Environmental Science -1_1

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  • 8/4/2019 Environmental Science -1_1


    Environmental ScienceEnvironmental Science

  • 8/4/2019 Environmental Science -1_1


    Contributing Faculty

    M.M. Ghangrekar, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorDepartment of Civil Engineering(Section-2 Coordinator)

    A K Gupta, Ph.D.Associate Professor,

    Civil Engineering

    M K Dash, Ph.D.Assistant Professor,

    Oceans, Rivers, Atmosphere and Land Sciences

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    Tentative time


    Participating Facul

    1 M M G

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    Thickness of Different structure of Earth

    Crust 5km 70km

    Mantle 2900km

    Outer core 2300kmInner core 1200km

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    The outermost layer of the Earth is the crust.

    This comprises the continents and ocean basins.

    The crust has a variable thickness, being 35-70 km thick in the continents

    and 5-10 km thick in the ocean basins.

    The crust is composed mainly ofalumino silicates.


    The next layer to the crust is the mantle, which is composed mainly of

    ferro-magnesium silicates.

    Its thickness is about about 2900 km and is separated into the upper and

    lower mantle.

    This is where most of the internal heat of the Earth is located. Large

    convective cells in the mantle circulate heat and may drive plate tectonicprocesses.

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    The last layer is the core, which is separated into the liquid outer core

    and the solid inner core.

    The outer core is 2300 km thick and the inner core is 1200 km thick.

    The outer core is composed mainly of a nickel-iron alloy, while the

    inner core is almost entirely composed of iron.

    Earth's magnetic field is believed to be controlled by the liquid outer


    The Earth is separated into layers based on mechanical properties in addition

    to composition. The topmost layer is the lithosphere, which is comprised of thecrust and solid portion of the upper mantle. The lithosphere is divided into

    many plates that move in relation to each other due to tectonic forces.

    The lithosphere essentially floats atop a semi-liquid layer known as the

    asthenosphere. This layer allows the solid lithosphere to move around since

    the asthenosphere is much weaker than the lithosphere.

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    (The topmost layer is the lithosphere, which is comprised of the crust and solidportion of the upper mantle)


    ( Reservoir contains voids,

    allowing Flow of liquid into its

    main body )



    (The reservoir which yields water

    easily, economically)


    (Ex. Clay)

    Porous Fractured Karstic

    (Basing on water bearing property)

    (Basing on water yield)

    (Depending on the geological evolution of void space)

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    Porous Medium

    Such a medium includes countless irregular voids of random sizes and

    shapes comprising pore spaces, which are also referred to as the interstices

    between the individual solid particles of sand or pebbles

    Each pore is connected with adjacent ones by constricted channels of

    different sizes

    collectively, pores and channels may form a completely interconnected

    network of voids through which water can move in various directions

    such a set up in rock mass will be referred to as the porous medium

    Smaller grain sizes of solid particles the more the regular the flow path

    In a coarse-grained medium the water will meet less resistance from thefrom the solids but the flow path is more irregular and the flow rate has greater

    amplitudes of fluctuations

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    Porous Reservoir

    Fluvial Sand Dunes Glacial Sedimentary

    Alluvial Deposit

    Eskers Kames

    Clastic Non-Clastic

    Alluvial Fans

    Alluvial FillsDelta


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    Alluvial Fans

    An alluvial fan is a fan-shaped

    deposit formed where a fast

    flowing stream flattens, slows,

    and spreads typically at the exit

    of a caynon onto a flatter plain.

    A convergence of neighbouring

    alluvial fans into a single apron

    of deposits against a slope is

    called a bajada, or compoundalluvial fan.

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    Formation of Alluvial Fans:

    These formations are fluvial origin

    and occur where a stream leaves a

    steep valley and slows down as itenters a plain

    Owing to the slowing of flow,

    coarse-grained solid material

    carried by the water is dropped. As

    this reduces the capacity of the

    channel, the channel will change

    direction over time, gradually

    building up a slightly mounded or

    shallow conical fan shape.

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    This fan shape can also be

    explained with a thermodynamic


    the system of sediment

    introduced at the apex of the fan

    will tend to a state which

    minimizes the sum of the

    transport energy involved inmoving the sediment and the

    gravitational potential of material

    in the cone.

    There will be iso-transport energy lines forming concentric arcs about the

    discharge point at the apex of the fan. Thus the material will tend to be deposited

    equally about these lines, forming the characteristic cone shape.

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    Alluvial Fan are very noticeable and abound especially in arid and

    semiarid regions

    The growth of alluvial Fan was initiated when the climate was more humid

    and rain fall was abundant

    The extent of Alluvial Fan depends on the drainage basin , slope, size,

    climate and characteristics of rocks in the source area

    the fine grained debris is deposited further downstream and may be

    cross bedded, massive or thick bedded

    Groundwater flow in alluvial fans is replenished by percolation of river


    Most often the water appear in the form of springs, otherwise it may

    continue its journey further downstream where it emerges as surface flow

    Alluvial fans provide groundwater in coastal deserts areas. In arid regions

    they are the potential source of aquifers.

