ERDILLEHA y Vehicles · Caldwell Milledgeville-Oeo Compton antsvllle Ky P R n Jeter Mlddlebnrg Cash...

S rflNTFRJOKJOURNAL eabLthrLTuiaaydT Fzidav 1 PER YEAR CASH WhenDoteopaldar2OOwillbebartedEntered at econddat matter WOOL WANTED r We want nit the wool In Lincoln county and will pay the highest prlco for It Gall at J 11 Ward A Coe Stable In Stanford for sacks IJOONE it GENTRY PRUITTBROS MORELAND KY FurnitureUndertaking And Livery TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN i WoTerebystate that the Dlc Plow sold by Il B Carpenter U Just s far luperlorto the Is- uperlor as the heorin Oliver to the cradle W O COWAN J 8 I S M OWENS is PRICEB- urgeon I Dentist Stanford Ky OCacve UcKolwrU Drug Store In the Owjler I llulldlof ReA JONES DENTISTStanford 1z 1 Office over dr McKlnncys Story Telephone No 43 JH WARD CO SEV Livery Feed And Sale Stable Uruces Old SUnd Depot SI Stanford and stylish Turnout Ititw reasonable llta raes Special attention to traveling ealeeincn feeds SOc lon bought mod sold on comml Nohltehe on public days- Goodattrntlogiven Ila 20C Hltcheb e all stock left at our stable Phone 9- 6ADAMS FISTULA CURE Manufactured by J W Adams do Co Paint Lick Ky Is a cusrantecdsure cure for horses and mules afflicted Scratches Baddle Rolls Pallevll liard and Soft Enlargements Greasyheel Distemper Ac for male oy erts Stanford Mv K Uumphrejr Liberty U M Thompson Caldwell Milledgeville- Oeo Compton antsvllle Ky P R n Jeter Mlddlebnrg Cash b Mc Clure Turnersvllle J II Vanhook McKIn napFarmers Roller Mills STANF03D ST MORRIS FRED PitomiETon S to the public that I I desire to announce am ready to do any and all kinds grind- Ing and that I will at all times furnish the best o- fFlour Moat SnipstuffChiclsoiiFcod Etc and I solicit a lowest rlces At the very to give share of your patronage promising me the beat you mind always that I need your FRED Pror patronageMORit1S JGMccbMYtTTDEtV Manufacturer and Dealearln HARNESS SADDLERY 60 Stanford Ky Drs Slaving PhillipsO- STEOPATHISTS Will be In Dao1ll8 Mondajs Wednesdays and 1y Will U In Stanford Tuel js Thursdays and Sat ¬ urdays In the Ienoln ton UullJlnjSUuforJOf lice bSu r ai to 12 A Mi I to a r w- OSTEOPATHY ThlScience originated and developed ly Dr of Klunllle Mo dpend ou the principles of Anatomy and Physiology for lu re no rubbin- gDoaurslolopersUooandclaiws blog super nltural vlewe naan ass machine of so man- ypulaltakeynoteh adjustment When all parts overworked health are Istuereeult Some 01 the dleeaaw treated by use Nervous Headaches Neuralgia nbeumtbw Weak Granulated Ud Goitre HiS Liter and Lung Ultaat Constipation Enlarged lrOlUtelU Stow 111011 and Inteitlnaf troubles and J tltSptaiCunatureS DlalocatlonaStlttJolnta 1kla kewale Uileues a specialty Cunsultatloo r roe 1 > ERDILLEHA y DANVILLE KY Manufacturer of BRICKAnd Lime Cement ocW- rite For Prices H Ca RUPLEY The Merchant Tailor STANFORD KY Goods Warranted Fit GuaranteedGive a Call FOX LOGAN LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE DANVILLE KENTUCKY nonerand Mules constantly on hand and for sale at all times W Logan Wood Manager FIRST NATIONAL BANK OJ STANFORD KY Capital Stock 50000 SurplaiS10000- ThU Institution originally established as the Ie oslt Bank nf Stanford In 1813 then reorganized the Rational Bank of Stanford In ISM andagalt rorganiredUthe First National Dank oi Stanford n 1832 has had practically uninterrupted exist eDeI for41yeart It is better supplied now wlti eUttles for transacting business promptly and 1 rally than eflr before In Its long and honoiab career Amounts of individuals fldadarle ad Indlridaali solicited Diaacroas F B ld Lincoln C > JW Ilayden Sunfur- TBarrts S 8H Baughman J S Hocker TP Hill WP Walton W A Trlbbl J U ColllerCrab Orchd Ju Robinson Hubble M DElmore Stanford orricaas J S Hotter President JJ McRobtrts Cashier EAZLEY HAYST- TNDESTAKEUS ALSO DEALERS IX Furniture MnttingsRujjs And Wall Paper Theywill Exchange Furniture for all of Stork Give them- a call Prices right STANFORD KENTUCKY JAMES FRYE Makes Tailor Suits or tbe cloth furnished you to make your owlult skirt or waist My samples of cloth as large andvaried as can be found in IN THE GREATESTDRY GOODS EMPORIUMS ¬ NEW YORK And the prices are touch lower I hay also equally as great a line of samples for men New Goodso f All Kind Now arriving for spring wear Clothing Hats Car pots Mattings Rugs Dry Coods bhoos Slip- pers Etc JAMES FKYE Hustonville KJ Lincoln CountyNational Bank Capital Stock 1100000- Succewor to Tbe Fanuen flank A Trot Com pan sad under same management contlnu ouily for U Yean Solicits Your Bank Account Hoping such business relations will prove mutua ly