EQUIPPED AND DEPLOYEDThe PENSA USA’s Campus Ministry Spring Seminars By Pastor Dr. George Mike...


Transcript of EQUIPPED AND DEPLOYEDThe PENSA USA’s Campus Ministry Spring Seminars By Pastor Dr. George Mike...

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    EQUIPPED AND DEPLOYED The PENSA USA’s Campus Ministry Spring Seminars


    Pastor Dr. George Mike Portuphy,

    (National Leader, PENSA USA)

    hey are anxious to learn. They love to explore

    new things. They absorb so much knowledge

    on their various campuses; whether good or

    bad. Our College students become the captive

    audience of a highly secular and liberal faculty. They

    are taught to believe in the norms of a culture where

    Jesus is not Lord of all. In this culture, pluralism is

    upheld as Jesus is not the only way to God. Truth

    has become relative and immorality is considered the

    “cool” or the “lit” way to live your life. It is a killer

    culture. Christian students are mocked and sidelined

    if they do not participate in drinking alcohol, taking

    drugs or going to the club. It is not surprising that in

    most cases, by the time they complete their post high

    school education, all of their spirituality is wiped

    clean and replaced by the things of the world. Some

    of them come back home with a belief system of: “I

    now just believe in different things”. “I like Jesus,

    but not the tenets you teach in your church”. “Let me

    be”. “I have a right to do whatever I want”. In this

    culture, “rights” are emboldened. In this context, the

    Lordship of Christ is removed from his/her life.

    If this trend is not addressed and curtailed, we

    jeopardize the destiny of our young men and women

    and thus, the future of the Church. It is the very

    reason why PENSA, USA has launched the Campus

    Ministry Seminars. These are classroom interactive

    lecture style sessions where campus ministry

    Presidents and their executives are trained and taught

    to develop biblical convictions in their ministry,

    growth strategies, portraits of impactful campus

    ministry leaders, and programming and how to lead

    effective Bible Studies.

    The sessions are crowned by fiery and Holy Spirit

    oriented empowerment prayer sessions. The goal is

    to equip these leaders, encourage, nurture and deploy

    them to open new campus ministries and expand

    existing campus ministries. In this year’s meeting,

    we were very encouraged by leaders who came to the

    previous sessions and went back to launch new

    campus ministries as a result of being empowered at

    the seminars. These leaders can influence their

    peers! We have come to believe that the importance

    of these strategic

    training sessions

    cannot be

    overstated. The

    church of God

    does indeed need

    to look at the ripe

    harvest of the

    campuses and

    develop a strategy

    at carving its


    In the Spring 2020 semester, we have successfully

    held the campus ministry training sessions for all the

    leaders of campus ministries in the Washington

    Region, New England, New York and New Jersey

    Regions. We look forward to expanding our

    resources to the rest of the Regions. If you are a

    leader in the Church or are just interested in

    supporting our campus ministry efforts, please feel

    free to contact the Regional Youth leader/Pastor of

    your region or contact the editor of the PENSA

    Digest at [email protected] and we would

    respond to your quest for any support. God bless



    The goal is to equip

    these leaders,

    encourage, nurture

    and deploy them to

    open new campus

    ministries and

    expand existing

    campus ministries.

    mailto:[email protected]

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    Elder Robert K. Johnson

    (PIWC Phoenix Central Assembly)

    I wanted to be around to help Great Phoenix put on

    the best as host. I also wanted to have a taste, first-

    hand, of what to expect at a YOUTH/PENSA

    Convention. To achieve these, it was obvious that

    come and go, come and go was not going to help. So,

    I registered and got a room. Unfortunately, certain

    circumstances conspired to deny me full

    participation in the Convention. Still, I was

    privileged to see and experience enough to be able to

    share these REFLECTIONS.

    Wait a second! I just remembered that the first thing

    visitors to Phoenix talk about is the Phoenix heat! So,

    let us talk about this Phoenix heat and get it out of

    the way. Someone has said, that kind of heat is

    actually called HOTNESS. Whether HEAT or

    HOTNESS, the subject came up in many

    conversations. That is to be expected given that

    temperatures in Phoenix on the Convention days,

    July 25 to 28, ranged from 108 to 113 degrees! Key

    conversations are captured in the following Q&A:

    Q: Phoenix people paa, how do you get used to

    this heat?

    A: Wrong question. Phoenix people don’t get

    used to this heat. Nobody does. If you ask how you

    survive, I will tell you.

