Equine Herpesvirus

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Transcript of Equine Herpesvirus

  • 8/18/2019 Equine Herpesvirus



    Herpesvirus (EHV)Myeloencephalopathy

    A Guide To Understanding theNeurologic For o! EHV "n!ection

  • 8/18/2019 Equine Herpesvirus


    #hat is EHM$

    Equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy

    (EHM) is another name for the neurologic disease

    associated with equine herpesvirus (EHV) infec-

    tions. Neurological signs appear as a result of

    damage to lood vessels in the rain and spinal

    cord associated with EHV infection. !nterferencewith the lood supply leads to tissue damage and

    a susequent loss in normal function of areas in

    the rain and spinal cord.

     Neurological signs appearas a result of damage toblood vessels in the brainand spinal cord associatedwith EHV infection.

    #hat are the equine herpesviruses$

    "o date# nine EHVs have een identified world-

    wide. "hree of these$EHV-%# EHV- and EHV-

    '$pose the most serious health riss for domes-ticated horses and can have significant economic

    impacts on the .*. equine industry.

    + EHV%&' ,an cause four manifestations of

    disease in horses# including a neurologi-

    cal form# respiratory disease# aortion# andneonatal death. EHM is most often due to

    mutant or neuropathogenic strains of EHV-%#

    so called ecause of a particular mutation in

    the genome.

    + EHV%' ,auses a venereal disease calledequine coital eanthema that affects the

    eternal genitalia.

    + EHV%' ,auses a nonfatal upper respiratory

    tract disease in foals and is uncommonly

    associated with aortion and rarely with

    neurologic disease.

  • 8/18/2019 Equine Herpesvirus


    Ho* coon are EHV%& in!ections$

    y / years of age# almost all horses have een

    infected with EHV-%. "he initial eposure gener-

    ally occurs in foals from contact with their dams.

    "he virus can then ecome latent# or inactive# in

    the horse0s ody# setting up a carrier state that

    is life-long. Horses of any age that are carriers ofEHV-% do not show any eternal signs of disease

    when the virus is in a latent form. "he virus can

     e reactivated during times of stress# such as

    strenuous eercise# long-distance transport# or at


    "ransmission of EHV-%





  • 8/18/2019 Equine Herpesvirus


    !nfection of 2oal34dult Horse

    !nfection of 5ther 2oals34dult Horses

    "he transmission of EHV-% occurs after an eposure to anadult horse or foal with an active EHV-% viral infection. "hiseposure generally occurs via respiratory shedding of the

    virus. "he infected adult horse or foal may or may not eehiiting clinical signs of disease.

  • 8/18/2019 Equine Herpesvirus


    #hy should " +e concerned

    a+out EHV%&$EHV-% is the primary cause of EHM. !n recent

    years# there has een a mared increase in the

    numer of EHV-% cases# especially EHM# reported

    in the nited *tates. "here have also een several

    outreas of EHM at large horse facilities andevents$at racetracs# horse show grounds#

    veterinary clinics# and oarding stales. "he large

    numer of horses that can e eposed on such

     premises and the serious nature of the disease

    have caused significant concern within the animal

    health community and the .*. horse industry.

    The virus can be reactivatedduring times of stress, such

    as strenuous exercise, long-distance transport, or atweaning.

    2urthermore# these recent occurrences of

    EHM appear to meet the criteria of an emergingdisease. 4 disease is considered to e 6emerging7

    when it satisfies at least one of three criteria8

    %. "he disease is identified for the first time in a

    region or country9

    /. 4 disease changes in severity# type of animal

    that can e infected# or other changes in

     pathogen ehavior9 or

    &. "here is a change in geographic range of a

    disease or in its incidence within a range.

    EHM liely meets the second criterion of an

    emerging disease# as the recent EHV-% outreas

    seem to e associated with a change in the sever-

    ity and ehavior of the virus. !t is possile that the

    reporting of EHV-% cases has increased# rather

    than an actual increase in the numer and sever-ity of cases9 however# more data are needed to

    mae such a distinction.

  • 8/18/2019 Equine Herpesvirus


    Ho* is the virus spread$

    "he most common way for EHV-% to spread

    is y direct horse-to-horse contact. "his virus

    is shed from infected horses via the respiratory

    tract or through direct or indirect contact with

    an infected aorted fetus and fetal memranes.

    Horses may appear to e perfectly healthy yetspread the virus via the secretions from their


    !t is important to reali:e that EHV-% can also

     e spread indirectly through contact with physi-

    cal o;ects contaminated with infectious virus.Eamples of such o;ects include8

    + "ac#


  • 8/18/2019 Equine Herpesvirus


    #hen should " suspect y horse ight

    have EHM$*igns of EHM include8

    + 2ever preceding neurologic signs

    (either in a

    horse diagnosed with EHM or in horses that

    have een eposed to a horse diagnosed with


    + >ecreased coordination#

    + rine driling#

    + 1oss of tail tone#

    + Hind lim weaness#

    + 1eaningagainst a wall or fence

    to maintain


    + 1ethargy# and

    + !naility to rise.