beaenclal and plea Din CTOKS J li Paxton Jt Uwlley S- rJN Olneffe- A W Carpenter W H CUlumln J E Lyon SlL banta J P CUb J U Owilcy OFFICERS S II PrHldeot1J W M Brlnt Asst Cub acrtrasra NEWS NOTES Tho plow trust with a capitalization ot 50000000 Is the latest John Sbuck late of Lebanon com- mitted suicide In Now York The Royal Flour Mills at Frank to burned with 20000 bushels of wheat The artillery service Is to bo reo orultcd up to 18000 requiring 13000 more men- Abraham Cohen a rich Oloclnnatlai killed himself In preference to paying his wile alimony Acuinaldo Is live feet tour Inches In height Ills ago Is uncertain He doe8 not know It himself Georpo Seybold of Darlington Ind killed himself because ho feared be was losing his mind Forest Urea are raging In tbe uppe peninsula of Michigan and several towns are threatened Tbe membership of the DaMola Oommandary ot Knights Templer at Louisville has reached 500 An heir to tbe throne of Italy Is ex- pected and a magnificent cradlo of ell tor Is being prepared for It The 79th anniversary of the birth or Gen Grant was appropriately cele- brated at many places Saturday Gov Heck ham pardoned four lion lerson grocery firms which formed a trust but made no profit out of It George Parsons 10 was killed In Mercer county by a tree his father cut lown and which fell the wrong way Russell Harden crazed by clgaretti imoklng committed suicide over tbi rrave of his mother at Catawba W Ia WW Lea bookkeeper of the First National Bank of Nashville who des appeared last July was short over 923 100 Martha Ferguson a Negroes agct 30 U In jell at Hopklnsvllle charger rlth tbe brutal murder of a l0 year oh girlSix Negroes broke Into Hiram Me Lilians house near Connelsvllle Pa and after shooting him assaulted his rife Congressman James Butler of St Louis knocked out James Jeffries the uglllst with a beer glass at Kansas City During the last century 100 human lived 1100000000 and 200 ships have been lost In fruitless efforts to find the forth pole Mrs Frank Givens living near Mad lonyllle was accidentally shot and probably fatally wounded by her rothcrln law While hunting ducks Liberty George a Louisville steamboat engln eer was killed by the accidental dls large of a gun T L Nash has reported to tbe Louis vle police that his two children have been kidnaped and be is unable to find any trace of them A Pullman car porter at Columbus 0 was found to have smallpox and tbe tbree passengers on the car were icrefore locked In apd quarantined A special examination will probably be arranged for tbe new army lleuten ants as it Is realized that they can not pass If the regular standard Is required The comptroller ot the treasury has decided that postal money orders are tyable only by postmasters upon whom they are drawn and to whom no- tice of the Issue thereof has been sent Mrs Mary Campbell who was mar- ried ¬ at 12bas the unique distinction of belol a grandmother at 2G she bavng married at 12 and her daughter at tbe- slimo age She lives In Oonee county S C Jailer Lawrence of Franklin county says that Caleb Powers cats regularly aod heartily and has not complained of belogIII since be was brought back from Louisville lie also says there 18I a solid wall between Powers and How- ard and the Negro prisoner Fugitive W S Taylor of Kentuok will deliver the G A R memorial ad dress at Camden Ind provided ho Is not captured and hanged before the The boilers ot the Grlcsbelra Electro Chemical Works near Grlcsholt Germany exploded and over 160 per zone are reported to have been killed or Injured Ceo S Dobbins blind for IS vean has graduated with honor from tbo Chicago Homeopathic Medical College and will make a specialty of lung and throat diseases Rig Charley the largest of tbe Wal- lace circus herd of elephants killed his trainer at Peru Ind and was IUt to death by tbo arsenic route Ho bad killed three men Burglars boldly carried away a fare from the Alaska saloon at Anaconda Mont secured 810000 In gold and loaded the wrecked safe In a wagon and started the horse back to town Tom Colo a Negro was banged at Clinton for the murder of a Negro girt Last Monday he was baptized In tbe town pond He was well shackled Bnd Jailer Spicer hold on to a rope attach od to his feet when he wont into tlte waterRichard Suter n brother of R Lee Suter of Louisville was found dead i- an alley in Frankfort When foun the body had been stripped of all oute clothing only the underwear remain Ing and life had been extinct less tban an hour At Oweosboro divorce salt has been lied bv Mrs Susan Knrlght against Dl H Enrlght owner of the Parton coal- mines and a wealthy and prom I oen t citizen on tbo charge of