English-Speaking Doctors List -...

download English-Speaking Doctors List - uni-leipzig.degesi.sozphil.uni-leipzig.de/.../documents/English_Speaking_Doctors.pdf · 2.1.1 Emergencies ... homeopathy acupuncture Opening hours:

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Transcript of English-Speaking Doctors List -...

  • E n g l i s h s p e aE n g l i s h s p e aE n g l i s h s p e aE n g l i s h s p e a kkkk i n g d o c t o r l i s ti n g d o c t o r l i s ti n g d o c t o r l i s ti n g d o c t o r l i s t

    S a x o n y , T h u r iS a x o n y , T h u r iS a x o n y , T h u r iS a x o n y , T h u r i nnnn g i a & S a x o n yg i a & S a x o n yg i a & S a x o n yg i a & S a x o n y ---- A n h a l tA n h a l tA n h a l tA n h a l t

    ( U p d a t e d : J u l y 2 0 0 8 )

    1111 Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2222 SaxonySaxonySaxonySaxony ..........................................................................................................................................2 LeipzigLeipzigLeipzigLeipzig ........................................................................................................2 Dresden Dresden Dresden Dresden .....................................................................................................8 Chemnitz Chemnitz Chemnitz Chemnitz.................................................................................................10 SaxonySaxonySaxonySaxony----AnhaltAnhaltAnhaltAnhalt..........................................................................................................................13 Halle Halle Halle Halle .........................................................................................................13 Magdeburg Magdeburg Magdeburg Magdeburg .............................................................................................14 Dessau Dessau Dessau Dessau .....................................................................................................16 Lutherstadt Wittenberg Lutherstadt Wittenberg Lutherstadt Wittenberg Lutherstadt Wittenberg.......................................................................17 ThuringiaThuringiaThuringiaThuringia....................................................................................................................................19 Erfurt Erfurt Erfurt Erfurt ........................................................................................................19 Gera Gera Gera Gera ..........................................................................................................20 Jena Jena Jena Jena ...........................................................................................................22 Weimar Weimar Weimar Weimar.....................................................................................................23 Eisenach Eisenach Eisenach Eisenach ..................................................................................................24

    2222 Clinics Clinics Clinics Clinics.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27272727 SaxonySaxonySaxonySaxony ........................................................................................................................................27 Emergencies Emergencies Emergencies Emergencies...........................................................................................27 Hospitals Hospitals Hospitals Hospitals .................................................................................................29 Leipzig .................................................................... 29 Dresden ................................................................. 37 Chemnitz ............................................................... 42 SaxonySaxonySaxonySaxony----AnhaltAnhaltAnhaltAnhalt..........................................................................................................................46 EmergenciesEmergenciesEmergenciesEmergencies ............................................................................................46 HospitalsHospitalsHospitalsHospitals ..................................................................................................46 Halle ...................................................................... 46 Magdeburg ............................................................ 50 Dessau .................................................................. 53 Lutherstadt Wittenberg.......................................... 54 ThuringiaThuringiaThuringiaThuringia....................................................................................................................................56 Emergencies Emergencies Emergencies Emergencies...........................................................................................56 HospitalsHospitalsHospitalsHospitals ..................................................................................................57 Erfurt ..................................................................... 57 Gera ...................................................................... 59 Jena ....................................................................... 60 Weimar .................................................................. 61 Eisenach ................................................................ 62

  • 2

    The U.S. Consulate General in Leipzig cannot assume any responsibility for the profes-

    sional ability or integrity of the persons & clinics whose names appear in this list. We have

    been told that the doctors listed do speak some English at least enough to understand

    the patient.

    1111 DoctorsDoctorsDoctorsDoctors

    General information about the German health insurance system


    General information about doctors in Germany


    General information about hospitals in Germany

    http://www.howtogermany.com/pages/hospitals.html SaxonySaxonySaxonySaxony

    The patient should choose the practice of his/her liking but should be aware of the fact

    that the nurses or receptionists at the practices might not speak English. This could al-

    ready present a problem in making an appointment.

    If the patient is faced with a serious medical problem the patient should consult the gen-

    eral practitioner of his/her liking who will refer the patient to the appropriate specialists.

    In an emergency situIn an emergency situIn an emergency situIn an emergency situaaaation the patient should call the Emergency setion the patient should call the Emergency setion the patient should call the Emergency setion the patient should call the Emergency serrrrvices vices vices vices listed listed listed listed below (on below (on below (on below (on

    page 27)page 27)page 27)page 27).... LeipzigLeipzigLeipzigLeipzig


    Center foCenter foCenter foCenter for internal medicr internal medicr internal medicr internal mediciiiinenenene (Zentrum fr Innere Medizin)

    Johannisallee 32 04317 Leipzig (new address Liebigstr. - Feb-ruary 2009 - will be posted soon)

    (0341) 97 126 20

    (0341) 97 126 19

    Prof. Dr. Joachim Mssner [email protected]

    dentistsdentistsdentistsdentists http://www.deutsche-zahnarztauskunft.de http://www.zahnaerzte-in-sachsen.de/

  • 3

    Dr. Jens VossDr. Jens VossDr. Jens VossDr. Jens Voss

    Brhl 4 04109 Leipzig

    (0341) 961 0096

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Wednesday 8:00am 6:00pm Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 7:00pm Friday 8:00am 12:00pm

    Dr. Schumann/ Fr. Dr. PreueDr. Schumann/ Fr. Dr. PreueDr. Schumann/ Fr. Dr. PreueDr. Schumann/ Fr. Dr. Preue Joint practice

    Schreberstr. 2 04109 Leipzig

    (0341) 983 2819


    Opening hours:

    Monday - Thursday 7:30am 6:30pm Friday 7:30am 1:00pm

    Dr. med Yvonne KrnerDr. med Yvonne KrnerDr. med Yvonne KrnerDr. med Yvonne Krner

    Humboldtstr. 2 04105 Leipzig

    (0341) 982 940

    oral surgery

    Opening hours:

    Monday 9:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday 2:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday Friday 9:00am 12:00pm

    Dr. med. Gerd Weiher, Dr. med. Dr. med. Gerd Weiher, Dr. med. Dr. med. Gerd Weiher, Dr. med. Dr. med. Gerd Weiher, Dr. med. Martina WeMartina WeMartina WeMartina Weiiiiherherherher

    Brockhausstr. 26 04229 Leipzig

    (0341) 479 1311

    laser- dentistry

    Opening hours:

    Monday Wednesday 7:30am 6:00pm Thursday 7:30am 12:00pm Friday 7:30am 12:00pm (appointment in the afternoon by prior agreement)

    Dr. Uta Rdisch, Dr. Petra PolsterDr. Uta Rdisch, Dr. Petra PolsterDr. Uta Rdisch, Dr. Petra PolsterDr. Uta Rdisch, Dr. Petra Polster

    Bornaische Str. 134 (Fach-schule fr Bauwesen), Haus 8 04279 Leipzig

    (0341) 338 5660

    Opening hours:

    Monday Friday 8:00am 7:00pm (and by prior agreement)

    Dr. med. dent. FrankDr. med. dent. FrankDr. med. dent. FrankDr. med. dent. Frank----Michael Michael Michael Michael BergerBergerBergerBerger

    Kthe-Kollwitz-Str. 7-9 04109 Leipzig

    (0341) 268 2159 (0341) 268 2158

    oral surgery in the Saxonia-hospital Leipzig, (0341) 268 2156


    [email protected]

    Opening hours:

    Monday 8:00am 3:00pm Tuesday 8:00am 5:00pm Wednesday 1:00pm 7:00pm Thursday 8:00am 4:00pm Friday 8:00am 3:00pm


    Dr. med. Gunhild KratzschDr. med. Gunhild KratzschDr. med. Gunhild KratzschDr. med. Gunhild Kratzsch

    Kochstr. 66 04275 Leipzig

    (0341) 301 0607

    allergies veins specialist

    Opening hours:

    Monday Friday 8:00am 12:00pm Monday, Tuesday 4:00pm 6:00pm Thursday 2:00pm 6:00pm

  • 4

    Dr. med. Kathrin WichmannDr. med. Kathrin WichmannDr. med. Kathrin WichmannDr. med. Kathrin Wichmann

    Funkenburgstr. 2 04105 Leipzig

    (0341) 980-2632


    Opening hours:

    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm Monday, 3:00pm 6:30pm Thursday 3:00pm 6:00pm

    otorhinolaryngologists otorhinolaryngologists otorhinolaryngologists otorhinolaryngologists (= ENT specialist)

    Dr. med. Rosemarie FrieseDr. med. Rosemarie FrieseDr. med. Rosemarie FrieseDr. med. Rosemarie Friese

    Rudolph-Hermann-Str. 33 04299 Leipzig

    (0341) 689 1227

    Opening hours:

    Monday 8:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday 1:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday 8:00am 12:00pm Thursday 9:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 5:00pm Friday 8:00am 12:30pm

    Dr. Cosima Koj, Dr. Utta Dr. Cosima Koj, Dr. Utta Dr. Cosima Koj, Dr. Utta Dr. Cosima Koj, Dr. Utta SchieweSchieweSchieweSchieweckckckck

    Zschocherche Str. 48 04229 Leipzig

    (0341) 479 5336

    allergies homeopathy acupuncture Opening hours: Monday Friday 7:30am 6:00pm Wednesday 7:30am 12:00pm Friday 7:30am 12:00pm

    general practitionersgeneral practitionersgeneral practitionersgeneral practitioners

    Dr. Sigrid FrimmelDr. Sigrid FrimmelDr. Sigrid FrimmelDr. Sigrid Frimmel

    Kochstr. 138 (Entrance Selnecker Str.) 04277 Leipzig

    (0341) 301 2017

    only panel physician in the consular district

    Opening hours: Monday 9:00am 2:00pm Tuesday, Thursday 9:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday 9:00am 12:00pm Friday 9:00am 12:00pm

    Dr. med. Thomas Lipp, Dr. med. Dr. med. Thomas Lipp, Dr. med. Dr. med. Thomas Lipp, Dr. med. Dr. med. Thomas Lipp, Dr. med. M. AmmM. AmmM. AmmM. Amm

    Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 103 04275 Leipzig

    (0341) 302 7933

    http://www.arztpraxis-lipp-amm.de/ artificial nutrition dermatological laser-therapy PST-therapy

    Opening hours:

    Monday Friday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm

    Dr. med. BarbaraDr. med. BarbaraDr. med. BarbaraDr. med. Barbara----Ulrike BrutUlrike BrutUlrike BrutUlrike Bruti-i-i-i-gamgamgamgam

    Bornaische Str. 188a 04279 Leipzig

    (0341) 338 3879

    Opening hours:

    Monday Friday 7:00am 12:00pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:00pm 6:00pm

    Dr. Simone KornischDr. Simone KornischDr. Simone KornischDr. Simone Kornisch----KochKochKochKoch

    Riemannstr. 46 04107 Leipzig

    (0341) 960 2790

    Opening hours:

    Monday Thursday 8:00am 11:30am Monday, Thursday 4:00pm 6:00pm

  • 5

    gynecologistsgynecologistsgynecologistsgynecologists http://www.frauenaerzte.de/

    Dr. med. Fayez HmeidanDr. med. Fayez HmeidanDr. med. Fayez HmeidanDr. med. Fayez Hmeidan

    Goldschmidtstr. 30 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 141200

    Opening hours:

    Monday Thursday 7:30am 6:00pm Friday 7:30am 2:00pm

    Dr. med. Tom Kempe / Fr. Dr. Dr. med. Tom Kempe / Fr. Dr. Dr. med. Tom Kempe / Fr. Dr. Dr. med. Tom Kempe / Fr. Dr. SchulzSchulzSchulzSchulz Joint practice

    Kurt-Eisner-Str. 40 04275 Leipzig

    (0341) 391 2280

    Dr. med. Kemp:

    gynecologist, urologist http://www.praxis-dr-kempe.de consultant for Bethanien hospital untill 2004 since 2004 consultant for Stdtisches Klinikum St. Georg consultant for Ev.-Luth. Diakonissenkrankenhaus Opening hours: Monday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday 3:00pm 7:00pm (private patients only) Wednesday 9:00am 1:00pm Thursday 3:00pm 7:00pm Friday 8:00am 12:00pm Fr. Dr. Schulz: gynecologist Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30am 12:30pm Thursday 8:30am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm

    Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. MiriamMiriamMiriamMiriam Weise Weise Weise Weise

    Hainstrae 5-7 04109 Leipzig

    (0341) 124 8631

    Opening hours:

    Monday 8:00am 2:00pm Tuesday 8:00am 2:00pm 4:00pm 8:00pm Wednesday 8:00am 2:00pm Thursday 8:00am 2:00pm 4:00pm 6:00pm Friday 8:00am 2:00pm


    Dr. Jrgen Dr. Jrgen Dr. Jrgen Dr. Jrgen BauerBauerBauerBauer, Dr. U. Wiese, Dr. U. Wiese, Dr. U. Wiese, Dr. U. Wiesen-n-n-n-hakenhakenhakenhaken

    Ferdinand-Rhode-Str. 29 04107 Leipzig

    (0341) 213 1597


    Opening hours: Monday 7:00am 1:25pm Thursday 2:00pm 5:00pm Friday 7:00am 1:25pm

    Dr. Katrin DryndaDr. Katrin DryndaDr. Katrin DryndaDr. Katrin Drynda

    Johannisplatz 1 04315 Leipzig

    (0341) 689 4430

    endocrinology diabetology

    Opening hours:

    Monday - Friday 8:00am 12:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday 2:00pm 6:00pm Thursday 2:00pm 6:00pm


    Dr. med. Frank RohrwacherDr. med. Frank RohrwacherDr. med. Frank RohrwacherDr. med. Frank Rohrwacher

    Kickerlingsberg 26

    acting chairman of Freundeskreis Leipzig-Houston e.V.

  • 6

    04155 Leipzig

    (0341) 5830 825 Opening hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am 12:00pm Monday, Thursday 2:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday 2:00pm 4:00pm


    Dr. med. Gunter BaehnischDr. med. Gunter BaehnischDr. med. Gunter BaehnischDr. med. Gunter Baehnisch

    Landsberger Str. 1 04157 Leipzig

    (0341) 911 1297

    chirotherapy acupuncture physical therapy prolotherapy (Prolieferationstherapie)

    Opening hours:

    Monday - Friday 8:00am 12:00pm Wednesday 2:00pm 4:00pm (by appointment only)

    Dr. med. Astrid RungeDr. med. Astrid RungeDr. med. Astrid RungeDr. med. Astrid Runge

    Kantstr. 25-27 04275 Leipzig

    (0341) 301 7724

    Opening hours:

    Monday - Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Friday 8:00am 11:00am


    Dr. Maria Dr. Maria Dr. Maria Dr. Maria SchubertSchubertSchubertSchubert

    Tschaikowskistrae 11 04105 Leipzig

    (0341) 980 6457

    Opening hours:

    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Monday, Friday, Saturday by appointment only


    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----med. Matthias Junkmed. Matthias Junkmed. Matthias Junkmed. Matthias Junk

    Lindenthaler Str. 6 04155 Leipzig

    (0341) 590 6908

    Opening hours:

    Monday - Friday 8:00am 11:00am Monday 3:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday 2:00pm 4:00pm (every first and third) Thursday 3:00pm 6:00pm Friday 2:00pm 4:00pm no extra consultations for mothers telephone request desired for appointments

    Dr. C. SpringerDr. C. SpringerDr. C. SpringerDr. C. Springer

    Biedermannstr. 84 04289 Leipzig (0341) 3082 4666

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Wednesday 8:00am 3:00pm Tuesday, Thursday 11:00am 6:00pm Friday 8:00am 12:00pm


    Dr. med. Gerhard HoheiselDr. med. Gerhard HoheiselDr. med. Gerhard HoheiselDr. med. Gerhard Hoheisel

    August-Bebel-Str. 69 04275 Leipzig

    (0341) 391 0660


    Opening hours:

    Monday Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm Tuesday Thursday 2:30pm 5:00pm

  • 7

    neurological practiceneurological practiceneurological practiceneurological practice

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Stefan SeifertMed. Stefan SeifertMed. Stefan SeifertMed. Stefan Seifert

    Gohliser Str. 10 04105 Leipzig

    (0341) 583 0633

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Tuesday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 4:00pm Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Friday 8:00am 12:00pm

    psychologistpsychologistpsychologistpsychologist/ps/ps/ps/psychological ychological ychological ychological counsecounsecounsecounselllllinglinglingling

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Psych. Claudia MoryPsych. Claudia MoryPsych. Claudia MoryPsych. Claudia Mory Joint practice Mehrblick

    Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 118 04105 Leipzig

    (0341) 972 4552

    [email protected].

    http://www.praxis-mehrblick.de/ (soon in English) individual- & group-therapy family-therapy University of Leipzig (day clinic for psychiatry)

    Opening hours:

    Monday Friday 3:00pm 7:00pm

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Psych. Malte KrnerPsych. Malte KrnerPsych. Malte KrnerPsych. Malte Krner

    Max-Planck-Str. 11 04105 Leipzig

    (0341) 413 6234

    [email protected]

    behavioral therapy http://www.therapie.de/index.html? /psychotherapie/koerner.php by appointment only

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Psych. Florian ScholzPsych. Florian ScholzPsych. Florian ScholzPsych. Florian Scholz

    Carl-Maria-von-Maria-Str. 4 04109 Leipzig

    (0341) 962 5182

    http://www.therapie.de/index.html?/psychotherapie/adamek.php www.praxis-florian-scholz.de

    Opening hours by appointment only:

    Monday Friday 12:00pm 12:30pm personally available via telephone to schedule appoint-ment

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Psych. KlausPsych. KlausPsych. KlausPsych. Klaus----Jrgen ZJrgen ZJrgen ZJrgen Za-a-a-a-patkapatkapatkapatka

    Floplatz 35 04107 Leipzig

    (0341) 999 9101

    [email protected]

    http://www.therapie.de/index.html?/ psychotherapie/adamek.php

    by appointment only


    Dr. med. Thomas NeumannDr. med. Thomas NeumannDr. med. Thomas NeumannDr. med. Thomas Neumann joint practice for radiology and nuclear medicine

    Telemannstr. 6 04129 Leipzig

    (0341) 213 820

    Opening hours:

    Monday Friday 8:00am 6:00pm

  • 8


    Dr. HDr. HDr. HDr. Hagen Knaueragen Knaueragen Knaueragen Knauer

    Gletschersteinstr. 32 04299 Leipzig

    (0341) 861 6888

    keyhole surgery

    Opening hours:

    Monday Friday 8:00am 4:00pm Tuesday, Thursday 4:00pm 6:00pm (emergency)

    Dr. Jrg HammerDr. Jrg HammerDr. Jrg HammerDr. Jrg Hammer Joint practice

    Riebeck Str. 65 04317 Leipzig

    (0341) 963 670

    Opening hours:

    Monday , Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Monday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm


    Dr. med. Tom KempeDr. med. Tom KempeDr. med. Tom KempeDr. med. Tom Kempe

    Kurt-Eisner-Str. 40 04275 Leipzig

    (0341) 391 2280


    urologist, gynecologist consultant for Bethanien hospital until 2004 since 2004 consultant for Stdtisches Klinikum St. Georg consultant for Ev.-Luth. Diakonissenkrankenhaus

    Opening hours:

    Monday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday 3:00pm 7:00pm (privately insured patients only) Wednesday 9:00am 1:00pm Thursday 3:00pm 7:00pm Friday 8:00am 12:00pm

    Dr. Jrgen JacobDr. Jrgen JacobDr. Jrgen JacobDr. Jrgen Jacob

    Johannisplatz 1 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 480 6266


    Opening hours: Monday Thursday 8:00am 6:00pm Friday 8:00am 2:00pm (by appointment only) DresdenDresdenDresdenDresden


    general medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicines

    Dr. med. Kristina WeissDr. med. Kristina WeissDr. med. Kristina WeissDr. med. Kristina Weiss

    Wilhelm-Franke-Str. 18 01219 Dresden

    (0351) 470 7224 (0351) 4707200

    Opening hours:

