Errata Title & Document Type: 423A and 8470A Crystal ... · PDF fileErrata Title & Document...

Errata Title & Document Type: 423A and 8470A Crystal Detector Operating and Service Manual Manual Part Number: 00423-90001 Revision Date: July 1976 About this Manual We’ve added this manual to the Agilent website in an effort to help you support your product. This manual provides the best information we could find. It may be incomplete or contain dated information, and the scan quality may not be ideal. If we find a better copy in the future, we will add it to the Agilent website. HP References in this Manual This manual may contain references to HP or Hewlett-Packard. Please note that Hewlett- Packard's former test and measurement, life sciences, and chemical analysis businesses are now part of Agilent Technologies. The HP XXXX referred to in this document is now the Agilent XXXX. For example, model number HP8648A is now model number Agilent 8648A. We have made no changes to this manual copy. Support for Your Product Agilent no longer sells or supports this product. You will find any other available product information on the Agilent Test & Measurement website: Search for the model number of this product, and the resulting product page will guide you to any available information. Our service centers may be able to perform calibration if no repair parts are needed, but no other support from Agilent is available.

Transcript of Errata Title & Document Type: 423A and 8470A Crystal ... · PDF fileErrata Title & Document...

Page 1: Errata Title & Document Type: 423A and 8470A Crystal ... · PDF fileErrata Title & Document Type: 423A and 8470A Crystal Detector Operating and Service Manual Manual Part Number: 00423-90001

Errata Title & Document Type: 423A and 8470A Crystal Detector Operating and Service Manual Manual Part Number: 00423-90001 Revision Date: July 1976 About this Manual We’ve added this manual to the Agilent website in an effort to help you support your product. This manual provides the best information we could find. It may be incomplete or contain dated information, and the scan quality may not be ideal. If we find a better copy in the future, we will add it to the Agilent website. HP References in this Manual This manual may contain references to HP or Hewlett-Packard. Please note that Hewlett- Packard's former test and measurement, life sciences, and chemical analysis businesses are now part of Agilent Technologies. The HP XXXX referred to in this document is now the Agilent XXXX. For example, model number HP8648A is now model number Agilent 8648A. We have made no changes to this manual copy. Support for Your Product Agilent no longer sells or supports this product. You will find any other available product information on the Agilent Test & Measurement website:

Search for the model number of this product, and the resulting product page will guide you to any available information. Our service centers may be able to perform calibration if no repair parts are needed, but no other support from Agilent is available.

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Plint.d: JUtY 191&e H.",len Packard Co. \910

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i\lodel ·123A/8470A

Option 003:Option 012:


2. This manual contains operating instructions forthe Hewlett-Packard Model ·123:\ and 8470:\ Crys­tal Detectors. Included ill the manual is the inform­ation required to install and test the crystaldetectors.

3. On the rear cover of this manual, below themanual part number. is a "Microfiche", part nurn­ber, This number may be used to order a ·1 x 6·inch microfilm transparency of the manual.

4. Specifications

5. Instrument specifications are listed in Table 1.These specifications are the performance standards,or limits against which the instrument may he tested.

6. Description

7. The Hewlett-Packard Modd ·12.1:\ and 8470ACrystal Detectors are 50!! (nominal) device, de­signed for measurement use in coax ial systems. Theinstruments convert IH' power levels applied to the50\! input connector into proporr.ona: values ofde voltage. The instruments measure relative pow-rup to 100 mW and have a BNC femaie connectorfor the output jack which a!:ows the detected out­put to be eonrr-cted to a SWR meter. The outputvoltage polarity is negative, unless Option 003 isselected, The frequency range of the 423:\ is10 i\lIIz to 12.4 Gllz. Tne 8·170:\'s frequency ranjeextends from 10 Mllz to 18 ellz.

8. Options

9. The 423A and 8470A Crystal Detectors areavailable with the following options (see Table 1for further descnptions):

Option 001: Matched pair of detectorsOption 002: Furnished with matched 10a,I reo

sister (liP 115'23Al for optimumsquare law characteristicsPositive polarity outputFurnished with stainless steeltype N male connectors (8470Aonly).

Option 013: Furnished with stainless steeltype N fem<lle connectors 18-170Aonly).


11. Initial Inspection e12. Inspect the shipping container for damage. Ifthe shipping container or cushioning material isdamaged, It should be kept until the contents of theshipment have been checked for completeness andthe instrument has been checked mechanically andelectrically.

13. The procedures for checking electrical perfor­mance are given under PERFORMANCE TESTS. Ifthe contents are incomplete, if then' is mechanicaldamage or defect. or if the instrument does not passthe electrical performance test, not.Iy the nearestHewlett-Packard office. If the shipp"'"'''' "rid isdamaged. or the cushioning material ~l'",'.;, ·;gn~ ofstress. notify the carri-r as well as the Hewlett­Packard office. Keep the shipping materials for thecarrier's inspection. The liP office will arrange forrepair or replacement at liP', option without wait­ing for claim settlement.

14. Mating Connectors

15. Tile 8nOA (standard] RF input connectormust be an APC·7 type connector. The matingRF input connectors used with the ·123A and8·17CA Option 012 must be Type N female conner- •tors which comply with U.S. military standard:\IIL·C·39012. The mating RF input connectorused with the 8-nOA Option 013 must be Type Nmale connector which complies with i\IIL-C·3!l012.

16. Operating Environment

17. The operating environment 01 the crystal de­tectors should be within the following lirnit.vtions:

a. Temperature: 0' to +55" Cb. Altitude: -, -1572 metres 115.000 feet]

c. fll,midi~,j.··", 95':;; relative.


19. Env;ronmer.l. Til, inst..urnent should be storedir, a clean, cl4'.)' environment. The following environ­mental limitations apply to both storage arodshrprnent:

3_ Temperature: -20'C to +55'C

b. Altitude: <762" metres t25.000 Ieet )C'~ Humidity: <95'i'f: relative.

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20. Original Packaging. Containers and material>identical to those used in factory packaging areavailable through Hewlett-Packard offices. If theinstrument is being returned tc Hewlett-Packardfor servicing, attach a tag indicating the type ofservice required, return address, model number,and serial number. Also, mark the container f'RA­G!LE to assure careful handling. :n any corres­pondence, refer to the instrument by model num­ber and serial number.


ICAUTION IStatic discharge can damage the detectorelement. A 100 pF ccpacitor (1.2 m{4[t.] of coax cabld charged to 14 voltsstores 0.1 erg, the maxim11m pulse ratingof the deice lor element. Connect cablesro '"H equipment and di..chargc the cen­re. mductor before ,..:nnecling to theietector.

