Entrepreneurs are the Champions of Our Economy 5 Essential ... · gratitude, and faith – your...

1 © 2017 Stand for your Worth & Dignity~ Redondo Beach, CA 90277 ~ 310-378-1277 ~ www.marladiann.com Entrepreneurs are the Champions of Our Economy “5 Essential Strategies to a Thriving Brand and Profitable Business That Makes an Impact On Your Life, Your Clients and the Economy” Special Report By Marla Diann, Business Innovation & Branding Mentor to Creatives I see entrepreneurs as a very unique breed of people. We are the heart and champions of the economy. We are the believers, the risk takers, the deeply passionate visionaries who are willing to sacrifice many things for THE DREAM of living life on our own terms while changing lives with our products and services. You agree? We are the ones who: Keep the cutting edge cutting and give hope in the uncertainty. Who push through the pain and frustration when the revenues are not coming in as fast as we want.

Transcript of Entrepreneurs are the Champions of Our Economy 5 Essential ... · gratitude, and faith – your...

Page 1: Entrepreneurs are the Champions of Our Economy 5 Essential ... · gratitude, and faith – your branding and business will reflect that. As entrepreneurs, we are champions of hope,


© 2017 Stand for your Worth & Dignity™ ~ Redondo Beach, CA 90277 ~ 310-378-1277 ~ www.marladiann.com

Entrepreneurs are the Champions of Our Economy

“5 Essential Strategies to a Thriving Brand and Profitable Business

That Makes an Impact On Your Life, Your Clients and the Economy”

Special Report

By Marla Diann, Business Innovation & Branding Mentor to Creatives

I see entrepreneurs as a very unique breed of

people. We are the heart and champions of the

economy. We are the believers, the risk takers, the

deeply passionate visionaries who are willing to

sacrifice many things for THE DREAM of living life

on our own terms while changing lives with our

products and services.

You agree?

We are the ones who:

Keep the cutting edge cutting and give hope in the uncertainty.

Who push through the pain and frustration when the revenues are not coming in as fast

as we want.

Page 2: Entrepreneurs are the Champions of Our Economy 5 Essential ... · gratitude, and faith – your branding and business will reflect that. As entrepreneurs, we are champions of hope,


© 2017 Stand for your Worth & Dignity™ ~ Redondo Beach, CA 90277 ~ 310-378-1277 ~ www.marladiann.com

Get up every day with that faith and trust that the clients and customers will show up

and the results we achieve for them will be over the top.

Can feel stuck in our relationship with money and crave fulfillment – we want to be paid

well for our passions!

My email reply to a frustrated client who doubted herself as she navigated her 1st year in

business: "Welcome to being an entrepreneur! What you described in your email is what every

business owner goes through. You are not alone. No worries.

Do you know how many times in my first 4 yrs. of business I wanted to quit? Yep! Remember,

your business is THE best personal development course you will EVER take. Join the ranks of

the spiritually strong, heavy willed, positive minded!

On a spiritual note...your business is an extension of you. It has a soul. People come through

your business as a channel for good and an opportunity for you to serve your purpose. Nurture

your business like a child needs nurturing. Love it. Give it attention and care. This is why

accountability is crucial for entrepreneurs. Mentors and masterminds are essential to your


In May 2014 I had one of several

dreams come true after seven years

of having a vision. This dream was

created in 2007 by way of a “Divine

Urge” nudging me internally to

evolve and step out from behind the

scenes of entertainment PR and let

go of a 22-year career and

c-h-a-n-g-e. (GULP). The message

was go out and play a bigger game

by standing in your own spotlight to impact lives for a greater purpose. Yes, the road has been

very challenging, humbling, sometimes paralyzing, but more often extraordinary and rich in


Page 3: Entrepreneurs are the Champions of Our Economy 5 Essential ... · gratitude, and faith – your branding and business will reflect that. As entrepreneurs, we are champions of hope,


© 2017 Stand for your Worth & Dignity™ ~ Redondo Beach, CA 90277 ~ 310-378-1277 ~ www.marladiann.com

Thanks to the support and belief of my mentors and coaching tribe (masterminds, friends,

family and colleagues), I came full circle from my Hollywood days as a publicist behind the

scenes that spring night in May.

