Error Recognition


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Transcript of Error Recognition



EXERCISE 1 1. Rocks can be broken apart by water that seeps into the cracks and freeze in low temperatures. freeze freezes 2. Columbus, Ohio, the capital of the state, are not only the largest city in Ohio but also a typical metropolitan area, often used in market research are is3. Although maple trees are among the most colorful varieties in the fall, they lose its leaves sooner than oak trees. its their 4. The teacher told the students to don't discuss the take-home exam with each other. to dont not to 5. Because she didn't like shop very much, she did most of it with her personal computer. shop shopping6. Knowledge about cultures provide insights into the learned behaviors of groups provide provides 7. Some people think that the desire to wear sunglasses are more a need to impress than to protect the eyes are is8. Those of us who have a family history of heart disease should make yearly appointments with their doctors. their our9. If Robert Kennedy would have lived a little longer, he probably would have won the election. would have lived had lived 10. Excavations in several mounds and villages on the east bank of the Euphrates River have revealed the city of Nebuchadnezzar, an ancient community that had been laying under later reconstructions of the city of Babylon had been laying had been lying11. Aluminum has a hard imperious coasting which protects the metal from corrode. corrode corrosion (erode erosion)12. After learned to print, elementary school children learn cursive writing. learned learning 13. Studies of job satisfaction are unreliable because there is so many variables and because the admission of dissatisfaction may be viewed as a personal failure. is are 14. Computers have made access to information instantly available just by push a few buttons. push pushing 15. Latex rubber is made from a milky substantial in plants and trees of the sapodilla family. substantial substance 16. Fishing have been found to contain a particular type of fat that may help lower blood cholesterol levels fishing fish17. When caterpillars are fully-grown, they attach themselves to a leave or twig and form a shell around itself called a cocoon. around itself around themselves 18. In experiments with large numbers of animals crowded in small cages, some have not been affected, but the rest of have shown all of the symptoms associated with stress and mental illness. the rest of the rest 19. The athlete, together with his coach and several relatives, are traveling to the Olympic Games. are is 20. Luther Burbank earned the funds to go west by sale his new ideas about growing selling 21. Before television became so popular, Americans used to entertain each other in the evening by playing games, saying stories, and singing songs. saying telling 22. The professor had already given the homework assignment when he had remembered that Monday was a holiday had remembered remembered23. Akuce Ganuktibm, she spent her life working with the health and welfare of the families of workers. she b 24. It is extremely important for an engineer to know to use a computer. to know to know how25. The master of ceremonies announced in a loud and clear voice and told that the dinner would be late due to unforeseen circumstances. and told told 26. Narcissus, a character in mythology, gazed at his own image in a pool so ardently that he fell into itself and downed. into itself into himself 27. The professor was considering postponing the examination until the following week because the student's confusion. because because of28. Sinaitic is the name of an alphabet which developed their symbols from Egyptian hieroglyphics. their its29. The native people in the Americas were referred to as Indians because, according to the believe at the time, Christopher Columbus had reached the East Indies believe belief30. After to have won the light-heavyweight title at the 1960 Olympic Games, Muhammad Ali began to box professionally. to have having 31. There are many different ways of comparing the economy of one nation with those of another. those that32. He said he must come to the party if he finishes his assignment for next week's seminar.33. The basic law of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are taught to all elementary school students.Sandra has not rarely missed a play or concert since she was seventeen years oldnot rarely a play since seventeen years oldThe need for a well-rounded education was an idea espoused by the Greeks in time of Socrates.for well-rounded education espoused in time ofTo assure the safety of those workers who must handle radioactive material, the employer should not leave them enter contaminated areas without protective clothing.To assure who leave enter


