Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The...

Environmental Monitoring Report July to September 2017 CAM: Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission Expansion Sector Project Loan 2979-CAM Prepared by Electricite du Cambodge, Cambodia for the Asian Development Bank. This Environmental Monitoring Report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “Terms of Use” section of this website.

Transcript of Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The...

Page 1: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Environmental Monitoring Report July to September 2017

CAM: Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission Expansion

Sector Project Loan 2979-CAM

Prepared by Electricite du Cambodge, Cambodia for the Asian Development Bank.

This Environmental Monitoring Report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “Terms of Use” section of this website.

Page 2: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA Nation Religion King


Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission

Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

ADB Loan N° 2979 CAM (SF)



(From July to September 2017)

October 2017

Korea Electric Power Corporation in association with Cheang Engineering Consultants Co.,Ltd

Page 3: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 I


CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ i

Environmental Monitoring ........................................................................................... 1

1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 1

2. Environmental Monitoring Program ............................................................... 2

2.1 Scope of works ........................................................................................ 2

2.2 Methodology ............................................................................................ 2

3. Results of Environmental Monitoring ............................................................. 3

3.1 Field monitoring ....................................................................................... 4

3.1.1 Subproject Location .............................................................................. 4

3.2 Project implementation ............................................................................ 6

3.2.1 Progress up to June 2017 ..................................................................... 6 Package 1(Kalpataru) ........................................................................ 6 Package 2(Jong Ro) .......................................................................... 7

3.2.3 Progress up to September 2017 ........................................................... 9 Package 1(Kalpataru) ........................................................................ 9 Package 2(Jong Ro) ........................................................................ 10

3.3 Summary of Inspection Activities ........................................................... 19

3.4 Mitigation Compliance and Effectiveness .............................................. 21

3.5 Environmental Monitoring Result in the Reporting Period ................. 22

3.5.1 From April to June 2017 ..................................................................... 22

A. Physical Resource .................................................................................. 22

a.1 Air pollution ............................................................................................ 22

a.2 Noise disturbance and Vibration ............................................................ 22

a.3 Surface and Ground Water quality ........................................................ 23

a.4 Soil erosion ............................................................................................ 24

B. Natural resource ...................................................................................... 26

C. Waste management ................................................................................ 26

c1. Solid waste ............................................................................................ 26

c2. Liquid waste ........................................................................................... 26

Page 4: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 ii

D. Social Resource ...................................................................................... 26

d1. Cultural Heritage .................................................................................... 26

d2. Traffic..................................................................................................... 26

d3. Safety .................................................................................................... 27

3.5.2 From July to Sept 2017....................................................................... 28

A. Physical Resource .................................................................................. 28

a.1 Air pollution ............................................................................................ 28

a.2 Noise disturbance and Vibration ............................................................ 28

a.3 Surface and Ground Water quality ........................................................ 29

a.4 Soil erosion ............................................................................................ 30

B. Natural resource ...................................................................................... 31

C. Waste management ................................................................................ 32

c1. Solid waste ............................................................................................ 32

c2. Liquid waste ........................................................................................... 32

D. Social Resource ...................................................................................... 32

d1. Cultural Heritage .................................................................................... 32

d2. Traffic..................................................................................................... 32

d3. Safety .................................................................................................... 33

4. Conclusion and Recommendations ............................................................. 34

4.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................. 34

4.2 Recommendations ................................................................................. 34

ANNEX 1: Environmental Monitoring Matrix ............................................................. 36

Page 5: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 III

List of Table

Table 3.3.1: Summary of Monitoring Program .......................................................... 19

Table 3.4.1: Mitigation compliance and effectiveness .............................................. 21

Page 6: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 iv

List of Figure

Figure Route Map with Work Progress in Kampong Cham(P1) .................. 12

Figure Route Map with Work Progress in Kampong Thom(P1) ................... 13

Figure Route map in Siem Reap(P1) .......................................................... 14

Figure Route map in Banteay Meanchey(P2).............................................. 15

Figure Route map in Siem Reap(P2) .......................................................... 16

Figure Route map in Kampong Thom (P2) .................................................. 17

Figure Route map in Kandal(P2) ................................................................. 18

Figure 3.5.1 (a1): MV system and Pole after installation .......................................... 22

Figure 3.5.1 (a2): Pole installation ............................................................................ 23

Figure 3.5.1 (a3): Condition of some MV Pole next to the canal .............................. 24

Figure 3.5.1 (a4): Pole Condition after planted ......................................................... 24

Figure 3.5.1 (b-1): Wood from cut trees for MV along the route ............................... 25

Figure 3.5.1 (d2): Traffic and Road Condition next to the route line ......................... 27

Figure 3.5.1 (d3-1): Safety Tool for worker during working ...................................... 27

Figure 3.5.2 (a1): MV system and Pole after installation .......................................... 28

Figure 3.5.2 (a2): Ear mug Protection from Noise .................................................... 29

Figure 3.5.2 (a3): Condition of some MV Pole next to the canal .............................. 30

Figure 3.5.2 (a4): Pole Condition after planted ......................................................... 30

Figure 3.5.2 (b-1): Wood from cut trees for MV along the route ............................... 31

Figure 3.5.2 (d2): Traffic and Road Condition next to the route line ......................... 33

Figure 3.5.2 (d3-1): Safety Uniform/Tool for worker during working ......................... 33

Page 7: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 1


1. Introduction

1. The environmental monitoring report is intended to follow-up the contractor’s

implementation on environmental mitigation measures in construction stage as

stated in EMP and other environmental safeguards provisions in construction

contract documents. The main contents are as follows:

1) Project implementation progress;

2) Performance of compliance with ADB’s guideline and applicable government laws, regulations and requirements;

3) Environmental mitigation measures implemented;

4) Key issues identified and recommended corrective actions.

