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    1. Pinna is supplied by all, EXCEPT:a. Greater auricular Nb. Auriculotemporal Nc. Jacobson's Nerved. Vagus Nerve

    2. The area of middle ear cleft around the tympanicorifice of the eustachian tube is also called as :

    a. Epitympanumb. Mesotympanumc. Hypotympanumd. Protympanum

    3. Site of predilection for stapedial type ofotospongiosis is from:

    a. Fissula Ante fenestramb. Fissula Post fenestramc. Foramen of Huschked. Fissures of Santorini

    4. Suprameatal triangle is landmark for:a. Middle earb. Facial nervec. Mastoid antrumd. Mastoid tip

    5. Narrowest part of middle ear is :a. Hypotympanumb. Epitympanumc. Mesotympanumd. Attic

    6. The impedance matching mechanism of themiddle ear is accomplished by all, EXCEPT:

    a. Curved membrane effectb. Lever action of ossiclesc. Hydraulic action of tympanic membraned. Phase difference between oval & round

    window7. Tuning fork test used to detect malingering is:

    a. Rinneb. Weberc. Modified schwabach's testd. Chimani Moo's test

    8. Oto acoustic em issions are :a. Sounds generated by the cochleab. Due to activity of outer hair cellsc. Of two typesd. All of the above

    9. Flat tympanogram is a feature of:a. Otosclerosisb. Serous otitis mediac. Eustachian tube dysfunctiond. Normal ear

    10. Hematoma of the auricle can lead to :a. Bat earb. Singapore ear

    c. Cauliflower eard. Swiimmer's ear

    11. Ram, a 50 year old male is admitted with right eardischarge, lower cranial nerve palsies anduncontrolled blood sugar, Most probablediagnosis:

    a. Tropical earb. Unsafe CSOMc. Malignantd. Glomus jugulare tumour

    12. Muscles related to eustachian tube are all,EXCEPT:

    a. Tensor veli palatinib. Levator veli palatinic. Cricopharyngeusd. Salpingopharyngeus

    13. Ostmann's pad of fat is related to:a. Middle earb. Eustachian tubec. Oropharynxd. Maxillary sinus

    14. Eustachian tube patency can be checked by:a. Toynbee's manouvreb. Apley's manouvrec. Cottle's manouvred. Particle repositioning manouvre

    15. The causative agent in acute necrotising otitis

    media is:a. Staph. aureusb. - hemolytic streptococcic. Pseudomonasd. Candida

    16. Tuberculous otitis media, all are true, EXCEPT:a. Painless ear dischargeb. Multiple perforationsc. Severe hearing loss out of proportion to

    symptomsd. Pink granulations

    17. During mastoidectomy an ENT surgeon found a

    cholesteatoma sac which was engulfing theossicles. Malleus & incus found to be necrosedonly stapes footplate along with superstructurepresnt. Which type of tympanoplasty can beplanned?

    a. Type IVb. Type IIIc. Type VId. Type II

    18. Which of the following is not a complication ofCSOM?

    a. Citelli's abcessb. Luc's abscess

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    c. Otitic hydrocephalusd. BPPV

    19. Not seen in Gradenigo's syndrome:a. Facial palsyb. Aural dischargec. Diplopiad. Facial pain

    20. Hennebert's sign is seen in all. EXCEPT:a. Syphilisb. Meniere's diseasec. Congenitally lax food plate ofd. Otosclerosis

    21. Cerebellar abscess develops as a direct extensionthrough:

    a. Solid triangleb. Trautmann's triangc. Mac Ewen's triangled. Endolymphatic

    22. Delta sign is seen in :a. Mastoiditisb. Extradural abscessc. Lateral sinus thrombophlebitisd. Meningitis

    23. Schwartze operation is :a. Simple mastoidectomyb. Radical mastoidectomyc. Modified radical mastoidectomy

    d. Ossiculoplasty24. Cortical mastoidectomy was first described by:

    a. Stakeb. Schwartzc. Bondyd. Lempert

    25. A child comes with chronic foul smelling eardischarge & facial paresis since few days. Onexamination external auditory canal shows apolyp. Treatment of choice is:

    a. Antibiotic to dry ear & thenmastoidectomy


    Antibiotic dropsc. Steroid dropsd. Immediate mastoidectomy

    26. Reddish hue seen on promontory through the TMis seen in:

    a. ASOMb. CSOMc. Otosclerosisd. Meniere's disease

    27. NOT seen in otosclerosis:a. Hearing lossb. Paracusis willissiic. Hitselbergers sign

    d. Tinnitus28. Otosclerosis best treatment is:

    a. Sodium fluorideb. Stapedectomy with pistonc. Stapedotomy with pistond. Observation

