English File Intermediate Szókincs

7/25/2019 English File Intermediate Szókincs http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/english-file-intermediate-szokincs 1/2 Gyakorló feladatsor - Szókincs English File Intermediate Complete the words in the sentences. In addition to a pre-intermediate vocabulary of about 1000 words,  the intermediate course book and workbook introduce about 500 new words or phrases. The following appro. !00 words are only a selection of the most difficult ones" 1. #or best results, take the pi$$a out of the fridge fro%.., and then b%. it in the oven for 1! mins. !. &ow would you like the eggs prepared" scrambled, poached, fr%%., or bo%%' (. ett%% is a basic ingredient of most salads. ). *orry, I spilled the wine. +an I have a nap%.. please' 5. Ill have a bo%.. of soup for starter, and a ro%.. duck with stea%% rice for the main co!%% . *teak can be prepared in three ways" ra%%., me%.. or well done. . *ushi is basically r%.. fish. /. hat kind of yoghurt do you prefer" pea%%. or stra%%.' . 2 hamburger isnt normally eaten with kn%% and fo%.. 10. #or a healthy diet, drink low-%.. milk, and eat whole%%.. bread and cere%.. 11. Three port%%. of fruits and vegetables a day can also contribute to a healthy diet. 1!. 3ees are useful insects because they make a yellow and sti%% 4uice, called h%.. 1(. *on, theres some pork ste%. in the fridge. "%.. it up in the microwave for lunch. 6ove, 7um.8 1). Fore%% are people from abroad. Stra%.... are people youve never met. 15. 2 Tour de #rance winner cyclist adm%%.doping for several years in the past. 1. Its hard to give up cigarettes when youre already addi%%. to them. 1. To lose weight, c%.. down on the #!an%%.. of sugar you eat. 1/. Is food only f!%% for you or a ple%%..' 1. hats the main m%%. in your country" breakfast, lunch or dinner' !0. 9cuse me: This soup isnt heated up pro%%.. +an you replace it' !1. hat dish can you reco..%%. for a stri%.. vegetarian' !!. 3righton be%.. 3lackpool 1-0 in yesterdays cup ;ualifiers. !(. Three minutes before end, <ones sco%.. successfully, making the final result a dr%.. !). *ome fans cheered, others booed when the ref %%. finally blew his wh%% !5. 2 spect%% is a person who goes to watch a sports event in a stad%.. or a sports hall. !. To w%.. up, the new coa%.. got the team to run three circles on the tr%% !. =id anybody prot%.. against the decision to b%.. smoking in bus stops and restaurants' !/. &e had an accident and got in$%%.. It took him two weeks to reco%%.. and play again. !. &e retired at the pe%.. of his career. (0. 7rs Trevors has an affect%%% and char%.. personality. (1. 6a$y and disor%%.. people are often late for meetings. (!. The two sisters are opposites" *heila is shy and inse%%.., while <en is soc%. and self-con%. ((. 2n only child is often spoi%.. , irresp%%%., and selfi%.. (). 2rtists and actors often have a moo%.. personality. (5. If you are hard-working and reli%.., you will get prom%% very soon. (. The police made a phantom drawing on the basis of the descr%% (. 2lthough his house was w%.. appro%%%%. 1!0,000, he could sell it for only /0,000. (/. &ow much do I o%. you for the service' (. e cant aff %. to buy a new car until our mort%. is paid back. )0. Gr%%. is the same as mean. )1. The heating costs 100 euro per month on a&er%.. )!. The flight attendant was walking down the ai%.., checking that our seatbelts were fast%.. )(. The city council should impr%.. public transport and build more cycle la%.. )). >i$$amen use scoo%.., builders use &a%., large companies use lorries or tr%.. on the road. )5. *orry, 5 oclock isnt con&en%%.. for me. +an we make it 5.(0'

Transcript of English File Intermediate Szókincs

Page 1: English File Intermediate Szókincs

7/25/2019 English File Intermediate Szókincs

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Gyakorló feladatsor - SzókincsEnglish File Intermediate

Complete the words in the sentences. In addition to a pre-intermediate vocabulary of about 1000 words, 

the intermediate course book and workbook introduce about 500 new words or phrases. The following appro.

!00 words are only a selection of the most difficult ones"

1. #or best results, take the pi$$a out of the fridge fro%.., and then b%. it in the oven for 1! mins.

!. &ow would you like the eggs prepared" scrambled, poached, fr%%., or bo%%'

(. ett%% is a basic ingredient of most salads.

). *orry, I spilled the wine. +an I have a nap%.. please'

5. Ill have a bo%.. of soup for starter, and a ro%.. duck with stea%% rice for the main co!%%

. *teak can be prepared in three ways" ra%%., me%.. or well done.

. *ushi is basically r%.. fish.

/. hat kind of yoghurt do you prefer" pea%%. or stra%%.'

. 2 hamburger isnt normally eaten with kn%% and fo%..

10. #or a healthy diet, drink low-%.. milk, and eat whole%%.. bread and cere%..