    Q: Ok. How do you survive?

    A: Come and live in Phoenix for a while and you

    will learn the secret.

    Q: Me, to come and live in Phoenix? What for?

    I won’t come today! I won’t come tomorrow!! You

    can take your Phoenix.

    A: Brother, chill, chill. I will tell you. Actually,

    there are two secrets: physical and spiritual.

    Q: Really? Tell me.

    A: Yes, really. You see, when the heat runs its

    course, we enjoy the best weather since the Garden

    of Eden, for about 5-6 months. That expectation gives

    us strength to endure.

    Q: That makes sense. I assume that’s the

    physical, right? What about the spiritual?

    A: That one, flesh and blood does not reveal it. It’s the

    kind of understanding you will receive only through

    prayer and fasting. But here is a clue: Acts chapter

    28. See you back in Phoenix soon.

    Q: O wait, wait…

    I was saying that even though I could not participate

    in the Convention fully as I had planned, I had a few


    Takeaway One: The clear and present danger on

    college campuses known as the Greek life. In my

    college days in the land of my birth, many, many

    years ago, we had groups and associations. But they

    were simply high school alumni, religious, political

    or regional/ethnic groups. I am sure there was

    nothing like the Greek life sort of thing. Even if there

    was, they were probably muted and limited to very

    few individuals or, maybe, I was too naïve to notice

    anything. Certainly, nothing like the Greek life.

    What I know is that most of us were busy helping to

    build our alma mater “back home.” I know this

    because I was the president of my high school alumni

    group on campus. My high school was the best in the

    nation, (Chai.. this is going to spark a

    debate.) Everything we did was to ensure that we

    But GO YE! Establish

    campus ministries

    and bring men and

    women to the saving

    knowledge of Christ!

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    lived up to our school motto: NIL NISI OPTIMA

    (which is why my school is still the best).

    So, when I learnt during the Convention about the

    things that were happening on our campuses here, I

    was affrighted (that’s Shakespeare’s version of

    FRIGHTENED). Please, please, our dear YOUTH

    and PENSA people, concerning the Greek life on

    your campuses, I beseech thee to meditate on these

    words/phrases in Genesis chapter 3 and advise

    yourselves Crafty: Did God really say the fruit was

    pleasing to the eye. If anyone approaches you

    concerning that Greek life, please tuck your cloak

    into your belt, and be ready to do an Elijah 2.0.

    Takeaway Two: Our regional Apostle asked a

    question: When the Convention ends, and you return

    to your base, what would be your new name? Apostle

    has asked a question! May I indulge you to hear my

    humble understanding of this question. Everyone

    who encounters the Lord is never the same again,

    except if you came to the Convention with the sole

    aim of not encountering the Lord so much so that

    when people were in the auditorium yearning for the

    touch of God, you sat outside to take selfies. (Yes, I

    saw you, with my own eyes, on the couch in the

    corridor). Even that, because the Lord is gracious

    and merciful, He can choose to draw you into the

    fold, selfie or not. Remember, He is sovereign.

    Simply put, it is impossible for you to have attended

    this particular Convention and remain the same

    person as you came. With the kind of fluid

    atmosphere that I experienced, something definitely

    happened to people. When you go to heaven, look for

    Papa Jacob, a.k.a. Papa Israel. And when you see

    him, do not be diplomatic about it; ask him directly,

    upfront why he is walking with a limp. I have no

    doubt that he will sit you down and let you know that

    the night when he encountered the Lord, the limp he

    received was nothing compared to the new name the

    Lord gave him, etc.

    Takeaway Three: Apostle asked another question.

    This time, he asked: After you have roared and

    roared even more than the lion, WHAT’S NEXT?

    Eii, Apostle can ask questions paa. Serious,

    insightful questions. The questions that make your

    heart burn within you. Think about it!

    He told the gathering: You can wait and wait and

    pray and pray for one whole year to be put on the

    preaching plan to say the opening or closing prayer

    in your churches, or you can decide to create your

    own platform to actually mount the pulpit week after

    week to preach the word of God on your campuses.

    The choice is yours!

    It was a CALL TO ACTION. Do NOT SIT on the

    anointing you have received. But GO YE! Establish

    campus ministries and bring men and women to the

    saving knowledge of Christ! He told us that the lion

    roars, and after the lion has roared, the lion does not

    go back inside to sleep but goes out to hunt

    and establishes its position of authority, as the king

    of beasts.

