es • . · VOL UllE XVIII....

' VOL UllE XVIII. Insurance Notices. .NU.HTfLER/:1 .t. SSURANCF COMPANY FOR l\t iLLioss, STO }L."iS , ;L ll EYO'll & PIJOll . Fiu Patt:)JIUllll .... .... .. ..... ... £180,000 Rsn : .. FBOlL L t u · , PmanOAJS .................. £110,00')"Uit I'UOloC b "T£n. 1n oros L'>'I'£ST£D .l:!'usos, l!l&ULX ........ .. .. ..... ... £4t,OOC fl EAD OF. l'lC£. Moorgnte S treet. A.Ju: :RDEEN - 3 Stree t. . , . COICEPTIOI Advertisements. HAHDOR OUACE Furniture Depot - - :o:- - J. It E. PARSONS C.A.BINE1-lrlAKER:s, I N their ma.ny frienda in IIMbnr and Outporta ser .er· ally, Cor th11 libcml pntronac:o horcw£ore rocci• ·n l, hv<( roopcct£ully to nnnounco t!l'\1 lhuy h:u•u on ha.mlu II\&'{;" IUI>ply of HABHOB GRACE, NEWFOUNDL&ND, sATURDAY, JUNE i6, 1877. NUJ(])ER 28. ---- · tvo& IIA llD;a oucsn.ccl>AI\D J \ eArly, to got thcir in too new I Our C!luroh hu nl\\":\ya had an boa· tlnla. to incl"C:llf' our e:udo1r1qe11t months !'ur milk and l>uttec. Tho oral>le rt'CQro in cont.en•lihg fur . nn cdu· 3·),000 d\ •1$. fUt" a t•IAin, .ubltan&l (Fro m our BOito_ra Corrupondel &l. writer hns 1l cow, or the J l'rsr-y stock, c:ttcu Ministry. 'fbcso Are n ot tht Om· prosent is a ' hat givn 17 q 11 u1a rich mill: 1laily. times t.o lower thA atnnt!Hd. When 11ham anJ a al.mmo-a mtan ·olcl,wooden lla7 1877. giving"' li\rciJy of a ix, all tho milk nrul tDIU\:1' run to 1'\ntl ;ro, uud lcnowlcdg;o -.lructure, in IU\ out •·f·th&-woy Kiluatioo, cream tlmy l'i!l)oit't', aml ten ()()Un•ls of i:s increitiiCd, tho .Mini11try- otlllt not. lag "'l;ich we can't al w to 11trango111. I 8PR\NO gohle 'n butte:- per· wcclc. Vo 'oll uehinc.l, but Ue 1\bi'C:tllt or tlte . It u unfit for Ollr to teacu in 'N'e"' i.'J in nu sense are l ike nnd do the When toero rcli.t;ioa<c nl'f' nod our to atudy in. n i.'J not E S 1' A B LIS H 1.) 185 . the aeaaon of the human 80111- he!t for 1 011 !JO" treat tolu-riuc; to thf'ir f.-11, nn.l &ej:Oml·blind beolthr. It ia in M way 1111i•"b!l' . that lifo within, which is kiudrod with Plenty ol g.:>a<l feet! and itintl br lie£1 ato goin:r down in tho und \),ar Lihmr.v, <:-•n• ,iui ng 8,00:> t'•, tho nnh •crse of God. Evea hnnl nnd i'l a ll n cow rcquirC3 to do her very best the of contendiug the (somo o( them rure lln•l CVll :f, .... tn•1t I N my mny friends fo r their cmst y souls fl'el its administmtioM, IIJJ for the C llDtily. A. good cow is mlueJ t.houltl, nh<>' '" I\ II othPI"'I, be ublc coul•l be re-ul1 ly tOO'I ,) i" quit'> libcml p:atroongtl during tho its power ovur lho senses is 11 tritllll£11: of at $100. :\filk is aolJ lo r 6 cent.J per to contend e.'lrnc.stly for th'l f11 ith, nod tn in 11ecure. We 'l" :1 b•til itt twe:nty-ono 1 to _thClr llbo Cr<'ator-<wer tho arc:atun. .Meu 1'\ro quArt.--J'I'I'lley butter GO ccut.s per lb. gi1·e to every.pne :1..,ket!J .1 rcison ,adiliti un <. ,1n.for•· !a!.• :.ttol carefu l nttcnti tJ_ te folfowang Jlllt of Wfo:lk \'filh tho JIOWer of t.he OliR FISUttiUU:S of the hope t:aa.t i!l i».laim. commodious class Ill 'Y !J 1\'P 1\ 110me of t ho ap. 'll 1tcrns of my stock Sl'. tsonR. It 's s'.ron :;lh tn loJk them ovor nre lo 1\ll se:J.S. Unpro!ltllhlo TOJ· . . . . g().)o l laHll r •r our Librarr, L\ vuuH. fo --· Advertisainents. I MEDICAL HALL. or liO\ 'eml or tho hcreul cnumer· The{ con · ,, LlossoOiing tree, nro n;;es IH 'Omiso t bo outfitter. ll'ish nro ,. M,r ll c.hll Archivello of OUt Ohurcl•, 11.1\ . offictl which ••i ll bo _ oUcred Cur Jn.!o at A vtorr •tt··' l atin by li tr the l*rt ""'t . IDIJIOrtcr • 'n I Tl 'I I J ' at •v., 11118•1''' "" •Oruau II wo . . 'tl L'O th.1t sunJ>k, \'C rv 0\'f', an 01 men B urt nn UI'L' 1 II 1 . '·. h I h d for om· exe21lent a2en• •nd, ll JIOI!il 't' , an•._, u;ratu lin i G ::'II t' t--..k ·l · b 1 . ' 1 ,. . 1 1 t r. ·1 l H 1011 1 t lll(l ;\rn<•e m t 0 t ose _r"' r 1 .... Thu {QiluWIII" cowpri!IO 11 portion or their . r Klr rncc. ·. y rn tro llooy• " IIC grist prooodo:! wa nts ; llettcr part st """' n w 10 e, Jt"'.Y .u lo nl..l :o I !J r Cl I I J donmtone!! 1\lld 1\ n:!OCtory tOr tIt! ... o. stock : 0 \'Ct')' lnrgc, vnrlcJ, aml complete, :1ud is n c:u-cful 8lrpen·iaion ove r stor ,t'J, 1\nLl m'lnoy. Oil. 11ryd BOll ' to;, low. •. ut ers 0 our '"r .c 1 •"' '? 10 · dcnt.s. \Ving3 m!ly be llddetl l or tho C ll.-\ ln ·- noc king, Nurse Cano., is ooing const.nnt ly ropleni.she tl, is pur· b"tmcrous oullRy on resources. So .\.n over-stocked Dll lrkct wo USli<;n :u a '1 rel •(tOUlled t:> the 1\Iuooc.loman Pt•ofL':ISOI'S' hou.'ICS. \Vo ha\'e lllreruly G .. •nmo •n anJ (.;hit.lro: u's. cbns ctl for CASH in the best m:trke ts nncl :tstonL,bing ure th o r ot'CCS of Sprin·• rc:l 'IOII. tbo sea, 'lnmlf WI ho m:u lo 1\ ft ur st.nrl consHerin" t ho bnl'(l T .\ . l:l •. 1\n, l_!.) ,i nin st. oiTer it to any clieut.s at cora-espond that lho onlinnry inlclloct, no doaL:? Y our Lll:\11<1 is nti.'\chetl in earne1t JX'n 'I 0 wntel"\nn•t (H:n !I 0 t lC w uer· · 1 · h d ted ainc:l tho :SJl• A:-s. 1. \Jl !\(;1' llF:ll;: I E.1DS in"l'· tow q II Cll'l, in aud p1infulnon &.nd I "''" 0 r:Ctl $ prescn ... 5 000 clols. U. ' · \I I •. \V \ I r \ 0 I \xotm.n it.:; t:arli,.l' tuit ion, it.a lil"!lt wi th lltcam communiCI\tiuu. frotn this ( 1 u..... ,tnniU"' 0 18 yeur IOIUu ol , , . , J .... w.ttchin 0 •!':1, often, m:1cle 11 I proof of thoir ,.;o .. :! . te d Jn!uranccs e lT'cctcJ 011 io " <'\\ <.; II rl!:S. Cay r.a :n, n isin; C)un Dlacldc:\d 1\Wnkt>ning fr.?m tho plumo- continent, Our predictiou of weekly llini.5try, ts rul cudurod han.lnes3as gooc.l v .. o hns ell; !, n;:but fo uutllaud nt <.:urrcut ltatc.s , 1 r Prc:r..i. htttlall ollh,•r articles to Nixuya 1 0 1a nc 1 ! 1 d. 1 >.1.d , Dl:tcld u.;; "I mrn:t uf tbis a:td tho llc.\,Oil,. boats t.o and irom, rn.1 y como nrnun.t :tt of J C3ll'l Obrillt. Soml'l lal\ w) or - -; 1e:s t rs 1 :bc.n tt -to tl bUJ ..... , 0 wo t•nn• the nf ·., .u I it us tho ori,inu l !ehool of un rorlior d.tto th:m we ono 19 1 1 r v .., .,.... " •· 1101 1 · J U 1 11 L El I J R t.l 0 f.dl cn Tuo\' h'\\'c rtllltcc.l from D 1 ·tl. N ;. ·'I d ., 11 - 0 1. fon - •s·' • • .• I r. . I All " 10 l"C< t'llnl wu _o use 10 I nrni- _el\r ' .Mao n IQ " lor' . intellect. \ illlpf'('] 11!'1 111\l ro than \Vcok ly U O:\h anti ll goo.l hotel 1\t ::it . I I 1.- I . •. k r. II 1 C llu ClS, C\VIOU!Iu Ql\ ' I u u I uf .. P;J I On or aure, M :c r, "lnnblu pru:e, ahuulcl. gi\'1' \arm ala tor I ohah hf o out.aidc oursolv"" b.v whic:t wo li\'O J o hn' s, would 8C.'n<l thou.s:tnds of A'De.-i· t J<' ll: s '' owt tttbon.'. very important. a section o( our cburclt x tru ::m,l all . .m'a Furu ilnN lJ u(l\l t a c111. Clo>thca Oruahoe, \'\tr l, ru•lwa -. - ·"ta. .. 1 . . 1 .. 1 ,. a a 'n t'··• ho• won•Ls. vtucrs rcm1UB un;.o uti! J lre:ICII · t' lr .1 and move 1 It comes nntl it """'•--"'il •lla "" uu YU ' 'II 1 h b t't' You b:t'fO an e xtenluf: ,rm, t ion bu o lJI .. ra u.:tl :t the - At.:.u- - Nl\il do fuotb d" o-- 0 .«:lf -•lonyiu;! onJ J i.,intet"C:St.etl\11'3 1 :"' 1 10 . 11 :1 y b . 0 hnd l u !lico of Ship"• Wheels. DllaJoyC.'I , Dolnying Pin\ ShM' ing du to nnd then enforcts \V. s. fully nppn•cinll·. ' Vo nrc t-ight glad M WIOII 'th M places s::::d A. . 0. II;\ r \\ ' .... n n, ;!.till I\ II •Ucla,. in thu Gl:US4J Caro:'lauilu FluiVU .U b l'e(IO'!(', a 1\1\tl for all- t hu :.trril'lll of nel\' co uel'!l I rom belov!Xl\ t uuC.'I c:amva rc WI fo er b •• :d ' I I ahit•(li ll:! fino 1111\tlo IO nr,:cr. • ow snu\u lao tuemo I . • . . roba\;ly ft: wcr rom \ e ('. "111 '8, Casto11 Oil pu do. in beltlca (Prom 1/14 CAron iclt, J uM !?.) fatl.tPrlluul; these now 1\ro so few P . ....:al abo- ou r Ag tn\ Xc\\ r .... uud lanu. N. ll. -.\!1 Cha.moia (.kina Olaloritlo or Liwo, C:unphor oun I'AIUICRS nml fl\1' lhat we ..:.tnnot rely 011 \ Vo YO? .wu . - y 1 u(r 1. 11l'o £or11•s p:uu of thuir oconp!lti"u I\ II t!t1.1 m'" ,, pcrllarnent aoure'J of snpttlv wonted hr us m nn •·n.l.,ra Ill t lant UOi'!U'llllent will NC<Ji\ '0 tlro Coun l'laster I.A)Jd Cream follolf plows 1\nd CO\'Qr s.."\lJ. Every I I . ' terp riso wha\.'h U\ wdttton to l'l(C.Inng atric:r<\t &tl<!ution. Cod Lh •cr Oil lll\lltun do iu bottlo. inch oi the c.trth. C\'Cry c.IN() of t he s <>l\, OP TilE R.:> H F Dc nss D D os :mtl w mt t te.'lll nmont,rst so 11\!lny. b' 1 ., 1 •. tched i!l rv ... pcc:n Cl\1"0 m uo g 'l'fcm to u (lOr r caaw g om s tno a ...:eu l..aenrs hnrvcst.. The mc;ulowH , in ahl\llcd Tuc:> I.OO IC.\L CoLLEGE AT lfALIF.\X. ere n'mnme .1 yc 'Ct')' muc 1 rnt "' . tl 1 t be 1\ memoriAl of tl ult or.lcno. C••nconlrnted Lyo llottlu Cork• . gr crn, t.:)Slj tender bbdCJ t.o (llll•·ful I lie cssetl . 111111 if ns.'IOCilltetl with lhl' tl c1tgne ll so o .. · I · 11 '- · 0 l t D · C b F' '' b C c- .. ' 1 I · · · · ·' · ., · ' I'h · L' t · I L I •- tho o wo I!\\ 'O r.tptu >' 8 "'e ' .. Sta nd.-1 80 Wa l(' r ::t .... el lire" m o( Tannr 'Enen1us, Gl yccnoo; . J d 1 1 tl d . • _ 1 night 1\ ntt.<'ntletl tl 5C r of tl Sac ':l 1 t 1 1 t au 1picirus Uuion in which wo all. reJOtC<', Fiie A.::;sul'ance COlll !13, -:1 V " 1'1"' ·'•\t•· aho 1nrrc;mtllo c3tatl U.hwon or Fm uituro l' olisb Glno.Guuallrl\bic, Honey j " 10 .s, n.u . t 10 am SCtll)e 1\. rults e>:e aou WIUI het.l in the Coagr;-;:.,tinnal Chur.-:11, 0 Jct· , c_ 101 0 t •e ......... 1 '\ 1 ' 08 \vhic' a C3 us jll\rt of 11 Church with r " J 'I •· C tnfl'lll" F Aeclt ' lao " ·.ttlell h '!:lrt to at.s love ly " "'ltlm-•nthunt t I . B f II l' f: I W6 nrc "' g up o uo .lilt wo h -• .; I iOO · -cur,. vH:-1 •• '1. " .. , " - ... .., a<• r- l a ucu . urn.": o u 1 :1x, p rcl e a t 1 in incre. ,.. n c.ts re I 01 ·cr n t congr c:;;n .. on!l I1Jl( L v:;; I.Ja rtl " Ire et Uluu j 11 1 Cr o s · EST.\Bl .l!' ll &:; i) U l l 't., TUC:STEE:, .( .DlR t::V FO/lS . l:! i1 1. Lubbork,liMI. 711. \ '"'" ' l •n. .\1.1'., Y. ll. S.J. II ,.,J lla rll ru• y 1 •:, ,1 Uurtou, E•t· '• · ll u 1.;" n T r.A \eu: lJuAt.v n. &.!. •4. 1· . '' . 1J. • l·.'·t· Uon. JaulU Uyn11 , I ·J•-''"' 1 • E ·· J .J'I' I (;bt to.t, h•t· \ J. I hu utp•o n, l·. ••t I) K II. I nultuin, 1 ··"1· J "l.'. <.;. l·., E. v ••ullu .. rt. l-."1 c ..\ Fu ller r:, ,\ . \, u,llun IJeor.;ll " ' · l.o,·d l, •''i· · ,, J .Jbu J . UrJ.J.nliOI .. . 1111 .. ,;,·d u•!/ Th e Prnmptit i o: " nJ .llh, r,,; it . "itb which all et u ., •.• " ' "• PHa!S i. t Or FJCE hnre been p:titl wt-11 kn' '"•n, &ntl tho co ntinual lu Cre. '\• •"; J.usanc.s.s of 1ho Com- pan)' l' EAR \ ' Y.AIIII IS' Tt :SC C1 ahuw tlu n; h I>Oailinn tt hvlde in public cat;mau. 1. Anoual and o •rl limo Insur:.necs nre efT tXt«! on alm e\' il ry I: inti uf vn•per ty in Ncwfo uodl ... atl on tho ftn 'ul'llblo torn:a. Uule.s nod puticulnrs vf l uJaranco mny bo un applic..ti n to W. & G . U E:-iDEL ST. J ort A •• u ran c e Co :n p a nv 01' ESTA U Ll:> U 0 l S!!l. Suuecn anE.l! C.a..l'lT\L ... £-, t ),000 ToTAL l.s r.·al'J>o .r·u.'H>S l1P\¥'A.UOS Of ... .. . .... . A. Ul'· WAUOj OP... ... ... .. . . .. , 1'ho "G li J \llDJ " eing 4 f. rlnfll 1n .. Co ·. all ti.tollt'aduncs ucll muat dc•irnule to in· l'lurcril, viz. : uuduupt.;tl fuvor 'l.ble 1crnaa nni pi oo1 pL ol cl:lime for 'l ' ho uoo.ier.iunc:J !:nvin; bl'en np point . C'd .\ :; t'nt for ie prrr.a red tu iuuo Fv:idta n !! :tinHt u1 Fire . . HllE.i :3. WlNTER, , 1 . .fo hn'• JO SEP!lGOI>DEX, Sub·A;,;ent, &rbor Gnce. 'Fel•ruDrJ i. . A. & E. P. \RSOi"S. Elounol Gino. Kny'aCool(nline Lemon !' co C'.l lol'.& lt $ Jlaktr e1 £ a se ou on Rom. ch. _v., aoc.l 011 u 0 :,; ::'\[inist e no, an•l n of 600,· Lime J ui C\l Liquoricc-, Oil tl IICltwucor... :UIIi ga•·c no address, a !IOrtaou of wluch ily t l .. · d I' 'to 000 nne! w!niSC nrco extends frJtU ::\lnci' IL"O fur Bottles 1 . • ll:l . 10 ,., p.1 no.ISm nn po cr 1101 . 1 . I. · 't of Or! Rod auol OchrCJt TUE 0000 nouscl rlr.! wo an •Jt'ID- . . :r in :lcman :ling it. :llini.ste t 'l of h omo , &u. \. W ha!o c . 1 c.ns un!;. a l>rv l' o iut.s- all Ahndcs, Pipo Ol. ay cntclte!l in'IJ•ir:ttiO:l or lho c.'\rth's rC· 'Vo n oc d 1\ Mm:ltry .. 011 'I'OWtb know tho \\'1\llh 01 tho COilll ta·y . thoron::;h r .; Jl Uoxcs and l'nffa, l'iuk Root docorntion, nnH t 11 y 8 n solid fonndntion lhe work of prc:1chm:; tho th•' f-:clin(;'i of th o people, And 11 "' h ootl, l et u3 tlo wbnt m U!l h t;s to QUEEN l J.Jnr;'l.aJ3 Qo:n 'll."lY Pumice St.on.o Rowin Sal. Pruncl111 to within her own d omain-homo do,·oh• c-1, l>ut on of hke m:a:'C likely to -e main with ll8. But will 11ntt. o ur o. wn t:ortaonr oestccm C.u ' IT .l L-£2,0110,000 S ter hnl!. 1\S ueur to the high copy "" sue Cl\o i p:lSSI On5 .wath our deh·cs. Tho tre..LSure not do to h:t• ·e them eJuz.'\tcd els! Lent.agc, around whtclt, ou . tions' Gum :ihollno liuutr 'Th-11na, Caat.Uo So3p soap and IJI\nd '" :t. 1\ touch of 1'3int :wa.s ! 0 the A stl\ud- whero, 1\ '! in the old couutrv or in C.tnndl\ 50 m: my t\SSOCU\ ' Mlillow SoAp . here IUld there. t ho or 1 11 ordamed .. of God, who or tho United St4tcs1 Thill plnn hu whtch. lS 110 ll\1\ny Ql'EE:'I RAr\ C E''BU ILDHiO Drown Wind• ·r du, Olyeennea do articlcsoforncunellt;IP.tion . so t hAt. a new Ill Church and been tried, but belln found wnnting. hL!tonc m bohnlf or o( Ll \' EH.POUL i Carbonllt.u or Socb Wuhiug Cryatal cbnrm will preaont it.toll't:O hOr l o"l, her for the of .the The Kirk in tho Maritime Pro, · iuCCIJ timo-bonorcd pnuoplcs ll. noble anny -AND- Sp•rit.s or Turpantioe, Spalding• Olue chilllrcn, anti, la.stly, to h er friends. &c., not (.,r .a limtted rc:aod, IJ:no an:l yow:y rneo m:wtyrs hlVC nl!\tcbed tnnmphl\ntly lluEF.X RA NCR B UJ LD- Sp<>n;;ua Tablo SAlt M alhcr·a l'luten in t he apring . timo is l>ut llll tho consumm:1llon of nil t 010 to Scotland to lltuuy Ute so;ill'olu Mel the GO, O. IUCE CnUHCU .. c•• Poroua Pl, Tartario Acit\ women's accomplishmen• till wo :111 cornu in t he unity of Lue f.1ith tl'r 0 t' ... 1 •h C t _;_ ; beroiucs of who:- the wor ld "'u not Sl'lU:.:ET, DO:V. .I I E.wluco of Toolh Powder & ,_. d r tl I I I c tlt f , . l ow IU\\nV c 1\ UIUeu lll • e 0 Ouuu I h ,. ed •. . V . I , •. ' C II forc-rilnncr of nil otb<-1'3. It ia 1\ bHI nn o ao :now llt ::;o o e ._ an o u O< ' fieltl l What 'W:\.!1 &)lent on worthy-w o IV uo ... nown C<lpnl amta \ lnegu, uppenaa . . . . f h . c 0 I unto 1\ jX'rli:ct anun . to ··- £/ n n EJ!..\ Til .tf .YS'T i. l L t:•..:hineal Cudbcu AI urn IDISJIOilllry scri"IC.) >r orne usc. lean· Is l! lbeso t. wentySC\ ' eo would ha\ •e gooo far " Till penecution thom lll ...... I) RE.. or Logwood Ground do l inClSd and weli-<'OOltcd vi.:tuuls nentlr " not &ud," Mkr I (\no, rnll tcr to snp· 10 :-t n ilomil CJJlc,.t'. A Acd llhued lhtm up to lic:.• eu." PORT. Ada11111 \Vnl.l ul\.1 proml)to conco••d 1\ntl •: G?,, (n'C:t ch, Lhu to e,:cry have 11t c.litferoot from tho TIH· R r)lOrt nnd f <IL ' th a Mn. .All on a l:htr tn'!nt 111 tho world. T ho "T::in'l or the 1 ! lt i..Ct T 0, w tl!! tho repl y, but throo !l (•ctions of our united Church, · _ . ( 1'- if>, Jll'f"ll'lltc d to tlal' :-ih.u-choltle ra Zylob:\lsoauum do . lldVens wash tho f.ace or th'l C: Lrth, wbilo . d n ot to Cnttu-Go, t be I t I' J i.J tho colle"eS of Cauruln. and { f'rom t.M PoU JloU Ga.::ette.) I at the .\ u mml )fl't ' lin!:, on Tur.l <lny.:l(Jth Aytlrs CherrY. r Aycra Snranp:mlll\ I IJ ·r l . b I r GOIJIOI" 1 8 U< .c I .. .\I"Y• IS iG,at which Bl' mnru 11:1.11, J., Unir \ i"t>r l t.osottur'• I:Jnir lteatoror t.l ae c.tut•. u ") m J o i\[ ' ;. s 't ' tint en ell tho but th eir 1\lfectaons gu thonng P resiJ ed, !!bowed, in th e ll:uh\'ny• llritiah Oil l.'Q '' II'! uo 0 pur tt)' llllc.l E ) .o • .' ;on I I N e an rounJ tlteh· .. A.lml\ MAter" tbey hn\'0 Tbe Colotlles m•• .,.erilll De- do Hoa.dy Jlcl ie£, C11chous ;:tn. -c. onn so poqr tlt l\t lll'rlnc; tunc d ncaU l :MtmJ .ry. . fur:ned ecclcsi:L'ILiCtll, nnd nutrimoni<al Fl RE II U rowna Broucbial Trochea, Florid11 Water ham Wllhout some mr nll.!l w copy ",tl1 tbo Lon.l nel. -d . our lc? 0 " letlgc 1 connexion.'l, too which ho.,·o tlepri\ '.!d us . 1t 11\oe That. the Pre mi ums for I 8 75, after llrowna his own b: md' some thing tho new not; but. he an ne e• I of of tbeil · This tendency to !leek Tlte wh1ch bu t.a en. P. .t,•,lucting Re-ill8umnt. 'e3, rmount!Xl to Children • Tcc1lung Hmge, Es P al' I)CrtUlllt dress of th e IICU&on SUJ:t.,."f!llts. A broken I OUI' W eru not tho Aposlles 'fb ' educ.t . on els:lwhl'm to th :: relutl ol\.1 bet,,.ccn Great Bntmn ao .£:J70,UU!i, bciug M increll8o of ..C35,37o ll enrya Cal:incd ten-cnp witb n handful of rich Md mel- illitcr:tte men 1 True i but foo· O\ 'er tbre& I e 01 l0 t to ha"tn 1 hnr colonies oC IeAIS bas llecn OhC . ol t!Jc Premi um J ncomc of 187 4 ; nnfJ Ointment, Holloway• Pilla low e.:rth ,.rowin,. 1\ !•r' tly yeari l.'l tdoJ the Uc:!t <>f nll t .:o1 ! some Till X n ' : tl 1 · · Lho moot &.'lti'lf.u:tory ft:ntures in tho pro 1 Cocklea Palb lluntf do , 0 0 " ,, 'fl . ed I I . I OS.'I. le cons -qalence I!' 1 .1 \\ t' UlVO , .... , r h E . I . t •cry tho Lo sses to 22 , Ill ' being .'\!l.i 5 Xortou·a do, do flower, in tho o nly window the dwellin::t I e;;ell.. tey cn,toy . t le person :I an -I t:> c:a.ll io '' young m:an eAou I g.rcss o t o mpare. ; 11 no ns IIC pet' cent. on tlto P remiulll8 of tho Yea. Ayer'a do do can bo:ut of, c.u.t.'l n s iO'\m of hope for RnJ of the l& ummO I' frum th•• State 1 to supply 0 11 r 1 11mce an we ao ! no mea to-dn . IN TilE Ll.I/E Dl!..'P A..RTMENT. kadoray' s do Wilaon, do the inm;1tcs quit e It abows ... Bad nut· _young lnclc of een ·icc. The llllme }'lc:ui.IM l\ll . .J Thnt New Policies b ad l )('{!n illsucc.l Uncle J ohn's Vogotablo. do t.hnt povcrLr with dnrlc forebodinsa,does t lt18 pecu_lmr well diS· nbowetl it.'letr in Ontnrio and Q:lcllt'a till 1\ s uperttCl.'ll pomt. of VJew did for £1 i 0,931 ; nnu thnt tho Lif e Anodyne not reign suprowe. None are so hum· pens'l _watb tiuch a.o "" our Church hestirrctl her sc M, 1\ntl by the l ppear nt one tnn.l tmpos ld d · h Kuhnga Cough Lozenges blo 01 to fAil in finding the for wlnch I plea. I l.o · mgh ... Stall, O\'Cll t' £ 't.«ll b . 1 r . Toronto sable the strenuous uert!oo.s of 1 by tho 11< itioM ml\ e to tt lUI t . o rosu lt Wonn TabiP\a of the beyond tbeh· rc:acb as n lit showed appreciation oC th o\-ough ron o su t or' !I ml u · Mon: few f.tbstiC3 io favour of the diJintegr - of t.lto year's opcrutions, now reprost:nt8 Woodtl'a " LoJ:6JlgCJt t' r , 1 k b , , n .. an expense " .. N, nn• 1 t' r b E · · UG \;o crowneo "5."- ""r en• :re net 'I •- ,. ·r t source of cor .. foti.. Its fill pr ep:lrn IOn •or •lC wol' 1 no. tr h OI'· t l of 0 00 1\tld tho aon o t e :np:rc ma;; u · ·- w ......... ·' C"VIUl. cnnt uge, "' ......... umen um . . . . t' ll tl r th ' t b' h t't'll "'" ' I B · • ..., ··:t· 1 .. ;}!amen ret:civetl on every Poli.:y iu foroo. Steer"• Opodcldoc, llfualallg Liniment every want and conda tlon of the mintl. aug upon 1 te 0 "' ac of l UI cllicient held Wtt a success. n.>-.-.n .. . " -, ' ,, . :\[orehtwl'a Magnetic .Pluwr It U:\.1 llharp l oi tions, witb 1\ l!laaTper lnccorJ<!d, th o Jew !lib U5 U odor such inducements u to thcit·lli,ht. C?mhmei IH •'-'CI The surplus bnhmca in tae Firo Ac · coitnt \\ '1\S s ho•·n to oo £ 84,486, o ut of which .& 0,000 wa'l r ppropri11t.etl to SWit )C' niiO A ccount, ruilli1ag lhnt Account to £90,000 and rooking with th o Ra,. scn ·c Fund .£220,000. A Divid<'nd and DonuM 1\t tho rnto toget her l'lf 15 per eon t.. WQ.!I d!trcd. £ 1 5, · l!H ooing l!llr- ri e•l forw:trd FUXDS . t'nt >i t:tl paAi p ........ ... ........ ..... t 80,SOO Li.u Aau ... ou Accumullltion Fund !!ZO.l95 Annui ty Fund ........ ............ .. . 7,G20 Reaon·o Yund anol Ac- count . ...... .. .. .................. .. 220,000 'Ih'-' Income of tiJo Comp: my i.'J now Tho C.:, mJY.III.Y h :t. "' p.1it l, in S!ltisf'nction of Chums, 1,8 04,4 11. GMeral for Newfoundland. Su6.Aqenf•: AJSDRE\V '1'. DRYSD.!LE. llorhor J olf. R. 0. SIIEERAN & Co., St. Pierro Poor Man's Yriund Rolb 1 a Rat P oison di t.ei pl inl.l : iu 1\!lh•enoe it 1\dmoniahes its Ute o . lct Te s ln'_llc nt, 1'hcologtc:tl College! W e Are )(l r311Rtlet1 thllt if lfC follnwo · in "' t'. l!;llll:.l \3 Cluso.t d rl'..'ly; in )IOVt-rly it the orie:in- were m OJ>?r.ltton. rec-all tLc BOns of tbe ir will 00 the •Ill tn the C.J!onwa •. mi . · .. ·4.' ;"''.Y Shend11na Cond1lic n Powder ul <>ftn:tn wi'h all t he rounds to climh the P1'0pnol8 anJ the uf the 1 , Th ' . 1 1 h . [l:l'l, un t•l'!.li .... 1. 11 •·U·1 to cJ r R . I' L' J . d 01 . ' ' " . h I £ .. d samo resu ... :.• Ill n re:u 1 a :>'I'm" I I t 1 1010 ulce l\n. over onr be.1d nnd ono below. Tho Pro('not.s, wat .. a rune Ami l1J:th nn . If . . •· 1 \;e4o 0 gt':ltulatll 'l'l tu01t .:anhu l"t As · h\l'lg •o uaoGrtmldent.s' f .perfumes expuls i on fro:u ill po vert• •. the Elisha, others lik o-m!nuctl, ucting 1\11 cu All are now 1'\!.hly to ...Um!t th., '"II ot.cma o en ye tul meu. - • ' p 'd .M I od . all l!wtr e<, n .. u ••· cu .. 1 l bu , b J . .j J. y · 1 Wilaona Oberry Dalacm Violet Powder CSC.IJ>e front JlOVCrty is to rit:bCJ. The ros• .en t.'l. W :ld 10 tx-ttet· at.'ltc of thingit. \ Ve h:1\•e l.tud " . wo 1\re 101111 ' Y \) .nor an 1 do Soothiug Syru'p, Pyretic & tino h ope to climb, is of a s lronser kind than tbo WISdom of "" 1\go nnd country. nuan liOr of s tude nts than O\'Cr l>o-1 tct"j',t lo <lorunu our Cul""'"" to thtl 1 -l- do . Oitnte, uny otlter \1 0 endorsed witb. Na- Paul ...,:Ill l>ronght up tho of th<" D .l ring j 1 .st ol.> l e·l we, and no ono lute lll\s even \'e.nlu, rcd t Toh3CC01 P!pes, l'en _ Kut\ 'CI lure l in sn fo p3ths. Ample as n re tl>le :\nd ucco_ wplL, hc,t of h ul 110 ,·cn t.oon '.l'h ool <>,:;ic.ll s tu.lent'l, wiLh ,th. tt an tho evonL uf w.1r 01 P11per, nvelol:;,. 1 11n.1, PonCIIa her domains the di.5put3nt.'l of tho e:wi.b nud hw hill thrco . u , fo t·l iccn'IC nn·l quite 0 uumu" l' C.rp!l ::i!ttlements we .. bould. le.\\ o tL Writing and .:\ nrkllli lnlu . . find no foot bold tho ro to or Dh · inity in 1\ tlescr. !ICh\)()L X ot• d itl > c .. t' " OU .. h toei. Sya.f l Africall'l f. ace to laC4 with Utur Pentlls of an; •'Y d obttl.c. 'l'ho world of tbc ir "much lC-'Irniug'' lllltf np either, 1\ view K t!.Ii rs "r tll ;at. iC a di:licu!l .Avery. Brown ,\:; Go. I A.nliine Dycl in Od apccull\tion, tbL-ology, with t.ho for fo rmer Wf\8 tho mool.:csL lUI\ ? til at Still, tbi, i.'J rnr fl orn bei ug oqual to our \\' 113 to urlll!) Wllh Amtlrlt:a we should gt1 pact.agoa c::ccascs of hu mb.n n::ature, atfoN. it llm· over tho lllttorcou•ltW lumwlf net.'t.:.>llitiei. \Vc 1111 ,.,. 160 settled 11 p as aud abotudc plo A commllnion with t he 'son· th of:unnenl, thllll tho Iaiit in th Q.iU 8C.tb. ::ard Provinces - we tl;e D o) mO\IOn rate. G r ·oee ··•es . timeut.s of spring is n p1 ·ivile;;o. of: tl •. S.unts. Tho should ha.,•e II lnuult\:41 moa 'C. \Vo bn\'C Tho Yel ·1 _ fJ.O ., t!ltt.t we hal e "A lltt/ eknowle. l);, 'O n drutgero)U'I uvcr fJ rt ch:LI"!CS an 1 msn ras e _n t{) 1\ ·" '-"'her con<:t'ptaon of our It . .... ri...UI'Tl.'iQ . T lao '!'lhools.or J u!ltlll p rt;:ially P ?rul dutau renuo It tbe Deat Oronnd Cotrco Cah ·ancca Sago UJ .1\b.>ut orer. The gmss 1 11 well sot, fi ounllhoo 1n JIMIDittvo t1mes. Thust: tl 1\ 1 ,1 ,. ,_ wf.: 1 - 1 c 1 ual thst we should lose no tn c d . I "'I 'U' •= A d . I • l ed I . r) a en Ctl .... ) PI' J u "" , :J I • • I p< Arrowroot. 1-'Cll.l' HMloy 110 r.amanre nm1) e. ... 10 CO\'fll occupy .... onu .... c en oamcs w.uc t o1v t toar , 't vertltke. u.!!· 1 . 3 0 I' . 0 fo .• "' .lllt%tn).( t ae enOtlUo)US resouroea we Canc liod Citron I'o.:l, Flavor:os: EaaooJcea. p..aturos, oml the ehoop the h iU.9. The origin to of ':e ? fi 1 j, th 11 t 'en ', :C.S., 1\nd that we ahouU call upon o do Lomon do. 1 birds bavo oll come b:!ck to and we Cb:l.rlemagae 1\nd AI(J:od, roUe' ing lite 0 't :;lu el . •-o,ug 0 11 1 0 il 8 t..> uy how thor desire do 01'110 1(8 uo n ott otl Fruit.a d t ·· · Lh Tb 1 I f 't D I. A I . -·· n . II\ w IIO .J we 11\\' ' som rx..... h .• . b . d r r J II' , ., 1 nre ma e g"" to o w. ey c UJ.· g oom o t re . ua: ge_'t, ,,.ero est:;nw ' i\{' • · wl <)J a 11 unbar s!tould \;o umr n .111u m t etr ow11 e1ence aJ Co •mda._ __ Oyator 1 ter ulll\round our dwo.llings, not of one I a1Jeci:llly "for the olo\'ation l'f 1 J 1 .. .. 1 1 • · 1 11 llre r il:.lcJy to u•L"t in maini.IUniug o n ........ "' •. u l , rcaon •u DV'O , tl " f II , T ab " .. .J r !e 1 an.:l-.-'il: . ... Oc 1111' ., II !'COl ' 11 h ld . Pt'CICrvcd Ynt t.on. Sonp &nd Boo iii. •ea ut o .a !elllhens. o o1v ole! gy. Tbo of Pnl;:tro a.nJ 8 .. : 11 t-d ucntionnl cntl o or l es t t !l:&n p03t.'l of a over t. e wor !o. Potte<l Ton 11 uo. Potter l l:lama, P otte d Beef onr L:m.dt-ed·s l n.P "'llb th e m, throw Watten\Jurg IUld Strasburg, ol OUJie $IO OOO-u.1.,.ly fo t• t!m sull· Tb.'s m Com Flour, SriC:O, Cinnamon btts of tiue twine cut abort IUl!l and Ocno\'n, of O.'C C.m l of thr ee Pa \>f.uso r.t at very mo.leroto tot wlneh 110;1thor Ad iDlr-otl Carrowav S..od, ClovOJ, Ploklca. Sauces pteoes, and loose cotton j Md quite ttOO n nnd nml AndNW<I, I I . u w l . 'x to for an at.'l pu :sent cundtUOD, n or I Currio Powder, Tb,.me, Sage, Panloy I they gather it all up, 1\nd builtl their tho bird1pl11cea of the Rcronn-.•io'l. I t" "' 1 •. •n D e 0 11 pru W .Jr, oumt.e·ed aa it is witl. t Maco, CTa\Jie I nuaw Bef ore me i.'J 11 I Mt yellr'a nest orndlo wn" roolclld anti t.entlt•l hv man of · ' ?r 1 , 1 •hly J nt.1.1ils or . al\ ....-yeone epper, apcn, ,. awuea ( II .. fi t . tb t d I ·' 6 , 'V 1 .,.. I Ill o .ar lu )• , •- - u• u ·o . 1 . ._ l to ":. . t.e tt · JOK N'fl I if D' AN SA ( ·VE. MAR LE · woRKS: . . - -n-- --·o·- . No Family dould IJ .. 1oithnul t!lis I y rm 'SusscarnE..R re.pceti'u ll 1 we n-lmown 1'emtdtj t. hnnks bia friends tho tmhl io It ia u'!pquili• Jtl for Cu Lt. Sr-res ot 1 g&ncrully for 'Jllltronage at \ ltlAluq,:J ol' ttld •t.:lnding, .Fr OJ t .Uite. stowed upon bam for mAny Jfl:ln po•t.. Dtr Rcuny ill h " •1•, Dry Piles, aud and bogs to inforrn them tbt he baa all ··o:.s. •, F.r•lplin"'ff, Ulcor• or J.iae.ll•a. now on h11nd ltock of Italian Cor. 'l'fll iu!l Oin'mn •t is require.ta Mllrble 07er imported into Island Thb Stl-re 11 . l.llo on fr(\ JD 'll'hiob be u pro(!ared to f urniah b one,, M'on•taratt4- T••...,•••e• Tllblr- Prias-35 centJ -uer box I Tep-. "&alltf.I•PII cee, ac.,'u&eUted Sold lJr il l''"'· W. TL J.l in" IU IJOrior 111A11D ... M•l all dt'\.lon io &Aodillirt• i Terma .. 'U'n tlu· oujhrnt\ w &:'ro-rweea. j HlUTH, 18. Bt.. Jol&D'a, l'eb. 10, Nolaon'• Gelalino IUld Iti"alau ll lllftnC rom ro•·n .ou as o- ou turu nnu ., YJJ Ill\ ellioient of wh.> ll tsny mig:\ L t..omJ., a I" .Jj y rY u.n llae 111 a. \Voodill'a 'f>JEder, Prepcu"Cd Rora IICrtbed) of the &ltamo . re or, ns Itua, Reuc. bho aml w.:ll ua r ou l. Tul" s.n , 11 It. will be f>Jr &biu1on'a Patent. loy, Eppa Ct,)C()A wn ca_lt them, tho fa1r It 1\nd ?!Ielanc thun, _ B .l Cilr anJ U. tl vua, we o1!: o:; t br nn "nnu 11 t::)li:-otio n --. , to t.lke the matU\hve HI llo po .... :tla hangR us ru :st uuc.lor a iw1g or bmoob- and Bmnoy, t\\ l ' A!'iOlu 30 rca of flU 1 AI- t\ ruo;-e gcuu1-.l nu.lur•t..ud Neue'• Food Cor Infantt, &II Blue URUII.Jiy that of the olm. This nest is Knox, '11'01"0 all c..,uege-ure.J 11\J!'I. To I vo1 pN ... b ve bel lie inl:!' o;·rauu ll ori.h to Lilli l'r.ltoctilln •• r ' llfuaw-d in peckagee,and bottles . .made an art that u tho &amo hooorc1l too, bu looj.:.l l ":u Tho Jl i. 1 o.1loni • :\uJ onr 'Ve are l'oe\'o Co. • oo!obrated BiliCultl tho of.,. W oaloy all.ll \Vbit6eltl, thoir I 1 • • b ill ::;,_ uo ... tJ) (lvorlOo')k Praened Salmon, Sanli.nee 1 bc!ganmng wu b1 wmdmg around vrho, two cootu':les tlllh· ), th e c:aurc: 1 of mty of we Erupuoe; "uJ l'" dn Lot,.ter, l 'enbn 8berbot.. each nrm o£ . the .cupport, 1t. waa per· I dred an 11. saeood llA!fo1'111 tioo. cun , whb t.o 1 1 .-co our worth. !licb tun 1-. atren:{thuu on •I Ucn .took of Ke.rotent Oil and Ohhn aa wath a OO<l·, we for,<et. thut our M lSi 1.0unry the. &nJ wb v 1 rC. w•.,t. an tb" M•'r run l>e t • etc., ahrya on band. 1 law of I er:t! a Refonn11tion, hu beeu th b c >nnellt.e\1 with th l':J uf t!Je whJie ·l:l-• IC!l \ I'CC"l11 ,v. u. TBOJI.PSON. ' &01 man eoutd do tl I once IIJJ:tcd t\ , With t Le honOI"'Itl nlllll.:l of a •• •• of tl ·r \noI. t I - J l With J:'• aCC•' Ill.(lUH·. ll I J d .. Wha\ . . et 1" ".OI Ct. I' I) h d .. aon. ......... nl.;-1 Cll hv I 'I 1. •' , u . . . :I u IU'r uao auan, an .. en ,' ! Oar Svno 1 llt it.l in ovur, we h.tve to) l'l"tlll),o: ot. r ' Papers ••mty," he re{'lied, v•ew1a1 t h11 b •nl• of A1e.undor Dti iT, a11d W. c. B ,1 r'"• J . ·. 0 ... 187 , ( J. H rr. · «JCOIIr, IW:I tlmi '" m'J Delli. I quite ape with h UQ, and othun1 of kindred at•unp who 0 10 Ul Qt4l.....,r "'• .ut .n J. 1 .I.'( iD\'..tlvlt\l io dae• u; IU\ J w.U be For sale at the gfBce or tbtl It ia a rule in New to hllTO the blal•w Aludemio 4uUrirt thil : a•t o .. w!>er nmew.,J Uie th IU\Xicly N!AOVe.l fru!ll OJr wloJt. jj ov 0011'8 for ale eO!Be i.a ctoi&.o hg\w ChriatiaD lif o. laUd Ona Hnuc.lrd D.)lLuw"- Ll&.t O¥eroiJe little. ,.

