Equiptment used


Transcript of Equiptment used

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Canon 550D Digital SLR This is the camera in which I used to take the pictures in my photoshoot for my magazine. It is a camera provided by the school and all pictures taken were in the schools studio. It is a very simple camera to use and I have experience as I have one at home. The cost of the camera is around £300 however that can vary. The camera used is one of the most important aspect of getting the highest quality possible. I used a high storage memory card to make sure the high amount of photos taken wouldn’t fill it up, I then placed the card into a card reader which then allowed me to access them in the computer.

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Canon zoom lens EF-S 18-55mm This is the lens used during my photoshoot and was assembled onto the end of the canon 550D. This is also very simple to use and very lightweight causing no issues when capturing pictures. The cost of the zoom lens is around £80 but like the camera, can vary in price.

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White screen The white screen is very essential within a studio photoshoot and allows you to have a completely blank background in the picture. This makes it easier to edit further into the process of making the magazine. It also makes the pictures look much more high quality and professional. The cost of these screens can be very cheap at around £10 depending on the size needed. However not being the most expensive it is still a very important aspect. The majority of magazines will have used these screens to capture their pictures.

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Adobe InDesign CS6 InDesign was the software used to actually construct and create the final magazine by adding separate pages and editing them. It is a hugely successful software and most professional magazines will have used it. It allows you to get the highest possible quality and professional look for your magazines. It is a very expensive software at around £500 however there is not many other software's in the market that can provide the same standards as adobe does.

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Adobe Photoshop CS6 Photoshop is the software I used prior to InDesign. It is a software which allows you to completely edit photos from removing spots to adding eyelashes. It is very diverse and is the software I used to edit and cut out all my pictures before posting them into my magazine in InDesign. It costs around £500 also however is a very unique and high quality software.

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Interfit Stellar X studio flash lights

These are the lights which are places around the white screen during the photoshoot. They flash each time a photo is taken and allows for the best quality and lighting to come fro the picture. They enable you to change the settings such as the voltage of the flash depending on the results you want from the photo. They price at around £120 however this figure can of course vary.