Ensure the Longevity of Your Rugs with These Caring Tips

Ensure the Longevity of Your Rugs with These Caring Tips

Transcript of Ensure the Longevity of Your Rugs with These Caring Tips

Ensure the Longevity of Your Rugs with These Caring Tips


Decorating your interior can reveal to be a tricky endeavor when you consider all the questions you need to answer first. What color scheme to go for, what pieces of furniture to select so as to ensure that they all match and form a cohesive whole...

In that search for interior beauty, rugs are one of your best allies. But once you've picked your favorite models, how do you take care of them? What can you do to preserve their condition and make sure that they will keep embellishing your home for the years to come? Follow this presentation if you want to find out.

Quality Matters

If you want to learn how to keep your rugs in pristine condition, choose the right materials to begin with. You see, going for cheap pieces will never be a smart move if you value comfort and style. Even if you handle them with all the care in the world, poor quality rugs will start to come apart after a while. You will see threads sticking out and colors fading away.

Now, it doesn't mean that you ought to buy prohibitively expensive rugs but quality should always be a deciding factor when shopping for new additions. Unless, of course, you don’t mind changing rugs every few months (in which case, caring tips will not help you much anyway).

Out of the Box

The moment you receive your order from the rug store, you need to take caution and treat it with respect. It all starts with getting the item out of its box, gently, without damaging the beauty.

The number one no-no on the list is to use a cutter or a knife to free the rug from its plastic. You’d be surprised how easy it is to puncture the fabric and rip through the piece. Once the rug is out, lay it down on a flat surface. In case you can’t or will not put the rug into place at the moment, store it flat in a dry room. Whatever you do, don’t let the rolled up rug rest vertically as this can damage the fibers permanently.

How to Vacuum

If you didn't know it already, vacuuming can be extremely damaging to your rugs because of the suction effect that pulls on the threads and can cause sprouts. When using a vacuum cleaner, you need to be extra careful and abide to the following rules:

•Never use the vacuum without its handheld attachment

•Pay special attention to the edges as that's where rugs are at their most fragile

•Turn off the beater bar as it will completely ruin your rug

•When possible, prefer a broom or sweeper to your vacuum

Removing Stains

In case you stained the rug, time is of the essence. You need to act quickly and remove the stain before it has a chance to set in and dry off. First of all, try and use a knife to remove the excess on top of the stain if there is solid food or dirt (never rub as it will only push the stain deeper into the fibers!)

Then, using lukewarm water, remove the residues. Finish it off with some towels that will serve to take out any moisture that could be left.

Professional Cleaning

While you could choose to clean your rugs by yourself, you ought to ask yourself if you'd rather not get professional help. Is the trouble worth saving a few dollars? Rug experts can provide you with a service that is not only fast but also very competitive in its price.

In some cases, you will not really have a choice. For example, if bad odors have invaded your rugs and you can't get rid of them, or if you face persistent stains that just will not come off, calling on a specialist will be your only option. This will prove useful too if you own Oriental or antique rugs that need special treatment.


Taking care of your rugs is not that hard but it's a necessity nonetheless. If you want them to keep your interior looking beautiful, you first need to ensure that you keep them in perfect condition. Just remember that rugs are delicate things that need to be handled with care. Whether when you vacuum them or remove stains, always be gentle and you should encounter no problem.

When in doubt, entrust the responsibility to a professional cleaner. Your rugs will thank you for it!

For more information about cleaning and everything that revolves around rugs, visit us at: https://icustomrug.com/rugs/style/shag/