DO NOT NEEDLESSL r llANDLE DE·TECTOR ELEMEI"T USElllN CR YS·TAL DETECTOR. Static electricitywhich builds up on II person, especial­lyon a cold dry day, m1l.t ne;:er beatlouied 10 discharge thro1lgh the crys­tal detector. Avoid exposed leads 10 orfrom the crystal detector, since theseare often touched accidentalty,

:'.Iodel ,123A:8470A

degradation of rise time.

25. The power applied to the detector can be eithermodulated or continuous wave ~CWi. If modulatedat a 10:)0 Hz rate, an SWR meter can be used as anindicator. For CW detection. a dc milliammeter ormillivoltmeter can be used as the indicator.

26. Operator's Checks

27. Peak Power Measurement. The arrangementof equipment for peak power measurement is shownin Figure 1. The procedure involves calibration ofan oscilloscope which, in turn, is used to calibrate aCW generator. The output of the calibrated CWgenerator is measure with a power meter; the peakpower of a pulse is thereby measured. The proce­dur e is as follows:

a. Connect equipment as shown in Figure 1.step a. Observe pulse on a de-coupled oscilloscope.Using a marking pencil. mark en the graticule thebase-to-peak amplitude of the pulse envelop.'.

b. Replace the pulse source with a CW gen­erator. Whileobserving t.he oscilloscope trace. ad­just amplitude of CW generator output to make de­tector's output equal \0 that of pulse indicated by markings on graticule (step a).

c. Leave CW generator at se tung obtainedin step b. Disconnect detector from CW generator.


22. Operating Inlormation

23. The crystal cetector can be used as a demodu­lator to obtain a pulse envelope which can then heobserved on an oscilloscope. It can also be used asa general purpose detector.

24. When wing the crystal detector with an oscil­loscope, and the waveshapes to be observed haverise limes of less than 5 J.lS, the coaxial cable cr .1,

necting oscilloscope and detector should be asshort as possible and shunted with a resistor. Ideal­Iy, this resistor should be 50l! to terminate thecoaxial cable properly. However, wi~h 50l! resis­tance, the output video pulse may be too small todrive some oscilloscopes. Therefore. the cableshould be shunted with the smallest value of resis­tance that will obtain suitable deflection on tileoscilloscope; typically the value will lie between5011 and 2 kn. The larger the resistance the more








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Model 423A/8410..\

Connect output of CW generator to power meter.Measure adjusted levels (set in step b) of CW gener­ator output. The peak power of the pulse en. rlopeobserved in step a is equal to the output power ofthe CW generator.

28. Rellectometer Application. For informationabout rel1ectometer systems and measurements.see flP Application Note Index, copies of whichare available upon request.

29. Harmonic Frequency Comparison Measure­ment Application. The detector "an be used as amixer in harrnonic-Irequency comparison measure­ments (see liP Application Note Index for furtherinformation ).


31. The following paragraphs suggest methods toUSe for testing detector specifications. For thesetests refer to the manuals of the equipment involvedfor operating instructions.

32. Frequency Response Test

a. Using signal sources covering 10 Mill to13 Glb with a 10 dB isolating attenuator and apower meter, connect power sensor to attenuator,Adjust RF power level to ·20 dBm input to powersensor.

b. Without changing Rf' power level of sig­nal SOlUTP,. disconnect power sen"or.

c. Connect detector to attenuator. ;\leasurede voltag.. output from detector and record rneas­urement.

d. Change frequency of signal source and reopeat step; a through".

e. Since the detector follows a square-lawresponse at this power level, it; output is proper­tional to power (Pd B =10 log Vol. Total variationof detector readings should meet specifications [seeTable 1) for all frequencies of ioterest across theband.

NOTE~llt~t:ip!e mismatch errors cmY~lld by etten­uator SWR, power meter SlrR. and detec­lor SWR shouid bc tahen into aecount, uswell a.i the accuru(.'y of the uulicator WH'C

to fW?nJure- the- de't~ctor·s Otltpu~.

Page 5

33. High level Sensitivity Test

a. Using si, nal sources covering 10 ;',lIIz to18 Gllz and a de voltmeter or osci.ioscope as theindicator, connect detector to signal source. Ad4

just Rf' power lewI for a 100 mV detected outputfrom detector.

b. Disconruct detector from signal source-md measure RF output level. The Rf' outputlevel should be <;; 0.35 roW.

c. Repeat 5 .eps a and b for all frequenciesof interest across I he band.

34. low Level Ser<itivity Test

a. Using a ;.jgnal source (covering 100 MIl'lto 1 Gllz), a 10 dB attenuator, and a power meter.connect attenuator to signal source and power sen­sor to attenuator. Adjust RF power level for'-20 dBm output from attenuator. Verify the am­bient temperature.

b. Disconnect power sensor from attenuatorand connect detector. Measure dc voltage outputfrom detector. The output should be > ·1.0 mVat 25" C. The sensitivity slope is typically-0.01[; dBte from O"C to +55'C.


Multiple mismatct: error:; caw;cd b~' atten­ualor SWR. power meier SWR, and delec­tor SWR so ,ld be taker: into acco!Jnt. G•.,

uel! as u<.'cu,'acy vi indicator u.'ied to nlt'a:;­

!lre detector:~ outpu t.

35. Malch Test (SINR)

30. To verify the detector's SWR specifications,use any system whose measurement accuracies forSWR (residual SW/O are known.


38_ The detectors have no internal adjustments.


-10. The succeeding paragraphs contain informa­tion pertaining to replaceable parts [see Table 2land the ordering of replaceable parts for the;',lodels 423,\, 8·170'\. and 11523'\.

·11. To order a replacement part. address order orinquiry to the nearest Hewlett-Packard office (see

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list in back of manual.) Include the following in­formation for each part: model number, Hewlett­Packard part number, and description.


43. The succeeding paragraphs give instructionsfor repair of the Model 423A and 8470:\ CrystalDetectors and the Option 002 Load Resistor,;\lodeI11523A. Additional maietenance inforrna­tion can be obtained from the local Hewlett-Packardoffice. Part numbers for replaceable parts ar-- givenin Table 2.

44. Detector Element Replacement

45. The detector element assembly includes onlya detector element, unless an Option 002 is ordered,then a replacement load resistor for the 11523:\ isincluded. The resistor is to load the diode for square­law operation.