Transcript of es • . · VOL UllE XVIII....

Page 1: es • . · VOL UllE XVIII. Insurance Notices. .NU.HTfLER/:1 .t.SSURANCF COMPANY FOR C~PlTA.L-1¥o l\tiLLioss,



Insurance Notices. .NU.HTfLER/:1



C~PlTA.L-1¥o l\t iLLioss, STO

}L."iS, ;L llEYO'll& PIJOll .Fiu Patt:)JIUllll ...... .. . ...... ... £180,000

A..'>~li.t.L Rsn: .. ~u£ FBOlL L t u · , PmanOAJS .................. £110,00')

~li:St'J.L"Uit I'UOloC b "T£n. 1n oros L'>'I'£ST£D .l:!'usos, l!l&ULX ........ . . ....... . . . £4t,OOC

flEAD OF.l'lC£. te:-:Do~-1 Moorgnte Street. A.Ju::RDEEN - 3 l<~in~ Street.

. ,


Advertisements. HAHDOR OUACE

Furniture Depot - - :o:--

J. It E. PARSONS C.A.BINE1-lrlAKER:s, ~c.,

IN THA~KING t heir ma.ny frienda in IIMbnr Ur.:~eo and ~ho Outporta ·

ally, Cor th11 libcml pntronac:o horcw£ore rocci•·nl, hv<( roopcct£ully to nnnounco t!l'\1 lhuy h:u•u on ha.mlu II\&'{;" IUI>ply of



----· tvo& T~ IIAllD;a oucsn.ccl>AI\D J \ eArly, to got thcir hene6~ in too new I Our C!luroh hu nl\\":\ya had an boa· :~70.00~ tlnla. to incl"C:llf' our e:udo1r1qe11t months !'ur milk and l>uttec. Tho oral>le rt'CQro in cont.en•lihg fur .nn cdu· ~nll 3·),000 d \•1$. fUt" a t•IAin, .ubltan&l (From our BOito_ra Corrupondel&l. writer hns 1l cow, or the J l'rsr-y stock, c:ttcu Ministry. 'fbcso Are not tht!Clin,~:. Om· prosent bailir~,Dg is a

'hat givn 17 q 11 u1a rich mill: 1laily. times t.o lower thA atnnt!Hd. When 11ham anJ a al.mmo-a mtan ·olcl,wooden D;>STO~, lla7 ~OLh, 1877. giving"' li\rciJy of aix, all tho milk nrul tDIU\:1' run to 1'\ntl ;ro, uud lcnowlcdg;o -.lructure, in IU\ out •·f·th&-woy Kiluatioo,

cream tlmy l'i!l)oi t't', aml ten ()()Un•ls of i:s increitiiCd, tho .Mini11try- otlllt not. lag "'l;ich we can't bear~ al w to 11trango111.

I 8PR\NO • gohle'n butte:- bcsiJe.:~, per· wcclc. Vo 'oll uehinc.l, but Ue 1\bi'C:tllt o r tlte It u unfit for Ollr Pn~I£'SSOns to teacu in 'N'e"' En~l11.11d i.'J in nu ·e.~ sense are l ike tn~'l nnd woauen-tlt~y do the When toero tr.ulitio:~.~tl rcli.t;ioa<c nl'f' nod our atud~nt8 to atudy in. n i.'J not

E S 1' A B LIS H ~ 1.) 185 . the ~ow aeaaon of the human 80111- he!t for 1 011 wl1~1l !JO" treat tltln~ to lu-riuc; to thf'ir f.-11, nn.l &ej:Oml·blind beolthr. It ia in M way 1111i•"b!l'. ~ that lifo within, which is kiudrod with Plenty ol g.:>a<l feet! and itintl trC.\~m~nt ' br lie£1 ato goin:r down in tho clt~~~h und \) ,ar Lihmr.v, <:-•n• ,iuing 8,00:> t'•,

tho nnh•crse of God. Evea hnnl nnd i'l all n cow rcquirC3 to do h er very best the wappl~ of contendiug OliU&i~u~~, the (somo o( them rure lln•l CVll :f, .... tn•1t

IN thn.nkin~ my mny friends for their cmsty souls fl'el its administmtioM, IIJJ for the CllDtily. A. good cow is mlueJ Min~toa· t.houltl, nh<>' '" I\ II othPI"'I, be ublc coul•l no~ be re-ul1ly ~'~':11 tOO'I,) i" quit'> libcml p:atroongtl during tho p.~t its power ovur lho senses is 11 tritllll£11: of at $100. :\filk is aolJ lor 6 cent.J per to contend e.'lrnc.stly for th'l f11ith, nod tn in11ecure. W e 'l" :1 b•til ~1:;; ·~:hic'J itt

twe:nty-ono y~rs, 1 oo~ to ~I _thClr llbo Cr<'ator-<wer tho arc:atun. .Meu 1'\ro quArt.--J'I'I'lley butter GO ccut.s per lb. gi1·e to every.pne thn~ :1..,ket!J .1 rcison ,adilitiun ~ SUlljllyi:~ <.,1n.for• · !a!.• :.ttol carefu l tJ_te folfowang Jlllt of Wfo:lk \'filh tho JIOWer of t.he OliR FISUttiUU:S of the hope t:aa.t i!l i».laim. commodious class roopt~, Ill 'Y !J 1\'P 1\

110me of t ho ap.'ll 1tcrns of my stock Sl'.tsonR. It's s'.ron:;lh tn loJk them ovor nre 1\00:l~, lo 1\ll se:J.S. Unpro!ltllhlo TOJ· . . . . g().)ol laHll r •r our Librarr, L\ vuuH. fo t·

--· Advertisainents. I Tbo~psonsl


or liO\'eml or tho nrtit"lc~ hcreul cnumer· The{ con·,, LlossoOiing tree, nro n;;es IH'Omiso tbo outfitter. ll'ish nro ,. M,r thMar~l ,l~ltiOI\G~1· ~lm,t.':'otbn~t ll c.hll Archivello of OUt Ohurcl•, 11.1\ . offictl which ••ill bo_ oUcred Cur Jn.!o at A vtorr •tt··' l atin by li•tr the l*rt""'t .IDIJIOrtcr •'n I T l 'I I J ' at•v., 11118•1''' "" •Oruau II wo . . 'tl

• L'O • --.;~ t.c~limoniC3 th.1t sunJ>k, JX'I'IX'~u:llly, \'Crv 0\'f', an 01 men B urt nn UI'L' 1 II 1. '·. h I h d for om· exe21lent a2en• •nd, ll JIOI!il 't', an•._,u;ratu prac~. lin i G ::'II t' t--..k ·l · b 1. ' 1 • ,. . 1 1 t r. ·1 l H 1011 1 t lll(l;\rn<•e m t 0 e.lli~ t ose 0· • • _r"' r 1 .... Thu {QiluWIII" cowpri!IO 11 portion or their . r Klr rncc. ·. y rn tro llooy• " IIC grist prooodo:! wants ; ·~n's llettcr part st """' n w 10 e, Jt"'.Y .u lo nl..l :o I ~ !J r Cl I I J donmtone!! 1\lld 1\ n:!OCtory tOr tIt! ... o. stock :


~ \'Ct')' lnrgc, vnrlcJ, aml complete, :1ud is n c:u-cful 8lrpen·iaion over stor,t'J, 1\nLl m'lnoy. Oil . 11ryd ~mp BOll ' to;, low. ~olel •. ut ers 0 our '"r.c 1•"' '? 10 re~ · dcnt.s. \Ving3 m!ly be llddetl lor tho C ll.-\ ln · - n ocking, Nurse Cano., is ooing const.nntly ropleni.shetl, is pur· b"tmcrous oullRy on resources. So u~ti1·o .\.n over-stocked Dlllrkct wo USli<;n :u a '1 rel•(tOUlled t:> the 1\Iuooc.loman °.n~ Pt•ofL':ISOI'S' hou.'ICS. \Vo ha\'e lllreruly

G .. •nmo•n anJ (.;hit.lro:u's . cbnsctl for CASH in the best m:trke ts nncl :tstonL,bing ure tho rot'CCS of Sprin·• rc:l'IOII. Wl\~,c,l r:tcrO~i tbo sea, 'lnmlf WI ho ill\~~~·· m:ulo 1\ ftur st.nrl consHerin" tho bnl'(l T .\ .l:l •. I~:;.-F.m;v: ?':1~11'11 1\n,l_!.),ininst. t~nd oiTer it to any clieut.s at cora-espond that lho onlinnry inlclloct, no doaL:? Y our Lll:\11<1 is nti.'\chetl in earne1t JX'n 'I 0 wntel"\nn•t (H:n !I 0 t lC w uer· · 1 · h d ted ainc:l tho

:SJl• A:-s. 1.\Jl !\(;1' ~. llF:ll;: I E.1DS in" l'· tow rate:~._ q IICll'l, in •ve:~t·ino.;:~ aud p1infulnon &.nd I ~~w~, . "''"0r:Ctl $ prescn ... 5 000 clols. U.' ·,· \ I I •. \V \ ~ I ,· r \ ~·.): 0 I • \xotm.n it.:; t:arli,.l' tuition, o"'O~ it.a lil"!lt with lltcam communiCI\tiuu. frotn this ( 1 u.....,tnniU"' 0 18 yeur IOIUu ol ,

, • . , J .... w.ttchin0•!':1, often, m:1cle 11 I proof of thoir ,.;o .. :! . u· te d m~tly o~er ~ J n!uranccs e lT'cc tcJ 011 Prop~·rty io " <'\\ <.; II \;\fU~I: ~n rl!:S. Cay r.a:n, o~n~ino, n isin; C)un Dlacldc:\d 1\Wnkt>ning fr.?m obser\•in~ tho plumo- continent, Our predictiou of weekly llini.5try, tsrul cudurod han.lnes3as gooc.l v .. ~:u...,.cnp ohns ell; !, n;:but ~verr~

fouutllaud nt <.:urrcut ltatc.s ,1r Prc:r..i. htttlall ollh,•r articles n~'COM.lry to coanplet~ Nixuya 101anc


1>.1.d, Dl:tcldu.;; "I '· mrn:t uf tbis a:td tho c.>nnecLin~ llc.\,Oil,. boats t.o and irom, rn.1y como nrnun.t :tt sol:lior.~ of J C3ll'l Obrillt. Soml'l lal\w) or - -; 1e:st rs

1:bc.n tt n:o_~: -totlbUJ ..... ,

0wo t•nn•

the fnruis!tin ·~ nf ,\>~cllin~8. Br~l.:ce, · ., .~ .c:t~ Urnli31Va~k .u •c~ I 1'('0~td it us tho ori,inul !ehool of un rorlior d.tto th:m we an~i.-:i Jxlt.od. ono 19 •1 1 r v .., .,.... " •· 1101 1 · J U 1 11 F~ L E l I J R t.l 0 f.dlcn :~4tlee",. Tuo\' h'\\'c rtllltcc.l from D 1·tl. N ;. ·'I d .,11-01. fon- •s·' • • .• I r. . ~ I All " 10 l"C<t'llnl wu _ouse 10 I nrni- _el\r ~ ' .Mao n IQ " lor' . intellect. \ illlpf'('] 11!'1 111\lro than \Vcokly UO:\h anti ll goo.l hotel 1\t ::it. I I 1.- I . •. k r. II 1 Cllu ClS, C\VIOU!Iu Ql\ ' I u -·~ u

frt•.~pt'\: I u~c~-:-l vrml! uf .. P;J ~~at I On or aure, M :c r, "lnnblu pru:e, ahuulcl. gi\'1' \arm ala tor Hant~u .li~ I ohah hfo out.aidc oursolv"" b.v whic:t wo li\'O J ohn's, would 8C.'n<l thou.s:tnds of A'De.-i· ~~~~~r :\uur'l~ t J<' ll: ''t'~: s ' ' owt tttbon.'. very important. a section o( our cburclt x tru ,,u.ll.~.l.l lu~:Jra:.,·o ::m,l all t~llll· r l l'ar~~ . .m'a FuruilnN lJu(l\lt a c111. Clo>thca Oruahoe, \'\tr l, ru•lwa -. - ·"• •~ ta. .. 1 . . 1 .. 1,.a a'n t'··• ho• won•Ls. vtucrs rcm1UB un;.o uti! Jlre:ICII · t'lr .1 and move 1 It comes nntl it """'•--"'il•lla -~ "" uu ~~a YU • • ' 'II 1 h b t't' You b:t'fO an extenu· luf: ,rm, t ion ~UI bu olJI .. ra u.:tl :t the - At.:.u- - Nl\il do f uotb d" o-- 0 .«:lf-•lonyiu;! onJ J i.,intet"C:St.etl\11'3 ~e 1 :"'1 10. ~r 11 :1 • y b. •

0 hnd l

u !lico of Ship"• Wheels. DllaJoyC.'I, Dolnying Pin\ ShM'ing du o~Mt Roli•·,·~ra rcpM~ to C\'erythin~, nnd then enforcts \V. s. fully nppn•cinll·. ' Vo nrc t-ight glad of i 1~1S M WIOII fi~u. 'th o~h M places s::::d A.. 0 . II;\ r \\' .... n n, Lo~ n~ct· ;!.till I\ II •Ucla,. in thu Dro.u~ Gl:US4J Caro:'lauilu FluiVU.U bl'e(IO'!(', ~0001. f~r a ~ 1\1\tl re.:~t for all- thu :.trril'lll of nel\' co uel'!l I rom belov!Xl\ t uuC.'I c:amvarc WI fo er b •• :d

' I I ahit•(li ll:! fino 1111\tlo I O nr,:cr. • ow snu\u lao tuemo I . • . . roba\;ly ft:wcr et~ILI rom \ e ou~ ('. ~1. • "111'8, ~ Casto11 Oil pu gall<~n do. in beltlca (Prom 1/14 CAroniclt, J uM !?.) fatl.tPrlluul; bu~ these now 1\ro so few P . ....:al abo- our Ag tn\ Xc\\ r .... uudlanu. N. ll.-.\!1 th~ u~olmTAI<I~O ncll t~lt.'t.'l Cha.moia (.kina Olaloritlo or Liwo, C:unphor oun I'AIUICRS nml fl\1' be~wccn lhat we ..:.tnnot rely 011 \Vo f~el_ tnt~fiod YO? .wu . - y

1 u(r 1. 11l'o £or11•s p:uu of thuir oconp!lti"u I\ II ADDlt~J t!t1.1m'" ,, pcrllarnent aoure'J of snpttlv wonted ltbc.mht~ hr 1'\l~l!tg us m nn ~n-•·n.l.,ra Ill tlant UOi'!U'llllent will NC<Ji\'0 tlro Coun l'laster I.A)Jd Cream follolf plows 1\nd CO\'Qr s.."\lJ. Every I I . ' terpriso wha\.'h U\ wdttton to l'l(C.Inng atric:r<\t &tl<!ution. Cod Lh•cr Oil ~r lll\lltun do iu bottlo. inch oi the c.trth. C\'Cry c.IN() of the s<>l\, OP TilE R.:> H F Dc nss D D os :mtl w mt :1~ t te.'lll nmont,rst so 11\!lny. b' •

1 .,1 •. tched i!l

rv ... pcc:n Cl\1"0 m uo g'l'fcm to u (lOr r caaw g om s tno a w:~ry ...:eu l..aenrs hnrvcst.. The mc;ulowH, in ahl\llcd Tuc:>I.OO IC.\L CoLLEGE AT lfALIF.\X. ere n'mnme .1 yc 'Ct')' muc 1 rnt "' . tl 1

t be 1\ memoriAl of tlult or.lcno. C••nconlrnted Lyo llottlu Cork• . grcrn, t.:)Slj tende r bbdCJ t.o (llll•·ful I lie ll~ cssetl . 111111 if ns.'IOCilltetl with lhl' tlc1tgne ll so o .. Pla~nix • · I ·11 '- · 0 l t D · C b F ' '' b C c-.. '1 I · · · · · ' · ., · 'I'h · L' t · I L I •- tho o ~L'Ct.~ wo I!\\'O r.tptu >' 8 "'e '

Hu~in o .. ~ S t a nd.-180 Wal(' r ::t .... el lire" m o( Tannr 'Enen1us, Glyccnoo; . J d 1 1 tl d . • _1 L'l~t night 1\ la~ely ntt.<'ntletl mec~in,; tl 5C r ~ of tl Sac ':l 1 t 1 1 t au 1picirus Uuion in which wo all. reJOtC<', Fiie A.::;sul'ance COlll!13, -:1 V " 1'1"' ·'•\t•· aho 1nrrc;mtllo c3tatlU.hwon or Fm uituro l'olisb Glno.Guuallrl\bic, Honey j "10 .s, n.u . t 10 am SCtll)e 1\. rults e>:e aou WIUI het.l in the Coagr;-;:.,tinnal Chur.-:11, 0 Jct· ,c_ 1010

t •e ......... ..!.~ 0t1~n 1'\ 1'08 \vhic'a m.tkC3 us jll\rt of 11 Church with

r " J 'I •· C (•tt•l. • Io·~ tnfl'lll" F Aeclt' lao " ·.ttlell h '!:lrt to at.s lovely " "'ltlm-•nt hunt t I . ~ B f II l' f: I W 6 nrc "' g up o I"'~ uo .lilt wo h -• .; I iOO ·-cur,. vH:-1 •• us~,.. '1. " .. , " - ... ~ .., a<• r- l a ~I" ucu . urn.": o u 1 :1x, prcl e a t 1 • in incre. ~ ,.. n c.ts re ~[' I 01·cr n t ou:J:~nu congrc:;;n .. on!l I1Jl(

L v:;; I.Ja rtl " Ire et ~ Uluu j 11 1 Cr o s · LU~DO~.

EST.\Bl.l!' ll &:;i) U l l 't.,

TUC:STEE:, .( .DlR t::V FO/lS.

l:! i1 1. Lubbork,liMI. 711. \ '"'"'"· l •n. .\1.1'., Y. ll.S.J . II • ,.,J llarllru• y 1•:, ,1

l~eLniUI Uurtou, E•t· '• · '· ll u 1.;" n ~-' '1 · T r.A\eu: lJuAt.v n. &.!.•4.1· .'' . 1J. .\ ~ ,~r:: • l·.'·t· Uon . JaulU Uyn11 , I ·J• -''"' 1 • ~. E·· t·

J .J'I'I (;btto.t, h•t· \ J. I huutp•o n, l·.••t I) K (;oup~, t.:•~ II. I nultuin, 1·· "1· J "l.'. <.;. ll~v : ,, l·., I· E. v ••ullu .. rt. l-." 1 c .. \ Fuller r:, t· ,\ . \,u,llun Eot~.

IJ eor.;ll " ' · l.o,·d l, •''i·· s~cntar , , J .Jbu J . UrJ .J.nliOI . 1~.1 ... 1111 .. ,;,·du•!/

The Prnmptit • i o: " nJ .llh ,r,,; it . "itb which all et u ., • . • " ' "•

PHa!Si . t Or FJCE hnre been p:titl n· wt-11 kn' '"•n, &ntl tho continual luCre.'\• •"; J.usanc.s.s of 1ho Com­pan)' ~UW l' EAR 'I ~~TI' \ ' Y.AIIII IS' Y.XI~­

Tt:SCC1 ahuw tlu n;h I>Oailinn tt hvlde in public cat;mau. 1.

Anoual and • o •rl limo Insur:.necs nre efT tXt«! on alm ·~ e\'ilry I: inti uf vn•perty in Ncwfouodl ... atl on tho m<~A~ ftn 'ul'llblo torn: a.

Uule.s nod puticulnrs vf l uJaranco mny bo h~~od un applic..ti n to

W. & G . UE:-iDEL ST. J ort ~

A •• u ran c e Co :n ~ p a nv 01' LO~O ~.

ESTA U Ll:> U 0 l S!!l.

SuuecnanE.l! C.a..l'lT\L ... £-, t),000 ~·t.; ToTAL l.s r.·al'J>o .r·u.'H>S

l1P\¥'A.UOS Of ... .. . .... . lscour~, Ul'· WAUOj OP... ... ... .. . . .. ~,000 ,

1'ho "GliJ\llDJ " eing 4 f. t· rlnfll Engli~h 1n .. urnu~:c Co ·. ulf<·r~ all ti.tollt'aduncsucll muat dc•irnule to in· l'lurcril, viz. : uuduupt.;tl ~tabtlt ty, fuvor 'l.ble 1crnaa nni pioo1pL llc~t;owcnta ol cl:lime for l~'w,.

'l'ho uoo.ier.iunc:J !:nvin; bl'en np point . C'd .\ :;t'nt for N~wrount.l lnnd ie pr• rr.a red tu iuuo Fv:idta n!!:tinHt lu~• u1 Fire.

. HllE.i :3. WlNTER, , 1 . .fohn'•

JOSEP!lGOI>DEX, Sub·A;,;ent, &rbor Gnce.

'Fel•ruDrJ i . .

A. & E. P .\RSOi"S. Elounol Gino. Kny'aCool(nline Lemon !'co ch~roc11 .to,'u~:.!JIU~~ C'.l lol'.& lt$ Jlaktr e1£ a se ou on R om. l:!t~ ch. I ll~ _v., ;•l:~s f~~~~ed aoc.l f~:;;;·eJ' 011

u 0:,; •0:\::~ ::'\[inisteno, an•l n com~ti~ooncy of 600,·

Lime J uiC\l Liquoricc-, ~lachine Oil 01~ tl IICltwucor... :UIIi ga•·c no address, a !IOrtaou of wluch ily p · t l .. · d I' 'to 000 nne! w!niSC nrco extends frJtU ~ to ::\lnci'IL"O ~i)1plcs fur Fe~in" Bottles 1. • ll:l . 10 ,., p.1 no.ISm nn po •cr 1101 • .

1 . I. · ' t of

Nc:•t~r~t Or! Rod auol You~-: OchrCJt TUE 0000 nous clrlr.! wo an •Jt'ID- . . :r in :lcman:ling it. :llini.stet 'l of h omo , &u.\. W ha!o c .1c.ns un!;. a h:~B~ther l>rv l'o iut.s- all Ahndcs, Pipo Ol.ay cntclte!l t~e in'IJ•ir:ttiO:l or lho c.'\rth's rC· 'Vo nocd 1\ Mm:ltry .. No~ 011 An~ls 'I'OWtb know tho \\'1\llh 01 t ho COilll ta·y . thoron::;h C:.lthohCJly,_lovm~.l • r .;Jl Uoxcs and l'nffa, l'iuk Root docorntion, nnH t11y8 n solid fonndntion ~··:\8 lhe work of prc:1chm:; tho Herl:~'lt · ~ud th•' f-:clin(;'i of tho people, And 11" ' h ootl, let u3 tlo wbnt m U!l h t;s to ;:g::;.~

QUEEN l J.Jnr;'l.aJ3 Qo:n 'll."lY

Pumice St.on.o Rowin Sal. Pruncl111 to b<~ild within her own domain-homo an~ ~ospel. do,·oh•c-1, l>ut on '~"• of hke m:a:'C likely to •-emain with ll8. But will 11ntt. perpctu.J~'l our o.wn t:ortaonr oestccm C .u ' IT .l L-£2,0110,000 S terhnl!. ~::, ?L~:n~~ft~t;;. ~~i~t~f.uwdora 1\S ueur to the high copy "" sue Cl\o i o£ p:lSSIOn5 .wath ourdeh ·cs. Tho tre..LSure i~ not do to h:t•·e them eJuz.'\tcd else· ! Lent.agc, around whtclt, -~? ou . tions'

~ Gum :ihollno liuutr 'Th-11na, Caat.Uo So3p soap and IJI\nd '" :t. basi~, 1\ touch of 1'3int :wa.s p~t !0 the ~rtheu . v~&'lcl. A stl\ud- whero, 1\'! in the old couutrv or in C.tnndl\ gnt~lor. 50 m:my hnll~w''" t\SSOCU\ ' Thomp.~n·a Mlillow SoAp . here IUld there. tho r&-adjustmeu~ or MIWS~ry 1•11 ordamed .. of God, who or tho United St4tcs1 Thill plnn hu whtch. lS frn::;r-.l~t W~tch 110 ll\1\ny :;:~

Ql'EE:'I l~S RAr\C E''BU ILDHiO Drown Wind•·r du, Olyeennea do articlcsoforncunellt;IP.tion .so thAt. a new h~tth sc~, Ill Ul~' Church ~aston& and been tried, but belln found wnnting. hL!tonc memo''~. m bohnlf or o( Ll \' EH.POUL i Carbonllt.u or Socb Wuhiug Cryatal cbnrm will preaont it.toll't:O hOr lo"l, her T~.~ for the )lOt~cc~mg of .the The Kirk in tho Maritime Pro,·iuCCIJ timo-bonorcd pnuoplcs ll. noble anny

-AND- Sp•rit.s or Turpantioe, Spalding• Olue chilllrcn, anti, la.stly, to her friends. S.un~, &c., not (.,r .a limtted rc:aod, son~ IJ:no ~ an:l tl#llll.~ yow:y rneo m:wtyrs hlVC nl!\tcbed tnnmphl\ntly nn~ lluEF.X lN~U RA NCR B UJ LD- Sp<>n;;ua Tablo SAlt M alhcr·a l'luten• in t he apring.timo is l>ut llll tho consumm:1llon of nil than~ ~ t

010 to Scotland to lltuuy Ute so;ill'olu Mel the atake-ho~

l~G3, GO, O. IUCE CnUHCU ~rc .. c•• Poroua P, Tartario Acit\ women's sub~ntinl accomplishmen• till wo :111 cornu in t he unity of Lue f.1ith tl'r gre..~ 0

t ' ... 1 • •h C t _;_ ; beroiucs of who:- the world "'u not Sl'lU:.:ET, LO~ DO:V. .II E.wluco of Lem~n Toolh Powder & P~~~tto ,_. d r tl I I I c tlt ~ f , . l ow IU\\nV c 1\ UIUeu lll • e 0 Ouuu I h ,. ed •. .