    Monday 8:00am-12:00pm 3:00pm-6:00pm Tuesday 8:00am-12:00pm Wednesday 8:00am-12:00pm Thursday 2:30pm-6:30pm Friday 8:00am-12:00pm

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Dagmar AltmannMed. Dagmar AltmannMed. Dagmar AltmannMed. Dagmar Altmann

    Bautzner Str. 3 01328 Dresden

    Opening hours:

    (by appointment only)

  • 9

    (0351) 266 0393

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Uwe DiekersMed. Uwe DiekersMed. Uwe DiekersMed. Uwe Diekers

    Groenhainer Str. 129 01129 Dresden

    (0351) 853 380 (0351) 8533813

    Opening hours:

    Monday 7:00am-12:00pm 4:00pm-7:00pm Tuesday 7:00am-12:00pm Wednesday 7:00am-12:00pm Thursday 7:00am-12:00pm Friday 7:00am-12:00pm


    Dr. med. BlmelDr. med. BlmelDr. med. BlmelDr. med. Blmel

    Merianplatz 4 01169 Dresden

    (0351) 412 3456 (0351) 4123490

    Opening hours:

    Monday 7:30am-12:00pm 2:30pm-6:00pm Tuesday 7:30am-12:00pm 2:30pm-6:00pm Wednesday 7:30am-12:00pm Thursday 7:30am-12:00pm 2:30pm-6:00pm Friday 7:30am-12:00pm

    Dr. med. Frank KnotheDr. med. Frank KnotheDr. med. Frank KnotheDr. med. Frank Knothe

    Draesekestr. 1 01277 Dresden

    (0351) 3123350

    Also works at eye-laser-center in Dresden http://www.augenlaser-dresden.de/index.html

    Opening hours: by appointment only


    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Mathias GrafMed. Mathias GrafMed. Mathias GrafMed. Mathias Graf


    01454 Radeberg

    (03528) 446004 (03528) 447005

    Opening hours:

    Monday 7:30am-12:00pm Tuesday 7:30am-12:00pm 2:30pm-6:00pm Wednesday 7:30am-12:00pm Thursday 7:30am-12:00pm Friday 7:30am-12:00pm


    Dr. Christian DrrDr. Christian DrrDr. Christian DrrDr. Christian Drr

    Ludwig-Hartmann-Str. 45 01277 Dresden

    (0351) 251 8232

    Opening hours: by appointment only

    Dr. EvaDr. EvaDr. EvaDr. Eva----Maria PMaria PMaria PMaria Pilzilzilzilz

    Wurzener Str. 5 01127 Dresden

    (0351) 852 2290

    newborn-hearing screening

    Opening hours: by appointment only


    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Ellen BMed. Ellen BMed. Ellen BMed. Ellen Btttttchertchertchertcher

    Sachsenwerkstr. 71 01257 Dresden

    (0351) 201 5122

    Opening hours: by appointment only

  • 10

    Dr. Barbara ElskeDr. Barbara ElskeDr. Barbara ElskeDr. Barbara Elske

    Rosenbergstr. 14 01277 Dresden

    (0351) 251 8230


    Opening hours: by appointment only

    dentistdentistdentistdentist http://www.zahnaerzte-in-sachsen.de/ http://www.deutsche-zahnarztauskunft.de

    Dr. med. dent. Conrad KDr. med. dent. Conrad KDr. med. dent. Conrad KDr. med. dent. Conrad Khhhhnlnlnlnl

    Bayreuther Str. 30 01187 Dresden

    (0351) 471 0970 (0351) 4758877

    Orthodontist and dentist

    Opening hours: Monday Thursday 7:00am-7:00pm Friday 7:00am-12:00pm

    (by appointment only)

    http://[email protected]


    Dr. GerhardDr. GerhardDr. GerhardDr. Gerhard

    Bautzner Landstr. 6a 01324 Dresden

    (0351) 264 1567

    Opening hours: by appointment only


    Sabine SchremSabine SchremSabine SchremSabine Schrem

    Tzschimmerstr. 28 01309 Dresden

    (0351) 646 5392

    Opening hours: by appointment only

    Dipl. Psych. Dorothee SchmidtDipl. Psych. Dorothee SchmidtDipl. Psych. Dorothee SchmidtDipl. Psych. Dorothee Schmidt

    Brucknerstr. 4 01309 Dresden

    (0351) 210 6458

    [email protected]

    trauma therapy www.traumatherapie-in-dresden.de www.psychotherapie-dresden.de

    Opening hours: by appointment only ChemnitzChemnitzChemnitzChemnitz


    general medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicines

    Holger Elbe, Katrin ElbeHolger Elbe, Katrin ElbeHolger Elbe, Katrin ElbeHolger Elbe, Katrin Elbe

    Hofer Str. 27 09224 Chemnitz

    (0371) 852 207 (0371) 8208202334

    Opening hours:

    Monday 8:00am-12:00pm 2:00pm-6:00pm Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00am-12:00pm Wednesday 8:00am-12:00pm 3:00pm-5:00pm (by appointment only)

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Martina FrankeMed. Martina FrankeMed. Martina FrankeMed. Martina Franke Chirotherapy

  • 11

    Rudolf-Krahl-Str. 81 09116 Chemnitz

    (0371) 304 730 (0371) 33513626

    Opening hours:

    Monday Friday 8:00am-11:30am Wednesday 8:00am-11:30am 4:00pm-6:00pm


    Dr. Dipl.Dr. Dipl.Dr. Dipl.Dr. Dipl.----Med. Petra RichterMed. Petra RichterMed. Petra RichterMed. Petra Richter

    Frstenstr. 67 09130 Chemnitz

    (0371) 401 0873

    Opening hours: by appointment only


    Dr. med. Manfred KupferDr. med. Manfred KupferDr. med. Manfred KupferDr. med. Manfred Kupfer

    Unritzstr. 21 09117 Chemnitz

    (0371) 33428330 33428333


    Opening hours:

    Monday - Thursday 8:00am 6:00pm Friday 8:00am 1:00pm (by appointment only)

    Dr. Volker KhnertDr. Volker KhnertDr. Volker KhnertDr. Volker Khnert

    Clausstr. 76-80 09126 Chemnitz

    (0371) 510 305 (0371) 2623991

    Opening hours:

    Monday 8:30am -11:30am 2:00pm 5:00pm Tuesday 8:30am 10:30am PM: outpatient OR Wednesday 2:00pm 6:00pm Thursday 8:00am 10:30am PM: medical opinion or OR Friday 8:00am 11:30am


    Dr. Lutz VergesDr. Lutz VergesDr. Lutz VergesDr. Lutz Verges

    Geibelstr. 124 09127 Chemnitz

    (0371) 710 70 (0371) 7255035

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm

    Dr. Petra El NaibDr. Petra El NaibDr. Petra El NaibDr. Petra El Naib

    Hainstr. 108 09130 Chemnitz

    (0371) 402 8359 (0371) 4047713


    Opening hours:

    Monday 7:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday 7:00am 12:00pm Thursday 7:30am 11:30am 2:00pm 6:00pm Friday - by appointment only -


    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Stom. Kristina AbrStom. Kristina AbrStom. Kristina AbrStom. Kristina Abraaaahamhamhamham----WehrWehrWehrWehr

    Ernst-Heilmann-Str. 10

    09116 Chemnitz

    (0371) 301 759

    Opening hours: by appointment only

    MR Dr. med. dent. Rolf Barthel, MR Dr. med. dent. Rolf Barthel, MR Dr. med. dent. Rolf Barthel, MR Dr. med. dent. Rolf Barthel, Dr. med. dent. Tom BarthelDr. med. dent. Tom BarthelDr. med. dent. Tom BarthelDr. med. dent. Tom Barthel

    http://www.zahnarztpraxis-barthel.de/ implantology

  • 12

    (joint practice)

    Faleska-Meinig-Str. 2

    09122 Chemnitz

    (0371) 229 097 229087

    Opening hours:

    Monday - Thursday 8:00am 1:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm Friday 8:00am 1:00pm Saturday by appointment -


    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Elvira DringMed. Elvira DringMed. Elvira DringMed. Elvira Dring

    Markersdorfer Str. 124

    09122 Chemnitz

    (0371) 228 054 (0371) 228057

    Opening hours:

    Monday - Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Friday 8:00am 12:00pm

    Dr. med. Katrin FuchsDr. med. Katrin FuchsDr. med. Katrin FuchsDr. med. Katrin Fuchs

    Wladimir-Sagorski-Str. 24

    09122 Chemnitz

    (0371) 280 4900

    Opening hours:

    Monday 8:30am 12:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm Tuesday, Thursday 8:30am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday 8:30am 12:00pm Friday - by appointment only -


    Dr. med. Ulrich KubeDr. med. Ulrich KubeDr. med. Ulrich KubeDr. med. Ulrich Kube

    Goethestr. 5a

    09119 Chemnitz

    (0371)301 422

    Opening hours: by appointment only


    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Psych. Matthias FrePsych. Matthias FrePsych. Matthias FrePsych. Matthias Freiiiitagtagtagtag

    Michaelstrae 37

    09116 Chemnitz

    0371/ 900983 01805/06033663891 0178 883 1110

    Supervisor, psychologist for clinical psychol-ogy/psychotherapy www.isa-chemnitz.de

    Opening hours: by appointment only

  • 13

    1111....2222 SaxonySaxonySaxonySaxony----AnhaltAnhaltAnhaltAnhalt

    1111....2222. HalleHalleHalleHalle


    general medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicines

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Undine SiebertMed. Undine SiebertMed. Undine SiebertMed. Undine Siebert

    Brandbergweg 9

    06120 Halle

    (0345) 550 7782

    general practitioner

    acupuncture & auricular medicine palm therapy

    Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday 2:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm

    Dr. med. Brbel RommelDr. med. Brbel RommelDr. med. Brbel RommelDr. med. Brbel Rommel

    Beesenerstr. 255

    06110 Halle

    (0345) 290 0945 2900947


    Opening hours: by appointment only


    Dr. med. Ilona ErfurtDr. med. Ilona ErfurtDr. med. Ilona ErfurtDr. med. Ilona Erfurt