    Takeaway Four: Finally, let it be known and

    trumpeted that, Apostle and all the Pastors and

    Overseers in the California region were in Phoenix

    to attend and participate fully in the Convention. All

    of them. That was remarkable. Any challenger? They

    put aside all the perceptions about the Phoenix heat

    that could easily beset them and came.

    God bless you, men of God. We know that your

    presence in Phoenix has confirmed the new name for

    Phoenix, as in:

    “No longer will they call you Deserted,

    Or name your land Desolate

    But you will be called Hephzibah,

    And your land Beulah,

    For the Lord will take delight in you, and your land

    will be married.

    As a young man marries a maiden, so will your sons

    marry you;

    As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride,

    So will your God rejoice over you.” (Isaiah 62:4-5)

    Well, you read it. If you want to be married, consider

    relocating to Phoenix. A special grace has been

    released! Ask Pastor Foday, and he will tell you how

    many marriages he has blessed in the first eight

    months of this year! Not one, not two, not three, not

    even four… GOD BLESS!

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    Elder Stephen Amoah

    (PIWC Albuquerque, NM, Phoenix District)

    His body was broken

    The land was bloody

    He was rejected

    The sky was dark

    For man to be forgiven

    Demons had an orgy

    In hell He is expected

    What a terrible mark

    But He is now risen

    With greater glory

    Demons objected

    While angels sang hark

    Hell is shaken

    At the saints’ story

    Vile sinners accepted

    Now assault the dark


    May the message of the cross, continue to sustain our


    Good Friday, March 25, 2005.

















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    Deaconess Endurance Agyemang

    We are in a war

    And this is our answer to the call

    Possessing the Nations

    We are agents of Transformation

    Allow me the platform really quick

    Allow me to share my message through this short


    As believers we’ve been given a mandate

    To go out there and make disciples for the sake of

    heaven’s gate

    Souls are dying, and souls are perishing

    And It is our call to bring about refreshing

    Jesus taught this, and named it the Great


    He started with His disciples during their crooked

    and precarious generation

    He told them to go out there and make disciples,

    baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and

    Holy Spirit

    This same commission remains even as He is also

    calling us to GO out there and do IT.

    Making disciples and teaching them to obey His


    This is our call, our purpose, one of our important

    heavenly demands

    It is very vital that we always heed to this call

    So that salvation and freedom can be brought

    amongst all

    Like the disciples, we find ourselves in a generation

    where souls are dying, and are perishing

    And It is our time to constantly stand up and bring

    about refreshing

    This refreshing can only come through Jesus Christ

    The One who saves, forgives, heals and brings about

    new life

    The One who brings new love, new mercy, new

    hope, and new strength

    The One who brings new grace with no measure, no

    width, and no length

    You see, the world is hungry and thirsty for

    something new

    And the answer resides in the hearts of me, and you

    His name is JESUS, the Great Commissioner

    And He has called you to be His representative, His


    So, let’s GO!

    My brother, GO!

    my sister, GO!

    Let’s GO to possess the Nations

    For indeed we are Agents of Transformation

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    Deaconess Endurance Agyemang

    Possessing the Nations! We are Agents of Transformation!

    15 Jesus said to his followers, “Go everywhere in the world, and tell the Good News to everyone. 16 Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved, but anyone who does not believe will be punished. (Mark

    16:15-16: NCV)

    Wa Gwaan (Jamaican Greeting), and hello! The

    following is a report on the missions trip to Jamaica.

    An initiative to fulfill the mandate given to us by

    Jesus led the Norfolk PIWC district to partner with

    COP Jamaica to hold a one week “Tent Crusade” in

    the city of Kingston and street evangelism in

    Montego Bay, from August 11 through August 1 8,

    2019. We want to thank the Lord Almighty for His

    goodness, mercies and grace released during this

    time! Throughout the week, we had an exceptional

    visitation of the Holy Spirit as we engaged in our

    crusade, and evangelistic work in Jamaica.

    The crusade started on Sunday August 11th, 2019,

    with the Jamaica Team that unveiled the outreach

    program under the theme, “His Name is JESUS!”

    taken from John 1:45. Services were ran under the

    tent for the whole week; from Sunday to Sunday!

    The USA team joined on Tuesday August 13th and

    Wednesday August 14th, to continue with the fire

    that had already been lit since Sunday night. The

    team started ministering on Wednesday August 14th

    with Pastor Jehu Gyimah preaching under the topic

    “Come out of the tomb.” Under the delivery of his

    great exposition, five souls came to the saving

    knowledge of Jesus Christ that evening.