2. This report presents the project environmental monitoring progress including

mitigation measures, environmental monitoring result, implementation roles and

responsibilities, reporting, and capacity building.

3. The loan Project, Package 1, Medium-Voltage Sub-Transmission Expansion Sector

Project, will finance the expansion the electricity sub-transmission infrastructure by

constructing about 1,675 km of new three phase 22 kV overhead sub-transmission

lines in province of Siem Reap Kampong Thom, and Kampong Cham. It also

includes short lengths of 22 kV underground cables, installation of 22kV/0.4kV pole

mounted distribution transformers, advanced electronic metering for all distribution

transformers, auto reclosing circuit breakers and automatic voltage regulators to

improve reliability and voltage performance. The following are the three subprojects

under Package 1 of the project:

- Subproject 1: 184 cct-km in Kampong Cham Province

- Subproject 2: 625 circuit-kilometer (cct-km) in Kampong Thom Province

- Subproject 3: 866 cct-km in Siem Reap Province

4. The loan Project, Package 2, will finance the expansion the electricity sub-

transmission infrastructure by constructing about 483 km of new 22 kV overhead

sub-transmission line in province of Banteay Meanchey, Siem Reap, Kampong

Thom and Kandal.

Page 8: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 2

2. Environmental Monitoring Program

2.1 Scope of works

5. The construction, operation, and maintenance of MV sub-transmission lines along

rural roads in Cambodia will have an insignificant impact on the local environment.

Environmental mitigation measures normally associated with internationally

recognized good engineering practice will be implemented to ensure that potential

environmental impacts of the Project are avoided or minimized to acceptable levels.

Mitigation measures are presented: The major tasks for the environmental

monitoring in construction stage include:

· Field monitoring on contractor’s environmental mitigation measure

performance to avoid and minimize negative social and environmental


· Potential environmental impacts that could occur during each Project


· Guidance to Contractor’s personnel on environmental monitoring aspect,

in the field practice;

· Recommend to contractor to implement all EMP recommendation and

other environmental safeguards in construction contract documents;

2.2 Methodology

6. In the construction stage, site observations are conducted for monitoring the

implementation of environmental mitigation measures. Site monitoring is carried out

using environmental monitoring matrix and public perception interview (directly

asking the questions to the project workers and people living nearby the project

sites). This EMP Monitoring Report presents overall assessment of the Project’s

compliance with the EMP and also provides conclusion and recommendations going


7. Environmental monitoring consisted of routine systematic checking to verify whether

appropriate mitigation measures have been implemented effectively during each

stage of the Project. The Environmental Safeguard Specialists of Project

Page 9: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 3

Implementation Consultant (PIC), with support from EDC’s Social, Environment and

Public Relations Office (SEPRO) monitors the implementation status of the EMP,

including identifying any non-compliance, proposing actions and a timeline for

rectifying deficiencies and following up on the status of previous corrective actions.

8. Throughout the construction period, the PIC Environmental Specialists in

consultation with SEPRO have prepared quarterly environmental monitoring reports

to check the performance of compliance with ADB’s guideline and applicable

government laws and supervise implementation of environmental mitigation

measures carried out by contractor and the reports are submitted to EDC and ADB,

The reports includes a summary of the results of site inspections and provides

recommendations on key issues or concerns that need to be resolved.

9. The monitoring program will be done monthly in order to make the quarterly report.

So, every 3 months will submit one report.

3. Results of Environmental Monitoring

10. The survey/investigations and assessment for environmental and social safeguard

have been conducted and safeguard documents are prepared for not only the

Package 1 project in the provinces of Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom and Siem

Reap but also the Package 2 project in the provinces of Banteay Meanchey,Siem

Reap, Kampong Thom and Kandal.

11. Contractor for Package 1 project submitted the Construction Environmental

Management Plan (CEMP) dated on 14th March 2016 and approved by EDC dated

on 22nd April 2016.

12. Contractor for Package 2 project submitted the Construction Environmental

Management Plan (CEMP) dated on 4th November 2016 and approved by EDC

dated on 29th November 2016.