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    Alluvial Fills

    Alluvial Fill are the result of an existing

    valley being filled with alluvium.

    The valley may fill with alluvium for many

    different reasons including: an influx in

    bed load due to glaciation or change in

    carrying capacity which causes the

    valley, that was down cut by the stream,

    to be filled in with material (Easterbrook).

    The stream will continue to deposit

    material until an equilibrium is reached

    and the stream can transport the material

    rather than deposit it.

    This equilibrium may last for a very short

    period, such as, after glaciation, or for a

    very long time if the conditions do not


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    The fill terrace is created when the

    conditions change again and the streamstarts to incise into the material that it

    deposited in the valley.

    Once this occurs benches composed

    completely of alluvium form on the sides

    of the valley.

    The upper most benches are the fill

    terraces. As the stream continues to cut

    down through the alluvium the fill

    terraces are left above the river channel

    (sometimes 100 m or more).

    The fill terrace is only the very highest

    terrace resulting from the depositional

    episode, if there are multiple terraces

    below the fill terrace these are called cut-


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    These are formed as a result of weathering and the water in fills or where

    the relief is favorable and the rainfall sufficient to provide the driving force for


    Gravels which are coarsest product of erosion are moved shorter

    distance from their source and are deposited in more restricted areas than sand

    clay and mod

    Fluvial gravels are wide spread, especially in arid regions, where they fill

    the valleys of rivers, surface depressions or fault zones

    Alluvial fills in arid regions are known as Wadis

    The groundwater is found in the voids of Gravels. They make up potential

    groundwater reservoir for local use

    In arid regions these are the primary locations for water-well excavation

    to supply the nearby villages

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    A delta is a landform where the mouth of a

    river flows into an ocean, sea, estuary, lake

    or another river.

    A delta is formed only when a channel

    deposits sediment into another body of


    It builds up sediment outwards into the flatarea which the river's flow encounters (as a

    deltaic deposit) transported by the water

    and set down as the currents slow.

    Deltaic deposits of larger, heavily-laden

    rivers are characterized by the main

    channel dividing amongst often substantial

    land masses into multiple streams known

    as distributaries.Nile river Delta

    Delta Deposits

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    Nile river Delta

    These divide and come together again

    to form a maze of active and inactive


    The deposit at the mouth of a river is

    usually triangular in shape and size.

    The triangular shape and the increased

    width at the base are due to blocking ofthe river mouth, with resulting

    continual formation of distributaries at

    angles to the original course.

    A delta can sometimes be

    misinterpreted as an alluvial fan.

    The two terms, however, are not


    A delta is formed in water and an

    alluvial fan occurs on land.

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    Delta is a subarea and submerged contiguous sediment mass

    deposited in a body of water (Ocean or Lake) primarily by action of river

    they are terrestrial depositions, not marine. However marine sedimentsmay be incorporated in delta fronts intercalating with alluvial deposits if

    phases of subsidence alternate with phases of delta make up

    Deltas are at the downstream ends of the basin, both the gradient and

    the flow velocity decreases and suspended sediments and the bed loads

    consequently settle down

    Deltas are always associated with water and because of flat

    topography, the water table occurs within few meters of the ground surface

    The groundwater table elevations in deltas are fairly constant,

    reflecting the elevation of the nearby water body

    There is always salt water intrusion into the fresh groundwater body

    from the oceans. The extent of intrusion depends upon the difference in

    elevation between groundwater table in the delta and the ocean surface as well

    as the nature of the delta

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    Coastal Plain DepositsCoastal Plain Deposits

    Coastal plains are found all over the world as unconsolidated sediments, boundedCoastal plains are found all over the world as unconsolidated sediments, boundedon the continental sides by a highland such as cliff, reef, hill etc. and spread on theon the continental sides by a highland such as cliff, reef, hill etc. and spread on themarine side by a shore line from a surface water body, either a lake or oceanmarine side by a shore line from a surface water body, either a lake or ocean

    Coastal plains include deposits of both continental and marine origin. Close to theCoastal plains include deposits of both continental and marine origin. Close to thefoothill of highlands continental deposits predominates gradually giving place tofoothill of highlands continental deposits predominates gradually giving place tomarine deposits seawardmarine deposits seaward

    With regular tidal fluctuations these two types of deposit become intercalatedWith regular tidal fluctuations these two types of deposit become intercalated

    The source of supply may be rives, ice, wind and coastal erosionThe source of supply may be rives, ice, wind and coastal erosion

    Fresh groundwater occurs in some areas of the coastal plain where there are noFresh groundwater occurs in some areas of the coastal plain where there are novalley deposits in the hinterlands. This water is provided directly from the rainfall andvalley deposits in the hinterlands. This water is provided directly from the rainfall andindirectly from inflow of water from the adjacent hillsindirectly from inflow of water from the adjacent hills

    coastal plain formations can acts as a groundwater reservoir by hloding the freshcoastal plain formations can acts as a groundwater reservoir by hloding the freshwater supplies slightly above sea level and the salt water tablewater supplies slightly above sea level and the salt water table

    S d D

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    Sand DunesIn physical geography, a dune is a

    hill of sand built by aeolian


    Dunes are subject to different

    forms and sizes based on their

    interaction with the wind.

