English Work Sheet

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  • 8/22/2019 English Work Sheet



    TOPIC : NOUNSComplete the exercise with correct forms of the given nouns. Use each noun

    only one time.

    attorney beach box cliff

    discovery laboratory man match

    medium ox piano tooth

    1. The age at which the first tooth appears differs greatly from child to child.

    Very occasionally, children are born with one or more .

    2. I need some to light the fire.

    3. Studies are showing that process information differently from


    4. Maria needed some legal advice for her businesses, so she contacted two


    5. New scientific are made every day in

    throughout the world.

    6. The farmer loaded his cart with of fresh vegetables to take

    to market. His cart was pulled by two .

    7. The north side of the island has no for people to walk on.

    There are only steep . No one can climb theses steep walls

    of rock.

    8. The music building at the university has 27 for students to

    play on.

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    9. People get most of their news about the world through the mass

    , that is, through radio, television, the internet, newspapers,

    and magazines.

    Reference :


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    TOPIC: NOUNSFill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given nouns for the following exercise.Use each noun only one time.

    chair job experience information hair

    luggage progress furniture permission work

    1. I don't have much . Just two small bags.

    2. They are going to tell you all you want to know. They are going to

    give you a lot of .

    3. There is room for everybody to sit down. There are a lot of .

    4. We have no , not even a bed or a table.

    5. 'What does Alan look like?' He's got a long beard and very short


    6. Carla's English is very bad. She must make .

    7. George is unemployed. He's looking for a .

    8. If you want to leave work early, you have to ask for .

    9. I don't think Ann will get the job. She hasn't got enough .

    10. Shakespeares are wonderful.


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    TOPIC : PRONOUNSFill in the blanks with correct personal pronouns.

    1. They saw Steve and me / I at the movies last night after class.


    2. He is going to the party with you and me / I if you don't mind.

    3. You and her / she ought to return the books to the library because they are already


    4. Prof. Molina left a message for you and me / I. He needs to see us.

    5. Ron invited Mary and me / I to have dinner with him .

    6. Emily is a good basketball player. I watch Betty and she / her carefully during games.

    7. Tom and me / I, both want lo marry Ann.

    8. She has lo choose between he and I / him and me.

    9. Nick ate dinner with the Robertsons and we / us.

    10. The new student has been assigned to work on the group research project with you

    and I / me.

    11. He rang Mary and invited she / her to dinner.



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    TOPIC: PRONOUNSComplete the following sentences with each other or a suitable reflexivepronoun (myself, yourself...)

    1. They told ---- jokes to pass the time.

    each other

    2. I've always wanted to meet you but we've never had the chance to talk to ---- until now.

    3. Let me introduce ---- . My name is Alan.

    4. She weighs ---- every morning. She is frightened of getting fat.

    5. He should give ---- more time.

    6. They were very good friends and often invited ---- home.

    7. No one has invited me but i hop e you don't mind if i invite ---- .

    8. They love ---- and they are going to get married.

    9. I have never seen such shocking behavior. You must be ashamed of ---- .

    10. The two students fought a duel with loaded pistols. I thought they were going to kill ----but fortunately nothing happened in the end.

    11. The newly divorced couple tried to avoid seeing ---- at the party.

    12. When i first entered the manager's room, i thought he was talking to ---- but then irealized he was using a hands-free phone device.



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    TOPIC:PRONOUNSComplete the exercise with who,whom,whose orwhere.

    1. What's the name of the man car you borrowed?

    2. A cemetery is a place people are buried.

    3. A pacifist is a person believes that all wars are wrong.

    4. An orphan is a child parents are dead.

    5. The place we spent our holidays was really beautiful.

    6. This school is only for children first language is not English.

    7. I don't know the name of the woman to I spoke on the phone.



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    TOPIC: PRONOUNSComplete the following exercise with correct relative pronouns, choosing from the

    items given.

    1. Jake and Jessica Carter, (that / who) got married about a year

    ago, recently bought a new house.

    2. The neighborhood (that / in which) they have been living is a

    somewhat dangerous one.

    3. The neighborhood (that / who) they are moving into is much


    4. Their new house, (that / which) they bought quite cheaply,

    does need some fixing up.

    5. However, they will be receiving some help from their neighbors, most of

    (who / whom) they like.

    6. The Flintstones (who / whom) live next door to them, have

    volunteered to lend their tools.

    7. The Jetsons (who / whom) live across the street from Jake

    and Jessica, have promised to help them put in a new lawn.

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    8. The Flintstones, (who / whose) daughter is the same age as

    Mackenzie, Jake and Jessica's daughter, are helping Mackenzie make new


    9. Jessica, (that / who) works for a county hospital, will still have

    to commute to work.

