Episode 14 - The Norns

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Transcript of Episode 14 - The Norns

  • 8/2/2019 Episode 14 - The Norns


    Episode 14 The Norns


    The warriors decide to pay a visit to Egil, but a snow storm makes them seek for

    shelter in middle of the way. What they didnt expect were to be surprised by an

    intriguing interference from the Norns, Goddesses of Destiny. In a magical musical

    this episode involves the characters in controversial situations in which they have to

    deal with their inner fears.


    April 4, 2012

    Story by:

    Edition, collages

    and hand drawing by

    Ana Tinoco and Paul Santos

    : Ana Tinoco

  • 8/2/2019 Episode 14 - The Norns



    From Episode 13 Blood Bonds

    JoanI still dont get it. Why did he leave us?

    Anaxenite If he felt he needed to go on his own then hes right about doing so.

    Whatever it is that he seeks I...well lets just hope he finds what hes looking for.


    Old Man Thank you young man! I was coming home from market and got

    attacked by those two men!

    *Thor hands the old man his bags.*

    Thor - Here you go. Hopefully nothing was stolen.

    Old Man Thank you once again. Uh, Mr.

    Thor with a quick response Thorne.

    Old Man Mr. Thorne. My name is Egil.


    Egil I have never met you before, but there is something oddly familiar about


    Thor Im just like anyone else who happens to be traveling.

    Egil That is not it! Gods! I know where!()

    Thor Dont be ridiculous! If I were him wouldnt I be able to fly? Tell me, where is

    my hammer? Little man, you have some funny notions.

    Egil The aura around you is unmistakable. Not like any mortal I have seen.

    Thor Nonsense! I suppose you are some kind of mystic.

    Egil I am not a mystic. Im a half-dwarf, but my human mothers family areknown to have premonitions.


    Egil Loki invades the great hall of Valhalla with the Frost giants. In the confusion

    he takes over the throne. Sends you here to Midgard with your trusty companions

    in human form.

    Thor By the gods! How did you know?


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    Thor When my father was busy fighting off the frost giants, Loki was able to

    sneak away and acquire the Great Eye of Odin.

    Egil The Eye of Odin?

    Thor A stone in possession of my father kept behind the throne room. It has a

    power that cannot be matched. Loki then used the stone to incapacitate my father

    and then sent us here to Midgard by using the stone and the powers of the

    sorceress Amora.

    Egil Amora! The witch!

    Thor Tell me Egil. How far do the premonitions go?

    Egil Not very far. They come and go. I cannot control them. But I can tell you

    that your hammer followed you here to Midgard.

    Thor Where?

    Egil That I cannot see. Im sorry Thor.


    Queen Jenessa to Anaxenite *catching her attention* Thats a prettynecklace

    you have in there Anaxenite.

    Anaxenite Thank you. *grabs it looking affectionately* - It was given to me by

    the woman that raised me, Maera, she said it must have been from my mother. I

    dont know who my parents were or are and probably Im not going to find out

    Queen Jenessa Thats verysad, Im sorry. You dont have any clues at all about

    your parents?

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    Anaxenite No, neither does Maera. The woman that was taking care of me when

    I was a baby passed away in Maeras house and couldnt tell her more than just her

    name Oddny and thats all I know.

    Queen Jenessa I seeIf you all you excuse me I need to absent myself for a

    little bit. Im not feeling very well. *she gets up and leaves*


    Queen Jenessa Anton, did you see the necklace that girl is wearing?

    King Anton Yes you were talking about it during the diner. Whats about it?

    Queen Jenessa That necklace was once mine; it was given to me by my sister

    Jayna before I left the Render Woods to come to the Castle. Andand the woman

    she mention Odnny, it was the servant that was helping me taking care of our child.

    Anton shes our daughter.

    King Anton *shocked*Cant be

    Queen Jenessa No one else knew we had a child but even if they did do you

    forget who am I? ()Im a Nymph, my intuition does not fail and Im telling you

    shes our daughter Anton. I felt something when she first got into the throne room

    (). Take a good look at her, do you remember my vision? *smiles in disbelieve

    her eyes watering*


    King Anton What now?

    Queen Jenessa I wantour daughter back.

