps1rments: (BOB exclusivoip)(:ATklmoID-1 en 3 June 1960 for Berlin&s!..Trnts: Agent hue performed well on all tasks given him.He haa-been assigned exclusively to Berlin.

CefaATOH-)20: Case Officer Lessigssents: (WB exclusiVely).CCOBASK-3 on 12 Hay 1960 for BerlinC r: Ars:Its- The test letter of 4 August, mentioned in the•loot ::tegross report, was never received. A test letter=idled on 10 November from Berlin and one mailed fromSet Cermany on 12 December were both received by thecgint The test letter of 10 November was mailed fromEast Zerlin by CALERIA-29 who is inveivad in the CASERTAcompromise (ERIN 1933). CAB4TON-30 is tberefore-pregeral•amew ni l eed. _Contact will- be maintained41th this agentat ledet until BOB regains contact with CASHARK-3.

CABA9:7)e-::-1 Case Officer LItaal:ento: (BOB exeluslvely)•(AiMil- on 16 June 1960 for Berlin as elternaid---communication.

mnt: Nines the last progress report C4BA1ON-51nat raae-1ved and forwarded :two operational letters insetisfactor fashion.

--1 3. iy)EoliaM-,;2 Case Officer t_

jf.:o/F:m.cests: (BOB exclusively)CAVI:1-1--1 co 27 May 1960 for Berlin

Sinew our last roport CABATOB-32 has receivedc to ,o fitwn CAGAVEI,2, and although Both bore

imp-ref:sr dedicators, the agent forwarded thmc to FOBasd corrostly. Subject do presently ausitinit a

for whieh we will share the cost. It tb13 intstnise the efficiency of ourcJu V- autiona with the aa.oat.

Caoa 01flacii_11nts: (no liadtations)._

lapri1 1960 fbL-20 11/4TOY-'"3 has move d out mf the ohmheilhe 7ugendw. ,,, • "•• • ' .} • out A • •k'P-; t:riaraa a room in a private hoam. He plans to

remein at his present location until February 1961, atwhich tire he will cove to Berlin For a sea:enter at theUrea Univorsity; „fallowing that he plane three monthsstudy An England. Because of the onicited doloyo)rivOas:71 in forwarding call alnr-. th4e.suolvedlisjaeltery, we mill trensfkr their:aasi;Triant. to

UCCEMON liowatime in Janem'y.

Case Officer I.()!on-Bloa null only)

CADATON-35 renadras Sri 000po•-•-tot reoe,. •6 with CANNA?'


Page 4: es - Central Intelligence Agency 1960-62 VOL...CANDARE -18 on 5 May 1960 for Berlin. Comments: After the death of CABATON -1, ... On 2 December 1960 the drop was offered for the es;ciusive



(I) .


. `• V.SCATC11 arum Ann tR1 ..

EOPA 33064, Page 4

:•1?h security Bloc mail, but during this period itrs%a s:,.de winnable to two operations, neither of which....aterialized. He also arranged an introduction to hisbrother, who is an official in the Land HessenArbon:got, and who it was hoped would provide usefulCAMS/ leads. After a lengthy meeting with the brotherbe. a CATARBI case officer, It Me decided not to fellowsp this lead because, as an executive of his organization,thin person did not have the access to the files that webad expected.

CAB4:TON-37: Case Officer -LAssignments: (Non-Bloc mail only) •

_Ma 8 June 1960 for 1L_ Inn 19 August 1960 fort:

ABCASSO4ARY-15 and 29 on 29 August 1960 for POWSOVComments: Agent still performs in an enthusiastic and'oatiafnetory manner. ----

--CAEATON‘38 Came Officer -I_

Assignments: (Nan-Bloc can only)


Comments: CABATON-38 continues to perform satisfactorilyas a spotter and as the principal agent for CABATONB-41,42, 43, 48, and 57. During this period he hos provided uswith a new lead, located in Bean, whom we hope will developinto a replacement for CABATON-48 who Is rather aged. Thisagent sentinuas to supply um regularly with DICIR personal.identity and travel documentswhich are of value toNETOPAZu C4BATON-38 is available for receipt of non-Bloc esil.