The special detector element (see Figure .1.\contained in the detector ca" be damagedin handling, removal. or installation if cer­tain precautions are not taken. Then hand­ling precautions which follow <hould beread before performance of any operationwith the detector element when it is 0/<1of either the housing or the detee/or ele­menl shipping container.

a. Before installing diode into mount, touchexposed metal on mount with your hand to dis­charge static electricit,'. Then insert diode intomount.

b. When handing diode to another person,touch hands first to ensure there is no difference instatic electricity potential between you.

c. Ohmmeters should not be used to meas­ure Iorward- and back-resistance since it is easy todamage these diodes. The difficulty arises becauseof the ohmmeter's open-circuit V<'ltages and short­circuit currents.

46. Replacing Detector Bement

47. Parts mentioned in the following procedureare identified in Figure 4.

a. Remove connector cap from body. To


remove connector cap, use a pair of gas pliers withplastic teeth or protect body with heavy paper ortape.

b. Remove old detector element, capsulespacer, and capacitive washer, and discard them.

c. Install the new capaci the washer, capsulespacer, and detector element. Install the washerfirst, the spacer with its polyiron side against thewasher. Finally, install the detector element hyinserting the resistive end into the center contactinside the detector body.

IVhen inserting tne detector element, donot force the tip [resistive end} into thecenter conductor in the body a.• th» [in­ger» of tae center conductor migh: bedamaged, if the detector element is notcentered.

d. Replace connector cap and TIGllTl'NFIRMLY.


fhe Option 002 Detector Element Assern­bly includes a detector element and a re­sistor. The resistor is for use in the Model11523A and must be installed to match itto the detector.

48. Replacement of Load Resistor (11523A) Parts

-19. Parts mentioned in the following prccedure areidentified in Figures 2 and 3.

50. Replacing Male BNC Connector

a. Remove male BNC connector and lockwasher from housing. To remove BNC connector,use a 3/8-inch open-end wrench and hold the hous­ing either in a vise or with pliers. Before using thevise or pliers, protect the housing of the 11523Awith material such as heavy paper or tape or useplastic jaws on the vise or pliers.

b. Unsolder resistor.

c. Solder resistor to new BNC connector.

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1R.~f~r to 'f..btl! I for d<!'lo:ription of OptiOn.1 •

~!!!"el 423A/84?OA

•-Part 01 riP :\f,)dd 11591/. APC·7 Conn~.:tor 'foul Kit.

Stock No.




Page 9










8410A AssemblyResistor,TubularRing, RF Connector (Opt 012)Connector. Female BNCConnector, RF APe·N Female

(fJpt 013):ontaet, RF Connector Ferna'e

{Opl. 013)Connector, RF APC-N ~1.le (Opt 012)Contact, RF Connector ~Iale

(Opt 012)Nut. RF Connector (Opt 012)Washer, Lock, InternalContact, SpringCap, ConnectorInsulatorWasher, CompressionWasher, FiberBody, Crystal MountConductor. Center

841M APC·1 Connecto: Assembly(Cont'd)Tools::

APC-7 Contact ExtractorAPC·7 Spanner WrenchOpen-end W",nch

8410A Diode Replacement Assemblies'Single Diode Negative PolaritySingle Diode Positive Polarity (Opt 003)Single Diode Negative Polarity with

Matching Load Resistor (Opt 002)Single Diode Positive Polaruy with~blching Load Resistor (Opt 002,003)

Marched Pair Diodes Negative PolarityIOpt 001)

Matched Pair Diodes Positive Polarity(Opt 001.003)

~Iatched Pair Diodes with Load Resis­tor Negative Polarity (Opt 001.002)

Matched Pail Diode with LoadResistor PositivE" Polarity(Opt 001.002, and 003/

Stock No.















Table 2. Replaceable Parts, Models 423A, 8410A, and 11523A


423A Diode Replacement Assemblies'Single Diode Negative PolaritySingle Diode Positive Polarity (Opt 003)Single Diode Negative Polarity with

Matching Load Resistor (Opt 002)Single Diode Positive Pclarity with

Matching Load Resistor(Opt 002 and 003)

Matched Pair Diodes Negative Polarity(Opt 001)

Matched Pair Diodes Positive Polarity{Opt 001. 003)

Matched Pair Diodes with Load Res;,tor Negative Poiarity (Opt 001. 002)

Matched Pair [',ode with Load Resis­tor Positive Polarity {Opt 001, 002.anc 003)

423A AssemblyConnector, Female BNCConnector. CapConnector Assembly. Female BNC.

including contact assemblyBody AssemblY,123AIncludes the following:

Type N Male Connector OuterConductor

Type N Male Nut Rubber GasketTipe N Nut Retaining RingType N Male NutType N Male Connector BeadType .. ~Iale Connector renter

ConductorBody. Crystal Mount

11523A Load Resisto' Assembly'Connector, Male BNCConnector, Female BNCSpring. ContactHousing

841M APC-7 Connector AssemblyInner Conductor Contact Mechanism

(assemblied contact and outer body)Coupling SleeveInner Conductor ContactOuter ConductorCoupling Nut

SuPP'''' Bead

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4'J1..'J'J~$lTKt 'ClDI~ ILUESTAA Til 10;-:8111oTUI me Efdtnlllaln'llUtftfll'l!" ,!~~~ogg~ Mil. 40GIlQ~~ 1:-" btlr llil r.... SJJ2.J85 n1110SAIlA _...... lIanl LillTo!' 1514 0-..1*1. Ill/lUllOlll

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TWll.lf! Gtt.3!lJ1 rw:t, &lQ.2n-...1f2 ~ft ~"'III·h~ ...nSl.e"'''''1 LIIl ru Q5.S:I~I HPCI.

