Erasmus Mundus Action 2 By: Puji Sumarsono, M.Ed [email protected]...

Erasmus Mundus Action 2 By: Puji Sumarsono, M.Ed [email protected] EUROPEAN UNION

Transcript of Erasmus Mundus Action 2 By: Puji Sumarsono, M.Ed [email protected]...

Erasmus Mundus Action 2By: Puji Sumarsono, M.Ed

[email protected]


What is Erasmus Mundus action 2?Academic cooperation: exchanges of students and

academics, contributing to the socio-economic development of non-EU countries targeted by EU external cooperation policy.

It must be in form of Consortia which include:1. a minimum of 5 higher education institutions

from at least 3 European countries 2. a number of higher education institutions from targeted non European regions. Special attention is given to disadvantaged groups

and populations in vulnerable situations.

What Does Action 2 Provide?

• Support for the establishment of cooperation partnership between European higher education institutions and higher education institutions from targeted Third Countries

• Scholarships of various lengths - depending on the priorities defined for the Third Country concerned.

2 Phases of Partnership:

1. EMECW period of 2007-20092. EMECW period of 2009-20133. ???? Let’s wait

Number of Projects/Consortia2007-2012

Year Number of Projects

2007 9

2008 23

2009 43

2010 41

2011 46

2012 57

Total 219

Who are elligible to apply?

Target group 1: a. Students

(Undergraduate , Master, PhD with a minimum of 1 year previous university studies)

b. Postdocc. Academic staffd. Administrative staff

(rector, personnel in IRO, admission, etc.)

Belonging to the partner

universities in Asia only

Target group 2: a. Students (Undergraduate ,

Master, PhD with a minimum of 1 year previous university studies)

b. Postdocc. Academic staffd. Administrative staff (rector, personnel in IRO,

admission, etc.)e. Alumni of a partner

university who concluded their academic path.

whatever university of the

beneficiary Asian countries involved in the


Target group 3: a. indigenous peopleb. minority language groupc. Refugee d. asylum seekere. disabled people

Note: Atleast 50% of the mobility flows must correspond to Target group 1

status needs to be certified by an

official body like Government or

Health authority or UNHCR or ONG (like Amnesty international).

Number of scholarsip(example)

ACTION 1 ACTION 2Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMC)Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates (EMJD)Study/Research periods in at least two European countries.

What? Erasmus Mundus PartnershipsPartnerships of higher education institutions from Europe and from a range of countries or regions across the world.

Students and doctoral candidates from all over the world

Who can


Students (undergraduates to post-docs) and staff (administrative and academic).Outside the EU?See if your country is covered by an Action 2 partnership.From an EU country?If you are registered at one of the European partner higher education institutions, you may be able to apply for a scholarship to visit one of the third-country institutions(depending on the region).


Select the course that interests you.

Courses? Visit the partnership website to see which courses are available in which disciplines.

Apply direct to the consortium via its website.

How to Apply?

Apply direct to the partnership via its website. If you are registered at one of the partner institutions, you should contact your International Office.

The next application round is for courses starting in the academic year 2013/2014. Apply during the last quarter of 2012 or in January 2013: see the consortium website at that time for exact dates.The current list of Masters andDoctorates will be updated in September 2012 to include new courses.

When? Check the list of partnerships selected in 2011, and visit the partnership website for your country for application dates and conditions. These 2011 partnerships may announce more scholarships in 2012 and 2013. Additional partnerships will be added to these lists in September 2012 and September 2013.

Call for applicationOpening: September-January

Selcetion process conducted by the university

(December, January)

The University send the result toEuropean Union in Brussels, Belgium

(Deadline: 28 February)

Approved by European Union(April – May)

Announcement to Students

(May – June : Main List atau Reserve List)

Departure(August – September)

Action 2 for Indonesians

1. Univ. of Muhammadiyah Malang

2. Gajah Mada University

4. Bandung Institute of technology• http://www.lotus.ugent.be5. Bogor Agricultural Institute •

You can check the detail selected projects on: projcts launced on September every year

Criteria to Evaluate(Different consortium may have different range of score)



Ma 0-25

PHd /Post

Doc 0-30

Staff 0-50

Language BA Ma 0 -

25 PhD/Post doc 0 -10

Motivation and

Developmentmax 2000

car. BA Ma 0 -20 other  0-


Letters of

reference or



Study research



letter(staff only)0-50

Gender balance(if the case) 0-10

Special relevance

(if the case) 0-10


BA 25 25 20 sc sc 70

MA 25 25 20 sc sc 70

PhD 30 10 30 10 20 sc sc 100

PD 30 10 30 10 20 30 sc sc 130

Ac. S 50 30 50 sc sc 130

Description of Criteria1. Academic results verified through official documentation (CV

and transcripts of records or diplomas) 2. Language skills, should comply to the requirements of the

host institution and / or programme (Certification or self evaluation with on line tools) or TOEFL/IELTS.

3. Motivation and impact on sustainable development (letter of motivation)

4. Letters of recommendation (where applicable) 5. The Gender balance and Special relevance group (official

evidence, refugee card, declaration etc to belong to vulnerable groups) will be assessed by the Steering Committee.

The Selections are based on:

• The eligibility check and the quality assessment results• The Candidate’s preference of the 1st or 2nd choice

Host University• Distribution of Grantees between Host and Home

Universities within the Consortium• Additionally, In case of equally evaluated applications,

preference will be given with the consideration of: - Gender balance - Level of vulnerability (for Target Group 3) - Prooven difficult economic situation - Prioritised fields of study

How to apply?

Online application to the consortium is the only way. No need to send to the targeted

university or European union.

Online application:

Can I apply for more than 1 scholarship?

Yes, you can. The maximum is 3 applications. However, you will be only granted 1 (one) scholarship.

Call for proposals:

November/December 2012, with a deadline for proposals in April 2013.

Detail info, please check it out in:

Should you have further inquiries, do not hesitate contact us:

International Relation Office (IRO)University of Muhammadiyah Malang Rector’s Office, 2nd FloorEmail : [email protected]/ [email protected] Phone: 0341464318 Line [email protected]

Thank youMuito obrigado


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