English Language - Paper 1


Transcript of English Language - Paper 1

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( UPSR )

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This is an objective examination paper.There are 40 questions divided into sections – 

 A, B, C, D and E. Answer ALL questions. ALWAYS look for CLUES in each questions.These clues are the KEY WORDS for the

questions that help you to get the correctanswers.

They can be in form of  words or phrases or


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SECTION A ( Questions 1-10)

 VOCABULARY  related.There are key words in the QUESTIONS / PICTURES.Read the questions and then the given answers.Look for the key words in the questions and then CIRCLE IT .


1. The butcher cuts the ___________ with a sharp knife.

 A. fish B. meat C. fruits D. chicken

2. Our National Flower is the __________________. A. rose B. jasmineC. hibiscus D. bougainvillea

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SECTION A ( Questions 5 - 7)

PHRASES related.The clues in the questions are in the PICTURES

and sometimes the words before the blanks.

Therefore, you should read the WHOLE paragraph.

Look for the clues in the paragraph / pictures andthen CIRCLE IT.

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SECTION A ( Questions 8 - 10)

 VERB related.The clues in the questions are PICTURES.

Identify and UNDERLINE the verbs in eachanswers and compare to what the people are doingin the picture provided.

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SECTION B( Questions 11 - 15)

INTERACTION related.The clues in the questions are the DIALOGUES /

PICTURES / ANSWERS Identify and UNDERLINE the key words in each

questions / sentences and compare to what theanswers provided.

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Response to a

question is



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Offering help / asking forsomething.

Response : requesting forsomething / stating what aperson wants .

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Questions BEGIN with these KEY WORDS

usually have ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ response.

Do / Does / Did

Is / Was / Are / Were

Have / Has / Had

Can / Could

May /

Will / Would / Shall / Should

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( Questions 16 - 20)

GRAMMAR  related.The clues in the questions are QUESTIONS AND

 ANSWERS providedIdentify and UNDERLINE the key words in each

question and compare to what the answersprovided.

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root word = rain

Present Tense

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root word = Suria

Possessive Noun : singular - `s 

because ( cause )why ( effect)

Conjunction : cause  – effect ( so )

effect  – cause ( because ) 

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Present tenseSingular noun

Questions tag

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SECTION C( Questions 21)

MEANING OF WORDS related.The clues in the questions are in the

INSTRUCTION / UNDERLINED WORD providedIdentify and UNDERLINE the key words in the

question and compare to what the answersprovided.

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 Words with same sounds

Possessive Pronoun

Not related


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SECTION C( Questions 22 - 23)

SPELLING related.The clues in the questions are the SPELLING OF THE WORDS for thepictures provided.

For this questions you have to be good at spelling.


The clues in the questions are the PUNCTUATION. For this questions you have remember what you have learnt in both BahasaMelayu and English.

The punctuations asked are normally the usage of capital / small letters,full stop, coma, question / exclamatian marks and invented comas.

SECTION C( Questions 24 - 25)

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SECTION C( Questions 26 -30)

GRAMMAR related.

The clues in the questions are in thePARAGRAPH / PICTURES providedIdentify and UNDERLINE the key words

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 A music group is somethingand not someone

Two thingshappen at thesame time

 verb - adverb

the shows suprelative

Past tense