EPMA – European Postgraduate Master in Aeronautical ... · European Postgraduate Master in...

European Postgraduate Master in Aeronautical Engineering EPMA – European Postgraduate Master in Aeronautical Engineering D. Scholz Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

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EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

EPMA – European Postgraduate Master in Aeronautical Engineering

D. Scholz

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

Part time study programmeJoint European master programmeAwards joint/double master degreeFunded by European CommissionTarget group:Graduates with• aeronautical or related engineering degree • minimum of 4 years of academic training

(or equivalent credits) and• some years of relevant industry experience

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

Contents1. Rationale and Background2. Partner Universities3. Aims and Objectives4. Target Groups and Entry Requirements5. Structure and Organisation6. Pedagogical and Didactical Approaches7. Quality Assurance Mechanisms8. Joint and Double Degree9. Contracts and Examination Regulations10. Degree Accreditation and Dissemination11. Corporate Design

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

1. Rationale and Background

Dramatic shortage of qualified aviation engineers:• big well known projects are A380, A400M and A350 XWB• new Airbus projects (new single aisle)• other projects (Dassault Falcon 7X )• Demand from suppliers and engineering offices all over Europe• "renewal rate" of 500 engineers each year at Airbus

• Hamburg government established a task force:"Qualifizierungsoffensive Luftfahrtindustrie"

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

2. Partner Universities

• Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg

• Katholieke Hogeschool Brugge - Oostende

• Université Bordeaux 1

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

3. Aims and Objectives

• Support Life Long Learning (LLL) • Support student's ambitions to go for a further

degree while continuing at work• Deliver short courses• Combine academia's and industry's expertise• Provide an international dimension for students (and lecturers)

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

3. Aims and Objectives

Address key points of the Bologna process :• Diploma Supplement• Two-cycle system: Bachelor and Master• Accumulation and transfer of credits: ECTS• Mobility• Cooperation in quality assurance• European dimension

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

3. Aims and Objectives

Further intentions:• teach innovative subjects• follow innovative pedagogical and didactical approaches• collaboration between academia and industry in teaching• include new European member states (Romania and Hungary)

as "associated partner"• include universities from other Airbus countries (Great Britain, Spain)

as "associated partner"

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

4. Target Groups and Entry Requirements

Target group:• Students at graduate level (on degree programme)• Life Long Learners (on single Short Courses)

Entry requirements (degree programme):• 240 ECTS (or equivalent)

• for participants from UB1 or KHBO 240 ECTS have to be obtained after finishing with a first Master Degree (M1)

• for participants from HAW a 7-semester-Bachelor is required and additional relevant work experience.

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

Entry requirementsfor EPMA:

240 ECTS

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

5. Structure and Organisation

Course content highlights:• those areas in aeronautical engineering that are crucial to today's

aeronautical development activities:• composite structures• aircraft systems and maintenance• aviation economics• ...

• proposed modules place emphasis on topics that are not necessarily part of consecutive Bachelor / Master courses

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

5. Structure and Organisation

Part time studies (participants work full time in industry)

1. EPMA based on 10 modules (each: 4 ECTS = 100 h):• home study (20 h)• contact time (30 h) (= short course)• project work (50 h) with e-mail support form lecturer

2. EPMA finishes with a Master thesis (20 ECTS = 500 h):• students are encouraged to find a topic in their company

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

5. Structure and Organisation

Module Master Thesis

10 * 4 ECTS + 20 ECTS = 60 ECTS

60 ECTS = 2 semesters = 1 year (equivalent full time study)

60 ECTS obtained over a period of about 2,5 years

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

5. Structure and Organisation

Modules:1 introductory module is mandatory• taught in the country of the partner responsible for the module• responsibility is rotated among main partners

6 other modules that are mandatory• each main partner is responsible for 2 mandatory modules

student must choose three option modules • associated partners may take up responsibility


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EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

EPMA modules, regions, universities, areas of expertise and mandatory status

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

EPMA programme general outline

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

6. Pedagogical and Didactical Approaches

• home studies, project work• short courses:

• lectures• tutorials• group exercises• short visits to industry

• e-learning • blended learning • distance learning

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

7. Quality Assurance Mechanisms

• EPMA Academic Quality Management Board (EAQ)• one person from each partner university• one from an associated university• one or several persons from industry

• EPMA Management Board (EMB)• EAQ and EMB are in close contact with each other• EAQ and EMB report to the EPMA project coordinator• module assessed by participants with detailed questionnaire• lecturer’s experience with the module recorded

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

8. Joint and Double Degree

• HAW awards EPMA joint degree together with partners• Students can get double (second) degree from UB1 / KHBO if:

• they write a thesis supervised at UB1 / KHBO on a subject from the UB1 / KHBO area of expertise

EPMA will probably not offer a "Real Joint Degree", but fulfils more than enough criteria to award simply a "Joint Degree": One degree is awarded in the name of the participating

institution at which the student is registered (HAW). An additional unofficial degree certificate is awarded on behalf of the whole partnership, to testify that the programme has been

developed and taught jointly.

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

8. Joint and Double Degree

TAUCH explains: "Joint degrees are normally awarded after a study programmes that correspond to all or at least some of the following characteristics:

• the programmes are developed and/or approved jointly by several institutions;• students [come] from each participating institution;• the students' stays at the participating institutions are of comparable length:• periods of study and exams passed at the partner institution(s) are recognised fully and automatically;• professors of each participating institution also teach at the other institutions, work out the curriculum jointly

and form joint commissions for admission and exami-nations;• after completion of the full programme, the student either obtains the national degrees of each participat-ing

institution or a degree (in fact usually an unofficial 'certificate' or 'diploma") awarded jointly by them."

All six criteria seem to be fulfilled by EPMA

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

9. Contracts and Examination Regulations

1. During time of (EU funded) curriculum development:• Application for Curriculum Development• Trilateral Partner Agreement (for EU)

2. After time of (EU funded) curriculum development:• Trilateral Partner Contract• Examination Regulations

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

10. Degree Accreditation and Dissemination

Accredidation:• HAW is responsible for accreditation• accreditation will is done via "Zentrale Evaluations- und

Akkreditierungsagentur Hannover" (ZEvA Hannover)Dissemination:• aviation congress, workshop, fair• EPMA website• poster, leaflet (flyer)• mailings of leaflet and covering letter• advertisements in an official aviation magazine

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering

11. Corporate Design

• Corporate Identity requiresCorporate Design (Corporate Visual Identity):

1. Corporate visual identity provides an organisation with visibility and ‘recognisability’ ...

2. Corporate visual identity symbolises an organisation ... and, hence, contributes to its image and reputation ...

• For EPMA the corporate design encompasses:• logo, web design, PowerPoint template• poster, flyer• URL:

EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering


EuropeanPostgraduate Masterin Aeronautical Engineering