    Wilhelm von Klewitz Str. 11

    06132 Halle

    (0345) 776 7000 7778515


    Opening hours: Monday Wednesday 7:00am 11:30am Thursday 7:00am 11:30am 3:00pm 5:30pm Friday 7:00am 11:30am

    Dr. med. HansDr. med. HansDr. med. HansDr. med. Hans----Arno SchArno SchArno SchArno Schoooobessbessbessbess

    Kardinal Albrecht Str. 41

    06108 Halle

    (0345) 20233 58 6784947

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Tuesday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 5:00pm Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm Thursday 9:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 8:00pm


    Dr. med. ErbeDr. med. ErbeDr. med. ErbeDr. med. Erbe

    Albert Einstein Str. 3

    06122 Halle

    (0345) 209 0709

    laser therapy MRT

    Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 4:30pm Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm

    Mohaupt & DegenerMohaupt & DegenerMohaupt & DegenerMohaupt & Degener (joint practice)

    Reilsstrasse 129A

    06114 Halle

    (0345) 529 4146 5294148

    Opening hours: by appointment only

  • 14


    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Torsten KettmannMed. Torsten KettmannMed. Torsten KettmannMed. Torsten Kettmann

    Zscherbener Str. 11

    06124 Halle

    (0345) 805 9929

    specialist for voice & speech disorders allergies Opening hours: Monday 8:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 7:00pm Tuesday 10:00am 12:30pm 1:00pm 3:00pm Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm Thursday 3:00pm 5:30pm Saturday by appointment


    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Cornelia RickersMed. Cornelia RickersMed. Cornelia RickersMed. Cornelia Rickers

    Gustav Hertzbergstr. 14

    06110 Halle

    (0345) 120 0336 1226262


    Opening hours:

    Monday 8:00am 11:00am 2:00pm 5:00pm Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 11:00am 3:30pm 5:00pm Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 11:00am

    Dr. med. Margot ZvDr. med. Margot ZvDr. med. Margot ZvDr. med. Margot Zvaaaacekcekcekcek

    Am Tulpenbrunnen 3

    06122 Halle

    (0345) 805 6683 8065260

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday 7:00am 10:00am (for mothers) 10:00am 12:00pm Friday 8:00am 12:00pm


    Dr. Joachim EifertDr. Joachim EifertDr. Joachim EifertDr. Joachim Eifert

    Leipziger Str. 85

    06108 Halle

    (0345) 290 9002 2909004


    Opening hours: Monday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday 7:30am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday, Friday 7:30am 12:00pm

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Stom. Antje GotthardtStom. Antje GotthardtStom. Antje GotthardtStom. Antje Gotthardt

    Ulestr. 12

    06114 Halle

    + (0345) 283 3769

    Opening hours:

    Monday 8:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 5:00pm Tuesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm Wednesday 10:00am 2:00pm 3:00pm 7:00pm Thursday 7:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 3:00pm

    1111....2222. MagdeburgMagdeburgMagdeburgMagdeburg


    general general general general medicinesmedicinesmedicinesmedicines

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Hannelore KupkeMed. Hannelore KupkeMed. Hannelore KupkeMed. Hannelore Kupke

    Schnebeckerstr. 9

    39104 Magdeburg

    general practioner

    acupuncture & auricular medicine

    Opening hours:

  • 15

    (0391) 401 5231 4015232

    Monday 8:00am 11:00am Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 11:00am 3:00pm 5:00pm Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 10:00am

    Dr. med. Martina SchulzDr. med. Martina SchulzDr. med. Martina SchulzDr. med. Martina Schulz

    Turmschanzenstr. 17

    39114 Magdeburg

    + (0391) 831 065

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm


    Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr. Gesa Penndorf Gesa Penndorf Gesa Penndorf Gesa Penndorf----MollingMollingMollingMolling

    Domplatz 10

    39104 Magdeburg

    (0391) 531 1777

    general practitioner at Klinik St. Marienstift

    Opening hours: - by appointment only -


    Dr. med. Roderich SchllnerDr. med. Roderich SchllnerDr. med. Roderich SchllnerDr. med. Roderich Schllner

    Breiter Weg 252

    39104 Magdeburg

    (0391) 620 8360 6208369


    Opening hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 6:00pm


    Dr. HansDr. HansDr. HansDr. Hans----Georg VitzthumGeorg VitzthumGeorg VitzthumGeorg Vitzthum

    Domplatz 11

    39104 Magdeburg

    (0391) 543 3182 5611947


    Opening hours: Monday 7:00am 3:00pm Tuesday 7:00am 1:00pm (no consultation-hour) Wednesday 8:00am 4:00pm Thursday 9:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm Friday 8:00am 1:00pm


    Dr. Katharina PolterDr. Katharina PolterDr. Katharina PolterDr. Katharina Polter

    Domplatz 11

    39104 Magdeburg

    (0391) 253 1224 7347352

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Brigitte BergeMed. Brigitte BergeMed. Brigitte BergeMed. Brigitte Berge

    Otto-Bear-Str. 2

    39118 Magdeburg

    (0391) 616 535

    Opening hours:

    Monday 7:30am 12:00pm 2:00pm 4:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 7:30am 12:00pm Thursday 3:00pm 6:00pm


    Dr. Bernd HelkeDr. Bernd HelkeDr. Bernd HelkeDr. Bernd Helke http://www.praxis-drhelke.de/

  • 16

    Lbeckerstr. 53-63

    39124 Magdeburg

    (0391) 289 9230 2899228

    Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday 7:30am 6:00pm Wednesday 7:30am 1:00pm Thursday 7:30am 6:00pm Friday 7:30am 4:00pm

    Dr. Gabriele Lderitz, Ingo Dr. Gabriele Lderitz, Ingo Dr. Gabriele Lderitz, Ingo Dr. Gabriele Lderitz, Ingo KoitzschKoitzschKoitzschKoitzsch

    Hermann-Hesse-Str. 1A

    39118 Magdeburg

    (0391) 622 2600

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Wednesday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday, Thursday 7:00am 7:00pm Friday 8:00am 2:00pm

    1111.2..2..2..2.3333 DessauDessauDessauDessau


    general medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicines

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Edeltraud Med. Edeltraud Med. Edeltraud Med. Edeltraud BreBreBreBrennnnningningningning

    Wallstr. 21

    06844 Dessau

    + (0340) 214 526

    Opening hours: - by appointment only -

    Dr. Regina HillebrandDr. Regina HillebrandDr. Regina HillebrandDr. Regina Hillebrand

    Grenzstr. 5

    06849 Dessau

    (0340) 858 1152

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Thursday 8:00am 5:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm


    Dr. med. Jrgen PfeiDr. med. Jrgen PfeiDr. med. Jrgen PfeiDr. med. Jrgen Pfeiffffferferferfer

    Krnerstr. 10

    06844 Dessau

    (0340) 220 1644

    Opening hours:

    Monday - Friday 8:00am 12:00pm (PM: by appointment)


    Dr. med. GDr. med. GDr. med. GDr. med. Gabriele Straucabriele Straucabriele Straucabriele Strauchhhhmannmannmannmann

    Antoinettenstr. 37

    06844 Dessau

    (0340) 260 340 2603415


    Opening hours: Monday, Thursday 8:00am 1:00pm 3:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday 8:00am 3:00pm Friday 8:00am 1:00pm Saturday 9:00am 2:00pm (every other week)


    Dr. med. FredDr. med. FredDr. med. FredDr. med. Fred----Reinhard PuhReinhard PuhReinhard PuhReinhard Puhl-l-l-l-mannmannmannmann

    Kurt-Weill-Str. 41

    Opening hours:

    Monday 2:30pm 5:30pm Tuesday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:30pm 5:30pm Wednesday no consultation-hour

  • 17

    06844 Dessau

    (0340) 250 500

    Thursday 3:30pm 7:30pm Friday 8:00am 2:00pm


    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. PascheMed. PascheMed. PascheMed. Pasche

    Trtener Str. 44

    06842 Dessau

    (0340) 882 2139

    Opening hours:

    Monday 10:00am- 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday 11:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 5:00pm (9:00am 11:00am for mothers) Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm Thursday 10:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 3:30pm (4:00pm 7:00pm for mothers)


    Dr. Ulrike BeyerDr. Ulrike BeyerDr. Ulrike BeyerDr. Ulrike Beyer

    Ackerstr. 6a

    06842 Dessau

    (0340) 882 6055

    Opening hours:

    Monday 8:30am 3:30pm Tuesday 8:30am 4:30pm Wednesday 1:00pm 6:30pm Thursday, Friday 8:30am 2:00pm

    Dr. med. dent. Dieter HuDr. med. dent. Dieter HuDr. med. dent. Dieter HuDr. med. dent. Dieter Hupppppertspertspertsperts

    Ludwigshafenerstr. 69A

    06842 Dessau

    (0340) 850 1355

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm

    1111.2..2..2..2.4444 Lutherstadt WiLutherstadt WiLutherstadt WiLutherstadt Witttttenbergtenbergtenbergtenberg


    general medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicines

    Dr. Randolf Dr. Randolf Dr. Randolf Dr. Randolf MeisterMeisterMeisterMeister

    Heubnerstr. 12

    06886 Lutherstadt Witten-


    (03491) 402 526

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 4:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Thomas Med. Thomas Med. Thomas Med. Thomas WinklerWinklerWinklerWinkler

    Mittestr. 25

    06886 Lutherstadt Witten-


    (03491) 402 065

    Opening hours:

    Monday 8:00am 11:30am 4:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 11:30am 2:00pm 4:00pm Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 11:30am

    Dr. Antje SchmidtDr. Antje SchmidtDr. Antje SchmidtDr. Antje Schmidt

    Lerchenbergstr. 108

    06886 Lutherstadt Witten-

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm Tuesday, Thursday 2:00pm 6:00pm Home visit by appointment

  • 18


    (03491) 411 373


    Dr. med. Christel SchwalbeDr. med. Christel SchwalbeDr. med. Christel SchwalbeDr. med. Christel Schwalbe

    Annendorfer Str. 15

    06886 Lutherstadt Witten-


    (03491) 442 568

    Opening hours: by appointment only


    Dr. Marion BolzDr. Marion BolzDr. Marion BolzDr. Marion Bolz

    Breitscheidstr. 31

    06886 Lutherstadt Witten-


    (03491) 407 040


    Opening hours: Monday 7:30am 12:00pm 2:00pm 4:00pm Tuesday, Thursday 7:30am 12:00pm 3:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday, Friday 7:30am 12:00pm