When I walked into the Hollywood venue to see the stage I was speaking on – it hit me – I had

come full circle. This time I was back in Hollywood for a greater purpose – to serve and impact

more lives in a new way. The inner message I got that night – ALWAYS listen to your quiet,

loving whispers of intuition and do not give up on your dreams no matter how challenging life

may seem. Hold the vision strong in your heart and never, ever let go! Be receptive and

grateful for the things unseen and move forward with God, Spirit, and Buddha, (whichever is

yours) as your partner.

My encouragement to you: YOU can do this, too. The dream. The support. The breakthroughs.

It all leads to your higher self and next best version of who you are to become along the

journey to your achievements, successes and more.

My method of coaching and mentoring are very holistic – INTEGRATIVE in nature; meaning

tangible and intangible, you as the common denominator of business, personal life and pubic

life. I believe in and live the Universal Law of energy and intention coupled with the practical

strategies and actions. We live in an energetic universe where our thoughts, feelings, and

everyone around us are part of that energy. I wrap this principle around the power of a brand,

which is: branding is who you are; not what you do.

Here’s what I mean:

I encourage you to stop living a splintered life – become aware you are one way in one

area of your life and different in another. Your actions can sometimes not reflect or

match your values.

When your values are consistent in all the areas of your life you to live a conscious,

progressive, CONGRUENT life.

All of this will be reflected in your branding and results.

Page 4: Entrepreneurs are the Champions of Our Economy 5 Essential ... · gratitude, and faith – your branding and business will reflect that. As entrepreneurs, we are champions of hope,


© 2017 Stand for your Worth & Dignity™ ~ Redondo Beach, CA 90277 ~ 310-378-1277 ~ www.marladiann.com

If you have challenges in your relationship with money – your brand and business will

reflect that.

If you have challenges with your boundaries – your branding and business will reflect


If you have challenges with living in fear and doubt and worry more often than trust,

gratitude, and faith – your branding and business will reflect that.

As entrepreneurs, we are champions of hope, courage, fulfillment and impact. When using

my 5 essential life and business strategies - you will have a thriving, impactful brand and

profitable business.

Apply these to your life:

1. Recalibrate your money relationship to

be in a higher vibration by demanding of

yourself to transform your worry, fear and

doubt and distrust around money to be that

of faith, respect, trust, gratitude and

appreciation with money. Recalibrating your

money relationship means – consistently

ridding yourself of money clutter. Our

money “stuff” never goes away completely, but

employing the strategic clearing tools will result in these gremlins showing up less and less the

more you recalibrate your behaviors, mindset, and habits around money. Money is energy first

before it shows up in our wallets or checking accounts. It’s based on a truth – we live in an

energetic Universe, Quantum physics - expansion vs contraction energy around money.

Possible money clutter (of a much longer list):

Not charging what you are worth

Ignoring bills

Not knowing what’s coming in/going

out of income

Physical clutter bills in piles no


Partner relationship money issues

Inconsistent money boundaries with

who owes you or what you charge

Page 5: Entrepreneurs are the Champions of Our Economy 5 Essential ... · gratitude, and faith – your branding and business will reflect that. As entrepreneurs, we are champions of hope,


© 2017 Stand for your Worth & Dignity™ ~ Redondo Beach, CA 90277 ~ 310-378-1277 ~ www.marladiann.com

There is a hefty cost of not standing in your power with money. What’s yours?

Here’s where you know you are not congruent:

We lose power (giveaway our power) when we are out of integrity with our values and who we

are – we grab clients just for the money rather a win-win – we are out of congruency when we

display jealousy, envy, lack, fear, worry. We can strengthen our power and realign ourselves

with our true self when we say no to

complaining, comparing, condemning, and


1st action to immediately take to

recalibrate your money relationship:

Awareness. Make it a habit of catching

yourself while in contraction mode of fear,

worry, doubt, shame, guilt, and lack

and move to expansion mode of faith,

gratitude, trust, appreciation and proactive action vs. reactive. We must first be aware of it and

make a choice to shift it even in times of uncertainty. It’s a choice.