13. The contractor has performed activities to minimize environmental issues according

to the submitted CEMP and prepare monthly progressive report for submission to

Consultant/EDC for reviewing and taken action to mitigate adverse environmental


Page 10: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 4

3.1 Field monitoring

3.1.1 Subproject Location Project in Kampong Cham province(P1)

14. The subproject is located in 3 districts in Kampong Cham, namely Chamkar Leu,

Kampong Siem and Steung Trang district. This subproject consists of overhead MV

totaling 184 cct-km. According to the price schedule in the contract document, the

distance of each type of distribution line is below:

- Overhead distribution line: 217 km

- Underground distribution line: 3 km Project in Kampong Thom province(P1)

15. The subproject is located in 7 districts in Kampong Thom province, namely Baray,

Kampong Svay, PrasatBalang, PrasatSambo, Santuk, Steung Saen and Stoung.

This sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 625 (cct-km).

According to the price schedule in the contract document, the distance of each type

of distribution line is below:

- Overhead distribution line: 736 km

- Underground distribution line: 11km In Siem Reap province(P1)

16. The subproject is located in 8 districts in Siem Reap province, namely Angkor Chum,

Chikreng, Kralanh, Pouk, Prasat Bakong, Siem Reap, Sotr Nikum and Varin. The

sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 866 (cct-km). According

to the price schedule in the contract document, the distance of each type of

distribution line is below:

- Overhead distribution line: 933 km

- Underground distribution line: 22 km In Banteay Meanchey (P2)

Page 11: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 5

17. The subproject is located in 5 districts in Banteay Meanchey province, namely Thma

Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this

province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the price

schedule in the contract document, the distance of each type of distribution line is


- Overhead distribution line: 346 km In Siem Reap(P2)

18. The subproject is located in 4 districts in Siem Reap province, namely Angkor Chum,

Svay Leu, Srei Snam, Kralanh. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead

MV totaling 129 (cct-km). According to the price schedule in the contract document,

the distance of each type of distribution line is below:

- Overhead distribution line: 399 km In Kampong Thom (P2)

19. The subproject is located in 2 district in Kampong Thom province, namely Prasat

Sambour, Sandan. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling

192 (cct-km). According to the price schedule in the contract document, the distance

of each type of distribution line is below:

- Overhead distribution line: 593 km In Kandal (P2)

20. The subproject is located in 1 district in Kandal province, namely S’Ang. The sub-

project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 50 (cct-km). According to

the price schedule in the contract document, the distance of each type of distribution

line is below:

- Overhead distribution line: 148 km

- Underground distribution line: 7.87 km

Page 12: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 6

3.2 Project implementation

3.2.1 Progress up to June 2017 Package 1(Kalpataru)

21. According to the Contractor monthly progress report N° 018 dated March 2017, the

civil works progress of the 3 provinces is as follows:

SIEM REAP province

a) Concrete Pole installation - Concrete pole in the contract 13,648

- Concrete pole installed (progress of work) 11,777 (86%)

b) Concrete Pole stringing - Distribution line in the contract (cct-km) 933

- Distribution line stringing cct-km (progress of work) 777.47 (83%)

c) Underground cable installation - Cable in the contract (m) 22,000

- Cable installation (progress of work) 8,452 (38%)

d) Transformer installation - Transformer in the contract 306

- Transformer installation (progress of work) 0 (0%)


a) Concrete Pole installation - Concrete pole in the contract 10,310

- Concrete pole installed (progress of work) 7,353(71%)

b) Concrete Pole stringing - Distribution line in the contract (cct-km) 736

- Distribution line stringing cct-km (progress of work) 304 (41%)

c) Underground cable installation - Cable in the contract (m) 11,000

- Cable installation (progress of work) 0 (0%)

d) Transformer installation - Transformer in the contract 257

- Transformer installation (progress of work) 0 (0%)

Page 13: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 7


a) Concrete Pole installation - Concrete pole in the contract 3,490

- Concrete pole installed (progress of work) 190 (5%)

b) Concrete Pole stringing - Distribution line in the contract (cct-km) 217

- Distribution line stringing cct-km (progress of work) 9 (4%)

c) Underground cable installation - Cable in the contract (m) 3,000

- Cable installation (m) (progress of work) 0 (0%)

d) Transformer installation - Transformer in the contract 50

- Transformer installation (progress of work) 0 (0%) Package 2(Jong Ro)

22. According to the Contractor monthly progress report N° 05 dated June 2017, the civil

works progress of the 4 provinces is as follows:

Banteay Meanchey province a) Concrete Pole installation - Concrete pole in the contract 1,578

- Concrete pole installed (progress of work) 1,532 (97%)

b) Concrete Pole stringing - Distribution line in the contract (cct-km) 346

- Distribution line stringing cct-km (progress of work) 117 (33.9%)

c) Transformer installation - Transformer in the contract 19

- Transformer installation (progress of work) 0 (0%)

Siem Reap province a) Concrete Pole installation - Concrete pole in the contract 1,632

- Concrete pole installed (progress of work) 1,081 (66.2%)

b) Concrete Pole stringing

Page 14: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 8

- Distribution line in the contract (cct-km) 399

- Distribution line stringing cct-km (progress of work) 0 (0%)

c) Transformer installation - Transformer in the contract 40

- Transformer installation (progress of work) 0 (0%)

Kampong Thom province a) Concrete Pole installation - Concrete pole in the contract 2,460