    Most kinds of dune are longer on

    the windward side where the sandis pushed up the dune, and a

    shorter "slip face" in the lee of the


    The "valley" or trough betweendunes is called a slack.

    A "dune field" is an area covered

    by extensive sand dunes. Large

    dune fields are known as ergs

    Direction of wind flow

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    Dunes are accumulated wind deposits consisting of sand size

    particles. The unequal side slopes reflect the dominant wind direction

    They are the most isotropic and homogeneous deposits in nature

    Sand dune materials are of uniform size and allow rapid

    infiltration and percolation of rain fall. The geological layers underlying

    the sand dunes may offer suitable groundwater supplies

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    Glacial Deposits

    Any deposit that owes its origin

    more or less directly to the grinding action

    of glaciers is referred as glacial deposit

    They provide poorly sorted porous

    medium, which has clasts of many sizes

    including boulders and therefore may

    provide a potential source for groundwater,

    for example: Northern U.S.A., Canada,

    Europe deposits formed by continental

    glaciers furnish significant water reservoir

    The void ratio of the glacial

    deposits are high at the till source but

    decreases with the distance travel away


    Much of the debris transported by

    glaciers is either deposited near the down-

    glacier margins or laid out as outwash

    along the downstream course


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    Glacial Flow Path

    Glaciers forms a V-shape valley

    Glacial Deposits are of two types:

    (1) Esker

    (2) Kame

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    Most eskers are believed to form inice-walled tunnels by streams which

    flowed within and under glaciers.

    After the retaining ice walls melt

    away, stream deposits remain as long

    winding ridges.

    Eskers may also form above glaciers

    by accumulation of sediment in

    supraglacial channels, in crevasses,

    in linear zones between stagnant

    blocks, or in narrow embayment atglacier margins.

    Eskers form near the terminal zone of

    glaciers, where the ice is not moving

    as fast and is relatively thin

    Terraces along ridges of glacifluvial material laying roughly parallel to the

    direction offormer ice flow are usually termed as Eskers.

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    The rate of plastic flow and melting

    of the basal ice determines the size

    and shape of the sub-glacial tunnel.

    This in turn determines the shape,

    composition and structure of anesker.

    Eskers may exist as a single channel,

    or may be part of a branching system

    with tributary eskers.

    They are not often found as

    continuous ridges, but have gaps

    that separate the winding segments.

    The ridge crests of eskers are not

    usually level for very long, and aregenerally knobby.

    Eskers may be broad-crested or

    sharp-crested with steep sides They

    can reach hundreds of kilometers in


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    The concentration of rock debris in the ice and the rate at which sediment

    is delivered to the tunnel by melting and from upstream transport

    determines the amount of sediment in an esker.

    The sediment generally consists of coarse-grained, water-laid sand and

    gravel, although gravelly loam may be found where the rock debris is rich

    in clay.

    This sediment is stratified and sorted, and usually consists of

    pebble/cobble-sized material with occasional boulders.

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    Bed Rock


    Glacial fluvial Deposits


    A kame is a geological feature, an irregularly shaped hill or mound composed

    of sand, gravel and till that accumulates in a depression on a retreating glacier,

    and is then deposited on the land surface with further melting of the glacier.

    Kame terraces are frequently found

    along the side of a glacial valley and

    are the deposits of meltwater

    streams flowing between the ice andthe adjacent valley side.

    These kame terraces tend to look like

    long flat benches, with a lot of pits

    on the surface made by kettles.

    They tend to slope downvalley with

    gradients similar to the glacier

    surface along which they formed,

    and can sometimes be found paired

    on opposite sides of a valley.

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    Bed Rock


    Glacial fluvial Deposits

    Usually forms both banks

    of the valley

    Their formation involves

    two major steps

    (1) During the existence of valley glacier, melt water streams run

    along the sides of the valley building up lateral terraces

    (2) With the disappearance of the glacier existing glacifluvial deposits

    on both valley sides collapse to form kames

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    Clastic sedimentary rocks are rocks

    composed predominantly of broken pieces

    or clasts of older weathered and eroded


    They recognize by their clastic texture

    where nither chemical nor biological

    precipitation nor accumulations of organic

    material has been involved in their


    Clastic sediments or sedimentary rocks are

    classified based on grain size, clast and

    cementing material (matrix) composition,

    and texture.

    Sedimentary Rocks

    Clastic sedimentary rocks Non-Clastic sedimentary rocks

    Clastic sedimentary rocks :

    sedimentary rocks

    F t d M di

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    Fractured Medium

    The fractures are defined as secondary structures in the form of planar

    on non planar surface with in a rock mass along which there is no


    Factures have developed as a result of pressure and temperature

    differences during and/or after the formation of the rock.

