English Proverbs

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English Proverbs

Transcript of English Proverbs

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    English Proverbs

    Proverbs are the children of experience.

    . The genius, wit and spirit of a nation are discovered in its proverbs.

    . The proverbs of a nation are the great book out of which it's easy to read its character.

    . Proverbs are the wisdom of the ages.

    . Proverbs are so called because they are proved.

    . A proverb is to speech what is salt to food.

    . Proverbs are the lamps of speech.

    . Proverbs are the adornment of speech.

    . A proverb is the wit of one and the wisdom of many.

    . Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience.

    . A proverb is a type of folk literature expressing in the form of a simple homely

    sentence a pungent criticism of life.


    A A bad day never has a good night.

    . A bean in liberty is better than a feast in prison.

    . A bird is known by its note and a man by his talk.

    . A black hen will lay a white egg.

    . A blind man will not thank you for a mirror.

    . A good heart makes a happy face.

    . A candle lights others and consumes itself.


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    A cat has nine lives and a woman has nine cats' lives.

    . A clean hand needs no washing.

    . A constant guest is never welcome.

    . A boy begins living when he is born and a girl when she marries.

    . A contented mind is a continual feast.

    . A courageous foe is better than a cowardly friend.

    . A crooked stick will have a crooked shadow.

    . Actions speak louder than words.

    . A cunning knave needs no broker.

    . A danger foreseen is half avoided.

    . A deceitful peace is more harmful than open war.

    . A deformed body may have a beautiful soul.

    . A disease known is half-cured.

    . A dog will not cry if you beat him with a bone.

    . A donkey is asked to a wedding either to carry water or bring wood.

    . A drowning man will catch at a straw.

    . Adversity flatters no man.

    . A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both.

    . A fault confessed is half redressed.

    . A friend in need is a friend indeed.

    . A crowd is not company.


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    A fault once denied is twice committed.

    . A favor ill placed is a great waste.

    . A fool throws a stone into the well and a thousand wise man can't take it out.

    . A forced kindness deserves no thanks.

    . A friend is best found in adversity.

    . A friend that you buy will be bought from you.

    . A friend's frown is better than a fool's smile.

    . After a storm comes rain, after clouds sunshine.

    . After dinner rest a while, after supper walk a mile.

    . A full purse never lacks friends.

    . Age brings experience, good mind wisdom.

    . A gift with a kind face is a double grace.

    . A good anvil is not afraid of the hammer.

    . A guest wanted comes at meal times.

    . A hungry man is an angry man.

    . A house in the sun never calls a doctor.

    . A hungry stomach has no ears.

    . A joke never gains an enemy, but often loses a friend.

    . A liar will not be believed even when he speaks the truth.

    . A little thing in hand is worth than a great thing in prospect.

    . All doors are open to courtesy.


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    A good life keeps off wrinkles.

    . A good book is a great friend.


    A good example is the best sermon.

    . A good friend never offends.

    . A good man will requite a gift; an ill man will ask more.

    . A good name is better than gold.

    . A good surgeon must have an eagle's eye, a lion's heart and lady's hand.

    . A good wife and health are a man's best wealth.

    . A good workman doesn't quarrel with his tools.

    . An internal gives what he has to appearance.

    . Appear always as you are.

    . Appearances are deceptive.

    . A servant is known by his master's absence.

    . A sign to the wise and a whistle to the stupid.

    . A strange in your house is a witness.

    . As you sow, so you reap.

    . A scabby sheep infects a whole flock.

    . As long as the blanket so far you may stretch.

    . All is well that ends well.

    . All that glitters is not gold.

    . All truth is not told.


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    A long tongue has a short hand.

    . A man without reason is a beast in season.

    . A man is known by the company he keeps.

    . A moment's patience is ten year's ease.

    . An apple in a day keeps the doctor away.

    An empty belly hears nobody.

    . An occasion lost can not be renewed.

    . An ounce of sense is worth a pound of wit.

    . A woman's strength is in her tongue.

    . A word to the wise is enough.

    . Barking dogs seldom bite.

    . Be a good husband and you will get a penny to spend, a penny

    to lend and a penny for friend.

    . Be always as merry as you can, for no one delights in a sorrowful man.

    . Be a friend to yourself and others will be so too.

    . Be slow to promise, quick to perform.

    . Be ever vigilant, but never suspicious.

    . Be just to all but trust not all.

    . Be not ungrateful to your old friend.

    . Be silent or speak something worth hearing.

    . Be slow in choosing, but slower in changing.

    . Be slow in giving advice, ready to do service.


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    Be sure before you marry, a house to tarry.

    . Bear with evil and expect good.

    . Beat one to frighten another.

    . Bearty without bounty avails naught.

    . Beggars must not be choosers.

    . Begging a courtesy is selling liberty.

    . Benefits like flowers, pleasant most when they are fresh.

    . Beggars breed and rich men feed.

    . )( Better a bad excuse than none at all.

    . Better a tooth out than pain forever.

    . Better be alone than in bad company.

    . Better be envied than pitied.

    . Better be poor and live than rich and perish.

    . Better do it than wish it done.

    . Better face a danger once than be always in fear.

    . Better go longing than loathing.

    Better the last smile than the first laughter.

    . Better an empty house than an ill tenant.

    . Better go to bed supperless than rise in debt.

    . Better no rule than cruel rule.

    . Better spared than spend.

    . .Better starve free than be a fat slave .

  • Email:[email protected] Date:2000

    Better to do well than to say well.

    . Better to slip with the foot than with the tongue.

    . Better unborn than unbred.

    . Better untaught than ill taught.

    . Between the hand and the lip, the morsel may slip.

    . Be warned by other harms.

