Enhancing productivity: ICT that supports digital proficiency in the community sector - Peter Walton

Increasing the capacity of our communities to engage with technology Peter Walton, CEO, Infoxchange Enhancing Productivity: Digital Proficiency and the not for profit sector



Transcript of Enhancing productivity: ICT that supports digital proficiency in the community sector - Peter Walton

  • 1. Increasing the capacityof our communities toengage with technologyPeter Walton, CEO, InfoxchangeEnhancing Productivity: Digital Proficiencyand the not for profit sector

2. 2www.infoxchange.net.au1. Productivity - The need to embrace technology2. The characteristics of a digitally proficientorganisation basic to transformational3. The journey to productivity Ten easy thingsfor leadersObjectives of session 3. 3www.infoxchange.net.auTechnology is irrevocablyembedded in how we live,work and play 4. 4www.infoxchange.net.auMobility CloudSocial Big dataAfter fire and the wheel, cloud is thenew game changer. Montreal Gazette, November 2011Todays Technology MegatrendsThe Mega TrendsSource: Microsoft 5. 5www.infoxchange.net.auYouManageVendorManagesPlatform(as a Service)StorageServersNetworkingO/SMiddlewareVirtualizationApplicationsRuntimeDataSoftware(as a Service)StorageServersNetworkingO/SMiddlewareVirtualizationApplicationsRuntimeDataInfrastructure(as a Service)StorageServersNetworkingO/SMiddlewareVirtualizationDataApplicationsRuntimeOn PremisesStorageServersNetworkingO/SMiddlewareVirtualizationDataApplicationsRuntimeCloud ServicesPeople dont want to buy a quarter inch drill.They want a quarter inch hole! Theodore LevittSource: Microsoft 6. 6www.infoxchange.net.au 7. 7www.infoxchange.net.au The majority of NGOs do not have an ICT plan Many NGOs are unaware of their ICT spend While NGOs often spend more on ICT thanother back of house services, staff are usuallynot happy with the environment Running on a shoestring means things maybreak every now and then Some NGOs are very innovative in their use ofICT because of a lack of resourcesA snapshot of Not for Profit ICT 8. 8www.infoxchange.net.au 8www.infoxchange.net.auICT ProductivityFramework 9. 9www.infoxchange.net.au 9www.infoxchange.net.auICT ProductivityFramework 10. Infoxchange is leading the way in providingtechnology to the not-for-profit sector andcreating a more digitally inclusive society10Case Study Travellers Aid 11. Raising digital proficiency through effective ICT planningConnecting Communities11www.infoxchange.net.au 12. Increasing the capacityof our communities toengage with technologyHow digitally proficient is yourorganisation? 13. 13www.infoxchange.net.au 13www.infoxchange.net.auBasic Intermediate Proficient TransformationalGovernance,planning &managementNo ICT plan. Ad hoc &reactive.ICT planning is discussed.Informal alignment withorganisations objectives.Comprehensive ICT planaligned with managementobjectives, supported byeffective governanceClear & compelling ICT visionand strategic plan, alignedwith organisations vision,mission & goals.Common ICTplatforms &collaboration toolsIndividual PCs with noinformation sharingcapability.Some simple sharedinformation services withlimited remote access.Up-to-date systems withreliable support enableeffective information sharing.Information accessibleanywhere, supported byfunctional & easy to usecollaboration tools.Client information &service deliverysystemsPredominantly paper basedsystems to support clientinformation & servicedelivery.Basic client information &service delivery systems.Functional client information& service delivery solutionsare used but with somelimitations.Integrated, accessiblesolutions support efficientprocesses, service deliveryand track outcomesSocial media,marketing & publicwebsiteNo social media presence &very basic, static websiteLimited social mediapresence & engagementwith stakeholders. Updatingof website ad hoc.Active social mediapresence & engagementwith stakeholders. Websitefunctional & current.Broad stakeholderengagement throughintegration of social media &sophisticated website.Staff & volunteersskills & cultureMost staff are uncomfortableusing computers, technology& the internetA small number of staff arecomfortable usingtechnology, but many havelimited skillsStaff can use theorganisations computersystems well. Training needs& plans are identifiedStaff are keen innovators,drive technologyimprovements & keep skillsup to date.Risk management &disaster recovery(DR)Well worry about it when ithappens.Regular backups ofimportant information exist.Virus protection & Internetfirewall activeOff-site backup, security &redundancy provisions exist.Key systems supported.Practical ICT DR planregularly tested. Client data &service provision capabilityprotected with good security &redundancy provisions.Digital Proficiency Matrix 14. 