cruelty and abandonment They have been mar- ried 33 years Thomas K Ketchum the noted mur- derer und train robber was hanged at Clayton N M Friday Tbo rope broke in the long fall and hit head was jerked off Just before his death be wrote a letter to the president declar ing that three men who were scrvlni leniences for train robbery are moo cent The State board of valuation and as- sessment has assessed for franchise tat I of the leading railroad corporation or tbo State It Is based upon SO net cent of the capital stock Tbe total aluatlon Is 15300043 as agalnrl all 91421 last year an Increase ot 4212 51i The L Si N catches It on IGKiO 410 and the Cincinnati Southern on 92 93853 A GENTLE HINT In our style of climate wilh its sudden tangos of temperaturerain wind and innhine often Intermingled in A 8lnlo- dayIt Is no wonder that our children frlenl18Rnll relatives are so frequently taken from ui by neglected colds hilt tho deaths resulting from title use A bottle of Uoschco German yrup kept about your homo for Immedi- ate UM will prevent serious sickness a large doctors bill perhaps death b- Ibe use of three or four doses For cur- Ing Consumption Hemorrhages Ineu tonia Severe Croup or any scabs of the Throat and Lungs its sue CI88 is simply wonderful as your drug Kist will tell you Get a ample bottle free from IVnny Stanford Ky Regular size 76c Get Greens Prize Almanac y r BUFFALO BILLS WILD WEST and Con re88 of Rough Riders of the World wll show at Lexington on May 8th educed rates from all points on the Queen L Crescent Route between unction City and Wllllamstown Ask ticket agents for particulars CATAUUIl CAN NOT UK ClUKD Wllh local anpllotlos as they ran not rtrtch tbe dot thedicese Catarrh Is a blood or eenitltU tlooll disease anti In order to cure It roust kelntcrntl rtmollr halls Catarrh btool tlkn Internally mod acU on the nd mucous e IfallsCatsrrh Cure Ia not s ark mrdirlne It was prescribed by one of tbl- ltfbyslclsnln this country tor years and Is a It Is romper < l ol the beet- pica known romblned with tbe beat bloo1 purl 111 octlnJr dlntUr on the inuttous rurdrm The perfect combination of the two Ingredients Is what xluressuch wodfrful result In curing Catarrh end fur twtlranoUU tree F J CIIKJIKT A Co 1rur Toledo 0- Mbl by druBKlsls price 7Sc HaUa Family tills are the beet W B McROBERTS DRUGGIS- TFreshest N Drugsand driev At Lowest Prices Write To TilE FAYETTE INVESTMENT 0 r OF LEXINGTON KY And get a sample certificate of their new issue or call on J M Alvcrson local agent at Interior Journal Oflice Stanford A G MORGAN Secy No 3 W Short St We have one of tho largest and best selected stocks of S Vehicles Ever brought to Central Kentucky and are prepared to show you Carriages Buggies Road Wagons Carte Ktc at exceptionally low figures We also carry an excellent line of Farming Implements Including Farm Wagon Tooth and DUo Harrow flows Roller Etc In fact everything in tho Implement line used on the farm We have our own Hubbor Tire IJanl and can replace your old Rubber Tires Much cheaper than you can Bond to tho city ami have it Bono andY Call when aro in town also save you freight charges you Bruce Bright Danville o 00000 01700C c0ooo OGO OOO1J00C 000 4 i NEW FIRM J i 0 00 0 0 Having soul a half interest in my buggy and Implement business to U- p Mr A M Icncothe new business will be conducted under t- 7p tho firm name of U GMSOJl PEfGE Q1Ve will keep in stock at all times a handsome lino of Q- i Buggies carriages Harness 1 Also Farming Implements In addition we wit1 handle all kinds of a l 0 grain Jorn Oats Hay etc Hoping you will noJ firm with your patronage I remain Hespt YourllC 0 W A CARSONU n o cooooooo oo oooo oooooocoo ooo Sa Shirts Soft Shirts are the Correct Styles for Spring and Summer We are Headquarters W E PERKINS r Crab Orchard Ky ee oo e pF mv We y Ledgers Jourlalsi i Day and CashBooks i i For the NewYe r Good Good at Ix wlricei Pennys Drug Store TULEIIIOXB NO 2 = 1 NN11 dN1NM 111M11 W11 r1 1 Pho r wwis t s I Can supply you with the Best of Paints Oil And Varnishes Also Painters Supplies nt LO7VEST PRIOES 111 sometriing NBWI IT WILL MAKEHARD WORK EASY After H ood dealof persuasion IIe ¬ cided to try time Popular a 011 can truthfully say ill Iho greatest Invention of the kind made The price at first Bccmed high but after a trial I am con ¬ vinced It is very cheap s K J DROWN FOR SALE BY CEO Hs FARRIS F CO New Goods New Firm And Every Day Is Bargain DayVhere You Find Everything Perfectly Fresl And you have a Nice New Stock to select from Your patronage will ho appreciated Goods delivered promptly Call and see us llrV W SAUNDERS CO < Phone 88 110 West Main Street NV A