    10.Jake, (whom / whose) company is nearby, will be able to walk

    to work.

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    TOPIC : PRONOUNSComplete the exercise with possessive pronouns. Mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs

    Kevin : We want to go away for the weekend, but we have a problem.

    Jim :Whats that?

    Kevin : Well, we need a tent. We gave to my uncle and he hasnt

    brought it back. Can you lend us ?

    Jim : Well, I dont really want to give to anyone. Selina has got

    one. Cant you ask her for ?

    Kevin : No, is too small for two of us, and it is not nice like


    Jim :Well, Mike has got one, too. Whats wrong with ?

    Kevin :Oh! No! Its terribly old, and it lets the rain in.

    Jim :OK. How about the Browns? is nice and big.

    Kevin : Well, is too big for two people. Why dont you let us have

    ? You know its ideal for us.

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    Jim : OK. All right then. Be careful with it.

    Kevin : Oh we will. I promise. Thank you very much Jim.


    - See more at:


    TOPIC : PRONOUNSFill in the blanks with indefinite pronouns: Someone, Anyone, No one, Everyone,

    Nothing, Anything, Nobody, Something.

    1. There is ---- in the clothes basket. It is empty.


    2. I've tried phoning but every time I tried there was ---- in.


    3. I have prepared ---- for dinner which you will like very much.

    4. Would you like ---- to start with before the main menu?

    5. He sat at the table but didn't have ---- to eat.

    6. You can do ---- . I don't really care.

    7. I met ---- you know last night. She told me she had missed you very much.

    8. That's a very easy job. ---- can do it.

    9. Did you turn the oven off? I think I can smell ---- burning.

    10. ---- offered help. They probably didn't have time.

    11. ---- arrived in good time and the meeting started promptly at 3:30.

    12. When the show finished there was complete silence. ---- clapped.

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    13. ---- likes being poor.

    14. ---- told me that Tom was leaving London but later I found out that it was not true.

    15. Of all the people I met in my life, ---- is more important to me than you.Bottom of Form

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    - See more at:http://www.grammarbank.com/possessive-pronouns exercis.html#sthas8ASQMN0dpuf

    TOPIC : VERBSComplete the following exercise with present perfect orsimple past tense.

    1. Helived

    (live) in London for two years and then

    w ent(go) to Edinburgh.

    2.Did you w ear

    (wear) your hair long when you were at school?

    Yes, my mother (insist) on it.

    3. But when I (leave) school I (cut) my

    hair and (wear) it short ever since.

    4. Shakespeare (write) a lot of plays.

    5. My brother (write) several plays. He

    (just / finish) his second tragedy.

    6. I (fly) over Loch Ness last week.

    (you/see) the Loch Ness monster?

    7. I (not see) him for three years. I wonder where he is.

    8. He (not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give

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    it up.

    9. Chopin (compose) some of his music in Majorca.

    10. When (arrive)?

    He (arrive) at 2.00.

    11. (you / lock) the door before you left the house?

    12. I (read) his books when I was at school. I

    (enjoy) them very much.

    13. I can't go out because I (not finish) my work.

    14. I (never / drink) whiskey.

    15. I (write) the letter but I can't find a stamp.

    16. The clock is slow.

    It isn't slow, it (stop).

    17. Here are your shoes; I (just / clean) them.

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    - See more at:http://www.grammarbank.com/present-


    TOPIC : VERBSFill in the blanks with Simple Past orPresent Perfect Tenses.

    1. I ---- (know) Carl since I ---- (be) a little child.

    have known, w as

    2. ---- you ---- (see) Amy today?

    Have, seen

    3. I ---- (see) her in the morning but I ---- (not see) her since.

    4. Everything was ready, so we quickly ---- (check) all the locks and ---- (drive off).

    5. My uncle George ---- (never see) the sea in his life. I ---- (hear) him making plans to gosailing last week, though.

    6. They ---- (call) us when they ---- (arrive) in Monaco last Saturday, but we ---- (not hear)from them ever since.

    7. Jackie ---- (be) late several times in the past month that's why the boss ---- (warn) him afew minutes ago.

    8. The students ---- (do) a lot of homework so far. I think it's time they ---- (take) a break.

    9. Engineers ---- (work) to save the Tower of Pisa, but they ---- (not be able to) do anythingsignificant yet.

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    10. Josh ---- (receive) several traffic citations over the past year.