    29. In mastoid surgery, the important landmark forlowering the facial ridge is:

    a. Facial recessb. Chorda tympanic. Processus cochleariform isd. Lateral semicircular canal

    30. Not seen in Rosenthal Melkersson's syndrome is:a. Facial paralysisb. Hearing lossc. Lip swellingd. Fissured tongue

    31. Not a topodiagnostic tests for facial nerve is:a. Schirmer's testb. Stapedial reflexc. Parotid salivary flow testd. Submandibular salivary flow test

    32. Frey's syndrome follows damage to:a. Facial nerveb. Auriculotemporal nervec. Trigeminal nerved. Glossopharyngeal

    33. Not a Variant of Meniere's disease:a. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

    (BPPV)b. Vestibular hydropsc. Tumarkins otolithic crisisd. Lermoyez syndrome

    34. Donaldson's line is landmark for:a. Lateral semicircular canalb. Superior semicircular canalc. Endolymphatic sacd. Petrous apex.

    35. Brown's sign is positive in :


    Glomus jugulare tumorsb. Acoustic neuromac. Cholesteatomad. Malignancy

    36. Phelp's sign is seen in :a. Carcinoma of external earb. Glomus tumourc. Hyrtle's fistulad. Branchial fistula

    37. NOT an early sign of acoustic neuroma is:a. Hypo aesthesia of posterior meatal wallb. Dysdiadochokinesiac. Loss of taste

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    d. Greater palatine A54. Eddie air currents in the nose are seen during

    which phase of respiration?a. Inspirationb. Expirationc. Bothd. None

    55. Best view for evaluating sphenoid sinus is:a. Water's view with open mouthb. Schuller's viewc. Towne's viewd. Lateral view

    56. Nasal mucosa is supplied by :a. Only external carotid arteryb. Only internal carotid arteryc. Mainly external carotid arteryd. Mainly internal carotid artery

    57. Structure that divides ethmoidal air cells into theanterior & posterior ethmiodal air cells is:

    a. Aggar nasib. Haller cellsc. Ground lamellad. Onodi cells

    58. A patient with complete anosmia on smell testingwould respond to:

    a. Soapb. Coffee

    c. Ammoniad. Tobacco

    59. NOT True for furuncle of nasal vestibule is:a. Caused by Staph. Aureusb. Due to trauma from plucking the nasal

    vibrissaec. Can cause cavernous sinus

    thrombophlebitisd. Treatment is wait & watch

    60. Saddle nose is not seen after:a. Submucous resectionb. Septoplasty


    Septal abscessd. Granulomatous diseases of nose61. About meningoencephalocele, what is false:

    a. It is herniation of brain tissue withmeninges throught a congenital bonydefect

    b. Subcutaneous pulsatile swelling in themidline at the roof of nose

    c. Cough impulse presentd. Irreducible

    62. About "potato tumour" what is false?a. Tumour due to hypertrophy of sebaceous


    b. Acne rosaceac. Malignantd. Treatment is debu!king followlnq by re-

    epithelialization or complete excision withskin grafting

    63. Jarjaway fracture of nasal septum: all are true,EXCEPT:

    a. Due to blows from frontb. Causes deviation of nosec. Starts from above the anterior nasal spine

    of maxilla & runs horizontally backwards just above the junction of septal cartilagewith vomer

    d. Runs vertically from anterior nasal spineupwards to junction of bony &

    cartilaginous dorsum of nose.64. Cottle's test is used to detect obstruction due to:

    a. Rhinitis medicamentosab. Deviated nasal septumc. Hypertrophied inferior turbinatesd. Rhinosporidiosis

    65. The preferred age for doing septal surgery is:a. 12 yearsb. 17 yearsc. 22 yearsd. 8 years

    66. Septal hematoma: all are true, EXCEPT:

    a. Caused by nasal trauma or septal surgeryb. Fluctuation test positivec. Treatment is aspiration occasionallyd. Treatment is antibiotics only