    Fractures occur chiefly in dense crystalline rocks.

    Major fractures are supercapillary size and/or fed by tributary fractures

    that are commonly capillary in size.

    Fractures are referred to in terms of relative strength of the force


    (1) Fault : Appreciable displacement has occurred in a fracture

    (2) Joint : There is no noticeable displacement is seen

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    Cause of Fracture:

    Tectonic movement that cause the earth crust to deform

    Change in rock volume due to the loss or gain of water,

    Change in rock volume due to temperature differences, specially in

    igneous rocks

    Characteristics of Fracture:

    The characteristics of the facture depends on the resistance offered by the

    rock to the force involved.

    For example: in hard rocks the fractures are extensive, large and dense

    compared to those of soft rocks

    The groundwater transmission characteristics of a fractured reservoir

    depends on the width, roughness, continuity, spacing and filling of the

    fractures and the kinematic viscosity of water.

    K ti M di

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    Karstic Medium

    Karstic domain is a product of the chemical reactions between the rock and water.

    It consists of sediments like limestone, dolomite, gypsum, halite and other soluble

    rocks to constitute the reservoir.

    Flow Channel in the Medium

    Karstic formations are fully

    developed in the humid and

    semi-arid regions where thelakes are usually

    interconnected with the

    underlying solution-cavity


    In the arid zones oases areformed within the karstic

    reservoirs. The solution cavity

    network transports the ground

    water flow from the deep-lying

    water-bearing formations

    towards these water bodies

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    Origin of Water

    meteoric Connate Juvenile


    The most groundwater is

    derived from the atmosphere

    in the form of rainfall, snow,

    hail, humidity etc. Water

    of this type is referred toas meteoric water. It

    takes part in Hydrological


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    It reaches to the earths

    surface either infiltrateddirectly through porous,

    fractured and Karstic

    media or accumulates as

    river, lakes or ponds fromwhich it reaches the

    groundwater storage.

    Water for domestic,

    agricultural and industryuse is mainly from such

    meteoric water

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    The water that was entrapped in the interstices of a sedimentary rockat the time of rock formation.

    It is the fossil water that has been cut off the hydrological cycle for at

    least an appreciable part of a geological period.

    They may be either terrestrial or marine water.

    It occurs at great depth. It has not undergone the present day

    hydrological cycle.

    It is rather salty.

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    This type of water is derived from igneous process with in thedepths of the earth.

    It is not taken part in any of the hydrological cycle.

    It can contribute unusually to the meteoric ground water it joins.

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    Zones of Water

    The subsurface water is divided into two major zones

    depending on the physical occurrence of water

    Soil Moisture Zone

    Intermediate Zone

    Capillary Zone

    Saturated Zone(Void Spaces are filled with Water)

    Unsaturated Zone: Void spaces are filled with water,

    moisture and air Free exchange of air occur in this

    zone Water in this zone is called

    Vadose water Pressure of ground water is less

    than atmospheric pressure

    Saturated Zone:

    Pressure of ground water is more

    than atmospheric pressure

    Un saturated Zone

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    Un-saturated Zone

    Soil Moisture Zone:

    Helpful for leaving of plants.

    Thick ness of soil-moisture zone depends upon the type of soil

    and climate of the area

    Deciding factors: soil suction and gravity

    Intermediate Zone:

    The water is bounded with the soil by the adhesive force

    between soil and the water molecules

    Capillary Zone :

    The water is hold by the capillary forces acting against


    Groundwater Table

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    Groundwater Table

    Soil Moisture Zone

    Intermediate Zone

    Capillary Zone

    Saturated Zone

    (Void Spaces are filled with Water)





    Groundwater Table

    The sub-surface depth where the groundwater pressure is equal to the atmospheric


    The water Table may change with season, topography and structural geology

    When the earths slanting surface intersect the water table springs are generated

    Some times they account for the base flow water levels in the water bodies

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    Based on the geological conditions, hydrological conditions and the groundwater

    pressure we divided the reserves into following categories:

    Aquifer: A geological formation of group of formations or part of formation that

    contains sufficient saturated permeable material to yield significant quantity of water

    using a water well.

    Aquiclude: This is a saturated geological formation which absorbs water slowly, but

    does not transport it fast enough to yield a significant supply for a well.

    Example: Clay layers

    Aquifuge: A geological formation with non-interconnected openings or interstices is

    called aquifuge. Neither it absorbs nor transmits water. It forms the base of the


    Aquitard: Any geological formation that transmits water at a slower rate than an

    aquifer. It is a transition between Aquifuge and Aquiclude.

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    Unconfined Confined LeakyPerched


    Confined Aquifer


    Unconfined Aquifer

    Unsaturated Zone


    Unconfined Aquifer:

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    Unconfined Aquifer:

    Groundwater table forms the upper

    boundary of the saturation zone

    They are subject to direct recharge fromthe infiltration, directly connected to the

    hydrological cycle

    Groundwater occurs at shallow depth,

    therefore contaminated easily

    Unsaturated Zone

    Saturated Zone


    Confined Aquifer:

    It consists of three layers.

