Envoirnmental Effects Due to Chemicals and Fluff in Apparel Industry




Transcript of Envoirnmental Effects Due to Chemicals and Fluff in Apparel Industry



    Presented by

    Moeen-Ud Deen chishty. Institute of Textile and Industrial Sciences University of Management and technology


  • During the past few decades the awareness regarding the environmental problem has increased and its become a major issue and the customer focused towards the quality and safety standards has increased.

    The textile industry seems to be condemned as being one of the worlds worst lawbreakers in the field of pollution. When this water is drained as a waste water the PH level, the contamination, effluents, toxic wastes, and not considerable which is unhealthy for both the human and aquatic life.

    Breathing in polluted environment and inhale the cotton dust after a regular interval of time creates major problems like lung cancer called brown lung or byssinosis.

  • Most of the dyes, pigments, and process related to the garment wet processing create problem for the environment. Generally environmental problem is linked with the water, because the waste water which is drained contains untreated effluent and there are different toxic chemical in water. Due to its un-healthy nature water is more dangerous for aquatic life.

    The major wastes from the apparel industry are fibers, broken yarns, packing wastes and cartons. The line particle which is in the micron size 1 micro meter to 2 micro meters (depending upon its range) creates problems during respiration process.

    These unhealthy environments create problems like lungs cancer, cough, etc

  • Every industry has particular process for the manufacturing specific product. There are several numbers of chemical processes, and mechanical processes involve in the garments industry and each process has its own significance on environment.

    This impact starts with the cultivation of natural fibers. During the past few decades the awareness regarding the environmental problem has increased and its become a major issue and the customer focused towards the quality and safety standards has increased major works in the garments industry are Dyeing, cutting, sewing, cleaning and finishing and packaging of that product.

  • Every cloth is dipped in different chemicals by using different methods to achieve the definite color (according to its pantone number). To achieve specific property like fire resistant water resistant and etc. different finishes are used. Many fabric actions have been done before the material is transported to the garments factory for the stitching.

    The textile industry seems to be condemned as being one of the worlds worst lawbreakers in the field of pollution, because its required a great amount of two components:

    Water (Basic element) Chemicals (dyes, pigments, fixing agents, etc.)

  • In the textile industry more than 2000 chemicals are used, which is starting from the basic dyeing, fixing, and washing of that particular garment.

    Chemical ranges different dyes which include vat dyes, sulphr dyes, metal dyes, direct dyes, etc. which imparts harmful effect on the water different auxalries and Surfactance which contain very harmful chemicals are also being used in the textile fabric dyeing.

    These chemicals have a crucial effect on both environments on human health.

  • Water is a universal solvent. Water is the major source that is quickly become infrequent. Water played an important role in the garments factory like washing, printing, dyeing, finishing of the specific product which is according to the customers demand.

    But the major issue related to the water is, after processing water becomes full of condiments and it drained as wastewater which turned into pollutants:-

    Due to effluents heat. (Most of the effluents are generally hot having alkalinity condition and strong smelling in coloring process).

    Due to increase in its PH. (Solutions having PH level less than 7 are acidic and solutions having PH greater than 7 are basic or alkaline. Pure drinking water has a PH level very close to 7).

    And because it is saturated with dyes, bleaches, equalizers, and many further compounds used through the processes.

  • Some of the chemicals included dyes; pigments are cancer-causing and can lower down the dissolved oxygen content in the receiving water, which is harmful for the marine life and low down the water quality downstream.

    According to June 5, 2005 article in business week, the pollution that is allergic to chemical will grow to 60 percent by the year 2020.

    Much of the chemicals such as alum, and copper sulfate can create itching problem to your skin and create rashes, allergic, or breathing problems.

    Others hazardous are more dangerous such as potassium dichromate and tanning acid and cause cancer as well along with the other health problems. Many people can dye off their hands with solvents. It is easy and it removes the dye quickly, but solvents can damage your skin.

  • Another process which played an important role in garments producing industry is garments finishing. After sewing the garments this will again processed to add some additional qualities or colors. In that dept. the line workers correct the mistakes like, oil spot, dirt mark on the garment.

