Environmental Management - University of …...(IEMA) for Associate membership (giving exemption...

Environmental Management MSc

Transcript of Environmental Management - University of …...(IEMA) for Associate membership (giving exemption...

Environmental Management MSc

The MSc Environmental Management programme gives you the opportunity to take a flexible approach to studying environmental management. Whether you are a graduate looking for a career in environmental management or a professional who already has experience in environmental management. The programme enables you to develop the knowledge and the skills required to implement environmentally sustainable solutions to businesses and organisations around the world.

The programme offers four pathways: • EnvironmentalManagement • EnvironmentalManagementforAgriculture • EnvironmentalManagementforBusiness • WaterandEnvironmentalManagement

This approach provides you with the opportunity to develop an individually structured course, which best meets your interests in environmental management.

The MSc Environmental Management programme can be studied either full-time or part-time and the following final awards are also available: • PostgraduateDiploma(PgD) • PostgraduateCertificate(PgC)

The taught element of the modules can be studied as short courses.

MSc Environmental Management pathway core modules • SustainabilityandEnvironmentalSystems • FoundationinEnvironmentalAuditing • ManagementSkillsforEnvironmentalManagement • EnvironmentalPolicyandGovernance • EnvironmentalManagementToolsandMethods • ResearchMethods • IndividualResearchProject

Optional modules for Environmental Management pathway • SustainableEnergy • TransportPolicyandTravelPlanning • IntegratedWasteandPollutionManagement • EcologyandConservation • WaterResourcesorWaterPollutionControl • EnvironmentalManagementSystemsImplementationorCorporateSocial Responsibility • AgriculturalPollutionandMitigationorIntegratedFarmManagement • CropProtection:PrinciplesandPracticeorCropPathogens,PestsandWeeds.

Career opportunities Graduateshavegainedemploymentinawidevarietyofsectorsincludingconsultancy,NGOs,localgovernment,andmanyotherareasoftheprivateandpublicsector.

Entry Requirements: Afirstorsecondclassdegreeinanysubject.Applicantswithother qualifications and relevant experience will be considered individuallybytheProgrammeTutor.AccreditedPriorCertificatedLearning(APCL)isavailableforthosewithAIEMA.AccreditedPriorExperientialLearning(APEL)maybe available for those with suitable relevant experience.

Course Length: Fulltime12–16months


Course Fees: Pleasevisitourwebsite go.herts.ac.uk/EM

Professional Accreditation: Three modules are accredited bytheInstituteofEnvironmentalManagementandAssessment(IEMA)forAssociatemembership(givingexemptionfromtheopenbookexamination).

AllmodulesareaccreditedbytheCharteredInstitutionofWaterand Environmental Management (CIWEM)forGraduatemembership.

Web Address: go.herts.ac.uk/EM

How to Apply: Ifyouwouldliketoapplyforoneofour Master’s degrees you need to complete a University application form, which can be found on go.herts.ac.uk/apply

You can also apply to study the taught element of modules as non credit-rated short courses: go.herts.ac.uk/envscapply

Furtherinformationisavailableat: go.herts.ac.uk/EM

My tutors and thesis supervisor have been endlessly supportive to me in my studies and my career change, and I am impressed with the positive working atmosphere of the university