    Dr. Martin NiendorfDr. Martin NiendorfDr. Martin NiendorfDr. Martin Niendorf

    Johannes-Rungeweg 16

    06886 Lutherstadt Witten-


    (03491) 440 517

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Wednesday 8:00am 11:00am 2:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday, Friday 8:00am 11:00am Thursday 8:00am 11:00am 2:00pm 4:00pm

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Stom. Maik PietschStom. Maik PietschStom. Maik PietschStom. Maik Pietsch

    Am Elbufer 30

    06886 Lutherstadt Witten-


    (03491) 610 752

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 5:00pm Tuesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm Wednesday 8:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 6:00pm

  • 19

    1111.3..3..3..3. ThuriThuriThuriThurinnnngiagiagiagia

    1111. ErfurtErfurtErfurtErfurt


    general medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicines

    Dr. Werner BttgerDr. Werner BttgerDr. Werner BttgerDr. Werner Bttger

    Friedhofstr. 23 99091 Erfurt

    (0361) 791 2883 735761

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Wednesday 8:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday 8:00am 12:00pm 4:00pm 6:00pm Thursday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Heike Faidt, DiplMed. Heike Faidt, DiplMed. Heike Faidt, DiplMed. Heike Faidt, Dipl....---- Med. Med. Med. Med. Wolfgang ArandtWolfgang ArandtWolfgang ArandtWolfgang Arandt (joint practice)

    Klausenerstr. 29 99099 Erfurt

    (0361) 373 5095 3731839

    Opening hours:

    Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday 8:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 6:00pm Thursday 8:00am 7:00pm Friday 8:00am 3:00pm

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Wolfgang HMed. Wolfgang HMed. Wolfgang HMed. Wolfgang Hololololzzzzschuhschuhschuhschuh

    Stielerstr. 1 99099 Erfurt

    (0361) 411 084 4211940

    acupuncture auricolotherapy

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Thursday 7:30am 11:00am 4:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday 7:30am 10:00am Wednesday, Friday 7:30am 11:00am

    Dr. Annemarie FriedrichDr. Annemarie FriedrichDr. Annemarie FriedrichDr. Annemarie Friedrich

    Gutenbergplatz 10 99092 Erfurt

    + (0361) 260 2510

    physical therapy physiotherapy

    Opening hours: Monday 8:00am 12:00pm 4:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday 10:00am 12:00pm 4:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday 8:00am 12:00pm Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm Friday 8:00am 1:00pm


    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Johannes WessigMed. Johannes WessigMed. Johannes WessigMed. Johannes Wessig

    Geibelstr. 27 99096 Erfurt

    (0361) 345 9475

    Opening hours: by appointment only


    Dr. med. Lutz EgerDr. med. Lutz EgerDr. med. Lutz EgerDr. med. Lutz Eger

    Bahnhofstr. 2 99084 Erfurt

    (0361) 643 1137

    anti-smoking-therapy out-patient operations

    Opening hours:

    Monday Friday

  • 20

    64439826 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm


    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Brigitte DahlmannMed. Brigitte DahlmannMed. Brigitte DahlmannMed. Brigitte Dahlmann

    Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 2 99097 Erfurt

    + (0361) 416 500

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Friday 8:00am 12:30pm 1:00pm 4:30pm Tuesday 8:00am 12:30pm 1:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday, Thursday 8:00am 12:30pm

    Dr. Margot FrankeDr. Margot FrankeDr. Margot FrankeDr. Margot Franke

    Ammertalweg 7 99086 Erfurt

    (0361) 731 4266 6019475

    Opening hours:

    Monday 8:00am 2:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday 8:00am 5:00pm Thursday 2:00pm 5:00pm Friday 8:00am 12:00pm ( - by appointment -)


    Dr. med. Gabriele BastianDr. med. Gabriele BastianDr. med. Gabriele BastianDr. med. Gabriele Bastian

    Schlachthoferstr. 3 99085 Erfurt

    (0361) 540 2128

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 1:00pm

    Dr. Petra BenkeDr. Petra BenkeDr. Petra BenkeDr. Petra Benke----OelsnerOelsnerOelsnerOelsner

    Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 66 99085 Erfurt

    (0361) 561 2370 5612374

    Opening hours:

    Monday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm Tuesday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday - by appointment only - Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 4:00pm Friday 8:00am 12:00pm


    Dr. Birgit SpieglerDr. Birgit SpieglerDr. Birgit SpieglerDr. Birgit Spiegler

    Neuwerk 51 99084 Erfurt

    + (0361) 226 2409

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday 8:00am 12:00pm 1:30pm 4:00pm Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 1:00pm

    1111. GeraGeraGeraGera


    general medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicines

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Jrg KirchnerMed. Jrg KirchnerMed. Jrg KirchnerMed. Jrg Kirchner

    Saalfelder Str. 18 07549 Gera

    + (0365) 350 79

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Thursday 8:00am 11:00am 2:30pm 6:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 11:00am

    Elvira KielsteinElvira KielsteinElvira KielsteinElvira Kielstein

    Schenkendorfstr. 10 07548 Gera

    (0365) 710 8766

    alternative medicines

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Thursday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm

  • 21

    8320266 Tuesday 8:00am 12:00pm 4:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday 8:00am 12:00pm


    Dr. Dipl.Dr. Dipl.Dr. Dipl.Dr. Dipl.----Med. Uta RauchMed. Uta RauchMed. Uta RauchMed. Uta Rauch

    Humboldstr. 3 07545 Gera

    (0365) 244 59 77309504

    Opening hours: by appointment only


    Dr. med. D. DrawertDr. med. D. DrawertDr. med. D. DrawertDr. med. D. Drawert

    Schleizer Str. 37 07549 Gera

    (0365) 360 88 7738321

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 12:30pm afternoon: by appointment Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 12:30pm 2:00pm 5:00pm

    Dr. Matthias Hager, Dr. AnDr. Matthias Hager, Dr. AnDr. Matthias Hager, Dr. AnDr. Matthias Hager, Dr. Anddddreas reas reas reas Schubert, Dr. Wolfgang Urban, Schubert, Dr. Wolfgang Urban, Schubert, Dr. Wolfgang Urban, Schubert, Dr. Wolfgang Urban, Dr. Thomas MelchertDr. Thomas MelchertDr. Thomas MelchertDr. Thomas Melchert

    Schmelzhttenstr. 4 07545 Gera

    (0365) 830 1560 830 1561


    Opening hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 5:00pm Friday 8:00am 2:00pm Saturday 8:00am 10:00am


    Dr. med. Rene KelerDr. med. Rene KelerDr. med. Rene KelerDr. med. Rene Keler

    Grie 9 07548 Gera

    (0365) 800 9463 55201896

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Thursday 12:30pm 4:00pm Tuesday 9:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 7:00pm Wednesday, Friday 9:00am 12:00pm

    Sabine Nauber & Andrea RSabine Nauber & Andrea RSabine Nauber & Andrea RSabine Nauber & Andrea Rhhhhlinglinglingling (joint practice)

    Clara-Zetkin-Str. 28 07545 Gera

    (0365) 220 07 8327719

    Opening hours:

    Monday - Friday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 5:00pm (by appointment only)


    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Ingrid SchlonskiMed. Ingrid SchlonskiMed. Ingrid SchlonskiMed. Ingrid Schlonski

    Lasurstr. 21 07552 Gera

    (0365) 310 93 5516105

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 5:30pm Tuesday 11:00am 1;00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm


    Dr. Lutz EngelhardtDr. Lutz EngelhardtDr. Lutz EngelhardtDr. Lutz Engelhardt

    Berliner Str. 147

    Opening hours:

    Monday - Thursday

  • 22

    07545 Gera

    (0365) 423 0136 4230137

    7:30am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Friday 7:30am 12:00pm

    1111. JenaJenaJenaJena


    general medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicines

    Dr. Helga BollandDr. Helga BollandDr. Helga BollandDr. Helga Bolland

    Westbahnhofstr. 2 07747 Jena

    + (03641) 622 173

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Tuesday 8:00am 11:00am 3:00pm 5:30pm Wednesday - Friday 8:00am 11:00am

    Dr. Markus TittelDr. Markus TittelDr. Markus TittelDr. Markus Tittel

    August-Bebel-Str. 7 07743 Jena

    + (03641) 449 244


    Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday 7:15am 11:30am Tuesday, Thursday 7:15am 11:30am 4:00pm 6:00pm Friday 7:15am 11:30am 4:00pm 6:00pm (every 1st & 3rd of month)

    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Eckhard GeMed. Eckhard GeMed. Eckhard GeMed. Eckhard Gerrrrlachlachlachlach

    Karl-Gnther-Str. 9 07749 Jena

    + (03641) 443 919

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 3:30pm 5:45pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm


    Dr. med. Andreas JordanDr. med. Andreas JordanDr. med. Andreas JordanDr. med. Andreas Jordan

    Philosophenweg 36 07743 Jena

    + (03641) 449 333

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 7:00am 11:00am 2:00pm 5:00pm Wednesday, Friday 7:00am 12:00pm

    Dr. med. MatthiasDr. med. MatthiasDr. med. MatthiasDr. med. Matthias Jtte Jtte Jtte Jtte

    Westbahnhofstr. 2 07745 Jena

    (03641) 622 174

    Opening hours: by appointment only


    Practice Dr. Zollmann (StePractice Dr. Zollmann (StePractice Dr. Zollmann (StePractice Dr. Zollmann (Stefffffen fen fen fen Hein, Heiner Schmitz)Hein, Heiner Schmitz)Hein, Heiner Schmitz)Hein, Heiner Schmitz)

    Dornburger Str. 17a 07743 Jena

    (03641) 443 018 8757545

    Opening hours:

    Monday - Thursday 8:00am 6:00pm Friday 8:00am 2:00pm

  • 23


    Dr. Ulrich ErlerDr. Ulrich ErlerDr. Ulrich ErlerDr. Ulrich Erler

    Stauffenbergstr. 35a 07747 Jena

    (03641) 371 599

    Opening hours: by appointment only


    Dr. Doris Ranke, Dr. med. Jens Dr. Doris Ranke, Dr. med. Jens Dr. Doris Ranke, Dr. med. Jens Dr. Doris Ranke, Dr. med. Jens HHHHuuuuschenbeckschenbeckschenbeckschenbeck