- Concrete pole installed (progress of work) 1,997 (81.2%)

b) Concrete Pole stringing - Distribution line in the contract (cct-km) 593

- Distribution line stringing cct-km (progress of work) 0 (0%)

c) Transformer installation - Transformer in the contract 58

- Transformer installation (progress of work) 0 (0%)

Kandal province

a) Concrete Pole installation - Concrete pole in the contract 806

- Concrete pole installed (progress of work) 0 (0%)

b) Concrete Pole stringing - Distribution line in the contract (cct-km) 933

- Distribution line stringing cct-km (progress of work) 0 (0%)

c) Underground cable installation - Cable in the contract (m) 7,875

- Cable installation (progress of work): 0 (0%)

d) Transformer installation - Transformer in the contract 40

- Transformer installation (progress of work) 0 (0%)

Page 15: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 9

3.2.2 Progress up to September 2017 Package 1(Kalpataru)

23. According to the Contractor monthly progress report N° 021 dated October 2017, the

civil works progress of the 3 provinces is as follows:

SIEM REAP province a) Concrete Pole installation - Concrete pole in the contract 13,648

- Concrete pole installed (progress of work) 12,289 (90%)

b) Concrete Pole stringing - Distribution line in the contract (cct-km) 933

- Distribution line stringing cct-km (progress of work) 836 (89%)

c) Underground cable installation - Cable in the contract (m) 22,000

- Cable installation (progress of work): 8,452 (38%)

d) Transformer installation - Transformer in the contract 306

- Transformer installation (progress of work) 7(5%)

KAMPONG THOM province a) Concrete Pole installation - Concrete pole in the contract 10,310

- Concrete pole installed (progress of work) 8,683 (84%)

b) Concrete Pole stringing - Distribution line in the contract (cct-km) 736

- Distribution line stringing cct-km (progress of work) 446 (60%)

c) Underground cable installation - Cable in the contract (m) 11,000

- Cable installation (progress of work) 0 (0%)

d) Transformer installation - Transformer in the contract: 257

- Transformer installation (progress of work): 0 (0%)

Page 16: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 10

KAMPONG CHAM province a) Concrete Pole installation - Concrete pole in the contract 3,490

- Concrete pole installed (progress of work) 1,002 (28%)

b) Concrete Pole stringing - Distribution line in the contract (cct-km) 217

- Distribution line stringing cct-km (progress of work) 20 (9%)

c) Underground cable installation - Cable in the contract (m) 3,000

- Cable installation (m) (progress of work) 0 (0%)

d) Transformer installation - Transformer in the contract 50

- Transformer installation (progress of work) 0 (0%) Package 2(Jong Ro)

24. According to the Contractor monthly progress report N° 08 dated October 2017, the

civil works progress of the 4 provinces is as follows:

Banteay Meanchey province a) Concrete Pole installation - Concrete pole in the contract 1,578

- Concrete pole installed (progress of work) 1,542 (99%)

b) Concrete Pole stringing - Distribution line in the contract (cct-km) 346

- Distribution line stringing cct-km (progress of work) 306 (88%)

c) Transformer installation - Transformer in the contract 19

- Transformer installation (progress of work) 0 (0%)

Siem Reap province a) Concrete Pole installation - Concrete pole in the contract 1,632

- Concrete pole installed (progress of work) 1,369 (84%)

Page 17: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 11

b) Concrete Pole stringing - Distribution line in the contract (cct-km) 399

- Distribution line stringing cct-km (progress of work) 257 (64%)

c) Transformer installation - Transformer in the contract 40

- Transformer installation (progress of work) 0 (0%)

Kampong Thom province a) Concrete Pole installation - Concrete pole in the contract 2,460

- Concrete pole installed (progress of work) 2,349 (95%)

b) Concrete Pole stringing - Distribution line in the contract (cct-km) 593

- Distribution line stringing cct-km (progress of work) 201 (34%)

c) Transformer installation - Transformer in the contract 58

- Transformer installation (progress of work) 0 (0%)

Kandal province

a) Concrete Pole installation - Concrete pole in the contract 806

- Concrete pole installed (progress of work) 0 (0%)

b) Concrete Pole stringing - Distribution line in the contract (cct-km) 933

- Distribution line stringing cct-km (progress of work) 0 (0%)

c) Underground cable installation - Cable in the contract (m) 7,875

- Cable installation (progress of work): 0 (0%)

d) Transformer installation - Transformer in the contract 40

- Transformer installation (progress of work) 0 (0%)

Page 18: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 12

Figure Route Map with Work Progress in Kampong Cham(P1)

Page 19: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 13

Figure Route Map with Work Progress in Kampong Thom(P1)

Page 20: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 14

Figure Route map in Siem Reap(P1)

Page 21: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 15

Figure Route map in Banteay Meanchey(P2)

Page 22: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 16

Figure Route map in Siem Reap(P2)

Page 23: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 17

Figure Route map in Kampong Thom (P2)

Page 24: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 18

Figure Route map in Kandal(P2)

Page 25: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 19

3.3 Summary of Inspection Activities

25. The EDC-SEPRO/PIC personnel for environmental and technical supervision regularly

visit the construction sites and monitor the safeguard compliance of the contractor. The

monitoring activities were as followings:

· Assess their performance of environmental safeguards implementation on


· Examine, request, and supervise the Contractor in its implementation of traffic

management methods within the site and at the road crossings;

· Instruct and supervise the Contractor to carry out the environmental and

social management plans in accordance with the mitigation measures listed in

the EMP;

· Monitor and document dust and noise mitigation measures, solid waste

management and site clean-up carried out by the Contractor.