    King Anton *stunned*Shes a warriorand spirited as that. *smirks and shakes

    his head*


    Add Undain *continues* - Just wanted to congratulate you for the newest member

    joining this lovely family. *looks directly at Anaxenite* - Welcome to the family my

    dear Princess *bows mockingly*

    Anaxenite *confused* What are you talking about?

    Add Undain *looking at the King and Queen*Oh you havent told her yet? Ops

    my bad, think I just spoiled the surprise.

    Add Undain to Anaxenite You are their daughter Princess Undain, first born

    of the King, illegitimacy daughter, born from a Nymph that was not Queen at the

    time when Anton was about to get married with Princess Regan.


    King Anton You speak like a General.

    Anaxenite - Thats because I am one my King.

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    Amora Going to rescue your champion? She isnt much of a champion if she

    needs rescuing.

    *Thor turns around to face Amora.*

    Thor Shut up witch! You know damn well Ana doesnt need rescuing! I have to

    collect her and Joan.

    Amora I see the half dwarf has given you a sense of purpose. Mjolnir is here isnt

    it? You dont have to answer me. I see it in your eyes. Tell me Thor, after you find

    it, how will you defeat the great serpent?

    Thor I dont need your help nor do I wish to fulfill your wild delusions!

    *Thor unsheathes his sword and holds it in front of his face.*

    Thor See this blade woman?

    Amora A new toy?

    Thor It is called a flame sword! Forged by the dwarves for generations. I will not

    hesitate to use it on you, so leave me!

    Amora As you wish Thor, but remember my offer still stands. This all can end.


    *Aad and King Anton respective armies confronting each other; at their heads Aad

    and Anaxenite with the King by her side.*

    King Anton Ive waited so much for this day, just never thought I would have

    my daughter fighting by my side. *Anaxenite just nods*

    Anaxenite *determined voice* So lets bring your brother down for good shall


    Anaxenite *shouts rising her sword* Charge!!


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    Anaxenite *screaming* Protect the king! Protect the king!

    Thor Ana!!

    *His voice catches her attention and she turns.*

    Anaxenite *surprised and relieved*Thor! Youre here!

    Aad Undain to Anaxenite *shouting* Princess Ana! Pleasure meeting you on

    the battlefield. Its a shame that you wont have the chance to enjoy your family for

    long. *laughs*

    Thor to Anaxenite *raising a brow* Princess?!

    Anaxenite Long story.

    Anaxenite to AadUndain *shouting*- So dear uncle how is Loki these days?


    Aad Undain *mockingly* You know for a Princess you are not that bad with a


    Anaxenite *scornfully* Well for a warlordyou suck with it.


    *Seeing his leader falling the remaining Aads soldiers start to flee.*

    Aads Soldier Retreat! Retreat!


    King AntonBut It was worth the time Ive waited and hoped to finally meet my

    daughter and Im very proud that she is you.

    Anaxenite *is touched by his words but tries to conceal it*And Im very proud to

    have a honorable man for a father, as for being also the King of Midgard, well that

    was nature being fare to the good people of this kingdom. *grins*


    Anaxenite -Look Im sorry I know Im not the person you would want me to be.

    Im warrior, I can be quite cold, brutal and not always Ilets say not always I

    fought on the good site, or for the right persons. ()

    Queen Jenessa*grabbing Anas hands* You are wrong about one thing Ana.

    You are what I expected you to be. *Ana looks at her incomprehensibly* - And Im

    so proud of you and so is your father. Your personality as you describe is what

    allows you to do what you do. And I love you just the way you are.()

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    Anaxenite *smirks* Ill come back. I promise. I just have to take ahead this

    quest with my friend Joan and Thor. Well dead or alive Ill come back here. *a tear

    rolls down her face*.

    Queen Jenessa *cleaning Anas tear with her hand*Hey have faith in you, I do,

    so should you. And in your God of Thunder as well my Champion of Asgard.*Ana smiles*

    Anaxenite Thank you mother.


    *On the road Thor, Anaxenite, and Joan on horseback. Thor approaches Ana.*

    Thor to Anaxenite *playfully* - So youre a Princess not to mention a Nymph

    Anaxenite Daughterof a Nymph. Why? Does that take away from me credit as a


    Thor No, not at all. Actually its a good combination, the skill of a powerful

    warrior with the grace of a Princess Nymph *grins*

    Anaxenite *raises a brow* You will never shut up about that will you? *Thor

    smirks* *changing subject* - So are you going to tell me the story of that new

    sword of yours?