    67. Perforation in cartilaginous part is not caused by:a. Lupusb. Tuberculosisc. Syphilisd. Leprosy

    68. Atrophic rhinitis is caused by all, EXCEPT:a. Klebsiella ozaenaeb. Diphtheroids


    Frisch bacillusd. Staphylococci69. Medical management for atrophic rhinitis includes

    all, EXCEPT:a. Injection of placentalb. 25% glucose in glycerinc. Kemicetined. Oestradlol lnjections

    70. Atrophic rhinitis: surgical management includesall, EXCEPT:

    a. Young's surgeryb. Whit Mack's surgeryc. Ragav Saran's surgery

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    d. Schwartz surgery71. False regarding rhinoscleroma is:

    a. It is a granulomatous diseaseb. It is fungal in originc. Mukulicz cells are seen on biopsyd. Starts in the nose

    72. Best line of treatment for patients suffering fromrhinosporidiosis is:

    a. Dapsoneb. Avulsion of the polypic. Young's surgeryd. Surgical excision with base cauterization

    73. Treatment for Wegener's granulomatosis is all,EXCEPT:

    a. Systemic steroidsb. Radiotherapyc. Cyclophosphamided. Azathioprine

    74. Chronic foul smelling & occasionally blood stainedunilateral nasal discharge in a child is highlysuspicious of:

    a. Adenoidsb. DNSc. Meningoceled. Foreign body

    75. Emergency treatment for bilateral choanal atresiais:

    a. Cottle's manoeuvreb. McGovern's techniquec. Apley's manoeuvred. Transnasal correction

    76. CSF rhinorrhoea is seen in which of the followingtypes of fractures?

    a. Le Fort I maxillary fractureb. Le Fort II maxillary fracturec. Tripod fractured. Both Le Fort II & III

    77. Best modality to detect site of CSF rhinorrhoea is:a. MRI


    CT angiographyc. CT cisternographyd. CSF examination

    78. Steroids sprays used in treatment of allergicrhinitis are all, EXCEPT:

    a. Beclomethasoneb. Fluticasonec. Dexamethasoned. Mometasone

    79. Vidian neurectomy is done for treatment of :a. Allergic rhinitisb. Vasomotor rhinitisc. Rhinitis sicca

    d. Rhinitis caseosa80. Symptoms associated with nasal polypi are all,

    EXCEPT:a. Sampter's triadb. Trotter's triadc. NARESd. Kartagener's syndrome

    81. False for Antrochoanal polyp is: a. Common is adultb. Infectionc. Solitaryd. Unilateral

    82. Most common cause of epistaxis in an adult is: a. Traumab. Infectionc. Hypertensiond. Asthma

    83. False for nasal bone fracture is:a. Most common fracture of faceb. Periorbital ecchymosis may be presentc. Crepitus presentd. Treatment is closed or open reduction

    84. Oro-antral fistula can be caused by all, EXCEPT:a. Dental extractionb. Caldwell Luc operationc. Antrochoanal polypd. Ca maxilla

    85. All are true regarding fracture zygoma (tripodfracture), EXCEPT:

    a. It is second most commonly fracturedbone

    b. Step deformity helps in clinical diagnosisc. Trismus is seend. Open reduction & internal fixation is

    treatment for all zygomatic fractures86. "Office headache" is seen in:

    a. Frontal sinusitisb. Ethmoid sinusitisc. Sphenoid sinusitis


    Maxillary sinusitis87. Nerve not involved in superior orbital fissure" areall, EXCEPT:

    a. VIb. IIIc. IVd. V2

    88. Synonymous with inverted papilloma are all,EXCEPT:

    a. Transitional cell papillomab. Schneiderian tumourc. Ringertz tumourd. Hemangiopericytoma

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    89. Raghu, a 50 year old male has carcinoma ofmaxilla involving the orbital periosteum, (best)line of treatment would be:

    a. Maxillectomyb. Maxillectomy with radiotherapyc. Maxillectomy with eyeball exentrationd. Maxillectomy with eyeball exentration

    and radiotherapy90. Paranasal sinus malignancy: all are true EXCEPT:

    a. Predisposing factors are leather work andmustard gas

    b. Workers of furniture industry developadenocarcinoma of ethmoids & nasalcavity

    c. Nickel refining leads to anaplastic &squamous cell carcinoma

    d. 20% are squamous cell variety91. Regarding ethmoid infundibulum situated in

    lateral wall of nose, which of the followingstatements are true?