    11. Jack and Rita ---- (be) married for six years. They ---- (get) divorced six months ago.


    - See more at:http://www.grammarbank.com/simple-past-present-perfect-


    TOPIC: VERBSFill in the blanks using the correct form of the verbs

    1. Hardly had the minister finished his speech when gunshots ---- (storm) the stadium.


    2. Everybody will be at the office at about 08:30 tomorrow as the meeting ---- (start) at nineo'clock.


    3. That candidate who we had been interviewed before we ---- (speak) to all the others is stillmy favorite.

    4. While climbing onto the mountain top, I ---- (encounter) a strange animal which I'd neverseen before.

    5. The chairman was sure that his plan would work out fine as no other member ----(oppose) it up to that time.

    6. I wasn't surprised to hear that Monica ---- (have) an accident as she is a very recklessdriver.

    7. Since the very first day when the Umbrella Company embarked upon such a dangerousand risky lab-research, very strange incidents ---- (take place) within the research complex.

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    8. Urbanization ---- (always / be) a problem which causes several environmental challengesever since the rate of migration ---- (increase) after the industrial revolution.

    9. When I ---- (come) home this evening, my parents had gone out for a walk.

    10. By the time the troops ---- (arrive), the war will have ended.

    11. By the year 2020, linguists ---- (study) the Indy-European language family for more than200 years.

    12. Gasoline ---- (become) a major problem for people for the ast ten years, therefore,during this time many people have preferred to sell their cars and buy smaller ones.

    13. By the time he was 14, Wolfgang Mozart ---- (compose) an enviable number of musicalpieces.

    14. Nothing in my life ---- (be) so strong to stop me achieve my goals so far and i don't thinkanything will be.

    15. Archaeologists ---- (explain) recently that an ancient underground city around

    Cappadocia has long wide corridors where there are many special areas for making cheeseand wine.

    16. I was amazed when he accepted a drink, since I ---- (always / assume) that he was ateetotaler.

    17. I ---- (play) tennis tomorrow but I won't be able to do that because I have injured my rightankle.

    18. We ---- (visit) the seashore many times before but last summer we enjoyed ourselvesmore than ever.

    19. According to a survey, thousands of vending machines ---- (have to be converted) beforethe new coins have come into circulation.

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    - See more at:http://www.grammarbank.com/verb-tenses


    TOPIC : VERBSComplete the sentences, put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.

    (simple past tense)

    1. It was warm, so Itook

    off my coat. (take)

    2. The film wasn't very good. Ididn't enjo

    it very much. (enjoy)

    3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I her. (disturb)

    4. I was very tired, so I to bed early. (go)

    5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I very well. (sleep)

    6. Sue wasn't hungry, so she anything. (eat)

    7. We went to Kate's house but she at home. (be)

    8. It was a funny situation but nobody (laugh)

    9. The window was open and a bird into the room. (fly)

    10. The hotel wasn't very expensive. It very much. (cost)

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    11. I was in a hurry, so I time to phone you. (have)

    12. It was hard work carrying the bags. They very heavy. (be)


    - See more at:http://www.grammarbank.com/simple-past-tense-


    TOPIC : VERBSComplete the exercise with the verbs inside the box. (simple past tense)

    buy catch cost drink

    fall hurt sell spend

    teach throw win write

    1. Mozartw rote

    more than 600 pieces of music.

    2. 'How did you learn to drive?' 'My father me.'

    3. We couldn't afford to keep our car, so we it.

    4. I was very thirsty. I the water very quickly.

    5. Paul and I played tennis yesterday. He's much better than me, so he


    6. Don down the stairs this morning and his lag.

    7. Jim the ball to Sue, who it.

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    8. Ann a lot of money yesterday. She a dress. It



    - See more at:http://www.grammarbank.com/present-simple-vs-


    TOPIC: VERBSPut the verbs in the correct forms, present continuous orpresent simple.

    1. Let's go out. It (not/rain) now.

    2. Julia is very good at languages. She (speak) four languages

    very well.

    3. Hurry up! Everybody (wait) for you.

    4. (you/listen) to the radio?

    No, you can turn it off.

    5. (you/listen) to the radio every day?

    No, just occasionally.

    6. The River Nile (flow) into the Mediterranean.

    7. Look at the river. It (flow) very fast today - much faster

    than usual.

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    8. We usually (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we

    (not/grow) any.

    9. How is your English?

    Not bad. It (improve) slowly.

    10. Ron is in London at the moment. He (stay) at the Park

    Hotel. He (always/stay) there when he's in London.

    11. Can we stop walking soon? I to feel tired.

    12. Can you drive?

    I (learn). My father (teach) me.

    13. Normally I finish (finish) work at 5.00, but this week I

    (work) until 6.00 to earn a bit more money.