26. The contractual agreement between EDC and the contractor indicates that the

contractor shall undertake mitigation measures to avoid and minimize negative social

and environmental impacts. The Environment Management Plan was therefore

enclosed in the contractual agreement of civil works.

27. The Bidding Documents and the Contractual Agreement include provisions of safeguard

requirements to ensure that EMP and the Environmental Protection Commitment (EPC)

are being adhered to during the design and construction stage as following monitoring


Table 3.3.1: Summary of Monitoring Program

Environmental issues

Monitoring Location Activities

Monitoring Frequency

Contractor EDC-SEPRO, PIC

Clearing of vegetation

ROW and transportation routes

Monitor tree cutting Weekly Monthly (July-Sept, 2017)

Erosion and sedimentation

Pole foundation area

Inspection of excavation works, silt arising from exposed soil surface, condition of erosion

Weekly Monthly (July-Sept, 2017)

Page 26: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 20

Environmental issues

Monitoring Location Activities

Monitoring Frequency

Contractor EDC-SEPRO, PIC

control measures Dust generation · Along access

road, · Surrounding

residential areas

· Construction site

· Monitor and inspect dust condition around construction area and transportation routes,

· Consult with local people on dust problem during construction.

Weekly Monthly (July-Sept, 2017)

Noise Surrounding residential areas

· Monitor noise during materials delivery and operation of construction equipment,

· Consult with local people on noise caused by construction activities

Weekly Monthly (July-Sept, 2017)

Waste Management

Workers’ camp sites

· Inspection of worker camp site condition,

· Check proper solid waste disposal

Weekly Monthly (July-Sept, 2017)

Health and Safety Sub-transmission line construction

Review contractor’s construction workers health and safety plan and training activities on health and safety

Weekly Monthly (July-Sept, 2017)

Damage/nuisance · ROW and around the project area,

· Along the roads

· Monitor and inspect impact on community’s infrastructure, lake, river, irrigation and drainage facilities,

· Monitor and inspect public road conditions

Weekly Monthly (July-Sept, 2017)

Page 27: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

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Monitoring Report #4 21

3.4 Mitigation Compliance and Effectiveness

28. Mitigation compliance and effectiveness are described in qualitative terms and are

evaluated based on a ranking system. Table 3.4.1 shows the effectiveness of the

mitigation measures undertaken.

Table 3.4.1: Mitigation compliance and effectiveness

Mitigation Measures Compliance Effectiveness

Environmental safeguards compliance at construction site

Permanent land acquisition 2 2

Temporary land acquisition 2 2

Biodiversity and natural resources 2 2

Air quality 2 2

Noise and Vibration 2 2

Waste management 2 2

Water quality 2 2

Erosion, sedimentation and flood 2 2

Community Health and Safety(CHS)

Construction Health and Safety 3 3

Public Safety Risk Management 2 2 Note:

1. VeryGood 2. Good 3. Fair 4. Poor 5. VeryPoor

Page 28: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

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Monitoring Report #4 22

3.5 Environmental Monitoring Result in the Reporting Period

3.5.1 From April to June 2017

A. Physical Resource

a.1 Air pollution

29. The condition of the air in the project site was not affected by the project activities. Air

pollution is not identified in the project location according to the field observation, there

is no significant from dust and smoke generation from construction activities.

Figure 3.5.1 (a1): MV system and Pole after installation (on April 2017 in Siem Reap province

a.2 Noise disturbance and Vibration

30. According the filed observation, the impacts by noise or vibration were not identified.

However, in case PIC uses machinery for cable wire installation, it shall have the ear

protected tools due to the noise level over 70 dB(A). Also, contractor shall consider to

find the machineries with noise and vibration protection and provide the noise protected

tool to workers who work close to this.

Page 29: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

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Monitoring Report #4 23

Figure 3.5.1 (a2): Pole installation (April 2017 in Kampong Thom)

a.3 Surface and Ground Water quality

31. In reality, due to field observation, no significant water bodies were found along the

ROW of overhead and underground MV. No impact on surface and groundwater quality

occurred as most earthworks were carried out during the dry season.

32. According to project nature, it may not affect to the surface and ground water quality,

but it may consider to avoid dredging on place next to canal during raining because it

may cause of the erosion to pollute the water next to these activities.

Page 30: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

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Monitoring Report #4 24

Figure 3.5.1 (a3): Condition of some MV Pole next to the canal

(on May 2017 in Kampong Thom)

a.4 Soil erosion

33. Soil erosion may not have much concerned due to planting of poles seems very small

spot on ground, also it was completed compress after worked. After works, contractor

did the good job to compress well to avoid any eroding by wind and rain as above figure.

Contractor properly reinstated the sites by backfilling and compacting the foundation of

poles and underground cable trenches.