    Drackendorf-Center 2 07751 Jena

    (03641) 336 742 394696

    Opening hours:

    Monday - Friday 8:00am 11:30am 3:00pm 5:00pm


    Dr. Astrid AndersDr. Astrid AndersDr. Astrid AndersDr. Astrid Anders

    Markt 5 07743 Jena

    (03641) 444 170 471974

    Opening hours:

    Monday 9:00am 7:00pm Tuesday 8:00am 4:00pm Wednesday 8:00am 2:00pm Thursday 8:00am 6:00pm Friday 8:00am 3:00pm


    Dr. med. Gerlinde FinkeDr. med. Gerlinde FinkeDr. med. Gerlinde FinkeDr. med. Gerlinde Finke

    Westbahnhofstr. 2 07745 Jena

    (03641) 622 163

    Opening hours: by appointment only

    1111. WeimarWeimarWeimarWeimar


    general medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicines

    Dr. med. Christian HDr. med. Christian HDr. med. Christian HDr. med. Christian Hnsensensense

    Kantstr. 4

    99425 Weimar

    (03643) 775 030


    Opening hours:

    Monday, Friday 7:30am 11:30am Tuesday 2:30pm 6:30pm Wednesday 10:00am 2:30pm Thursday 2:00pm 4:30pm


    Dr. med. Dirk Rohde, Dr. med. Dr. med. Dirk Rohde, Dr. med. Dr. med. Dirk Rohde, Dr. med. Dr. med. Dirk Rohde, Dr. med. Georg SchraderGeorg SchraderGeorg SchraderGeorg Schrader

    Schoppenhauerstr. 13

    99423 Weimar


    Opening hours:

    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 1:00pm

  • 24

    (03643) 502 859


    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Gnther KochMed. Gnther KochMed. Gnther KochMed. Gnther Koch

    Carl-August-Allee 14

    99423 Weimar

    (03643) 501 044

    accident surgery

    Opening hours: by appointment only


    Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.Dipl.----Med. Ursula KempaMed. Ursula KempaMed. Ursula KempaMed. Ursula Kempa

    Markt 4 99423 Weimar

    (03643) 502 149

    Opening hours: by appointment only

    PeterPeterPeterPeter----Michael WieMichael WieMichael WieMichael Wiecccczorekzorekzorekzorek

    Carl-August-Allee 4 99423 Weimar

    (03643) 202 180

    Opening hours: by appointment only


    Dr. med. Monika NiDr. med. Monika NiDr. med. Monika NiDr. med. Monika Nieeeehaushaushaushaus

    Windmhlenstr. 2

    99425 Weimar

    (03643) 515 535 515534

    Opening hours:

    Monday 8:00am 12:00pm 4:00pm 6:00pm Tuesday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 4:00pm Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm Thursday 10:00am 12:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm


    Dr. med. Christiane Basche, Dr. Dr. med. Christiane Basche, Dr. Dr. med. Christiane Basche, Dr. Dr. med. Christiane Basche, Dr. med. med. med. med. Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas BascheBascheBascheBasche

    Heinrich-Heine-Str. 2 99423 Weimar

    (03643) 400 230 400341


    Opening hours: Monday 7:00am 3:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 7:00am 1:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Friday 7:00am 1:00pm

    1111. EisenachEisenachEisenachEisenach


    general medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicinesgeneral medicines

    Dr. med. Dr. med. Dr. med. Dr. med. DirkDirkDirkDirk Achard Achard Achard Achard

    Bahnhofstr. 21 99817 Eisenach

    (03691) 203 005 720674

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Tuesday 7:30am 11:00am 3:00pm 5:00pm Wednesday - Friday 7:30am 11:00am

  • 25

    Dr. med. Jrg BudeusDr. med. Jrg BudeusDr. med. Jrg BudeusDr. med. Jrg Budeus

    Karlstr. 1 99817 Eisenach

    (03691) 291 211 291214

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Wednesday 8:00am 12:00pm Tuesday8:00am 11:00am 2:00pm 4:00pm Thursday 8:00am 11:00am 6:00pm 8:00pm (app.) Friday 8:00am 11:00am

    Dr. med. Angelika MllerDr. med. Angelika MllerDr. med. Angelika MllerDr. med. Angelika Mller

    Kurstr. 2 99817 Eisenach

    (03691) 746 059 746021

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 11:00am Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 11:00am 3:00pm 6:00pm


    Dr. Kristina BuschDr. Kristina BuschDr. Kristina BuschDr. Kristina Busch

    Georgenstr. 27 99817 Eisenach

    (03691) 744 494 744495

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm Tuesday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:30pm 5:00pm Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 7:00pm


    Dr. med. Christine SchulzDr. med. Christine SchulzDr. med. Christine SchulzDr. med. Christine Schulz

    Schillerstr. 15 99817 Eisenach

    (03691) 203 661

    Opening hours: by appointment only


    Dr. med. Karsten BerDr. med. Karsten BerDr. med. Karsten BerDr. med. Karsten Berggggmannmannmannmann

    Georgenstr. 18 22 99817 Eisenach (03691) 771 16 887684

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 5:30pm Tuesday - Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm

    Dr. Angelika BeyerDr. Angelika BeyerDr. Angelika BeyerDr. Angelika Beyer

    Bahnhofstr. 6 99817 Eisenach

    (03691) 742 002 721030

    Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 11:30pm 2:00pm 5:30pm Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 11: 30am


    Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr. Franziska Glnzer, Dr. J Franziska Glnzer, Dr. J Franziska Glnzer, Dr. J Franziska Glnzer, Dr. Jr-r-r-r-gen Glnzergen Glnzergen Glnzergen Glnzer

    Frauenberg 9 99817 Eisenach

    (03691) 743 600 743602


    Opening hours:

    Monday, Friday 8:00am 6:00pm Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 8:00pm Wednesday 7:00am 8:00pm

    Dr. Matthias HeinemannDr. Matthias HeinemannDr. Matthias HeinemannDr. Matthias Heinemann

    Marienstr. 27 99817 Eisenach

    Opening hours:

    Monday, Wednesday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm

  • 26

    (03691) 784 557 885753

    Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 4:00pm Friday 8:00am 12:00pm


    Dr. med. Bettina SinnDr. med. Bettina SinnDr. med. Bettina SinnDr. med. Bettina Sinn

    Karlstr. 1

    99817 Eisenach

    (03691) 203 258 742556

    Opening hours:

    Monday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 5:00pm Tuesday 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday, Friday 8:00am 12:00pm Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm

  • 27

    2222 ClinicsClinicsClinicsClinics SaxonySaxonySaxonySaxony

    2222. .... EmergeEmergeEmergeEmergennnnciesciesciescies

    Where to turn nights/weekends:

    Emergencies Emergencies Emergencies Emergencies after hours medical se after hours medical se after hours medical se after hours medical serrrrvicesvicesvicesvices

    LeipzigLeipzigLeipzigLeipzig http://www.uniklinikum-leipzig.de/lageplaene/gebiet.html?jsPlan=jh_allee_32

    Emergency servicesEmergency servicesEmergency servicesEmergency services - General Medicine (rztlicher Notfalldienst)

    (0341) 192 92 service available 24 hours home visits only

    Central emergency room (ER) Central emergency room (ER) Central emergency room (ER) Central emergency room (ER) ---- Unive Unive Unive Univerrrrsitysitysitysity (Zentrale Notaufnahme des Universittsklini-kums) Liebigstr. 20 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 9717800

    open 24 hours

    will refer the patients to the appropriate specialists in the clinics or polyclinics if they came in through the central ER and if they need inpatient treatment

    EmergEmergEmergEmergency services ency services ency services ency services ---- cas cas cas casuuuualty surgeryalty surgeryalty surgeryalty surgery (chirurgisches Notfallzentrum)

    Riebeckstr. 65 04317 Leipzig

    (0341) 963670

    open 24 hours

    University pediatric clinic & polyclinicUniversity pediatric clinic & polyclinicUniversity pediatric clinic & polyclinicUniversity pediatric clinic & polyclinic (Universittsklinik und Poliklinik fr Kinder und Jugendliche) Emergency centerEmergency centerEmergency centerEmergency center

    Liebigstr. 20a 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 260 00 (0341) 97 260 09


    open 24 hours

    Emergency centerEmergency centerEmergency centerEmergency center

    Notfallzentrum Leipzig Notfallzentrum Leipzig Notfallzentrum Leipzig Notfallzentrum Leipzig (Thonbergklinik)(Thonbergklinik)(Thonbergklinik)(Thonbergklinik)

    Riebeckstr. 65/Ecke Prager Str. 04317 Reudnitz

    (0341) 963 67 0

    (0341) 963 67 22


    [email protected]

    Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am 12:00pm 4:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday 8:00am 12:00pm Friday 8:00am 12:00pm

    Emergency treatment is available 24/7


  • 28

    Interdisziplinre NotauInterdisziplinre NotauInterdisziplinre NotauInterdisziplinre Notauffffnahme (ER)nahme (ER)nahme (ER)nahme (ER)

    Kopernikusstr. 39a

    01129 Dresden

    0351/856 2089

    open 24 hours


    Holzhofgasse 29 01099 Dresden

    (0351) 810 10 (reception)

    EmergencyEmergencyEmergencyEmergency roomroomroomroom ((((0351) 810 17800351) 810 17800351) 810 17800351) 810 1780

    open 24 hours

    Stdtisches Klinikum Stdtisches Klinikum Stdtisches Klinikum Stdtisches Klinikum Krankenhaus Dre Krankenhaus Dre Krankenhaus Dre Krankenhaus Dres-s-s-s-dendendenden----FriedrichstadtFriedrichstadtFriedrichstadtFriedrichstadt

    Friedrichstr. 41 01067 Dresden

    (0351) 480 0

    Emergency room Emergency room Emergency room Emergency room (0351) 480 1552(0351) 480 1552(0351) 480 1552(0351) 480 1552

    open 24 hours

    Krankenhaus St. JosephKrankenhaus St. JosephKrankenhaus St. JosephKrankenhaus St. Joseph----StiftStiftStiftStift