    The following morning, Thursday, August 15th the

    team met for prayers and prepared to take up the

    streets of Kingston for evangelism. During this

    engagement, the

    team spread the gospel with individuals that they

    encountered. Additionally, the team passed out

    tracts, daily bread devotionals, pamphlets with

    church information, along with water bottles, and

    pens. 4 souls were won for Jesus during this street

    evangelism. Prayers were also offered for some of

    the individuals that received the gospel message.

    Later in the evening, we headed back to the crusade

    grounds. Pastor Samuel Nana Yeboah gave the

    exposition, under the theme, “Only Jesus can Save.”

    Four souls were won upon hearing the dynamic

    gospel message.

    On Friday August 16th, the team met for prayers, as

    they energetically cried out to the Lord for more

    souls. That morning, the team went to Montego Bay

    (two hours from Kingston) for more street

    evangelism. This was necessary as the church

    planned to establish a new assembly in Montego Bay

    in September! Amen! While Team USA headed to

    Montego Bay, the Jamaica team continued with the

    crusade, and also prepared for the Health Fair that

    was to take place the next morning.

    During the night crusade on Friday August 16, four

    souls were won again to the glory of God! That same

    evening, upon their arrival in Montego Bay, team

    USA got the chance to visit the site where the new

    church was to be built and hit the streets that same

    night to embark on one-on-one evangelism.

    On Saturday August 17th, the team continued the

    street evangelism in Montego Bay. Like was done in

    Kingston, the team shared the gospel, passed out

    tracts, daily bread devotionals, pamphlets with

    church information, along with water bottles, and

    pens. Once again, four additional souls were won

    during this engagement. Many people were also

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    informed that Church of Pentecost Montego Bay was

    coming to town soon!

    While this was taking place, the team back in


    facilitated the

    Health Fair in


    with Jamaica’s

    Department of



    were provided

    with free



    including vital

    checks, and


    All together 85

    attendees were

    serviced. In

    addition, the

    young men received free haircuts as they prepared to

    go back to school. Both events were extremely


    Finally, on Sunday, August 18, 2019, the team

    continued with the Tent Crusade and more street

    evangelism. Two services were held, one in the

    morning and later in the evening. During the morning

    service, Pastor Jehu Gyimah gave the exposition

    under the topic “Don’t cave in, cave out for Jesus.”

    It was a very powerful exposition. After the

    exposition, team USA made a presentation on behalf

    of Norfolk PIWC to COP Jamaica. Items included a

    new keyboard, keyboard stand, a speaker,

    backpacks, t-shirts and Bibles. The presentation was

    well received by COP Jamaica, and they showed

    their utmost appreciation towards the kind gesture.

    The morning service went extremely well. After the

    service, both team Jamaica and team USA embarked

    on more street evangelism. Later in the evening, we

    held the last crusade with Pastor Nana Yeboah who

    preached and led congregants into a dynamic time of

    altar call and prayers. Two souls gave their lives to

    Christ. Overall, between the crusade sessions and the

    street evangelism, 32 souls were won during this

    event, Halleluya!

    It is very evident that God indeed visited his people

    during this first annual Missions in Jamaica. We

    thank God for the spirit of cohesiveness between

    Norfolk PIWC and COP Jamaica. We are indeed

    grateful to all who contributed in many ways

    especially in cash to allow this vision to materialize.

    We are truly grateful for everything God did through

    everyone who availed themselves to be used by the

    Lord for this great enterprise. We trust and believe

    this is only the beginning of a new and greater move

    as we continue this partnership to populate and

    pursue His Kingdom agenda. Amen!

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    PENSA AT A GLANCE Exclusive Interview with Elder Patrick Adonoo (PENSA International Coordinator)


    Deaconess Mary Druwaa Obeng-Adjei (MMD)

    MMD: Hello “International Elder” 😁. I hope you

    are doing well by God’s grace. Can you briefly tell

    us about yourself and your ministry?

    Elder Adonoo: I am Patrick Lebene Adonoo, an

    elder of the Church of Pentecost and the PENSA

    International Coordinator. I hold a PhD in Global

    Governance and Political Theories and a researcher

    on Diaspora Governance. I am the 5th boy in my

    family with 6 brothers and one sister. I love Jesus and

    I love PENSA International.

    MMD: Can you update us on what PENSA

    International is all about; its vision and mission.