    . Beware of a silent dog and still water.

    . Beware of a little expenses.

    . Beware of no one more than yourself.

    . Birds of one feather flock together.

    . Blood is thicker than water.

    . Blood cannot be water.

    . Blushing is virtue's color.

    . Boldness in business is the 1

    st, 2

    nd and 3

    rd thing.

    . Brave actions never want a trumpet.

    . Bread at pleasure, drink by measure.

    . Brevity is a great praise of eloquence.

    . Bribes will enter without knocking.

    . Burn not your house to frighten the mice.

    . Business and action strengthen the brain, but too much study weakens it.

    . Business is the salt of life.


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    By doing nothing we learn to do ill.

    . By other's faults wise men correct their own.

    . By requiting one friend we invite many

    . By the little is known the much.

    . By wisdom peace, by peace plenty.

    . Calamity is the touchstone of a brave mind.

    . Call no man happy till he dies.

    . Care and diligence bring the luck.

    .Cast no dirt into the well that gives you water.

    . Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance.

    . Censure and scandal are not the same.

    . Cent per cent we do pay for every vicious pleasure.

    . Chance is as the dice.

    . Change of habit cannot alter nature.

    . Charity begins at home, but shouldn't end there.

    . Charity and pride have different aims, yet both feed the poor.

    . Cheating play never thrives.

    . Cherish what you have and struggle for better.

    . Children and fools have merry lives.

    . Children are poor men's riches.

    . Cleanliness is next to godliness.


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    Climb not too high lest the fall be greatest.

    . Clouds the sun builds darken it.

    . Clumsy jesting is not joking.

    . Come uncalled sit unserved.

    . Common sense is the growth of all countries.

    . Compliments cost nothing, yet many pay dear for them.

    . Confidence is the companion of success.

    . Confine your tongue lest it confines you.

    . Congruity is the mother of love.

    . Consideration is the parent of wisdom.

    . Consult your pillow.

    . Contempt is the sharpest reproof.

    . Content is better than riches.

    . Continual cheerfulness is a sign of wisdom.

    . Conversation teaches more than meditation.

    . Courtesy is the inseparable companion of virtue.

    . Craft must have clothes, but true loves to go naked.

    . Custom in infancy becomes nature in old age.

    . Deliver your words not by number but by weight.

    . Diamonds cut diamonds.

    . Discourse is silver, silence is golden.

    . East or west home is best. .

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    Early to bed early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

    . Empty vessels make most sound.

    . Envy never enriches any man.

    . Every one blames his faults on the times.

    . Everything comes to who waits.

    . Favor for favor.

    . Few there are that will endure true friend.

    . Few words, many deeds.

    . Fine clothes may disguise, but silly words will disclose a fool.

    . First deserve then desire.

    . First plan your work then work your plan.

    . Fools step where angels fear to tread.

    . Forbidden fruit is sweetest.

    . For ill do well then fear no hell.

    . Garlands are not for every brow.

    . Give advice in private and praise in public.

    . Give and spend and god will send.

    . Glasses and lasses are little ware.

    . God comes at last when we think he is farthest.

    . God stays long, but strikes at last.

    . Good health is above wealth.


  • Email:[email protected] Date:2000

    Good language cures great sores.

    . Great designs require great consideration.

    . Great hopes make great men.

    . Great men have more adorers than friends.

    . Great minds agree.

    . Hatred is blind as well as love.

    . He is never alone that is in the company of noble thoughts.

    . He that will steal an egg will steal an ox.

    . He that will thrive must rise at five, he that has thriven may lie till seven.

    . Honesty is the best policy.

    . Hunger makes forts surrender.

    . I am proud and you are proud and who shall bear the ashes round.

    . Idle people have the most labor.

    . Idleness always envies industry.

    . If a man once fall, all will tread on him.

    . If it were not for hope, the heart would break.

    . Injuries may be forgiven but not forgotten.

    . It is never too late to learn.

    . I value honor above life.

    . January commits the fault and May bears the blame.

    . Jacob was not miserable in his sufferings as he was happy in his patience.


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    Judge not men or things at first sight.

    . Kindness is the noblest weapon with which to conquer.

    . Life is half-spent before we know what it is.

    . Like father like son.

    . Like fault like punishment.

    . Live not to eat but eat to live.

    . Maids want nothing but husbands, when they have them; they want everything.

    . Man proposes, god disposes.

    . Many words hurt more than swords.

    . Measure for measure.

    . Men often applaud an imitation and hiss the real thing.

    . Misfortunes never come singly.

    . Nature overcomes nurture.

    . Necessity is the mother of invention.

    . Never speak well or ill of yourself, if well men will not believe you,

    if ill they will believe a great deal more than you say.

    . Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

    . No power, no respect.

    . No smoke without fire.

    . Novelty gives pleasure.

    . No one believes a liar even when he tells the truth.

    . Oaks may fall when reeds brave the storm.


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    Opportunities do not wait.

    . Pains is forgotten when gains follows.

    . Put your trust in God, but keep your powder dry.

    . Quality without quantity is little thought of.

    . Rashness is not valor.

    . Reason binds man.

    . Sadness and gladness succeed each other.

    . Safety lies in talking truth.

    . Still water runs deep.

    . Talk of an angel and you will hear his wings.

    . The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

    . The hand that gives gathers.

    . Tit for tat.

    . Unfading are the gardens of kindness.

    . Use soft words and hard arguments.

    . Virtue is a jewel of great price.

    . Walls have ears.

    . What is learnt young is hard to lose.

    . When the cat is away, the mice will play.

    . Years know more than books.

    . You can't whistle and drink at the same time.

    . Zeal without knowledge is fire without light. .