Enhanced Blood Textures

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Enhanced Blood

Transcript of Enhanced Blood Textures

============== Enhanced Blood Textures By: dDefinder ============== ============== Description ============== Bloodier combat experience for both player and npcs with higher resolution and d etailed textures with additional features such as decapitated spasms, blood drop s when low health, blood pools, green blood for spiders and oil for machines. I use and have modified pauderek's bleeding scripts from "A simple bleeding mod" s ince version 1.2. ============== NOTES ============== Please read the FAQ before posting issues Patch 1.9 may have reset your decal amount options which causes blood not to app ear. The graphic option is found inside the Skyrim launcher option. Skyrim needs to be updated to v1.9. Use only one Compatibility patch! The bsa only contains jonwd7's brawl bug patch. You can remove it to use the sta ndalone patch instead or if another mod has also included the patch, such as SKY RE. ENB, FXAA Injector, and lighting mods will have noticeable effects on blood colo r which may appear differently than intended. Use darker or brighter blood color optional files to adjust it. Different locations in the game will also alter th e blood color such as indoor areas tend to be brighter than outdoors. Do not use DDSopt on "screenbloodcolor01opt" files. Black boxes will appear alon g with screen blood. Do not optimize the nif files or the game will crash when you decap someone. RECOMMENDED MODS: Realistic Ragdolls and Force: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=601 Huge thanks to pauderek for his blood scripts and support. Check out his "Burn F reeze Shock Effects" http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=14692 Hate that weird dance that they do before they die? Get "No Spinning Death Anima tion": http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17214 Improved Combat Sounds: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5289 Deadly Mutilation - Dismemberment: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34917 Improved Reverb: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16907

============== Detailed Features (these are not modular) ============== Main plugin (ESP): -Separated Hit splatters and static placed blood -Allows different wounds based on weapon type -Increase duration for blood on weapons -Increase size to hit splatters and wounds based on weapon type -Changes to screen blood duration, size and amount Textures: -New high resolution blood textures -Wounds will be bloodier and have different wound types based on weapons dam age. (Blade, Claw, Bow, Unarmed, Blunt) -New splatter appearance for screen blood textures and removed lens flare ef fect (with options for blur) -Increase red color to hit spurts -Higher detail decapitation texture Scripts: --All features from "A Simple Bleeding Mod" Such as -Bleeding out npcs will now produce blood decals until they get back up or d ie -Bleeding from the neck after decapitation killmove and neck slit killmove -A decapitated victim will have spasms for a few seconds -Works for NPCs --Features that I've added for EBT: -When a target's health is low there will be more blood from attacks and sem i-constant blood drops on ground -Low damage attacks less than 15% of base health will now produce less sever e blood splatters -Blood pooling from killed npcs and creatures and will become thicker the lo nger the body stays in the same place. It will appear differently on softer surf aces. -Extra blood splatters around a radius if it's from a killmove, spurts -Green blood for Spiders and Chaurus. Dwarven machines bleed oil Ini tweak: -Increase decal and wound lifetime. -There's a chance for blood splatters to be on your character in 1st person also in 3rd person if you were hit while in that camera mode Optional files include: -No screen blood, blur screen blood -Darker, brighter blood for use with all lighting mods. -Screen blood tweaking to duration and amount using esps. -Smaller Splatter and wound size and amount ================ Current Version Changes ================ *Version 3.5b* -Added MCM option script update rate -Added MCM option reset cloak spell -Fixed an incorrect blood splatter texture for darker and brighter blood optiona l files -Fixed "has no 3D" warnings when the player leaves the area while an actor is bl eeding out -Killmove blood now uses both normal and severe blood splatters

-Increased low health blood splatter range and fixed conditions -Small tweaks and changes to the blood scripts Optional Files Updated: Darker blood color Brighter blood color *Version 3.5a* -Added MCM option for wound duration -Fixed issue with MCM option for NPC Script turning back on after game restart -Fixed incorrect default value for blood weapon duration. 256 instead of 10. -Fixed incorrect brightness of a single blood splatter texture in darker and bri ghter optional files -Tweaks to smaller wounds plugin Optional files updated: Dawnguard Patch Dawnguard-Dragonborn Patch Monster Mod Patch Darker Blood Splatters Brighter Blood Splatters Other esp Tweaks *Version 3.5* -Increased blood drop rate after initial hit -Fixed conditions that stopped blood from appearing for some Skyrim Monster Mod compatibility patches -Fixed ash guardians from bleeding (Dragonborn DLC) -Fixed severe blood splatters not working for special creature blood. -Fixed summoned NPCs and creatures leaving blood pools on death -Fixed recently dead NPCs that are respawned alive will no longer run around lea ving blood pools (fort assault quests) -Minor edits to blood pool size -Minor edits to wound texture for blade, axe, and generic damage -Remade one severe blood splatter -Improved magic detection to prevent blood pooling if only attacked with magic -Added different set of blood pool textures will be used on softer surfaces. (Sa nd, Grass, Dirt, ect) -Added MCM menu options. You will need SKYUI for the options to be available. Optional files updated: All compatibility patches All lower resolution textures Brighter and Darker blood colors ====================================================================== Clean Save / Updating ====================================================================== You will need to do this if your current version is below v3.0. Otherwise ignore this and just install over the current version. Follow steps below: -Type the following in the console. (~) key Stopquest zGoreEffectsNPCQuest Stopquest zGoreEffectsNPCQuestUpdate -Go to an indoor area where there no blood splatters anywhere and possibly no ot her NPCs. -Open console again (~) and type: pcb

-Create a new save -Quit the game -Fully uninstall the mod and not just ticking the mod off. This includes the blo od files and scripts. (It s important that scripts are also removed or else the sc ripts may still run even with the esp file gone, this is true for all mods that use scripts) -Go back into game and load that save -Save the game again -Now install the mod -Load the save -DONE If blood is not working immediately, you may need to fast travel somewhere else with the mod off and try again. Follow the steps in the FAQ if issue still exits If you are downgrading to an older version follow the uninstall instructions ins tead and make sure to save without the mod active before installing. ================ HOW TO INSTALL (MANUAL METHOD) ================ This can be installed with NMM or other mod installers. You don't need to follow these steps if you used a mod installer. ---------------"Extract" data folder into your Skyrim directory. ...\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim Yes to replace -Make sure "dD - Enhanced Blood Main" is checked in your mod manager -----------INI----------This should already be done when you extracted the file. Look for a config (ini) file called "dD - Enhanced Blood Main". It's inside the Skyrim data folder. Follow steps below if you do not want to not use the included ini file. -Goto: ...\Documents\My Games\Skyrim -Open Skyrim.ini -Find [Display] and add this line below it: fDecalLifetime=256.000 -Save -Open SkyrimPrefs.ini -Find iMaxDecalsPerFrame= -Change the number to 350 -Next add this line below [decals] bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry=1 -Save DONE ==================

Default Screen Blood and Optional Files ================== Other alternate files are found as optional downloads in the download page. Main download should be installed first then optionals: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=60 To use vanilla screen blood: Go to ...\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrimData\textures Delete: screenbloodalpha01opt.dds screenbloodcolor01opt.dds ================== How to Uninstall ================== -Go to an indoor area where there are no blood splatters anywhere. If you have SkyUI you can use the MCM menu to uninstall the mod instead of typin g in the console. -Open console using the ~ key, and type the following: pcb stopquest zGoreEffectsnNPCQuest