Transcript of ERDILLEHA y Vehicles · Caldwell Milledgeville-Oeo Compton antsvllle Ky P R n Jeter Mlddlebnrg Cash...

Page 1: ERDILLEHA y Vehicles · Caldwell Milledgeville-Oeo Compton antsvllle Ky P R n Jeter Mlddlebnrg Cash b Mc Clure Turnersvllle J II Vanhook McKIn napFarmers Roller Mills STANF03D ST


eabLthrLTuiaaydT Fzidav

1 PER YEAR CASHWhenDoteopaldar2OOwillbebartedEntered

ateconddat matter

WOOL WANTEDr We want nit the wool In Lincoln countyand will pay the highest prlco for It Gallat J 11 Ward A Coe Stable In Stanfordfor sacks IJOONE it GENTRY



And Livery


i WoTerebystate that the Dlc Plow sold by

Il B Carpenter U Just s far luperlorto theIs-

uperloras the heorinOliver

to the cradle W O COWANJ 8



urgeonI Dentist

Stanford KyOCacve UcKolwrU Drug Store In the Owjler

I llulldlof


1z 1

Office over dr McKlnncys StoryTelephone No 43


Livery Feed And Sale StableUruces Old SUnd Depot SI Stanford

and stylish Turnout Ititw reasonablellta raesSpecial attention to traveling ealeeincn

feeds SOclonbought mod sold on commlNohltehe on public days-

GoodattrntlogivenIla 20C Hltcheb eall stock left at our stable

Phone 9-


Manufactured by J W Adams do Co

Paint Lick Ky Is a cusrantecdsure cure

for horses and mules afflictedScratches Baddle RollsPallevll

liard and Soft Enlargements GreasyheelDistemper Ac for male oyerts Stanford Mv K UumphrejrLiberty U M ThompsonCaldwell Milledgeville-