•'!~"'SI, SoiIlI1a2 &lll7lill''':r,I Orw•

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OTttIJll.4JllUS MOllATtO. C:ONTACT~""',PlitlIIllS~


P:.oJ ...., CMoov1Ol4

~t4~~~W;\~}CoIIIJlI HlWl'JClt PlIoAIIor.... Q34.o13llll. ll:I4&t\IJ

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H....Ilt· P:IdWnS 1lI1b1Q'1"SA, [fIC 'ol....... CilJltll!lltldll 'ta, ~11I4

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t..rITlftUlt , Je IlIyllW\ll'UdflPO, "'5,aC/Ilit-ta:!, f\II!\ca't''ltl''e--r.., 4-SOH 4-t.!11c.. AAMR..""~!llC!rtI'l1111t.1SA


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IP\jlmo ..c:OM""rrt, I'1tVT:l '/lIr"'""'til"..-TQ ",ro fII'¥I(II~C1CIlII zn. UI1l, C_tfY CIIDc.QliNOOUIr." !1JJ91 ~:"1~f4.~1'SMr•• K1!C.~ ~~II

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~QlJ.4!l, lS-IllJ,JIT..... ~SI48 >l!'.'A.C1lUbIt Hr.¥P"CII C¥~

,Oftalllus JIlO'IllSnO. C:ONTACT:M.... lIl·P..1ul11~!lI·"'I'III"r.n

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Page 15: Errata Title & Document Type: 423A and 8470A Crystal ... · PDF fileErrata Title & Document Type: 423A and 8470A Crystal Detector Operating and Service Manual Manual Part Number: 00423-90001

I::UROPE, NORTH AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST"USTRI" ,,"'m·~ ~~ fr.1l'CI 1'l"",",PXXN1l Gmeli "'~Jilltlty IJ~P-'ll C¥cwlln'501'M~ ""'l'lI,PKIl..m L:"......1fll·PxU-.,Gfl.n~1'+ .lqll1(.lA"l:"IIU.' ~lI(nn'lC"n Bu"q MtlrIC'''' ""'..:J-l'iKl¥d 'l~"", S ~ " ~.alWOas..~r1'lI l\""~PkUl"h;lollllll~ 5" l,oon CcuIT"a.I~lhq ~l "."Illlfl -I,'~ CID''''' IlrlIl'mildltl~ sn_ ZlI ~" ~''',jlI'.r1I ,

&.4lI"'ilO"~I'f"""'IIiI... (,,;wi ~,i F.. n.,oo~ ClIOhc-C1. IT O",t.,. Ao«l11'0 ~7 C~lIrnIn 011 i.I Clllte. Zll t'''~ C,,",II" l~lOC~.. ur M'fO__~ ! VIII..,(.. 8 roB HM•.a_ WIl,es...·,211SV~...,. fJllI)Qf~"'."Ir.. 1'1"~I~f"~~", r"IO~ll11~ 'I&rDo:oWfl 5l.~ Itl la SJ ~"l;'ll" ~~ 101 1021, esc 99fTTil' (0212)~ 1621 to 27 1I'1511.u} II 11r.1.~l!t H~\IlP"'~SA Mur'll:nl'!1

",.,~ 'l."'IJ.4e ... "'I.l/IO oo·aoow_ SWIOCH If'" 1.'9105tiIl~. IlEWPA~ VI""" C~I "f'"p~Jt WJS!_1I!I.Pitl¥d 'I».... Sit" r.. lOU 11TtIA 759:21 "NlI_ , r.... 110'li57 !I'" ~~'lllS""Il "'mllloll to rll.1 81 loll"lI ...... 'Il!l "ileUM s....e.I~ "_"'-I'''l;¥,llld

IILGlU" Ilftl""PXl.,Mot F,,,",, ~"Mlltl P'cKard Gmnl1 I C1]14J iI',oma 1.IIU~ "'o'~, SQlI'ItII(n~"rrl •.It,;."1 ""l"Iy. ~~~"


,"'19 ll.<l<lClll ~Qid....,1f!·PKu!1l StIl"", ~.",.~1'f»0/I.' rfCM.l.aln 9,1I't"Q ll«to~ T.. 1000,!l4 &~ ~ -""" $'1~12lle,omm'2lIr,IJ,Tl\llnIllM~m

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rtllQ2lSnn~ CoI/Io. IItWP"" /lIARG" GAIl(1 1_10121 T<)I1f'1<1 "OAruGA,1;.~m'P¥I.d3•• n•• Ail 1\ft11"~KlIMlfUll

CMl.. PAlOllE" arum" T.... llonaTOll 10rT, 1l52~!l4 S' M T.t'C!r.EmD'~ TfOlQ l'

':~'IEm!~~~~~~ Er;wa"""'l' l E',fdtrc;a, $ • r I~~tl''''~''~'1 'roIllf!a

ce "''''0Tllu 23 491 gllOllt!rl I¥" I\olOIrrrr~:lt...."fr..ClI r... J.."04ll".Ill¥lC ='If Aal:1iJ? F1ln.ou Tal 5a~m s.r.,C. Wi'OI..... C.,II,cn"W :1"~~1~;~~dllS:" GI1·...n~.... 1:1i "''''',*,C.lICUIIlIllS Onl\! r. 1011\ 4'111910:1 Wur II'dUltn. hllil~r~I"IIfICIOC\JIl'1\J

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GH" Alhen. 10;1 T"'~lIJJnlt SUI em,. ~P.lG eli r.. 10"'~1 'lOAOlV""OI~ a~ l ...I:l(Ina F SiClOO '51l'.tI)QuI'J Till 121111$~I'I All I'leurd Ilalr.", iJ A :"0" ~~·l~~'V ue I....~ .1191J"~ ~n

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CICII "~"I'~C~AG G"''''AGilHllCIUnr.... IlllJJ .loJ"''' ~iIl;oo".II.


0\0 "'t.::rr~::?~ .. AUIiANIA ...,e"lll ~,Le,ul un . "' 11:;

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The Hewlett-Packard Company certifies that this instrument /t'asthoroughly tested aTid inspected and found to meet its publishedspecifications when it /t'as s~d from the factory. The Hewlett­Packard Company further clfi1iJies that its calibration measure­ments are traceable to the U.S, National Bureau of Standards toth$ extent aliOlced by the Bureau's calibration facility.


All Hewlett-Packard products are warranted against defects inmaterials and workmanship. This warranty applies for one yearfrum the date of delivery, or, in the case of -sertain major compo­nents listed in the operating manual, for the specified period. Wewill repair or replace products which prove to be defective duringthe warranty period provided they are returned to Hewlett­Packard. No other warranty is expressed or implied. We are notliable for Y6msequential damages.

Service contracts or customer assistance agreements are availablefor Hewlett-Packard' products that require maintenance and re­pair on-site.

For any assistance, contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales andService Office. Addresses are pruvided at the back») this manual.

" I,,


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Model. 423A I/!4 70A


. . '"


Page I

Figure I Model. 42:JA and 8470A Crystal Dett'rtors and Model I /52:J Load ResIStor


The 423A and 8470A Crystal Detectors are50-ohm (nominal) devices designed for measure­ment use in coaxial systems, They measure relativepower up to 100 mW, and ~ave a BNC output lackto connect the detected qutput to a meter. such asthe 415E. Frequency range of the 423A is 10 Mllzto 12.4 GHz. The 8470A has additional range upto 18 GHz.