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. A. say said17. B. him his18. D. and but19. D. to expand expanding20. B. knowing knowledge 21. C. speed is speed 22. D. educator education23. B. some general any general (trong cu c never ph nh dng any thay cho some) 24. D. from largest is the largest (cu thiu ng t)25. D. exploded explodes 26. A. study studying (ng sau tnh t thorough cn 1 danh t) 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Some art historians have say that too many artists have tried only to imitate previous painting styles. 36. Inventor Granville Woods received him first patent on January 3, 1984, for a steam boiler furnace. 37. Throughout history, shoes have been worn not only for protection and also for decoration. 38. Worker bees labor for the good of the hive by collecting food, caring for the young, and to expand the nest.39. Pathologists use their knowing of body tissues and body fluids to aid other physicians. 40. Objects falling freely n a vacuum have the same rate of speed is regardless of differences in size and weight. 41. The construction of sundials was considered to be an acceptable part of a students educator as late as the seventeenth century. 42. Historians have never reached some general agreement about the precise causes of the Civil War in the United States. 43. Of all the Native Americans in the United States, the Navajos from largest group. 44. A neutron star forms when a star much more massive than the Sun dies and exploded. 45. A thorough study of mythology requires familiarity for the properties of properties of plants and trees, and the habits of wild birds and beasts. 46. Quartz may be transparency, translucent, or opaque, and it may be colorless or colored. 47. In an adult human, the skin weighs about seven pounds and covers it about thirty-six square feet. 48. A leading Canadian feminist and author, Nellie McClung, struggled relentlessly in the early twentieth century to win politically and legal rights for Canadian women. 49. Metabolism consists of a complicated series of chemicals reactions carried out by living cells. 50. Duke Ellington was the first person to compose extended jazz works and gives regular jazz concerts. 51. Seismology has not reached yet the stage where earthquakes can be foretold with a great deal of accuracy. 52. The design of the University of Virginia came at the end of Thomas Jeffersons long career as theoretician, statesman, and architecture.53. At night the desert floor radiates heat back into the atmosphere and the temperature may be drop to near freezing. 54. Although they are in different countries, Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan are close neighbors and cooperate on numerous matters of mutually interest. 55. First incorporated in 1871, Dallas, Texas, had become the seventh largest cities in the United States by 1976. 56. Will Rogers was widely recognized for his daily newspaper column, in which he humorously criticized and commented in the politics of his time. 57. The free silver movement, promoting unlimited silver coinage, gained prominent, in the late 1800s. 58. The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the waters flowing into the Atlantic Ocean from it flowing into the Pacific. 59. The Petrified Forest of eastern Arizona are made up of tree trunks that were buried in mud, sand, or volcanic ash ages ago and have turned to stone.