14www.infoxchange.net.au 14www.infoxchange.net.auImproved proficiency benefits NGOs &their clients.Basic .. TransformationalGovernance,planning &managementNo ICT plan. Ad hoc &reactive.Clear & compelling ICTvision and strategic plan,aligned with organisationsvision, mission & goals.Common ICTplatforms &collaboration toolsIndividual PCs with noinformation sharingcapability.Information accessibleanywhere, supported byfunctional & easy to usecollaboration tools.Client information &service systemsPredominantly paperbased systems to supportclient information &service delivery.Integrated, accessiblesolutions support efficientprocesses, service deliveryand track outcomesSocial media,marketing & publicwebsiteNo social media presence& very basic, staticwebsiteBroad stakeholderengagement throughintegration of social media &sophisticated website.Staff & volunteersskills & cultureMost staff areuncomfortable usingcomputers, technology &the internetStaff are keen innovators,drive technologyimprovements & keep skillsup to date.Risk management &disaster recovery(DR)Well worry about it whenit happens.Practical ICT DR planregularly tested. Client data& service provision capabilityprotected with good security& redundancy provisions.Maximum impact fromICT investmentStaff can collaborate,work productively &access informationanywherePainless reporting,efficient client services &client outcomes trackedPainless reporting,efficient client services &client outcomes trackedAttract new funders,supporters, volunteers,staff & clients.Staff & volunteersproductivity ismaximisedService interruptions areminimised 15. Infoxchange is leading the way in providingtechnology to the not-for-profit sector andcreating a more digitally inclusive society15Case Study Leisure Networks/RegionalSports Network of Victoria 16. Raising digital proficiency through effective ICT planningConnecting Communities16www.infoxchange.net.au 17. Increasing the capacityof our communities toengage with technologyEmbracing Technology: Teneasy things for LeadersAdapted from Deborah Elizabeth Finn and HBR AligningTechnology with Strategy 18. 18www.infoxchange.net.auFirst easy thing for LeadersTechnical knowledge is not the main game in order fornonprofit CEOs to direct and participate actively instrategic IT planning. 19. 19www.infoxchange.net.auSecond easy thing for LeadersYour Board of Management should be actively calling forand participating in a ICT plan aligned with your overallstrategy Identify issues and rootcauses of ICT challenges Identify strategies to increasecapacity, efficiency andeffectiveness A framework for decision-making More accurate andpredictable budgeting Fewer crises and ad-hocapproachesCurrent PositionBudgetProjectsFrameworksICT StrategiesCurrent PositionICT CommitteeOperational ManagementGovernance 20. 20www.infoxchange.net.auThird easy thing for LeadersEstablish a staff ICT committee. 21. 21www.infoxchange.net.auFourth easy thing for LeadersYour best ICT champions may not be where you thinkthey are. 22. 22www.infoxchange.net.auFifth easy thing for LeadersHigh-quality resources for ICT planning areavailable to nonprofits at no charge. 23. 23www.infoxchange.net.auSixth easy thing for LeadersLearn about and keep up with innovations inICT, and think about possible uses for them inthe nonprofit sector. 24. 24www.infoxchange.net.auSeventh easy thing for LeadersInformation technology, no matter how strategicallyyou apply it, will probably never save your nonprofitorganization any money but should produceproductivity savings. 25. 25www.infoxchange.net.auEighth easy thing for LeadersDonated hardware, software, and services cansometimes cost a nonprofit more than paying forproducts or services in the long run greatly affectingproductivity. 26. 26www.infoxchange.net.auNinth easy thing for LeadersIn a not for profit organisation, most IT problemsare actually organisational development problems. 27. 27www.infoxchange.net.auTenth easy thing for LeadersUnderstand your real ICT costs and the digitalproficiency of your organisation. 28. 28www.infoxchange.net.au ICT is a strategic asset that will help maximise yourproductivity ensure it is aligned with your strategyobjectives Engagement of Board and Staff is critical You dont need to be a tech expert to lead ICT planning There are resources out there to assist you It takes time to build ICT capability keep it simple at first,but dont delay!Summary 29. 29www.infoxchange.net.auiTaNGO Knowledgebase:www.itango.infoxchange.net.au/Infoxchange Australia:www.infoxchange.net.au/Questions?