•Output polarity of the Detectors is negative unlessthe Option 003 version is purchased. Specificationsand Options are listed in Table I.

The optional Load Resistor, Model 11523A. ismounted in a separate housing to permit easy.conversion from optimum s.quare law to maximumoutput. Each load is identifled by the serialnumber of the Detector to which it IS matched. Ifyou have mar" than one Model 11523A. always besur" that the proper one is in US" for the Detectoryou are using.


Electrical Shock


equivalent of four feet of~l cable. charged to14 volts stores 0.1 erg of energy which is themaximum safe pulse rating of the detector. Becertam that a cable IS connected to associatedequipment and discharged before connecting It tocrystal detector.

Handling Detector Element-

DO NOT HANDLE DETECTOR ~:LEMENTUSEDIN' CRYSTAL DETECTOR NEEDLESSLY. Staticelectricity which build. up on a person, especiallyon cold. dry day. must never be allowed to dis­charge through the Crystal Detector. Avoid ex­posed leads to or from the Crystal Detector, sincethese are often touched accidentally. Refer to De­rector Element Replacement for proper precautions.


The crystal Detector can be used as a demodulatorto obtain a pulse envelope which can then beobserved on an oscilloscope. It can also be used as

A general purpose detector.

When usmg the Crystal Detector with an oscillo­scope and the waveshapes to be observed have risetimes of less than 5/'..,c, the coaxial cable connect­ing oscilloscope and d"t~tor should b"fhOrl aspossible and sh unted with a resistor. I ly, thisres istor should be 50 ohms to terminate e coaxial,


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I':t~" 2


..Frequency Range:

4:,tl" 10 ~1I1z to 124 GHl

8·nOA \0 MHz 10 18 (;H/. (Below I GHz. IIF mayleak through the video output connecter. It can beehmmated. if objectionable. with suitable low passIllter j

Frequency Response:'

~23A '02 dB.''''·I"e 10 Mllz 10 8 l;lIz. ' 0.5 dBoverall

1l-170A '02 dB,,,,·lav.' 10 Mllz 10 8lalz. , 05 dB 1012.4 (1Hz. ' 1.0 dB overall

Maximum Power: 100 mW, peak or avt"r~t"

Sensitivity at 25"c,IIIKh Level. <, 0.35 mW produc-es100 mv outputLow Level: > 0.4 mYdcl~W CWOutput decreases with Increasing temperature.

Typically 0.015 aa.: C Imm 0 C 10 55 C

Impedance: 50 ohms.

Reflectibn Coefficient:

423A and II·nOA 10 MHz 10 45 GHz, 0.091 112SWRj. 4.5 GHz 10 7.0 GHa. 0.151135 SWRI. 7.0 GHz10 12.4 GHz, 0.2 11.5 SWRI

1l-470A: 12.4 GHz In 18.0 GH., 0.2611.7 SWRI.

Output Impedance: < 15k!! shunted hy 10 pf

Detector Element: Supplied. 1Rerer 10 Table 2 (or­menl U5Pmblles.)

Output Polarity: NeKative IRe(er 10. oplions tor posilivepolarily unll•. )

Noi.. : <200 ~Y p.p. wllh CW applied to produce 100mVdc output.



Option 001: Matched pair. Frequency responsecharacteristics {exclusive of bask sensitivity) l(ukwithin t 0.2 dB per octave (rom 10 MHz to 8l;Hz, , 0.3 dB hum 8to 12.4 Gllz.

Oplion 002: Furnished wllh matched load reststor(11523AI Ior optimum square law characteristicsal 24"C 175"Fl,' < 1 0.5 dB variaUp" (rom squareraw over a fanlle or at least 30 ~B up to 50 mVpeak output worklllll Into an external load> 75kohm s. s<>nsillvily Iypically < 0.1 mYI~W whenload resistor Is used. Overall 'elllllh 4·1/2 in. 1144mm}.

Option 003: Positive polarity OUlpul.


Oplion 00 I: Malched pair. ~requency responsel'haracleristics [exclusive or baste liensUlvlLyt tral'lf.wllhln , 0.2 dB per octave (rom 10 MHz to 8GHz, , 0.3 dB (rom 810 12.4 GH., , 0.6 dB (rom12.4 10 18 GHz.

Opllon 002: Furnished with malched load resistor11t523A1 (or opllmum aquare law characlerislicaal 24"C 175"F),' < , 0.5 dB varlallon (rom squarelaw over a rll1lle or al leUt 30 dB up to GO,mYpeak output wprklllll Into an e.lernal Ipad<75kll. SenaillYlLy Iyplcally > 0.1 mYf~W whenload ",aistor Is used. Overall lellllth 4· 1/2 In. (\44mm r.

Option 003: Positiyo polarlly output.

Opllon 012: Fornlahed with SlaJni~Sleel type Nmale connector .

Opllon 013: FIlmlshed 1rI1h stalnlesa sleel type Nremale connector.


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,Pag" 3

cuhle properly However: with 50 ohms resistance.possibly the output video pulse may he too smallto drive some oscilloscopes. Therefore, the cableshould be shunted With the smallest value ofn -sistanc-e that will obtain suitable deflectiou onthe oscilloscope: typically the value will lie be­tween 50 and 2k ohms. The larger the resistancethe mono degradation of rise lime.

The power applied to the Detector can be eithermodulated or continuous wave leW). If modulatedat a 1000-.·ps rate, the sensitive HI' Model 415B/E-ean he used as the indi ca tor. For ew detection. ade milhumrneter or millivoltmeter such as the HI'Model 425A Microvolt-Ammeter can be used as themdicator

c. Replace the pulse source with a CW gener­ator (step 21. While observing the oscillos..opetra ce, adjust amplitude of CW generator output tomake crystal output equal to that of pulse gener­ator as indicated by markings on graucule (step b).

d. While performing the next step, leave CWgenerator at setting obtained in step c. DisconnectDetector from CW generator. Connect output ofew generator to a thermistor and power meter.Measure adjusted level (step c) of ew generatoroutput. t

e. The peak power of the pulse envelopeobserved in step b IS equal to the output power ofthe CW generator.

Peak Power Measurement Refleetometer Application

Figure 2. Peak Power Meaourement.

The arrangement of equipment for peak powermeasurement is shown in Pigure 2. The procedureInvolves calibration of an oscilloscope which intllrn 15 used to calibrate a CW generator. Theoutput of the calibrated CW generator is measuredwith a power meter; the peak power of a pulse IS

thereby measured, The procedure 15 as follows:

a. Connect equipment as shown in Figure 2.step I .

h. Observe pul se, on a de ...-oupled oscillo­scope. Using a marking pencil. mark on the grati­cule the base-to-peak amplitude of the pulseenvelope.

