Enterprise Service Bus




Transcript of Enterprise Service Bus

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SOAEssentials of Service Orientation (SO)WCF as the main enabling technology

Microsoft on ESB

Enabling Product/Technology roadmap updates

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The Motivation for Service The Motivation for Service OrientationOrientation

Connected businesses are changing the way software Connected businesses are changing the way software systems are being developed todaysystems are being developed today

These software systems are characterized by standards-These software systems are characterized by standards-based interoperability, the need to leverage heterogeneous based interoperability, the need to leverage heterogeneous investments, and by loose coupling of software assets to investments, and by loose coupling of software assets to enable business agilityenable business agility

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Message-basedMessage-basedSchema+ContractSchema+ContractBinding via PolicyBinding via Policy



Interface-basedInterface-basedDynamic LoadingDynamic LoadingRuntime MetadataRuntime Metadata





Objects, Components and Objects, Components and ServicesServices

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SO is an architectural SO is an architectural paradigm for building paradigm for building distributed systemsdistributed systems

SO is evolutionarySO is evolutionary

SO is a means to an endSO is a means to an end

SO can and should be an SO can and should be an incremental processincremental process

SO is easy and can be done SO is easy and can be done in-housein-house

SO is a technology or set of SO is a technology or set of technologiestechnologies

SO is revolutionarySO is revolutionary

SO is the end goalSO is the end goal

SO requires business and SO requires business and technology overhaultechnology overhaul

SO is complex and requires SO is complex and requires an army of consultantsan army of consultants


Cutting through SOA HypeCutting through SOA Hype

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ServiceService – An endpoint that reacts to messages – An endpoint that reacts to messages

Service OrientationService Orientation – An architectural paradigm – An architectural paradigm that employs the following four tenets: that employs the following four tenets:

Boundaries are explicitBoundaries are explicit

Services are autonomousServices are autonomous

Services share schema and contract, not classServices share schema and contract, not class

Service compatibility is determined based on policyService compatibility is determined based on policy

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) – Any – Any architecture the adheres to the Four Tenets of Service architecture the adheres to the Four Tenets of Service OrientationOrientation

Services, SO, and SOAServices, SO, and SOA

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Service OrientationService OrientationBasic Consumer/Provider viewBasic Consumer/Provider view


Service ConsumersService Consumers Service ProviderService Provider

How the application is constructed and hosted is independent How the application is constructed and hosted is independent of the service implementationof the service implementationExternal Consumers depend on the Capability or the Data, not External Consumers depend on the Capability or the Data, not the means.the means.

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Adopting an SOAAdopting an SOADriving Forces Restraining Forces

Interoperable networked Applications

Emerging Industry-wide standards

Easier access to enterprise-wide data

Easier exchange of data

Consistent Enterprise-wide data

Reduced Brittleness using tags

Support of Web Services in products

Reduced Development time

Reduced Maintenance costs

Availability of external systems

Minimal effect on operational systems

Use of Business Intelligence software

Availability of training and tools

Opportunity to learn new skills

Mergers and Acquisition

Multiple Lines of Business

Reduced Deployment Dependencies


s Qu


Costs of development

Product/Service doesn’t do everything

Deciding what data to route

Delays getting data updates distributed

Deciding what data to warehouse

Delays in getting data to the warehouse

Redundancy of data

Data quality issues

Effect on operational systems for up-to-the-moment data requests

Lack of Training / understanding

Power of internal “expert”

Inertia – Why Change?

Feeling that job may be threatened

Not Invented Here

Our Problems are Special

Gap between Vision and Execution

Matrix Reporting Prevents Mandates

Business Issues

Design Issues

Change Issues

Source: Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture: The Savvy Manager’s Guide

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The Windows The Windows Communication Communication FoundationFoundation

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“What API should I use?”

“How should I build service-oriented systems?”

“How can I send messages securely & reliably?”

“How can I develop interoperable applications?”

What We Hear From YouWhat We Hear From You

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Unifies today’s distributed technologiesUnifies today’s distributed technologies

Attribute-based developmentAttribute-based development

Visual Studio 2005 integrationVisual Studio 2005 integration


Broad support for WS-* specificationsBroad support for WS-* specifications

Compatible with existing MS distributed Compatible with existing MS distributed application technologiesapplication technologies


Enables development of Enables development of loosely-coupled servicesloosely-coupled services

Config-based communicationConfig-based communication


Windows Communication Windows Communication FoundationFoundation

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InteropInteropwith otherwith otherplatformsplatforms


Attribute- Attribute- BasedBasedProgrammingProgramming

Enterprise Services





ExtensibilityExtensibilityLocation Location transparencytransparency

.NET Remoting

Unified Programming Unified Programming ModelModel

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WCF extends the .NET Framework WCF extends the .NET Framework

Services are built in Visual Studio Services are built in Visual Studio 2005 using any .NET programming 2005 using any .NET programming languagelanguage

Intelligent code editingIntelligent code editingService templatesService templatesDebuggingDebugging

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WS-* Protocol SupportWS-* Protocol Support

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Service OrientationService Orientation

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WCF ArchitectureWCF Architecture

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Service Orientation is an architectural Service Orientation is an architectural paradigm, conforming to paradigm, conforming to the four tenetsthe four tenets

Service Orientation reflects the realities of Service Orientation reflects the realities of building heterogeneous distributed systemsbuilding heterogeneous distributed systems

Service Orientation enables agility and the Service Orientation enables agility and the ability to leverage existing assets, without ability to leverage existing assets, without having to rip-and-replacehaving to rip-and-replace

The Microsoft platform provides tools to enable The Microsoft platform provides tools to enable you to build Service Oriented systems todayyou to build Service Oriented systems today


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Enterprise Service Bus Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)(ESB)

Microsoft Guidance for Microsoft Guidance for Building an ESBBuilding an ESB

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Microsoft on ESBMicrosoft on ESB

Brokered Communicatio


Standards Support

Endpoint Metadat


Intelligent Routing

Transformation AdaptationOrchestration

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Brokered CommunicationBrokered Communication

Centralized Centralized

Message Message

Broker Broker

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Brokered CommunicationBrokered CommunicationMessage BusMessage Bus

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Web Service

AS 400

.NET Application J2EE Application




BizTalk Engine

Business Process Orchestration

Business Rules Engine

Business Activity Monitoring

Management and Monitoring

Partner Management /Business Activity Services


BizTalk Transport Adapters (XML/SOAP, HTTP, TCP/IP)

BizTalk Business Software Adapters (Oracle DB, Legacy Apps-AS 400)

SQL Server 2005

Oracle DB

•Business Intelligence•Reporting•Monitoring

•Business Intelligence•Reporting•Monitoring