Figure 3.5.1 (a4): Pole Condition after planted (on May 2017 in Kampong Thom)

Page 31: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 25

B. Natural resource

34. According to the site observation, there were not forest area identified along the project

route line, excepting some place of underground cable in area of APSARA authority. To

minimize the impact on existing physical cultural resource in the Angkor Protected

Landscape where trees are not allowed to be cut or trimmed and no machineries are to

be used. Some trees that are located in ROW in front of residential properties were

trimmed and cut to obtain minimum safety clearance with consent from owners who

signed voluntary contribution forms.

1. However, there are some planted trees needing to cut with the good negotiation

between PIC/EDC and owner. According to some interview with owner of the

planted trees, they said that they agreed to cut because they need wood for their

cook, and said that some trees are too tall that need to cut. Contractor tries to avoid

any clearing trees on the transmission route, some trees were cut only its branches

for good environment as the below figure.

Figure 3.5.1 (b-1): Wood from cut trees for MV along the route (on May 2017 in Kampong Cham)C. Waste management

Page 32: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 26

C. Waste management

c1. Solid waste

35. According to the site monitor, there was no rubbish from project activities identified for

this quarter (April, May, and June). Construction debris were found at some sites,

however site cleanup was done soon after works completed.

c2. Liquid waste

36. No liquid wasted is generated from both underground and overhead construction


D. Social Resource

d1. Cultural Heritage

37. As the previous, experienced site manager is staffed by Electricity of Siem Reap to

supervise the construction of underground cable in Siem Reap. No chance find was

encountered during the reporting period. Extra efforts have been made by EDC to avoid

impact on physical cultural resources within Angkor Protected Landscape. So, EDC,

PIC and Contractor is working very closed for all of dredging works and other works in

the location of ASARA area.

d2. Traffic

38. Also, during site visit, no traffic congestion and accidents were caused by construction

activities. However, inadequate warning by placing traffic diversion signs were noted

especially around crane truck during offloading concrete poles along the roads at some

sites. On-coming traffic was affected and created risks of accidents. Therefore, PIC

recommended contractor to put appropriate warning signs such as construction cones

around work sites and warning light at dusk to prevent any accident. PIC has good

practiced according to the some discussion with some local people.

Page 33: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 27

Figure 3.5.1 (d2): Traffic and Road Condition next to the route line

(on June 2017 in Kampong Cham)

d3. Safety

39. Contractor carried out the good job after PIC advised for Personal Protective Equipment

(PPE). Health and Safety was observed at most sites where workers were found

properly wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as hard hats, reflective

vests. However, this measure still needs to be enforced at some sites. PIC will

continuously check the use of safety equipment and improve compliance to Health and

Safety at all sites. Site inspector from EDC was working much closed with contractor for

patrolling on the PPE too.

Figure 3.5.1(d3-1): Safety Tool for worker during working

(on April 2017 in Kampong Thom)

Page 34: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 28

3.5.2 From July to September 2017

A. Physical Resource

a.1 Air pollution

40. As the previous observation, the condition of the air quality in the project site was not

affected by the project activities. Also, local people did not complain during our

discussion during monitoring. Thus, Air pollution is not identified in the project location

according to the field observation, dust or smoke generation from construction activities

were not identified.

Figure 3.5.2 (a1): MV system and Pole after installation (on 2017 in Siem Reap province)

a.2 Noise disturbance and Vibration

41. According the filed observation, the impacts by noise or vibration were not identified.

However, in case PIC uses machinery for cable wire installation, it shall have the ear

protected tools due to the noise level over 70 dB(A). Also, contractor shall consider to

find the machineries with noise and vibration protection and provide the noise protected

tool to workers who working close to this.

Page 35: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 29

Figure 3.5.2 (a2): Ear mug Protection from Noise (on August 2017 in Siem Reap)

42. Moreover, PIC improved their works’ safety that all workers shall wear the safety

tool/equipment to protect their health during working. As above picture, worker was

wearing mug during they are operating the machinery to install cable wire.

a.3 Surface and Ground Water quality

43. According to project nature, it may not affect to the surface and ground water quality,

but it may consider to avoid dredging on place next to canal during raining because it

may cause of the erosion to pollute the water next to these activities.

44. Most works of foundation for pole planting were completed in dry season. So, no impact

on surface and groundwater quality occurred due to most earthworks were carried out

during the dry season.

Page 36: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 30

Figure 3.5.2 (a3): Condition of some MV Pole next to the canal

(on August 2017 in Kampong Thom)

a.4 Soil erosion

45. All footing of the pole were well compressing after work to avoid the soil erosion by rain.

Soil erosion may not have much concerned due to planting of poles seems very small

spot on ground, also it was completed compress after worked. As the below pictures,

contractor did the good job to compress well. Contractor properly reinstated the sites by

backfilling and compacting the foundation of poles and underground cable trenches.