    14. My parents (live) in Bristol. They were born there and have

    never lived anywhere else. Where (your parents/live)?

    15. Sonia (look) for a place to live. She (stay)

    with her sister until she finds somewhere.

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    TOPIC : ADJECTIVEFill in the blanks using the correct form of the verbs ing ored


    --- (charm)

    1. Mary looked calm, but inside she felt really ----.(excite)

    2. I enjoyed Dr Brown's visit. He is a very ---- speaker.(interest)

    3. It was a bad day. We were all thoroughly ----.(bore)

    4. I enjoyed the movie. The monster was absolutely ----.(terrify)

    5. We were rather ---- with the results.(disappoint)

    6. I had only one book and unluckily it was ----.(bore)

    7. We were dreadfully late. It was very ----.(embarrass)

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    8. The results were very ----.(disappoint)

    9. Josh looked even more ---- than he felt.(excite)

    10. We invited them to join us but they weren't really ----.(interest)

    11. The bad news was very ----.(depress)

    12. George made a perfect fool of himself. He was awfully ----.(embarrass)

    13. She's a brilliant woman. She has the most ---- ideas.(interest)

    14. Have you heard what's happened? Isn't it ----? (amaze)

    15. I had nothing to do. I was ----. (bore)

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    TOPIC : VERBSComplete the sentences with the comparative orsuperlative forms of these

    adjectives. You can use an adjective twice when necessary.

    long thin overpopulated good crowded much

    1. The Volga is ---- river in Europe and the 16th longest one in the world.

    the longest

    2. Britain is one of ---- countries in the world.

    3. It is ---- than even China and India.

    4. And England is ---- country in Europe.

    5. Both my parents are working, but my mother makes ---- money than my father.

    6. Leyla used to be ---- until two years ago; she has gained a lot of weight, so she is very fatnow.

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    7. My classmate Jake's English grade is ---- than mine.

    8. In fact, Jake's grade is ---- of all in our class.


    http://www.grammarbank.com/comparative-vs-superlativ adjectives .html#sthash


    TOPIC : VERBSFill in the blanks with the expressions in the box

    the least developed far more expensive much worse

    many more people the safest a lot more complicated

    the most influential the oldest much funnier

    less cold the more suitable much more interesting

    1. I heard a little polite laughter when I told my jokes but every one laughed loudly when

    Gaby was telling hers. Her jokes are always ---- than mine.much funnier

    2. The negative effects of watching too much television are ---- than they appear to be at firstglance.

    3. The Japanese slands have a climate modified and moderated by the sea; winters are ----than in those areas that are in the same latitude on the Asian continent.

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    4. Only by multilateral action, can we give people in ---- countries the chance to escape theugly misery of poverty, ignorance and disease.

    5. That movie we saw last night was ---- than the one on television.

    6. ---- known dam, an engineering wonder of the ancient world, lies near Marib, once thehome of the Queen of Sheba.

    7. I broke my nose in a football game yesterday. Today it's very painful. For same reason,the pain is ---- today than it was yesterday.

    8. ---- die in car accidents than in plane accidents. Statistics show that driving your own car

    is more dangerous than flying in an airplane.

    9. Marcel Duchamp is considered as one of ---- artists of the 20th century by the modern artworld.

    10. From my point of view, of the two applicants, the latter one is ---- for the post.

    11. It is ---- to live in London than any other city in Britain. Rents are much higher and it is

    difficult to find accommodation of any kind.

    12. Titanic was said to be ---- ocean liner in the world. When it set sail, all the cabins werefull, from the most expensive to the cheapest ones on the lower deck.

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    TOPIC : ADVERBFill in the blanks with a suitable adverb of frequency from the box.

    always /all the time

    usually /generally

    sometimes /occasionally


    often /frequently

    rarely / seldom hardly ever

    1. Our maths teacher asks very easy questions. I have

    2. had any law marks in his exams.

    3. My father comes home late in a week. It happens once

    4. a week, so it is not very

    5. It is a well-known fact that it rains in deserts.

    6. I go to work on foo! as my office is not very far. I take

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    7. the bus or drive very . It is not more than once a month.


    See more at:http://www.grammarbank.com/adverbs-of-



    Adverbs give us more information about the verb (action) in a sentence. They can tell

    us when something happened, or is happening. Here are some adverbs that tell when

    something is/was done:

    First now then yesterday today

    Tomorrow early recently sometimes always

    soon once lately suddenly never

    Complete each sentence with an adverb that makes sense.

    1. I wanted to go to the movie but_________________ there wasnt time.

    2. My mom likes to wake up _______________in the morning.

    3. My entire family _______________celebrates Christmas at home.

    4. My grandparent are coming_______________ and will stay with us for a week!

    5. The librarian has been busy___________________ reshelving all the books.

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    6. The storm came on so _______________________that there was no time to prepare.