    ***End of Montage***


    *Thor, Anaxenite, and Joan are again on the road, this time leaving the Render


    Anaxenite to Thor So your Hammer is here as well?

    Thor Yeah, according to Egil the Hammer followed me here.

    Anaxenite And no clue about where it is?

    Thor *shaking his head frustrated* - Nope.

    JoanWell at least it is here*muttering wryly* - in this tiny little space called

    mortal world

    Joan *off their looks* - What? Is it a lie?

    Anaxenite *between her teeth* - Youre not being very supportive.

    Joan - Cranky are we?

    Anaxenite to Thor What if we pay a little visit to your friend Egil?

    Thor What for? He told me everything he knows.

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    Anaxenite Just a hunch.

    Thor *mockingly* Oh okay Miss Nymph of the year.

    Anaxenite *growls at him* - Dont push it!

    Joan Dont forget Princess of the Kingdom of Midgard! *grins*

    *Thor smirks*

    Anaxenite *rolls eyes and mutters* - Ill never see the end of this.

    Thor *smirks* - Well I dont think Egil would mind if we paid him a little visit.


    *Small man singing on a hillside.*

    *Two farmers watching in the distance.*

    Farmer 1 to farmer 2- What strange little man is he?

    Farmer 2 Indeed he is. Hes not from around here.

    Farmer 1 I should say. What is he singing? I dont understand his language.

    Farmer 2 Hes a half-dwarf. The dwarves seek favour of the Norns by praying to


    Farmer 1 Unlucky for us he didnt adopt his human side. Perhaps for the sake of

    preserving our ears.

    Farmer 2 Perhaps indeed.

    *Both men laugh in the distance.*

    *Cut to Egil singing in his native language to the Norns.*

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    O ladies fair, I pray thee for guidance

    For my friends here, who seek the chance

    To get back home, and liberate the people

    Of this land, and the land of heavenly souls

    *Three female voices reply singing in unison.*

    We hear your prayer, O kindly little old man

    Who kept the faith, when no one else demands

    Well guide your friends, who travel on this journey

    Theyll face the trials, and hardships along the way

    But when its done, their task will be clearer

    To liberate, this one and all the other lands.

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    *Norns voices fade into nothingness.*

    *Egil is comforted that his prayer is answered.*


    *The trio continues their way along the road until they reach the Silver Peak

    Mountains. It starts snowing and a chilly wind begins to blow.*

    Anaxenite The weather is getting worse.

    Joan I hope we can make it to Egils place soon.

    Thor - I dont think so. Its still a long way from here.

    *The wind starts blowing even stronger and the snow falling makes it almost

    impossible to see anything.*

    Joan - Just great! I hate the winter. Those Nymphs woods were really a paradise.

    Anaxenite *chuckles* - Now who is the cranky one?

    Thor There, lets shelter.

    *He points ahead to an entrance of a cave. The trio runs towards it.*

    *They enter the cave and tie the horsesreins.*

    *Its a big cavern filled with stalactites and stalagmites of rock and ice and theres a

    frozen lake in the center of the cavern.*

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    Joan Wow this cave is huge. And beautiful, just look at that!

    *Joan gets near the lake. A cracking sound is heard and the trio becomes alert.

    Then suddenly a fissure in the ice starts opening with a strong cracking sound and

    at great speed till it reaches the near the edge where Joan is. She moves by


    *The water starts rising in a shape similar to a snake*

    Anaxenite *her eyes widening* Watch out!

    *Joan starts running away but the water arm grabs her circling itself around her

    waist. Joan screams.*

    Anaxenite Joan!

    *Ana reaches for her friend grabbing her legs only to be pushed into the water with

    her friend.*

    *Thor reaches out for them but they disappear into the water.*

    Thor Ana! Joan!