    Pressure always above the atmosphericpressure

    Any well drilled in a confined aquifer will

    have water level elevation above the


    Unsaturated Zone

    Saturated Zone


    Groundwater Energy

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    Groundwater Energy

    Energy per unit volume is given by







    vEs ++= Specific Volume

    K.E. of Water(Velocity Head)

    Potential Energy

    (Elevation Head)

    Pressure Energy(Pressure Head)

    g ='

    Total Energy

    (Hydraulic Head)

    Piezometric Head()

    Groundwater Motion

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    Darcys Law













    )( 21 =

    It is an empirical Law.


    Groundwater moves continuously in a manner governed by established hydraulicprinciple under the influence of aquifers inherent and geometric features

    Flow is steady and laminar, no temperature variation

    gkK =

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    Rainfall at the rate 10mm/h falls on a strip of land 1km wide laying between two

    parallel canals with 2m difference in their levels. It is underlain by a horizontalimpermeable datum at 10m below the water surface of the lower canal.

    Assuming a permiability of 12m/d with vertical boundaries and all the filtered in to

    the soil, compute the discharge per meter length into both of the canals.

    Drainage Basin

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    Drainage Basin

    TributariesA drainage basin is an extent or area

    of land where water from rain andmelting snow or ice drains downhill

    into a body of water, such as a river,

    lake, reservoir, estuary, wetland, sea

    or ocean.

    The drainage basin includes both the

    streams and rivers that convey the

    water as well as the land surfaces from

    which water drains into thosechannels, and is separated from

    adjacent basins by a drainage divide.


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    A watershed is a basin-like landform defined by highpoints and ridgelines

    that descend into lower elevations and stream valleys. A watershed

    carries water "shed" from the land after rain falls and snow melts.

    Source of water:

    1. Precipitation : in the form of rain or snow

    2. Glacial Melt

    Way of Water (Particularly the Precipitated water)

    1. Infiltration : contribute to ground water, fountains

    2. Surface runoff

    Rain gauge data is used to measure total precipitation over a drainage basin, and there

    diff t t i t t th t d t

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    are different ways to interpret that data.

    Arithmetic mean: If the gauges are many and evenly distributed over an area of uniform

    precipitation, using the arithmetic mean method will give good results.

    Thiessen polygon: In this method, the watershed is divided into polygons with the rain

    gauge in the middle of each polygon assumed to be representative for the rainfall on the

    area of land included in its polygon. These polygons are made by drawing lines between

    gauges, then making perpendicular bisectors of those lines form the polygons.

    Isohyetal method: This method involves contours of equal precipitation are drawn overthe gauges on a map. Calculating the area between these curves and adding up the

    volume of water in each area.

    R i f ll R ff A l iR i f ll R ff A l i

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    Rainfall Runoff AnalysisRainfall Runoff Analysis

    Surface runoff is the water flow that occurs

    when soil is infiltrated to full capacity andexcess water from rain, melt-water, or other

    sources flows over the land.

    Runoff generation from rainfall over a catchment can be

    assumed to depend on factors Atmospheric condition over the catchment (Temperature, humidity,

    wind speed, ect.)

    The surface cover (type, distribution, interception, take up,

    evapotranspiration etc) Surface soil (type, permeability, porosity, etc)

    Terrain (slope, surface texture, etc)

    Geology (structure distribution, permeability, porosity,

    groundwater levels, etc)

    Generally the following processes are usually identified as

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    Generally the following processes are usually identified as

    taking place:

    Saturated zone flow


    Unsaturated Zone

    Saturated Zone



    ation at the


    Surface infiltration (surface

    cover, wetness of the soil)

    Rainfall can not infiltrate locally

    due to the intense nature of the


    Overland flow

    Unsaturated zone

    flow (surface tension

    of water, nature andstructure of the soil)

    Hydrograph and the catchments characteristics

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    The shape of the hydrograph depends on the characteristics of the catchment.

    The major factors are

    Shape of the catchment

    Size of the catchment


    rainfall intensity and duration

    spatial distribution of rainfall

    Shape of the Catchment

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    Shape of the Catchment

    Size of the Catchment:

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    Naturally, the volume of runoff expected for a given rainfall input would be

    proportional to the size of the catchment.

    But this apart, the response characteristics of large catchment ( say, a large riverbasin) is found to be significantly different from a small catchment (like agricultural

    plot) due to the relative importance of the different phases of runoff (overland flow,

    inter flow, base flow, etc.) for these two catchments.

    Further, it can be shown from the mathematical calculations of surface runoff on two

    impervious catchments (like urban areas, where infiltration becomes negligible) andthe plane area are different.


    Slope of the main stream cutting across the catchment and that of the valley sides or

    general land slope affects the shape of the hydrograph.