    7. If we get in the car right_________________ we can make it there on time.

    8. The travel channel has ________________________some interesting shows.

    9. My father went to Europe____________________ when he was in the Navy.

    10. She went to the store _______________________and then the post office.

    11. Cheating on tests is ________________________allowed.

    12. Can you come over , _____________________-or do we need to reschedule?

    13. Our vacation will be here , ___________________________and we can hardly wait.

    14. Have you heard from her , _________________________--or has it been a while?



    TOPIC : ADVERBAdverbs give more information about the verb (action) in a sentence. Some adverbs

    tell where the action

    1. The sun went , __________________and the stars began to shine.

    2. My brothers like to play________________________ in the afternoon.

    3. We couldnt find our dog_________________________________.

    4. Your friend Robert is_______________________to see you.

    5. We have to play _______________________on rainy days.

    6. The balloons flew when_________________ the strings broke.

    7. Our airplane cruised ____________________bove the cloudsn.

    8. I am running ____________________________in my homework.

    9. We watched the funny clown walk_____________________ .

    10. The frightened deer __________________ran from the forest fire.

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    11. The tree branch was bent ___________________________from the weight of the snow.

    12. The vultures circled as the _____________________temperature rose.

    13. The settlers lived______________________________________ from town.

    14. Our familys home is beside __________________________the park.



    TOPIC: ADVERBUse the verbs in the box in Simple present, Present continuous, Simple past or Past

    continuous tense.

    visit try book enjoy see

    fascinate take build travel overlook

    1. I ---- a lot of horse-drawn carriages in rural areas while I ---- through Bulgaria.

    2. Every year, tens of thousands of tourists ---- the Blue Mosque, which ---- by the Romansin the sixth century.

    3. Helen ---- the crowded streets at all as there were a lot of people who ---- to sell souvenirsto tourists, which she found really annoying.

    4. Be silent, please. I can't hear anything. I ---- a holiday in Virginia with the travel agency at

    the moment.

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    5. I ---- so many clothes with me when i go for a short vacation because I hate carryingaround a lot of luggage.

    6. Our hotel room ---- the beach and we could also see the whole area of the hotel from


    7. The natural and historical riches of Turkey ---- millions of visitors from around the world.


    - See more at:http://www.grammarbank.com/simple-past-


    TOPIC: ADVERBUse the verbs in the box in either Future perfect or Present perfect continuous tense.

    run work stare run finish

    improve paint land cover go

    1. The men ---- for six hours without taking a break to be able to finish the job today by fivep.m.

    have been w or

    2. The plane ---- by the time we arrive at the airport in this slow traffic.

    3. Don't worry. You and I ---- most of the distance by noon.

    4. Our family ---- this business for three hundred years now.

    5. Hopefully we ---- the construction work before the end of this month.

    6. I am aching all over. I ---- the whole flat on my own.

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    7. The machines ---- for the whole day. Don't you agree with me that we should ask them tostop at least for an hour?

    8. Erine and Brooke are planning to set off in the afternoon. I hope the weather conditions ---

    - by then.

    9. My family and I haven't been able to go anywhere because of the rain that ---- on for thelast three days.

    10. I have noticed that those two men ---- at us ever since we came here.


    - See more at:http://www.grammarbank.com/future-perfect-exercise.html#sthash.Wc7ck3ew.dpuf

    TOPIC: SENTENCES TYPESDirections: Identify each type of sentence and explain your answer.

    Types of Sentences: declarative, imperative, exclamatory, and interrogative.

    1. The students wanted to go on a field trip.

    Type: ________________________ Why? _____________________________________

    2. Can we go to the Adventureville Theme Park?

    Type: ________________________ Why? ______________________________________

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    3. Be on your best behavior for the next two weeks.

    Type: ________________________ Why? _______________________________________

    4. After a couple long weeks of keeping their hands to themselves, quietly focusing on

    instruction, and cleaning up their messes, the students were rewarded with a fieldtrip.

    Type: ________________________ Why? _______________________________________

    5. We are so excited about going to Adventureville!

    Type: ________________________ Why? ______________________________________

    6. How far away is the park from the school and what time do we have to come home?

    Type: ________________________ Why? ______________________________________

    7. But, the park is three hours away from the school and well have to be back by 3:00 for

    the busses!

    Type: ________________________ Why? ______________________________________

    8. Quit asking questions and just be happy.

    Type: ________________________ Why? _______________________________________

    9. But, if it takes us six hours to get there and back, and we have to be back by 3:00, well

    only be able to stay for thirty minutes.