    *Another arm of water forms and grabs Thor in a speedy movement taking him as

    well into the water.*


    *Anaxenite falls flat on her back with a thud on solid ground in a dark place.*

    Anaxenite Ouch! *sitting up looks her over* - For someone that just fell intofreezing water Im pretty dry. *She gets up*

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    Anaxenite *looking around* - Joan! Joan! Where are you? *not getting any reply

    she frowns*

    Anaxenite Where the hell am I?

    *A slow music can be heard. A spot of the place where she is starts to get

    illuminated and a figure emerges. The light hits their face its Loki.*

    Anaxenite You! Wha

    *Before she has time to continue he starts singing and she just stares speechless.*


    Who wouldve thought

    That a slave girl like you

    Could be strong enough

    To pull it all through

    Now tell me thanks to whom?

    Anaxenite *with disgust*Dont flatter yourself.

    *Loki laughs and continues singing*:


    I picked you for a reason


    You knownothing but treason


    A vicious killer in a cell


    Youve put me through hell!...

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    Sharp instinct to kill

    Anaxenite: *gestures around*

    None of this is real!


    Its exactlyhow you feel

    You live now undercover

    Youre still nothing but a murder

    Tell me

    Do I need to go any further?

    *Anaxenite covers her ears with her hands and closes her eyes while Lokis

    sarcastic laughter is heard.*

    Anaxenite *shouts*- Stop it! Stop it!

    *Theres a brief silence and then the place fills itself with light. Ana is now

    surrounded by nature, she looks at herself and sees that shes now wearing the

    same dress she wore back in her parents castle.*

    AnaxeniteWhat the?

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    *The music starts playing again this time accompanied by a different voice.*

    *Thor shows up with obvious godhood presence and starts singing while Ana looks

    at him in awe and confusion.*


    Who wouldve thought

    That a slave girl like you

    Could be strong enough

    To pull it all through

    And yet there you are

    *Thor stands before Anaxenite and lifts up her chin gently with his hand, making

    her look at him.*

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    With the strength of a leader

    The grace of a nymph

    The resolve of a fighter


    Youve changed ever since

    *Thor grabs her hand, pulls her towards him and spins her around until shes facing

    her own reflection in the water from a small lake.*

    *Looking at her reflection Ana starts singing.*


    Who wouldve thought

    That a slave girl like me

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    Could be strong enough

    To become what I see

    And yethere I am

    Im a warriorquite cold

    But with friends in my path

    Ive got something to hold

    Ive gained true respect

    *Now shes looking at Thor who is smiling back at her.*

    Anaxenite and Thor:

    and I found of my soul

    *It gets darker around Thor and he disappears, Ana looks thoughtfully at the spot

    where he has just disappeared.*


    *In the meanwhile after being pushed into the lake Thor finds himself falling down

    but suddenly he stops as floating in the air, his hammer appears in his hand.*

    Thor *looking himself over*What the?

    *Then he flies with a grin on his face and lands near a lighted space. Theres a wall

    of ice with a hole in it and he decides to get in.*

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    *When Thor passes through the ice wall he encounters something he has really not

    expecting. Seated in a throne is himself well a former self and seated on his lap is

    no less than Amora. He looks back but the hole in the wall is gone, hes now

    trapped inside an ice cave. Thor frowns.*

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    Thor *muttering to himself with disgusted and sarcasm* - Oh the good old days.

    *Sill seated on the lap of his own counterpart Amora turns her stare from Thors

    counterpart to Thor.*

    Amora - How does it feel to be a full god again?

    *She gets up and walks up to Thor. His counterpart who remains seated in his

    throne disappears leaving only Amora facing Thor.*

    *Amora puts a hand over Thor chest.*

    Amora You could have had everything back, all you needed

    *Thor grabs her wrist brusquely to move away her hand.*

    Thor With you? I rather be mortal!

    *Amoras has an angry expression now.*

    Amora Have it your way then!

    *Her eyes turn red and she starts laughing. Her body starts to turn to ice and

    grows abruptly. Thor has now a huge frost giant in front of him. Amoras voice

    transforms itself as well into a strong grunt.*

    Thor *his eyes widening* Uhh, Amora you might have overdone it a little too

    much this time.

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    *The giant groans and attacks Thor and he fights back with his hammer which

    starts to irradiate light.*

    *Thor jumps and hits the giant with all of his strength. The creature stops and a

    sound of cracking is heard, from the area where the hammer had targeted cracksstart to emerge and spread all over the giants body, it falls apart with a groan.