    Wintergartenstr. 15/17 01307 Dresden

    (0351) 4440 0

    Emergency Emergency Emergency Emergency roomroomroomroom (0351) 4440 2341 (0351) 4440 2341 (0351) 4440 2341 (0351) 4440 2341

    Medizinische FakultMedizinische FakultMedizinische FakultMedizinische Fakultt Carl Gustav Carus dert Carl Gustav Carus dert Carl Gustav Carus dert Carl Gustav Carus der Technischen Universitt Dresden Technischen Universitt Dresden Technischen Universitt Dresden Technischen Universitt Dresden ---- Univers Univers Univers Universi-i-i-i-ttsklttsklttsklttskliiiinikumnikumnikumnikum

    Fetscherstr. 74 01307 Dresden

    (0351) 458 0

    Emergency room (0351) 458 2221Emergency room (0351) 458 2221Emergency room (0351) 458 2221Emergency room (0351) 458 2221

    open 24 hours

    Stdtisches Krankenhaus DresdenStdtisches Krankenhaus DresdenStdtisches Krankenhaus DresdenStdtisches Krankenhaus Dresden----NeustadtNeustadtNeustadtNeustadt

    Industriestr. 40 01129 Dresden

    (0351) 856 0

    EmergencEmergencEmergencEmergency room (0351) 856 y room (0351) 856 y room (0351) 856 y room (0351) 856 2380/23892380/23892380/23892380/2389

    ER ER ER ER for children (0351) 856 2580 for children (0351) 856 2580 for children (0351) 856 2580 for children (0351) 856 2580

    open 24 hours


    Klinikum Chemnitz GmbH Klinikum Chemnitz GmbH Klinikum Chemnitz GmbH Klinikum Chemnitz GmbH Krankenhaus Krankenhaus Krankenhaus Krankenhaus FleFleFleFlemmmmmingstraemingstraemingstraemingstrae

    Flemmingstr. 2 09116 Chemnitz

    (0371) 3330

    Emergency room (0371) 333 335 91Emergency room (0371) 333 335 91Emergency room (0371) 333 335 91Emergency room (0371) 333 335 91

    open 24 hours

    Klinikum Chemnitz GKlinikum Chemnitz GKlinikum Chemnitz GKlinikum Chemnitz GmbH mbH mbH mbH ---- Krankenhaus Krankenhaus Krankenhaus Krankenhaus KcKcKcKchhhhwaldwaldwaldwald

    Brgerstr. 2 09113 Chemnitz

    (0371) 333 0

    Emergency room (0371) 333 427 96Emergency room (0371) 333 427 96Emergency room (0371) 333 427 96Emergency room (0371) 333 427 96

    open 24 hours

    Klinikum Chemnitz GmbH Klinikum Chemnitz GmbH Klinikum Chemnitz GmbH Klinikum Chemnitz GmbH Frauen Frauen Frauen Frauen---- und und und und KindeKindeKindeKinderrrrklinik (clinic for women & children)klinik (clinic for women & children)klinik (clinic for women & children)klinik (clinic for women & children)

    Flemmingstr. 4 09116 Chemnitz

    (0371) 333 222 24

    Emergency room (0371) 333 242 42Emergency room (0371) 333 242 42Emergency room (0371) 333 242 42Emergency room (0371) 333 242 42

    open 24 hours

    Klinikum Chemnitz GmbH Klinikum Chemnitz GmbH Klinikum Chemnitz GmbH Klinikum Chemnitz GmbH Kranke Kranke Kranke Krankennnnhaus haus haus haus Dresdner Strae Dresdner Strae Dresdner Strae Dresdner Strae clinic for neur clinic for neur clinic for neur clinic for neuroooologylogylogylogy

    Dresdner Str. 178 09131 Chemnitz

    (0371) 333-0

    Emergency room (0371) 333 105 20Emergency room (0371) 333 105 20Emergency room (0371) 333 105 20Emergency room (0371) 333 105 20

    open 24 hours

    HNO Notfall FriedrichstadtHNO Notfall FriedrichstadtHNO Notfall FriedrichstadtHNO Notfall Friedrichstadt Klinik Klinik Klinik Klinik (0351) 4801725

    (0351) 4801729

    open 24 hours

  • 29 HospitalsHospitalsHospitalsHospitals Leipzig Leipzig Leipzig Leipzig



    Switchboard: (0341) 97 109 Patients admission (central number): (0341) 97 160 27

    For your information: a polyclinipolyclinipolyclinipolyclinic handles outpatients; a clinicclinicclinicclinic is for inpatients only.

    Center for internal medicineCenter for internal medicineCenter for internal medicineCenter for internal medicine (Zentrum fr Innere Medizin)

    Johannisallee 32 04317 Leipzig

    (new address Liebigstr. expected to be effective February 2009 - will be posted soon)

    (0341) 97 126 20 (0341) 97 126 19

    Medical clinic & polyclinic II for gastroeMedical clinic & polyclinic II for gastroeMedical clinic & polyclinic II for gastroeMedical clinic & polyclinic II for gastroennnnterology, terology, terology, terology, hepatology, hematology & oncohepatology, hematology & oncohepatology, hematology & oncohepatology, hematology & oncollllogyogyogyogy (Medizinische Klinik und Polyklinik II fr Gastroente-rologie, Hepatologie, Hmatologie und Onkologie)

    Phillipp-Rosenthal-Str. 27 04130 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 122 00 (0341) 97 122 09


    Clinic & polyclinic for Anesthesiology & IClinic & polyclinic for Anesthesiology & IClinic & polyclinic for Anesthesiology & IClinic & polyclinic for Anesthesiology & Innnntensivtensivtensivtensive e e e therapytherapytherapytherapy (Klinik und Poliklinik fr Ansthesiologie und Inten-sivtherapie)

    Liebigstr. 20 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 17701 (0341) 97 177 09


    Center for dentistrCenter for dentistrCenter for dentistrCenter for dentistry & oral mediciney & oral mediciney & oral mediciney & oral medicine (Zentrum fr Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde)

    Nrnberger Str. 57 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 21050 (0341) 97 21309


    Clinic & polyclinic for oral & plastiClinic & polyclinic for oral & plastiClinic & polyclinic for oral & plastiClinic & polyclinic for oral & plastic facial surgeryc facial surgeryc facial surgeryc facial surgery (Klinik und Polyklinik fr Mund-, Kiefer- und plasti-sche Gesichtschirurgie)

    Nrnberger Str. 57 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 21100 (0341) 97 21109


    Polyclinic for dental prosthetics & materials technoPolyclinic for dental prosthetics & materials technoPolyclinic for dental prosthetics & materials technoPolyclinic for dental prosthetics & materials technol-l-l-l- (0341) 97 21300

  • 30

    ogyogyogyogy (Polyklinik fr Zahnrztliche Prothetik und Werk-stoffkunde)

    Nrnberger Str. 57 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 21309

    http://prothetik-leipzig.de [email protected]

    Polyclinic for preservative dentistry & periPolyclinic for preservative dentistry & periPolyclinic for preservative dentistry & periPolyclinic for preservative dentistry & perioooodontologydontologydontologydontology (Polyklinik fr Konservierende Zahnheilkunde und Parodontologie)

    Nrnberger Str. 57 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 21200 (0341) 97 21209


    Pediatric dentistry & orthodontistsPediatric dentistry & orthodontistsPediatric dentistry & orthodontistsPediatric dentistry & orthodontists (Polyklinik fr Kinderzahnheilkunde und Kiefer-orthopdie)

    Nrnberger Str. 57 04103 Leipzig

    http://kinderzahnheilkunde.uniklinikum-leipzig.de http://kieferorthopaedie.uniklinikumleipzig.de

    Pediatric dentistsPediatric dentistsPediatric dentistsPediatric dentists (0341) 97 210 70 (0341) 97 210 79 OrthodontistOrthodontistOrthodontistOrthodontist (0341) 97 210 50 (0341) 97 210 59

    Dermatological clinic & allergology Dermatological clinic & allergology Dermatological clinic & allergology Dermatological clinic & allergology (Klinik fr Dermatologie und Allergologie)

    Phillipp-Rosenthal-Str. 23-25 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 186 00 (0341) 97 186 09


    University gynecological clinicUniversity gynecological clinicUniversity gynecological clinicUniversity gynecological clinic (Universittsfrauenklinik) (Triersches Institut)

    Liebigstr. 20a 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 234 00 (0341) 97 234 09


    Medical clinic & polyclinic I for pneumologyMedical clinic & polyclinic I for pneumologyMedical clinic & polyclinic I for pneumologyMedical clinic & polyclinic I for pneumology (Medizinische Klinik und Polyklinik I fr Pneumolo-gie)

    Johannisallee 32 04317 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 12600


    Medical clinic & polyclinic I for caMedical clinic & polyclinic I for caMedical clinic & polyclinic I for caMedical clinic & polyclinic I for carrrrdiology & diology & diology & diology & angiologyangiologyangiologyangiology (Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I fr Kardiologie und Angiologie)

    Johannesallee 32 04317 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 126 50 (0341) 97 126 59


    Medical clinic & polyclinic III for endocrinoMedical clinic & polyclinic III for endocrinoMedical clinic & polyclinic III for endocrinoMedical clinic & polyclinic III for endocrinollllogy, ogy, ogy, ogy, diabetes & ndiabetes & ndiabetes & ndiabetes & nephrologyephrologyephrologyephrology (Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik III fr Endo- krinologie, Diabetes und Nephrologie)

    Philipp-Rosenthal-Str. 27

    (0341) 97 133 80 (0341) 97 133 89


  • 31

    04103 Leipzig

    Medical clinic & polyclinic IV for rheumatoMedical clinic & polyclinic IV for rheumatoMedical clinic & polyclinic IV for rheumatoMedical clinic & polyclinic IV for rheumatollllogy, ogy, ogy, ogy, gerontology/metabolism, tropical medicine & gerontology/metabolism, tropical medicine & gerontology/metabolism, tropical medicine & gerontology/metabolism, tropical medicine & contagious medicinecontagious medicinecontagious medicinecontagious medicine (Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik IV fr Rheumato-logie, Gerontologie/Stoffwechsel, Tropen- und In-fektionsmedizin)