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    Type: ________________________ Why? ______________________________________

    10. The students wondered why they were going to Adventureville.

    Type: ________________________ Why? ______________________________________


    - See more at:http://www.grammarbank.com/future-perfect-


    TOPIC: SENTENCES TYPESWrite four declarative sentences, three interrogative sentences, two imperative

    sentences, and an exclamatory sentence. .







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    - See more at:http://www.grammarbank.com/future-perfect-exercise.html#sthash.Wc7ck3ew.dpuf

    SENTENCES TYPESDirections: Read and analyze each sentence. Circle the predicates and underline thesubjects. Draw a line separating the clauses in the sentence. Write the sentence type on

    the line

    1. When I get home from school, I'm going to take a nap.

    2. I got in trouble so I can't go to the party, but it would have been fun.

    3. Being alone can be scary unless you keep yourself busy.

    4. Mr. Morton, the best reading teacher in the world, taught me sentencestructure.

    5. Keith, Carrie, and Kyle bought donuts and ate them down by the river.

    6. I left early so that I could get some work done, but I'll be back soon.

    7. Crossing the street is dangerous if you don't look both ways before you cross.


    Sentence Type

    ________________Sentence Type

    ________________Sentence Type

    ________________Sentence Type

    ________________Sentence Type

    ________________Sentence Type

    ________________Sentence Type

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    8. If you don't want to study, you should stay home, but you may regret it.

    9. Every time I go to mall, I spend all of my money on things that I don't need.

    10. Mom said that I can go to the museum with you but I have to be home early.

    11. Modern Warfare is a fun game but no game is better than Ms. Pac-Man.

    12. Todd and Nick are eating chips and salsa on a park bench before dinner.

    ________________Sentence Type

    ________________Sentence Type

    ________________Sentence Type

    ________________Sentence Type

    ________________Sentence Type


    See more at:http://www.grammarbank.com/future-perfect-


    TOPIC : SENTENCES TYPESClassifying Sentences. Use the numbers above to classify these sentences.

    Example: Susan is a senior. 1

    1. I wish I could go to Colorado this summer. _____

    2. Please set the table for lunch. _____

    3. The vice-president will visit Egypt next week. _____

    4. Don't you ever get tired of watching television? _____

    5. We bought our car in April, 1975. _____

    6. Didn't I meet you at Rainbow Lake last summer? _____

    7. Have you ever roasted a turkey? _____

    8. Ouch! I burned my finger! _____

    9. Turn left at the second stop sign. _____

    10. San Marino is the smallest republic in Europe. _____

    11. Initial the top right-hand corner of each sheet of paper. _____

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    12. Richard Martin's short stories have appeared in many magazines. _____

    13. Have you ever read The Red Badge of Courage? _____

    14. You can't be serious! _____

    15. Meet me at seven o'clock in front of the library. _____

    16. Why are you so worried about the exam? _____

    17. Don't close your mind to the other side of the question. _____

    18. Nancy wants to be a doctor. _____

    19. I can't believe it's all over! _____

    20. Do you attend concerts given by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra? _____


    TLC\TLC Web Design\Handouts Worksheets\Grammar.Punctuation.Writing\Sentences-Kinds


    TOPIC:QUESTION TYPESAsk for the underlined word(s).

    1. _______ did you do that for?

    2. _______ dress do you want to wear, the red one or the blue one?

    3. _______ opened the door?

    4. _______ keys are these?I think theyre dads.

    5. _______ does this CD player work?

    6. _______ is bothering you?

    7. _______ is the car?

    8. _______ money do you have in your bank account?

    9. _______ are the sisters going to leave?

    10. _______ is your favorite actress?

    11. _______ did the party last? Almost two hours.

    12. _______ did you do in Australia?

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    13. _______ jacket is this? - I think its mine.

    14. _______ do they normally do their homework?

    15. _______ dont you get up earlier? Its so sunny outside.

    16. _______ do you do on weekends?

    17. _______ is your favorite singer?

    18. _______ was the flight? Oh, it was great.

    19. _______ are you from?

    20. _______ textbook did you use last summer?

    21. _______ do you normally get to school?

    22. _______ did you find her? Yesterday evening. She was in the park

    23. _______ does she teach?

    24. _______ have you been all the time? At the playground.

    25. _______ can John ask if he wants to go to the university?

    26. _______ was the play? It was great.

    27. _______ do you want to eat? Pasta and cheese.

    28. _______ did you leave your keys?

    29. _______ one do you prefer? The red one.

    30. _______ do you go to the gym?