     Horses may appear to be perfectly healthy yet spread

    the virus via the secretions from their nostrils.

  • 8/18/2019 Equine Herpesvirus


    Ho* is the disease diagnosed$

    >iagnostics your veterinarian might perform


    a live horse include8

    + Nasal swa collection for  

    laoratory eami-nation and detection of virus y polymerase

    chain reaction (=,?) assay or y

    virus isola-

    tion9 and

    + lood collection to detect the

    virus y =,?  

    assay or y virus isolation. lood samples

    should e collected / to & wees apart for

    levels of antiodies specific to EHV-%.

    !deally# your veterinarian will collect oth nasalswa and lood samples to optimi:e arriving at a


    >iagnostics your veterinarian might perform


    a deceased horse include8+ Necropsy eamination of a

    horse with neu-

    rologic disease that dies or has to e eutha-

    ni:ed# or necropsy eamination of an aorted

    fetus3fetal memranes. Necropsy provides animportant means of confirming the presence

    of EHV-% disease.

    "s there a treatent !or EHM$

    "he standard form of care for EHM is primarilysupportive. "reatments may include intravenous

    fluids or anti-inflammatory drugs. 4ntiiotics may

     e used to treat a secondary acterial infection if

    one develops9 however# antiiotics have no effect

    on the equine herpesvirus itself. 4ntiviral drugs

    have also een used to treat EHM

    cases. ?esearch

    on the efficacy of these drugs# their cost effective-

    ness# and the optimal dosing regimen for EHM is

    still underway.

  • 8/18/2019 Equine Herpesvirus


    Ho* can " prevent EHV%&, the priary

    cause o! EHM, !ro spreading to otherhorses$

    "here are many steps you can tae to help

     prevent the spread of EHV-%.

    + *top horse movement

    if your animals may einfected with EHV-

    %. "his is the most

    important first step

    horse owners can tae.

    Horses should neitherenter nor leave a prem-

    ises where EHM has

     een diagnosed until

    cleared y the veterin-


    + >o not allow horses

    eposed to EHM

    case(s) to have contact

    with uneposed horses

    on the premises.

    + !solate sic horses.

    Horses that have

    aorted or shown signs

    of fever# respiratory

    disease# or neurologic

    disease should eseparated from healthy horses. !deally# the

    sic horse(s) should e moved into a sepa-

    rate uilding or paddoc on the premises# or

     e transported to a veterinary hospital with an

    isolation facility.

    + >o not share equipment among

    horses on the

    facility. *ince this virus can e spread from

    horse to horse via contaminated o;ects such

    as water3feed ucets or ridles# equipment

  • 8/18/2019 Equine Herpesvirus


  • 8/18/2019 Equine Herpesvirus


    -an " prevent EHM *ith vaccines$

    Vaccines eist to control the respiratory and

    aortion manifestations of EHV-%9 however# the

    currently licensed vaccines are not laeled for

    the prevention of EHM. niversity and private

    researchers are looing into several eisting vac-

    cines to determine if they protect against EHM. New vaccines for EHM are also eing studied.

    ince this virus can be spread from horse to horse via con-taminated ob!ects such aswater"feed buc#ets or bridles,e$uipment should not be

     shared among horses.

    Use!ul .esources

    2or more information related to EHV# EHM# and

     iosecurity# please refer to the following docu-

    ments and epartment of  



    *>484=H!*8V*8,E4H. /@@A. Equine Her-

     pesvirus Myeloencephalopathy8 Mitigation

    Eperiences# 1essons 1earned#and 2uture

     Needs. NBC//.@D@A. http833www.aphis.usda.


    + *>484=H!*8V*8,E4H8,E!. Emerging


    4nimal >isease Notice. /@@D. Equine Herpes


    Virus Myeloencephalopathy8 4


    Emerging >isease.

    http833www.aphis.usda.gov3vs3ceah3cei3taf3emerging diseasenotice.files3ehv.pdf 

    + *>484=H!*. iosecurity$the ey to


    ing Four Horses Healthy.

  • 8/18/2019 Equine Herpesvirus


  • 8/18/2019 Equine Herpesvirus


    + niversity of ,alifornia ,enter  

    for EquineHealth (,EH)


    + 4merican 4ssociation of Equine






    + !owa *tate niversity iological?is Manage-

    ment (?M)





    For More "n!oration

    "o find out more aout EHM# please contact8

    *>44=H!*-V*-,E4H N??, uilding# M.*. /ED

    /%C@ ,entre 4venue

    2ort ,ollins# ,5 A@C/I-A%%D

    (JD@) 'J'-D@@@

    E-mail8 N4HM*Kaphis.usda.gov


    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimi-

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  • 8/18/2019 Equine Herpesvirus


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    Issued December 2008

  • 8/18/2019 Equine Herpesvirus


    United States Department of Agriculture

    Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

  • 8/18/2019 Equine Herpesvirus