2nd action - start with your values. Prioritize your values personally and business. Align your

actions and choices with your top 10 values.

Let’s look at your values…Please take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle with

the left side heading reading personal values and right side business values. You have

sectioned two sides of the document.

For the moment – let’s do that. Write down top 5 values for each side.

Here are good values I often see when I ask clients to do this: Personal values: Family, love,

Intimacy, affection, harmony, spirituality, balance, dependability, marriage, my dog, respect,

health, and prosperity.

Page 6: Entrepreneurs are the Champions of Our Economy 5 Essential ... · gratitude, and faith – your branding and business will reflect that. As entrepreneurs, we are champions of hope,


© 2017 Stand for your Worth & Dignity™ ~ Redondo Beach, CA 90277 ~ 310-378-1277 ~ www.marladiann.com

Business values: Abundance, creativity, generosity, wealth, making a difference, integrity,

creativity, respect, productivity, authority/leadership, and joyful collaboration.

Now look at your lists. Where was MONEY on your list? I don’t mean wealth or prosperity, I

mean money. (Wealth, prosperity, and financial freedom are all results of how you are in

relationship with money).

No fault of their own, but most people

when they do this exercise –MONEY is

either not on the list at all, far down on

the list or is disguised as wealth,

prosperity or abundance. This is just a

consciousness exercise and measure

of your relationship with money.

Many of us, if not all, say we want wealth and financial success but we don’t actually value it,

respect it, pay attention to it, systemize it, grow it, and nurture it. The key is to position money

as one of your top three values in both columns, then watch how you make decisions. This

completely changes the vibe of money in your life and how you make decisions.

“Think of money as a relationship. You can’t ignore any relationship and expect it to

thrive and grow.” Kendall Summerhawk

2. Integrate all of who you are into your brand and business. Align your decisions and actions

with your top 10 values.

When I was rebranding myself in 2014 – I did a FULL rebranding. I had to take a look at how

much of me I was hiding and not expressing in my brand after six years of mentoring and


What I found is I was numbed out not connected to my six senses, which is the core of

women’s power. I was not integrated – showing up as all of me and being BOLDER in my

Page 7: Entrepreneurs are the Champions of Our Economy 5 Essential ... · gratitude, and faith – your branding and business will reflect that. As entrepreneurs, we are champions of hope,


© 2017 Stand for your Worth & Dignity™ ~ Redondo Beach, CA 90277 ~ 310-378-1277 ~ www.marladiann.com

content on social media, in my coaching programs and relationships. I needed to show up

more of who I was and embrace my authenticity.

After nine months of rebranding with a fabulous designer and branding expert, I launched

MarlaDiann.com with a whole NEW feel, energy and purpose in early 2014.


Higher caliber of clients, more consistent revenues, casting a wider net to my ideal avatar

market and I felt more confident to change lives and

have done so with clients this year more than ever


THAT IS INTEGRATION. Where can you integrate

more? See “Praise” section of my website for client

integration successes – www.marladiann.com.

3. Innovate your mindset, goals, brand and

business. Let go of old habits, behaviors, and

systems that no longer serve you or others. Have

the courage to innovate your brand and money


Action: start with clearing the decks for prosperity. Write down up to 50 tolerations in your life.

What you will no longer settle for personally, professionally and globally. Start the list today no


By addressing that which you tolerate and clearing it – you are adding more VITAL energy to

your mind, body and soul to be receptive to ideas and actions to INNOVATE. Our subliminal

tolerations eat at our energy and creativity. Now jump on it and find mentors who can help you


Progress is built on innovation.