    Thor jumps backwards to avoid the pieces of ice from the giants body.*

    *Thor is staring at the fallen pieces when he hears a familiar sound, it looks like a

    crow. He turns around and sees that hes no longer tarpped in na ice cave, the

    inclosured place he was in gives now space to a forest with thick vegetation

    covered by snow.*

    *Then he sees a pair of crows on a tree branch.*

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    ThorThe crows, they can only be a sign from Odin

    *Thor starts singing.*

    O Heavenly father please lend me an ear!

    Heavingly father! Please give me a sign!

    Its because of Loki, that we were sent here.

    What must I do? If you are of a mind.

    *From the sky rumbles an answer.*

    *Below the tree barnd where the crows had landed a stone with the Symbol of Odin

    appears The Eye of Odin - and Odins voice echoes.*

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    If you can find it,

    It will help you along the way!


    What is it?


    If you want me to answer

    Then your heart has gone astray


    Please father tell me what is it??


    Deep inside you know the answer

    Its finely crafted and elven made.

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    Thor:This I know it!


    What is it? Tell me son?


    In my minds eye it shows it!


    What is it then?


    Father please! Its on the tip of my tongue!


    Tell us!



    *Thor collapeses to the ground. A familiar object appears for him in the light.*


    I know it! Its Mjolnir!

    Wielding of thunder and lightning!

    Mjolnir! For foes it utteringly frightening!

    For heroes its a vision of beauty!

    I can almost feel it in my hand!

    I beckon it with a simple command!


    Grab it son!


    Its almost in my hand!

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    *Thor reaches out to the hammer. Just when hes about to touch it a huge serpeant

    appears in its place.*


    *Thors eyes widden as the serpents mouth gets closer; he moves away from the

    creature and just as the serpent is about to catch Thor it evaporates in the air.*

    Thor:What must I do? Father?

    *Thor finds himself mortal again and drops to his knees. The screen grows black.*


    *In the meanwhile somewhere else Joan lying on her belly, she wakes up wakes up

    on a marble floor, with the sound of a gloomy laughter that makes her skin crawl.

    Shes in a throne room.*

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    Male voice *mockingly* Well well what do we have here?

    *A built up man with red hair and long bear dressed with animal skins is seated in a

    throne. On each side of the throne two defiant dogs. *

    Joan *eyes widening* - Mord!

    *Mord continues laughing.*


    From Episode 9 The Valkyries

    *A group of men carrying peasant girls, probably from a near village. A huge manprobably the leader is dragging a young girl by her hair while she screams.*

    Younger Joan Please no, let me go!

    Warlord *laughs* - Not before I have my fun.

    *He starts ripping her clothes off, but she fights back hindering his moves and with

    this he punches her on the face.*

    Female voice - Like beating up women do you?

    *He turns back, but sees no one.*

    *Anaxenite jumps down from a tree*

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    Anaxenite Well Im one what are you waiting for?

    Warlord How dare you!?

    *He charges at her lunching a punch. Ana grabs his hand and twists his fist. He

    screams in pain. With his other hand he tries to grab her, she catches the other

    hand to and kicks him in the gut making him lose his balance and stumble. Hes

    really pissed now, gets up, and grabs a sword.*

    AnaxeniteI see you still didnt get it did you? *unsheathes one of her swords


    Warlord Get what?

    Anaxenite *looking at the blade of her sword* - That you cant beat me.

    *Hes pissed with what she said, her attitude and because no one has ever

    humiliated him like, well no woman as that. He strikes with all the strength he has,

    but hes unfocused with rage and with this Ana doesnt even need to break a sweat

    to deflect his blow, disarming him in the process.*

    Warlord Who are you?

    Anaxenite - Anaxenite, *his eyes widen in shock* rings a bell? *mockingly*

    WarlordLord Lokis General!

    Anaxenite Thats right.

    Warlord Didnt know Lord Loki cared about peasants. What interest would he

    have in all of this?

    Anaxenite None. *of his questioning look* But I do, and right now its me you

    have to worry about. Too bad youre not really a challenge, spoils all the fun, but do

    what?You know I dont have time for this, for your own sake get away from here

    and take your scum with you *indicating his warriors*.