    Larger slopes generate more velocity than smaller slopes and hence can dispose off

    runoff faster. Hence, for smaller slopes, the balance between rainfall input and the

    runoff rate gets stored temporally over the area and is able to drain out gradually over

    time. Hence, for the same rainfall input to two catchments of the same area but with

    with different slopes, the one with a steeper slope would generate a hydrograph with

    steeper rising and falling limits.

    rainfall intensity and durationspatial distribution of rainfall

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    Assume now that only area A1 receives rainfall

    but the other areas do not, then since this

    region is nearest to the catchment outlet, the

    resulting hydrograph immediately rises. If the

    rainfall continues for a time more than t, then

    the hydrograph would reach a saturation equal

    to re.A1, where re is the intensity of the

    effective rainfall.

    rainfall intensity and duration

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    Assume now that a rainfall of constant

    intensity is falling only within area A4,

    which is farthest from the catchment

    outlet. Since the lower boundary of A4

    is the Isochrone III, there would be no

    resulting hydrograph till time 3t.

    If the rain continues beyond a time

    4t, then the hydrograph would reach

    a saturation level equal to re A4 wherere is the effective rainfall intensity.

    The Unit Hydrograph

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    The Unit Hydrograph The Unit Hydrograph (abbreviated asUH) of a drainage basin is

    defined as a hydrograph ofdirect runoffresulting fromone unit ofeffective rainfallwhich isuniformly distributed over the basinat a

    uniform rate during the specified period of time known as unittime or unit duration.

    The unit quantity of effectiverainfall is generally taken as 1mmor 1cm and the outflowhydrograph is expressed by thedischarge ordinates.

    The unit duration hour

    (the unit duration cannot be morethan the time of concentration,which is the time that is taken by

    the water from the furthest point ofthe catchment to reach the outlet. )

    Unit hydrograph assumptions

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    Effective rainfall should be uniformly distributed over the basin.( N rain gauges

    spread uniformly over the basin, record almost same amount of rainfall during the

    specified time)

    Effective rainfall is constant over the catchment during the unit time.

    The direct runoff hydrograph for a given effective rainfall for a catchment is always

    the same irrespective of when it occurs. Hence, any previous rainfall event is not

    considered. This antecedent precipitation is otherwise important because of itseffect on soil-infiltration rate, depressional and detention storage, and hence, on the

    resultant hydrograph.

    The ordinates of the unit hydrograph are directly proportional to the effective rainfall

    hyetograph ordinate. Hence, if a 6-h unit hydrograph due to 1 cm rainfall is given,

    then a 6-h hydrograph due to 2 cm rainfall would just mean doubling the unithydrograph ordinates. Hence, the base of the resulting hydrograph (from the start

    or rise up to the time when discharge becomes zero) also remains the same.

    Unit hydrograph limitations

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    Unit hydrograph limitations

    Under the natural conditions of rainfall over drainage basins, the assumptions of

    the unit hydrograph cannot be satisfied perfectly.

    In theory, the principle of unit hydrograph is applicable to a basin of any size.

    However, in practice, to meet the basic assumption in the derivation of the unit

    hydrograph as closely as possible, it is essential to use storms which are

    uniformly distributed over the basin and producing rainfall excess at uniform rate.

    The limit is generally considered to be about 5000 sq. km. beyond which thereliability of the unit hydrograph method diminishes.

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    Rainfall runoff relation

    Runoff is a complex interaction betweenprecipitation and landscape factors. Whilesome of these factors (e.g., land use andcover, topography, soil characteristics, and

    hydrologic condition).

    Land use : urban area, forest area, agricultural land, etc. Land cover: type of forest cover, type of agricultural land,

    grass land etc?

    Topography: mountainous area, plane land etc. Soil characteristics: type of soil (red soil, black soil etc.),

    water bearing capacity

    When runoff occurs ?Runoff occurs when parts of the landscape are saturated or impervious.

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    p p p

    Two runoff concepts include (i)infiltration-excessrunoffand

    (ii) saturation excessrunoff

    Infiltration-excess runoff

    The infiltration-excess runoff paradigm assumes that overland flow occurs when therainfall intensity is greater than the infiltration rate at the surface soil. In this case thewater, in excess of that which infiltrates through the soil surface, flows across the soilsurface to nearby channels. This process is also termed as Hortonian runoff.

    When it occurs?

    Firstly, rain must fall on the landscape with an intensity or rate in excess of the dynamicpermeability of the surface soil.

    Secondly, the duration of rainfall must last longer than the time required to saturate thesurface.

    Where it occurs?

    Infiltration excess runoff occurs less frequently (Freeze, 1972) except from (1) disturbedor poorly vegetated areas that usually have a sub-humid or semiarid climate (Wolock,1993),

    (2) Clay dominated surface soils,

    (3) Watersheds where bedrock surfaces are exposed, and (4) Urban impervious surfaces.

    Saturation excess runoff

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    Saturation-excess runoff

    Where the soil surface is saturated and any further rainfall, even at low

    intensities, generates runoff that contributes to streamflow. This moredominant process is termed as saturation-excess runoff generation.

