Eportfolio evidence collection and final presentation

From single evidence collection to reflection on learning over time: process and product eportfolio in Teacher Education. A case study. Dr. Gemma Tur Dr. Gemma Tur Dr. Santos Urbina Dr. Santos Urbina


Presentation for the ePIC Conference 2014

Transcript of Eportfolio evidence collection and final presentation

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From single evidence collection to reflection on learning over time:

process and product eportfolio in Teacher Education. A case study.

Dr. Gemma TurDr. Gemma Tur

Dr. Santos UrbinaDr. Santos Urbina

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The eportfolio project in Teacher Education at UIB

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The two faces of eportfolios or ...


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... The two phases

(Coromina, Sabate, Romeu & Ruiz, 2011, 123)

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The process of collecting and reflecting on single pieces of evidence

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The presentation of evidence collection over the process

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Process and product as

Playing and working


The importance of both... By Dewey

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An e-portfolio is the product, created by the learner, a collection of digital artefacts articulating experiencies, achievements and learning. Behind any product, or presentation, lie rich and complex processess of planning, synthesising, sharing, discussing, reflecting, giving, receiving and responding to feedback. These processes –referred to here as “e-portfolio-based learning” – are the focus of increasing attention, since the process of learning can be as important as the end product (JISC, 2008, 2).

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• Teacher Education• Four-year programme• 2009-2013- experimental

implementation (29 students)

• 2013- first presentation of eportfolios (3 students)

• Total of 5 groups (2009- 2013)• Data collection throughout the process• Interviews on eportfolio presentation• Eportfolio and PLEs http://www.uib.cat/digitalAssets/245/245470_edifici3.jpg

Implementation & research at the UIB in Eivissa

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Process eportfolio Product eportfolioZubizarreta’s three processes

Barrett’s first and second steps And third stepCambrdige’s Networked self And Symphonic self Blogger Google Sites 


Process eportfolio Product eportfolioZubizarreta’s three processes

Barrett’s first and second steps And third stepCambrdige’s Networked self And Symphonic self Blogger Google Sites 

Process eportfolio + product eportfolio

(Tur, 2013)

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Transition Transition Transition


(Tur, 2013, based on Rodríguez Illera, 2011)

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ePortfolio ecology and participants

(Tur, 2013)

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Evidence organized in Delors’ three competences: knowing, knowing to be and knowing to do

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Graduation group 2009-13. Eportfolio presentation 2013

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Graduation group 2010-14. Eportfolio presentation 2014

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• Being aware of my learning, my skills, my principles

• Making my learning significative• Great effort & satisfaction• My learning process & growing • My identity as a teacher• My difficulties to improve in in-service education• It is of my own (although I had difficulties and I

started it as if it was an assignment)• Evidence of digital and cognitive skills

development• My learning authentically

My product eportfolio means/represents/ helped me in.. (Interviews 2013)

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Developing digital skills during the eportfolio process

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http://www.flickr.com/photos/courosa/344832659/sizes/o/in/set-72157603986790944/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/courosa/2922421696/sizes/o/in/set-72157603986790944/

(Couros, 2006)

The networked teacher (teachers’ PLE)

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Digital skills: ePortfolio and PLE approach

(Tur, 2011)

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From the networked self to the PLE approach

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(Adell & Castañeda, 2010; Castañeda & Adell, 2013)

PLE tools and activities

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PLE and eportfolio tools and processes in common

(Tur and Urbina, 2012)

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Eines per a la creació d’artefactes

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Exemple: individual artefacts

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Exemple: group artefact

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Exemple: Harlem Shake as final artefact (MA students)

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Student teachers’ PLE

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(Tur, 2013)

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Next challenges: reflection, mportfolios and open badges

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En el meu cas, es pot veure com a la presentació del e-portafoli, realitzada als inicis dels meus estudis, focalitzo la meva atenció en el fet de què cada vegada utilitzem les TIC de forma més generalitzada. En canvi, en el meu darrer any d’estudis, per exemple a la darrera entrada d’aquesta assignatura, faig una passa endavant, i qüestiono que dita incorporació tingui la qualitat suficient per tal que aquestes eines puguin ser considerades educatives; és a dir, vaig més enllà de l’ús d’aquestes per incidir en la forma en cóm s’utilitzen.  (...) És en aquest punt en el qual jo estic situada ara mateix en el meu procés d’aprenentatge, un moment en el qual he aturat la mirada per analitzar les pràctiques que es realitzen amb les TIC i que m’ajuden a plantejar si és profitós utilitzar-les en determinats contextos. Per exemple, si la utilitat de les TIC es basa en possibilitats com la que ens proposen Gil i Asorey (2009, 114): “esta herramienta nos ofrece la posibilidad de crear fichas en plantillas [...]”, crec que és més efectiu que ens quedem tal com estem, ja que almenys ens estalviarem la despesa econòmica que suposa la compra d’aparells com aquests.

s a dir, i per continuar amb la relació amb el meu procés d’aprenentatge, es tractaria de passar del punt on ara mateix estic, el qual es sustentava en la idea que “per tal d'utilitzar les tecnologies per fer el mateix, ens quedem com estem”, a trobar un altre tipus d’alternativa que no consisteixi en el rebuig d’aquestes. És aquesta la meva fita, que aquesta reflexió sobre el bon ús de les eines es tradueixi en intents per canviar aquesta situació i no únicament en descartar-les d’aquells moments en què considero que no s’estan utilitzant de forma adient. Al cap i a la fi, és aquest un dels objectius de l’educació, que els alumnes trobin solucions a problemes que se’ls plantegen en la vida diària. 

A good piece of reflection

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(Tur & Camacho, 2012)http://www.sio.si/uploads/media/e-listovnik-From-field_32_1.pdf

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And ...Open Badges

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Dr. Gemma Tur @gemturferDr. Gemma Tur @gemturfer <[email protected]><[email protected]>

Dr. Santos Urbina @santosurbina Dr. Santos Urbina @santosurbina <[email protected]><[email protected]>

Many thanks!Many thanks!