Model. 423A 8470A

WARNINGThe special detector element (See Figure31 contained in the Detector c..n bedamaged in handiiN. removal, or installa­tion if certain precautions are not taken.The handling precautions which followshould be read before performance of anyoperation with the detector elemen~henit is out of either the housing or thedele<ll:0r element shipping container.

Detector Element Replacement


The Detector can be used as a mixer in harmonic ·trequency comparison measurements.

For informatjbn about reOedorneter systems andmeesurements, set' HI' Application Notes 54 and61 and Hewlett-Packard Journal Vol. 12. No.4.December 1960 ...opies of which are available uponrequest.

Succeeding paragraphs give instructions for repairof the Detector. and the Option jl02 LoadResistor. Model 11523A. Additional maintenanceinformation can be obtained from your localHewlett-Packard field office. Stock numbers forreplaceable parts are given in Table 2. •


The detector element assembly includes a detectorelement. an Option 002 load resistor for the11523A. c..paciuve washer and a capsu1e spacer.The resistor is to load the diode for

\ operation. the capacitive washer is to match thediode for VSWR. while the capsule spacer is mainlyfor Oatness of sensitivity. All should be replaced asa unit when the diode is replaced.







425A"ODEL 8470A


411111MODEL 84,788










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Detector Element Handhl1\l Precautoons

11 Bpfon' II1staJhnfJ: detec-tor mto mount.touch exposed metal 'on mount wuh your hand todl.sch-alJ((' statn- t~It'1'lrJnly Then Insert detectorII1lo mount. ,

h When handing crystul 10 another person,touch hands first lo ensure tt""rt> IS IlO lhrrPfl'nt't' IIIstatu- t~It't'lrtl'lly pou-nual bet ween you~

c Ohmmeters shuuld NOT he used torm-asurv forward. and buck-rvsrstamv SlOt"(' u IS

",lln'r easy to damage these diodes (Th., dlffll"ultyari~'s because of the ohmmeter open-ctrvurt voltUj«(~ and shortcm-utt currents. It IS easy for lht'st'currents or voltages 10 damage lht' d lOUt' ,

Replacing Detector Element

Parts mentioned m the following procedure an­Id"nllfi,'<l- In ~'igure 3.

a Remove conrn.....'lor cap from body Toremove connector cap, use a pair uf gas pht'rs withplasnr 1ee th or protect hody with heavy paper ortap«.

h Remove \.lId dr-u-ctor ('Ipmpnl, capsulesllaltt'r, and eupacuive washer, and drsrurd them

v. Install the new t'upacll1vt' washer. r-apsuh-spacer, and detector element. Install Ih. washerfirsl, the spacer with Its polyirnn s,d.· against thewasher. Finally, rnstall Ih.· deu-rtor elt'menl b yinserting the resistive end mto the center contactInside the Detector body.

~Iudels 12;1.-\ K47IJA


Wh('n lIlSt'flllll( lht> detector element , donot foft' .. the lip rresrst iv« end I uuo th«center conductor III the body as theflllj,(t'rs of th(' ('('nll'f conductor might 1)('damaged. H the deu-ctor t·l..rm-ut IS notrvntered

d Replao- cunm-ctor cap and TI(OIlT~:N



The Option 002 Detector Element Assemhly includes a d..teeter ..I..mont and arvsrstor The resistor 16 for use III lht~

~Iudd 11523A and must be instulled tomatch u to the Det...-tor

Replacing Output BNC Connector

Tools Required.

u. N\>t:"dlt>-poml solderrng ironb. WI'" cutu-rsl' Plat nit·. # 4d Tweezers

. Procedure. Parls rm-nnoned III the (ollowmg pro­('fflll!l' art' Idt'nllfH'd III "'ij,(ur~ a and ·t

....a Rernove H:-.1t' conm-rt cr and lock wusher

......,h Unsoldvr contac-t sprmg soldered to ('('nll'!"

.-oudut-tor h-ad






• Of tr c 'CIA(IUI(,,' :.



C.. p"" ,,"( •""S"("

CQH1A( ,


COH"'(( 'OA,...,~ .. ".,.,_, ...u .... ' ....,,'U '0' 1 .. ,."..I .... -.;t ' 10111_'



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Page 5









LOCI( wASH[Rr1/ '2"




Figur« 4 Cutting Crnler Condu<'lur Leod10 Accommodale Conlact Sprrng

Figure 5 Model 1/523A LoadResistor, Cutaway View

t 1) Cut center conductor lead to approxi­rnately 1/32 ineh (see Figure 4).

(2) With nat file, smooth end of lead,Wipe off burt with tweezers or similarmetal instrument.

e. Replace (oc'kwal;l\er and male BNC.

Replacing Female Connector

B. Remove BNC conne-..tor. To remove orinstall BNC, use a BNC wrench or use a male BNC'connector as a wrvnch.

c Slip conLad spring over l~nt...r conductorh-ad. and solder. b. Unsolder contact spring.

CAUTIONUse solder spanngly or It will creep ba"kon sPlIll~. Solder on spnng destroys Itsusefulness. and solder is difficult toremove from spnng.

d. Let spring cool. and then n-plarv lockwasher and connector In connector cup.

Replacement of 11523A Parts

r, Prepare replacement BNC connector:

(II Cut center conductor lead to approx-I rna u-ly. 1132 'll'h '

(21 With nat file. smooth end of lead.wipe off hurr with tweezers or SImilarmetal instrument.

d Sltp contact spring over center conductorlead. and solder.

Parts mentioned 111 the following procedure art"idenufied In Figures.4 and 5. Tools required arelisted m Replacing Output BNC Connector, ToolsRequrred ,

Replacing Male BNC Connector.

a. Remove male BNC connector and lockwasher from housing. To remove BNC. use a3/1l·lnch openend wrench and hold thr housingeither in a VIse or with gas pliers. Before puttingpliers on, protect the housing of the 11523A withmaterial such as heavy paper.

h. Unsolder resistor

c. Solder resistor to new BNC.

d. Let resistor cool and then check resistancefrom male BNC pin through resistor; resistancemeasured should be t 10% that indicuted by thecoding.

CAUTIONUso: solder sparingly or It WIll creep backon spring. Solder on spnng destroys Itsuseful ness and is di Ificult to remove.

e. Let contact spring cool a~d then SlT"W

connector int.o mount.


