Error 9

Infopackage: 2LIS_11_VASCL_DELTA Error: Value 0001CL100000000000 not contained in the master data table for YSHIPTO_S 1. Click on Detail tab. 2. It shows that data packet 5 and 12 contain incorrect value. 3. Click the PSA icon, the second icon on the menu bar. Input record count more than in the packet to bring up all records in that packet. Eg. Data record no = 1 To = 16000 And Continue.



Transcript of Error 9

Infopackage: 2LIS_11_VASCL_DELTA

Infopackage: 2LIS_11_VASCL_DELTA

Error:Value 0001CL100000000000 not contained in the master data table for YSHIPTO_S

1. Click on Detail tab.

2. It shows that data packet 5 and 12 contain incorrect value.

3. Click the PSA icon, the second icon on the menu bar. Input record count more than in the packet to bring up all records in that packet.

Eg. Data record no = 1

To = 16000

And Continue.

5. High light Column Sales document and find 000067014.

6.system bring back with found sales document highlighted. Exit from the pop up dialog box.

7. Double click the highlighted record line.

8. Blank out all the fields except the first 3 fields which are greyed out.

9. Step 8 simulates Delete record from PSA.

10. Repeat step 8 for all records which have ship to value 0.

10. Once done save the PSA and reprocess the data packets.