ERM In afgzpiuh -

Learning Algorithms in Depth Stability h 13 read ch 3 on optimization Recap data 2mi P hypotheses f e F v s Fn EF e.g ERM In afgzpiuh.IE f Zi In cannersae I c L 0 as a a Sufficient condition for consistency UEEM Pn f La fl Zi Epncf empirical risk p f Ep f spup Ep sup Pn Ifl P f l f C F U CEM property of F ERM is consistent

Transcript of ERM In afgzpiuh -

Page 1: ERM In afgzpiuh -

Learning Algorithms in Depth Stabilityh 13 read ch 3 on optimization

Recap data 2mi P hypotheses f e F

v s


e.g ERM In afgzpiuh.IE f Zi

In fzfnczypc.czcannersae



L 0

as a a

Sufficient condition for consistency UEEM

Pn f La fl Zi Epncf empiricalrisk

p f Ep f

spup Ep sup Pn Ifl P f lf C F

U CEM property of F ERM is consistent

Page 2: ERM In afgzpiuh -

But learnatility is possible w o UCEM

F given no assumptions

assume 7 I s t f z inf f z httf Ef


O z

E Fu IERM on will always return It

Closer look at learning algos

Framework Vapnik 1995

2 instance space

P class of prof dist on Z

F closed convex subset of a Hilbert space IfL F x Z IR loss fan

Lp f Ep elf 27

SylCf E Plotz

Examples 1 Il H S of fans Z IRIff z fiz

Page 3: ERM In afgzpiuh -

2 Fl HK RK Hs for some K

2 X y E X e It

life E elf Ix y 6C y fixpen fan

3 l tf CxiyH y fixt

Main idea want to bring out the dependaeof l t 7 on tooth f and Z

Learning algosAn Zn F one for each n

Z i Z all tuples over 2

A 2 F

Attn random element of F


Lpl Attn Syl ACE Platz

Attn th IZ l ACE Zi

Page 4: ERM In afgzpiuh -

Motivating Example ERM w strongly convexLosses

Ch 3

f z l f z

f E F closed convex subset of H H Il


1 l fiz is L Lipschitz in feet unit in 2

sup Il If z lcf 271 E LAF f'llc CZ

2 l Liz is in strongly convex in f EF waif in 2ma

Review 4 f IRF convex sef f f GI

aft Cl d f EF VdecorD

aF closed for f FEI

p f IR is convex if

41 aft d f Excelf ta d cecffor all f if C F DE co 13

y F 7112 is m strongly convex m o

if I f i Ucf mayfly is convex

rite not requiring 4 to be differentiable

Page 5: ERM In afgzpiuh -

Consequences of strong convexity

UH ft Il Hf Ed 41 f t A d elf conc

7 NI t Iff f 112YA

unique minimizes

if 41ft min elf thenf Et

Q1 f 3 Ulf t my Hf f 112

can be derived from A

let B f be an L Lip fan let

f argmin Ulff ee Lip perturbation

I Ulf t Bl f

Then 11 I f Il e LmStability of minimizers under Lip perturbationsif 4C is convex then 41 t Mz IT ism strongly convex

Back to learning

C fiz L lip m str cox in f C Funiformly in 2

ERM In E llf Zi

Page 6: ERM In afgzpiuh -

Thm With Pr 31 S

L In Iff Lif s 2LSmh

Iote Lg dependence instead of log f

Proof Zn n Aten In3 A

Zit Aczfi InciZf El Enl P indep of 2N

Z Z1 Zi l Zi Ziti r Zn

Z Z g n Zi l Zi I g n Zn

Fix f EF

Intf Ln FE elf Zi Closs on 27

filet Lnlcfizi t ta E illfiZiloss on 27,7

tall f Z t Lncf In elf Zi

LnCf th lif E Lcf Zi

n for each i C In

nci f Lac flat life Zi fi f zip

Page 7: ERM In afgzpiuh -

In arqzin LnIt

Incite f

claim 11 In Iii'll e

Proof of claim

c f t Lncf is m str aux ble l is

2 ft tallit elf Zi is 2 Lip

B f _th lif 2 it Lif Zi

1131 f Bcf 7 Ent Il I f Zi elf zit I

In It If 2 it elf 2 i

E 2 Hf f II since l isC Lip in f

L f Ln it t Blt

F.c Ttip

By stab at minimizer Iifa Idi711 E LIMOE

Claim E 14 In Lucinda 2M

Page 8: ERM In afgzpiuh -

Proof of claim In A Zn



E CLC InD tn IE IE Cli Attu 2 i

Eun CINI tn Ece CA tent 2 i

V icons Attn ZiD AC 22,7 Zi

Eun tent to Ecl CAGED ti


ntEEClC Inti HIM zi

Et EI L Ellin I H

E 2h2 BTm

E L In Lcf D Lif tariff UfELL In Luc InnEllen Iu Luff IE Clu ft Cf'D

To D

E 2Am

Page 9: ERM In afgzpiuh -

By Markov's inequality

IP LCIn L ft 3 E ELL ul Lcf 3t


f 22mmlet n2m 8 t 2L B


Key points


hypothesis stability

El's.IElCACzntzi 7 lCACznciD.ziI 2L

Tmreplace one stability