1. (A) In the evening he (B) relaxes in front of the fire and (C) writes long (D) poets. 2. Wordsworth (A) describes his (B) boyhood in (C) his autobiographical (D) poetry The Prelude.3. (A) Service in the restaurant (B) was slow (C) because one (D) cooker had called in sick. 4. The (A) sculpture worked (B) from sunrise until (C) sunset (D) on his new project. 5. She (A) has received several (B) awards for (C) her research (D) in engineer. 6. The (A) economics radical views (B) were printed in a column (C) in the (D) Sunday newspaper.7. He (A) had several (B) critics to offer (C) about the (D) new play.8. Exam candidates (A) are not allowed (B) to use advanced (C) calculations with database (D) capability.9. Several (A) heads of state (B) were in (C) attendant (D) at the funeral.10. The (A) company hired a (B) statistics to prepare (C) marketing studies for (D) the new product11. The (A) famous acting has (B) appeared in (C) more than fifty Broadway (D) plays.12. It (A) was his dream (B) to be a (C) musical in (D) the New York Philharmonic.13. The (A) television producer that (B) was shown last night (C) on the CBS network from 9:00 to 11:00 was one of the best (D) shows of the season.14. The Song of Hiawatha, (A) by Long fellow, (B) tells the story of the Indian (C) heroism who (D) married Minehaha15. He (A) obtained his (B) position (C) through the agent of an (D) old friend.16. (A) To enter the FBI National Academy, an (B) application must be between (C) the ages of twenty-three (D) and thirty-four17. The (A) decision (B) was taken after close (C) consultant with (D) local residents.18. The statistics (A) is the (B) result of independent (C) research by economic (D) consultation.19. We cannot (A) make a precise (B) calculator of the price (C) until we have (D) all the costs.20. It is (A) likely that (B) attendant of the annual conference will reach an (C) all-time high this year, with more than 1000 people (D) planning to attend. 21. He (A) has been acting in (B) consultant with all the (C) departments (D) involved.22. A few flight (A) attendances have requested (B) that some loose volts in the (C) overheard bins (D) be tightened23. The (A) charity organization (B) received a (C) large gift from the (D) donation. 24. We (A) received a generous (B) donor from the (C) people of the (D) local church.25. Please remember that the (A) operator of electric (B) devices (C) is prohibited during (D) takeoffs and landings. 26. Commuters (A) arriving at the Logan Square station (B) had no choice but (C) to use the stairway because the (D) escalation was being repaired27. The executive director (A) will have made an appointment (B) with the companys chief (C) accounting (D) by the end of this month 28. The (A) drug should (B) only be used (C) under medical (D) supervisor.29. Its only (A) a small improvement but (B) at least its a step (C) in the right (D) director.30. We (A) had (B) no (C) alternation but to fire Gibson.31. (A) Let me, by way of (B) illustrator, quote (C) from one of her (D) poems.32. Who (A) will be the main (B) benefit of the (C) cuts in (D) income tax?33. (A) European research said (B) olive oil could (C) help (D) prevent cancer.34. The website (A) gives free, impartial (B) advisor on all (C) aspects of (D) saving energy.35. (A) As your legal (B) advice, it is my duty to (C) warn you (D) against it.36. Many (A) successful (B) film directions are (C) former actors who desire to (D) expand their experience in the film industry.37. They (A) argued the (B) case for (C) extra government assistant for (D) the poorest regions.38. His understanding (A) of our (B) business will (C) further strengthen our (D) strategic director.39. It (A) is essential (B) to seek expert (C) advisor from a mental (D) health professional40. A personal (A) assistance (PA) or personal (B) secretary (PS) is someone who assists in (C) daily business (D) or personal tasks.41. A non-executive (A) direction typically does not (B) engage in the (C) day-to-day management of the organization, but (D) is involved in policy making and planning exercises42. (A) The government (B) is willing to lend (C) assistant (D) to victims of the flooding.43. We (A) want people to become (B) active (C) participation in the (D) political process.44. Her name (A) crops up (B) frequently in (C) writers about (D) the Renaissance45. The (A) translator of the Latin motto (B) reads Not for (C) oneself, but for (D) others46. A (A) scanner deflects the (B) laser beam in (C) horizontal and vertical (D) directors.47. The CEO (A) has been (B) reliably advised (C) by the (D) board of directions 48. The (A) treaty pledged (B) mutual assistant in the event (C) of an attack (D) on either country.49. (A) All telephone (B) reservations (C) must be confirmed in (D) writer.50. She didnt think much of the photographers snapping away at her.51. Unlike many (A) writings (B) of the period, she is not (C) preoccupied (D) with morality.52. He (A) admitted offences (B) of possessing (C) indecent (D) photographer of children.53. The labor-force (A) participant of (B) mothers (C) has risen steadily (D) since 1976.54. An aerial (A) photography of the (B) field shows (C) clearly where the buildings were.55. The director of (A) photographer is hired at the (B) start of preproduction, (C) and is typically (D) hand-picked by the director56. They (A) restricted their (B) member to (C) those of direct (D) German descent.57. The (A) star performance of the (B) game was Holly, who (C) scored 26 (D) points.58. They (A) may make (B) representative to government on (C) matters affecting their (D) organization.59. The (A) musical closes this (B) week after (C) a record number of (D) performers.60. The letter was signed by a number of Labor MPs, including the membership for Warrington North.61. The company (A) has (B) already sold 500000 new (C) subscribers for the (D) magazine.62. (A) Individual student (B) members cost about (C) as much as the (D) average movie.63. He claims (A) that their (B) electoral system ensures (C) fair representative of (D) all parties.64. Future (A) plans will depend (B) on (C) membership participation and input in the (D) coming months.65. Our elected (A) representations (B) in government (C) should be doing something (D) about this.66. The department (A) needs (B) more money (C) to achieve (D) its objects.67. She (A) was appointed (B) over the (C) objectives of certain (D) members of the board.68. The (A) greater the (B) popularity there is in a locality, the greater the (C) need there is (D) for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse69. Martha Graham, one (A) of the great modern (B) choreographies, (C) has run her own dance company (D) for half a century.70. Quasars are (A) star-like (B) objections emitting extremely (C) intense radio waves and (D) visible radiation.71. In (A) sculptor, the term modeling (B) denotes a way of (C) shaping clay, wax, or (D) other pliable materials.72. (A) Considered one of the (B) leading poems in America today, Sonia Sanchez has (C) also written a number of (D) books and plays. 73. An (A) advertiser campaign is a series of advertisement messages (B) that share (C) a single idea and theme which make up an (D) integrated marketing communication (IMC)74. Ive always been a great belief in getting as much sleep as possible.75. She was strict (A) with her children in the genuine (B) believer that it (C) was the right thing (D) to do.76. Whoever is (A) guilty of murder in the second degree (B) shall be punished by (C) prisoner in state prison (D) for life77. The former (A) prison of (B) conscience was elected (C) president of the new (D) democracy.78. Contrary to popular (A) believer, (B) bottled water (C) is not always (D) better than tap water.79. (A) Building new (B) imprisonment is not going to help (C) lower our (D) incarceration rate80. (A) Over 2 million (B) prisons are (C) currently incarcerated (D) in the US.


EXERCISE 1 1C 2A 3C 4B 5B 6B 7B 8D 9A 10C 11D 12A 13A 14D 15C 16A 17C 18B