V . I , •. ' C II forc-rilnncr of nil otb<-1'3. It ia 1\ bHI nn o ao :now llt ::;o o e ._an o u O< ' fieltl l D~tjour. What 'W:\.!1 &)lent on worthy-w o IV uo ... nown C<lpnl amta \ lnegu , uppenaa . . . . f h . c 0 I unto 1\ jX'rli:ct anun . to ··-

£ / n n EJ!..\ Til .tf .YS'Ti.l L t:•..:hineal Cudbcu AI urn IDISJIOilllry scri"IC.) >r orne usc. lean· Is l! • • lbeso t.wenty•SC\'eo would ha\•e gooo far " Till penecution .dn~c\ thom lll ...... I)

RE.. ~:;,.lr.lct or Logwood Ground do linClSd and weli-<'OOltcd vi.:tuuls nentlr " 1~ not &ud," Mkr I (\no, rnlltcr to snp·10:-t n ilomil CJJlc,.t'. A lnr~e Acd llhued lhtm up to lic:.• eu." PORT. Ada11111 ln~ian ~lvo \Vnl.lul\.1 Scht~lcJ.ion son·cr~, proml)to conco••d 1\ntl c~ntent·. ~.~t;y,_ •: G?,, (n'C:tch, Lhu G:>~pt'l to e,:cry l mH1Le~ have 11t c.litferoot u~es, from tho

TIH· Rr)lOrt nnd AC<'onnt~ f <IL' tha Mn. .All on a l:htr Rcsto~r tn'!nt 111 tho world. T ho "T::in'l or the 1 • ! lt i..Ct T 0, ·' I!~ w tl!! tho reply, but throo !l(•ctions of our united Church, · _ . ( 1'-if>, Jll'f"ll'lltc d to tlal' :-ih.u-choltlera Zylob:\lsoauum do . lldVens wash tho f.ace or th'l C:Lrth, wbilo . I~ d not to '~''!/ Cnttu-Go, t be I t I' J i.J tho colle"eS of Cauruln. and { f'rom t.M PoU JloU Ga.::ette.) I at the . \ umml )fl't' lin!:, on Tur .l<lny.:l(Jth Aytlrs CherrY. r Aycra Snranp:mlll\ I • IJ ·r l . b I r GOIJIOI " 18 U< .c I • .. • • .\I"Y• ISiG,at which Bl'mnru 11:1.11, ~~J. , J., Unir \ i"t>r lt.osot tur'• I:Jnir lteatoror t.lae a~n rapefn:~-~ c.tut•. u ") m J o i\[ ' ; . l>~ s't ' ~ tint en ell tho Stnt~ll; but their 1\lfectaons guthonng

PresiJed, !!bowed, in the ll:uh\'ny• n~:..:lv~nl, llritiah Oil l.'Q ' ' II'! uo 0 purtt)' llllc.l n;~nc~ off~ E ) .o • ~0 .' ;on I I N e an rounJ tlteh· .. A.lml\ MAter" tbey hn\'0 Tbe Colotlles m•• • .,.erilll De-do Hoa.dy Jlclie£, C11chous • ;:tn.-c. onn so poqr tltl\t lll'rlnc; tunc fi~tls d ncaU l :MtmJ.ry. . fur:ned ecclcsi:L'ILiCtll, nnd nutrimoni<al te~~ce. •

Fl RE II Urowna Broucbial Trochea, Florid11 Water ham Wllhout some mrnll.!l w copy ",tl1 D~ tbo Lon.l nel.-d . our lc?0 " letlgc 1 connexion.'l, too which ho.,·o tlepri\'.!d us . 1t 11\oe • That. the Premiums for I 8 75, after llrowna ~hlurodi_nc, D~mott•1 Coco:~ in~. his own b:md' something t ho new Cor~anly not; but. he 1~ 1~ an nee• I of of tbeil· ton· i.~~. This tendency to !leek Tlte o~tl\n;o wh1ch bu t.a en. P. 1~

.t,•,lucting Re-ill8umnt.'e3, rmount!Xl to Children • Tcc1lung Hmge, Es P al'I)CrtUlllt dress of the IICU&on SUJ:t.,."f!llts. A broken I OUI' tguon:me~~. W eru not tho Aposlles 'fb ol~ ' educ.t . on els:lwhl'm s~ill to th:: relutlol\.1 bet ,,.ccn Great Bntmn ao

.£:J70,UU!i, bciug M increll8o of ..C35,37o llenrya Cal:incd ~lagnc.ia ten-cnp witb n handful of rich Md mel- illitcr:tte men 1 True i but foo· O\'er tbre& I e 01l0 t ~:Ul · to ha"tn ~ 1 hnr colonies oC Ill~ IeAIS bas llecn OhC .ol t~vcr t!Jc Premium J ncomc of 187 4 ; nnfJ llotlowl\y '~ Ointment, Holloway• Pilla low e.:rth ,.row in,. 1\ ma<lea~ !•r' tly yeari ~h"Y n~. l.'l tdoJ the Uc:!t <>f nll t.:ol· 1 !some Till X n ' pre~· : tl ~lttr. 1· · h~:, 1 Lho moot &.'lti'lf.u:tory ft:ntures in tho pro

.£ 1 Cocklea Palb lluntf do , 0 0 " ,, 'fl . ed I I . I OS.'I. le cons -qalence I!' 1.1 \\ t' UlVO ,...., r h E . I . t •cry lou~ tho Losses to 22 , Ill ' being .'\!l.i 5 Xortou·a do, Pano~'• do flower, in tho only window the dwellin::t I e;;ell.. tey cn,toy . t le person :I an- I t:> c:a.ll io nb<~ut '' tll).l~l\ young m:an eAou I g.rcss o t o mpare. ; 11 no ns IIC pet' cent. on tlto P remiulll8 of tho Y ea. Ayer'a do ~l orriaon'• do can bo:ut of, c.u.t.'l n s iO'\m of hope for atruch~s RnJ Sn;~Cruatcmlcnc'J of the l &ummOI' frum th•• State 1 to supply 0 11r 111mce an \tl.e~ weao ! no mea to-dn . IN TilE Ll.I/E Dl!..'P A..RTMENT. kadoray's do Wilaon, do the inm;1tcs quite encour-tgin~. It abows G~at 'l~cber ... Bad nut· _young m~n lnclc of een·icc. The llllme rli'lp~ition }'lc:ui.IM l\ll tl~er hll~ptly ~ . .J Thnt New Policies bad l)('{!n illsucc.l Uncle John's Vogotablo. do t.hnt povcrLr with dnrlc forebodinsa,does t lt18 pecu_lmr flrl\'llo~o ~tc ~~~)It well diS· nbowetl it.'letr in Ontnrio and Q:lcllt'a till ~rom 1\ superttCl.'ll pomt. of VJew ~t did

for £1 i 0,931 ; nnu thnt tho Life }~und, Joh~·· Anodyne Limmen~ not reign suprowe. None are so hum· pens'l _watb tiuch a.o 1!19t~l.ntun~ "" ~ha.t our Church hestirrctl herscM, 1\ntl by the ~~~~~~. lppear nt one tnn.l n~~ tmpos ld d · h Kuhnga Cough Lozenges blo 01 to fAil in finding the compec~tion for wlnch I plea. I l.o·mgh... Stall, O\'Cll t' £ ' t.«ll b .1 r . Toronto sable th:~t. the strenuous uert!oo.s of 1

by tho 11< itioM ml\ e to tt lUI t . o rosult u~ Wonn TabiP\a of the ~~~son beyond tbeh· rc:acb as n lit showed H~ appreciation oC tho\-ough c~ ron o sut or' !I •uolo\~~gs ml u· Mon: few f.tbstiC3 io favour of the diJintegr-of t.lto year's opcrutions, now reprost:nt8 Woodtl'a " LoJ:6JlgCJt t' r , 1 k b , , n .. an expense " .. • N, nn• 1 t' r b E · · UG \;o crowneo "5."- ""r ~nt.. oftl.le en• :re net P~~:ui.Jlll 'I • - • ,. ·r ~t-"'· t source of cor .. foti.. Its func~ions fill prep:lrn IOn •or •lC wol' 1 no. trh OI'· t l of ~"0 000 1\tld tho ostllul ~hnlent aon o t e :np:rc ma;; .· u ··- ~~ w ......... ·' C"VIUl. cnnt uge, "' ......... umen um . . . . t ' ll tl r th' t b' h t't'll "'" • ' • I B · • ..., ··:t·1 .. ;}!amen ret:civetl on every Poli.:y iu foroo. Steer"• Opodcldoc, llfualallg Liniment every want and condatlon of the mintl. aug upon 1~ 1 te n~e 0 " ' ~' ~ ac of lUI cllicient profC!I3.:>rL~tl llta lf, held ou~ Wtt a success. ~~ n.>-.-.n ... " -, ' ,, .

:\[orehtwl'a Magnetic .Pluwr It U:\.1 llharp loitions, witb 1\ l!laaTper lnccorJ<!d, tho Jew !lib U5 ~~· U odor such inducements u to arre:~t thcit·lli,ht. fo~tn~\oly C?mhmei ~ o ~rnL"' IH •'-'CI The surplus bnhmca in tae Firo Ac·

coitnt \\'1\S sho•·n to oo £ 84,486, out of which .£.& 0,000 wa'l r ppropri11t.etl to SWit)C'niiO Account, ruilli1ag lhnt Account to £90,000 and rooking with tho Ra,. scn ·c Fund .£220,000. A Divid<'nd and DonuM 1\t tho rnto together l'lf 15 per eon t.. WQ.!I!trcd. £ 15, ·l!H ooing l!llr­rie•l forw:trd

FUXDS. t'nt>i t:tl paAip ........ ... ........ ..... .£t80,SOO Li.u Aau ... ouAccumullltion Fund !!ZO.l95 Annuity Fund........ ............ ... 7,G20 Reaon ·o Yund anol Snap~nse Ac-

count . ...... .. .................... .. 220,000 'Ih'-' Income of tiJo Comp:my i.'J now

£45~,38 1. Tho C.:,mJY.III.Y h:t."' p.1itl, in S!ltisf'nction

of Chums, .£ 1,804,4 11.

.SU10~ VO~OVAN, GMeral .tfg~nt for Newfoundland.

Su6.Aqenf•: AJSDRE\V '1'. DRYSD.!LE.

llorhor Gmc~.

J olf.

R. 0. SIIEERAN & Co., St. Pierro

Poor Man's Yriund Rolb1a Rat P oison dit.eiplinl.l : iu 1\!lh•enoe it 1\dmoniahes its Ute o .lct Tes ln'_llcnt, 1'hcologtc:tl College! W e Are )(lr311Rtlet1 thllt if lfC follnwo ·in lliL~clii'!\'('US mfl:u~nr'! "' t'. l!;llll:.l \3 .v~l l.lna3~ ~,-~, Sp!~L Cluso.t d rl'..'ly; in )IOVt-rly it e~il>it.s the orie:in- were m OJ>?r.ltton. Wt~ rec-all tLc BOns of tbeir f~ot.,tejl\, i~ will 00 wi~h the •Ill tn the C.J!onwa • . mi . 1 ~ · .. ·4.' ;"''.Y r~tc Shend11na Cond1lic n Powder ul <>ftn:tn wi'h all the rounds to climh the P1'0pnol8 anJ the school~ uf the 1, Th' . 1 1 h . ~ [l:l'l, unt•l'!.li ut~: a .... 1 . 11 ~~ •·U·1 to cJr R . I' L' J . d 01 . ' • ' " . h ~ I £ .. d samo resu ... :.• Ill n re:u 1 a :>'I'm" I ' · I • t 1 1010 ulce l\n . y~noo over onr be.1d nnd no~ ono below. Tho Pro('not.s, wat .. a rune Ami l1J:th nn . If . . •· 1 \;e4o 0 gt':ltulatll ou~e 'l'l tu01t lat·~· .:anhu l"t

As· h\l'lg •o uaoGrtmldent.s'f ROu~twels .perfumes expuls ion fro:u rich~J ill povert••. the Elisha, ~<nd others liko-m!nuctl, ucting 1\11 ~~~ llllnl\cnd~nlr,o•l)IOelvthf,'O·~Jyt!(:c'-'ri\St-·' of~ cur· All are now 1'\!.hly to ...Um!t th., '"II ot.cma o en ye tulmeu. - • ' p 'd .M I od . all l!wtr e<, n .. ~ u ••· cu .. 1 l bu , b J . .j J.y ·1 Wilaona Oberry Dalacm Violet Powder CSC.IJ>e front JlOVCrty is to rit:bCJ. The ros• .en t.'l. 0·~~ W:ld e:~rn 10 tx-ttet· at.'ltc of thingit. \ Ve h:1\•e l.tud " . wo 1\re 101111' ~~~ Y \).nor an 1

do Soothiug Syru'p, Pyretic & tino hope to climb, is of a slronser kind than tbo WISdom of "" 1\go nnd cou nt ry. l!lr.:..'~H· nuanliOr of s tudents than O\'Cr l>o-1 tct"j',t lo <lorunu our Cul""'"" to thtl 1-l-Win~~o"'" do . Oitnte, :\~1\gnCJtia uny o tlter \1 0 ~r<l endorsed witb. Na- Paul ...,: Ill l>ronght up 1~t tho fee~ of th<" fur~ D .lring lht~ Sos~ion j ol.>l e·l we, and no ono ~r lute lll\s even \'e.nlu,rcd t Smokm~ Toh3CC01 P!pes, l'en _Kut\'CI lure in snfo p3ths. Ample as nre mo~t tl>le :\nd ucco_wplL, hc,t of ~ebrew h ul 110,·cn t.oon '.l'hool<>,:;ic.ll stu.lent'l, wiLh :mg.~nst , an tho evonL uf w.1r .~t 01 P11per, nvelol:;,. 1 11n.1, PonCIIa her domains the di.5put3nt.'l of tho e:wi.b Dootor~, nud hw hill thrco yc:tn~ cun~ . u , fot·liccn'IC nn·l quite

0 uumu"l' C.rp!l ::i!ttlements we .. bould. le.\\ o t L

Writing and .:\ nrkllli lnlu . . find no foot bold thoro to ~ratify th·i~ or Dh·inity in 1\ tlescr. !ICh\)()L X ot• d itl ~IX D'C~t > ~·e c llc~:;:oin .. t ' "OU .. h toei. Sya.fl Africall'l f.ace to laC4 with t~ ~~~~ :~~~~~g'n~met Utur Pentlls powe~ of an; •'Y dobttl.c. 'l'ho world of t bcir "much lC-'Irniug'' lllltf np either, ~rt.s·~~~~~ 'vi~h 1\ view t~ th~ .lUnilltry~ K t!.Ii rs u.nt\iu~:l, "r tll;at. iC a d i:licu!l .Avery. Brown ,\:; Go. I A.nliine Dycl in Od apccu ll\tion, JIOiiti.::~, tbL-ology, with t.ho for lh~ former Wf\8 tho mool.:csL lUI\? t il at Still, tbi, i.'J rnr fl orn beiug oqual to our \\'113 to urlll!) Wllh Amtlrlt:a we should gt1

pact.agoa c::ccascs of humb.n n::ature, atfoN. it llm· over l~v~,R~d tho lllttorcou•ltW lumwlf net.'t.:.>llitiei. \ Vc 1111 ,. ,. 160 settled Yin~· 11 p ~tb. as dof_enoel~ aud abotudc • plo 11<'0(~. A commllnion with the 'son· th c~ael. of:unnenl, ~ud lr~SS thllll tho Iaiit ~rs in thQ.iU 8C.tb. ::ard Provinces - we tl;e D o)mO\IOn t~·lls rate.

G r·oee ··•es . timeut.s of spring is n p1·ivile;;o. of:tl •. S.unts. Tho w~tarolho hnm~lest.. should ha.,•e II lnuult\:41 moa'C. \Vo bn\'C I· Tho Yel·1 _fJ.O., liOWeve.r~ t!ltt.t we hal e " A lltt/eknowle.l);,'O ~~ n drutgero)U'I thm.~' uvcr fJ rt vae.~u~ ch:LI"!CS an 1 msn rase_n t{) 1\ ·"'-"'her con<:t'ptaon of our It

. .... ri...UI'Tl.'iQ . T lao '!'lhools.or J Cl'~'\.~l~tn 1\rt~l Ali!X~ntlnll ~[i.uion u!ltlll p rt;:ially ~ultil',lt.&.l, II~ P?rul dutau renuor¥ It tbe ~ore.~ Deat Oronnd Cotrco Cah·ancca Sago UJ .1\b.>ut orer. The gmss 111 well sot, fiounllhoo 1n JIMIDittvo t1mes. Thust: t l rn~'tl • 1\ 1,.· 1,. , _ 11~ wf.:1-1c1 ual thst we should lose no ~awu tn c

d . I "'I 'U' •= A d . I • l ed I . r) aen Ctl .... ) PI' J u "" , • :J I • • I p< Arrowroot. 1-'Cll.l' HMloy 110 r.amanre nm1) e. ... 10 CO\'fll occupy .... onu .... c en oamcs w.uc t o1v t toar ~ , 't vertltke. u.!!· 1.3 0

I' .0

fo .• "'.lllt%tn).( t ae enOtlUo)US resouroea we Cancliod Citron I'o.:l, Flavor:os: EaaooJcea. p..aturos, oml the ehoop the hiU.9. The origin to ~he enl~hteued lioor~y of ':e 0!~- ? fi 1j, th 11 ~ t ~~ 'en ', :C.S., 1\nd that we ahouU call upon o

do Lomon do. 1 birds bavo oll come b:!ck to ~~~. and we Cb:l.rlemagae 1\nd AI(J:od, roUe' ing lite 0 't:;lu • 141~~00 el . ~ •-o,ug 0 11 10il

8• ~~~e.Jn c:alo:t~h t..> uy how thor desire

do 01'110 1(8 uo n ott otl Fruit.a d t··· Lh Tb 1 I f ' t D I . A I . - ·· n . l'l:~. II\ w IIO.J we 11\\' ' som rx..... h .• . b . d r r J II' , ., 1 nre ma e g"" to ~ee ow. ey c UJ.· g oom o t re .ua: ge_'t, ,,.ero • est:;nw ' i\{' • · ~ wl <)Ja 11

unbar s!tould \;o umr n .111u m t etr ow11 e1ence aJ

Co•mda._ __ ~..'~:. ·1k1ar1~ nde,dC~-~cdr Oyator 1 ter ulll\round our dwo.llings, no t of one I a1Jeci:llly " for the olo\'ation l'f tJ1~ 1• a&ialow~r. ~- J1

.... 1

1 • ·

1 11 • llre r il:.lcJy to u•L"t in maini.IUniug o

n ........ "' • . u l , rcaon•u DV'O , tl " f II , T ab " .. .Jr !e 1 an.:l-.-'il: . ... Oc 1111'., II !'COl ~ ' 11 h ld . Pt'CICrvcd Yntt.on. Sonp &nd Boo iii. •ea ae~, ut o .a !elllhens. o o1v ole!gy. Tbo Coli~ of Pnl;:tro a.nJ 8 .. : 11 t-ducntionnl or lest t!l:&n p03t.'l of \'J.ll~ a over t. e wor !o. Potte<l Ton11uo. Potterl l:lama, P otted Beef onr L:m.dt-ed·sln.P "'llb them, ~e throw Watten\Jurg IUld Strasburg, ol OUJie $IO OOO-u.1.,.ly "a:tiJ.iun~ fot• t!m sull· :dettus~llttlt~~f pr~parat1on. Tb.'s m Com Flour, Pep~, SriC:O, Cinnamon a~11t btts of tiue twine cut m~ abort IUl!l LonS>ll~ne and Ocno\'n, of O.'C lOr~ of three Pa\>f.usor.t at very mo.leroto ~o·1~tc:r tot wlneh 110;1thor t~e. AdiDlr-otl Carrowav S..od, ClovOJ, Ploklca. Sauces pteoes, and loose cotton j Md quite ttOOn nnd ~mbnt.lge nml s~ AndNW<I, w~ro I I . u w l . ' x to ~-.1, for an at.'l pu:sent chi\')~1C cundtUOD, nor I Currio Powder, Tb,.me, Sage, Panloy I they gather it all up, 1\nd builtl their tho bird1pl11cea of the Rcronn-.•io'l. I t" "'1 ~~~~~~ • . •n D 1~

1 11~ e 0 11 pru ~ ~ll'~e W .Jr, oumt.e·ed aa it is witl. t

~~-r..rjonmp, Maco, CTa\Jie Vi!"1~~~ 1\u~mega I nuaw Before me i.'J 11 IMt yellr'a nest orndlo wn" roolclld anti t.entlt•l hv man of ~ · ~ '?r1 , 1

• ,.~.~~,'1° l[>, 1•1';;"tha·~- .1 . •hly J nt.1.1ils or. al\ inc<~mple~ org:a.niz.ui~n ....-yeone epper, apcn, ,. awuea ( II .. fi t . tb t d I ·' 6 , ' V 1.,.. I Ill l u )• , •- - u• u ·o . 1 . ._ l to ":. . a· t.e tt

· r~T. JOK N'fl I if D' A N SA ( ·V E. MAR LE ·woRKS:

. . - -n-- --·o·--· . No Family dould IJ .. 1oithnul t!lis I yrm 'SusscarnE..R re.pceti'ull1

we n-lmown 1'emtdtj t.hnnks bia friends ~tl tho tmhlio I t ia u'!pquili•Jtl for CuLt. Rum~, Sr-res ot 1

g&ncrully for ~he li~r&l 'Jllltronage ~ • at\ ltlAluq,:J ol' ttld •t.:lnding, .FrOJt .Uite. stowed upon bam for mAny Jfl:ln po•t..

Dtr Rcuny ill tb~ h " •1•, Dry Piles, aud and bogs to inforrn them tbt he baa all ··o:.s.•, F.r•lplin"'ff, Ulcor • or J.iae.ll•a. n ow on h11nd la~ ltock of Italian Cor. 'l'flliu!l ~!Mlif\1{ Oin'mn••t is require.ta Mllrble 07er imported into U1~ Island Thb Stl-re 11 .l.llo oxcJl!en~ ft~r 0~!1 on fr(\JD 'll'hiob be u pro(!ared to furniah bone,, • M'on•taratt4- T••...,•••e• Tllblr-

Prias-35 centJ -uer box I Tep-. "&alltf.I•PII cee, ac.,'u&eUted Sold lJr ill''"'· W. TL T~o~Jo~tJ. J.l in" IU IJOrior 111A11D ... ~nr'f', M •l all dt'\.lon io &Aodillirt• i Terma m~~ .. 'U'n

tlu·oujhrnt\ w &:'ro-rweea. j A~~.uEll HlUTH, Uu~ 18. Bt.. Jol&D'a, l'eb. 10,

Nolaon'• Gelalino IUld Iti"alau ll • lllftnC rom wm~ ro•·n .ou as o- ou turu nnu ~ nemun~ ., YJJ lu~ Ill\ ellioient tn~n, of wh.> ll tsny 0~111~1 mig:\ L t..omJ., a I".Jj y rY u.nllae 111 a. \Voodill'a Rl\ltio~:: 'f>JEder, Prepcu"Cd Rora IICrtbed) of the & Or1ol~, or, ns Itua, Reuc.bho aml J~rnsmu-1, Lat~ur w.:ll ua rou l. Tul" s.n ,11 ouJo.~N;I&~at t~u:l.. It. will be f>Jr ~r:J. <?arn~rv &biu1on'a Patent. loy, Eppa Ct,)C()A wn ca_lt them, tho fa1r .h:~ng·b1rd. It 1\nd ?!Ielancthun,_ B .lCilr anJ U.tlvua, we o1!: o:;t br nn "nnu 11 t::)li:-otion--., toe~f.>NI, to t.lke the matU\hve HI ~

llo po.... :tla hangR us ru:st uuc.lor a iw1g or bmoob- Ty~dfl.le and Bmnoy, t \ \ l ' A!'iOlu 30

rca of flU 1 AI- m:mn~ t\ ruo;-e gcuu1-.l nu.lur•t..ud Neue'• Food Cor Infantt, &II Blue URUII.Jiy that of the olm. This nest is Knox, '11'01"0 all c..,uege-ure.J 11\J!'I. To I vo1 pN ... b ve bel lie ~ ·n. inl:!'o;·rauull ori.h -Na,•i'•;~ to Lilli l'r.ltoctilln •• r ' llfuaw-d in peckagee,and bottles • . .made wi~h an art that a.a~nishes u tho &amo hooorc1l ol<~as, too, bulooj.:.l l ":u ·i:t~tb:• ~b ~ ·~ ~r1 J~tr ThoJl i. 1 o.1loni • :\uJ onr c;,wao~r~ 'Ve are l'oe\'o :~•0!, Co. • oo!obrated BiliCultl PI~ ~'ll'itllin tho et:Oto~ of.,. ~ranch, W oaloy all.ll \Vbit6eltl, an~ thoir ~~ble I P.~~o~r& (~,·. P~ll.>k) 1 • • bill ::;,_ :n~oh inol~ae•l ov(l~ uo ... tJ) (lvorlOo')k Praened Salmon, Sanli.nee

1 bc!ganmng wu b1 wmdmg tw~no around ootn~rs, vrho, two cootu':les af~r, tlllh· 1111~t.eeJ ), the c:aurc:1 of ;~tlanJ mty of we Erupuoe; "uJ tha~ • l'"

dn Lot,.ter, l'enbn 8berbot.. each nrm o£ .the .cupport, ~d 1t. waa per· I dred an 11. saeood llA!fo1'111 tioo. .N~c cun , ~Y'e whb t.o 11.-co our worth. Prufcl1-~r<• I~~ !licb tun 1-. ~ atren:{thuu on• I Ucn

A~~~ .took of Ke.rotent Oil and Ohhn Corm~ aa ICaon~Gc.tlli-h<'•• wath a OO<l·, we for,<et. thut our 111~cm M lSi 1.0unry bt~yond the. a~xie~1 &nJ Ji~-nforc. wb 0~1~J v 1rC. w•.,t. an tb" M•'r run l>e t • melt·~· etc., ahrya on band. 1 fornut~ ~&)\Alum} law of atren~t,h-..d I er:t! a tb1~ Refonn11tion, hu beeu U· thb uncorwin~r c >nnellt.e\1 with th l':J ~JI"I\Ut .qll uf t!Je whJie ·l:l-• IC!l\ I'CC"l11

,v. u. TBOJI.PSON. ' &01 man eoutd do tl I once IIJJ:tcd t\ , ~ted With t Le honOI"'Itl nlllll.:l of • a •• • • of tl ·r \no• I . t I - J l U)J~ With J:'• aCC•' Ill.(lUH·. ll I ~ J d .. Wha\ . . • et 1" ".OI Ct. I' I) h d .. U~ aon. ......... nl.;-1 Cll • u.L~ hv I 'I 1. •' , ':~ u ~ . . . :I u IU'r uao auan, an .. en ,'! ~u.t"tyn, Oar Svno 1 r~~v..J llt it.l Ulo:le~ill'( in ~t ovur, we h.tve to) l'l"tlll),o:ot.r l~t '

~hipplng Papers • •mty," he re{'lied, v•ew1a1 th11 b•nl• of A1e.undor DtiiT, a11d W. c. B ,1r'"• J . ·. 0 ... 187

, ( J. H rr. · _.,,u~~iu~oes «JCOIIr, IW:I tlmi '" m'J • Delli. I quite ape with hUQ, and othun1 of kindred at•unp who 0 10• Ul Qt4l.....,r "'• .ut .n J. 1 .I.'( iD\'..tlvlt\l io dae•u ; IU\J i~ w.U be no~

For sale at the gfBce or tbtl It ia a rule in New ~land to hllTO the blal•w Aludemio 4uUrirt •i~!i thil :a•t o .. w!>er nmew.,J Uie re~~Ulnti.m) t h IU\Xicly N!AOVe.l fru!ll OJr wloJt. jj r·~r. ov 0011'8 for ~ ale eO!Be i.a ctoi&.o hg\w ChriatiaD lifo. laUd Ona Hnuc.lrd D.)lLuw"- Ll&.t O¥eroiJe ~ • little. fotetl&~~U~la ,.

