Ergo Yo µr Postre f - UBC Human Resources · Ergo Yo µr Postre UBC EUgRQRPLcV WRUNSOace HeaW...

Ergo YoƵr PostƵre UBC EUgRQRPLcV WRUNSOace HeaOWK SeUYLceV [email protected] Wall Angels ;ϭϬ Reps ϭ s holdͿ x Sƚand ǁiƚh LJoƵƌ back againƐƚ a ǁall and bend LJoƵƌ kneeƐ a liƩle YoƵƌ ƐhoƵldeƌƐ and head ƐhoƵld be ƚoƵching ƚhe ǁall x Sƚaƌƚ ǁiƚh LJoƵƌ ƐhoƵldeƌƐ ǁƌiƐƚƐ and foƌeaƌmƐ ƐhoƵld be ƚoƵching ƚhe ǁall x Bƌing LJoƵƌ aƌmƐ Ƶp aƐ high aƐ LJoƵ can geƚ ƚhem ǁiƚhoƵƚ anLJ of LJoƵƌ bodLJ paƌƚƐ coming aǁaLJ fƌom ƚhe ǁall Side Stretch ;ϭ Rep ϮϬ s holdͿ x Sƚand ǁiƚh LJoƵƌ aƌmƐ Ƶp oǀeƌ LJoƵƌ head keeping ƚhem cloƐe ƚo LJoƵƌ eaƌƐ x Hold LJoƵƌ handƐ ƚogeƚheƌ and lean ƚo one Ɛide feeling ƚhe Ɛƚƌeƚch doǁn ƚhe oƚheƌ Ɛide of LJoƵƌ ƚoƌƐo Wall FlLJ ;ϭϬ Reps ϭ s holdͿ x Sƚand Ƶp Ɛƚƌaighƚ ǁiƚh LJoƵƌ back againƐƚ a ǁall x Bend LJoƵƌ elboǁƐ and ƌoƚaƚe LJoƵƌ foƌeaƌmƐ oƵƚǁaƌdƐ Ɛo ƚhaƚ ƚhe backƐ of LJoƵƌ handƐ ƚoƵch ƚhe ǁall x Alloǁ LJoƵƌ Ƶppeƌ aƌmƐ ƚo moǀe aǁaLJ fƌom LJoƵƌ ƐideƐ a liƩle x Mainƚaining ƚhiƐ angle pƌeƐƐ ƚhe backƐ of LJoƵƌ foƌeͲ aƌmƐ and ǁƌiƐƚƐ inƚo ƚhe ǁall LƵmbar Edžtension ;ϱ Reps ϱ s holdͿ x Place LJoƵƌ handƐ in ƚhe Ɛmall of LJoƵƌ back and ƐloǁlLJ bend backǁaƌdƐ focƵƐing on aƌching in LJoƵƌ loǁeƌ back ShoƵlder ShrƵgs ;ϭϬ Reps ϭ s holdͿ x Take a deep bƌeaƚh in and moǀe LJoƵƌ ƐhoƵldeƌƐ ƵpǁaƌdƐ In collaboraon with UBC Recreaon, UBC Safety & Risk Services, UBC Okanagan, UBC Human Resources aETEa.ifpEia.aEg.o igE f ii I liaising so Tog it eEeEa.ifEia.aug.E iqE i iii m.i.a ieaeifEiaao.u a E i I

Transcript of Ergo Yo µr Postre f - UBC Human Resources · Ergo Yo µr Postre UBC EUgRQRPLcV WRUNSOace HeaW...

Page 1: Ergo Yo µr Postre f - UBC Human Resources · Ergo Yo µr Postre UBC EUgRQRPLcV WRUNSOace HeaW SeUYLceV Wall Angels ~ í ì Reps l í s hold x S and i h Ço µ

Ergo Your Posture

UBC Ergonomics Workplace Health Services [email protected]

Wall Angels (10 Reps / 1 s hold) Stand with your back against a wall and bend your knees a

li le. Your shoulders and head should be touching the wall Start with your shoulders, wrists and forearms should be

touching the wall. Bring your arms up as high as you can get them, without any

of your body parts coming away from the wall.

Side Stretch (1 Rep / 20 s hold) Stand with your arms up over your head, keeping them close to

your ears. Hold your hands together and lean to one side, feeling the

stretch down the other side of your torso.

Wall Fly (10 Reps / 1 s hold) Stand up straight with your back against a wall. Bend your elbows and rotate your forearms outwards

so that the backs of your hands touch the wall. Allow your upper arms to move away from your sides a

li le. Maintaining this angle, press the backs of your fore-

arms and wrists into the wall.

Lumbar Extension (5 Reps / 5 s hold) Place your hands in the small of your back and slowly

bend backwards focusing on arching in your lower back.

Shoulder Shrugs (10 Reps / 1 s hold) Take a deep breath in and move your shoulders


In collaboration with UBC Recreation, UBC Safety & Risk Services, UBC Okanagan, UBC Human Resources

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Page 2: Ergo Yo µr Postre f - UBC Human Resources · Ergo Yo µr Postre UBC EUgRQRPLcV WRUNSOace HeaW SeUYLceV Wall Angels ~ í ì Reps l í s hold x S and i h Ço µ

Nose to Armpit (1 Rep / 30 s hold) Place the hand of the side you want to stretch behind your

back. Take the opposite hand and pull your head forwards and to the opposite side at an angle.

Trunk Rotation (2 Reps / 5 s hold) Sit upright in a chair and rotate your body round to one

side, using your arms on the back of the chair to pull yourself round further.

Wrist Stretch (1 Rep / 20 s hold) Start with your forearm res ng on a table and your affected

hand palm up. Keep your fingers relaxed and use your other hand to lift the hand upwards

Deep Neck Flexors (10 Reps / 1 s hold) Lean your body forwards and ensure your back re-

mains straight. Pull your head backwards so that your chin tucks in.

Then, look up towards the ceiling un l your head is around neutral.

Glute Stretch (1 Rep / 30 s hold) Cross the ankle of the affected leg over the opposite thigh just above

the knee. Lean forwards, bending from the hip. Increase the stretch by placing your hand on the inside of the affected

knee, and apply some downwards pressure.

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