CABATON-39 Case Officer LAssignments: (BOB excluaiVely)

CANY“- Ma 1960 for Berlin (Pi6a; 1,C -Ctee_ CABEG ca Ipecember 1960 for Berlin emxvo-CCmenents: CABATON-39 is presently attempting to have a/1/0 telephone installed so that we can use him as a telephonelink. Ho remsina enthusisaiie and eager to be of service.

-CABATON-40 Case Offider L



Case Officer

Aseigalentg: (BOB exclusively)

CAM:IN 611 26 august 1960 for BerlinCommenter Thin agent is an unwitting drop handled by— —CADAT09-38; performance satiaWRZiry.



Assignments: (Non-Bloc mail only)

Comments: This agent can receive non-Bloc mail only.

Page 5: es - Central Intelligence Agency 1960-62 VOL...CANDARE -18 on 5 May 1960 for Berlin. Comments: After the death of CABATON -1, ... On 2 December 1960 the drop was offered for the es;ciusive

CO..nainniun --1)1

'" nisr.unn regent. MID no.

SECRET ,E0FA 3)064,. Pogo,D


F.;131.: SET mrlemmoa


c;;Dci-CF:2 Case Officer Laszitsssents: (BOB exclusively)CASHA6 on 6 June 1960 for BerlinOcususits: This agent is en unwitting drop handled byCABATC4-38 end has performed his functions satisfactorily.Noravor, a test letter was mailed to him aa 3 March 1960by the M18-sontrolled BOB egent CALERIA-17, and thusCABATO3-42 is_preaumed comprom;.ggS._ Contact will bemaintained until Berlin is able to warn CASHAO, presumablysometime in January.

--0ABAT0N-43 Case Officer

Assignments: (BOB exclusively)CAMDARE-18 on 9 June 1960 for BerlinComments: An unwitting live drop handled by CABATO14-38;porformance satisfactory.

OABATON-44 Case Officer _Le

Aapapm-urtes: (no limitations)AECO=1,-29 an I July 1960 for BerlinComment:3: Agent performance is satisfactory.

CABATON-45 Case OfficerAssisemontst (BOB exclusively)This ezont ban never been assigned to an operation,althas.01 he had been used for the reeeipt of innocuouscorrespondence from the USSR. His adsrons sae recentlyoffers:: to Berlin and was accepted; se hnvo not yet beennotified of any assignments.200Their.43: Agent performance remains satisfactory.

—CAW:TON-46 Casa Officer

,beatium:ants (Non-Bloc mail only)NoneCOMnOW;O: Subject haa recently provided personal dataon five prospective latter drops, four of whom are now inprecast of davalopumnt. Itishoned that at least tuoof theme till eventually become recruited drops.CAL:A=416 continues to perform various support taskseueh as servicing his postbox and addressing envelopes

Ot4!.0r Draliellat Of P013. Ha parfOriatinne romaineenthaSiastle and officienti,

CABATTA4-41 Cane Officer C1 limjatstot (BOB exclusively)- CA'-C'ESIVH-1 end 2 on 5 Ausust 1960 for Berlth5?

CATRUMT--2 en 16 September1960 for BerlinOPnimniv: Subject performs very affestivolv and seems to=joy the sotivity. Cs;vcm TACno.Se. DM 01S

.;2.7 CABATOM-4F:f.a4;14n:PtE:velte

Casa Officer - L

Page 6: es - Central Intelligence Agency 1960-62 VOL...CANDARE -18 on 5 May 1960 for Berlin. Comments: After the death of CABATON -1, ... On 2 December 1960 the drop was offered for the es;ciusive

Case OfficerCAEATOM-5332-



SECRET EOPA 33064, Page 6


This la an unwitting agent controlled by1)32 - 58. Although this Agent has performed

satisfactorily in tasting, we have directed CABATON-38to phase out the arrangement whenever possible becauseof the advanced age of the Addressee and our resultingconcern for the stability of this channel.

CAUSTOW-49 Case Officer frAssignments: (BOB exclusively)

CATUNROID-2 on 9 August 1960 for Berlin

Caw:cents: Agent's performance is satisfactory and thischannel could be more heavily used.


CABATON-50 Case Officer

Assignments: (BOB exclusively)

The QIDANCE commitment to Headquarters was cancelled on13 October 1960.