    a. It is situated medial to uncinate processb. It communicates with nasal cavity

    through hiatus semilunarisc. Opening of sphenoid is situated near its

    floord. It cannot be localized even CT scan

    92. A 35 year old woman comes with nasal discharge,

    crusting & woody nose, the diagnosis is:a. Rhinosporidiosisb. Rhinoscleromac. Atrophic rhinitisd. Ethmoidal polyps

    93. Features associated with DNS includes all of thefollowing, EXCEPT:

    a. Epistaxisb. Atrophy of turbinatec. Hypertrophy of turbinated. Recurrent sinusitis

    94. For DNS, surgery is required for all, EXCEPT:


    Septal spur with epistaxisb. Prolonged DNSc. Persistent rhinorrhoead. Recurrent sinusitis

    95. Percentage of newborns with deviation of nasalseptum :

    a. 2%b. 10%c. 20%d. 50%

    96. A 4 year old child presents with bleeding fromright side of nose. He also gets purulent dischargefrom the same side. The likely diagnosis is:

    a. DNS with right maxillary sinusitisb. Unilateral choanal atresiac. AC polypd. Foreign body

    97. In paranasal sinuses, osteoma commonly involves:a. Frontal sinusb. Maxillary sinusc. Ethmoid sinusd. Sphenoid sinus

    98. Antral (Holman-Miller) sign is a feature of:a. Acoustic Neuromab. Glomus Jugularec. Nasopharyngeal angiofibromad. Coalescent mastoiditis

    99. The current treatment of choice for large ACpolyp in 30 year old man is:

    a. Intranasal polypectomyb. Caldwell-Luc operationc. Endoscopic sinus surgeryd. Lateral rhinotomy & excision

    100. Most definitive diagnosis of sinusitis is :a. X-ray DNSb. Proof puncturec. Sinoscopyd. Transillumination test

    101. Pharyngeal wall does not consists of:a. Mucous membrane

    b. Pharyngobasilar fasciac. Adventitiad. Buccopharyngeal fascia

    102. The external layer of the muscular coat of pharynxconsists of:

    a. Superior constrictorb. Stylopharyngeusc. Salpingopharyngeusd. Palatopharyngeus

    103. Not true for nasopharyngeal bursa is :a. Epithelial lined median recess found in

    tonsil mass


    Extends from pharyngeal mucosa toperiosteum of basi-occiputc. May cause persistent post nasal discharged. Can lead to Thornwald's disease

    104. Levator palati and eustachian tube pass through:a. Sinus of Hisb. Killian dehiscencec. Sphenopalatine foramend. Sinus of Morgagni

    105. Passavant's ridge is formed by:a. Salpingopharyngeusb. Palatopharyngeusc. Stylopharyngeus

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    d. Uvula106. Hypopharynx does not consist of:

    a. Pyriform fossab. Post cricoid regionc. Epiglottisd. Posterior pharyngeal wall

    107. Structures seen lateral to tonsil are all, EXCEPT:a. Superior constrictorb. Styloglossusc. Medial pterygoidd. Anterior belly of digastric

    108. Blood supply to tonsil is not given by :a. Dorsal lingual arteryb. Ascending pharyngeal arteryc. Descending pharyngeal arteryd. Descending palatine artery

    109. The only abductors of vocal cords are:a. Posterior crico arytenoidsb. Lateral crico arytenoidsc. Inter arytenoidsd. Thyro arytenoids