Figure 3.5.2 (a4): Pole Condition after planted

(on August 2017 in Kampong Thom)

Page 37: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 31

B. Natural resource

46. Some trees that are located in ROW in front of residential properties were trimmed and

cut to obtain minimum safety clearance with consent from owners who signed voluntary

contribution forms. However, there are some planted trees needing to cut with the good

negotiation between PIC/EDC and owner. According to some interview with owner of

the planted trees, they said that they agreed to cut because they need wood for their

cook, and said that some trees are too tall that need to cut. Contractor tries to avoid

any clearing trees on the transmission route, some trees were cut only its branches for

good environment as the below figure. Local people always suggested contractor not to

remove those cutting trees away, because they need these for wood.

Figure 3.5.2 (b-1): Wood from cut trees for MV along the route (on July and August 2017 in Kampong Cham)

Page 38: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 32

C. Waste management

c1. Solid waste

47. According to the site monitor, there was no rubbish from project activities identified for

this quarter (July, August, and September). Construction debris were found at some

sites, however site cleanup was done soon after works completed. But, most people

needed woods from these cutting trees, so they don’t want contractor to remove those


c2. Liquid waste

48. No liquid wasted is generated from both underground and overhead construction


D. Social Resource

d1. Cultural Heritage

49. As the previous, experienced site manager is staffed by Electricity of Siem Reap to

supervise the construction of underground cable in Siem Reap. No chance find was

encountered during the reporting period. Extra efforts have been made by EDC to avoid

impact on physical cultural resources within Angkor Protected Landscape. So, EDC,

PIC and Contractor is working very closed for all of dredging works and other works in

the location of ASARA area.

50. For the overhead MV, contractor also worked very close with local authorities and EDC

for some information of cultural heritage in advance before starting work, even those

route lines are not in the APSARA area.

d2. Traffic

51. Also, during site visit, no traffic congestion and accidents were caused by construction

activities. However, inadequate warning by placing traffic diversion signs were noted

especially around crane truck during offloading concrete poles along the roads at some

sites. On-coming traffic was affected and created risks of accidents. Therefore, PIC

recommended contractor to put appropriate warning signs such as construction cones

Page 39: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 33

around work sites and warning light at dusk to prevent any accident. PIC has good

practiced according to the some discussion with some local people.

Figure 3.5.2 (d2): Traffic and Road Condition next to the route line

(on July 2017 in Manteay Mean Chey)

d3. Safety

52. Contractor carried out the good job after PIC advised for Personal Protective Equipment

(PPE). Health and Safety was observed at most sites where workers were found

properly wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as hard hats, reflective

vests. However, this measure still needs to be enforced at some sites. PIC will

continuously check the use of safety equipment and improve compliance to Health and

Safety at all sites. Site inspector from EDC was working much closed with contractor for

patrolling on the PPE too.

Figure 3.5.2 (d3-1): Safety Uniform/Tool for worker during working

(on Sept 2017 in Kampong Thom)

Page 40: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 34

4. Conclusion and Recommendations

4.1 Conclusion

53. Contractor was working on the good practice for most implementation work for this

Package. However, all of changes and updated route lines and types of wires shall

inform to PIC and EDC to avoid any late to implement the work.

54. It is not much different for this quarterly; contractor was working on the good practice for

most implementation work for this Package 1 & 2. However, all of changes and updated

route lines and types of wires shall inform to PIC and EDC to avoid any late to

implement the work.

4.2 Recommendations

55. As the results of site inspection on environmental issues based on the Environmental

Monitoring Matrix, the environmental safeguard specialist recommends in following

points to the contractor to take action for the next month:

1. The contractor should practice a simple, common-sense traffic management

plan. This should include: 1) placing traffic/warning signs i.e. “Construction in

Progress” and creating temporary fences or enclosures by placing traffic cones,

also called pylons around parked construction vehicles providing visibility to on-

coming motorists; 2) employ traffic control persons to direct traffic during

offloading of poles, especially in areas of Angkor Protected Landscape (APL).

2. all of the safety tools must immediately provide to all project workers/staffs in

the working to ensure all the workers are properly use ( as safety hats, safety

boots, gloves…) during working time.

3. Contractor should adequately provide PPEs to workers; and enforce the H&S

guidelines as specified in the EMP. Foreman/Site Manager to regularly give

toolbox talk on H&S, site cleanup to workers before works begin.

4. Contractor should follow and regularly implement a simple Waste

Management Plan. This should include: 1) site clean-up soon after works are

finished; 2) regular toolbox talk which includes site cleanup and chance find

Page 41: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

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Monitoring Report #4 35

procedure to be followed at underground cable sites in APL; 3) upon completion

of construction works, ROWs should be restored to its original or better


5. Contractor shall work very closed with EDC before and after energize the

electricity to the project for testing or any to avoid any accentual matter from this.

6. Contractor and EDC shall work closely with Mr. Resettlement to meet people

whenever there are some planted trees needing to cut under the route line.

7. Well informing to local people about project and purpose of this project shall

be done before and during project implementing the contraction.

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Page 43: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2


Project: Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission Expansion Sector Project Package 1&2 (ADB Loan No. 2979 CAM(SF)) Monitor(s) Names: Chheang You Sour Contractor Name: KALPATARU Power Transmission Limited / Jong Ro Electric Monitoring Period: Jan ~ March 2017 Weather Conditions: dry season

Table 4.1: Environmental Monitoring Matrix

Environmental Impact/issue Contract/EMP

Mitigation Measures Specific Date Item Monitored

Compliant Remarks Follow-Up Actions Needed Yes No

Damage to private property

· Careful construction practices to avoid damage to existing facilities.