Page 2: es • . · VOL UllE XVIII. Insurance Notices. .NU.HTfLER/:1 .t.SSURANCF COMPANY FOR C~PlTA.L-1¥o l\tiLLioss,

~"'· • • • l


\ .. ... .. \ I


·----enAbled ~o arcuro tho anfet1 of our ~u!-1 pnpcra oxposcJ ~~ olutrtlcteri>ltio trick o>f lj doprocia~it~g ~ • Oil.. In e~ery. c:uO con.t.nd nenrtbeless, thAt outzdde holp lyin.r po,.us:ooJ, nod a~ ll"'."wo lime th6 irs. H o ull~<l ~ha;t pat'titll4 (rom tho where mtxed O_tl 111 ~c~t.etl. tt wil~ be should nover be requ.-ted UTe under Nulnuutcd to ~he protcct•uo of our St.ak'll hau l'lucu.l ~he.a11elvoa in com-~ rutel,l llS Hcrnng Oil-to Lho ~noll& ~ht> moet uceptional eircumatanc:es­' ut mct::antilo m:trine. 01uJticnt.iun witb fiCnklOA :n N\el Scotia IOM o l tho PlAnters. . whon 'IJ\1 eerious diaLurbance caklll

Latest News by Jfail. I ' I

said there wu mnob political lethargy; I Lono11, t-A. telegram from Atheus. too proper de6oit.ion or tho term Radtcal &'111 d .. meet.iog v( 8,000 JM'riOn& a 6 .. s uaed at the present t.imo 'WI&& a man Stadium laat night, raoludona were

.At pre•ct:~ \\'~ p~y for 11-u for pro- undoratooJ to bo \'CI'l!C\1 in th~idhcry Th~ put a of Herl'll!g must hl\vo your place, wbon tho li"!f of conab\bles nrc l..oMDO!r,'funo 1. •ho 'Was io earnftlt. 1\dopted declaring the nooe.it1 lo~

coMeqnence o( ~bo roven10 at Ar.. Tho funeral of John Lothrop )!otley forming a miniatry of leaden o( there-

t..-cti't'e purpo~.·~~ d.1nn any other P•>Wer uOiltion wiLh a \·il'w t.o 11t.ut.o- t.l!IJ~eeml u.Ltontjon. No unsound llor in dallier, wh1m tho prisoner being ar· \flth the c.xn ·ption of America, iu pro· ment.:l of ' tho value of it.s fishuri~, bu~ rinl:ll should Lo Bill ted .>r bArrelled. t'O!Itod is a buq;lar or o!hpr lhngerollS portion . to thr wealth,. oxteu t_. a~d without 1uenLio>ning tho object for: w!Jicb Everytbing ruusL bo dono to ~mpl1 w~t.h cbamoLcr:, and •hen justice" is likely to popul:ott~;n of our cmptro. Watb atX these eiliunt.c!l were w bo 11!\Cd. Tho t!Jo 'I'Oo)Uirementa of tho Ptcklcd Fuh be dofe:lL<Xl. by bis C8Ca(lO. · But wl~:~.L t in.n tho ebipping o~ .b'r:tnre unole • corrt:spondent bclio,·cd th~'L Lhis objcct .Act., in or> lor: to rt'.store tho o( has been the usual oour110 of late t No

ltll be RrtBBia.n right wing wiU bo will tako piBco on lllonday. 'rho body apectiYo partiee, io tllat dillaenaions in obliged to retire apin from Otti, to will Lo uronght from Dorutahiro and tho chamber may be "'"oided, aad tha.c which (lOi!,l~ their :;idvanoo had heon buried Ill K ellliiLI a~n cemetery b'! tho tho go\'erDIDCCt c:arryi~ forWllrd mili·· pushed. 11ide of his wifo. In ocoonlanco witb his tary prejlllr:lU003 promptly and eocrgeti·

It ia atat.ed th11.t a a taraulling pnrtf o£ apeciul desire ho will lie near tho gntvcs cally. A <.leput.ntton nominated by tho Monk\nogri1111 wer:o all killed at Pl\•er o£ 'fhackemy. Luoor. iUld oLber i meeting wait.\<.1 uporv tho party leadore Ly tho esl'lnsion of a mioo bf the TurkL lit.t-ntry cba;mctera. " l and urged ooitcd o.ctioo, aod requ~t~

our Oo~ 11t homo alone, and infioitt'l)' was tho cm11toy1Lunt of thcso nccussnrily the ~~nxluec.s of Viurndor. eooner does aomo drunken oaao f,,1J grt~ct er intereeta ~he baa ol•e· impol'r~-ct statistic:~ 11.11 a t-ebuttul of tho Your~~ tr:ul1, into \ho b.aud.s or a conat.lilo t.han his whl'r&., we are cut. trnt '~<ltb n • •·rv j < clrrims.. \Yo tnut UVI•, for tint atep is to call upon ll by-st:\ndor to wu• h moro morlertt-o iueurnrwu n;:uiu•l Lire lrunor of brvthor J onn;.h:m, nil l hnt WE le:tru from t i1n Newfound· assiat in conveying tuo prisoner to tho

l'bo platt for tbo proposed (oflifiCiltion Glt\llstono'a dontoniJlratioo. ill soner- in ~b CillO that a di.aLinct reply bo nado of Conatallli.noplo is beio~: prep:ued wtlh ally looked upon u hill first s~p towunls 11uLhc. I all ~~~iblo C.'\t'O. us:suwing toe leatlorahip CJf tho new &tli· CoS9TASTI!10ru, 4-Iutolligenoo 1a an eutm!'• atu.,·k. :\s our tuny i• !iill Government b1111 d uuu or: wiil Jo in lmJJ.ltr tlt:at "' Wll\'O of tbo Temper· lock-up, and in e-410 oC refusal be is an•u·

our principal offenai•u. • • wdl•u• •le- .ihia, will bcur tho light of U"Y· upoo ncform b;at ~n a weeping over monad before t he Coua t,and compelled t.o fco~iYu wc.won, tl-'c•nuor bt• ur:.:cd tlutt • Pl~tccntia Di3kict.. In its coun!C, ovory pay a fine o£ fi\'O or ten dollar-.. Is in this rrap•·ct "" n rt• tn anr •uy Ol't'r- ,,.£ pnhlibh in Uklny'a P'P"''" A air· rum shop luu bcon rorried "' .. ny--frusll tho police force in Jllch a s~te o£ in­prcparN. Uu4 nont~ of uur •·olnuie' ur cul«r addi'\:S:.t.-d uy ono of <>u r mt-r· iliiiKirtAtiollll of the articlo lorbiJJen- oflbioncy that no prisoner c:tn be a~~ depeolleueie., wultht u the! art', :u;d rantilo hoWIC3 ben:, to their !..:lbrmlur n pot.ition against thl' gnu.ting of ed without out.aido assiata.nco 1 If tho valn:sblu u• 111o:1r ~~~~~lltiiJ: •• b«~ou.mJ.: fishonneu, plantPI'l!, ll~euts, anu 1mper· licenses in Plncontia proper aij{ncJ by Coree be n ot in a ~tisluotory contli· - (Cpu,.J,, alunr, lt.•~tD~C a ~re.- t"r I C'Il · c:U'!!Oel. Siruil.•:- iu•:n:.:tion~ hn\'O nl•o over !)00 of t uo inhabitants. In aomo tion, it i.'t high timo. Oovunmc.nt DAPe lhnu l:'r•uce rc..:i•tt red undf'r tho lx>c~t "i• r 11 lty sevorol of the St.. J nho's ca.scs tuo study mon of that nouthorn woro mndo a" or it. 11. is ob"ious

A St Pelonrborg !ipccial conflrm11 tho cal p11rt1. whose progrummo will in,·oiYe T'COCivoJ that .Mukbtar Puha hu estab .. ro(lOrt of nn Cn;'ftgoruen'. out.sido Kanr such gntRt n>fCJrms ns wiiOStubJi,.hmeut !i!lhed ' llis headquarters at Heoprikay, between n Ruasi:w Ltlit'gint: f.-"CC and of tho tULtionul Cburch of En~ land, just about tbirt1 milcs east of Erzeroum, f or tho Tnrkish garrillnn. Action very 1\S tho Ohurcb of lrehuttl Wall I'CUIO\'ed toe purpooo or bllrring t.bll adtance or sharp, rcaulting in a deeisi"o nu .. AnlaJ;" from .,uto control. A IICCon,) com· •


tho Ruman le~ wing from Topnk for: llttt Rtt&'linus. RuNii~<n lollS. 3G won plete reform in tenure of !llnJ, auch as Ko.leh, Lmuil ond HakkL The com. killed; Turkt,h IOSII, 100. the nbolition of primogeui~A1ro llnd tho mGnutlnt at Erzeroum baa t.ken a potti·

'l'ho Duil!J lteuu' dcsp:1tch from right of cntuil, and tltirJ, porbapg, Kboli· t.ion ntmr Kizil Kin&sa, between Bartlez VienM raporUI th>At extrnonlin:uy pre- tiou of tho Hon!ll" of P eers oa" govern• and So;;hauli Paa, to moot-too Ruaian cnutious havo bcou wknn rolat.ivo to tho inst booJy if not, i.:tdoed. tho ontiro aboli:- centru and ngbt wings adyanciD" via

J\r7n.h tleet Ill hlr port-)-~'<~lltribut 11:~rd~nnt.a to th0110 in t!&uir ·• e:111•loy." rlutrict havo tbe conduct of tn ovor1 one tbllt thUI ataw of thi~ a Jhillin~: to tbe lutperial nuy. upou Thoy have lx-cn llt):<ld to this co11rsu, tue B:>Ston Tea-tljec:o':'•. nNl h!l.\'O :hr.Jwn J canno~ o!Ootiuue much loo0el". Our: re· "bich ocYerthel; •• thf';r rely, nu.J h:a .,o as m&ny of u•tr re."llleN 1\:'0 nwn~. loy o\•er~rd ~ks or apmt.q found m cmft. ~tlCCt:lblt' towmpooplo aro desirous o£ a ri~l·t. to r tl). r .. r p ruh:ctioo. Nur i" th11 ;;rc.&t lo:;scs Ll:.c!y a;l.'l:<:iu,-d tbrongh t.ound for: their Jl<lrt of tho country. 110eing tho luw carried out to· the 'fery thi11 :ill. 1'hey Jo nnt even pay lht>"OOS or fi11u !win!> abippc:l to lottrkot To tho r.ov. C. ht'J~I'~ of P luClntiJl letter, bu~ do not, I am sure, Cocl u t is­eollt of tho nnval er•t!or.e .ituMell uo •o fmfJNp<•rly cured thot tlory wut'O i:. fJI'<.'("'r, n11u the n e ,·. M. H oruus,_ of liotl in bcoomin; aubstitutcs for a moro tbcir own ~horolf', ..,flleh .. ~., k~rpt up mnuv casCi nbsolutely un.s:'llo .. t.lo ~~~ Ouorin, is duto the honor o( engagm;; 11ham of a polico fo>r.:c. I concluJo : fo r lh" n-patr uf !euel• toiJ oii in ~rut prk.e. the nc:.ivo cxettion-. of lito w ewbcN of ritlu:r lot us Lave a st.aff. of police offi· part, if uo t chil' flf, '••r thl'tr odnnt:SJ.:O \Vc nr<' ple;ue.l to l!ud that our mer· their llocb in this l nG\'Nlurnt. 'l'heso CCI':I in •wary re<~poct fittP.d to kcop tllo No Juubt 1t 'fl'•tuhl b.t lll•ccaa~ry (o>r ~-rti lt: J:JOu lul\'o& Le~n t.o grilfll•lo !'Otl tlemcn, wo 1\ril hnppy to leum, "a~ po.tco of tho ~wn; or el<lo lot us b~ u~, uu.l!'r ony c•r.:uol•tl'll<'•''• wtth O!.lr in ettrn" .t with tlr~ growing 6\·il. in sc:lson and out o£ season, pro.tching 111>arod the mortilientio11 of contribnting enor mous e:uryit~ !raue t o o~u ~:-uull ~tlr' they <.'OmtncnceJ oue wh:t too tlown tho a rch enemy, drink, nucl hy tow a ruB their Ul:lWtcrulUCl:. .d.u Re~'Oir 1

tion of t ho titles nf nubil itv aa well. So~h11nli . 0

Cz.u'11 journey- ~ Tho AusLrinn sqnnclron in Eastern 'l'lao Quec.n .has 1\1\Sumod tho now

monn."rnlll of ,, v. n. I." (" V ict.orU Local and other Items. waters will bo reinforcoJ 11hortly. CosSTASTJSoi'LE, 2-Tho fo>rtiGcation11 Rec;iD..I\ et Illlperatrix'') upon bur letter ----- ---------­

o( SofiA 11re coulplct.ed tUld mounted ~110"· 'rlria .i.• t.h? 6~c1t perso=l iGdict..l -Nowfoundlnnd this year has Ua.reo with Krupp guns. 'It is.coosilleteJ V!.!ry tton °~ Impenlll Ulgnt~y. , . ships on her Fisheries Protoction Ser­sLronl>· . It. 1~ ~~;.ttJ t h11 ~rm~ of .\ Vales Ill vico-tho J:clipu, tho Pert, nnd tho

S., R~ian Cllrpl commanclera amkmg frotll plry;ucul proslr.ltton, Zeph!Jr. T he last nnmod nrri•ed 11t Rt, rep.:>rle•l to the Gmn•l J)uke Nieholn.'l Trouhle ia tLrl:tltA:Ih.'t.l to the ~Jt.aiJlub. J ohn"a from Hulil:!..X on Su.ndn1laat

our own J , j.enllirlch!l, t•• m:untom a 11oon. Tho wonder is that thoy h!l,·e exnmplo ns well ns wnrnln; wiunillj; Y ours &c., thn t. the cro<.~i n:f of t[,., O.tuul.ft i." uo. eJ Chun:b fro:u n resolution to pi".)::I· ' ceai:lry fo>r the hcalrh or Lho army, tLc c.u~ • 11• ui;!t cburch_ rtt~ listS. I~ is~- -The Ro, .. :Ur. Boytl will pro:lch in

ficet 111 all the ,-atcrd in $\l,ich wt bu .. known ~he 6\'i\ . s.> }Oilft--!lnd lltill'crod ndherouts Anti octh·o aupfoOrt.t.-s in all JUSTICE. n ml'rcantilo m~rin" to prnt~cL ; but from it, tOI.',- yet have hitherLo adov:.ed direction., round about.. They tell tho Juno 15.

aiclc li&t beint; larg~. ho, cd 11 tho ~Iutton ~.rroosod tt wtll 1 tho Prcsl,yterinn Chtuvh on to-moi'l'Ow Tl111 fl·t~inn A •nhu'Jildor:J nt Lonclon, lcaJ to tho disautS'Illl of _..,Q ~ersons. • (Sunday) forenoon.

t_hi,~ J,,..d uot rtft.,te ~ur co_l•ml•l•, wlru no tuJc.1unto mc:llluro:~ w r.Jmt dy it. people thnt if dnuk bo once and for- -----------

l 1'01\ TUE UAJlliOR OIUCC STA..\'DAJU)) J o:nH• . ~o ~ro> .• t :tn :a•:•~ntnl:e from thu Y~ar 11ft.c1• yc.1r, L:l\:.nt•lor pro.lnefl has cvl'r ro1tt.ed (rom amongst them, the la.ptrtJ I com;eo•ll•?u• !rom ao:oe ro· !Jc.,n shipped to mnrkot in 11. di.,reputnLI~ ~in rooso of wnnL atad Jo~ry, .. ,_.c.n•1b1ltty h'Wnru~ t!w UJotlwr cnuu· co:~11i tion ; yc.u aft.c:- y ... u, heavy ! OM which i.'l tle I~ of m:my of their num· !~~ • If tht•y 1\'o·re lol t.h•ciaru 'ht!ll•l'l fCI tO Lhfl s!Jippor h u.., lbereuy ~en 8118· ber, will he crusheJ Ollt j ant.J that Un• lud .. t•Cnth•n t t•l·lho~ro 'll', tb~r wouhl ~e t<tiucJ, until the clioun: hus becu loss this rout is etroctec.l, g<Y.>d fi..lheries boutJd to orrl.' ,o>mo portion of tbelr reach('.] our I.abmdnr truflo is in and lo.r,:t.! e:\rnim;t~ will bring no lastio;;

Vi•mn• and llcrhn wcr" re!Cently at S t. Scl\.,~ ···.).v,_ p":-• 2-ExLonsl\·o forest The pulpit o[ tho 'f'esluJan Church Pet.eraiJUr:;, c.tlltl! thither hf Prinro ~li~ ~ro rac;m:; 111 too luwb~:- IIUld:s o£ " ill bo oceopied io the forenoon 1J1 tbe Gort...::b:tkofr to cooault oo the t.e .. t ~tchal!'411: nnu gTl:lt deslr.tchon of pro· Rer. Mr. Stewart, D .D ., oC S4cbillo mcallll to a~eolorato the conclusion of J)('rly 15 l.::ncd. . .A.c:ndewy.

FI.&O:tl DO:V,\ VI4JTA. pc.'ICO, with the eo-operation (I( Berlin. Suven lmullrcd fl"?rlo nro homrless tn

fuoJa to tut' rll'f .. uee of tlu·ir .a~n-goi:t.:! 1 Jonht•r 'u not o r being tlest roy.,d, yeL rowiU'd to their indnatr:y." 't'CI8C!s ; 11nJ 1f they vrcro tu JOI!• tht.:lr of ht•in~ reJucc.l t.o nnrrow limits; No doubt, in this ns in O\'ery other {ortuul'a to nnJ lllht:r ~uuntr.v, •· hetht·r whilst ~orwc;1.m li!lh of f)o)()Nr quo~lity cnrno.~tly untlt'lluke:t reform, Ml.ur:1l roonllclth•:tl ur r evublrcoo, thl'y would uat:m•lll'. hut. much !Jetter cured, hl\8 cxciton11mt will lead to little extr:lV"-' speedily lint! t ~loma.,Jn·• cAIIc.d upon to bCI'n a·~p:t!ly supplantin:; it. in t.h o gamciua; RnJ tho d:mgcr exil~ tllilt a cont ribute their q~ut:s In Dlltt~nal p~r· mal'kot. rcac\;u11 will L'lko J'lt&er. Nun:rthcloas, p,~P•. The •a me •~ tho caeo wttb In~·'"• No O'laht the fuhernun. tho pl:mter:, wo believe thnL tho residuum of :;o-.)1), 'llfhtcb. hu ll vorr ~nil a.ri:r • nn~ rc 1~" the eull<'r, the ~~ut.--all :1ro VJ IJI ,,tl'. left :~ftcr tho inuuJ,Iti'ln may luuo aub· eutrr~lv UP:'n t belmperlll. navyh ur l ~ Uut, wn nsk , is not the mrl'l::h<ln~ niJ;O Rid••tl , will ho uoe incott3iJo.,,bh•. ~unt{ of tta eo:.-~a~d. Eu.~l" :ncu L culp.tulc I ! J not ti~h . by .h i.., otd~~. Il.ts ConcepLioa D.•y no 1100.1 of some homo ~·e DO d~·1'"'• hon-e ~r, l<l~ 1fY ofwn ca;;orly 11ccepted by ln.-. 11gent.s Ill such w.Ll.:iu .. up 11~ tho people of l'l:tcoo· upon thetr c:olootea auy po r\tou u bt '" n luttf-cur..·d stato thro~~h 1\lt o,·or:· ti:l huve exr'eri~:nood I 'V" tlo no tsnppo--..o burJooj •lrbb th&:T '~, ·~ • to .-:tr 11nxii'ly tu forc5t.ull his bn:•lher me•-chunt. thnt wo northcm -men could e.s11r~ our­them•~ '~; u~ a tii1IU •:•e ~~·e rc~eo:i c.n I K•·ml o•r fir.~~ c:trgOO.'I t.o umrkct I sch·cs to suclt nn extent. lt is time, w1hen tt fll qutto COD~t'I\'O 0 U nn !Jia, ,.\ :;;aiu, w;u<t inunc~mc•r;t is olfll:'CII tO tbc tho:wh thnL some cfro>rt wure Jllll forth t.o

C llBBOI 0 ,_our com:nun.ality max 0 do 11.:· •

1 c:vn•cil·nli.Ju~. pain~t:tkin:; curc1·1 Do..'ll stl'nt tire 1orrcnt. At no limo for nl.'\:l)'

.od to ma .. e "rl'at 11\Crt Ci! l 111 or t f ., · ' · · h ' fi h r.. • ,_. ~ • 1>11 h d . u ho out.:uu un\' uet.tcr pnce tor '-' ~ yc.r•, (wo h:t\'e hr.:1nl m?ro t.mUl one ro-

mafao .. tnf lhlnttn~:l)tr l . 0 tlf~lllt~· lliJ l th:tn d\ll·~ th~ ltl:tl:nr of tho UUOlp, Sun· m'lrk) lJ \VO 110 nt:tny IJIPU

11~ e1

l1 ° tkobw ufo oEmptr1~· ... '"." .:l•t<'h:t l.:un:, salt·encrustt'tl :trticlc I On the hL'Cil ~non tl1o 11lrccts 1\S durin,. tlto " " 1t to us ow ar Ill: u •,men tn >~ 1•. 1 1. , . 0 .. "'t · d J h th cuntt· •r\', •IOI'S nnt. UJ< car~ os:~ or l!S· "'lstf.: Nmonth'l. Th••nuautx-.• oft:tnllitt"'' co Olllca uo eratac t :tt •'Y O\fU · . 1 .• b ,.. . •

b' t h 1 · tb' Lt IL<•I•C.'I: net,;hbor (;<'t t te uu\'u11tn~o Y " 'ntlorcd mt&crnhlo bv clrnn..:on hu, . e0o~ot tnb~: 0 ~ em;c ~ce 1~ . 1 ~$ m~ I c- j r(':~$011 of h ~~ b.l<l unrc bci11:; protwrtion Lan1J~ or 11'1!1.~ tho qttnntity of h·tnl·

C o'! d' t e ~ cr Bf 11 . • " 11~iul• '~u 1 ntdy lu•.w ior nnJ rt'Cptirin~ le.;s time oarn~l uolbrs' Lu:tt lind their "''·•v inw

t a:lbll tal)n ° . "~r, •pft>ath•n~:l 011 • "1 C!ll ""' I !nhonr I T!.o lette r before 11'1 is n tho nlln·sellcr's t.ocl.:c~, ant! tlle.eon.~e-

o t o C\rntotoo c. o rnrrr:.• con· , 1

1 · k · .•. · nection loet:mced tbo fKct t b:~t thto 1 eo ton.o:n,J.&bf,. "'" • w,l t. alit · , JUutcto>WI queot lo:!s to tho e..trncr un~ tltu lr.luce· l!nglieh illlt: was errrprh• rc bouu.l tu at tumpL to r.:n•("'l;.· tho a.t.usc~ but tot> man, ought. to lu\vo lSOme ofJ(ct i uut we

th ,.. .,. .• tbl ' w•·ll Sllbst.:&n tU\ IAoO t•• ttJrmt of any de- f~ar unless sonte vPry »lt:trp •1•ur CltYer e .,.11uan1nn commerce ; auu • • . . 1

. l . . wherl'ver iu foreign elluntrit-a a:t l.;r.t;:· , 111''1. :\o doubt, Lire. mcrc!t.tnC.S t:wo 1•11 h npj)liNl, we of this uulrict wtll noL !ish couaul was aproint: J, tbrr<'. tbe i tho• l '~~t been :lw clw·f s'!lfcr.·r• hy th~'l bo" o .'.sed: Our: cle,...;ymcn of tlt!l"o,-ent. Cnoodi!ln •hipiO:Utcr :ur u!Sr t d I d,.,,J.u·al· l·~ U<·;.:l,•d : IJ:tt tn tho onu, It I dOUIIIIIlll:!.IIOn~ h:l\'(l ."'" t\ rul.s· t •kon r oprrsentnt •YO rudy tu ~'!?OUH' hi• ~"" '~ n-cotl oa.' thosu l~t o.hlo Lo bc.'ll' more or le3.'1 tn~t'relt 10 tho ~:np'Jr.lnco interellll :toJ to u•e the FreJI i;;u of thu ·~-~~~~· I'''"~' fi~laoruu•n ; (or t ho m~renn- c:tuso; hut still. m •re t:fr.lrt.M nu:;ht be lmperinl pc.ll"cr iu the uur••on uf uis j t all! ' ""''rt'St wtll no~ 1)(.' content. to sn tror: J•Ut fo1·t.!t both bj tho_m a1•J b;,: thMO of rightf. W'h:t~ i• a ll-import •nl ju•t now rf' t'('·•t•·tl loss'''\ IJy !::'"'~'~ tooru. for p~11 th? l:1ity who pcr~1vo tho t•w Jh of tbe ia that in t chtrn for o,Jrh bl'llf'file tho I Juc th:tn l .lll fll.&r;o:N pnc \\tl~ l Jnnk tr:lffic. Th.s rov. s entlcmon wholO 'fariou , col••n•~~ ubnuld thom~!'lvo•ll prn· w.or~:~ll t. : ~ the markt-t I r iw lowl'r3, Ut\nte!l wo h:we '"cntioned blld tloubtlCM ' iJo for tho lull 'lefeoca of ~uch slllt io:t~ ) so wall .the pn~c allrtwcd t.o tho cnt.chcr j' very ;;ooU Dl!ltcri.U to work up'>n ; but aa wo may requii'C on the r sho re•. nnd. f .tl. J·q~ lla.:•r uwn snke tlt ~:n , our wo need only rce.\11 the dnya or tho ifnl'Ccuary, contrrbt>ro in t oonu m~:uurc ] tur-1:· t;.~II~N of tlw S•'a musl Lt'lllow Apostlu of l'l'mp::nm~ to provo wh11t to t ho oatttbh•hmcnt of td<•t:;rJ. phic cou·! l:'~'· l:t•r! on. t!ac Jlrl'f'-' rn.: tc.n of our 'cnn bo :.ecom1•l.i.~!uxl IJ,r men in 1!1\rne.•t.. D~~Ftiuu be tween the po~ld '.'\'luch ron · l c"-·•t ~I...'I)'IC. r l.e fl:U:.fM' rll.~ of tht' It woultl be mtcresttng to know bow nrct t hem .,.ith tho mntlr r r country. c •nntry lnr;;l:ly ·l<~tl<md~ un tt; br:c:nd mnoy in th_is ~wn or thD.-~e who si::n.od Whero pou iblo el~u ti'"Y mi;:ht :~uist r s 'lll bn t!Rr for tlloru'"~'·cs an·l fnm.~•~s tho plodg., m hUJ do~.y h:H•e bMnab:tLui.n· iu the:r ou•l tn kcrrinJ: l l•r;:•·ly Jcpc~ol on tt.. . ll.v nttonu~ng era e,·crsince. tbem well euppli~J w1 t h I'Onl11nd other 1 ~o dt'! pn~l'~te:tl IIII(;~C'IUOII,S t'~nl.odt~ ----- ----Deccslllrirs required fur rvlittin:: the tn the snhJ~med lcttf>r'-Of "·Inch tbetr h is o. tnttll but too well pt'O'I'en lwvcrial .,cuet. 0 r wo~r. There i11 cYcry owu cxpt:rrcnce nod common sen.'IO that rorrit and rawaaJ aro no& al"~Nta rcuon te> uelioro thnt tho culoni~t" m11st "l'pro,·c-the goo<l n11me or our companiollll in this munllsno •pbot'B o( woulu be perfec:ly ready to recu~oizc Lalomdor _rod nnd hcrrinfl: now nnd.,r 11 our.s. Gli~ter and p;u-3de ha•o oft.en thei r oblig:stioo• in tbi' rlirc\.tiou. c!onJ, wtll I.e rc CSt'ILhshed and th~ worn thP crown of l.~urol, ..,ltil!t

wholo hlnnu bcneGtwol. liOiiJ acr:dco hue hacl w content itself

Fishery operations have (airly ' IJegun It is the i• wiUmg t.> un. of bllrlllng or OVI\ry house in this B.'lf. Generally, ltow&Yer, no t d~rtak•• tito chiol comm,od u tho E:n. ~d btl'ldmg of Onoot:t, on Lako Su!'O • much fish has boon obtAinoo; yet pros· peror William diJ iu tile Fmnoo-Oer · ~f~o O~n fumi\Co ILlliO burnod ; loss JICC:II do not aoom gloomy, atul Lopo mnn ... ar. • run" hi:;h. The D .&nnbe will Lo crosacd tltti duy Losoo~, 4-A dcapakb from Rome

'V., hll\'\l hlld Cl\lt" ( rem thu two new tiro (;'mr's arrivnl on its b:tnka- t? tlao Tc~ 84Y~ Lhut Rfter tho recep-1\I11il Ste:unera, which nrc, to nllapJIC-lr· prvLa \,ly Junr Gth. tiOif of hahllu pt.grtm• Jlllll~rda_Y, th' ~tuco, tine boot&. It is to Lo r:l'grctt.c.l Rnmonra of IJriogin; nbout a p:acilic Pop~. who """ somewhat tndt&[IOSed, Lim: this iulporudt sctllOlmcn~ is put otT nrnmg~mcnt hofuro an im(lOrtant b11ttlo rell!-cd and would aco _no one elae .. wit!1 alt.ern.'ltin;: c:tlls with Kin;;' a Co~vc. has t.ken 1'1.•<.-e, •l~::~ef\·o little credit , l A;111"• 4.-a COIIllptcuona notA Ill ~ho [t wuulol havo Oo<}n \'riser to b.wo ,..h ·eu ami "ro certainly protr.t!;atcd for: the .llomleur announ~ th:at on . tho l ;nh

0 be ti' f t 1.: • L'-a~ l ire Go~er:otnont Wtll rut.'()t an lllLerpolla-cac!t pbce " fo>rtnightly visit; nud ll!l ne • 0 1 00 • JU uoo v. . p 'd ~( ~ • thcliO L~'lts :tre o. great Jo.t.l flllltA:r tlum ~ r:w Y o nK !! - A L nn.lou sacei"l SJ'~ lion °11 I'Cfll t:nt : uc. :a bon II mesuge,

· · r ' .,. · I 1 • • tmJ 11fter :a vote ...-111 C.'\ll oa the bou.., w tbctr prn<)ccossors, tow coultl h.wo u~u nunonra o uuow.:1.1 pc.u:c nc:;ollllllnru. I I l.o I . f I C

J ,.mo very woll. still C?otinno to r:l!uch thu p11u!ic, !Jut 'h: s-: ~r~ t ·0 111 s;et .:111 l 1

1e botls

1e ~-us~

f1i l h · · J 1 · R · a. · t l' u uvernnumt wa "1'1' v to t 10 ;n·nat.o Px amser lm IC to t 10 nort I ll llll· 4t t 10 IIRII\0 ttUlO ll8'.!111 lfl ""'"II'$; II lii· ' . . )' I . I c l . ••· PI 1 r. · 1 · r ~ ,.. tl ro>l' )lt' rllthiSIOil to 1 111.,0 vo t 10 ,. unet. mou."'C, ..... o ov'.r on tor urst tnp w.u pen• ons l'•eruruttoLa •tlr CI'OSS.n,. •


I' . . , .1 1

L d · · 11 d 1 · · · " b h 1 '· · t. · . 10 ufOC 1 JUul ttl wa' C• " 1·at.e tu ltwru 1 ero'Y 1!\, nnrung opena.tJona at .. anu o, t oug 1 11t wuat !JOIIt u nut J O~ [

1 1 th , . R I' .

Ihtt's :mtl Tilt Co\'<!3 h .. win~ ;reat "~ k uown. rc .m• . ..... gre-.&t Si:l,ewnllr. . '..' 1l:,'t:>as , •: •r· ( Lo:tDO" '> • •Ale .. -Jm from S)•ria p~nOtli I' tssad tltrou;;h the 1lrceu. • mc .. onll. nero \fi\S n rumor o t.emtl . ·'• --"' "" ., • ~ I A 1 . 0 .• · 1 d p ·d

· '"roan tl · to .. · · " ,. -~•·-u-<>•m'tl' c.x1·•1• 1·n 0 ;-0 nt lOll} arutaor .a e t'Ctc I'CSI uut oue gotng " rl6 wn u·mwm·~ • . 'a)y .,t.... - ·~,.• · • ~ ~ · 1 L ' l · but nq tho Curlew did not call horo ciul eire! in Con. tontinop!o, IJec.ill!>O it 0 At ~~:~1_"· d •-t tl t I r

l ·1 1 · · d · 1 · 1 · t k 1 ... · , ' , .. eapo.., t says 1:1 t 10 ope w II " 1\3 nun \\';111 IU t 10 str<lt:l, 10 l'i no 110\i'n 10"' au e .. t~:ch. IOrt<l l!Clll h I 1... • I. I J r • · 1 1 · 1 r. · u :u to uu Wtlul r,oovn ye.ter a.y rom an

d tu!t;;o•_, 111.'1 P11~· • • be co )cc;cf~· t.l l I'Clo IIIL l 1~ ·II'Slllnn :t I auuiencOJ on "ccount of e:lUII.USttOII o.nd

:str:•n;::o f:mett!.:i somettr .. <'S sctzo u~ ;, Vl\nc3 ue lllftCil t 1:1t tile c.1pturo o cJ 1

r tl' • h . men "hu oi\VO all thoir livea followed' Sukum Kaleh woultl l"n·l w on insur:· ·~·tnrn1 °1~-v '\tor ~P~"· r 15 ll,(f31•

aomo ,,,ttletl occut,.tion, jump nt the roclion 111 ~l•o C.urcasa, hnv., nuw •lrll:lf'" I .;ll<~l~ '"1'' e

11 ~·~ "' t lat

1 .. ~n . •,&lured ·~~

• • l.t L • l - I TL c· . f I n . I L1t:Oil!l ~ :a uu e_vn"o lulltDU an tue HIM or lhl:\VIIlg up t 0 1'1:; &t orc.l of (lCilnN. " trO:'IS\UU\Io ··JrOf lls.illl l' I . tl fa I .. d h llet.t'11 Co"r, 1\S if a fortunn would :tt aou bid do,.•n their 11rms. T urk"Y is "I~~ "' co~rned I 1 ~ro>u;; ~ to ~'.01 bt 0

one;, bo their.~. wcak {roO\ toateriul en usc~, which render l otct1tcll..~nt nn ll:lgnc ot roc::t\'tng t em Tho woMher bLoly has been clungc· it d1fficu lt to maiutnin B I on~ rca:,tc nl-c. •n ~· ct..~.1 · t

1 t f

1 .

nblo; colu on& dav, wann tho next. Two thous&nd lubt•renl nro nt work we.\·~ noedll!lltnt r~p3 ~ 1 teR~rra!obo Vo,.~tation is co:Uoqu~ullv ret.u;Jt,,l. \ upon Lhe S tnmhoul fort 16uation~. ~:~re 'ev"·0~. EyesLonriiyl 10

1 um•s. ~1· 0

• • • • • d 1 t th I n.111 ' ac...,r rnm~ttue '-'' 111 r~con·e• 'l'hore w o,.., a touch of rro.u on the 111,.;ht It ts o!hcl:tlly ~&nttonucc t Jn e ro · 1

o , r ~ 'n . • . I I b · - ·· 1 f A lab . :ugo crowus 0 ::SOnaton eplltlel' et:: o ( tho ht m: :.., nnu p t\Dt.J U\'0 sulfo;e<\ porwu re· c:spturo o '' :~.n \V:I.S 0 1 - T l . .

11 . ~ 1 •

1 ' ,

thoroL roneous. to C:tty w:.s 1 utrml<&t.:u ><t ntg 1t , anu y .. . ~ r I . b t d . I ~~0 SLICO!ll throo·~tl to a late hour. \Vnr t..)ptcs do not <'XC:tLo us110 much More o 1.111 t:\\CY ecn ttrrC:!t c m L , 'l'l "t•· f ...

1 ·

1 l .l

· · f ·'- · Co 1 1 • 1 t liT>£ ...-- 10 ... ,n .. o v;o " mm te, ns tho lugh pr1CC8 o brc.'lu.:rtuO:•, TOur n'tantmop o nne s on. tonto to prev~n : 1

• J l ld 0 I I I rocon' corl'l'.spondcnco fro1u " Juruos dillturb:tncu i:! tbo C.'l(•i n recept1•~~

1 t~ ''Y· t ' 'l t~- t tthte <te 0 ' . bs . T l d r t. "' t' 'rll~ u • .• o vvrt»ra 100 lu'l II " ua-Cox" to tho contr.try not..,·tt tandtn". tC etmrturo o tue rl:ryp um con "· . E • . I

1• ,.. .

It ill ~bo hopotl tho tisft,.ry-..lllnrom~d ting.lnt tor Turkey is po';t.poned until uon m , u ror>OI·' "1·us J:r.ll't',, a nti• tuoL ~d 't'·

h / I ' Ill I . . I . I r ·r k ' h . 1 'lw crnruen. WCIU Ll l:l\'e to Ill" or 10 81 ICS t o ts and-w1 tnvea ucrutave cudmg, ttl! arnv:t o ur 111. 111lrp3. • 1

. nrul tltat our ft·iouih who procoocl to E·•rp~ian Onct is totally unlit tu 1\et t\11 rc.r,} 1~ yarmy. " \. fin I·' !II 1 1 · , 1 ,.,._ ~' ~:w ui~K • .. - 1 con ye.'lr o u 110n Or' m:ly ll ~ .wect WI . I prO,JlOr· l l• lr e.s;ort. . . . or :;.um:cl Kinny of Greeobun •. Pa. oust.ll!ces :.:lei )lr'OjllhUU\ W'e:ltbo:r. H•t-.'llll rt'fUIICfl nllapphl!:lt Of\!1 o( Brit- . . .. I t. . r I ' I . . '[ p '

S I I I. h · . 1 • h 1i , J.IOI:IOUcu ut, 'lt •cr, .1111 1\\Ster ..1. I"S. ·at-overe L 1un, l'r, 1; tntn:: 1\n(l r:un ts o oori to :tcconlt"•ny t r1e nrnry 1\!1 II h'll .• '· . 'I . •. ,__,. I r [ Tl n· .. I ' I h IP~on 1\lll lt:r c I ( anu a nsttor .• ra. oxpenenoe<.l uero u.r.Urol WI\ 0 :1 o>llll~y ' l o~t.ltor.•. l" l ltl'l' ml tt.ary utt:tc ~ I[ . ' ' tl '. . rr ' T '· · J 11 - - • • p h 1 ~ ti·' · 1 •ll'l't• w, I nrson•o Ill CO ~. uO rnornm;;, 11.111 o ycst<»"liY forenoon. ~<t tSt. c:ttlrs ur:g l:I.S a t.e.r Clln u~ntm I' . f

11 , ~I Hl . d

No d:.UD••go doni'. inquiry rccowroended h i• co•mtrymtsn 1 ' .0~ 0 a •.e.x«pL ' I'll. trrts: oro M·

so~ OF A I O UN. not t.o repel\t or )'rcBJ su.:h llJ'plicntiun'. p:ur,·d of. t1.1~ lloy. Wd~ .urrcll:;cd: Dorut.villta, Juno Gtu, ld7i. The Stuto •lep u·trrent t.>.Ju.v T"l'Cd Yecl P.\ tU.:i, ·l -rltete 18 esclt.cma·nt m _t;an·

The Harbor Grace Standard //arbor Gr let, JuntJ !It, JS77.