Page 8: Entrepreneurs are the Champions of Our Economy 5 Essential ... · gratitude, and faith – your branding and business will reflect that. As entrepreneurs, we are champions of hope,


© 2017 Stand for your Worth & Dignity™ ~ Redondo Beach, CA 90277 ~ 310-378-1277 ~ www.marladiann.com

4. Congruency - create a congruent brand that stands for your values, authenticity, and one

that builds a legacy. Clear the decks to open yourself to new ideas, more consistent money,

and impact. This opens the way for more creativity and brilliant ideas to emerge as a result of

clearing the clutter and making room for NEW ideas to come to you for powerful branding

content and messaging.

Congruency shows up in how you appear in your photos on your website, the content on your

site and Facebook page – other social media channels, blog articles – newsletter – and the

perception of how solve your client’s challenges as the


Action: Do strategies 1-3 so far and you’ll be on your

way to being more congruent in how you operate and

decisions you make.

Again, this clears the way for more creativity and

brilliant ideas will emerge as a result of clearing the

clutter and making way for NEW ideas to come to

you for powerful branding content.

5. Decide and Take action now! – Surround yourself with achievers, dreamers, and people

going after their goals and bringing others with them. Take an action now; not later – not next

week – now. What is your most urgent business challenge you know you need to invest in an

expert to help you solve it. Find a mentor and accountability program that will hold you to your

word and vision. Our success is never done alone.

What are your entrepreneurial dreams you have yet to accomplish? How do you plan on

achieving them?

Get on the fast track by emailing my team to schedule a private discovery call to discuss

those dreams and goals and take a stand to finally make it happen. Email

[email protected].

Page 9: Entrepreneurs are the Champions of Our Economy 5 Essential ... · gratitude, and faith – your branding and business will reflect that. As entrepreneurs, we are champions of hope,


© 2017 Stand for your Worth & Dignity™ ~ Redondo Beach, CA 90277 ~ 310-378-1277 ~ www.marladiann.com

Or go to http://marladiann.com/apply and complete the call application and we will promptly


Be sure to join me at my FB business page and Instagram at Marla Diann – Mentor to Creative


Success and fulfillment to all your dreams and desires!

As a previous image-maker in Hollywood for over 22

years, Marla designed traditional media campaigns

for her celebrities, visual and performing artists to the

masses. Her strategy today translates into coaching

you how to bring out your unique charisma and

essence through a confident, bold brand that

converts to well-matched clients & higher revenues

based on a leveraged business model. She inspires

and coaches you to be live a bold, congruent,

genuine life and brand that integrates with ALL of who

you are.

Since 2008, she has been mentoring progressive, creative business owners how to build an innovative

business using savvy business techniques, a compelling personal branding strategy, leveraged time

Page 10: Entrepreneurs are the Champions of Our Economy 5 Essential ... · gratitude, and faith – your branding and business will reflect that. As entrepreneurs, we are champions of hope,


© 2017 Stand for your Worth & Dignity™ ~ Redondo Beach, CA 90277 ~ 310-378-1277 ~ www.marladiann.com

and talent, and an online marketing system. She inspires small business owners to multi-million dollar

companies to Stand for Your Worth & Dignity. She has been an entrepreneur for 20 years.

Marla helps her clients break free of unconscious self-sabotaging money habits, gain control of their

relationship with money and build a stronger self-worth and net worth.

Marla was awarded the honor of being one of 100 Who’s Who Among

Women in Ecommerce 2012 for WE Magazine and June 2014/2015

(2 years in a row) as a Top 100 Small Business Experts to Follow on

Twitter. She’s a leading member of Ali’ Brown’s Elite Elevate program

supporting women in their business goals. She holds a Bachelor of

Liberal Arts & Sciences degree in PR Journalism from San Diego State


She completed Anthony Robbins’ two year Mastery University program in 2007. She holds a Money

Breakthrough Method™ Coach certification for entrepreneurs and her greatest achievement was and

always will be raising her 25 year old son as a single Mom.

She lives in beautiful Redondo Beach, CA with her cute Cairn terrier and spends weekends playing in

the sun, doing yoga, cooking, watching films, going to art classes, concerts, walking on the beach,

enjoying her friends, and reading her spiritual books. More details at www.marladiann.com.