    Elder Adonoo: PENSA International is the

    conglomeration of Pentecost Students and

    Associates worldwide for the purposes of missions,

    social impact and networking. The vision is a part of

    the major strategies the Chairman (Apostle Eric

    Kwabena Nyamekye) and his executives seek to

    employ for the realization of the “Possessing the

    Nations” agenda. At this first phase of the vision,

    PENSA International has been mandated to mobilize

    the talents, intellect, energy, passion and the

    creativity of all the young people in the church to

    break new grounds in the nations without COP and

    establish PENSA in nations with COP but without

    PENSA ministries. The vision is driven at the global

    level with a well-represented 19-member Global

    Coordinating team from across the globe. It currently

    also has regional and national Coordinators. It was

    launched on the 7th of May 2019 by the Chairman

    and the Executive Council.

    MMD: Why is PENSA International not a wing of

    the Evangelism Ministry since we have PENSA

    Ministries operating in all the churches in the

    diaspora, with effectual campus ministries?

    Elder Adonoo: That’s a good one. Actually, PENSA

    International and the Evangelism Ministry are

    complementary to each other even though they have

    very different and distinct mandates. To start with,

    we don’t have PENSA ministries in all the nations in

    the diaspora. Our preliminary survey after assuming

    office showed that we have only about 10 nations

    with well-established PENSA ministries across the

    globe. That means that we have about 93 nations with

    COP but without PENSA at a glance; hence, the need

    for PENSA International. Second, PENSA

    International’s vision is to mobilize young people

    and bring on board all their creative, intellectual and

    spiritual gifts for missionary activities outside

    Ghana. The emphasis is on outside Ghana. This is

    work directly under the supervision and

    mentorship of the International Missions Director

    (IMD). In other words, the fathers of the church are

    trusting the young people of the COP with the work

    of groundbreaking missions’ activities in strong

    collaboration with the Missions office. The

    Evangelism Ministry’s vision might be to focus more

    on spreading the gospel in the nation(s).

    MMD: I know you’ve been to the USA a couple of

    times. In your earnest view, what are our (PENSA)

    strengths and what do we need to work on the most.

    Elder Adonoo: PENSA USA is a very matured

    ministry in the PENSA circles worldwide. Per my

    observations, the National Head, the National Youth

    Leader and his executives have done and are doing a

    very great work. Honestly, I think PENSA USA is a

    good example and an inspiration to other upcoming

    PENSA ministries. I really want to commend

    everyone involved in making PENSA USA work.

    You guys are just amazing for the records. However,

    I am sure you will agree with me that there is much

    more to be done in institutionalizing PENSA on the

    various university campuses in the USA. In my view,

    I think this could be a good area to focus on now. I

    believe PENSA ministries in the USA will be

    stronger when they finally get strongholds on the

    campuses. I have seen the leadership direct their

    attention there and I want to commend them on

    their efforts and humbly call for more of such


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    MMD: Before you go what message do you have for

    Youth & PENSA USA.

    Elder Adonoo: I want God to bless the leadership

    and the membership of the PENSA USA family. You

    guys are doing just amazing. I also want to encourage

    all stakeholders of PENSA USA to see the global

    dimension of PENSA. As the PENSA

    ministry becomes a global force, I will want to

    encourage everyone involved in PENSA USA to

    fully get on board the PENSA International train.

    PENSA USA, come on board and let’s do it together.

    God bless PENSA-USA and God bless PENSA


    MMD: God bless you for your time despite your

    busy schedule. May God grant you greater grace for

    the task ahead. Amen!


    Elder Freddie Awuah-Gyasi

    “Go! Therefore, and make disciples of all nations,”

    was Jesus’ command to His disciples” (Matthew

    28:18-20: ESV).

    The overarching theme for The Church of Pentecost

    for the next four years is

    Possessing The Nations.

    Our Chairman Apostle Eric Kwabena Nyamekye has

    challenged the Youth/PENSA Ministry of our church

    to take on this vision.

    Through the leadership of our National Head,

    Apostle Michael Agyemang Amoako (COP USA

    Inc) and his executives, this challenge has been

    accepted and a Missions Force established and

    assembled to launch into the World.

    The Church of Pentecost USA, Youth and PENSA

    Ministry established a trained Missions Force, which

    was officially inaugurated at the February 2020

    National Council Meeting in Newark, NJ. Elder

    Freddie Awuah-Gyasi was appointed as the National

    Missions Coordinator for the team. The initial

    targeted nations are Trinidad and Tobago and the

    Bahamas. Other mission trips will follow the PENSA

    International Missions mandate.