    Warlord I dont care who you are, no one talks to me like that, especially not a


    Anaxenite *twists her nose* You really do have a problem with women dontcha?

    *mockingly* - What momma treated you bad during childhood or something?

    *The warlord calls his men.*

    Warlord to his men Kill her!!

    Anaxenite hmm I might have some fun after all.

    *The warlords men attack Anaxenite, she spares with several at the same time

    using her both swords now. She deals with the situation like a daily exercise,

    knocking the soldiers down while the peasant girl she has just saved watches with


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    *When the warlord sees that this fight is of no use orders his men to retreat, and

    they all leave with him, well the men who could still move as that.*

    *The peasant girl approaches Anaxenite carefully.*

    Younger Joan to Anaxenite That was incredible.

    Anaxenite What this? *pointing a sword to the fallen men* You kidding me

    right? You all right? *looks her over* No big damage, good, Im on the move then.

    *heads towards the place where she had left her horse*

    Younger Joan *follows her* Wait!

    Anaxenite *looks at her* - What is it?

    Younger Joan Can you teach me how to fight? Please I want to know how to

    defend myself and my family.

    Anaxenite This is not for you, go home and take the other girls with you to

    safety. *gets on her horse*

    Younger Joan *shouting* - By the way my name is Joan! Thank you for your help!

    *keeps looking after Ana until shes out of sight.*

    ***End of Flashback***



    So good you still remember me

    Its always good the fear to see

    No Champion on the run

    So no one to spoil my fun

    Joan Oh yeah how about myself?


    You? Please dont make me laugh

    Without your friend to back you up

    Just a thought and youd be death

    So keep your pretty mouth shut

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    Joan Try me!

    *Mords guards get into the throne room at attack Joan. She disarms the first

    opponent with her boleadoras and gives him a powerful kick in his midsection he

    falls back taking another guard to the floor with him. Joan grabs the guards sword

    and fights the other guards knocking them out cold. Mords dogs attack as well butJoan hits them with her boleadoras.*


    Youre wrong, Ana gave me the tools

    I fight beside her against the odd

    Cheer pleasure to break my rules

    And make you taste this sword

    *As she points the swords towards Mord, the bodies of the guards disintegrate as

    well as the dogs. Mord is no longer laughing and his body starts to fade away as



    *Back to where Anaxenite is.*

    *Shes looking thoughtfully at the spot where Thor has just disappeared.*

    Female voice *calm* Anaxenite.

    *Ana turns back and sees two beautiful women with water by their waist, they are

    scantily dressed with white garments and golden adorns on their heads and arms.

    They speak with calm voices and have a gentle manner that transmit only peace.*

    Female voice 1Dont be afraid. We mean to harm.

    Female voice 2 I am Jayna.

    Female voice 1 And I am Joreid.

    Female voice 2We are you aunts, your mothers sisters.

    *The nymphs start singing.*


    The gods smiled on you child

    You have a very important path

    The roles of your destiny are wild

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    Many challenges youve to accept


    The nymph in you loves deeply

    The warrior surpasses everything

    The human element bleeds truly

    Before the demise of each eye blink


    In the Renden Woods its always Spring

    Every single element has a spirit within

    Weve created the necklace you possess

    To help you in the forthcoming quest

    *Ana removes the necklace from her neck and holds it.*


    You speak in riddles I cantunderstand

    What power do I have now in my hand?


    You will know when the time comes

    Nymphs do not harm any creature

    But thats a rule with two edges

    Neither can they hurt what is pure

    *A ray of sunny light focus on the necklace Ana is holding, the two interlaced

    snakes start to move and to form the shape of Runes irradiating light from the blue

    stone. Anaxenite looks at the Runes in surprise and confusion.*

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    Anaxenite Mjolnir!?

    *The Runes dissolve and in their place the two interlaced snakes remain again. Ana

    is about to inquire the Nymphs about the meaning of what had just happened why

    Thors hammer had appeared in her necklace but they are no longer there.*


    *Back at Thor, hes on his knees, all is dark around him; suddenly he feels

    someone touching his shoulder and light coming from behind him. He turns his

    head back and sees Anaxenite shes involved in light. She offers her hand to him as

    she starts singing.*


    Youre not alone Im here with you

    And though this road is raw

    We will pull this all through

    I wont allow your faith flaw

    *Thor now standing and still holding her hand sings back at her, his defeated

    expression changing to one of hope.*


    Together! We see it to the end!