    110. Mucous glands are absent in :a. Epiglottisb. Aryepiglottic foldc. Rima glottidisd. Vocal folds

    111. Most important function of larynx is:

    a. Protection of lower airwaysb. Respirationc. Phonationd. Fixation of chest

    112. Killians dehiscence -false statement is:a. Exists between thyropharyngeus &

    salpingopharyngeusb. Exits between thyropharyngeus &

    cricopharyngeusc. Called as "gateway of tears"d. Site for pharyngeal pouch

    113. Viral parotitis (mumps) all are true, EXCEPT:


    Gives life long immunityb. Can cause epididymo-orchitis,pancreatitis, and thyroiditis

    c. Causes bilateral SN lossd. Serum amylase is raised

    114. Acute suppurative parotitis-false statement is:a. Commonly seen in elderly, debilitated &

    dehydrated patientsb. Dry mouth is a predisposing factorc. Pseudomonas is the causative organismd. Stenson's duct is swollen

    115. Type of epithelium lining the vocal cord is:a. Keratinising stratified squamous

    b. Non-keratinising stratified squamousc. Pseudostratified ciliated columnard. Cuboidal

    116. Regarding sialoliths false is:a. 90% of stones are seen in submandibular

    glandsb. Formed by deposition of calcium

    phosphatec. Submandibular stones are radiolucentd. Marsupialisation is the treatment of

    choice117. Investigation of choice for diagnosis of Sjogren's

    syndrome is :a. ESRb. Rheumatoid factorc. ANAd. Labial biopsy

    118. What is true regarding Warth in's Tumour:a. It is more common in femalesb. It is invariably benign tumourc. It occurs commonly in minor salivary

    glandsd. It occurs in early childhood

    119. Frey's syndrome follows damage to:a. Facial nerveb. Auriculotemporal nervec. Trigeminal nerve

    d. Glossopharyngeal120. Ludwigs angina false statement is:

    a. H. influenza & E. coli are the causativeorganism

    b. Premolar infection leads to sublingualspace infection

    c. Molar infection leads to submaxillaryspace infection

    d. Can cause laryngeal edema121. In Diphtheria tonsillitis patient presents with all

    these symptoms, EXCEPT:a. Toxemia


    Markedly enlarged lymph nodes (bullneck)c. High grade feverd. Membrane over tonsil which separates

    with difficulty and bleeds on removal122. True for quinsy are all, EXCEPT:

    a. Mostly affects adultsb. Can cause Quinke's edemac. Parapharyngeal abscess is a complicationd. Hot tonsillectomy is treatment of choice

    123. Persistent bucconasal membrane results in :a. Cleft lipb. Choanal atresia

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    c. Cleft palated. T. O. fistula

    124. Which of the following statements is incorrect?a. Parapharyngeal abscess produces lateral

    pharyngeal swellingb. Parapharyngeal abscess is drained

    transorallyc. Marked trismus mandates tracheostomyd. Acute laryngeal oedema is a

    complication of para pharyngeal abscess125. Behcet's syndrome does not consist of :

    a. Aphthous ulcerb. Uveitisc. Genital ulcerationsd. Ca esophagus

    126. Commonest site for Ca tongue is:a. Lateral borderb. Tip & undersurfacec. Dorsumd. Frenulum

    127. Commando operation is done for:a. Ca tongueb. Ca tonsilc. Ca gingivad. Ca lip

    128. Dohlman's surgery is done for:a. Laryngocele

    b. Pharyngeal pouchc. Puberphoniad. Spastic dysphonia

    129. True for epiglottitis are all, EXCEPT:a. H. influenza B. is the commonest

    causative organismb. Dyspnoea / stridor is the presenting

    symptomc. Thumb sign seen on XR neck (lateral view)d. Treatment is tracheostomy

    130. True about styloid are all, EXCEPT:a. Due to elongated styloid process


    Due to calcification of stylohyoid ligamentc. Towne's view on XR preferredd. Treatment is conservative

    131. True for Paterson Brown Kelly syndrome are all,EXCEPT:

    a. Hypochromic microcytic anemiab. Common in malesc. Associated with post cricoid Cad. Laryngeal crepitus is lost

    132. All are true for Laryngomalacia, EXCEPT:a. Commonest congenital abnormality of


    b. Stridor increases on crying & decreases inprone position

    c. Omega shaped epiglottisd. Treatment is tracheostomy

    133. True for bilateral abductor paralysis are all,EXCEPT:

    a. Neuritis or surgical traumas are the mostimportant cause

    b. Vocal cords are in median/Paramedianposition

    c. Voice is goodd. Respiration is normal

    134. Treatment for bilateral abductor paralysis are all,EXCEPT:

    a. Arytenoidectomyb. Cordectomyc. Fat injectiond. Thyroplasty

    135. About vocal Nodules- all are true, EXCEPT:a. Voice abuse is common causeb. Junction of anterior 1/3rd & posteriorc. Junction of anterior 2/3rd & posterior