    Youth/PENSA across the UNITED STATES! All

    regions, districts, assemblies and campuses:

    • The Time to respond is Now!

    • The Team to join is PENSA USA Missions Force!

    • The Territories are the Nations, starting from America and the Caribbean!

    • The Task is Possessing The Nations! Let's GO!

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    Kwabena Ntow Debrah

    (New England Region)

    There is a very inspiring story in the bible that we as

    believers can apply to our lives. This is the story of

    the three friends in the Book of Daniel. These friends

    stood in the face of death and kept their faith in their

    God. Today, many of us believers appear to have

    taken our Christianity for granted. It has become

    fashionable to be called a Christian. If one is to take

    a survey of all those who profess to be Christians

    today, one would be shocked to the bone to discover

    that not many of us truthfully live the Christian life.

    It has become easier to be labelled a Christian than

    to live life as a Christian. Is it because most of us

    have not taken the pains to learn enough about our

    faith and hence not fully aware of how to live for

    Christ in our generation?

    Too many of us have bowed to the pressures from the

    pleasures of this age to such an extent that, now there

    is very little difference between the believer and the

    unbeliever. The believer now dresses as the

    unbeliever does, behaves in every way as the

    unbeliever, which raises the question that has been

    boggling a lot of minds, who is supposed to be

    converting whom?

    We don't seem to cherish our faith, hence our

    unregenerate behavior even though we are supposed

    to be regenerated people who are hoping for the

    glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus. 1

    Peter 2:21 says "..., because Christ suffered for us,

    leaving us an example to follow in his steps." It is

    evident from the Scripture that a certain standard of

    life has been set for us to follow if we are to live life

    on this earth as Christians. The early believers were

    called "Christians" albeit out of mockery, because

    they were ardently following the footsteps of Christ

    Jesus. The question to ask yourself is, “are we

    walking in the footsteps of our Savior?”

    During the first and second centuries of Church

    history, it was a capital offence to profess Christ. So

    many giants of the faith were executed because they

    refused to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ. Let’s

    ask ourselves today, how many of us would still be

    Christians if we had been subjected to like treatment?

    History records that there was one man named

    POLYCARP. He was the Bishop of Smyrna in the

    1st century after Christ's death.

    This man was such a godly man that everyone who

    met him was struck by his profound faith

    in the Lord Jesus Christ. During the time of

    persecution, the Emperor of Rome summoned him to

    interrogate him because he had heard of the man's

    reputation. The Emperor requested to know from

    POLYCARP, why he has refused to deny Christ. The

    Bishop of Smyrna gave a remarkable and faithful

    answer. He said "86 years have I have served Him,

    and He has done me no wrong. How can I blaspheme

    my King and my Savior?” With this answer, the

    Emperor sentenced him to death and he was set

    ablaze on a stake after which he was stabbed with a

    dagger. This is just an example of the countless

    number of people who suffered just so we could later

    receive the faith that our generation has so carelessly

    handled. Had these people not remained faithful to

    Christ, those who came to evangelize our parts of the

    world wouldn't have received Christ let alone desire

    to let Him be known. Let us therefore decide for

    ourselves today whether really our Christianity is

    useful. Have we received Christ just because others

    are receiving Him, or we have received Him with all

    our heart desiring to live our lives for Him? Until we

    do that, we cannot lay claim to the promises of God

    which are ours.

    Finally, Revelations 2:10 says that “we should be

    faithful to Him till death and he would give us the

    crown of life.” So, let us endeavor to make our

    Christianity useful by living as Christ expects us to

    do, for pleasing the Author and Finisher of our faith

    is the reason why we received him in the first place.

  • 12


    • Deadline to Submit All Write Ups (PENSA Events Reflections/Summaries/Pictures,

    Testimonies, Poems, Advertisements,

    Sermons, Words of Encouragement, Recipes,

    Health Issues, etc) for Next PENSA Digest

    Issue is September 30, 2020. Please send all

    submissions to [email protected] in

    word format as an attachment.

    • Interested in writing, editing, and/or designing newsletters for PENSA Digest,

    please submit your contact (Name and Phone

    number) to [email protected].


    • Dcns. Mercy Adjei-Poku

    • Elder Stainley Williams

    • Dcn. Yaw Opoku-Boakye

    • Ms. Ella Quaye

    • Elder Emmanuel Boateng

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]