Comptonantsvllle Ky P R

n Jeter Mlddlebnrg Cash b Mc

Clure Turnersvllle J II Vanhook McKIn

napFarmersRoller Mills



to the public that II desire to announce

am ready to do any and all kinds grind-

Ing and that I will at all times furnish thebest o-

fFlour Moat SnipstuffChiclsoiiFcod Etcand I solicit alowest rlcesAt the very to give

share of your patronage promisingme

the beatyoumind always that I need your

FRED ProrpatronageMORit1S


Manufacturer and Dealearln


Drs Slaving PhillipsO-

STEOPATHISTSWill be In Dao1ll8 Mondajs Wednesdays and

1yWill U In Stanford Tuel js Thursdays and Sat ¬


In the Ienoln ton UullJlnjSUuforJOflice bSu r a i to 12 A Mi I to a r w-

OSTEOPATHYThlScience originated and developed ly Dr

of Klunllle Mo dpend ou theprinciples of Anatomy and Physiology for lu re

no rubbin-gDoaurslolopersUooandclaiws blog super

nlturalvlewe naan ass machine of so man-

ypulaltakeynoteh adjustment When all partsoverworked healthare

IstuereeultSome 01 the dleeaaw treated by use Nervous

Headaches Neuralgia nbeumtbwWeak Granulated Ud Goitre

HiS Liter and Lung Ultaat ConstipationEnlarged lrOlUtelU Stow

111011and Inteitlnaf troubles and

J tltSptaiCunatureS DlalocatlonaStlttJolnta

1kla kewale Uileues a specialty Cunsultatloo





Manufacturer of

BRICKAndLime Cement ocW-

rite For Prices

H Ca RUPLEYThe Merchant Tailor


Goods WarrantedFit GuaranteedGive

a Call



nonerand Mules constantly on hand and

for sale at all timesW Logan Wood Manager


Capital Stock 50000 SurplaiS10000-

ThU Institution originally established as the Ieoslt Bank nf Stanford In 1813 then reorganized

the Rational Bank of Stanford In ISM andagalt

rorganiredUthe First National Dank oi Stanford

n 1832 has had practically uninterrupted exist

eDeI for41yeart It is better supplied now wlti

eUttles for transacting business promptly and 1

rally than eflr before In Its long and honoiab

career Amounts of individuals fldadarle

ad Indlridaali solicitedDiaacroas

F B ld Lincoln C > JW Ilayden Sunfur-

TBarrtsS 8 H Baughman

J S Hocker TP Hill

WP Walton W A Trlbbl

J U ColllerCrab Orchd Ju Robinson Hubble

M DElmore Stanford

orricaasJ S Hotter President J J McRobtrts Cashier




Furniture MnttingsRujjsAnd Wall Paper

Theywill Exchange Furniture for allof Stork Give them-

a call Prices right


JAMES FRYEMakes Tailor Suits or tbe cloth furnished

you to make your owlult skirtor waist My samples of

cloth as large andvariedas can be found in








And the prices are touch lower I hayalso equally as great a line of

samples for men

New Goodso f All KindNow arriving for spring wear

Clothing Hats Carpots Mattings Rugs

Dry Coods bhoos Slip-pers Etc

JAMES FKYE Hustonville KJ


BankCapital Stock 1100000-

Succewor to Tbe Fanuen flank A Trot Com pansad under same management contlnu

ouily for U Yean

Solicits Your BankAccount

Hoping such business relations will prove mutualy beaenclal and plea


J li PaxtonJt Uwlley S-rJN Olneffe-

A W CarpenterW H CUlumln

J E LyonSlL banta

J P CUbJ U Owilcy


S II PrHldeot1JW M Brlnt Asst Cub



Tho plow trust with a capitalizationot 50000000 Is the latest

John Sbuck late of Lebanon com-

mitted suicide In Now YorkThe Royal Flour Mills at Frank to

burned with 20000 bushels of wheatThe artillery service Is to bo reo

orultcd up to 18000 requiring 13000more men-

Abraham Cohen a rich Oloclnnatlaikilled himself In preference to payinghis wile alimony

Acuinaldo Is live feet tour Inches In

height Ills ago Is uncertain He doe8

not know It himselfGeorpo Seybold of Darlington Ind

killed himself because ho feared bewas losing his mind

Forest Urea are raging In tbe uppepeninsula of Michigan and severaltowns are threatened

Tbe membership of the DaMolaOommandary ot Knights Templer atLouisville has reached 500