    Some jeans are acid washed workers spray like potassium permanganate bleach chlorine bleach, etc to make the look of the garment worn.

    Occasionally jeans are tied or twisted to create different patterns. Different Bleaches uses in the industry but the most dangerous are

    acid washed which can burn or damage your skin and create irritation to different human parts. (Eyes, nose, throat, etc.).

  • Potassium permanganate bleach is also unhealthy for human being they create problems like fertility for men and women, and liver and kidney problems or it may cause cancer

    Other method to lighten the denim in which high pressure contain machine sprayed on denim with sand. This is most dangerous for workers. Sand blasting is much powerful than sanding method used by hand. Sanding technique used by hand effect the human health and more dangerous for the working environment in that zone, because there is no much proper exhaust and ventilation system is available.

  • Cutting is the one of the major process in the apparel/garments industry before stitching.

    Fabric is treated with metallic knife/blade of different kinds to cut the fabrics into garments parts. During cutting if the blade is not sharpen of the fabric type is not similar to that cutting process then cutting is not properly done. And different fault occurs like frayed edged remain uncut during the cutting process.

  • The commonly automatic process which is being used in the automatic cutting are:-

    Circular cutter Straight Knives Laser cutting. Water jet cutting.

  • As the person is treated with the chemically treated fabric in the cutting section the lint (short fibers, frayed edges) remain attached with the fabric and cut through knife to make the fabric neat and clean.

    In the garments manufacturing industry dust is generally created during the cutting, trim, and sewing of fabrics. Fabric dust is dangerous for human being and the dust from fabric which is chemically treated is more dangerous for human health.

    In the Sewing Section of the garments manufacturing industry when the cutting parts are placed for stitch the improper cut parts are again cut by using knife, or by notches. These separate yarns or edges create dust or remain in mobile form in the environment.

    There are different sewing machines which creates is responsible to create the environmental fluff like over lock. The edges are cut to make them a proper shape but having no vacuum suction which imparts as creating dusty environment in the cutting area

  • During respiration process we inhale in the polluted air in which lint (short fibers) are scattered. The dust from the cotton and other man-made fibers like polyester, nomex, Kevlar, carbon, etc. (made from the hydrocarbons) are more dangerous cause major breathing problems like:-

    Dry and creating itching in nose. Dry cough that never go easily Heavy trouble in breathing. Major signs of these problems are: Chest problems Wheezing Bronchitis the keeps coming back. Cold or allergy marks.

  • According to the Dept of pulmonary medicine, R.G.Kar College, Kolkata, more than 800, 00 workers are died in the cotton, flax, and rope-making industries due to the byssinosis. In the United States, byssinosis is almost completely limited to workers who handle natural cotton. More than 35,000 textile workers have been disabled by byssinosis and 183 died between 1979 and 1992. The major deaths due to byssinosis are related to the textile industries.

  • Before drainage of the waste water the PH level of that water must be neutral.

    All the toxic waste and contamination must be recycled. The labor must aware about the chemicals, dyes, etc. There are some international bodies like ASTM (American society

    for Testing & Materials), ISO (International Standards Organization) GOTS (Global organic textile standards) which is responsible for the companys standardization. That organization must full fill the particular standards to be certified.

    During work all the PPE (personal protective equipment) should be wear.

  • In the Textile industry ventilation system is properly working to keep the environment neat and clean.

    The vacuum is applied to clean the working area. Wear the respirators and other equipments like mask, gloves, etc

    during working. Stop smoking in the working area it may cause to inhale the dust. During finishing of the garments wash your work stations first. The first aid must be nearby to the workers. Safety first point should be implemented in organization. By applying the Iso standards the organization can achieve the

    benefits like Profitability, Market access, Economic growth, less production time, air trade and Waste reduction.

    By recycling the waste water the organization can achieve multiple profits like increase in process efficiency, process cost reduced, etc.

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    Safety and Hazardous Atmosphere in Textile Industries.