    Liebigstr. 22 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 247 00 (0341) 97 247 29


    Neurological clinic & polyclinicNeurological clinic & polyclinicNeurological clinic & polyclinicNeurological clinic & polyclinic (Klinik und Poliklinik fr Neurologie)

    Liebigstr. 22 a 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 242 00 (0341) 97 242 09


    Neurosurgical clinic & polyclinicNeurosurgical clinic & polyclinicNeurosurgical clinic & polyclinicNeurosurgical clinic & polyclinic (Klinik und Poliklinik fr Neurochirurgie)

    Liebigstr. 20 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 175 00 (0341) 97 175 09


    Day clinic for cognitive neurologyDay clinic for cognitive neurologyDay clinic for cognitive neurologyDay clinic for cognitive neurology (Tagesklinik fr kognitive Neurologie)

    Liebigstr. 22 a 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 249 80 (0341) 97 249 89


    Clinic & polyclinic for ophthalmolClinic & polyclinic for ophthalmolClinic & polyclinic for ophthalmolClinic & polyclinic for ophthalmoloooogygygygy (Klinik und Poliklinik fr Augenheilkunde)

    Liebigstr. 10/14 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 216 50 (0341) 97 216 59


    Orthopedic clinic & polyclinicOrthopedic clinic & polyclinicOrthopedic clinic & polyclinicOrthopedic clinic & polyclinic (Klinik und Poliklinik fr Orthopdie)

    Liebigstr. 20 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 230 00 (0341) 97 230 09


    Clinic & polyclinic for pediatric surgeryClinic & polyclinic for pediatric surgeryClinic & polyclinic for pediatric surgeryClinic & polyclinic for pediatric surgery (Klinik und Poliklinik fr Kinderchirurgie)

    Liebigstr. 20a 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 264 00 (0341) 97 264 09

    EmergencyEmergencyEmergencyEmergency (0341) 26 24 2


    University pediatric clinic & polyUniversity pediatric clinic & polyUniversity pediatric clinic & polyUniversity pediatric clinic & polyccccliniclinicliniclinic (Universittsklinik und Poliklinik fr Kinder und Jugendliche) Emergency centerEmergency centerEmergency centerEmergency center

    Liebigstr. 20a

    (0341) 97 260 00 (0341) 97 260 09


  • 32

    04103 Leipzig

    Clinic & polyclinic for psychiatryClinic & polyclinic for psychiatryClinic & polyclinic for psychiatryClinic & polyclinic for psychiatry (Klinik und Poliklinik fr Psychiatrie)

    Semmelweissstr. 10 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 245 30 (0341) 97 245 39


    Pediatric & Pediatric & Pediatric & Pediatric & adolescentadolescentadolescentadolescent clinic & polyclinic for psych clinic & polyclinic for psych clinic & polyclinic for psych clinic & polyclinic for psychiiiia-a-a-a-try, psychtry, psychtry, psychtry, psychooootherapy & psychosomatic disorderstherapy & psychosomatic disorderstherapy & psychosomatic disorderstherapy & psychosomatic disorders (Klinik und Poliklinik fr Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik des Kindes- und Jugendalters)

    Liebigstr. 20a 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 240 10 (0341) 897 240 19


    Clinic & polyclinic for psychotherapy & psClinic & polyclinic for psychotherapy & psClinic & polyclinic for psychotherapy & psClinic & polyclinic for psychotherapy & psyyyychochochocho----somatic medicinesomatic medicinesomatic medicinesomatic medicine (Klinik und Poliklinik fr Psychotherapie und Psychosomatische Medizin)

    Semmelweissstr. 10 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 188 50 (0341) 21 312 57


    Clinic & polyclinic for otorhClinic & polyclinic for otorhClinic & polyclinic for otorhClinic & polyclinic for otorhiiiinolaryngology (ear, nose nolaryngology (ear, nose nolaryngology (ear, nose nolaryngology (ear, nose and throat medicine) & plastic surgeryand throat medicine) & plastic surgeryand throat medicine) & plastic surgeryand throat medicine) & plastic surgery (Klinik und Poliklinik fr Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenheilkunde und plastische Operationen)

    Liebigstr. 10/14 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 217 00 (0341) 97 217 09


    Department for medical psychology & medDepartment for medical psychology & medDepartment for medical psychology & medDepartment for medical psychology & mediiiical cal cal cal sociologysociologysociologysociology (Selbstndige Abteilung fr Medizinische Psycholo-gie und Medizinische Soziologie) (entrance Semmelweissstr. 14)

    Phillip-Rosenthal-Str. 55 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97188 00 or (0341) 97 188 03 (0341) 97 188 09


    Clinic for diagnostic radiologyClinic for diagnostic radiologyClinic for diagnostic radiologyClinic for diagnostic radiology (Klinik fr diagnostische Radiologie)

    Liebigstr. 20 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 174 00 (0341) 97 174 09


    Clinic & polyclinic for radiotherapy & radClinic & polyclinic for radiotherapy & radClinic & polyclinic for radiotherapy & radClinic & polyclinic for radiotherapy & radiiiiooncologyooncologyooncologyooncology (Klinik und Poliklinik fr Strahlentherapie und Radio-onkologie)

    Stephanstr. 9a 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 184 00 (0341) 97 184 09


    Clinic & polyclinic for nuclear mClinic & polyclinic for nuclear mClinic & polyclinic for nuclear mClinic & polyclinic for nuclear meeeedicinedicinedicinedicine (0341) 97 180 00

  • 33

    (Klinik und Poliklinik fr Nuklearmedizin)

    Stephanstr. 11 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 181 29


    Center for surgeryCenter for surgeryCenter for surgeryCenter for surgery (Zentrum fr Chirurgie)

    Liebigstr. 20 04103 Leipzig

    Surgery clinic & polyclinic I for emergency surgery, Surgery clinic & polyclinic I for emergency surgery, Surgery clinic & polyclinic I for emergency surgery, Surgery clinic & polyclinic I for emergency surgery, reconstructive & plastic surgeryreconstructive & plastic surgeryreconstructive & plastic surgeryreconstructive & plastic surgery (Chirurgische Klinik und Polyklinik I fr Unfall-, Wie-derherstellungs- und plastische Chirurgie)

    Liebigstr. 20 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 173 00 (0341) 97173 09


    CCCCliniclinicliniclinic & polyclinic & polyclinic & polyclinic & polyclinic II for visceral surgery, transplant II for visceral surgery, transplant II for visceral surgery, transplant II for visceral surgery, transplanta-a-a-a-tion surgery, thtion surgery, thtion surgery, thtion surgery, thoooorax, & vascular surgery rax, & vascular surgery rax, & vascular surgery rax, & vascular surgery (Chirurgische Klinik und Polyklinik II fr Visceral-, Transplantations- , Thorax- und Gefchirurgie)

    Liebigstr. 20 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 172 00 (0341) 97 172 09


    Urological clinic & polyclinicUrological clinic & polyclinicUrological clinic & polyclinicUrological clinic & polyclinic (Klinik und Poliklinik fr Urologie)

    Liebigstr. 20 04103 Leipzig

    (0341) 97 176 00 (0341) 97 176 09

    http://urologie.uniklinikum-leipzig.de (shows shortcut to English site)

    Heart center LeipzigHeart center LeipzigHeart center LeipzigHeart center Leipzig (Herzzentrum Leipzig GmbH)

    Strmpelstr. 39 04289 Leipzig

    (0341) 865 0 (reception) (0341) 865 14 05 / 865 14 52


    Ev.Ev.Ev.Ev.----Luth. DiakonissenkrankenhausLuth. DiakonissenkrankenhausLuth. DiakonissenkrankenhausLuth. Diakonissenkrankenhaus

    Georg-Schwarz-Str. 49 04177 Leipzig

    (0341) 4444

    http://www.diako-leipzig.de/ [email protected]

    Ward for accident & reconstructive surgeryWard for accident & reconstructive surgeryWard for accident & reconstructive surgeryWard for accident & reconstructive surgery (0341) 444 36 01 (0341) 444 36 02

    Ward for general, visceral & vascular surgeWard for general, visceral & vascular surgeWard for general, visceral & vascular surgeWard for general, visceral & vascular surgeryryryry

    (0341) 444 36 31 (0341) 444 36 32

    Clinic for anesthesia & intensive careClinic for anesthesia & intensive careClinic for anesthesia & intensive careClinic for anesthesia & intensive care

    (0341) 444 36 41 (0341) 444 36 95

    Clinic for urology (joint practice)Clinic for urology (joint practice)Clinic for urology (joint practice)Clinic for urology (joint practice)

    (0341) 453 380/3815 (0341) 444 38 22

  • 34

    Gynecology, midwiferyGynecology, midwiferyGynecology, midwiferyGynecology, midwifery (0341) 444 5403

    Clinic foClinic foClinic foClinic for ophthalmologyr ophthalmologyr ophthalmologyr ophthalmology (0341) 444 5403

    Clinic for otorhinolaryngologyClinic for otorhinolaryngologyClinic for otorhinolaryngologyClinic for otorhinolaryngology (0341) 444 5101

    Stdtisches Klinikum St. GeorgStdtisches Klinikum St. GeorgStdtisches Klinikum St. GeorgStdtisches Klinikum St. Georg

    Delitzscher Str. 141 04129 Leipzig

    (0341) 9090


    Clinic for inteClinic for inteClinic for inteClinic for internal medicine I (incl. internal oncology)rnal medicine I (incl. internal oncology)rnal medicine I (incl. internal oncology)rnal medicine I (incl. internal oncology)

    (0341) 909 2301 (0341) 909 23 23

    [email protected]

    Clinic for internal medicine II (incl. acute geriatric)Clinic for internal medicine II (incl. acute geriatric)Clinic for internal medicine II (incl. acute geriatric)Clinic for internal medicine II (incl. acute geriatric)

    (0341) 909 26 01 (0341) 909 26 30

    [email protected]

    Clinic for general & visceral medicineClinic for general & visceral medicineClinic for general & visceral medicineClinic for general & visceral medicine

    (0341) 909 22 01 (0341) 909 22 34