ePortfolio Gustavo Mata

Gustavo Mata 1600 Eldridge Parkway # 4002. Houston, TX 77077. (832) 328.6094 - (832) 757.9420 [email protected]


ePortfolio Gustavo Mata

Transcript of ePortfolio Gustavo Mata

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Gustavo Mata1600 Eldridge Parkway # 4002.Houston, TX 77077.(832) 328.6094 - (832) [email protected]

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Gustavo MataExperience

Ford Motor CompanyValencia, Venezuela.IT Director (1997-2011)

Universidad Nueva EspartaCaracas, Venezuela.Undergraduate Professor (2010-2011)

Universidad Nueva EspartaCaracas, Venezuela.Graduate Professor (1994-1996)

Universidad MetropolitanaCaracas, Venezuela.Graduate and Undergraduate Professor (1988-1996)

Banco de VenezuelaCaracas, Venezuela.IT Vice President (1989-1996)

Petróleos de VenezuelaCaracas, Venezuela.Network Coordinator (1980-1988)





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Ford MotordeVenczuel¡RIF: J{Xt0l¿lffi+3


por medio de la presente se hace constar que la person¿ cuyos datos sr¡ministamoscontin¡ación fue empleado de Ford Motor de Venezr¡ela, S.A.

Nombre y Apellido:Cedul¡ de ldentidad:ultimo Cargo:


Fecha de Ingreso:Fecha de Egreso:

Cualquier información gue se ¡equierq puede ser solicitada personatmente o por escrito alDepartapento de Compersación y Gestión de Talento a tavés de los teléfonos 58 + 241-874660U621916320

Constanciaque se elryide enValencia 09 de febrerc de 2010-

Gerente de Gestién de Talento y Compenmción

Page 4: ePortfolio Gustavo Mata

Gustavo MataWhat one of my bosses said about me

“Gustavo is an excellent manager. He is human, expressive and he perfectly knows how to handle out IT business. He has an outstanding way with people. I really believe he could be an excellent candidate to lead other business areas where innovation and creative mind are specially required and needed. He is very important for this company”

From : 360 Evaluation (2004)

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Ford ¡{otor de Veaezuela€. CassiagenaP¡esldenteGcl!ülnlAiord.corn

Apartaclo g§1Valaneia, VeaezuetaPh.5F14tS7464l?

Sr. Gustavo Mata

Estimado Gustavo,

Quierc decirte gue adm¡ro tu gran perconal¡dad, lra que te destacaste desde unprincipio, s¡empre luchando por tus ideas y causas, pero sobre todo, te úansformasteen un gran Team Placer.

Bajo tu liderazgo el personal de lT enterdió la labor de servicio a la organización, ydurante todos estos años se pudo observar el cambio tan drástico gue fu y tu equipolograrcn. lgualmente, Gorrto buen llder supiste motivar a tu organbañn obteniendoexcelentes resuttados. Continrla con esta gerencia modema, ya que el éxito se basasobre elmanelo erficiente de los recuñios humanos.

Deseo darte las gracias por todo el aplo que le brindaste a mi gestión, el cual obtr¡vesin cuestionamiento y @n tu siempre positivo asesoramiento. Estoy seguro quealcanzarás muchos triunfos locales, rcgbnales y mrpomtirros.

Am§o Gustavo, también quiero que sepas que siempre podrás conüar conmlgo en elmomento en que lo requieras. :

Tu amigo,


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MHTpk ínteroctive

June I2,201 I


I hereby stote thot I know by sight ond lreotment for more thon fifteen fi5) yeors Mr. GustovoMoto. During oll this lime he hos been on excellent person. He is orticulote, molivoted andtrustworthy. He olso hos high expectotions of himself ond of those close to him. wtrile of thesome time being willing to occept people os lhey ore with unconditionol posilive regord.

Gustovo is olso o hord worker ond crilicolthinker. He hos good decision moking processes ondis oble to drow from the experiences ond epertise of those oround him given lrue vqlue ondhigh regords to diversity.

I om quite sure thot Gustovo hos the profile, quolificofions ond quolities to meet fully itscommitments <rnd responsibilities.Iherefore,lwould recommend him withoui ony reservotion.

Fronklin GonzolezGrophic Designer

[email protected]


p:832.4ó0.ó814t: 888.7ó1.8564

w: www.pki.neto: 61 l0 Clorkson Ln

Houston, TY.77455

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June 12,2011

To Whom It trvfay Concern:

I hnve penonat§ known Mr. Gr¡sEvo lvlata for more úan l0 years as a friend ofmy falnily and I consider him an orcellent person- Ttrough all &ese yca§ he hasproven to hav a high s€nse of respomibility handting himself with ffiication,preservatior¡ imaginetiom and s§le. {

For as long as I have knoum him, Gusavo has proven to be a higbly qualified'personwiüastrongdeterminationtoaccomplishalthisgmlsinlife. Itiswithoutany reserv*ion t¡ail recomü€,nd him pcrsonal§ and professionatly.

Should you need any additional informtion, please do not hesitate to contact me.


2l{!i §r¡r¡rh }}irie Highnrl¡'" 5uife 3fl}$Ii:¡rrri. f l,33tliT'tle -1(t5-J*! -7t3ilr:a d ls.t¡se !ú' ts §? f ","r st" **t

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Cctscmr Zl & rru}o úe 2010


El gtc gl¿al¡rilr.. AN}IÍO AC(NTA FIOL Yfu, txlyat úe tu4 & Pofaiónménica, úe Ae ¡bnicitb y puttfu¡ dc loCI t Y-32EE6Iú, hw wts qac conm úctgo, M y wnuüñn dñc hrcc 1§ úre ol In$niao GUSTAYO IIIATA P*ATOC I : Y-j662EU y b urtsifua w eüdodmo dc Srulil rupnsabililad prowl yprufabnct, a.lrl uno ulccittoy orrtüW aÜoaaw wSaffie y sdWetb,


Aú Puqe üüúe Cafie ?* Is Colfutar Ü. Cw IEl frdta, I§: 96;1 9139

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I want to establish my personal philosophy of management and leadership. In doing so, I set up the foundation on which my actions are based, the values and beliefs that drive me. I see leadership as the human art of dealing with emotional capital and management as the science of dealing with intellectual capital.

First and foremost, this philosophy is based on a very fundamental idea. I have a strong respect for relationships. I believe in people and their extraordinary capacity to deliver. I believe in the diversity that dissimilar people bring to their jobs. I value the contributions of all employees.

I believe in honesty and integrity as values to guide all of my actions and decisions. I do not know everything but I work hard with dedication and determination to make a positive difference because the people and the organization I serve deserve it.

I have passion for accomplishing goals. I like to persuade and influence others to achieve them. I do this by sharing the vision and with strong commitment to reach the objectives.

I am the type of person who likes challenges and provides challenges to others. I like to make changes, transformations and improvements to something already established. I do this by exercising persistence, perseverance and determination. I am constantly fostering an atmosphere of innovation and creativity.

I promote cooperation among the team. I collaborate with my team, delegate and encourage professional growth. I am enthusiastically committed to the personal and professional growth of each participant of the team.

I believe in an open and honest communication. I am aware of the strengths and weakness of my team. I know we can make mistakes, but I also know that we can learn from them and move forward. My door is always open to exchange ideas.

I believe in a work environment that promotes health and balance between job and personal life. I take my job very seriously but I believe we should have fun and enjoyment while doing our work.

I am committed to these values to deliver quality to our customers and value to our stakeholders. This is where I stand concerning leadership and management. This is why I am here for. As a leader, I will provide the vision, and as a manager I will accomplish the goals.

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