    Together! With me and my friends!

    It is fate that brought us to this land!

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    And together here we stand!

    Thor and Ana in unison:

    Cant be done alone!

    Cant make it home!

    But together here we stand!

    To liberate this land!

    Together! Together! Together!


    *Thor, Anaxenite, and Joan appear unconscious near the entrance of the cave. The

    lake is now intact again.*

    *Thor who is lying down on his stomach stirs and opens his eyes.*

    Thor Heyis everyone alright?

    *Anaxenite and Joan start getting up.*

    Joan *shaken* Yeah, I think.

    AnaxeniteThat waswell quite of a dreamor nightmare.

    Thor Yeah

    *Theres a flash ofgreen light and three figures materialize in the cave they are

    wearing long cloaks with hoods.*

    Anaxenite What now? Who are you?

    Female voice 1 We are the Norns

    Female voice 2 - ...thenortherngoddesses of destiny

    Female voice 3 - we represent the fate, the being, and the necessity.

    *One of the figures removes their hood revealing a young girl.*

    Female voice 1 I am Urd and represent what has been

    *The second figure also removes her hood, its a woman around her thirties.*

    Female voice 2I am Skuld and represent what is...

    *The third figure removes her hood as well, its an old lady.*

    Female voice 3and I am Verandy and represent what is to come.

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    Thor *warily and with irony*Norns! Havent seen you in a while; I see your style

    havent changed. What was this all about?

    Urd God of Thunder

    Skuld - we are answering to a prayer

    Verandy there are pieces you must put together

    Urd demons from the past that must be solved

    Skuld for your present quest

    Verandy to be successful in the future.

    *They disappear as fast as they had appeared involved in green smoke.*

    *The trio just stares at the spot where they had just disappeared.*

    Joan to Thor Do they always talk like that?

    Thor *casually* - Yup.

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    Anaxenite Seems the weather got better. What about we leave this place huh?

    Thor and Joan *in unison* Definitely!

    Anaxenite *smirks* - Thought so.


    *The trio continues their way to Egils house.*

    Thor There!Thats his house.

    Joan About time! I can barely feel my feet and hands, Im freezing!

    *When they get to Egils house he is at the front door.*

    Egil - Welcome I was expecting you.

    Thor - How did you know we were coming now?

    Egil Oh cmon Thor! Underestimating me are you?

    Thor *chuckles* - No my friend.

    Egil Please come in. I guess a nice fireplace will feel like heaven for you now.

    Joan *smirks* You have no idea!

    Anaxenite *surveying around* You have a very nice place Egil.

    Egil Thank you.

    EgilIts a pleasure finally meeting your friends Thor. *turns to the women* - The

    Champion of Asgard and her friend Joan. *smiles*

    Anaxenite The pleasure is all ours.

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    Egil So how was your trip here?


    AnaxeniteThats an understatement.

    Thor We took refuge in a cave when the weather got worse. And well weirdthings happened in there. We had some weird dreams and then a visit from the

    Egil The Norns, Goddesses of Destiny.

    ThorHow? Oh one of your visions my friend?

    Egil No, not this time.

    *Thor looks at him in confusion.*

    Egil I prayed for guidance, for you and your companions to be helped on your


    Thor So you prayed to the Norns?

    Egil Yes.

    Thor Last time I checked they are very reserved so to speak. How did you

    manage to get to them?

    Egil That wasnt too hard. Thor theres something you need to know. I didnt tell

    you sooner because it was the rightful timeIm Odins emissary, I was chosen by

    your father to guide you in the mortal plan.

    *Thor looks shock but then recomposes himself.*

    Thor The All Father has his meansknow what?...I dont think he could have

    picked someone better than you for the job.

    Egil What you experienced in that cave were more than mere dreams. They bring

    with them warnings and clues that you should take under consideration because

    they may serve you well in the future. Those dreams have also the purpose of

    helping you breaking old bonds that somehow are an obstacle to what you have yet

    to face.