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    TLC\TLC Web Design\Handouts Worksheets\Grammar.Punctuation.Writing\Sentences-Kinds


    TOPIC: QUESTION TYPESAsk questions with each of the question words!

    1. We went home quickly in the evening. (how , where, wh en)

    2. Peter watched his friend closely (whom , how)

    3. Jenny told us a long story yesterday (who , what, when)

    4. All the pupils behave well in class.(who, where)

    5. Grandmother will call us early in the morning (who, when)

    6. All of us have to wear a uniform in school. (where, what)

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    7. The Aborigines have been living in the outback of Australia for thousands of years (howlong , where, who)

    8. It rained heavily every day. (how)

    9. I went to my friends place yesterday because I didnt have anything else to do. (where,when, why)

    10. He spent the evening playing cards (what)

    11. We are travelling to Scotland first thing in the morning. (where, when)

    12. This is Johns book, so dont lose it (whose)

    13. Sarah had to leave earlier because her mother was waiting for her outside. (why, who)

    14. We go to the Italian restaurant about once a week (how of ten, where)

    15. Jane went home quickly after the concert (who, when)

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    TLC\TLC Web Design\Handouts Worksheets\Grammar.Punctuation.Writing\Sentences-Kinds


    TOPIC: THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSESFill in the blanks with the correct simple present tense form of the verb (in


    EX: Jim reads (to read) every day.

    1. My sister ____________________ (to talk) very fast.

    2. My brother and I ____________________ (to speak) Japanese.

    3. They ____________________ (to live) in Portland.

    4. Peter____________________ (to work) a lot.

    5. Our neighbors ____________________ (to be) very quiet.

    6. We ____________________ (to go) to the movies every Friday.

    7. My cousin ____________________ (to be) thin.

    8. My mother ____________________ (to clean) the house every Sunday.

    9. Robert's cat ____________________ (to like) to chase birds.

    10. I ____________________ (to love) my boyfriend.

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    Fill in each blank space with who, which, or whose.

    REMEMBER: Who is generally used for people, which is used for things, and whose


    possession (ex: "the man whose wallet I found").

    1. The man ___________________ house we stayed in is my uncle.

    2. At first, I couldn't tell ___________________ he was, but then I recognized him.

    3. The guy ___________________sold me my car is a crook.

    4. P1: ___________________ pen did he give you? P2: The blue one.

    5. I couldn't decide ___________________camera was right for me.

    6. ___________________turn is it to wash the dishes?

    7. I can't decide ___________________the best candidate is.

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    8. His last book, ___________________I didn't read, was very successful.

    9. I don't know ___________________song that is, but it's not theirs.

    10. My friend John, ___________________doesn't speak French, had trouble


    in France.



    TOPIC:MIXED VERB TENSESFor each sentence, choose the correct tense of the verb.

    1. John ________ in San Diego for the past 3 years (and he still lives


    a) lived b) was lived c) has lived

    2. My brother ________ in San Diego up until last year.

    a) was lived b) was living c) has lived

    3. I worked as a graphic designer before I ________ to England.

    a) came b) have come c) did come

    4. ________ reading the paper yet?

    a) Were you finished b) Have you finished c) Are you finishing

    5. I ________ in love three times in my life.

    a) was being b) was c) have been

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    6. I ________ in love with Mary, but she left me for another man.

    a) have been b) was being c) was

    7. Frank ________ tennis for three years when he was at school.

    a) played b) has played c) was play

    8. _________ me last night?

    a) Have you called b) Did you call c) Were you called

    9. I was at the club yesterday, but I _________ you.

    a) haven't seen b) did not saw c) did not see

    10. I ________ this upset in many years!

    a) haven't been b) was not c) was not being



    TOPIC:REFLEXIVE PROUNOUNSFill in each blank with the correct reflexive pronoun:

    1. Why cant you guys do it ___________________?

    2. My brother likes to talk about ___________________.

    3. My sister bought a present for ___________________.

    4. I hurt ___________________while I was skiing.

    5. He never took any classes. He taught ___________________.

    6. We made this card ___________________.

    7. Did they write that essay ___________________?

    8. The man fixed the car ___________________.

    9. Lets do it ___________________.

    10. I live by ___________________.

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    TOPIC :SENTENCES TYPESA Identifying Sentence Types Add the ending punctuation marks and tell what kind of

    sentences these are: a statement, a question, a command or an exclamation.

    ( 1 ) How many miles to the gallon does your car get


    ( 2 ) I came back early so that I could get started on my homework ____________________

    ( 3 ) Mom, Katelyn is drawing in my new book


    ( 4 ) We record all of our purchases in this accounting system


    ( 5 ) Turn your tests in at the front of the room when you leave


    ( 6 ) My cellphone was here just a minute ago, and now it's gone ____________________

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    Copyright 2013 WorksheetWorks.com

    Choose the type of each sentence.