~onccptill~t Jl:t!! :~wotrttstr

S uu,-lt i., notorious that for sov.,ntl ye.~r.~ JlllliL the cure of c 1u;;ht oo tho ~ t l.on•dor Co..tst hM bcon, in grcnt mc.'\llurc, of the mos~ iodilferenL doscrip·

SA'I ti.RD~\.Y JU~E 16 ! SiT. tion, o.nrl tho st:lt.e io which ao~&.'llargGCII ' · have left the coast hM been d~qrucefut.

'! The only results of Kuch ~ st.l~tof affairs Yr;;sTERDA\', tho 15th irt.flt., wn!l thr h:1oe been, thut bu7ors in foreign IJlllr·

d;oy li,;cd for 1ho mtf'Lin~t Hnlifnx

1 !:l'ts h~,·o ropudi11ted purchases­

cf tl:o CommtJ<Stnn to ~tl u the r.:spcc- t ltat !l0riom1lossea hnvo thel'f.'l.oy been ans· (1\' 0 el ... ims for CODlll(•nJII\ . m· of tho I tninl'<l by the Morohllnt.~. who received J•:miet~ lo t !:il \VnRioinl(toll Trea.. lhe Fi.\ lt front lito Plallt.e \'3 ut lAbrador.

with-wel~-tlto _Jim-o.row u~<t. ~ut Tllo (s. 11.) nerc"lu nrr:ive...l from Bctt.<t ~ho ":orlll Ill gro...-m~ w~or. A ~r-.&hfy. eo .. !! tlllLI Tilt ou .. e oia 1\'t'illin&ate, 11\SL m:; mSt.'\ncu of tbL'I t'l fo>und m tho e vening. L:ttlu I\OWtt of iuc.ere~t !.11u honor I"'C:!ntly couf~m.'\1 by lha :UA·I boou n:e6iY,J by her. Tilu icc hu~ co:n · JES.TY on ALr..XA~D~& M URIIAY, EJ~t, 1,t.,Lely de tred out of Notro Da:u~ CIJ1ef of tho Oeolo;;trul S:tr,•ey of ~be .a1y •lurin1 tue )t:UJL fuw tL.~ys, LuL ,~ l&lanu, woo h:l!l buen m~Jo Colll[ltlntOil Vrt'.it'Uc.l hnll had tho t'fr~r.t of dri•int; of tho Onler of St. ~ltoh:u:l and St.. the !ish rrou1 the shoro into rlcep wcuer. Ooorgo. Too P~ of tho !alan~ o~ly Since the !lOLh bl ay not o aingl., oo..lfish represent tho aentt~o~ta of all ~lunlnn_g Wa boen soon 011 \bo North side of men wu11n the1 umto m ex~rosatng thetr Notre D.lme Bay.-Ohronide, 9. 81!1\!lC c.( ~It& •nlu.'\bjo atrvtces rendered by that gcotlelUilD.• 4 low yoant ago, the minora! ca~biliti01 of Newfound· lsmd were lcnowq unJy W A few, lUlU O( those Caw, ho"' many 'll'ere aule and willing to risk c.1pital (or tboir dnelop­mcnt; no'IV, tho fllmo of ita hills of cnppcr is world-wide, And wo be.lievfl many oould be fouuu ready to invest nn1amount of mon11y in thia l'lntorpriao. Mnch of the credit of this rof'redting

official notification ol t.he Turkish blr ok- s~n:noo of tlto llt'T'e-~ _or ~;' v~"ltor, atlo of Rus.sion por:t.s on tho DIR.Ok Sl".&. prcsl~<!:lt of thn :\luntctp.U v<lunctl. IL und al~o thBt tho din..-et mail 11en ·i0Cll uo IK qutLo 1~1 but toO!It u~11.sunl to IU're!lt t w.-cn Virnnn 1101t Cunsllll:tinoplo ll(lOple for.ofll'~ces by Wrttmg or IIJlt'OCb. through Rustchuk and Vrmta uro tiUS· OO"~ndel'11 ' :' tlu, "'."'Y llf"' go~ernlly l~ft

nd,-d b \\'1\l' 0 Jllr:ltio>llll 00 too D.lll · t.t hh~r~y tlll Ute tn~l e,·en •ntltout bo.1l. ~ Y 1 [n tbnt caw oven bat! wns rcfulcd. Du n 'f;;,,zyl Pa.,ltn repor~'l r1·on; Sukum .V. rd_itr den~e.s the. charge~ ngniua~ him. h:\l1h Mav 29, tb11t funt· l.onttRlious ol [l~o ~~r~01181011 prod~cc<.l II b.'ld, a~s the. troops wit11 aonto CirCL'ISUtUS defeated prl80!'1~ IS J.IOpulnqv:tl~ the lo'"ll~ elM'!~ the Uuuillns po!5ted betw&t'n Suku01 Uo ts n man or e~nent10n nn~ ID~l'pen· Kaleb and Kertars, Cl\pturiu~ t:ig'" ~~nt ~~c;tn:h~- 1 ~0 '!rehab rged '""d till '":'t~lt-

d · f • tn .. . >1.111'8 11 A&UCit II On RD net 1n•• mounted gun' 11n a quanttty n o.mUill · . o.1

I . . o ' 'fJ n ' I. • Ill\' I W:U llnt rtS:I.'ISlltnR t10n.

r ur ~e•oo UIUO pre,·!;>u to th t tlntf', , l\nJ nm tho risk of.l'l\ll luin!: tbst 11 l iJt!llW11 thl} nrran~'CO\ent of th Canil· tho cure ol Fish o."lllcd "Labrado~ 11M u.iu.n ~ hwJ Leen en:,r.:~gin~ th :ttLen· got into E;•'llCNI dil!reputt>, to tho acrioua t1on of ACIISu. Foau and Y::oS', dt~prcciu~ioo of its vah1e, nttd is nnw un· llrit.ia:t .\ge~ota, nn•l ut P rofeAA<'r II t :>o SIIIMble llt a.rar r ice in 11.11 Dl•sr~eLa. ~lr. lot: rR&, Q.C., ao T. ' T. To rem(l(lyWI'tis ullll4tiAf,~torftt&~ of

.. A ~t.&&t.toroent of o~~r c:i.lilllll (~ u .\"eVJ- thinc;:t, nml to try and nHttt:\Liillh toe /trltndlo.nder infom111 us) Jt,,, ~en C:lre- eh:tr:lC: ler of .U.,.hn~Jot· Fish, we ha,·a to tully )'rc;.o:u..O l1y lltu llon. tlvlicitor in~illt thnt ull Fish mnst bo "ell split, (.:j>Jltrol, Mr. \\·urTr:WA\', ontl tha H nn. thP llt.mnu-hono ontiroly rCIUOVOII ; theo FinAnclnl ~rot01y, .Mr, D o;(:>r:LLY. to he wa.!!hed c:leun from the knifl' Tho) former of tl.~ g~nih•:orn t.ook 11plittin;:!', :snd cnr,.fully in bulk. )~MAJtO to H'alifu in lhtl .\"ooo Scotitm On removn1 for cure, it mua~ be oguin on th" R1h inst .. to I"''JlrtSent uur olaio11 Wlllltod-carefully nnd thorou,.hly olean· Wore the Cln:miuion, c•l. Sufficien~ timo must be !.~von to nl·

Advices froiD 't!l" N01th, recei• ed Yfll· torday, 110t down tbe catch of ILth at Fo:;o, 'J'ilton Urarbor, and J oe Ihl'• Ana at ~n ttuint.lla por 111an At lhe Iulli.'\n lal:tnd.a thoro l't'U good flshill;( tast week, 4nu ~von~l erafta from Trinity a::1d DoDI\'t'UU u.y. wero ~in" a.tnnta~· or it.-(bid, 9,

change i" due to the knuwlodgo oC ~bc:se li'J&!U:l'l Xr:n-Aronnd Bonuiata resources diffused through t.ho ~riou11 ll:t.f tho tho •iuce 'tbo Grat BpUrt h&ll sur't'eys of ~(r. JUuatuv. l~et~n nrylkl.lrce. In Trinit1 &y thero

Wo h.:tvo no doubt but that Mr. lloa- hl\.'1 aimply been nolhing done unto dat.e. nA v will apprec:in~ this IIIOknowledgt· Tbe J>l'l»pccl an l oarrnnt Opcr:ltion~ ot ment by Hr:R !f.VDTr'a Government St. John'• are rttl)ffl encon::agiog than of his aorric:es. Virtue is ita own re- t.~ An1 other piRoo from wlueh we hnve w"nl; still,'B is IL touu!.a or huDUU\ u~rJ. From St. John'• to Capo Raoo nat~ iQ coveting the knowled:;e th"t.l !Jioru ~~ beon eron lees done \ha? "P one's Iabore meet with aomoLbin~ of tbe to a Btm1lllr d!lto lut year, espeetnll1 recognition they doee"o. on the l c. \\'. aide, At 0...~ St. Mary's

tton, 1& U111llliiS turow sovnnteon S p 3 Th C C . to h n· Kod d . I • od T. £'rEf\SUt1RO, - e ar, otiU'O•

gulllltn t o tl'er NAD ucs.tov 'teh d G d D k S · 1 rt (, 010 bridge afu!r them. • WI , nn mn . u e argtUa o or

the D . .nube las~ n:ghL ~~DO¥, 2 -.A eo"!"pondent. lt Con~ Lolron~, 4--A. dOIIpllr.h from Syria

at':nltnople . ..,rttoil :. Corruption and ~:~ys t:te Turlr11 Indo: gootl commandora. brab:~ry, wluch are nfo O't'Or!wbet'll, des· R dif

1, h M' · •- ( w d

t1 OJ all cluulcea of Turkish auccAU. e · . ns a, tnUh•or 0 ar, an f Tbere are no horses, 110 moue! nod no Ma~mood DOJoad ~llSut., M.rabal o ordllr in t ho miUlagemeot of afraia-all Poltoc, and urother-m·l:lw or tho Sultan carriAso horaoe in country hue been !"'!present tho war p:&rlf: . Edhem And seized Ly tho Go'femmen~ for war pur· &fuet Pa,h~. G~nd Vtz.te~, represent flOSt'S· AnotlHI\' body, of Softa.s wore tho P•'Y _whloh Wtll Uc w~l~trg to agree exiled to-daf, who were nccompaniod to to ntedtataon after a docutvo enl)llge; tho •oqol on which tbe1 took: tboir do- ment hM been fou;;ht.. .

-Oa our Brat page will btl rollod a letter Crom t he pen o( our oateomcd corre•pondent " \'{. S. ;" the addrou of th& ReT. Dr. Duro a, on bobolf uf tho 'rbeologioal Colll'~e, at Hnlifu N. S,; and a nr1 auggeati .. o ortielo from tho Pall Mall G~t/4 oo "The 0-.tloniCB and Impe rial Dofeoco''-311 oC which "ll'ill ropa1 poruul.

-Oo laet, tho Li.:.:ie laad more th!ln her ord1o:tr1 complement of pusenJ:OI'll, OE lhoto Mit~ Jiliard, ~lisa ~l{. llutberforu, Me•ara. M l k in· 100, JtllarJ ond \VGrk wor e e 11 r ollU foe tho mother country. Mrs .\ . ltuthPr­ford, ~{iH Jtuthurford, and Menrw. N icholl• , w .. ndtll.1 :tnd a fo• othor• formed too rowaiodoc of her list- for tha~ Ja1 .

-Tho •· a. C•up"fcm, with tho Amcri· can and Caoadinn ma.ilt, orriYedat St. Joho'11 oo Thursday l;ut, At G p. m· !.mongat her paueogen were our former lowoapeople, Mr. Stewllrt Muon and W'ifo. \Vtt d.,ubt not but that their Tisit to tho friontl• of "aul.:l lnug •Jno" • ill proy~ ll moet euj.)J'Ablo o~ne.

The mails brought by bor arrifed ber11 laat eteniug.

- The Aonu'l "Diatriet Meetirsa' ' ol tho ministers io conueetioo with tbo Weale'!4U Bod1 o £ tho di1trict wero h1·lcl in town IMt week. On Tuoad:t• last, comroenc:cd in Caroonosr toe firtt of th o ecuioos o f tho \Ve aloynn Ooo· ferencl' ol Nc"foundlnnd. We are iu­fo>r mell that oo Mondny next in Car~ bonear, .JDd Tueacb1 next in Harbor Grtlce, ordio111Jon eo~v iee• will takD plAce, when •ix o r aenn can.Jid11.te1 will bo inducted into tho a3crod office.

- Tho BonevolcnL Irish Society of too c.~pit:U c.11lcd a apocial moeting on ~r oml:\y lnst lor toe purpose or a:Jopting rc&olutions oxproaivo of thn oaleem in which they held tho lllto Very R~v. B. llcOmth, Administmtor of the C..l.bed­na.l, St • .Tobn'a, and uf oxt~nding llJ. k sympathy to tho sorrowing relatives aud fric ntls o£ the dcoJMO<l gcnt.leruan. Simi· br rcaolutions wet& adopted ~&t tho Quartul1 Mooting of tho St.. Joseph's Catholic Institute lteld on Sunday t.ho 3nlinst..

-TJU> FunERr.-~~rom aeToral parta of thia Ba1 wo ba"o iofortnlltioo that tho fiaher1 ia progre&aing fuorabl!· On Wtdncsday anJ l'hurada1 IAtt tho boats uouod th11 oeiqbbOrhood roturu· od nearly loaded. Ooo man wttb two little boJ•, eucceoded iu JZOttiog 8 quio· tale for their bo:1t. another fi•berman e.xpect. to a~grog11te 2v quiolala for Ibis weoka catch. C11plin liu alruck in a bundantly at UrJaoLa Co• e, and no diffio:ulty ie cxporieooed io proc:urio; bait . ~wqn hu aoldom t>e.o ao plua· t lfulae it 11lthtt •ewor., anJ ti1!terme11 are ootlea .. ouring tn diepo•n or it iu a rroab eooditien o•iog to the unueuu low flture ot t be 1131tetl article.

lt no dunb~ croiiau the mind of the low the .Fi.~h to work in pilo Le(ore dr:y rearl,.r lh:tt lho CtulwlillD, -Ne~found· ing; n~U!fwanls to be·proporly and weU lou,d, a n• I Pritia!t Deltg&h'll need 11\lnlll-..:soconling to tbe market for which all !heir r --umen til be 11 match for tt)ejr tt mn.y be requirC\1. The qu11lity o( the 1rU1 Amt'Ticnn brethren; &tld ono }'i&h muat bo 11uch u to keep up ~br mud own thnt th,. "XtJCrienco of tl111 priCOft u 'ne11r u poaiLlo to Lh'»> orj put Wllrnmlll &oeh 1\liJ~iety. It is ratllor Shore. our,.! Fillh. (ro 1'UE EDITOR or TUE nUDJ.tD.j

the work ia poo\'. 11'urt'her W'os~ tbe pro~root growa •rlcer.- /bid,

~llfJlrim!p, h.owe\'cr, to fico\ that at 'ro our _!:)nper-cargnes anll A~nts wo DE.\ 11 811,-le.tat ~ of U., Y unkllif l••pers, the ~'" tho atnctraL injunction~!,~ th:tt Lll Permit me to rcl'er: to ~ 1M~' At • meetlqg o{ the MettopoliLan C'j!J~ Ann ,Cdrert.·v,, iui'lerta thut tht' Fillb mua' be rcoeiv~ bf them in goo0 wb.ich ia creating • good deal at cJ~. Qrig~t Olttb, held on the 7tb itllt., t.he

p4rture hyn Jrargo number of liJIIlp:!ot.hia·· TJI'LJS, '&- Tho Tnrktab cavalry, und_e~ ers. Tllo Sultnn ie a nonentity-with Mouahn P~&Sha_bn been defee.ted 11nd .rl" 300 wom~n and 11000 persons o( all peraed near Ztcbii4Cl~. Tho R nsstall;' c:!Msa~~ in the palaces to feed <.lail' Lbto captured t wo mountu1n gun:s, (our amunt· at.ra.iu on the tre..sury is intense. There tlou wagons, ond two a~ndarda. ';l'ho is not a p:~oniclo or p!ltriotiem amOD!f thfl RlU11tl\l\ loss WAll !lOVen killed and thtrl1 otlic:ala to give ground Cor tho eligbtcst wouodcJ. The Turks left 83 dead on hoi*- Contract.a for army atorea and tho field. equipment are ""'"n:lod b; m!lllDII or . Lo:roos, 4-:"-~•n Ia now. ~mpletely bnborr hf ofJI,ciala hning the m~&ttar in ln't'oaLcd.. It_ lS amply provt~~?ntd. but charge. Tho Sultan 1wt 11, on "P aU the ga':'IOn w pu~ on half rat-tona u a liopo pf Aid from tho Eoaliali Govern- pl'I'ICII.ut~nary miiiUure. moot." RuaWJ headqUArters have been Ad~

- Our corTt~Spondent " J 111t.ioo," in to-<lay'a issue, refiecla on too cooduot of tho police-oonstablos in calling on by· atanuora to lUIIJist in con•oyi~ pri~nors to tho loqk:·up. We agroe wnh him to a O'lrtain oxtent.~olicomon ant paiu by tbo State for ·tho ex\'rcss purpo50 o£ relieving privat.o indivtdullla from tho oecoasiLy or t•l'OSCrving tho ptlftCO on cmlin· ary OCC:l.lions , Tboy ahonld, therefore, bo very cautioaa nbt to ~uire. without ea.flic:ient 0&1110, the uaistance or eiLi· aena. So far, 10 good, and i£ the polico bavq 110\ dono, thoy mua~ incur blame. But from the knowledge before WI o£ t.lto facts, • o aro of opinion \hat the poli~' had aome juati.fication for Lbe eouree t.he,r adoptod. We know that ll.ia Ron;. Judge Bennett baa oxpresely eauti od them a«t•inst l unnecessuy ap· peal r h~lp tnd we I know allo €.hit Lb"' are loath to requeet eaob.

~ft.ited Stntn Cooll)li;..'lii)Mra h~ve Food order anJ .. utt.Ablo (or the in tontle.:l utar· satisf11otion in the com-vuru~: t •lhlllQ fullolfin; pri~ were alfllnled by the ATBElfB, !-In toe Chamber to-day, gNu rill• (o( •n'!:ie~y un their fl!ll't. !t krt.ll, and thnt ..atoy wll endorao on,onry to the law relating &.2.)ho duty or oi~· Olub I l'riUie Miniater Comoundonoaannounoed J6'11 : Fi.,!t tlte ~uAlity of tbe Fish re zena reqdering aalstance when o-Iled To 'l'bQR\\1 li'. W•lsh, E.Jq., one ot th.t the new Cabino• ptt~ to double

·• 'fl1e cli~potiti•m to Ort'Cfl tho UnitQcl ceivf'd 1-t1 taem-ftnd b1 thAt ahllll th upon by the polico arTC~~Ling priaol\• fJIII7"hito'•priae batJ, with pl01to in10r'ip· the of the anu1, call in reter .. os, f\t..ctf"' to c.J,fl hr011JI'M\ C'ltnt tbllt the pricv b4 mautntod. Good Piah will brinp era. It hu aU tho appearance o£ la&e doo, (041 ~lao bia~~~ ,,..,er&J4 acore Cor anJ' volnot.eora. n will conlnd U mmi. ..... irmtrs ae11 Lo l.rcu~;ht to 1\.118t'n~ lull mt.ell-,ndif!'""nt Fish will bo cnl tl il our J"lllpoetsble tOW111f100Pie "flll"' 1876. a Creeb IOiln and imJl03CI now t&xes for t<t, t rt~IA'II~I f.( eettlb1~ "IK>n ta. ju.s~ auJ acoonliPgly. · In a word, all we reqnirfl U: bound to perform t.he du'1 , of the Tcr A.le:rancler Ran tHo, Esq., a band- thoee purpcliOL Thl governmon' will t~tllt"\..J,. l •• ~u., ""1'1•-..rt·JIL" that rue F'11h must be well apli'-, ~ell police force, il "fe are t4 jud~ from eome"bee' with plata hllllription, Cor the alao aappreaa rovolutioouy agitation iA

J '.•ycLduJ!iltta t#'ll tn; ll1nt n c.rto nro AO wnahc:d, well alled, a.M pt'Operly oNred, the numben tha' ba•e been e~ beat Uflr&ge bolfling ror 187G. tho border Pf'BTincea. • ~'"t-Ile~<} c( honc-~t.v in othe,., "" ate for which wo will readily pey. fair •a.lre bef'ore the District -court, and bN...-il1 BtlllllXOJUM, Eng., 2-Tbe Mayor tlrMI ... hn t·O'Lv~~ lrt'· Ia tlP t.homlli'IVI'f'. .ICCOrllin;r tQ quttlitt and oonditi.on. If tiDed rOt- refnaiog to ntlldtr aai.atanoe. ADd to Frederick Dicltiu.op, Jl:sq., a p•o a dlMer to-night to Mt:. GJ&cletonc, l'~r"")lll •'"r .rlolt·l"io .n coo~iu~ ttril l.liml· ,lllol.t bo nqt done, and a better •rticle I e Now, Mr. Bditoi;'-1 am ~who be- bat tri\h plato inaorijltion, fol' J.h11 high· Mr. Briaht, and mombOdt oC tho ,i,

1 r.i LO u,,. •t. •. uly llonn~y uC Dritilhf'ra, not 110nt to market lh.e I.Jal,.-qdor Fieber.) lieves Uta~ it Ia not onl1 the law in the flit IOOte in a special ~h '""' _. CO!"POratioo. Mr. Gladstone, in 1't'pt1

iD3 "''"'tn f.:Jr ~r:m1J." iu tLe AlaLam• "'"''be •buldoned. cue..~' Lba' it il al.eo ~ lqOl'&l du~1 100' t.)the. tout•to his healt"b,-'ttbich wu en· .,._.. lJ 1 1.& rdfeu.m "f their Olfft du- We woultf Alro call atlentioo to thf of ov~ peao&-lo'riDg dtiaon to p1'0t_eol. 'J'Iae 1aa auonti'oud "' ~, Lbe gif\ ol thuiadioally reoehed, made a long' f''•ll•t:;. H " "' (ltll)' tl.e other <Lt1 t.hta.l p\'aotice of mi.siDJ Hnriq Oil and she pohce ucl to auiaL tbeat to the '~a'- .l~ \faddllll, Et~., tothelt~lit&ll ~ th .. igui6cant pototl of whioh • ~1- C• J>C.IIC. ·.,, of CUd"' tht\ lhli.&._ oth~ pUn~ ... Wa Ood Oil,~.~~ ~Df oau~aeirda'f; bUI OrlolrMQt&b._.._.._9, . ':'")uo~ot:of\he&dlcttJpartr. ll•

nncec:J, a.od IL &re&t IJ&tt.le will SOOn tAlco prace.

A Coaataotionple lpccial •11 tb& cap­ture of Fort F'll, neAr Ha.kOJn Lleh, b1 the Tnrb, is confirmed. •

The elanghtor of 3,800 Oirca.a.n cnvalry out or 4000, who were ordered to make a roooDDOiMnoe in tho direction o£ Kara, is reported, under Lbe com. mt.nd o£ Monalrll l'uba, who is al10 IIlia· ing. The Rn11iaw purprilecl the Yillage by nigbt.

Tbot Konteoegrina Joet lllldllocl and 19 wounded. The Prince of Monten&­gro hu cone t4 Duga P... Tho Mon • ten.ioa will eDdeavor to talto. Nicaio

e(o(& (Jnleiman Euba oan ponotr.ate uiP' l'a11, held br inaurpta.

In 'the firtt inlt.&Dce, eo•eral ol the fore~ were abeent trom•town on nribus ecrvieea, and bnttwoor three W'flre I~ Cor street datr. Jn t.lle eeoond, Lho indh-idual 1\tompted to be taken into 0\1Bt.od1 was & man of unuual b.xL11 ~. and, maddenocl b1 rum and other O&UJN, .htid alnwl7 proatrakld m UUU~peoting po· ~ &Del -~1 ii\JUtd ~

Page 3: es • . · VOL UllE XVIII. Insurance Notices. .NU.HTfLER/:1 .t.SSURANCF COMPANY FOR C~PlTA.L-1¥o l\tiLLioss,



~{oreover, the two policemen rofmincd lit is therefore anppoeed 11ho founcle~d Ul:trritb' \ for 1\ oonaid&rahlc tiwo from culling on in a ga:o which occurred ahortlr after · • RDY of tho by-at.andcrt-ill fuct, did not l'bo 01tilod. Tho crew wore all Now· At St. John'~o on Tbnrad11ylut. by tho 1 -do_ ao, until approhoMivo that t~eir foundliUldors, cucept one, u. wlln na med Rov.ll. lluvey Mr. H· J,Furnoaw., \o

New Advertisiement;.. Advertisements·

pnsoncr would eacnpe before lbo ncrmu Hul'llt . belongin.. to" O•ln80.-llalifax Kate, only da!lghtcr of D. C•mcrun,Eaq., { PololCE OFJ'ICE, ,lUI DOl\ GtacJS, of reinforcements. . Citi.:m. • o At Old Porliean, on Mtrnd"i•, .:l8th May, June 4,t)•, 1877. .

\Ve cnnnot consnro too stronsly tho ..- ~ tho R ev •• oo .. . Bryant, \\ • M,. Mr. J. · . , ynE conduct of corl:lin p:lrtica in Lho ~ur.- V.' hen tho &'\fo nnd suro tTCatmont o f th~mr!~! N;_rj':;.~':u.An':ri. only daughttt of IN accordAnce "~lh A~ 29, Ol~aptcr 79, . i CJ.....,J, ~<L Cu bouc..r intend llultl· rounding crowu. It mny be, in some nil pulmolll\ry disol-dcl'S ili 80 sinll>lo, and •I of the CollllOhdnt~ Rt~tl .. ._, iug n Damar about no:d Obril~rnne, tho

b W I N E object of " hicj1 i• tu rojc(j ft.:nda VI JlUr-

points of view, cxcus:1ulo to rafli!IO to l o g;)O() t-csult.s 80 fully k nown, it secm.a ~ • N Q S clu&.ao a Bull and ll.ll Orgnn for t beir uuw risk limb or brond~l<>th in supporting ~ohuo:~t unnecossat·y to 11-Sk tho corum:np- Chnrc:L. tho g'IUI.rdihllll of lauv lltld onlor; but i ~ ti\'0 sufferer to gli' O D r. :'\Vilaoo' Pnl· . Sun• Nswa. . are allowe<l to run at largo, nnd· mny bo Contribution• in article• or money to -is pcrfcet.Jy d isreputuiJlu for mon c;~ ll i ru: monnry Chon 'y Bnl&lm 11 fnir trin.l ~ -- ----~ irupounued by 11ny person in luo nen~t w!U'Ila th11 abo1'o-namcd object ' viii bu thcm!\C.lvos Chriatian.s to loud with T bi:t Hals:\ul i:~ no inftulihle ramcdy for PORT OF liARDOR ORACE. · c:omn\on pou~d. P ollluty $2 U1ankfully rewin -d l>y any of tho m~mbcra oppl'ohtious epithets th09e nnxious only cur ing a ll d iseases of tho re.<1i•imwry or- ! • ALL ·oo t\fS {~:I~:. :~mmitt.oo whoso n •rnGa

11~ u · to perform their unpll>lUA~nt lln ~y wiLh- g:lns, arr:lSrjn~inllalmnution 1111d cboc:kl'ng H

f If k th h f b J::cTIIR.IlD lin. Onodia•m, Miss r..od:o, cu~ fCAr or avor. - wo · now 0 L 01 pro~cs:s 0. d~.v, Y which ho Jun., 14-R'\111\Iio, R~J~ond, Sw:uuoa> nmning ~&t la r;;o should be fully yoked, '· J. ~fllddock, " l'cuny, nnmcs of the parties \Vhom we -hc.1nl so benltb of 11\.'UIY L, druly cou.r;hu1l 11wlly. c:o&l-J. Munn & 0 >. w ith under·b:lr 3 fee~, and uppur-blh' not u w. Oould, " Onuld, demOllning thc:msoh·C3, we shouhl feel If yoa I ~vt' &n nch • 01 pain trr Dr. CLILUUID. leas tlum 18 inches iu lengt.h. Pona.l- •· R, J nyoo, •' N icholl, st rou .. ly t-Pmpt.ed to hold them up to tho D ow's S turgeon O il I .tn itueu t. l'{o in- June 9-P. L. (}., l'lfoinn••· Obulotlo ~ • n " R. lladdoclc, " Winsor, ccnsu~ of every right thinlUngci\izeu. tclligcnt yeraon who once sees its c!Tocts To~m. hal.IM~-Rutberionl & Oo. · Y •-· • " Rorke, " E l' iko,

-Tho propiliouMlweale rly braczl\8 of tho put ..,eek huo.;cnnul.-d our Lab­rador 6cet to ep.-e d to tb,••r fi,hin!! eta­t iona. With fow execptio11~, all saro on t betr wny. \loch V<!l:ll ious J ,,hy was

0aua•d by tho non-uri1al of the M IL ,easel a ; but a aupp!y h,•i!•l: procu~t d frOm ~t. Jobn'a ~be d1fficulty was


will 0\'0l' be without it. h N tnO\'e!l M 111-Re~ Ann, Spenoor, Louisburg, o. N 0 Entire Horse .. Oco. Joyco, .. ~(nduock. if h,• "'~ • ·nn~· , wer interou.l he"• nnJ D., b:Ll.u~C. W. Ross. Ia d al " J nhn 1-'ool~, " Pe:Lcb. . ' 'c F ...., • tog() nt rgo or ustray, un cr u pon ty •• Oeo. Nicholl, ·• Anniu Tn.IIor, cqrcs ::>oro ~-· :-.t. n~, •rost B ites. PORT OF CARD.:>NEAR. not exoccdinl> S25. ' . . • ,, Cath. To,vlot', -• (; ilr ,, S\.in{;R, CbnJipcd Hnnds, and nil inO.nru, DOGS " Ju. Fooio. " E. Wi.n.sur. ma.tion. Urw i t , a.nll it will tdl n hot ter .'E~I&lt&D. Carbono:u-1 ~~ny 26th, 187i. s:.ory for itself tbnn we cnn comumnic.1t e. Juno 11-~~·io. Tnlbot, )[ontrnl, prQvia _ allowed nt largo must have a log fns~netl

To pnl\·on t t ho cnuso nml r<lm l\' O the ions-Jo'1111 ft'J•kc . t ? tl10 neok, not_l~ than soven pounds effect is Lhc true theory on whicl•to fou:1d. 1!- J oy<-'>~, C.1po B:eton, co.U- - i r1 Wt'ig bt. 11ntl cightoon~chl'll Ions . with o. ti'Clltment for d'\8('. Languor nr iscs J oyc>•, ll• 'oU1cno. the owners name murlct!rl thereon; ol110 from debility, ami debility frow tho im- to bo c!foeluBlly mu:z.lee '; otJ1erwisc ).>O'; oriflhtnon t of tho blood, or uc1-.111go P i.SSISSGEns .- l'cr Ikt·mtul~ from No'v m:~y l>o de.<~truy~;.'ll by a.:y pE;I'!IOII. mcnt of tho tligesti\'0 Ol.....,ll!S. If from Yt>rl.-~[r.~. ~od lHn RamMJy, Mour•. No P on10n sh:all hnvo ill1ri.'l ]>0:1-o;e::

o" Wo.--J ouu Trappin:,:. !-'rom l:bli(:LX- · p · c..•- S · 1 D TO OU R LADY READ~RS- Wh) l:\tter, Dr. \Vilson's Fnmilv Anti- Mus.t ... llortun and ConnoU; 2l in awor· s •on nny Olnter, . .,.,t ter, or {1:\Uie o~ Lot us tell you wbnt rQ:lchcli our desk Oilio:u Pilill nrc tJ•c best t onic )Ictlicino 11go. ~-ithout a written lioonso f1:1m n <.it ipcn-

tbis week. A llHl ... ~O wlc ch supplies in usc, nntl for lhcir purifying nnd snni· Per Curle•o fr" m tho Weatwa.rd-Rova. u tnry Mngiatn~.t.c, under ll !'MDnlty.of $20. informntion on cv:ry a.rliclc n lady or t ivo qualit ies they slnnd une<JIIO Hod, J. Rill, G. Pennock, J. Park:huon., .1: P olice and other Conatahles nre requir­chiltl am wish to wc:~r, from tbo sole of l<'or sick-He .uluchc, N crnnL'I :'>la.tthowa, Randell, )lr•. Thomu and ed to carty out tbo uuove regul11tioM. her feet to the lop of he r hO:\d. . Each f;non ·ntion, Indigestion, nml D~pl'e!l!ion dauJ;htcr. Mra. Murphy, 11!111. Frockcr, P enalty for nPgltct of duty ot· refusins Br~iolo id nchly ilhutroid; undernMth of Spirits, 'h&y are the only rc:\le..ty. ~~~~k~. ~!:. White, M"~•· S. to shoo~ d~, $~ for 6~t


5 tnnJa tho ducription, \'l' ith tho nu ml!er Per V~•u::ia for ~fontreal.-:\ln, Cul· T. R. B•!.• ~ ETT, J . P. of yal'da it tnkcs lo m3ko it ; lUlU \ht!n Bv Telegraph· len, Mi~• Mc Kay, :\tiu French, Miss Ull· _J_._m_e_o_. __________ _ comes tho pri(c at which you 01111 pur- draas, MeAnl· G L:unawoOd, A. Higgin- -;s:-C> BE LET ch~ it. All ch\SSos nl'e p rovided lor. aon, E .. \rcl•botd. • • • Tho we&:U:iest nnd \he le:u l 'IVC.'llthJ - Pu-Nora & ctiau for llnlitu -ReY. Dr. A STORE iP~ WHARF - '1 -ft find qunlities 11aited to t hei r Losi'ON, G-Tbc feeo)pli<ln gi•en by Burna, llu'l'. A. N!cbol!lo!l, Rev. A. l!oa.., g, · ;u ....... •r· . l U' e an t . ht b 1\£15, Browuor, Ml&a Whtle~'l~, Hon. w. ' • m• • ft• Interleu,·cd bctwei'n lhe F llllh ion -'Lilli I or ~ 1 rr •. ,,.,o to n1g 10 . on or I

,_,_ f ' cl t G b 1 V. Wbit.owny, .Moun. Sho er, Allan, F rt' I ·] ,_ tlC>SCriptions wo find )>-'\~ nftc r p:•go of 0 tx- rro,. eu mnt w:u n moS' rt " B.:~kor, awl 11 in • cemgo. or P.'~ ICU a rs 1\(l)• 1 "" ori!Jirwl rc:lding-mnttcr ; noL such as li!lnt nlfair. The bouao ..-na auporbly Per OurlC11' for 1ho \~~stwanl -nov. P . E. \ V, -QU iNTON d: SO~-

To be Sold ox Let, TI::LAT DESIRABLE

P.!.eoe or Land, t\OOU~ l u· 1\Cl'C.-. in extent, &ilnntcd in ~fosquito Vt~lley.