    A rise in the water table occurs because of a large infiltration rate of waterinto the soil and down to the saturated subsurface (Wolock, 1993).

    The variable spatial extent of the landscape saturated from below thatfluctuates dynamically with watershed wetness is termed the variable sourcearea (Freeze and Cherry, 1979).

    Variable source areas can arise from direct rainfall on the landscape or fromreturn flow of subsurface water to the surface (Dunne and Black, 1970).

    Saturated surface areas typically develop near existing stream channels andin depressions or hollows (Dunne et al., 1975) and expand as more waterinfiltrates and moves downslope as saturated subsurface flow.

    Runoff Model

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    A runoff model is a mathematical model describing the rainfall - runoff relations of a

    rainfall catchment area, drainage basin orwatershed.

    More precisely, it produces the surface runoff hydrograph as a response to a rainfall

    hydrograph as input. In other words, the model calculates the conversion of rainfall into


    Linear Reservoir

    S is the water storage with unit [L]

    A is the constant reaction factoror

    response factorwith unit [1/T]

    Q is the runoffordischarge

    Q=A.S ,

    where S in mm and T in hr, day

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    R is the effective rainfallorrainfall excess


    dS is a differential or small increment of S

    dT is a differential or small increment of T


    dSQR +=


    dSASR +=

    For zero recharge: S=C*exp(-At)

    If Q1 and Q2 are the discharge at time t1 and t2, then we can express


    121212 ttatta eReQQ


    Rainfall- Runoff Relation

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    Rainfall Runoff Relation

    The rainfall & runoff are related througha number called runoff curve number

    (also called a curve numberor simplyCN). It is an empirical parameter used in

    hydrology for predicting direct runoff or

    infiltration from rainfall excess

    The curve number method

    estimates runoff depth or volume,

    Q, from rainfall depth or volume, P

    Principle: Conservation of of water in a


    Soil conservation services (SCS) of USA later known as

    Natural Resources Conservation Service

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    The runoff in the watersheds is given by the relation:

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    The runoff in the watersheds is given by the relation:

    Compute the Surface Storage (S)

    S = (1000 / CN) 10S = (1000 / 61 ) 10 = 6.393 Inches

    Compute the Initial Abstraction:

    Ia = 0.2 x SIa = 0.2 x 6.393 = 1.279 Inches

    Compute the runoff in Watershed Inches:

    Q = (P Ia)2 / (P Ia + S)

    Q = (5.00 1.279)2 / (5.00 1.279 + 6.393)

    Q = 1.369 Inches (Remember the original P=5.00 Inches)

    Compute the Runoff Volume:

    V = [1.369 In / (12 In / Ft)] x 250 Ft x 350 Ft


    V = 9983 CF

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    Supply of Water ResourcesSupply of Water Resources

    Fig. 15-2 p. 307Fig. 15-2 p. 307

    FreshwaterFreshwater Readily accessible freshwaterReadily accessible freshwater








    water vapor



    water vapor0.0001%










    Ice caps

    and glaciers



    Ground Water

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    Ground Water

    Evaporation and transpiration




    Water tableInfiltration

    Unconfined aquifer

    Confined aquifer


    Well requiring a pump


    artesian well




    Recharge Area


    Less permeable material

    such as clay Confirming permeable rock layer

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    Water Resources

    Over the last century Human population has increased 3x

    Global water withdrawal has increased 7x

    Per capita water withdrawal has increased 4x

    About one-sixth of the worlds people dont have

    easy access to safe water

    Most water resources are owned by governments

    and are managed as publicly owned resources

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    Kinds of Water Pollution

    Inorganic Pollutants

    Organic Pollutants

    Biologic Pollutants

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    Inorganic Pollutants

    3 groups 1) Produce no heavlth effects until a threshold

    concentration is exceedede.g., NO3ook at ,

    50mg/liter; at higher levels: methaemoglobinaemia

    2) No thresholde.g.genotoxic substances:

    some natural and synthetic organic compounds,

    microorganic compunds, some pesticides, arsenic

    3) Essential to diets: F, I, Seabsence causesproblems, but too much also causes problems

    Inorganic Trace Contaminants

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    Inorganic Trace Contaminants

    Mercurymethyl Hg and dimethyl Hg in fish

    Lead Radionuclides

    Phosphatesmostly a result of sewage outflow and phosphate detergent

    Nitratessewage and fertilizers

    Organic Pollutants

    Three classes of compounds

    Pesticides and Herbicides

    Materials for common household and industrial useMaterials for industrial use

    Groundwater ContaminationGroundwater Contamination

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    Groundwater ContaminationGroundwater Contamination

    Disolved in the water or carried by water by suspensionDisolved in the water or carried by water by suspension

    Source of PolutionSource of Polution

    Environmental:Environmental: (1) Carbonate rocks(1) Carbonate rocks

    (2) Sea water intrusion(2) Sea water intrusion

    Domestics:Domestics: Percolation from septic tankPercolation from septic tank

    Artificial recharge of aquifers by sewage water, contains biologicalArtificial recharge of aquifers by sewage water, contains biological

    contaminants (bacteria and Virus)contaminants (bacteria and Virus)


    Sewage disposal system serves both industrial and residential areasSewage disposal system serves both industrial and residential areas Presence of Heavy metals, radioactive metals, etc.Presence of Heavy metals, radioactive metals, etc.