    1/3rd of vocal cordd. Long standing cases require surgery

    136. Juvenile laryngeal papillomas, false is:a. Viral originb. Patient presents with hoarseness &

    stridorc. Excision by laryngo fissured. Interferon therapy is used to prevent

    recurrence.137. Treatment of choice for Ca glottis T1NoMo is:

    a. Surgeryb. Radiotherapyc. Surgery + Radiotherapyd. Radiotherapy + chemotherapy

    138. Supraglottic larynx drains into:a. Pretracheal nodesb. Upper deep cervical nodes


    Lower deep cervical nodesd. Prelaryngeal nodes139. Structures removed in radical neck dissection are

    all, EXCEPT:a. Lymph nodesb. Internal jugular veinc. Submandibular glandd. Phrenic nerve

    140. All of the following about Ca esophagus are true,EXCEPT:

    a. Risk factors are smoking & alcoholb. Barrets esophagus is premalignantc. Most common is adenocarcinoma

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    d. Plummer Vinson syndrome ispredisposing factor

    141. Pharyngeal diverticula occur through:a. Oblique & transverse fibres of superior

    constrictorb. Fibers of stylopharyngeusc. Oblique & transverse fibres of inferior

    constrictord. None of above

    142. Radiation of pain to ear in tonsillitis is :a. Along X nerveb. Along XI nervec. Along XII nerved. Along IX nerve

    143. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia is characterized by allEXCEPT:

    a. Carbamazepine is of helpb. Pain is bilateralc. Intermittent paroxysms of paind. Areas of pain are base of tongue, ear &

    fauces144. All following are true about adenoids, EXCEPT:

    a. Present at birthb. Covered by ciliated epitheliumc. Bounded by capsuled. Does not contain crypt

    145. Treatment of choice for nasopharyngeal

    carcinoma is :a. Radiotherapyb. Surgeryc. Immunotherapyd. Chemotherapy

    146. A hard swelling in tonsillar bed after tonsillectomysuggest:

    a. Elongated styloid processb. Tonsillar Tagc. Tonsillolithd. Peritonsillar abscess

    147. Fatal complication of epiglottitis is :


    Asphyxiab. Tonsillitisc. Otitis mediad. Haemorrhage

    148. On examination, vocal cords do not approximateon phonation but comes together when patientcoughs Diagnosis is:

    a. Functional aphoniab. Syphilisc. Diabetic neuropathyd. Myasthenia gravis

    149. Laryngo tracheo bronchitis is most often due to:a. Para influenza virus

    b. H. influenzac. Herpes virusd. Coxsackie virus

    150. Treatment of Laryngocele is :a. Excisionb. Laryngoplastyc. Medical treatmentd. Mastery inactivity

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    Ans ENT 1

    1. 32. 43. 14. 35. 36. 47. 48. 49. 210. 311. 312. 313. 214. 115. 2

    16. 417. 218. 419. 120. 421. 222. 323. 124. 225. 426. 327. 328. 329. 430. 231. 332. 233. 134. 3

    35. 1

    36. 237. 2

    38. 339. 440. 341. 242. 143. 444. 245. 446. 147. 448. 349. 450. 4

    Ans ENT 2

    1. 42. 33. 24. 25. 16. 37. 38. 39. 410. 211. 412. 3

    13. 414. 215. 216. 417. 318. 319. 420. 421. 222. 4

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    23. 224. 4

    25. 226. 427. 328. 329. 230. 231. 132. 333. 434. 335. 436. 137. 438. 439. 440. 441. 242. 243. 244. 245. 346. 447. 148. 349. 350. 3

    Ans ENT 3

    1. 32. 13. 14. 45. 26. 37. 48. 39. 110. 4

    11. 1

    12. 113. 3

    14. 315. 216. 317. 418. 219. 220. 121. 322. 423. 224. 225. 426. 127. 228. 229. 430. 431. 232. 433. 434. 335. 336. 337. 238. 239. 440. 341. 342. 4

    43. 244. 345. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 1