J:o'ot· particu]Rr:l npply to J O,\N.NA ROHA~~

:\fay 1 !>. tf.

Tailors an d JJrcssmakers.

The Misses Crane

WOULD rc:a~clfully iuttrunt.o to tho Public ol flo.rbor Gral:\i anu \'icinity

Utat thoy hM·o co•nnfllncecl businc'AS in tho nbo\·u line. Jluing had long oxperienco lh oy 11r0 prepared to execute all order~ with ncalonas :~nd dospntch.

I ROllidouco-~o. L~ Wntcr Street, op­posite tho prcmiacs or .Jillnrd Dros.

May 12. ~



: £'. L. KE~NEDY. - -:o:-


(Opposite the Mercantile Premisen of Messrs. Joa~ 1\!oNM & Co.


The Sul>RCn Ucl' while thMkin .. 111! those who lll\vO so liberally p:ltroniz(:(l h im in tho 1"LSt oo~11 t o iutimnte to ~he public of llnrbor Gr.u:e nod outports tbnt he hRS alw·ayll 'ou I< hunu a largo assort ':'lent d tho latest improvccl and very qunlity of

COOKING §TOVES over!oods 80 mt~ny pnhlicat ioos, Lut deco rated w itb floworot nod tho ln r;:e II . Clancey, Ro' ' · 1. W:~bb, ~In, l't~rroll, l Juno ~- ·1.

- · t' t ' b dro,win~ nnd reroptiou rooun wero 1\[ .. IAmD SoleN. M.d:uue D.:l-.~:n:~r, M r.s . b right., suggc::;t n ·e, ms truc : vo 0011 rl u- ~rowdO<I fro•n 10 uot1l 1 o'c1.ot k. -' t \ [ ~ •r tiona bv our be.5t IRJy wntcr ~. ou sub- ~· "" Wa lsh, ll no. ;ouw.•.Y• " .ra. ~lvroy, M~s. NEW GOODS· :F-or Sal.e

of C\'ecy variety. Funcy, Frnnklin, nnd H o.ll STOV ES, G rates nnd Fittings o£ nil sizes.

l\.lso - A lnr"e n.'ISortmcnl of Ell"'li.~h Md .A.n1erican GOTlllC GRATES. • ''·I lc:ut 1 000 pcroons wero pre~ont I'Om- U.mrr.h.u. l lu FNiul. \l1.s Culb••rl, ;\ltu jcet.s in which O\'ery scnsl u 0 wom:;n · · ' ' 1 b b t d , "11 ( · h Cl\rtor,'!l. Giov:muiui, McCourt, 8

•· '·c· pleMure nn<l interest.. " T lu: pt ·-~·n~ a : l C1 cs no mos. • s ·ngut~ · ..... ~ C I, ou of l':ll ~·li~h nnd A•nericau ::WciNY llurke, Lo!Ueasurior, Gorman, Wnbb, NEW GOODS T K itchen," .. T he Hom~ ... " T~lO II t lVtl· in r,l)nd<>n. F.:-c-Prl'siJont Grant WBa ro-- Dunphy, llll\C~Ier, Tobin, Whi~. i\tcNoil, ~ ! t t ion of' Beauty," " T he EJuc.'ltlon vf Ch i\- Cnr1er, ).).,~,mar, LeG:use, Cown nnll boy, d rcn ,. ., Tho A.rt of D t'\Js.-;.mnking ," et-c., cei ved >"i tb Mnt. i.>i~rrupont und ahook 3 111,1 5 in ••~rage.

• d nl rt' l l: eaci1 penton ':t bt~nd. i\tr. P ierr.-punl p~ Plo~r f.,r tho NorlbwarJ.-R•v. stan ll a..

10 t:l on s rut· w:\a rec<liY.:J with l'l£r1. Grnnt. All th!' ~Jr. flrown, R ov. Mr. Brautit , ~lr, Manud

,l:vd suhj ...:1· t.s. f 'h 1 t tl . ~linitter~ of Hor :lloj t•ily'll Cabinl't nnd ~riCo. ~lra. G . Brownin,-, Mt11. C.,Ellia,

N tl W, w 1eu wo :u..r, ur. ~: r, t ·~ u s 'I , L' 1 J 111- \V' II '[ T uf woro preseut cxct'pt Lord lle:lcontlh· ltl .• 1u ..:.l w:~r . . 1-a 1 lln. ·' ca..\1'!1. om .. m";;nzine, n mou.~ter •·ola lnll ll G f':I<:I!S, wh•• il ilL liaa•rn, Mnckim, nndcr. Ku i:::ht, Rolin, i.'l only th ~ .. Sl•rin_;" ntllnlwr of " plll>- r I. d b b .I -' J J .,J,, {.'itz~<)r.Ahl, F .. uucse" . J::twn.rd. Cnl~ 'rho ' uro:a to o,1 om .nuc" an · • licat ioa which coot>! hu t 511 <:<:Hts for n d l>•rrn, &: )~·. L •n!) .. h':>AI, ~lnllnm , Bro<lr 'ck ,

, b . . 1 sli:.;h t ly dnmn~c &lllliO 1.1 f th., ve•te l~ Ucur ob~r•·, ~lu rpU)'• Walilh, 1-"u!cJ" · H·m· tcliJ)/~ year$ 911 .<~Cnptlon, our re:-. ""' wluc b l ho Rusai:1us were cnll cctuw at ' "ill uuuc n<t.:\ncl "''hV w e cunsi<h:l iL ~'""'' o nol>ul'y, Abbott, l>·•o.ld, Jum·iu~r. l'ed,

· Guor~t.>wo l o ero~A tho Danube. Do1·iu•, Titlu)'. Aml~ts ln, Boylu. Dorgle, whnt rem-uk,tblc. h i'i l!uLiishNI uy A tole~:rn•n from s~ : i,•ll.l ll n PDsha, Anclersvn, l!u•ch:mt, Duller, wwrensou, Ehrich .L: to,, ::\os . ~ · ; :m J :! :3~ r:i:::hth d:-. t ~d :\·Y· fti)!IIIUOC0:5 :hat ho hn• and ~:lin atuor:a~:o. A venue, )l ~w Y ork City. d •• •:n!<!q ori.._ w:trchl'·l from u.,,,~l·bo nnd t:lken ~,:,.. - =::=-:-~:!"!"!. ~~=~~==~ i nc; merc:lmnl.:!,. who. thu!!. ~eet . n_ ;:r·•,,L ! , rnl ;\l nut•·u••:.:ro l'o~itillns, ospt'ri ,.JI_r Now AdvertisementS• J euumd of lud1c~ ~ho lt> o 3" · '~ fruan ! t ho importnnL fo rt itica\1011! ar<,UIId - --·-- ··- - -t!te I)N·'~ uH•tropoh~ •. :mol Y•'!- <tr." "":::"r 1 K ris\nz:of, which wero cr1r>1 nrc•l af t<·r n CA.:J?l.:O., t o lea rn ~f Lf,,. '"~q>< rl C.i of F.1~ln?!' n:~• l l J,.,.1lt'r.llO fight IYi lh G,vJO Montcne-of th" p rlct· fllr winch tlws~ '""fi" n " •.c,\n . rioe. P IL&!IBVT&IHJ.S Tn ROL!'()IOl l. ~ l ol' purdm!l<'<l: Tl,.. acc~mp'ln n n:; •l •r<·<'· j g A opocia.l nvs the C t<lr arrived at CoLLJ:OJ:, luta·.o.x. 5 l i.•M, nc.:orJ•n:; to wluch ~no.'l~ shonlol l h~a.rlq uiiTI I'MI :~t· Ploc•e3ti at widoigh t. THI•; R o\·. Dr. B onss deaii'C3 grnt(lfully 1...! vr~l,-r,_.,) , :~rc S J cle.•r n:.~l s~tn ph· tlult O n T hur6dlly a counl·il o f 1ur ia to be to acknO\\' luclgo tl:o lihcrnl r CSflOJ\Stl " ch•ld ccuiJ tin•~ 0 1' 1 : lt..• wa;-lr" u'·- hf' IJ when tht~ fu turo p a :1 of nrt'on 1nntle to his nppe.'ll on l>chnlf of tho Tbeo­Y ou will n·•~ 1···;:;r••'. ·'11 "c11 ~ '~."g tu It \\' ill bo d~dded on. A ll tho G r.1nd logi.:.'ll Colle;;e 11t l11ALf11x, in S t. J ohn's " l::itl\ICII,.' F.\SIII0:-1 (! I:TP.RL\ • Ouku• will p:1rticir:ntc nnd it i • :o:di. 1 nnd H l\rbor Gra~ hav ing received sui:-

--- - o.l••nt ly e t ;1!'1:tool nn IUimo••tio~.ttl for1urd jiiCription.s, in tho former lo tho n:nount. ' Vc a1o ;:hd to " '' ilae nl'riul yt"'-- ~ llloroonc ut will bo dcciJ cd un. ~f $!!,307. nntl in tho b tWr of S:!,OOO.

-te1,J.11- mllrnin" o f tlw <t.'huon~r 0Jc•.ula A Yicuna d&~p!ltch S:lys , in milibH )' In tho numo of tho College Bo~u-tl he ro­ta J;111 •11 1-'<>x~ l->,q .. 1. ,,,, the fu n\.:. fil'h- ci rde~ h•~ro ~ho o;" niun gnins c rou nd tnn1., curJial thrullt.3 to tho ~:onerous ~rv with i OO •tllint" • g rceu tiJh, Sho I tha. t t"o Hu~s inos '"i ll not cross t hu uonors. )efL hera on tho :! . , l A pril, " :\itetl 11 D:1n ubo-thoy ox puct ~uch doci•ivu ~uc- Juno I!!. weu\:: a~.ftcr altho w t l\'11111, auol hll!l e:u- N•ue~ 111 .i t il\ lbat t ho .:on.lition~ u f ---- - ------ployod her t imo lo"IIO:O with Tf: ry Ju rnl>lo peaco will be aect<red CNm th r ir Glacee3! Glacees 1! pro6t.'\l>le rl!11ul tj••·. '>~··tt~L The ~rea~r e fl .,rt•. An entirely new style uf painted p:ar t ol th is c:lt c'• "'._.., t:ll•cn in l hrJ , Lo:-~Du !l', 8-The Politi-:al Corre1p01t· ~.1rlicr J.>Ortio~ of 1 :1o 5c:tM>:l - tho fish I dct~ce · l~ ~:t it3 ~~hll o:; on the ·' lh 11_1s t . , photogro.phs. in~ llltterly 1s r-·1.o rteJ 1\ ll r>Oor work. nenr Kar~lru.h a uu P1 v:1 , both ••Je" . . T ho 0 11aola dC>CJ~ not "'l' ort 1\ny other loughl wid, g roat brn vl'ry tho whota pLEASE en II nod eXJ\miDO apec1me_ns ~0\\'founulaod e· dt nt t ho U.mks. d'\y, Thu l'urk•, notlvilh,tau•l i o~ tbl"i r nt tho ~botog~p!t"-Oallcry oppos1te

'IVoJ t ru't ,. .• mny very soon ha,·o atrcnllllU~ .,!foort.o, in \Yb1ch they lotl . tho morc:-.nL1le prcmlliC3 of llessrs. J ohn oUII'r :~rriv.1ls :"1·~ouu t ho tlllmo gro•llld~ 3,tJW ml'n, f~d.,d to :sd••~tucc 1.caro~ t o l )[u :ln .L: Co with somcthinz like t ho same :;oo..t luck.!' Pi•a . ~1'ho ;,{nnte nCI! ri:ld 11;; e n · Al'IO recch·etl nn M-~\'tmcat of -N~wfo16nd(:J ,&Jt:r, 12. tronche~ _tboms"lrcs alo?g the p~u bJ . S ilk Vclu'JI ~ JValnut FRA.M ES

0 S d b t · d t F A corre~pondcnt at ~~ Petoraburc Phot'lJ"ra p:L'I nnd Tiu-~ypos ed!l1:tXI· n on av a on arnTe 11 ormeuse . . •. . I twuon 1\.rlat'llf and I.>racJuckll.

from the \V~atward w•th a fine trip of ~aport~ .tbnt ~ prr>JCCt •s be•nt: dJICiliiSoJ Juno 19. 4i. n-h • .and roportt lar,::to catchea during Ill _pohtlcsl Clr~les Ill St. r~ . to

, the pro<rious wef'k at St. M 11ry'• Cny•·l un•to Uoumanl3 an~ Bulga~1a 111 au IU · It loolct rcry proba blo tiJot n aoon u J_epcndoo~ neutral :state. rhe sugg~•­tb" ctplin atr1kus thu "bore tho cod- ' t1~n- OmBnlltea froUl tho Jlouauw l&n «e.iu~s will hue a banoat time of it, l m1n1•~r 1n llratcan. • In the offioll' -rut acboola tf c<ldfit h . Turkiah adricu say tbat the ~u .. ian• :~nd caplin bavo b..on p11ned and , wb:~t l attomp~u o cro u th~ 0.1n~bo 11.1 ia 1ometbin~ new of )at~ yea , m,ullitu· on Fnd11y bet won N1kovoha aud Sta· diuona whrllea.-CIIrollic/e, 1~ tou, and were defeated.

Several Turkiah officer" bane bean - V ESS&L l'.{IISISG-The schr. ru, sho t for the lou of Ardwn. ,

~'Olt SAL~.

JU ST l'O«'ivcd nntl for sale by tho Sub­scriber in addition to biB J~e and

nriod stock o£ Oooda, Sta~iooery, &c..,

Geography ofN ewfoundland (roa Tlfl uu or ICllOOL8.)

Dy .U.ll£11 P. BOWLEY, Allul4nt GfOlog~ Surwyor.

V. ANDREOLI, C.1pt. Mc DI)nald, sailed fa-om P. E.. ~lnnJ A. ~legram from Port Sn1u reporh las t D llCcmber for St. Joh11·~. Ntld.} but redu~tun of walor to. 20 feet . :st t ho was hlowu otr u.oJ broll'•ht up ~r- Med•terl':lnonn e to tranc:e of the Suez

No. 1~6 Water S treet, ([arbor Gmco.

lli. bo.d. ~ Aft~~ tiCIIin~: her c;trgo, and C nnl, thu~ obW.uetin.; tbe p:laaago of June !>. rnakin" n tlceSSI\ry reva1m 11 • venels of gr~:~:lp lirau~;ht. f rom 1 he latter port on the 15 th , of Pu1s, S- 1'ho OdrtJ l!lys tho Duke -~--- --~--1--,-'!IT-1..-t-->.-[--,..-Mnrc:h fur Boston. N othing bas been de _Br:u:.;Iio recei•ed A dl'putation of _le- ~l!UO!l ~ lll.> D g_lCw~OUIIu anu. heard of ber ain<lf' and il. is s upposed ltltlDIIItl, who t!PmauJou t hl\t the ml!l- . . .. that she bu found~rcd. i>try bo rem<Htelled llccordin~t . to lho Nottc:o II borehy given that a DIY .. dend

VIOW of the R .>yahats, Broltclit~ ~plied, . of ~ p<lr cent., ~pou t~e ~}'ld up

TB E 9ubscribo~• bog to aononnco that their :Sprtog And Summer Good~

have nrr-i~od-Tbaukful for put f:LYors from onr

numorou• customers nnd J>:ltron• in Harbor Grace nnd throu~hout Lhc

ll!ly, wo tolieit frolllall nu inapoc­\ion nf uur N r l'l" ::ilock, (l.'e liug

coo6Jent th:st n-o can "uit t hem n~ hurc t.•fo re , both

i n qu:tn\ilv, qunliLy and price.

W o havo netr arrivale in nil the lca.drng <!apartments:

Tabltt Lin rna. 'row ell, Towell inj;!a Damfteka, Holl:~nda, CM!-elinu, Drugsot Stnir Cnrpcliog 11nd Cnnvnn llCllrtb Rug8, Floor Oil -c!otb.

A fino nesort mcnt of

D~·ess Goods

G antll'mlln'• htl'at style',, b!lrd nod 1oft blmck and coloured , t 'dt llBlil from S/G

to s;u. Gentle oleu't linea nut! pmpcr Col!u:~

and C uff11 Tiet, Droc~, white Dreia Shirte, Fronts Glotee, haodkerohicfe, &c.

Corset,, white 11nd black. Cluny and S ilk L:tcee

Y•k Lacea, plain and beaded Beaded and plllin Silk 11ud Mohair

Fringee and 'l'rimmiog MuU, Jaeonet, Croa•bar, Swi11 and

Crinoline Muahna Dreaa Caps, Crape-, Dreu Lining

-'. !C'ICE 4810BTllE-'il' OJ'

1\veeds, Swanskins, Canvas, &~. A l'ERY NICE UIIORTltl:Nr OP

Kitchen and Room Pupers-all •. I

ne'v -patterns. .

'Vo bne' ,Jao a Dieo uaortmcnt or

• ' 0 ~

In :\(hlition to the noovo C. L. K . h M conslnntly in stock tho bctlt qUAlity ot

Two Lots of Land belonging to tho E sl:lto of tho CAWLI!\' c. M4YliE .

Apvly t~

KF.ROSR.'m OIL, TURPE~TINE, KEROSEN}:: l uUIPS, llUH:~Hm~ rmo : CHIMNIES, ST.OYE, SH OE , PAINT nntl CLOTllES B R U 'H l::::i, STOV.!:: a11<l

Into I S HOE BLACK~O, PRESERVED FRUI~, CO~DENSED :mr.K CU USHED SUG.A..R, COFFEE, SOAPS, M d ngc1ieml nssort•ncnt of

H . J. FITZGERAJ,D, .1.dminit trator.



N. D.-A lnrse stock of AmonCIIJl cut = illl of nil r.i1cs. ' C. L K&'rn'EDY.

- - :u:--

N O\', 10.


N utica to Mariners and FlShermen.


'1'1~1.\1'1' 1' BAl'.

CAUTIOll To AVOID A llCUORI)o;O -;<:.u : Til F.

A SOLO-All BiltCA.'\ CAUL£S.


Mn . J O liN TAYLOR, of ltoroton'• B.rbor, Green Bny , is diapoacd l.o

lt:t to nn)· cuterprisins minin~; compMy, for 11 term o( yciU"S na mny be ~cd on, h~ property eitu:..te~ 11t tho above J?IMC• 1t hn.: ll\'ery convomonce fnr work.i.og­good bnrhor, l'ntonidc situl\tion, &c.

:Exccllcot indicnliODll or b!'th Nickolancl Tin aro found on it ; nnd IMt Spr-ini:', 11

IBrgooolil~ stono weighing nbout 110 lbe., Wl\3 taken (rom n garden On Wd land.

Tho GOO\'O r-roperty bl\8 l>oco in tho po.o­!ICISion ofbfr. 'J'J.Y LOR a:noo tho ye:u- 1816.

1-~or further partioulll!'a npply ~ • H.Ef\IW TAYLOR,

?Jereb 16. Noad St., HArbor Genco


C.A.Ft.D - :o:-

MASTERS & MATES P repared for- tile Low!. Mann~ Board

E :eaminatio1l8 ·

- 1n·-

Fe J. Boy I~ H-! GOW ER S'f., ST. JOErN'S

S purious imit.ntior.s of " H ollowny's Pills Rntl Ointmer:~" ure tnMufuctu1ed a.o4l so!tl u ncle•· tho nnmt. o( '' H ollowny & Co.," uy J . 1-'. H enry Cnrmn & Co., Dn1:;gists, aml r. lso hy tho Metropoli~m

Medicine Com-e"p:my of Yew

I nstructions g iven on Mondny, W ed ncstluy nnd Fridny, from 3 P. ll. to 6 r.u· nnd on M onday, TuesdLIJ, ''rc(lnesdny' T hursday nnJ ~'r-idny, £rom 6.30 r :l1. to

II.4RJJOU GR-ACE 9.30 r.~. TIN N A P.E & STOVS . ~upils not h nving limo to complet~

ESTABLI"H'\~,.NT I tbo1_1' en~gcmcntl!_ ettn rclumnt pl~~·r" , ~ .. U "- until fi nished, w1thou~ any additional

York, with an ussumed t rndo 160 W:f 'l'ER S2'RE~T 160 j ch~IU1e, M'ooerat~ nnu nccommo-

1 dnting mnrk thus- I I - .Ab'llin one J 011opb Hny- J ock of New

(Oppo~tic t.h4 AJcrco.11t ilo PrcmiJ<I OJ St. J ohn's, Feb. 17. Jlts1r1. J oll11 J/t~ml d: Co). - ----------


York, likowiso p 11 s s e s o tl' counterfeit' of h is own muko under t ho TRE SUI3SCRIBER bc::s t o inform name of Hollowlly & Co., hnving for a tho publ ic of Hnroor Grnco nnd tho t rodo mark n CrellOellt and Serpent ; Me- oulports gonorolly , thut bo hM j us t ro­K esson & Rohbins of N ow York are oeivtd 1\ b.rgo lUlU m ricd nssorlm.ent of agents for tho same. COORI~O Th~ pcniOIUI, . tho better to tlcoci\'O' ,~:o~ ~N(;y '

you, unblushingly Caution tho Pu~lio 1u "DI~DROO:'tf, smnU bOoks of directious rUlhccd to l11cir HAI~L, .Medicines, which Ill\) really the spurious <.:H tJ ncn:, M d imitntions, to &waro of Counterfci~- SUF! OOLROOM STOVJ~,

'l'HB BEST o~· ALL ! :A

I~ow Rate r~oU LIFE R.\T&)

Reeerve EndQ :vmeut ?clby l:f Td [Tho abo-ro , eaael w11 tbo ono which tb:1t Mad !:lhon bad 00 iulontion of Cap•tal Stoek or t lue lnatltutl,pn, haa

wa• in1trument•l in rescuing and eon- ~'kin~:' prolon;~Mion of bi• power-he been dedared for tbe balr-)'e:sr endm'l veyiog to B:ubadoea the men of tbo wouJ.i N'Uio offi~,--e ut t11 1880 but 3ht May, 1877. and a Donu• of £2 aeiJ r. FkuA, wbo•e eurpo•ei ),.~ and ..-o ulcl not hoJ,l boyon•l that term; and per S_bar~, paya.bht at ttl Bmnkinl{ hourr-, unexpec:t~d return \o their family and thus clotoll upon tho hu11e1 which were 1m th_t• e •ty, on and aftt:r 1$ATU.RDA.Y,

Unscrupnlous Dealers obtAin them at Clocks, Watches, J9wellerv · ~o11 1ow prices nnu acllthe~ to t~1o Pub- GOTlllC GRATES, ~-c:.

W ddin R. 110 10 C:uu1dn M my SCZIUlOO P1lb Md which will bn sold nl tho most rcusonnble


lrieud•, wu duly noticed in_ our c:ol~ jnst iflcu by ~ho con•titulion. Tilt~ Od~ 9th 101t. umn•.J ED. SrA-'ID.LRD· adda that M:tclbhon AU1u••q11e ntly con- (Bf onlor of the lbard,) ·

- --- firmed M. do U r<~~-:lie'• atntement. Tho J. W. SMITH, -Ltn(DIO\n'o I!C' N &nou:roLAn.-1 Al ouiUu,. adm il• tb11t t l-oo meetin:z of _ , · h~nager.

Tbe barquo Pohcno which collided , ;th tho Preaidenl of tbo U •publi,'llu Left . S t. John s, lliy, lG. 1G.3uu. b:arquo Bllo Vou, baa been traa infopmal, b1.t matn~in• lho •irtual l at Sydney (or ?t!r. D. H. p;tte, of thi• acc.uracy of th~ pubhabed account~ lSI" 01i1oe. elty, :o load timber d Bonno B•r,.Nfio. , whtch were.q••e~.honed _by tbo .!Jipuhll· .Route of Steamer "LIZZ. ie.'' for Liverpool, G. B. We unden~tand f'J'U4 p,.~,~ .h11 mor_n!ni:.-Mr. Pi~b, bu bad gaoge of men, lum- · Thero 11 on prob&bthlf of tbe Oh~m · (WEATHER P~ G.) ~rinK i~ the in terior of Newfound bere b"llt ll pro!:()goed tbo teeond l tme. Mo:orou-L~Te Harbo Grace fur Car land during tho patt winter Anti baa How£, 9 - Th o Pope continue• tore-· boo Co . alreAdy boomed 2200 tone uioe timber ceive tho pilgrim• from all qurter• of Tu••oATear~ __ ve, a8n. rtgu• .... _ R b

r f h £I · d d • h . ... -uor.aTO fii{ILI for .u.J 0 • at lloOtle Bay and Bay of lelania (<lr t IO . eart • • rocott'e unnr t o e rlt Cove Cubonoar aod Harbor tbipmeo' to Barope.- ·JLJiif,p (JI&ron,. 1u1nl~, 1,100,000 aa CAth. <h~e. . ' , icT1. • , WDli&IDA.T-Lea-re Harbor Grace for

--·-- Sor.r.o-.r.n'a Pritr.a.-7Toe aJight11t . ·eo,, aod Brigut, 'lfm tYO V'E'J3r:.L, -The 110boonel" JlalJI.I, ir1di~po•i~inn . ao thal.i~ m&J aot rapidly TII1fUD.n-Lean 'BriiU' (or CoYe aad

OWDl'ri by :\l f'Slll'l!. N 0 . Owe n dt: <J.>. or run ita dlsutroaa CIOQr.G from to Harbof' 6raee. • . ~hq"~~~~ B '1• anrl e<>mm" ndet.l by wor•c. thoiil~ engage tbn immediate at· J!'anu.Y-LnYe Harbor Graee f'br Oar-C'pt e ,!tli cii, G"lill'tl fN II. ~hr~¥ro~·s t('ntion of \be afBieted 0~ all clallet. bnn••· eo ... ""Bay Roberta.

. . .:a~ h 1' 1<'.111 f<>T }J.>nn'l Bty, NOJ., 1\.0tl A row do•e• of tluwe thoroughly par· Bauao&.Y-IAafe Bay Bobet\a for b6 not "inca boOn hu rd o!. H wl\4 i fying a o tl atl'On~tboning PILLS will Coft,Oerboal1arand HarborGraoe, I Uf'potod ah~ had ruched b er deatif\ation alway• be beot&eial trbon tbe lou& di• 1'nts o• DarU'Iria-9 o'clock~. IUid tw.J ~n fro~n in, bat it b:~11 no" order t'.'igaP, or when nonou• f•n • G. KJ.ltiN~B. ~$111 UlOttaia.ed 3bo ae~eL· aniYed th:n. op~P. 1aoe I.

ana. e g mg>· Ointmen~.' - · term!l. I most onrnestly Md ~pootfully np- 1${11 - S tove lini ngs nntl other ~ling

And an 1111ortment of New Se:~~on, ~pring 1877, Teu, •iz.-

Congou, ~ouchong,Scer.ted Black Green. t1 yson and Imperial...,..

"" New Stock- from 1/ S to G/ per lh. Good, bri~bt, el~nu. Urown SUG,\ll. Crushed anti Loal Sugar, with 11 ge n· oral a•~ortment of

peal to the Clorg_v, to M others of ll'nmi- alwnys ou lumtl. lies nnu other Lnd il!!l, aud to tho Pnhlio J . STRA T HlE. ge.Jornllr of B rit ish North .A.mcricn, thnt Oct.. 28. they mlly be plensed to denounce unspar­in~ly these fmuds. .

P urchaacrs should' look to tho IAbel on tho P ots and Boxes. If tho A tldrcs.'l 1.!1 not IJ33, Oxford S t rcdt, London, they

n1'0 tho Counterfeits. I N D I A N s A L y E NEW CHOII ;E GUOO.ERIES. Each ' P ot nnd Dox of the G enuine l ~

M edicines, be.nr3 tho .BritWt Go~n111~et~t --o- -

And" eomplt•te atoclt of R.,d..-are, all ,.1! which 'lrill be eold at Jowett remuner­ating price,, both

Stamp, with t he words "lloLt.O\fAV's No Family shoulcl be l!l ilhflut t.~is P.ILL8 A.'ID 0 t.VT.ll£lf'r, Los-uoll," engr:woo we ll·k11oum t·emedg theroon. On tho tnbel is tho ndtlros~~,

" J\ S Lo It ia unoqu!lllod ftor Cut.•. Burna, Sorea of 63.,, ~xFORD IJW.rr, llOOll, "'hera nil kind• and of ohl •t.•mlll""• Fro•~ Hit.o. alone tboy aro llaoufa~o'tnrod. D:r Scun y ~~~ tho lumdsl Dry Pile-. aud

ICJT"Parties • ho mny bo J ofrnndcd by all l:!onoa, EruptiD:>R, U cor• pr dboaJca Daily e~pec:ted onr Netr Btou of PRO· Vendor~ selling spurious " ' H olloway's fQr which Ucahvg Ointmon~ is l'll<}uiroda

VliHONS. Pilla and Oi.Atment," 1111 or my genuine Tbit &lvo ill atao excellent for Oa1!a on


. ltrRem.ember tbe Old Stand, . aign of the .. Golden Lion."

nLLARD BBO'rJJBR& ApriU8, t . ' • ~ • . ..:-· -" '· . ' ...... ~ ,.,,.

make, ahall on communicnting ~ho 116~'- bonos.· Ucnl:ll'll to me, be amplr rouluneratcd, Prioe-?5 contg yer box IUld l.hoir nr never dlrolgcd Sold by.,Meaara. w. H. TUO)(rf.OYJ. J .

Sig~ THOu •s llOLtoWA· Y. DUJU!(, and all d ealcrt in wodicint OU(Io lhroughOU\ tht eto\·inoet. •

, J.btlJ):0~1 ·~1\. -Jfl, 1877. jJ7, • '-lf.ueh 18. • I

1HB HSURA\0~ tO.UP 1.11 CW NE\V 'l"OR&.

IIOME OFFlOI!:, :ll!> BRO_\DW;.\ Y Jo~&l'U 1'". KY.l.Pl', Prc1id~,, ,., JouN It HEODll.ll'f, Fiudo. HoiiT. A. GR.C~ass, Secrel.rry. W!i- P. S·n :w.1nT. k/uar!J. Sn:~.1..:!T L. Wooo.roc , Chur.tcl.

MANAOBRS 1-'0 R CANA DA­Tnos. A. T ttuPn, Maritime P rovin.:r.

S1. J ohn, N. B. N. A Moon a:, Pro vi noes On b rio a t d

QulMic, Toronto, Oa.t.

Dl EOI'ORB FOR OANADA. • Hon rJ \Vat.liQ:tr, .i!'lw erict.m, .K J!fsr- : llicL~w. Prest, B.ln!: of N <.Tll

:a, Hahfu. T. <.:u&\\13 , N,.w V.-• !t

H. W. TliOMl'SON)

For Ship~ Papsrs enle at tho ofil<.'(l of t.Ws

Page 4: es • . · VOL UllE XVIII. Insurance Notices. .NU.HTfLER/:1 .t.SSURANCF COMPANY FOR C~PlTA.L-1¥o l\tiLLioss,



I t1mf' to look t hrou.:h lh" m• uure or tile rub he h'" not~" ~UeJ fof llod pto' or Inspection may not be obJeotion-llr tho pri e b-1 'aound aod beaefic1al lhe 1

1JC aui>Ject.ecl (4 mapeot1on, ~11th~ koew nnthm~t 11hr U<l 11~ dl'tlteiK, Whl~ u cn11 ~\IH llr tlr\l {,u._rilJature. 'flus b1ll nbl~t, hut. 1~ m1gbt wtt.b equul reason be tbero u 4 be oo rat1C1Dill es08pt)OD 1 fr.>tn &l1r01ld "penon ol undoubt.ed qu41i· would t> .. uc~rt11to eJ :1s • gu<'e t b rou~;h docs not coutemjll 1te tb:) 1011kua;r ot llDJ eoact.od 'bat u well as w at~Hmel'll 1t tokcm to tho croatton or mae&1ner1 to hon l~toonciAl Secratary-Ooe- of tiC!fttlOU ood competenCJ and pay .bim

LeJ~lauve Council

Mo:u.>u, .!prtl 0 i<1l Ytrtc•u~ e1ot:e" perrottoent nppumtment for the pur i'O'G shll•lld apJ'IY to llllllm.; vca.wl'l, atel\nl c.ury t hot l'rrnc1ple 10t.o oper1~1on the rc;uons or~od by tho hon geoLie- out or tho pubho treAeUI')' for at.teodmg, 'fhe Uall 1• 11 thr o rt •J 11 tir~L ••mf' fll e •r•7tni:J uut t.ho mspecLron ~~ pro1"103:.'ll l~tnnch~, r.ct.umt!l, touwler•ev 1\IHl Rll au !:lur au ar~tumenl, 1r correct, mlxot mar, 10 oppouog the b1:11 and to eodc:-Y· u you IIJ.y, In t.he publw wterects By

to bo rrl'ltl a eecun 1 ' """ ,,. .. ,.,nrntw nc:1lhot duea 1~ mllko tnsp_ec~toa ..,.....1,111 aLrtutrons wbo .. em 8~01 1a &mployeJ ~ wrtb equ&l force be npphed to almo"' orrng ' " ebow that It II unnoce.asrr, II actin" 10 thill manner the Govern men~ (Oor.t&mu:d ) 1l:c.- llnu~e then o~Jj •UI"OJ~:J unt1l 110ry or fn>quem,, but &tnfply pro•ule:> well u ""'"o wl•nru It l'l not. It &f>' DnY IJu••n~• •n whttft tho bn11oeu 1t that certA1o arraogcmet.te bate been would get cTeibt for that dilinr:.ere.t.od-

t;.,..onJ rtaUIDI( or Dill to pen; rnn lht Wedue~ll:IJ 111'1~ thM 1ltc 0 <1\ t:tn<>r ID Council ml\9' hold veared to bun UllC3IIed for lUl l would 1!()1 ( ndumo• that tbu MCP~SIIry es:rcuso maclft by lte!\mer owoe,.. here br wbu:b 00311 whu:tt 1.1 c:lain.ed by them. Of clu111 derk 1G tbe Ct•lllltJul :;, c•t:turj •11 , t e vower,'' tu~h the_v umv oxerctso from only bc\Vc tbe e!I'Get ol })lhn.,, up lAXI.'II at~o 1•lunt upon c:urnntt rL ou mu~t be IIIIIIIPpe~tton •• Prctflded for them, but coui'IIO tl1ero can be no OOJodion to tho ol&e.. I w t:ll~ EJIO \Y r\ pr I 11 tnue t.o til 16M CII'CUJUSI.tiOcetlllllllll w"- 1111011 the tl'l\d" lot no u~~eful or llt'OilSS&rYI prn'fldud for rite pehlrnne... furtbbr that doo. not extend to all a team on 10 anepechqo of theae lteamOI'I under Qo., ..