    AgriculturalAgricultural Groundwater pollution due to the fertilizers, salts, pesticides, etc.Groundwater pollution due to the fertilizers, salts, pesticides, etc.

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    Monitoring water quality

    Number of colonies of fecal coliform


    Bacterial source tracking (BST)

    Measure biological oxygen demand (BOD)

    Chemical analysis

    Indicator speciesGenetic development of indicator


    Types, Effects and Sources of WaterTypes, Effects and Sources of Water

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    yp ,




    Point sourcesPoint sources

    Nonpoint sources

    Nonpoint sources

    Water qualityWater quality

    Fig. 22-3 p. 494Fig. 22-3 p. 494

    Point and Nonpoint Sources

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    Point and Nonpoint Sources


    Urban streets



    Rural homes



    Animal feedlot


    Fig. 22-4 p. 494

    Solutions: Preventing and ReducingSolutions: Preventing and Reducing

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    g g

    Surface Water PollutionSurface Water Pollution

    Nonpoint SourcesNonpoint Sources Point SourcesPoint Sources

    Reduce runoffReduce runoff

    Buffer zone


    Buffer zone


    Reduce soil erosionReduce soil erosion

    Clean Water ActClean Water Act

    Water Quality ActWater Quality Act

    Pollution of Lakes

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    G d P ll i CG d t P ll ti C

  • 8/4/2019 Environmental Science -1_1


    Groundwater Pollution: CausesGroundwater Pollution: Causes

    Low flow rates

    Low flow rates

    Few bacteria

    Few bacteriaCold temperaturesCold temperatures

    Coal stripmine runoff


    Waste lagoon



    Confined aquifer


    Leakage from faultycasing

    Hazardous waste injection well



    Buried gasolineand solvent tank


    Cesspoolseptic tank

    De-icingroad salt













    Water pumpingwell Landfill

    Low oxygenLow oxygen

    Fig. 22-9 p. 502

    GG d t P ll ti P ti

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    Groundwater Pollution PreventionGroundwater Pollution Prevention

    Monitor aquifers Monitor aquifers

    Leak detection systems Leak detection systems

    Strictly regulating hazardous waste disposal Strictly regulating hazardous waste disposal

    Store hazardous materials above ground Store hazardous materials above ground

    Find less hazardous substitutes Find less hazardous substitutes

    Concept of watershed managementConcept of watershed management

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    p gp g

    Watershed managementis the process of creating and implementing plans, programs,

    and projects to sustain and enhance watershed functions that affect the mankind

    It implies, the judicious use of all the resources i.e. land, water, vegetation in an area

    for providing an answer to alleviate drought, moderate floods, prevent soil erosion,

    improve water availability and increase food, fodder, fuel and fiber on sustained basis.

    Watershed to achieve maximum production with minimum hazard to the natural

    resources and for the well being of people.

    Principles of Watershed Management

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    The main principles of watershed management based on resource conservation, resource

    generation and resource utilization are

    Utilizing the land based on its capability

    Protecting fertile top soil

    Minimizing silting up of tanks, reservoirs and lower fertile land

    Protecting vegetative cover throughout the year In situ conservation of rain water Safe diversion of gullies and construction of check dams for in creasing ground

    water recharge In creasing cropping intensity through inter and sequence cropping. Alternate land use systems for efficient use of marginal lands. Water harvesting for supplemental irrigation.- Maximizing farm income through agricultural related activities such as dairy,

    poultry, sheep, and goat forming.- Improving infrastructural facilities for storage, transport and agricultural

    marketing,- Improving socio - economic status of farmers

    Objectives of Watershed Management

    The term watershed management is nearly synonymous with soil and water conservation

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    The term watershed management is nearly synonymous with soil and water conservation

    ith the difference that emphasis is on flood protection and sediment control besides

    maximizing crop production.

    The basic objective of watershed management is thus is thus meeting the problems ofland and water use, not in terms of any one resource but on the basis that all the

    resources are interdependent and must, therefore, be considered together.

    The watershed aims, ultimately, at improving standards of living of common people in the

    basin by increasing their earning capacity, by offering facilities such as electricity, drinking

    ater, irrigation water, freedom from fears of floods, droughts etc.

    The overall objectives of watershed development programmers may be outlined as:

    Recognition of watersheds as a unit for development and efficient use of land according

    their land capabilities for production,

    Flood control through small multipurpose reservoirs and other water storage structures at

    the head water of streams and in problem areas,

    Adequate water supply for domestic, agricultural and industrial needs.

    Abatement of organic, inorganic and soil pollution,

    Efficient use of natural resources for improving agriculture and allied occupation so as to