AENEON-25 on 27 December 1960 for Berlin.

Comments: Agent performs satisfactorily

CABATON-51' gase Officer LAeziapments: (no limitations)

ASWAIDEN on 30 January 1958 for Berlin

Comments: Subject originally had some difficulty with theoperational soil because he had forgotten the address ofthe relay post box in Frankfurt. He solved this problemby forwarding the mail to his old principal agent AEMARSH,who in turn forwarded it to us.. Subsequent briefings anthe mechanics of the channel have, we ho pe, cleared upthis difficulty.

CADATOH-52 • Cane Officer

Assignpents (Hon-Bloc)


-L 3

pisments: The status of this agent van reported in detailin ESFA 32784, 22 December 1960. •

ncymient: This agent was terwinateff as reported incf3FA 32662, dated 8 December 1960.

CABATON-54 Case Officer tAealfwmnts: (BOB exclusively)

OATHUMP-1 on 21 November 1960 for Berlin

99osontn: Since the last report Subject has received hisfall OA and hss been rode available to Berlin. His firstoperational assignment is listed above.

CSBATOW-55 Can Officer -

itssitut (BOB exclusively) -

:'2P1U171:s and 2 on 9 December 1960 for Berlin..

1.;:cntIcent:n CAHAT0N-55's 113Q IX has been pr .c)psIkkid. 3nd willinr.w•Tded nhcrtly.

Page 7: es - Central Intelligence Agency 1960-62 VOL...CANDARE -18 on 5 May 1960 for Berlin. Comments: After the death of CABATON -1, ... On 2 December 1960 the drop was offered for the es;ciusive


SECRET EPA 33064, Peso 7retr2Vatf24.


USE FTSVIOUS ED1110.1,RP:FLU:ES 1•01;a:.32 F.:-7(PS Aor, ut


- CLs;tflcAocn

S E C e e e

CABATON-56St:laments:Enna, not activated.

Case Officer

Cements: CABATON-56 has been successfully tooteda number of times and is anxious to cooperate.However, it has been determined that :he tunersream a glandular condition which incapnoitatas heroeceeionally. For this reason it has been deemedprudent to continue the testing for eeveral moremonths before making any operational assignee/Its.

CABATON-57 Case Officer rt_Assignments: (BOB exclusively)CADEFIANT on 29 October 1960 for BerlinComments: During this period this agent vas designeda oryptonym, received full OA, and received his fire%operational assegnment.

3. AGENT PROSPECTS: We have at present a snail number of ereepeeteand these will be reported on as they are developed. Five 01 theme lead*were given us by CABATON-46, one came from CABATON-38„ end a number ofothers have been developed independently by CATARSI caw officers. Lurinethe coming period we hope to recruit a number of theme to replace carrecent losses.

4. OTHER NAIL FACILITIES: We now have a total of 21 post office boxesin the Frankfurt area, plus the one in Wieebaden which is serviced byCABATON-21. We hope to increase this number, althoegh wo have no presentrequirements, in order to have a number of glean boxes on hoed, fleece, arcserviced an the average of twice weekly, dependin g upon the requirementsthe using operation. We have also been teeting the use of the Peetlearkarrthus far with satisfactory results. Wherever possible, wa eeeourege careofficers to use the Postlagerkarte, especially ehere the situation earedtedirect servicing by local principal agente. • Akthoegh the Pcatiagerkarteinvolves a personal call at the service window in the poet office, nofurther identification is required and aeyone dispeayiee the card conpick up mail.

6. SECURITY: The major security incident affactiee this projoatduring the period was the CALEFLIA compromise in Berlin. At this eeeting,it Appears that the addreases of =ATMS 30 and 162 have been compeomised,and it may develop that additional CABATONS are also ievolved. ee areawaiting final word from BOB on this score.

6. FINANCES: During this period our nayroll inereeeed Dfl permonth, representing an increase given to CASATON-47. The total :mountexpended during the reporting period weerThe eajee poetice ofthe increase over last period represents .thr seem e-eAnueee end eefts givenagents.

- 7. LEVELOPNENT AND PUNNING: This paragraph cmll bo covereP in theProject RtnYe4' i, trjt. : ,̀ -irlvala.a ',prepared cral‘irrent


2 - EE- COS