Uuo FlDincaal ~n•tnrt"-1 111., ob- 'fh~t llouus wet &t ••• .tr patt .Jc u' ran t C'f C"\IISII\3 tn.i pectton to bo oulde pUI"}lOeO, cutd 1f th1~ .R,II he (I:VIB~ 1nto a.lh~K"• "lhtlt the ro~tnclruna eou;cbt to l ilt& por~ or beloug•n~: to &.he country emment coot.rol wb1ch ~he contracta pro-w~t ol 1 l>ur btll, 1~ 111 11 ,,. ,1, 1 1, , ~. · ~ I" I• ,,, tllld "I'Jllt f>~ 0101 o p:u t1culnrly to st.es111 law, :wd a.s u con~equenco an I bo uupo•cd u r. u ld D'll cuurt'~ upon th"m 'l'hu eug10oer eo employed by atfncner nde for, but m c:aaea o( otbtna not under ~,1 pro,1de a ret 1111~,: , 1t"" ,0 , ., 111 \! , I ll ..vt !'ma th •nl Srt"rt••nrv 1 •nv(d till' "r" auhsrdizeJ hy t he liiiYeJUtllent fur bo not aoon fouml t.o fill uv th" office any currospunrl1nl( bonofiu" Now the owner:~ •• only ongtlged for certtliO tbe1r control, aod already regularl1 lD· J, •t>plt Cro11d, 1111, dttot "'"'n: , , ''" I ~., ... ., m~t• commu1 r 1 1' .. d•o w!wle u > 101\ll serYJCn p.urc;cu~:cr t •:tliic 01 olhcr ot"C tt.ed lhcMl•y 1 he ahould hereafter Ulll 11 not tle~t,;ned to confer boMfiiH tlc.'\mcra In wbtch, aa tl.o bon gontlr~- epectcd by the pensone most competent ( oloo11ll s .. ,. t~rf .. 1,r}i,, 1 hr~ " " t>u hu B•lt • '' "'""' It • law tu P"'"l"" puqlo.>ll At tho ~~ouno hmo when "o feel g•teYonsly dusappo•oled 'fb~ro Ill up.>n t1•c ownura of 11011ua •e~aeh, ~but m:tn •~ve llrt' lhQrou~th ly competent Cor that p ttrpJSO m the colony he aw 111 n:on 101 b .. r:u

1 "c 8 ~ 1,11 1~. llu; ~1 , r ,,. the< xttrm .. t•ou fll mn~l l't~ nu.! ll!licc~ Lh:\~ so uhmy of out JIOOplo J.:u!S n " t pro.so11tn qualclied lll.l!).ICCt.or Jl111d by upon lllo pu blic wtercat ~:onorallv. to eogmccra to lbe pny of tbo proprlu~4ra no llccesl~Jty nor reason why the trade

, •• '"'et nl 1 )>., r nl. v ror 1 , 111 lim m" '"'" , im 1 1' (, lllut '" '\ho d• <1r COI\llt lemulo port1011 of tlte1r t uuc d mn~; 1 ho ownl't'li ol ala.lml>oc.ts 11ere to con proJtdo for onAormr: t ho ~tnrtent con • f thoae tha~·· NotwiLbataruitng the ahoultl bo t.aked for tt. !'""' nod b11 tJ nmu 11 , :n, 11 m v ~.... iluu \ I hn .. v ,., ltNJ l '•o h ' '' tho "I' ring uf tho ~e111 111 lbe lltC.llllcrs 111tl ~ 1vrth thu l•n0 rneefll of those bo.1t.s drllon of •tf'lllner~ \Vtth tho v1ew to tht> posse all Oil of tho eet"I'ICIII of Llto-., ccr: The amendment wu then put aod lOll&. tidPh;v 111 1,,,. , 11o4 h ,,"'~<'"' "'• ,. 11 11 1 " " v.,~ of t h<' A1ll f th• 1 ,, ,,. na11o en,t;n"''f'd 111 tire liM I fi:.hcrv 1 ~ 13 but :10 n~ t.o "'ns 1111 tho ;;rentu>rt }lOII•tble ...fetv aoJ prniOcllou uf tho1o oogo.:r:J ufic.ted en~;lnecrt, they deem 1t oeces- C.:Ontenta-Hon R. Thorburn "uno • tt 1- toe 11 1, r•n "' , , 1r,. h 11, " ' U .It lur tv tt·ll' l.(rtt p • t r<>•u t ht! I • ngiiL 1h at llro OuHmmont should JlOl! o11ler ~tml uUic••moy of m •c'unerv nnd s.r 111 n'\d tra1elhu.; by t hnm In dorng llotv to employ anoth~r eye, tboao Non-cootents-Holtblea. Aiusra W10 .. 1 ,., u : .. ~.,ark• J 1" ll• r11 " " );t ""n' Jl 1oorll l our ' Ql'lll" '" 1 reterrrd tn h! d!l:<S tl•e flO" c1 to c.u1ee 111 m~ttcOtton of f01 th , tnll he coul•l no~ scJ wiry they tin~ 1t 11 to bo rresuro(lll lhnl n eorroe- co•upctont meu to 'll'i1om the cnre ami tor, Tesster, Rendell, Tl&lbot, and tho n. \fl., I l!lf>ll I rqulru ' I .. I tUlOII I t , ~{iuw \Jn lruL uuy "'' Wl't't ln; huJ lu~n th•m l.o be fmm tnno to ti no mtl•lc 13 .. ltould he t 1:C!ltl f->t IIIIth " " IOt>pO~"OII pond•n.: ndnnla_;e would •• cruo t.o 'u~t.>dv or tbo DltlChJoerv of tho lll'llm ColoniDJ and Fiwwoal8ecro-(!110bl .. o, 11 ~cr" uJ •II ltt:cllh 111 " uiJ 'rtr• ll t>O •' rnl!jht n,'ltel\r nooeuaty m tlllllnl.ilrc.~ld "~ tln'i 1f•ll ptoHJc>l, ~hnuhl 1t t•:w~ 1ur.o owneu thoaul'IY,.II Ill Jlfl~3CAlii D!: crrt•tl ora " eutru•ted, Ro (F :>) admitted tarY l•11tt~ /11u1 '•' , • tr, I r. ' , lh• tal •lut r I It o,, F•- an •at .., r I 1r1 - flte ' " DI o: t10 pub he a~ lilrge It utny 1-e N>- law, m,w.,J of l''lYIIld fur 1t 1 a( rt ""' ~~~ calN whtcb w.mlJ !:•Yo the pub he con· thu pror rlety of ther e:a:tro IU~t-f)o ~· · • .loe B1 1 wu then read a eecond hme 1n.l n ,. , ,,, •• , , , •I hu1 d ue tu u r u1 he 1 espr, 11 c.l "11 h '"!: cnl t" tho HtbJC1 t ph col tit 1L thu o1• uel'l! of slo.tmon~h!'kn& ! I, 10 tho pnt..11c hctcc'(l:lt., on~ or tho ti~tl•lro• Ill th•• • ffi.1onr., noJ t~~~foty of "0 d •n pruYr-ito~ tt 'he trade thoaJeeln~ w be oommt:t.ed to: morrow. ' tt n ll nl .. hnl.r lu• ~n •lltl p~rt olhtll m•lh r \Jr >•1•111•3~ t t £'• 1311• I m.;wd1u ~o:onnlly0!\nse pn, nLu unpcL"' fnn•ls oFtlt~colon l AP.,lluoua..-.been lh<~r eh ll• llttiH VI'r,lht• t•rlm:trvob reco~:n rMR thelusceu"y [ortbe pro ltl< •tth <! h 6 ch , 1., ::1 I 1 h , III'IOU•I "' 1ho I < h :•rat!"" mt~~ •,.u " luch IJ., t • m to be l't',:ul 11 ly ml\ l c, tmd thctr t>lo!•.ent.ecllo tlu~ .Hou1e cont.ulnl\1 , 111'001 JcCl '" 1h11 public lYe If tr1• a nJ eecur•l r, n~lnn of JU~t a tch tnapeolron All t hr' ( I'o b. contrnutd) Wulk ,, th .. ..... , . .. I ~ hllul \fltb •ttt ll ( 1~:-J ) lll~l~d ''" last dt) cr Ultl't•ll~ Mh ,~ 1111\dllnl'ry to be L:ettt 1'1 elliulent uc rtru!OIIfl for the non-cuuo.:u~ on::"ottbe and thll rf'PJI<IIl~·b•l tv ' '"' Go\crmnlliiL btll Mfce pow~r to ellubl .. h Hedtd ""~ ,•111 1 1 1 J ,,.~.11 , •• 111,1 1 ~~~ ' ott hnc.l mm cl ltrr~ Jlow• vtr, 1 t• COlt lttJon for tlt•••r own BKkca Such nn mra..,IIN anJ tb~;.: re1.wruJ hq fttllv 0011 uwu tn t h<' puoltc lure-ell upoulbom thu not Joubt. tho compe eucy of tho Plll\l•'• cl ltl r " hell 1,0 J, 11._cr nW~ \ u 1nw:ltln ent Rtll r•ll' exact t:lln forlHI I cngmnent \\ M. \er) good 30 frtr '"It cm rl'~lu; cont.An'iiD~u lh"J' d~tlm snh· nel'e~·•ty ot ••lttuntrtg.. 111 ~ •e"' or tho eOJ' IItOOr thus em,,Jnyod bJ thea.e.1ater or , 1'1,. .,. 1 •rt"' lru r1 c .. 11 f J fnc " t n th• ' " t rill' •on• of tho lln:~r.J nt 'OC$ l..n t the Golernment sltould not be sl.u•co "hat Ito hw.l at.lted tn tho fOUl 1 ~,;8 rapt til) IIICI"\!~~ttt..; numbor uf stu:uncr~ UIW<!r<~, but lt ••r•m ll•n zu sudt "lalse


ma1" ) t'Rr ll \\~o$ ;)'I".! \ , y, ~It b lmd ,.. l •&.1e an<! upon li s Clll\clmcl t ~n. l • o• ~lll~fi .. ,l " 111, l::s~ '"~ 1111 JLton UJ ptllnte Lo n "~ tu:1du 11 l hu bu•lllt-H o£ Lltu ~olut '"• the urowrr :11 ru.;r~rtld l he pub'Jl'l riS bo It the ~ttr-ro.:rc r I ~ '"(II "" rt~'ll unJ II,. tbou let h IIJ:I It "' B It I Ill tllc "\ ri• . .. } or I. r I I I f b I I r I ' tu proYitlt'l fur lllKflCCl tOU Ill L:Uflhtl',.: to vUlt or J!CDIIL110C I I" UO emplo~m,

1 " 1 1 " 1' 1 '1 ' d 0 1 espoo~ 1 •Y .or t 10 ~I re. Hon SVl:-~hen Rendell l11-i np• ln'- nd b f 1 Il l! 'I 1 1 d b I 1 t l t lut • tau ~ud J 1 ret on tJCil>O lu or•t •o ( '" "' I 11"1 •1 tcc 1e ' '" ' " ~•vo O•l , 1 1 1 1 r ' • ••• t o profiiiO '" o l10 10 1011 1\11 OWOll no rt •pon•• • t v t<> 1e r

"''" h.~ J<'lh c.l , 0 luot: 11, J httl fulh rorl11" '..,ll c{ ''""!'~" ,., v ~:rw cJ ' " .. ~1 ~~d~11~1o;;: ~~~k,,rl~·~~: rt. ';'~ ':'~~·:~,~~~ c;,:1 1~bn•:1:.o any ().n;ch rv~t tontl 111'11>11 1Uua f.tOnllcmr~•t plr Thorburr) nuJ llro l,c, ur to tbu&e 1~ho il:lYo t ho pubhc

tor "'" u olou y .., co1111110., 10 l•ttn fvr tllMitr t nnJ t ll.l ; .. 1hr ~ 1 10 r,,,. o ""'' ...., • nt IIIOCO 1t a..'J reu I pt1nJ.&o , 1\ other obJec•ors 10 tl••• mc.uuro apltci\r r olcr<s~ 111 tbetr k.,rpll;!, Ho h1111 uo I I d I• tlout 1111 I• r pr cscut Cll'CIIIntLIII<'C.!l, t ' e n1o~· fc tll 1· nowl··' •• of lh\l r.•~·tln•·•-n~- d h b .. 1 I•·· t co I t'· 01vn of o et•• tn ILe r • a ll I \h:r I J b II hfo the 1'31:11 v ht Ya Ill lld \ 10~0 l!l"n ll\0 Ill Li rl l> l >rt ~~~· ·~ " ruov ·~ ,, .... ~· 0 to I n to e pru~OOulll:! upou ll ""' power u mp.: uo cr .....

''.;;IIOII~IIoJittv tull!ll'C'it " ll<lll tho 0\\IIICr.i \11<1 f••r !Jor o••Jlllll'l on of I • I' \)V"lODS I. d d b I cl b b~slort&tJ.cnurr• rc•otof h~> n~ llou A ll .. vt Y M•I " 'h f • ..... • • ~ ' ~· GCtucrwron;.:grouue,nn te•rorgu•'r loiUO All\Dipectlonmao, or auc ptt,c•H•D Fmull C't uo.:h lor om of hid 1-> t bc d nuur , n .. lu tbu r, c , _ 0 Ito 111111' 111 whrch !I h >tCCHiont would Ill\' t1 R ll.iSIOII aponll'l pctll::lf'le luul lnd menta t? bti ba~ed upon "nll~ctou• at rep:urs or nltemt100 • ff~cred 111 I he

.. c ll I oc-cur' Lut undet the ope• ILIOn Ol LiliA hi•U ·~ rltodlfY 1118 VI-I' S .--~,-' ttl" I t I ,. t b G t t d I r th bl m Clllir•cl II t il l UP " ..... I lid PI' II I'J ""' t. our rc r lol,lll!'" tn re~ t "'" I I leV n II I I I , .. r I "" Q. 'o ru 0 • aump ,on a n re..,ue~ In,! t 0 ~o rern )I\ ~ v or :1 fQII . , 0 0 u pu 1... oy tb reeJcare u; cfihl' '1\ Jtl•out 11 ltnlo ~1 hn u : Ut<'n r otttino"d ltv .. ,, , ~ th..

1' '''l,L r"~tlOn!t •: 11 ~ won" 1111 ul" 11 \.t li 'lit stglat 1t Wll..'l pt'Otly gen11rally lmeok nut tOtfltoC:ef'd llllh It, titer ~lf dnm11111.l Dy tli,. b11l tbo offi-t:~l .n-

nbernct' ~ue 11

~hort 1 .... r rod ot , lor• ' • .-c not-ndv tr~ tt-n•n •l . 1 .. r t 10 nnl JOIItl"" 11

U-8.) 11' <tned~ tt would c.:on.lenm~.J n.-1 nn nuneOCS.'t."IIJ mOI\..~oro, n\ the anme tnno tbat they tokun ~pef'lor IYould be bound to pro~ccuu

ntg l t or 80 on one or-cD~ton lie l'oultl "~"' one f':J~t' nt lr~ •t hi " hoc h :1 1 ~~~ l.tQ... LO seu Lit •t sk:tru..lllllt~ nnd lh~• : lllut fn ler cons1dc• 1~1011 u! llJ obJect had tho pr cnuttuu lhamaeiYea to employ lm tompl:unt!l, nod proYoot tho cle:~r uot epeak t oo lt~d,lv .,, the IJtltctc r , I 11un•t n:\111<' 1\fl )ll'~·· a t" 1 he buok <of HI cch••'"' 1 " ,., 111 " ' ''"l>t.:l mul erfic•~n. lndncc,J lnm to 1..~ucur W oc.nMclmahle un~ nl'ur• to ftUrvllf Lbo1t 11te:1mera aud 11 ..! ou~ of o '1 atc3mor u ntrl auth 11 tteuuvt>, tl oc.lfollbful pvfurmlhceoi t he t luluttt c rr t: u fh r. "" h!\ ttt,: conllll.on h •lo·~ 1111

" Jnten~l .!c.t~ ll 1 m thor-c:.'\!oon~ puL fonl>•dlo, tts t ltor ... fun) t ho GoYarrunt'nt ahouhl real alr eru. tooa n cru torfccted Tbu btll publ c duiJ " hr~h h~d ewer nuJ nl- 1 r~""'' ~· IU-~1 r fu r h,. co •1•"1"11' "• f~L:qucn~ ;•n•l nnuovtng ~yslc u 0' •n~pec cr a tmont llo lbon,.:ht 11 could IIOL •'lli:Sfi ,J :~ 1~" Tnu n.uortton eboll'a niTi!nla" ;;uaraotce to the public tbat "ar11 ~h11ra~:tt-rrz~ ?!1 r CnH\ J""

1111d out! 1• ,.., - 1111.: 1 , • r .a .. ,,,. fur 1 , wn~u tum hhllll •1 1 "e pine lluL occ.ll<tonullv wrth •uuch fur.."ll llo ot.J ... octcd th ~~ tIt: .hev cun•hlcr •n~pecl1o01 '" ~:t'aa!\ry, uul w oero ou tospcctro:t 18 r.oc:enarr. and

hll 1n t1r,ull•t-ll no 'flprl'htlll 011 vf ob- I I 0rt':tll3rll t u n• uuL \\CII .. IIOII<'J ,, cu, "1111 '11c"~ "' '~" N'tl'lll'<' 01 \\!ten lo;l\ crnment snonltl clot••c thecnseh~~ tlnv uv<-rlook the tact tbnt tho ro ~hen ll11Jib•as IB found \HOD~ or out Jt:CihD io Pr<•\IU<l (, r

000 wbo l•a"- orlr:~r.Jutn~t.~t C'"l'1' " 1 Mh' 11•1 ll"mvlun<tot'•ode "' tlt l•l•vrrto c:rus!) Jll8t• :cl tua a•,l m,.1 .. u•llll•ty oltbe Govtroneni JO thiS ofrpp11r, atep• wtll betnken tohue

t pl't<' tbt- bt: • l roara of lt1a hlo 111 1 hl I I, 11 l t ~'" ' , J :St-a t tun "-"~' I ho '' ,J ""' tl c 01 111" ''~ 1C''


1cl•t• 111 of '"" lcvuet~ ' " •.,. ~ ~10n nl c1ny sle 11ue•~ ucloo ,•n,; 1o uu tcr "' u ~fun~ :sho,other diShoot nod t ho ehap a nd ber mac! "'ery placed '"

I J I I .. II I 1 ... '" ll ~ · \ 01 Ill Oo '" ~ ... t••••n,hll• I I I I l E ur • II "··· .I a•nrr 1 of hl' <t lt•nv 11" •r~~d tu ext · •n• \lloniHuo wa~ • •• u• • 1

f t•eco ony 'H)tun on.;•_;,.,mthe~a npnr~from tharo tbosto.melup o wn :lttc c•uu.conlllODuvtoreprooaeumg u.c, 1 1 ht L ""' !Jut lle 1 011 n~d :1 ecc :1 I• ,.. <l •j• a::••, t • 't HI obJ• t '' n~ 1 ; l-ee"' tot:" • •u 1 '

1 t t•: · 0 11 111' 1' •1' 0 1

• •:. N • or c.trr) m0 11 ulu, 1n c.t~cs eo.,. J'hQ OoYcrutnont must prontlo "o lo ~ea \'l111lo tbo GoYornment b.ue o:>J tm, Rt<TJ •, , , cocu1 h 11 tit ~ mrnJ '' " '' Jl wn•IJ t :"' '1 11 ~ ti:IP I" '' "11 10 n'!rel "hn•e co>nrul u nll> l11ve lleen rn ,d., utl hl!t ( trail l!l'su• their power lor tho ll.'l ft~l\" u•o' y rcoeoa.. to cunf.du 1n t he tu~grrty

Jl D '

,, I ( II I I ,. tell h• t la Uu:\t I o' l - · h 1 hu ~ I t.JIII If" IC I en ''I' llnt.:i \\t I'll" II Clnml ltv tl ~ ..U t u .. n Ol\ llo:u·d 01 by ~.~ •• IIUIJ uE lhll ,,.,c .. l\1\J pn,lDrty u r Lbo 1Hlbth. ollh\l truti • koOWJDo' tbo I l .... e TJ8k un r • 1n rr u ' rc r.t urrct 111 ~· f:-.' ' 1 1 J 1 [ I v . , . ,.

nil 1 Lnt t l:e 1,. 11 } nauunl ~ 1 r.r n" h~• t P"-td, un •I 1 ht• 11 Jnnl', \\c C3ll ot J.:H C "' 111

11 1111 P11<~• ~~~~.n~ •'\.<{) •

1•re '' 111 I \l • "J"• ;:•nn~ their e:lictency or s.tfotr noel It u tot IH lh the tlc•1ro to t hroiV thnt they hAVo at eta ko 1n tho"o ateam

1pokc n .,..1th 1 " ,.. ~• d 10 11 t 1~r. l hu 1 t!ce ue< r&•a rv utotrcJ, •ton• for 1 •o t ~d tto• 1 u no I 1111& " ''1· ' ct c.> npu ~"' v "' l,,.. ( ~ won I I b l w•~~ IN .,,, o Guvl'rn a•ty 111 •u tnbrant o on tho tr• da t hr1t lltey t r:s ltl'ceurlntrns tha t tbov be k~:pt. tu l:l~:rl; 111 tlu (. 1 1 · ~ 1 :o;r , 11 IHJ" 1 :111 , ~~ .,r on order 111 1.,;.,1!11<'1 111 mnke 10ur 1'10' 101~1

1~' vl the me:s ~l1!, •lll lruu :;e;" l ~ •ocnt. l111~ I"' •c1 s~ ~It r~ u.ny tlfl 1 1,~ VI t.o acck to con•er'u 1 111~ untl, butw utllcr-1 e ffi~rtut ord,r, u~ tho 11111ne t1111o lhn } 11 rul••(l lr \\ ) ~.o .. J J , ., ,r 1, ,,rt•h• nr,.•uf conpd•l•" ' tllc<tno ttlt 111011 '" l"rccrr<JI J~ et ls co,•I'J r.>lll tit Ctt!lollltollolthosa\ tta 'll nu,lctbo e•lco tuthe ou.ytulyo••o te>tl1o:lo whn nubl,cnrt nutlu b, ~uppu,ed to buYc

I l I I I th .. c Ill ed "·"' ~""' \ H; t ll't n.u tltt:. h \\ of tlto DoullliiOII, \II Lh th I c:c~- I' iillq cJ mJ IIIJIJ IC C<llllt lcnce tu •hom I r•la etl tlt~LO Jr. lh• JlO,IIl<ln• the? hJ td 1110 d:lmO knoll hocl!!<> o f the coodtl tOO j!tU •• IIlli I I I "' I ' u ~· I rr Ill 1\" I I I I r I I I f 1 ..

I • , 1 f - 1 , t l 0 \ 1 1 alro>n•l) , a•s~J lwrl' nn•l 111 t 111 bl:ttntl' I t S1' es 1'011 cr, I 1 Lito• 11 v Ill thn C.>lonv d.1 1L tho • · ,1, ·•rn l A Jc .. r or t tt<>, or 1 hr ..o, '"~ r p ,.. ~~- • rnu1cnr to " '• • u thon1•1 l•o- IU :\ puet hI th c, J-!1\ ll. _ lid \4 "lt • t.: n ' H c It r I I I r v ... U.l ... .., .. - r

Ii \)tice to lta.riners ud FlShermen.



THERE nre fi ~ e Beacons eroct.ed, pmnted Wh1te and Rcd-1\i\mely

une North, two South, one East, and ono W est

, . C>!Sela mus~ not ancl•or to thojW est,. w.rrd of tho Northern nnd t.wo Soulbtm DoncOI18 m n lme, or to the Southward of tho Eastern and 'V estern BcncoW! m n lmo

J::, ery l!Jll11lS 1\S soon n.s the H nrbor 1!1 cl~:~~r or l eo Uu·ce Uuoys "111 be nuohor ed, also J.llllnte<l WhitAl and Red-namely two on the Ell!tcro sboro gtnng th;;r .North nnd South hnc or c:.~blcs, ami the llunl m ml"l hnrbor gtv~nc; the .East.e1r !me of Cables ,

S uall ' cssel11 •un" l'lnchor to lbe S<rll tl 1\ltrU oC the Sont hcm bnoy

(S•gnetl,) E. WEEr • •N,

J an 19 Lo"J..l Supt


he 1.11 r "' 11 ., r • ul", J~ r 1 1 1• '' 1 II \I I' mt ct ~·~~ rr v J • tlflu• t • t hu tlrdrc • tC~nn Ql tIll ~'0 111111 1Qrv c 111 '>C 1 0 t•e •~• otcd llo' I 'I cwmol'd ltv • lu:;h 1111 1 t 1'10 u[ thrt .. n >trd of lhG c 1!c II\ I of l h.:J h••ds, nnd tl bchoYcll tlte Go.,

cbttq;t vi puiJJo1 •' II I I, ~ Ulllll II fH h )1 d C II II n u I I" 11\llll.,: t l 0 !IO~~ IJ;<' I ttO II IJIIOII to I 1 1•t O flll •p"C lOll, LO tll~)'~"'L IOilltt !t"V~ DO lll..t:llUOil •\ ltnltHe1 of .IJI foro I h" Ot'CC6~t l 1 ~hnll :1rt<O fo • tht I Ill e Ul b r 10 I ftl.l o f I fte OWnl'rri Ill tlua

1 ~~ ~ 1omf,Jtll. u hun 10 nbnwl" n 11., 11 11 I '" uf tit, mt- !"lit•' L •c• hafo 1•rob:\bly ruu .. unorv 11111 50 01 , It aheJ tho oc~nr l ' uuttn; 11 1>01111, 1 ~~~ Ttt,tH>C'-"1, 01 of osorcllll of tho lh>l~ llr.! coufcrrll\l IJy t he • •I • l t \'I <• h "" ~ 110!'1'11 elt- tUltrs lo --- ------ - - - --l t L1 d t 1 , l t~t:!l to rt'co 1111. ou r crrlltil':l•t'8 1 •~ uce of t.=c•• lcnt, m OHler IO \'iCdtnm I' u lt iiii'Z tt o\lltL'"IlO "thn~ OI ""' •t• • to Btll/bul~lrmu uny Cl• tto 1~h.,n 1t l11tt t.m.n Inn w t h :~ 1 1 uu b •:l rd, on Ollr ll.ARIJUJC Gl' .lC£

1\118 II r.n•Oit l I!"" JU'i Ill rn "''' ~ I 1 I . I I , . f . 0 ' -~· . I lur b m 111 1, 0 •'rclllll' , f h• 1

, r, l \ r )'H~•t.ulll·~n•cllllu hn ho:ro " 1"1 Wl GUOtn<X:ruun . v ta l tul'C"' " ° Cl ~honiJiv.lmsiH.'d~ l nnJ octtUeJ by e!t•llurg ntl rbildt>n_n k•l, nH! •tC• II o nHlul~t•lf~l1,bv~tdrrcettl •lj:: •u•"''"Y H.-, ( Dr \ \ ) 1 1\)IJ~ '• l af tla tllrt IHttl ' ~ ' ''" "cs:~-kl ~ lh ., ... , n'IHthl per l ' 11",iliclet,•cy,.orm lchrne•> Ol nt';;lag;,l noc, •h:lolh ... ~tl•~hotDI\Vi.JO~":IMIUIIyr~plliiiUteJ not bo fur~ottcn lh't " " llUIO u~ rvre r 1111 tltecJIOn ... , nnd~calplu.n to mav TINNAPE& STOV:::

J>l la n " hu b ·h~t ccut lc-~·• 1 .. ,1 ,. 111 1\ our!'<nf; .,1c3 of C"tnfl• t• ncv to t •n• '"lctJC IIC•~o p•oc•n rn.;t>vr; enf~ lO<IIll<tV lh'Jm h t:!SI!Djlly 111 t'.lnJ~ll o::nY hld todtploro theoc,u rn•ncu ot lillY<! Uri'"" ri' 'L rtlm,:tltt~ua t.•cau .. lt ~STI\Bli~UM£Nf ('f"nlh l'OjO\ ,, i huJ ),. rn r ur 1 ,~ 1 , •I 1 , p • 8 ns t>tl• , 'c t ~ ndru t 'to tunc tlus "~ t.o the source w tel e oult~"'luh~.r 8 lOll ' to 1• .tl of , ho JlOI¥01"8 of tho J3, tl on II" rnl l:tuJ,)Iltllble nc• 1Jont~ on bo tnl or alc~m IT!\6 of leu o ~Kcll w!te!lu•r t ho•o buJL~ bl e t I I Il l! 1~ 103 t11r 11 nd h, 'I bu pnesrd , ... st.. flt<l It~ II, tl! •o~ OCI<t,.;uc., W, not C.\'les of com p'runt m 1 lc, 01 uf .1011b··· l'r~ orll,>lunn,..: ou• uco,.lo nnJ llll.!".!cd wcro 6t l"r l..ll • c nile on uu r ~-oasla , I 6 Q n• { TJ. R SI'R ''ET X 6Q m aa 1 •r "~ a h .. ••a~rr , 1l '"'u I ,, 1 " "" r .. ~ • ' ..... ·J.

I .. 1 1 1 , 1, IH\ an 1 n u •'" ' 11, I', 11 n~•l'nt u11es 1toontem ,1 "te III'IJ"~IDC: , e~ ttiOUB 01 1~111 !! 1\S tu 11 •• ~1111 ., of ilttll or 1111 rn t h<' hu,tu1 P~ o' tu<l ~olon1 :Smlllr.r but \h<J Uo>tro:uent ltrro bnd no on J uf t ~rae t t1 Ar.: t , u t tH t mu r c J 1 1 1 f 1 1 'OJ' ~"' ".;

thnuL.~ J.u!(luHhfui ut d < fl t t l tl~f'r J I O lhalrt'! UI"~I tCl!lii~~C"t 1oQbi"'Ct b•cn 1-.!Slr ~ttonsupont)o tmco u LtO C:>".lllJ', chncryo£1\ll) C.)t~t .. (O otlt&t etelcntr i i"~U:\tiiCS lD :JypOSSIOif3g ' tt l llkopi~Ct", JlV II'Cr lo \:l..t•u 1t to ~n•cr rhun•d (Oj>pn:Sl le t/1~ tlJercanllitJ Preml&tl OJ fiCtB cntll I<J b•nt 10 rtt ~"" \\ 1 111 I 1 t r•H:d n " ' ' \1 (I , an•1<>t <'i' l , ct our cc-r not unduly rntr:t '"' ' og "1th It rr t rilly emplo) oJ I\ I Ill au lis• h:~ed t.y lue-Golew I :111J 1f ~ aov dt,l l\ ou iJ 1t rto. be en r \ .. h1 ther t U• y Wt ro l'ffic•r- t or ool Jfcddrl J olm Jlmm &: Co) t ins f'lt~utbt r Itt tTncr r nnuot ~lttr tl" I ~:~.c~ tn br of o •y fML:tl u• Ill :111 "nv, but Sl:nply '' ltcrcm the mtereiil'l meut 11111 onlv m s11.t1 e 1se~ would tlloy I orJr n~rJ r~nd c cJip~blu th~t ,. ,th end• W ten we• n,...reo to p·y t•ut •ume o awouut 1 t~ l ~ <l 10 tho IJII but II ere l "1, r tn (. " ' n d o j;lfC \'itltdi',Y to tbow or tho ("llvhc gcnernll) p JI!IIl t.o tho .... ,s111~0 Lite re<pon~nb1J 1 t) of MC~IWlll \ t :lprmmcu ns wr hrl f e Jrn,l, we eh.•utd mull"Y ftocu I he on' h~ trensnn for the ,..,.,HE St1D C.RIBEll bc:::s to mform would, be r .. lt bo nu hcorl •l t n 'll"h .. t ,s'•JI' bl' I:!S II I oece3SJIV lol tn~pcctaon an i onlv pro- lllJ uy Rlltholh ed lolthVCI~ Wht! Sll'"h bu Ci!Uipllllod II) AIJ \\ tl ilad no vuwcr ltJ ~~·nrcil 1)1 81C:ii ... S1 11 jl~ . .... ., h:ue 1\ rtbbL J Lbc pnhhc of H nrbor Omce 1\011 thu el«.>r :~monc ·• hon {!~nll .. m~r. to rrr.<r 1 l lion A Horvc>t" - 'C'nll'n 1 ht!J llrtl po~s to tnlroduce Into thL'J CO•tnhy 1\ dun I. ~ 01 compltut .. <J wl'ra wo'l roundlocl J pru~ 11le pceo.1ut ool'l IIIJ: IIHNI ~nrh tltl tl..!l tu t~rUl o J tAI!IY~ 1\ rtlt th\l power '" outports gcneroll), that he hM JUSt. rc 111 pr<'\IO ug tor 011c \\I 0 liD' <' thc 1 110,~ rtt o ntled nh .c r1he pP•••nr nf tlo1~ B,ll • latv ·~h•ch lt.tll ~o J~'tlme.l nCCCSi.uym or not. V.trltC3 have of.en ur~n f 0111 I n • > eeo whero b'u-tu 11..1tuJ f,>r thot l tti• J•Cct litem wl'll'ln comolnu•t 1:1 lllrl'l"~ C\ll\l'<l n lnrgo lUlU , unod ll.SSOrtmCltt oC of but hfo 10 p udtr w<>tl• nd 11 1~ ,.1 dw s•11tutc CIU tb., mnttcr ,., l huo to olht: oounl11CS to IH'Ole•t tho hfe 1\1\J 8tr,.h• uu~ :>r from 110 c.mso tl r11l 1lu•s 1t m1.:ht b(', or ltfo a• IYIIII 1s pru r •I.J uiJt l l pre.-<•1"1 •• ta tlr t.!c r .. ~r<'t) HJOOKING ably orrlurtru d •t ., tlh crrdat 1 l htul•c If ~ btt rn palt'd } prop< r~,r nf lho p•1hhc H o b~gr.d t.o fa't!qt;•ntly ~IUSJO'" "lt.IL lllJIII , nnci lo ;,/ 1p rly? The InJured 11ubht Uli~UI JU•t ut~hor bJ scnm"n on uo l rJ of aurb 1h11•• F.A~CY' IIJ'd :tc!var:.t~Go to t he ~.:QIO:. Y 1, J,.!J hi.' A n .. r a It t'o r 1 t1tc r Jtl<upr>tton tho move that t l:o llll 'llo l'e.iQ a second uutl t.o rentO\ O ,.~; l'''Ooohl.,· C.\llt>e (u; 1 ly occn~ then uf n• :, u• l lll; t he duty •r other~ \Vnul l rt 1111 , 111 ca'e ot DEDiiOO~r t~err<J rll~ flllL,e r<'-•t ,,J rupot"l•he Hill 111ne paotc Jllre!!lltJtosteamersemplnyedb' 1ttt YOivtd to the comulllnl&f 1n u..ot co:n pl.11otof lh~ t k t n l, ho•crj'tlliU' I Hr\.LL '

!ion r (l 1'. s•ter I~« murh " '""" (), 111" 110 11 rJ,c ,.. port "no rl' .. t'l~r j and I H on n Tltorbllt11 1llU6!. anr he ne .. er UR, 10 whidl the (IIlii c t rolvol' lll .. nnd l "",'lldtn~ mi'DIU fo~ Ute r protcOII<lll 'lUi to tno OIY I C r~ thum•clre.o to hno 0 11 ll!l(.,'ll, nml 1.1ro •n ~npf nr llnl! 1 he •N• ltd r• td• •!! o 1.., ,J .. r ~~ :I ~ JU At!c tltnt tho U111 bu rt!!ld he.u-.1 ''e <k llr rr ll\0118 cor a more lnme otliorwtso I\ tO conot1ned, tt · ~ de••mule A 1 II•? GuYnrotncnt :uk It to W cloth 1' 111 'l-:' "0: rl'pnr ts <'f 1 he rondttJon of SCHOOLROO~! STOVES 1 b18 litll nr::d l h~u~ Itt 1,01 , 011 1.1 ,.b,'o 1 n ,1,, , •I t1me to '" '" r, " : excu~o ofl• t<! 1 fot lhe mtroauct Jun of"""' tbaf'1'RISI• ttl'!!l nnrl mrtcbrnen shuuld bo e•l \l't tu tlus nutlwraty "" •• to be 110 t hcrr 11h p~ clrtuh to:tl 1f ther Wl'r> not


c-or t u nu~r 111 the lib&!'t • ,1 H, n• ,.f 111 , 11 ; li on 1' 1 •ot~c, tl :-; , r• 1 1 1 mME:tl 1h, 11 1 e:,~nc'\l tit"' lhO'I" e.t pre<~SCJ by the I'Yrttl ,.,10 t.o dt,Jlel n,•prchtntron As re.. nbled to oxerclsf' It 111 cuo of ot thl ~rue, 11' "} therost~l~c• Rlruuld bo ~hd to G 0 THJC GRATES, l¥c.