This sect~n contains information pertaining toreplaceable parts , ..... Table 2) and the ordering ofthese parts ior tbe Models 423A, 8470A, and11523A. •

To order a replacement part, address order orinquiry to your local Hewlett-Packard ficld ofEke(..... list at rear of this Noll').

Specify the following information for each part.a. Model numberb. Hewlett-Packard stock numberc. , Description of part.

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•- --- -- . ..- .. -.-- "




I\ \















\ \.




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.- .~I


Page 6 Model. ~ 23A18~70A

Table 2. Replaceable Parts, Models 423A. 8470A,and 1/523A


Connector. mal. ONe (or II ~23A

Connector. (.mal. ONC

Connector A_mbly. female ONC.includllll contact ....mbly

Connector. Cap

Hou.. ng (or 11~23A

11523A wllhoull'P5l111or, includPs",rial pial. lo be attached 10 423A

Body Asspmbly. 423A or 8470AIncludes the (ollowln1!:

Type N Mal. NUlType N NUl R.lainlll8 RingType N Mal. Nul Rubber Gaslt.lBody, Cryslal MounlTypeN

Male Connector CenterConductorTypeN

Male Connector Outer ConductorType N Male Conneclor O..d

42311' Diode RepllCement Assemblies'

Single detector ....mbly:Negalive polarllyPosllive polarily jOplion 003)

Single detector .......bly wlth malchllllload I'P5Islor (Option 002):

Negalive polarityPosllive polarity (Option 003),

Malched pain o( ....mbly (Oplion 001):Negalive polarityPosilive polUity (Option 003)

Stock No.


1250-02~ I














MalchPd pal ... o( elements with'"malchllllioad I'P5Islor (Oplion 002):

Neplive polUityPosilive polarity (Oplion 003)

8470Ao.Diode Replecement Assemblies

Single Detector ASEmbly:Nepllve PolarityPpsili.e PolUily (Oplion 003). .

ilPgle Detector A...mbly with mat'tlngload resistor (Opllon 002):

Negative PolarityPosillve Polarity (Option 003)

MalchPd Pal... o( ....mblles (Oplion 00 I):Negative PolarityPostlive PolUity (Oplion 003)

MatchPd pal... of ....mblles with loadI'P5Islo... (Oplion 002):

Negalive PolarityPositive Polarity (Oplion 003)

APe·7 Connector Assembly

Inner conductor cantlclInner conductorcontactmechanism

(contact plus outer body; asaemblPd)Support beadCoupllftg nutOuter COnduclor 'Couplllll Slee.e


APe·7 conlact eXlrIdor

APe- 7 Spanner wrench

Open-end wrench

Stock No.














lR.'I" to Tabw I ror dnrr1pUon of opUona.


The following paragraphs sUllllest methods to usefor checking detector specifications, For thesechecks the instrument operator should refer to themanuals of the equipment involved for operatinginstructions '

Frequency Response Check •

a. Using Ii 10 MHz to 18 G/1z signal sourcewith a 10 dB isolatina auenuetos. and an SWR

2pan of HP Mod",11 USIA APC·, ConlWc&.or Tool Kll.


Meter as the indicator, connect the detector to thesignal source and adjust the RF power level for anyconvenient up~ scale reference on the SWRmeter.

b. Without changing the RF output level,disconnect the detector from the signal source.

c. Using a power meter/thermistor mountcombination, measure the signal source RF outputlevel and record it.

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Moods 423A/!!470A




_~ '',. ~U:~T I


~" ~ CO~~~~OR-, • COUI'ij.ING NUT" '



Page 7


To Connect:,~

1. On one connector. relract the C'OUJlUnl sleeve byLumina the C'Ouplinl nut eounteretoekwtse unUI thesIeeee and nul dJsenl..e.

2.. On lb. ether connector, rully extend the couplllllsI..... by lumlnl the coupllnl nul clockwi... Toenl..' couplllll lil.... and coupllll( nul wh.n Jh.sIeeee I. rully retracted, p back IIlhUy on '\h.nul whll. lumllll II c1ockwl .

3. Push lb. eonnectors nnnly 100.lber. and lbread lb.couplllll nul or the connector wllh retracted s1eeveover the extended sleeve.

4. Close lb. lap bel"""" coupllnl nuts wlth lb. nulon the eXl.ended-sleeve\onnector.

To Disconnect:

1. K..... conlaclllll wrfact!l lIDoolb and clean. I....·ularlU.. and ro....n partlcl.. can cIecrad. lll.c:t.rtcaJperfonnance.




1. Loosen Ule couplinl nut of the connector mowinalb. wider lold band.



IMPORTANT: Part lb. conneclon carerully lo pre­vent atrikJnl the Inner conductor con~t.

"2. Prolecl lb. conlaclllll wrfaces wh.n lb. connectorIa not In u.. by leavllll Ih. coupllne _e""Lended. '

3. Use lin\._ maLerial and/or Clpn-brillled brusb auebu a ~'lh brusb ror c1eanl.... If a <leanlDtl nuld Ia.-ded .... IlOJIropyi alcohol. IMPORTANT: Donol uae aromaUc or chlortnaLed bydrocarbona, ..Len. elh..... Lerpen... bllber a1cobo1l, lretoaea, oreth.....coboIa web • be........)"Iue..... turpenUne,dioxane. p.>llne. ''''1100oi•• acelaLe, or carbonLelracb1orld.. Keep exposure or lb. connector putslo bolb lb. el..nlne nuld and lis vapors• brlel' •poalbl.. ./

Figure 6. APe·7 Connecto,"

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~ludl'ls ~ 23AIIH 70A



Through wear or damage the contact in th... centerr-onductor rna) need n·pladnl. Thl:\ contart. II • smallIour.pronged ('ollt'l which snaps IlIW a n."'N"SS In th ..t't-nlt"f conductor Thts l'Onlat't is normally ht>ld in bythe sprtnll-at."lldn of Lht" (our pruna:s. With a malntryilllIClass examine this C'onla."t to determine If it needsreptecement . DO NOT REMOVE THIS CONTACT FORINSPECTION iiI ma)" be damagl'd b)" ",movinel. The(·onl...·1 mould be Iree of bum or wear and the prunes~uuld be equally spal'1.>d. U the l'Ootad is removed doSOT re-use il tu ma)" be damael>d b)" "","ovall. This('un~'1 is Ampht"nol· part number 131-129 and HP1250-0907. If thi!'i l"untat"t needs n.aplal·t"flwnl and a new

l'1m~*it 15 Iv.Uabl.. proceed L'\ fotlows:

I ptlt.-e the Instrument !W) the c'onnt"t'lur rac'l."l'idown. Ir possible

~ ..1--- SUPPORT IUD




2. Tap the conrrector Ullhtt)' and the contactshould now protrude .. iehUl' Insert lit. <"nl.rine pin orthe Hewlett-Packard collet remover, Stock Numbt....5060'()236, wilh lit" Jawl open. 1\ lItil 1001 II notavallablt", fn ordinary draftsman', ml"Chan.ll'al pencil maybe used Ith. end of the Jaws ma), han to be n1t>d to Kl'ta 100d vup at the vt"ry end].