An heir to tbe throne of Italy Is ex-

pected and a magnificent cradlo of ell

tor Is being prepared for ItThe 79th anniversary of the birth or

Gen Grant was appropriately cele-

brated at many places SaturdayGov Heck ham pardoned four lion

lerson grocery firms which formed a

trust but made no profit out of ItGeorge Parsons 10 was killed In

Mercer county by a tree his father cutlown and which fell the wrong way

Russell Harden crazed by clgarettiimoklng committed suicide over tbi

rrave of his mother at Catawba W

IaW W Lea bookkeeper of the First

National Bank of Nashville who des

appeared last July was short over 923

100Martha Ferguson a Negroes agct

30 U In jell at Hopklnsvllle chargerrlth tbe brutal murder of a l0 year oh

girlSixNegroes broke Into Hiram Me

Lilians house near Connelsvllle Paand after shooting him assaulted hisrifeCongressman James Butler of St

Louis knocked out James Jeffries theuglllst with a beer glass at Kansas

CityDuring the last century 100 human

lived 1100000000 and 200 ships havebeen lost In fruitless efforts to find the

forth poleMrs Frank Givens living near Mad

lonyllle was accidentally shot andprobably fatally wounded by herrothcrln law

While hunting ducks LibertyGeorge a Louisville steamboat engln

eer was killed by the accidental dlslarge of a gunT L Nash has reported to tbe Louis

vle police that his two children havebeen kidnaped and be is unable to find

any trace of themA Pullman car porter at Columbus

0 was found to have smallpox and tbetbree passengers on the car wereicrefore locked In apd quarantined

A special examination will probablybe arranged for tbe new army lleutenants as it Is realized that they can notpass If the regular standard Is required

The comptroller ot the treasury hasdecided that postal money orders are

tyable only by postmasters uponwhom they are drawn and to whom no-

tice of the Issue thereof has been sentMrs Mary Campbell who was mar-


at 12bas the unique distinction of

belol a grandmother at 2G she bavngmarried at 12 and her daughter at tbe-

slimo age She lives In Oonee countyS C

Jailer Lawrence of Franklin countysays that Caleb Powers cats regularlyaod heartily and has not complained ofbelogIII since be was brought backfrom Louisville lie also says there 18I

a solid wall between Powers and How-

ard and the Negro prisoner

Fugitive W S Taylor of Kentuokwill deliver the G A R memorial ad

dress at Camden Ind provided ho Is

not captured and hanged before theThe boilers ot the Grlcsbelra Electro

Chemical Works near GrlcsholtGermany exploded and over 160 perzone are reported to have been killedor Injured

Ceo S Dobbins blind for IS veanhas graduated with honor from tboChicago Homeopathic Medical Collegeand will make a specialty of lung andthroat diseases

Rig Charley the largest of tbe Wal-

lace circus herd of elephants killedhis trainer at Peru Ind and was IUt

to death by tbo arsenic route Ho badkilled three men

Burglars boldly carried away a farefrom the Alaska saloon at AnacondaMont secured 810000 In gold andloaded the wrecked safe In a wagon andstarted the horse back to town

Tom Colo a Negro was banged atClinton for the murder of a Negro girtLast Monday he was baptized In tbetown pond He was well shackled Bnd

Jailer Spicer hold on to a rope attachod to his feet when he wont into tlte

waterRichard Suter n brother of R LeeSuter of Louisville was found dead i-

an alley in Frankfort When founthe body had been stripped of all outeclothing only the underwear remainIng and life had been extinct less tbanan hour

At Oweosboro divorce salt has beenlied bv Mrs Susan Knrlght against Dl

H Enrlght owner of the Parton coal-

mines and a wealthy and prom I oen tcitizen on tbo charge of cruelty andabandonment They have been mar-

ried 33 yearsThomas K Ketchum the noted mur-

derer und train robber was hanged atClayton N M Friday Tbo ropebroke in the long fall and hit head wasjerked off Just before his death bewrote a letter to the president declaring that three men who were scrvlnileniences for train robbery are moo

centThe State board of valuation and as-

sessment has assessed for franchise tatI of the leading railroad corporationor tbo State It Is based upon SO netcent of the capital stock Tbe totalaluatlon Is 15300043 as agalnrl all91421 last year an Increase ot 4212