· The contractor will be required to select a line route and location for poles that as much as possible minimizes the need for tree cutting.

· Where cutting or trimming of trees is necessary, trimming will be minimized in accordance with EDC’s minimum clearance requirements.

· Full reinstatement of land to pre-construction (or better) condition after construction completion

· Provide compensation for temporary loss of production in accordance with RP.

July-Sept, 2017

1). Before cutting all trees under the overhead MV, EDC and contractor need discussing with local residents first. 2). Some rubber trees in Kampong Cham

Damage to private property that may affect to Loss or damage to valuable assets

· Careful construction practices to avoid damage to existing facilities.

· The contractor will be required to select a line route and location for poles that as much as possible minimizes the need for tree cutting.

· Where cutting or trimming of trees is necessary, trimming will be minimized in accordance with EDC’s minimum clearance requirements.

· Full reinstatement of land to pre-construction (or better) condition after construction completion Provide compensation for temporary loss of production in accordance with RP.

July-Sept, 2017

Page 44: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

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Monitoring Report #4 38

Environmental Impact/issue Contract/EMP

Mitigation Measures Specific Date Item Monitored

Compliant Remarks Follow-Up Actions Needed Yes No

Interference with traffic and blockage of access ways/ Disruption of services and livelihood activities

· Properly planned and executed traffic management measures supported by good site supervision.

July-Sept, 2017

Dust and noise nuisance to nearby properties

· Good construction practice to minimize dust and noise nuisance supported by good site supervision.

July-Sept, 2017

But for short time in some location only

Human health impacts, pollution during working during wet season

· Construction will be limited to the dry season (approximately early November to mid-March)

July-Sept, 2017

PPEs were provided adequately to workers as boots, gloves, ear protected tools…etc;; also warning signs were not well installed at the construction site

The Contractor shall adequately provide PPEs to workers during working hours

Encroachment into APL/ Loss of historical/cultural monuments/values

· No temporary or permanent Project facilities shall be established within the APL. Such facilities include but are not limited to, vehicle and maintenance areas, storage areas for poles, conductors, transformers, pole boring equipment etc.

· Workers will be required to confirm with all APL rules and requirements.

· A Chance Find Procedure will be put in place: - If physical cultural resources are

encountered during the construction phase, all works at the find site should be immediately halted.

- The find should be assessed by a competent APSARA Authority expert, and procedures to avoid, minimize or mitigate impacts to the physical cultural resources should be developed.

- Work should not begin until the procedures to avoid, minimize or mitigate impacts to the physical

July-Sept, 2017

It was well implementation; contractor and EDC site inspector did the good cooperation with APSARA authority before and during working.

Page 45: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 39

Environmental Impact/issue Contract/EMP

Mitigation Measures Specific Date Item Monitored

Compliant Remarks Follow-Up Actions Needed Yes No

cultural resources have been implemented.

- Where avoidance is not feasible, no alternatives to removal exist, and the Project benefits outweigh the anticipated cultural heritage loss from removal, the physical cultural resource should be removed and preserved according to the best available technique.

- Any removal should be conducted in accordance with relevant provisions of heritage protection decrees and laws.

- Records should be maintained of all finds, including chain of custody instructions for movable finds.

- All Project workers and staff should be made aware of the chance-find procedure.

Tree Removal and Pruning

· The contractor will be required to select a line route and location for poles that as much as possible minimizes the need for tree cutting.

· Where cutting or trimming of trees is necessary, trimming will be minimized in accordance with EDC minimum clearance requirements.

· Compensation to local residents for loss of trees will be provided in accordance with the RP.

July-Sept, 2017

As the previous time, trees under the overhead MV that have height over 3 meters been cut; but it does not have any complaint from local residents because they also need wood for cook.

1). Before cutting all trees under the overhead MV, EDC and contractor need discussing with local residents first. 2). Some rubber trees in Kampong Cham

Health and safety

· Contractor to prepare and implement a workers’ health and safety plan in compliance with Electrical Power Standards of the Kingdom of Cambodia and EDC requirements.

July-Sept, 2017

It is good practice to use PPE during work. But it needs to adequately provide and

Page 46: Environmental Monitoring Report...Phouk, Phnom Srok, Svay Chek, Mongkul Borey, Malai. The sub-project in this province consists of overhead MV totaling 112 (cct-km). According to the

Medium Voltage Sub-Transmission ELECTRICITÉ DU CAMBODGE Expansion Sector Project, Package 1&2

Monitoring Report #4 40

Environmental Impact/issue Contract/EMP

Mitigation Measures Specific Date Item Monitored

Compliant Remarks Follow-Up Actions Needed Yes No

advise workers more during working hours

Waste management

Contractor should formulate and implement a Waste Management Plan in the worksite as the following: 1). Garbage containers in the construction place at work site; 2). Educate all staffs for proper management of solid waste generated from their works; 3). Clean the worksite after worked;

July-Sept, 2017