J!Cro ll,.mru Kl•n 1 rc r• d, ,! l11•n n J.l 1ttl l, • llou•t- u•to C'en•mt tlO vf tltt ~ hulo on It 111 ~entlet11:.n rn J'IS' J!ic.ttron for ~bo g.trJ~ tbo d'lt.lll~ of the Dill probnbiJ Hor; R Thorburn snul tt wa~ to lor 111" 11 I'Xtslt lt ; the me~tllK of e fli.wlly 1 "Inc!:. "1ll bn sold nt the molt l"e'.ISOWlb!e

lU li P fll \M or m prow.: cf 1hr tdli.m1 1 h l '" In prv\"1 lo fnr th~ rr ttrC OI~II I n.u.~o .. hcfor'\l t ho ltonw H e "i'Jir6 lll1111'1' or t hem 11 111 he llllhJec~oc.l to 0 11 OfldO It thllt t ho Q,.;r~rnmtnt hn• L! cnnll';ltl llllll..{ aod counte rocho;t t!lo team~ Jnl' h'Pl' It Ita • bl'f'n lt'ltrnrl urr•l l A ti t• t htr f clerk 1'1 !111 lui.JIIl, J ._ e t Jt ~noleol Lltnt 110 Jkli'Mlll \lO Ot II for 111111 Cll!!:>tOII, IInd )l'.lrhart5IORDlOOdrDfiDL 1~'1 1' dec rJed till~ lllnttcrnmon.,.~ttuetn8'l•e• d f, ct or ~JOh ro;:orta .-chon t lrl'tO j 'jT-St.ovelUWlgsondother castoJl,. ~1 (. n ct ' • 001 bt< llllllfl "" I. I ~ I" I lrt" & CJ ffi~ , - bon :\ u~r\ oy Ill the IIJQIJ~ llonu~ tlt>tt tf t'•o nl'CC&Sil' suouhl ..,..... throw• It c,llllU)I. tOII bu t 1111 ......,u·da nnd arll uo~rmll\1141 t o c:trrJ t he n 'I, u 110 rC'll fnunJ111 1011 for t hem Tbtll nl\\ (1)11 on hiWd


cun< r J J o--- 0 ' I .. . . . h ~ • f I I I I. B II \lOU d !:"• t ht'm the opportumty J STR · TD"! 'Il' I t: ttn ol 1 ultlr • c r• ll " nuJ t h" u llf Ill If< nii'IO nr Cll'\llltll'L.1uces I{'J"!.ll'O•I lhrtt 1111 o''~lllll'<l pllllCtflle lt11 W~<SI r.tther 10 t cr-.n)rt h WEll 0 Il l e 0 3 " " ' Oujt:d fi • 4 ~

\ It I tl I b t l J( rt I to do thu nou tu restore cno dtlDCO Ill <! etlu 1 • t mt tt•c r " " h1r-h I ro •• cr 11 ~ron e 1 l'l"lllJ >n ' 11 ~om- I ~honiJ cnll fur an Jtt~Lwn o' .,Lc uaetd clmr.J to &IIJ'tKlr~ 1L 1or th" 1'1'13008 ho m;.: l o It 0 shout on 'f rC!Hl-'\t .hH 1 nu\ • d l < h .. ve :~hn 1 • •Its• b~r<'lll l h1 m tee •o•o nnd rPpnrt.d tho Urll 1t wo11'<l be w 1MO to h:\\6 a~ but ther; h:1t1 t-t •lilt.! 'rh.s o'Jj:lt:L •• a goool ono \ tf t hll ll•llu• to ap ply oniJ to • tcnrm r~o ~~~ ~~~.1 ':;''"'~~'un~nJ nstb~heG~~:;~;::~!

OA.R.D <I • '' s <O~<ll•>' upun ltiiO ":r~ , nu \1 '1 111011'' 111 ttte report waa rl'cPt t"ed ' t 1\ 0nld t"' tuto eno•wh to '1•w•11le lor c •nc:- tve..l m n r•"ht ~J •IIIt., an,l ciS suciJ IIUD~Itll:r:~J br tbc Gortlromoot t aerl' I • n tn I o r ... ad n tb ttl 1 me -to 1 or "' o 0 1 t d of ll•n pubh~ s:~ '~t' to beo tn o poa~hnn

II<" I'l l f 6'111 !11 It IO pro• > II ll f, r f11• oJ.- 1 d. 1 1 1 1 1 ro Jt. The 11Hltt tllln"llmt WOU<U 11 ltlllt\11 SlmulcJ n <1L llf• hast1Jy C.JI'IIICml!"J 11' IS no Ot'CCS•ttV or I t ~$ Uti ~r CC.II t\1 j!rte tbe fu1 Je~t na•nr~UCO th:H ablpt - 0-dtiOIUJ!' ~ I r• ' ' " ' 'r t he 'olmttal rune:• I II motron or hnn hnnor~,:'ll :SI'C ru sng<feKt t t.tll'lf to ,t pelitOn's mnul 1!1 us l:iOII 1~ 0 'IC'PI Cl ll.llll nl.bonc;h Ito l rtd tlu•y 1\"(' b<>unJ 10 aubmrt t(l h T s ~· r r .. " ''~ h• rl brru HI o'lt(l' ,. r .. r :tr•' thl' Iilii to t\ffiCIId thft E<luofthOt} 1'\."'tJr Is the COffl)llllf'llCY or t ho llo.'r&OIIS I h"•l 101"\\ii!lllt.od (\ Pct rt.iblll\ r .. w- tlnys ll'!O •urrey auJ o•pocll" I' llUtl t he m or- ~~~~::~~~~ru~:~ wel~ ·~bo tr::~:·~~:m~ MA STtRS & MA E L~;k IJ & ht' (~lr J ) .od.l rrm,.mhor .-\<t-<\hlo.: b rnerdv rclftted to a m:u trr l uhll •o~v Lo hL.:ely to IJo appom t.e~l by IIJ;• tu~L the eu,.ctmout of tllli ru~un; Yalton thua made •n th" c- h:Jrt••r -o' d h U'lll llllll' 10 tl·•· ' •. tom nt ·I h~ b~lh •• I .. r huumb n Blr> r~l'l· or tho Otlltr•.c•• or l":ovtrnnlent t.o fVIdOrUl the dut.v of Ill strll itCI UlllSt coote:!.i ho n,.,.royo.J of tb~ I n:.:rcc•u.eol, nrqulld tiJcUl of tbe r.••,))ll th t ~ .power mil only ho eserctau w cu Prepared {1Jr tlte .L«tJJ ManJIO Board

I , I I I Tr11 1t• ~nd un$tlets o11J <ltd not af ,.. " ! '''·•Il l• A 1 1 renrlcr~ uo1 ~· MUC'II f'lrl'u nat m ces may nrl!e n~ Will .BZGnunaltOIU cr ll u m ... '"'u'" n• rw11r1~ g J U 1 tc ' 11 ...... ton \Vhcro tn tit:~ country he JlnnctiJie ofmRpeouou \lbloh 1 t h1>1 10 u J'" ~~c• .. rlr\" :lllf h G b I d I t., t <I ,1,, tnbu.aou of funJe u cxpltnn I ,... • •pc 1ut Je ... ,,, 1011 111 bel If 1 th ,uuee l o oyeroment to lYe an Ill

•"""" ,,,..,., r • u . rr 1u 111lJ ' pnrl I ' MhouiJ lrko to "~I; nre tho Gonrumenl '"'U!"' \Ve h"v" st,uuul'l! caw r ...d aud ~ ' o • ~• 1' " tt j f b - DT-11 t r ,, l,ti , • ::-\ t I I d bY the hon mo•er-wu I"C!ld a •e ' ' .. C> pubhl' tut~re•t lf LhM r II l I t!pect Jnn tD:t I' I ne tl r~umnn ts 0 I ('

Cll u .,,t pu c f"n ICC o • C' \\ oum 1 b ! r•otn" to olltatn more .. nm1>etent. iot""C I th~tdt7..od rn the 00'.\81.:11 ~rv ico wh•ch c ' e:t ' "" JC< Iron t'lr I' ••• r11u rn b•y• no for~o ae F. ;, B ' lA d con. tun,. I to 0 cnmmlttl't 10 morrow I 0 "' , ... t l do Lbu thtll"' )tTnll rl I • t " ~ u ' oy e D • lb ; b d d til ' ·' tlon thnn ~baL now provtded 11.011 v-ud COIU'eyetl back uud forlh manr paKI!Cil "I .. .. y. (' nl'm 3!;!111Utt I he Uti! I n 01111 br('al h he e • H ~u ( ulun•:\1 <::fi'rrtr ry • 1t~ 11 tulc he e • o il e l en a. Jourue un .., ••• , .. b ( t.l 1.! d ; 1 d b 1, ltnport Fr<~m nbroi\J a thor.>u •hly qu"h dar uc.u.. ,. cor uy t o owners o IOSC steaoters VO" g•f'l 111 ng t 1e yO\r, an w en ~ 111 li d 1 1 " 1 \\ I! h wo 110 one he~e compc.ent to

' 1111'<-r ... ,,. "l(rl'l tf'd I bo II(( UOIOI\ for Lho ll)ngtn"' to thll l•lnco' The proYUIIOl\S or known thnt tho Uourn:nent btlV. power I fe poNOn, 1\lld j;tYO lltn t Ill nut IO tltJ llllll.•1 Lith 111Spec. ruul ~ucl llllg~tcJ 1-1.4 u O\V Er. ST. ST JOB N'S 1111 r• dnrt u 1'1 °1 U 1~ '"":t!tu•e, l hl' d~ ~ A 1 l3 lire D11l m!ly not now I,., or a compnl- t.oC!ftu!IC "survoy of thoso •easels to be or thrs ,;~<nora! .n~pectum nmtl pa' ~lte pr<~prtotr oflmp;,rl ul~" full> <paht.i I natruot*lus

0!m cn on :Montlll', \VC(.·

cllltr::: hl'ahb .,f Mr Urovrdt" l ''"'C I Tl h mli>AIYf, !'••, • sory --h·-o••t ' ·ut what ""a-o•- or rnade from time to uwe M oocaaton ru~ty bun udeqMtuly f.,r tt, lmt merely tu ·' "' < I l '· " a 11 t -' 1 1 \~ffi , tO OU!e moL Itt ra p:ut cour o ,.. "'" ""' • "'" .. •• ......, I c•tabh~h runchrnory to lllYNi t••nt• 11t,. ~u ••••;;•nt:o• ror ~ tc ('U '1)1)~ ', !Ill• tn t ue ocsdny nml ~·rllby, from 3 r 11 to 8 r ll

t •l"•' n 11.; 118 "11

' ' 10 o 11 1 • It 1 1 '· ocruu nt v h:1vo '"' thnt 1f not 110 now l"''lltrc, or oomJllllmt '"""'Cllt 111 Ot"UIIr " ~ b 1 I I I II • wa• ,,t tlor ' r llll' ltu e ""' ~: •tl lf JO • c lC " I " • • -. ot> cauttte of accule~nh aftt-r they t-cour •• nex~ ''1-lt I 8.\.)"!1 tIC tr <~ e s •ou ' no .. nnd on Mondnr, Tucs..Ioty, W~duesda}l

'o I•Jrn (C ~) tn Lc>llr WI'>!"" ott i Dm~ I On mot ron Qr bon Ftllmc~tll 3ecr et.nrv to..morrow or uelt dlly It may be con to ensure tbo efliclenoy of thetr coodlllon """ loolraug thet etablo "lien the 8le• tl he ta:or:cd fo, tb~.:~ ollJect ", It ••h eat!.) TbnrsJ IY nnJ ll'nduy, from G 30 r Ill co

r I I d h lith ' "'I fur t l>" tltlloo•lmont or t he A~t ~ crLod 111to nn Act w•~h Cl>lllJ'UIIIory much greater confid~uce wrll bo mfuaod 11 alol~u \ .,h•t hll• fi II f 1 0 I' tys f11 lll.~J•e-;••o" Ue (F S) cont>Jml !) 30 r 11

I I IU I Y"ltl (friO I', on I () u~nmn II' • 1 • l ' tb bt d h ,, b • ' .• a u <.:n rom 10 tta t c tlr to n to tIc ' Lh"at• " of the' ""t' fliiZJng lltll ~rnu .. m; ,f cerllA :ale.~ powers Ulll t •tcY l Ul~ n anugg.-ry ror m,to a ,.I'" tC rom l alnd' t IS a•t .:eotlemen bu not alt.ereJ hrs oprntou e•l ~ho~t \be tu~pPc.IOn no,., provJJctl by P upils not hllvwg limo to complete ,.ol, r ' IO IJ ~o l.~ hut"'' 1';." • oo fnr I to ntftRI~l11 uod mutes, ~<lid lice llhl to sorno liiC.<pah'e bnnge• on or wlu•le•er ~ •o• lty •or tnli)JCCtJon t' not exUlt.. as IO . the cbNractur :lnd cfr.,ot ot tho lho 8te:ullllht)~wnen thou!selvo• thd noL thetr enga::omeot3 cun return a t p!N.~uro hll n r,re-a t'llt.. l\o 'If' ku~hdu-r 111'\l\ltl fllr t he relmtn~u~ of the )gle Go\ Crnm!lnL IOIIV at tho! t iiJlll at.Jmur:stt'r Iltcro 1nny not be the liHUe urgent nc• btJI, a.tlC he begqod 10 movo lnat It fulfi ll t ho OVhg:\t iJO thll Q1)\fJrnment llllttJ finr.:heJ, WithOut any addlttOnlll ,than r!,d 1" (( ~) 11,. "t;h l ~ r rl('1 cb t1 f d rk •• tit;) olli<e of L'•o Colo:nul th11 nfT.ura ol tho r.olonv, nnu whotll .hey CO!>., ttylor such a law 1n the l'M& of Lbe f>o rud a 10eooJ lime lo~" dnJ llt:t WOI'Q undc1 to U1c rmblr~ to ha•e 'he cha~ , t 1 1\ lli t • 1\l 0 I ~rl't Ht" "~" RuvemrJy r~"J a tltrrtl 1 w•ll luuo to provttlu for 11t tho o"p~mse 11oahu:; e~n.ors, 1\ll U1 Lh<>'ll' •uiJtnJized 1110 0104 power m tbon 01 n b:ou'h to e;ul8e tn CQTJ'ctul", Moderate and accommo..

b" • n ' , ' 1

•11" " •C"r•~11

1' rb•"' d• tuue 11 ni.SNI uno I t11l;nn •.• u10 \ s11e1nbl" nf tl1a ownon1 ol lhoso st.enrneoa. He lly the Ooverntnenf. whelhe~ oo:~etal Ulutl S"""tlOII to llo rn.ule, wi11J11 n.q he hnll ·'nt•n"'~ Nt ~~rn n 11 Utllf"" e r. nu u ere- • ~ "' • ; • I , d ,, H oc Colo I S •- Tb h , - 11 o t. ffi t I "nlr " me<l!'ll ,0 rt't.lnesllng c->ncurreucc ' ru ou~ tlnnk rmy st.eamslup ownm 110 p."'t:~enger I>G~ILI, or ... Jose oorn100 Uto orro .... ry - 0 00 show I\ 1!. would be 11n ndv11n~go to the St.. J ohn' a, Feb 1 i 6

r·:~~~~ ',.'~:~~~b~/~~,'~;rl~:· "~<: 1',~ " ' tho r •rille; uttu ~lauog lhtLt tho wou:li be 11<1 dflmllnt.ed 1\'1 to allow the h0rro (Uroto other colon;cs,

1 bnt be mnat gootlcr.nan 1 ontnad1ct. h1a o"u arlU· O'K"ner:s thctn!leiYe.'l, w:1cro the ohar.~cte• • m,

{l' ") h l<l , tfi, ,. 10

conhoH n 111~1, a lntt.:1 It 1,1 1 ~"~"ed lbe t'l&>(!nL of tho moe unerv nnd ''oii01'!1 of h111 VttSSels to r mtl te proflnOif o 1' lctng 10 the mont11. H o atated a abort t1mo "~·•, oftho11 sh1p3 mtght be 1mpung1..-d WI'OD; ~OE :J:O he. IHh-4lr g.,,,.

11 r'n t nt ~r.d


111 1,_ w tt ('oun~ 11 ;;ct mto 1m1>erfec-t orJer, 1Jec.1nl!e oven h~ntll' of tho Oo1ornment the J.>OWer to th:\ l •t "o.~ liiDO eooti.,h to prot"1do for rully or olborwl8o t.o b"ve all doubt set ~ .. tr 'm. rol ~~~·n• • ltv•• "' h loJtr• h~ d I ~;, •'<>hd rru.d tno• of bul for tho II'~J>CC solfllllt'l"e3t wvuiJ dJol>llO tho proprrety pro•Hleanch iMpect\un 118 tlua Dill con• no \ntpucuon when the ncct::JIItf for Jt nl rest and publto conudenco an thc)'jl JHE Subscrtbor olrel'l for ealoa lar"e u ,. - , u f 1 t h 1 1 ~a t all h aro~t, 1\'hJclt would bo a wor" correct -~ .1 II !·' 1 d .. "tul d>~l\ 'I 1-'(•t tu• "" or ..cut..: •h<' tluu .. r .. tl'nmiJoct!l. :m necesstty o ~~eemg lm t. 01111 K IIJll'l temp a • tn ~a ovents w ere II r I lcj replnt.'UU. e cou" n:lL see nny vn t quaotrty of Ice, now Jn hii1Ce· houee ~ t ••II' •uult'd :t d 1\1 h whu h lie d... lion FlllClncral EWcr!'lnrv anul tura employed IU a 11poctal ftnd expcru;•ve ser they PJ..Y aubtridJe-3 out of the pubJ_io I uatration o oc ng the elable after I'Cll.'IOn tn the t.l tblS B•ll, nOll at Moaqulln From tbla date until tho

f VI- l b • t: I • d ., f d tbo horall WM at.olell. bectluse " Nl:lt h h - .. 1 b -L.vr r h l ' ' •"' rl lu• •• If Ill l l• """' k, "' d '"" un rotunro lutrl lice,, \tefort ~he Connctl ..... an< uw or as •or. ttme urrng ••o nn s. JUJUr1 mrght re•ult froi]J acotdent,"' nud e opuu t o o""~ &.!11!10 o t o lOUse eod of 8Bptumber, btllt of driTerent h f. ,:. ""'ldullt" • •ll• "'"" 1\.h< I!" o I•M ' " •tn} d' " ""' ' !ton mcmhurs !tare bad ) ear when eve•y I)I'OIIIi!Ot or ant:eellll Hon Culonral Socrl t.•uv dJJ not coo 1 ld b w.IJ recogmze the "'adom of appronng ktoda tt e&lll..f obtnloable ut U otqurto ~ott• ,,u n In ~le i' om utl"•t rlr t.. 1 l o~, uj full c P1!6rtuu1tv l" r the n~mulatwn of wonltl debflt'0

10tl 011 ~h1e1rr t hodruugrdh effi cur 10 the reatona put lorward 10 ob- ~:::.:!r~~luch 0 ~opor~~:-~: r~~~~atlp~t~~·: oro. Dltl:lSUro the pnn1Jtple of wlucb has The opportuolly••" good one for IA&ll

~·II f co ti ,. roc•r" f, ru "I I u.m.,, rt •"" rst:••'T'Itl PI"'' ""on~ U o unngrnlld ~umcr, 3 ouTh not ·~ mt.o 1110 ~er or )cellon to thll mollluro T ho memotlll rml!ht obYJate the occurronee of a!t.o been•ttod t.o be necessnry nncl has ten of B•okera, both Newfeundlaod 1 1. • ,J1,.. llf '11 ,,..,.., a t-,.- bthr l •t " ' ' •hero cou•rl he no .. t:C<>orl optmon •• t.o utarr:p:ur e troOII• parorunoruous pro Irati! who hue puhttonc-d 11 ~1\IDtt lis ~ot.her, It 8'1ould bo Uallllble before been mt~do tho law of o~hor countnos and Amencao, olha:olng a aood eupply II " • ,,. I ' ,.or,. hi• ' '' h~ll( puhlr t~ •~r ! t he ,,. M6cltcl olmtdCler of •13 pnnetple, pnut<>r of a!As:tment would not l,e a t uil Otlllctmcnleldto - " thu thor flnd the hilotl, dUd f<>r tb \t rc ••on the IJrll hu whero steant Ill employer.l lie CO!l.'lldel"' of thoao two todt~penlll.ble arltclea for • •u~ • ll• '• " r.o I u t " ' thl' "'' rid • anfl l pru' tdrng ttll tt vroposcs for the ln,rec likely t.o pnm•t lua •e~~5els t.o fll.ll Jnt.o prorJIIIODB of~~:~ld Brll woulrl bo ollorous been lntrodu~od 'l'ae hon nen\lem:ao ctl the Oovonunaut lud rtght. andJu,tlee euccoufulli proaocuhoa tbe Bank fish t it .. l"'f ' It '"'e •• M•lf d• •••a •tt<~tr "' '" t.y c:•mpetN•t poi"'IIntJ arpomted lly :~ 001101'-100 neoeslllt&Uoy cxeeptlotml ur and espeusne to~tbo~o"nura of ateaw u ys le t a qu11h6od en~;tnt'er be tmport- 0'1 tbotr lltde 10 t!.J.S matter, nnJ wh•lo eryl JU•IJ A It tlut I'll fllllt 1: fur toe , , l.hll Oovcnltntnt, of M~ru~, their SflOCtiOO OUlalde tbo~ rrovid"tl by liiUl YOaaelll 10 the colon, .. ·ro I hot doclna- od ror the purpo..e. but he for~tets not approh-,odtn~ any mtlte.tial lllte:-t\-1 A.RTHU~ TBOME1. " ' ' ii • fl v<• ' "' r I " hJ ·~cr t to Jlllbhc j tliKchmary, h •1lera n)'4 .110 foftb, '1¥h1oh eull, uod 1\11\ •a .. tte r 0 fl\ot thoso stenrn lion he took e J.ccpllOI, b01:auau tlto B1ll 11pp~ntlr that t hat woold creaJe the tion 10 the di!tnilil of &bo D•ll, ho boped .Moeqolto. I IIII I. "" I lt """' ' " uJ..Wt~rlh'Y nf l is consrJ,.h',l ll('('0(8&r'" '" o~l,.,r tlt\rt.ll ~r tra llro eogiDeo.n.d and atUIItCC~ b1por- doH oot c<>oternvl~t• nor mean to tm \ err objec IOn be btl!ltelt ratstd to lb& tt w<>uld be c:arru:d through W1thout ..lpral 7. • • ' I l,,. ' ' ' 11 1 1 t il roftt-r •uch 1t ptn"d r.'l co worltl where Ml(-1\m tJI empluyed to 8008 wore competeo for tb~t bustnCilb pose aoythtng 111 tbe thllpl' of ouoron11 brll d fl:.~t when uaumiDit ~h~~= 1t woltld much 0lll1081llon. ~~~~~~~~~~~=~~=~ t'f ~,.,. ie, "" ,.ft, ., • ., oo t .. lt. JIII>JII <'Ill I 1111r extr:n~ / Jn tlu, oonoh7 tht!, 11'11 of &b .. n any ot~er person to be Co•ultl 10 taut1ou or rutncttv., tnterfe rence ll'ltb ooiJ h~tve \ho 1 fr<10l nf malt:ro:; a berth H on .R.. Tnorborn should JUI~ malco a

.,.,,.. 1 ,., 1 1. ti ~<•r, • h 11 , " lut lltlt ntrlc> t ~t~-oun 111 o~•r commerc•11l aflutl"' hl\8 t~a colony l:!uoh a nw,may auaL • ery the t•Wowra of etea•nabtpa Ita prot I rur lklm& rncotDpet.ent pere.Jn Tue Co..- rom:rrka Jn !llply to tbe bon the Thtllarbor lraca Stan<lard t<l •u• turn llieJ • Iour ar d t,.,, ...... M c•ffi •' l •~ccrt~;IOOll uf laitlt YNMI to Jer.r matrru\l well, sud 6 ' 110 llll n~ry U\ otbl'r fiODI ma," or ""'r:not be ae•od ~upon, Go•ernrntnt dl) not contemplate au• Oolonwl Seore~ry, not. wtabtngto dett\tu ' -uo-H., t>rrrl u..ucb pJu~ure 10 •"'I potuo;: I Jl"Oill' l tiott~, aorue thnty to forty 11tetlnr cuun~rles or exten~ •nd greater JU•t a a ma1 arJte to call tluog of the luud, e r \be ttDpo,.ttlln of, the h011.9C long aa tt wu e'l'idont tbo mo. •h• B, I I "''"~ ·~~~~ no,., e'"v1oy..t in tho btiSI tNde • a tad where pueenger tntllio " ror thr ar OJX'rat•oo or o1borw11e The Myth•ng onerou• or esva:aiU•t, but ttOn would pass. Tha\ bon geutlomao ~~Uott 512 ~bbtrtiscr

tiW II• I wa•lho u r,wd ll i('C:Dt.4 lunt', l'l!llll of the ~mhy ao vanou11 w"Y'· ca~ !!ll upon a JA~ -1e • bot auch peh11onena appl'llr; to ~auume tb11t oue t~mplr tnspeettoa a1 e11g- wt~h hta usual tactae3 ad~oatl1. ondeo.vol'll

1-8 oted aud pubU.hed e S4Tu Ro.lT

to hft ' "''" IIIC'd ' """"'rw.. l"ttngllt.lf fron• the laf'Jl" !111&11116 sl~uuere et.eamet11 belbugtog to tbaa oolony n ore •C t lte objoc:t• or effect• ef "thu B11l •• eocyuugltc anae .. qutnnl{ h, aod th:ll lo mako hu cuo good by turo1ng h111 ,111, 00 beball of t~t&t.e of tht II• •· J" (Ot 1 wl ~tart•r,"'lf''}.t tp co the trny eraf\ ~:'IDJII•!Pd an euvi•IJ'Ing ~!A ~he mstl aod J~n~r eer• or wtll be the Oft.'llttOo of ali espouL•• modo~t• fooJ ebuuld be palll t~ the OpJ)I)nonL's argumauts Rgi'Ulllt btm He Ia e A.ROfilBALD UUNN, by J f ,

lh• l ~< "• lt<• uuht m 11 UriJ 1u •Ill"" ' tlte t;a1t f<>r. 111111)0M8 q( lhv flabery No •ice, 11'1 ~1 •bo &.eautt of ~bett oonll"l\ota appolutment. aod therefore, t( for 110 eUJIDNr e10ployed If tho Go ,ern• (Mr Thorburn) obJected to tho B•ll a11 N.Y, ab the &r.unu . .ao Ollioo, Wattr F;.u1~rr1 rnu \ 1 t u1 I iiJ, •l•h h ., .. tbt'o tloubt p.~ .. t~speneoOtt ,,n IMli to •n ~~ thtlf8H'f'tlDleD~ l!ltbJp to •~ch tn• otLer reuou •\ "lt obJechona'lle. No mcot adopt.N the c:oul'lo ~Ug!("tt!d b.r oo~ boing .neot'llarf in 'tbe 6rat plaoe .Street~~ Harbor Graoe, Nfld. ,, lfd • 'ri""" '' r •'. tu " " h.~u a f'lrnp,d I ""gmwt..W...o of aiO!aUif:fJ fnr ~1., !att.r :='l II' lb!f !JHJ~U Pl~rlS100 for • aoch obJect bowanr 11 ao cooterapla· the b.>o ~enLloiDAO, '' au~tltt poa11bl1 be and lliOOaulr tbt\t n.o oue oonld be pro-_ fTu .. -TW.B~ SR1LLING:5 por an ;ua• 1, r::"•n.w 1111 'l'•ll .. (.w otbH o~ :\l~'.J!ffb ,,. ~. , Ul fur ~· ~" ~ P0 nf'Od .uoo, aa bu beau alresdr nplatned bylopea to ob)eotloo, aad be htlllMif bu curoo here bett.lrr qoah6ed &o wapoot. num pa,.hlo half•yearly.

• II: n If I """ '"" "")~"~ l &h• 8r lr l•el\:tt.r~ hue wd M V.flllt' rp,•ed an fur~ !Afifl~ttkm f INN • he a..d boq JDttaber!ll bpt, eYeo wure the cit ,IJ"'I&CC1 eoedetnned •= u tbo ooanml'oe• ato.&roera than tboee erop1oyod and paul Thaa r ia ...,, iaaaed co ao Subeoribct r• .!u ... 1•1 o 0 ll Hl. .,, ,,, up from •L• j d.., On•~nalltt'nt &O oan-. 1~gn ot' abo•o •r&.b nicard to o&ii.W at.eamebif4 oumetaace ol auch a natuN u lO re· Ul"Dt uf ble argumen&.e wben he •poke b1 tbe llte&D)er owoe.111 tlae1Jl80lvea Hel for":')!!, terr- •11ao us. mo!tha, 1.. 111 •• £1: ,, .. un ••·I. rlar ~· n 11!1 "•• u h .,_..)11. it ... lli~t>IJ 't!~ to U.. ol ~ oofcla11 ..... ""!~ lti'*f~ ouacl for quire ao appcnq~eo' of a peftMIIeot in daJNmuattua of lbe lltiiOiftlldi ap• ropea~ &bat it ~ore u to be any Lho- Taa~~a ,oa A.on.anau.o -Fi,.huen•OII • "" t." a I hi• "' ..... .., d a b~> I• • uf 111. •lMOCe uuti.l reoet•&IJ ol the t~~n.,toJ h7 a more 00111~ ~qJI Ulan &111 om..., tlaa& i" t&lolf ooolcl DO& be pl•d· ~jot.eot of a peraaaniiJl•ly paldi olll- n.gbneill an the matter, let. the B1ll be -for Uno liD•• Cboarlreole tJpe) 1 .. • Nt .. ·~ , .. ' 1' • ~~..~ .Jfftl "lllll'ttltrtf tn l tu•nt. or .Wtll &O,a,.,,...., ··~' ~ ~O~L .... praflll~ f!1r UfetD eel !Ill• nHcl ~....-~ tbo Bill, eW. TheM lllCOti .. WDClel D:J11f0 kJ geoual in i~ JOO(IUI'ld proVide that. all •"f7adcliUoeaa.boe !kJ.:· l'or e.oh()l)ll

,. u --~~~ ••• l!!l L.uL la.1it11 ~d •o UOliMtf• ~U!"G fOI' &heaalrltf . •aUa~q ~"'1• '!'!~!~ ~ W ty .... ,.. ie~tW,fO ~po~ ~"$bert .. QO .,tid~ ~~b-, .~"~ ~ U1!clll aa~. 1iD...._ou.llaitdofllle~lllwl'·