Equipment and technology used

Equipment and Technology used

Transcript of Equipment and technology used

Page 1: Equipment and technology used

Equipment and Technology used

Page 2: Equipment and technology used


Page 3: Equipment and technology used

Panasonic HC-V500

• This camera was used for all my filming as it was the camera provided and therefore there was nothing else for me to use however it was good as the quality was impressive and it allowed for shots to be easily adjusted so that they fitted the report.

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• This Tripod was used so that my shots could stay steady. Within the earlier takes of my work I quickly discovered that shots were shaky and therefore the Tripod was useful for keeping shots still while still keeping the height needed.

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The Apple Mac computer and MacBook

• These were used as it allowed for the correct and better software to be downloaded whilst still allowing for the work to be done to a better quality than if done on a different machine. It also allowed for programmes to be used which wouldn’t work on any other machines.

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Adobe Photoshop

• Photoshop was used to make sure that any images used would be the correct quality and that any imperfections and issues could be easily corrected and therefore allowed for all images to be perfect within the work.

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• This was used as it was better quality than any other software that was available meaning that my work could be done with more precision. This was helpful as it meant that my work could be of a higher quality.

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Quick n’ easy web builder

• This was used as it meant that the website could have a more professional look as it allowed for techniques and sections which may otherwise been to difficult to add. It allowed for the website to seem more professional with more technical aspects.