EPA Update to the Moffett Restoration Advisory Board Regarding Vapor Intrusion

EPA Vapor Intrusion Update Former NAS Moffett Field Former NAS Moffett Field Restoration Advisory Board Meeting September 8, 2011 Alana Lee EPA R i 9 EPA Region 9 [email protected]

Transcript of EPA Update to the Moffett Restoration Advisory Board Regarding Vapor Intrusion

Page 1: EPA Update to the Moffett Restoration Advisory Board Regarding Vapor Intrusion

EPA Vapor Intrusion Update

Former NAS Moffett FieldFormer NAS Moffett FieldRestoration Advisory Board Meeting

September 8, 2011

Alana LeeEPA R i 9EPA Region 9

[email protected]

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Vapor Intrusion Study Area – Moffett Field Area and MEW Area

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Estimated Extent of Regional TCE Shallow Groundwater Plume

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Sampling Status of “Unsampled” Buildings -Moffett Field Area - North of Highway 101

12 Currently Occupied Buildings To Be Sampled by

12 Currently Occupied Buildings Sampled by MEW July 2011

23 569

Buildings To Be Sampled by NASA – Sept/October 2011

Sampled by MEW – July 2011

N14423 56948 583C

146 583A


N212146 583A503 583B543 596


N240543 596554 944




T20GBuilding –Specific Indoor Air Sampling Reports – Sept 13, 2011

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Implementation of Vapor Intrusion Remedy - Progress and Schedule

• EPA Statement of Work – Remedial Design & Remedial Action Work Requirements & Schedule - August 2011Action Work Requirements & Schedule August 2011includes Building-specific and Site-wide Work Plans,Sampling, Long-term Operations, Monitoring, and Maintenance Institutional Controls ReportingMaintenance, Institutional Controls, Reporting

• Amended Consent Decree to DOJ – Sept 2011p• Amended 106 Order - Sept 2011

Sit id S li W k Pl t D t i R• Site-wide Sampling Work Plan to Determine Response Action Tier - Sept 29, 2011


• Upcoming Sampling and reporting – Sept 2011 on

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For More Information - Websites

NASA: environment arc nasa gov/reports/vapor htmlenvironment.arc.nasa.gov/reports/vapor.html environment.arc.nasa.gov/maps/vapor.html

EPA: www.epa.gov/region9/mewwww.epa.gov/region9/mewwww.epa.gov/region9/moffettfieldwww.epa.gov/oswer/vaporintrusion/ p g p