3. Allow the Jaws on the tool ueed to close and. pull slraiehl awa)' frum the connector without twistina.The- conlacA..~?uld come wil!1 the tool. If not, repeatth ... procesa. Do.'N'OT re-use th e l'ontad.,

4. Snap in a new contact b)' pushlrl& a new coruect inplace.

{Amphenol Part number 131·129: HP Part number1250-09071

• Amphenol RF Divislon. Danbury. Conn.


0.063111N0.06611AX ,


Fll/Ure 7 A pc. 7 Connector


$-4f£- ::C:! .-3

;;;r\::;;s:~ ~4:~~:~:x• - 0214 MIN

Figure 8. Type N Connector



0.063111N, 006611AX

.. .. 0.207 MAX.

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..:'1<"Ms ,I23Aill4 70 A

d. Chang" the frequency and reset th e RFoutput 1t."V(al to that measured in step c.

e. Disconnect th,· power me ter/thermistormount from the signal sourc...' and reconnec t thedeteeter. Total variation should b.... 1 d If to 12.4 'GHz; .. dB to 111 GHz.

f. Rep"~ steps b. c. d. and c at all points ofinteres t across the frequency band.


Pag.. 9

Sensitivity Check

a. Using a 10 MHz to 18,0 GHz signal IOU«'"

and ad,' voltmet..r ... th" indicator. connect thedetector til the signal IOU«.... and adjust the RFpower 1"...1 fQr a .100 mV detec ted output fromthe detector.

b. Disconnect the detee toJ from the signalsource and measure the· R F output level. Specifica­tiori!: I..... than 0.36 mW should produce 100 mVdetected output.




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. "






) ....


- -

:,' I


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,Model. 423A/8470A




10 MHz to 4.5 GHz: 1.2 SWR•.5 to 7 GHz: 1.35 SWR7 to 12.4 GHz: 1.5 SWR12.4 to 18 GHz: 1.7 SWR

<. DESCRIPTION: The 8470A is connected to a Coaxial Swept Slotted-Line Systern.' The ~WR of the8470A is measured on a swept-frequency basis, At any frequency where the 8470A appears to be out ofspeclpcation., an SWR Meter is connected and the SWR is measured at that frequency on a single-frequent-ybasis. If the SWR is within specification. at'higher frequencies. the Detector will be within specifications atlower frequencies also. FrequencyOSCIlloscope Indicator




f,; 0


I·=~~In,ut •

I,IF=~=I====:~~- - - _./

S lolled LIne

Siolled LIne ~~::~:Jtf~~:=~lrS..... Adopt.r r

Fil/ure 9. SWR Te.t Setup

Swept-Frequency IndicatorOscilloseopeSWR MeterAdapter

EQUIPMENT:Slotted-Line Carriage . HP 80geSlotted-Line ... . HP 816ASlotted-Line Sweep Adapter . HP 448AThe above instruments form the HP 817 A Coaxial Swept Slotted·Line SystemSweep Oscillator ..... HP 8690 mainframe with 8699 (110 MHz to .. GHz)

HP 8690 mainframe with 8693 (4 to Il GHz)HP 8690 mainframe with 8694 (8 to 12.4 GHz)

HP 8690 mainframe with 8695 (12.4 to 18 GHz)HP 1416A

.. HP 141A

.. HP 415EHP 11534A

1 _/For d"~il•• "11' Opl'r'IIUna Nolt' for ModII'I IIIA Cou.aaJ S.lI'pt' S.,...m.


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Pag" I I 112



I. Connect the equipment tI5 shown In Figure 9.

2. set th e Sw ee p Oscillator to sw....p the band of tnterest .

3 L"""I the swee p oscillator tI5 follows:

\a. Manually sweep the band and adjust Sweep Oscillator output and Slotted Line Sweep Adapter

prohe penetration for a Ieveled ALC signal with. DC output of 25 mV. Use a BNC Tee andmomentarily connect the Vertical Input of the scope to view the ALC loop.

b. Switch SW""p Oscillator to- AUTO sweep and check leveling of ALC loop.

c. Check output of 8472A with Oscilloscope. Maximum output should be 100 mV. If too high.tunlSweep Oscillator output down or Insert attenuator between Slotted-Line Sweep Adapter and theCarriage.

,I. Set Swept Frequency lndicator to LOG MODE with 2 dB/cm sensiuvity.

5. Adjust Slotted Lin" probe and Swept-Frequency Indicator LOG BALANC~: for a noise-free display.Use minimum possible probe penetration.

6. set Oscilloscope PRESENT ATION to WRITE.

7 Move the carriage at least ,;>ne-h.1f wavelength while sweeping the band of inter... t

!l. Measure the Width of the trace In a vertical direction at the thickest pornt

!J Compare this With spectficauons using th« formula:\

SWR = log-I (dB/20)


1.2 SWR = 1.58 dB1.35 SWR = 2.61 dB1.5 SWR = 3.52 dB1.7 SWR-4.6IdB



The SWR should he less than specrf'ications. If not. measure the WIdth of th,· trac-e WIthout sweeping.Subtract this reading from the m..asured value. If the resultant IS not less than sp...-ification, proceed tothe following single-frequency test.

set the Sweep Oscillator to MANUAL sw...p. Set Sw....p Oscillator to th .. frequency in question.

Connect the output of the Carriage I'rob.. to the Input of the SWR Met ..r. Set the SWR Meter RANG~:switch to 30 dB.

\Move the Carriage Probe for a minimum mdn-auon.

Set the Sweep Oscillator for Internal squarewav.. modulation and peakj!ldll'atlon on SWR M..ter.

Move the Carriage Probe for a maximum indication. ,+,Adjust the SWR Meter GAIN control for a full-scale indicauon on the SWR Met..r.





16. Read th.. SWR from the Indication.

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Page 34: Errata Title & Document Type: 423A and 8470A Crystal ... · PDF fileErrata Title & Document Type: 423A and 8470A Crystal Detector Operating and Service Manual Manual Part Number: 00423-90001



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