    ( 7 ) Get another pen from the supply cabinet

    a. a statement b. a question c. a command d. an


    ( 8 ) The tornado is coming this way

    a. a statement b. a question c. a command d. an exclamation

    ( 9 ) Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar

    a. a statement b. a question c. a command d. an


    (10) My dad works on the fifty-eighth floor of that building

    a. a statement b. a question c. a command d. an


    (11) Which sentence is a question?

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    a. When will the store open today b. This phone bill is highway robbery

    c. Take a good look at this financial chart

    (12) Which sentence is a statement?

    a. Chocolate can be deadly to some small pets b. When are you coming back from


    c. Try and guess what the new password is


    Copyright 2013 WorksheetWorks.com


    Proofread the following sentences for error in Countable(singular or plural) and

    Uncountable Nouns. Underline the errors and correct them.

    1.Forty children from the orphanage were taken on a sightseeing tours round Putrajaya.

    2.How many time have you been to the library?

    3.These flower cost about RM50.

    4.My favourite colour are blue and yellow.

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    5. I can finish reading this books in two week.

    6.She is saving some money to buy a new pair shoe.

    7. The furnitures in the room looks old.

    8.A kings and Queen live in castle.

    9.Insect have three pair of leg, but spider have four pairs of leg.

    10.sheila has three niece and four nephew.

    11.I have visited many European country: however, I have never been to America.

    12.There are many interesting place that you can visit in Malaysia.

    Reference: Zuriah Azmi discover grammar


    Rewrite each of the following in the form of a Possessive Noun. The first one has been

    done for you.

    1.Coat belonging to the boy. ____________________

    2.Kites belonging to the children. ____________________

    3.Computers belonging to the students. ____________________

    4.Presents belonging to Chris. ____________________

    5.eyes belonging to owls ____________________

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    6.Park belonging to the people. ____________________

    7.Room belonging to the women. ___________________

    8.Staff belonging to the manager. ____________________

    9.Files belonging to the man ____________________

    10. Shoes belonging to Danial. ____________________

    11.Slippers belonging to the princess. ____________________

    12.Bicycle belonging to Jack ___________________

    13.Cubs belonging to the lioness ___________________


    1. The children .. (play) outside now.

    2. She usually . (read) the newspaper in the morning.

    3. I (do) my homework now.

    4. I (eat) my dinner now.

    5. . (you / want) a pizza?

    6. They .. (watch) TV now.

    7. I . (not / like) spaghetti.

    8. The baby . (sleep) now.

    9. My mother usually . (cook) dinner in the evening.

    10. He .. (write) a letter to his pen-friend every month.

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    11. She . (not / like) football.

    12. Mary .. (listen) to music now.

    13. Tom usually (drink) coffee, but he . (drink) tea now.

    14. We . (go) to the disco tonight.

    15. (he / go) to work by bus everyday.

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    QUESTION TYPES:Choose the correct question word

    1. are you going tomorrow?

    2. are you traveling?

    3. would you like to have for dessert?

    4. are you crying ?

    5. one do you like?

    6. do you feel today?

    7. time are leaving?

    8. book is this?

    9. has broken this vase?

    10. don't you see a doctor?

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    Put in What, Where, Why, When, How into the gaps and form meaningful questions.

    1) do you like best?

    2) does Bill get up in the morning?

    3) don't you go by bus, Max?

    4) hobbies does Andrew have?

    5) do they go to every week?

    6) old is Mike?

    7) is Susan's birthday?

    8) are my exercise books?

    9) are you doing at the moment, Sally?

    10) do the Robinsons live?

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    Put in the correct question tags.

    1) She is collecting stickers, ?

    2) We often watch TV in the afternoon, ?

    3) You have cleaned your bike, ?

    4) John and Max don't like Maths, ?

    5) Peter played handball yesterday, ?

    6) They are going home from school, ?

    7) Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, ?

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    8) He could have bought a new car, ?

    9) Kevin will come tonight, ?

    10) I'm clever, ?

    Decide whether What or Which is correct?

    1) colour is you pencil case?

    2) picture did Henry paint, the left one or the right one?

    3) language does Mr Miller teach, French or Italian?

    4) hobbies does your friend have?

    5) subject do you like better, Art or Music?

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    6) car is faster, the red one or the blue one?

    7) time do you usually get up on Sundays?

    8) juice do you prefer, orange juice or apple juice?

    9) page are we on?

    10) subject do you not like?