ER Pathfinder

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Transcript of ER Pathfinder

  • 7/29/2019 ER Pathfinder


    INFOhio Certified ICoach Training Pathfinder21stCentury Teaching and Learning With INFOhio

    1. LearningExpress Library

    From the Core Collection select LearningExpress Library. First screen contains instruction for setting up an account.

    Click on LearningExpress Libraryicon.

    Click on Register under New Users in the center of the page.

    Enter a username and password.

    When you see the confirmation screen, write down your username and password.

    Now to access LearningExpress Libraryyou will use your username/password to accessthe program plus the Job and Career Accelerator.

    Review the eBook list

    Review the more info button for one of the Learning Centers.

    Review content of News at LearningExpress Library and What Do I Do Now?

    Review help feature of LearningExpress Library and Job and Career Accelerator. Locate support materials and PowerPoints on the INFOhio LEL help page.

    2. EBSCOhost

    From the INFOhios EBSCOhost help page, locate and review these resources.

    EBSCOhost Databases and Interfaces

    Title Lists and database specific informational fliers

    Page Composer Resources

    Alerts Resources

    From EBSCO homepage, selectSearchasaurus.

    Search for full text articles on NASA with 500-700 Lexile range.

    Search for NASA in the dictionary, encyclopedia, pictures, and visual search. From the EBSCOhost homepage, select Kids Search.

    Create a personal folder.

    Create an all text search for NASA.

    Narrow the search result to subject Space vehicles.

    Narrow that result to Books & Encyclopedias.

    Select one title.

    Locate the Lexile level.

    Locate the citation information.

    Save the article to your personal folder.

    Click on INFOhio to return to EBSCOhosthomepage.

    Repeat the NASA search in the Student Research Center 9-12.

    Narrow the search result to subject Space shuttles and then to Space vehicles.

    Narrow that search result to newspapers.

    Access the Professional Search by clicking on Teacher Resources.

    Create a search using All and at least one limiter for each from the options.

    Return to EBSCOhost homepage by clicking the word INFOhio in upper right ofscreen.

    Select All Database Search.

    Locate the three Teacher Resources from the Professional Search screen Academic Search Premier, Eric, and Professional Development Collection.

    Click the more information icon and review its contents.

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    From the list locate database titles that would be applicable to vocational schools.

    Scroll to end of screen to Vocational and Career Collection.

    Click the more information icon and review its content.3. Digital Video Collection

    To locate a videorecording, enter a search term.

    Select from the list by clicking on the title.

    Read the Contents for a list of segments.

    Examine the item record for age of the video and the intended audience.

    Scroll to the bottom of the screen .

    Click on View Now to play the video.

    Watch one segment.

    E-mail it to yourself.

    Examine the icons to the right of the summary box.

    Use the browser s back button to return to the title screen.

    Scroll to the bottom of the screen.

    Click on Related Web Site to examine support materials / websites.

    4. Research Project Calculator

    Go to

    Click on Research Project Calculator.

    Complete the form on the opening page.

    Select a project format.

    Check include teacher information.

    Enter a beginning date and due date for your project.

    Complete the code box.

    Click calculate project schedule.

    Examine the student and teacher resources in the 5 topics.

    Locate a teacher tool on plagiarism.

    5. World Book

    World Book Kids

    Click on World Book Web.

    Select World Book Kids.

    Examine Activities Think It!, Be It!, Make It!, Teach It!

    Find a picture of an elephant using the picture search icon, the Search It box, and thevisual search.

    Locate a map of the climate in Europe.

    Watch the Online Tutorial found at the bottom of the home page.

    World Book Student Click on World Book Web.

    Select World Book Student.

    Click on How to Do Research.

    Examine the Research Skills for Students and Educator Research Center.

    How do they compare to Research Project Calculator?

    Review the materials for the study of Ohio.

    Review the Surf the Ages resource.

    Locate a lesson plan in the Educator Tools.

    Create a My Research account in your name.

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    Create a of a basic search on the Civil War using each of these options --World Book Student, World Book Student + Kids, and Media.

    Locate and review World Book and NASA at the bottom of the homepage.

    World Book Advanced

    Click on World Book Web.

    Select World Book Advanced.

    Locate Create and Share on the homepage.

    Click on Citation Builder.

    How does it compare to the INFOhio Citation Guide?

    How does it compare to any other citation builder, i.e. Noodle Tools, that you may haveused?

    Create a My Research folder.

    Search the topic World War II.

    Examine the left sidebar of the results list.o Select and review the information found in Timelines.o Select and review the information found in Teaching with Documents.

    Examine the primary sources found in the right sidebar of the results list.o Select the first document.

    o Locate the citation for the document.

    o Save the document in My Research.

    Select Site Map at the bottom of the homepage.

    Scroll to e-books and select titles or authors.

    Review the 80+ page list and note the language of materials at the end of the list.

    Locate an audio of John F. Kennedys inaugural address using Advanced Search.

    Locate and review the "Training Guide for tools on World Book products.

    Enciclopedia. Estudiantil Hallazgos / Gran Enciclopedia Hispnica / L'EncyclopdieDcouverte locate and review

    The guide for each Spanish / French encyclopedia found at Training Guide link atthe bottom of the homepage screen,

    Other World Book training tools listed at top of Training Guide homepage.

    6. Science Online

    Create a personal folder.

    Search for cyber ethics.

    Select the video result.

    What related links are listed.

    Convert 99 square feet into square inches using the Conversion Calculator.

    Locate a video on NASA.

    Locate an earth science experiment on earthquakes for a 7th grader that takes less thanan hour to complete.

    Save it to your folder.

    Locate the citation information for this experiment.

    Locate articles that support an Ohio ACS on solar energy for 11th grade.

    Create an advanced search on a topic of your choice.

    Narrow results to full text and Entry Type limiters Photographs and Biographies.

    Select and review a biography result.

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    7. Newsbank

    Create a folder and save an article about Governor Strickland that appeared the DaytonDaily News in the last 30 days.

    Review Special Reports and locate images, maps, and websites in the report onnatural disasters.

    Review News Headlines/Activities.

    Select the article on September 16, 2010.

    Examine the accompanying classroom activity on school bullying.

    Review Teacher/Librarian Resources.

    Open EBSCOhostand select All Database Search.

    Scroll to Newpaper Source and review the Title List and More Informationresources.

    8. Art Collection

    How many works by Picasso are in the Cleveland Museum of Art.

    Locate a sculpture by Keith Haring. When was it created and where is it now located?

    How many of Monets Water Lily are included in the collection?

    Select one and create an MLA citation.

    9. Biography Reference Bank

    Create a My WilsonWeb folder.

    Search for the person you located in yourScience Online search.

    Compare these results with those found in Science Online.

    Select a biography from the Topic of the Month.

    Create an alert for your topic.

    Locate a periodical article and a literary criticism/review.

    Save these to your folder.

    Locate the Biography Reference Banktutorial on the INFOhio help page.

    10. Literature Online / Oxford Reference Online

    Select an author.

    Search Literature Online and Oxford Reference Online.

    How many search options are there for each resource?

    How many resources for that author are in each?

    Are there full text articles?

    Are there full text works by that author?

    Review and compare Help resources.

    11. Learning Commons

    Go to

    Click on Learning Commons.

    In the left hand column select Get Started / Registration.

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    Click on Register Now in the right hand column under Member Login or scroll to thebottom of the page and click on the Register Now icon.

    Complete the registration form.

    Open your e-mail for your confirmation message.