51i The L Si N catches It on IGKiO

410 and the Cincinnati Southern on 92



In our style of climate wilh its suddentangos of temperaturerain wind andinnhine often Intermingled in A 8lnlo-

dayIt Is no wonder that our childrenfrlenl18Rnll relatives are so frequentlytaken from ui by neglected colds hilttho deaths resulting from title

use A bottle of Uoschco Germanyrup kept about your homo for Immedi-

ate UM will prevent serious sickness alarge doctors bill perhaps death b-

Ibe use of three or four doses For cur-

Ing Consumption Hemorrhages Ineutonia Severe Croup or anyscabs of the Throat and Lungs its sue

CI88 is simply wonderful as your drugKist will tell you Get a ample bottlefree from IVnny Stanford Ky Regularsize 76c Get Greens Prize Almanacy r

BUFFALO BILLS WILD WEST andCon re88 of Rough Riders of the Worldwll show at Lexington on May 8th

educed rates from all points on theQueen L Crescent Route betweenunction City and Wllllamstown Askticket agents for particulars

CATAUUIl CANNOTUK ClUKDWllh local anpllotlos as they ran not rtrtch tbe

dot thedicese Catarrh Is a blood or eenitltUtlooll disease anti In order to cure It roustkelntcrntl rtmollr halls Catarrh btooltlkn Internally mod acU on the

nd mucous e IfallsCatsrrh Cure Ia not sark mrdirlne It was prescribed by one of tbl-

ltfbyslclsnln this country tor years and Is aIt Is romper < l ol the beet-

pica known romblned with tbe beat bloo1 purl111 octlnJr dlntUr on the inuttous rurdrm Theperfect combination of the two Ingredients Is what

xluressuch wodfrful result In curing Catarrhend fur twtlranoUU tree

F J CIIKJIKT A Co 1rur Toledo 0-

Mbl by druBKlsls price 7Sc

HaUa Family tills are the beet




At Lowest PricesWrite To



And get a sample certificate of their new issueor call on J M Alvcrson local agent at

Interior Journal Oflice Stanford


No 3 W Short St

We have one of tho largest and best selected stocks of


VehiclesEver brought to Central Kentucky and are prepared to show you

Carriages Buggies Road Wagons Carte Ktc at exceptionally

low figures We also carry an excellent line of

Farming ImplementsIncluding Farm Wagon Tooth and DUo Harrow flows RollerEtc In fact everything in tho Implement line used on the farm

We have our own Hubbor Tire IJanl and can replace your old

Rubber TiresMuch cheaper than you can Bond to tho city ami have it Bono andYCall when aro in townalso save you freight charges you

Bruce Bright Danvilleo 00000 01700C c0ooo OGO OOO1J00C 000


i NEW FIRM J i0 0000 Having soul a half interest in my buggy and Implement business to U-

p Mr A M Icncothe new business will be conducted under t-7p tho firm name of U

GMSOJl PEfGEQ1Ve will keep in stock at all times a handsome lino of Q-

i Buggies carriages Harness 1

Also Farming Implements In addition we wit1 handle all kinds of a l0 grain Jorn Oats Hay etc Hoping you will noJfirm with your patronage I remain Hespt YourllC0 W A CARSONUno cooooooo oo oooo oooooocoo ooo


ShirtsSoft Shirts are the Correct

Styles for Spring and SummerWe are Headquarters


Crab Orchard Ky

ee o o e

pFmvWe y

Ledgers Jourlalsii Day and CashBooks i

i For the NewYe r Good Good at Ix wlricei

Pennys Drug StoreTULEIIIOXB NO 2 =

1 NN11 dN1NM 111M11 W11 r1


Pho r wwis t sI Can supply you with the

Best of Paints Oil And Varnishes

Also Painters Supplies nt


sometriing NBWIIT WILL



After H ood dealof persuasion IIe¬

cided to try time Popular a 011 cantruthfully say ill Iho greatest Inventionof the kind made The price at firstBccmed high but after a trial I am con ¬

vinced It is very cheaps K J DROWN



New Goods New FirmAnd Every Day Is Bargain DayVhere You Find

Everything Perfectly FreslAnd you have a Nice New Stock to select from Your patronage will

ho appreciated Goods delivered promptly Call and see us


Phone 88 110 West Main Street