11. Three port%%. of fruits and vegetables a day can also contribute to a healthy diet.1!. 3ees are useful insects because they make a yellow and sti%% 4uice, called h%..

1(. *on, theres some pork ste%. in the fridge. "%.. it up in the microwave for lunch. 6ove, 7um.8

1). Fore%% are people from abroad. Stra%.... are people youve never met.

15. 2 Tour de #rance winner cyclist adm%%.doping for several years in the past.

1. Its hard to give up cigarettes when youre already addi%%. to them.

1. To lose weight, c%.. down on the #!an%%.. of sugar you eat.

1/. Is food only f!%% for you or a ple%%..'

1. hats the main m%%. in your country" breakfast, lunch or dinner'

!0. 9cuse me: This soup isnt heated up pro%%.. +an you replace it'

!1. hat dish can you reco..%%. for a stri%.. vegetarian'

!!. 3righton be%.. 3lackpool 1-0 in yesterdays cup ;ualifiers.

!(. Three minutes before end, <ones sco%.. successfully, making the final result a dr%..!). *ome fans cheered, others booed when the ref %%. finally blew his wh%%

!5. 2 spect%% is a person who goes to watch a sports event in a stad%.. or a sports hall.

!. To w%.. up, the new coa%.. got the team to run three circles on the tr%%

!. =id anybody prot%.. against the decision to b%.. smoking in bus stops and restaurants'

!/. &e had an accident and got in$%%.. It took him two weeks to reco%%.. and play again.

!. &e retired at the pe%.. of his career.

(0. 7rs Trevors has an affect%%% and char%.. personality.

(1. 6a$y and disor%%.. people are often late for meetings.

(!. The two sisters are opposites" *heila is shy and inse%%.., while <en is soc%. and self-con%.

((. 2n only child is often spoi%.. , irresp%%%., and selfi%..

(). 2rtists and actors often have a moo%.. personality.

(5. If you are hard-working and reli%.., you will get prom%% very soon.

(. The police made a phantom drawing on the basis of the descr%%

(. 2lthough his house was w%.. appro%%%%. 1!0,000, he could sell it for only /0,000.

(/. &ow much do I o%. you for the service'

(. e cant aff %. to buy a new car until our mort%. is paid back.

)0. Gr%%. is the same as mean.

)1. The heating costs 100 euro per month on a&er%..

)!. The flight attendant was walking down the ai%.., checking that our seatbelts were fast%..

)(. The city council should impr%.. public transport and build more cycle la%..

)). >i$$amen use scoo%.., builders use &a%., large companies use lorries or tr%.. on the road.

)5. *orry, 5 oclock isnt con&en%%.. for me. +an we make it 5.(0'

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). #rom the ferry, the coast scen%%.. was breathtaking.

). 'ccor%%.. to e%p%%, apes are the most intelligent of all monkeys.

)/. >lease pay att%%%. to the safety instr%%%... when you board a plane.

). 2 p%.% of crisps with a c%.. of coke is a common snack.

50. It is dangerous to sw%% a chewing gum.

51. 7ay I p%.. you some more drink'

5!. *he gave a kiss on the ch%% and smiled.

5(. 2ngry drivers often h%% when other drivers are going too slowly.

5). ?ffering your seat to pregnant women and old ladies is good mann%.

55. *he was an attrac%.. woman in her ea%.. (0s with str%. blonde hair.

5. &e was an ugly o&erw%% man with a ba%. head and a mo!%%

5. =id you mana%.. to catch the bus in the morning'

5/. If people fail an eam they feel disa%%%.

5. If men meet a beautiful woman or an admired person, they often feel emb%%..

0. &ow was the roller coaster' Frigh%%%.. or thri%%%'

1. In old schools, if boys didnt beh%.. well, they were p!n%%. with a cane.

!. The maths teacher used to keep a very str%.. disc%%. during his lessons.

(. 2fter n!rs%% school, children go to prim%.. school and then to sec%% school.). Their flat was on the second fl%.. with a balc%% overlooking the park.

5. hen the police searched the draw%. of his desk, they found a gun.

. Its a spac%. kitchen with wooden c!pb%.. and a metal si%..

. The hotel is proud of its !nsp%.. beaches and pict!%%... view over the sea.

/. They are good friends because they have a lot in com%%..

. &is professor recogni$ed his tal%.. and enco!%% him to become a writer.

0. 3usiness companies want to achi...... only one single ai%.. " profit.

1. 2t the spa, they were given a di&i..... treat......, including a nail polish and a foot massage.

!. 2 babys skin is soft and smo........, while an old mans skin is wrinkled and ro!.....

(. 2fter a tempo....... employment for three months, they changed my contract to a per.............. one.

). 2n accountant is respo....... for the accounts and a &@ manager is in cha........ of the staff.

5. TA ads try to pers...... people to buy everything. +hildren are the easiest to con&...... *he wasnt interested in politics. *he didnt even &o..... at the last elec..........

/. ?n #ridays we te..... to go to a second-hand bookshop to look for good barg.....

. 2 button on the shirt was missing, so we got a 10B dis...... on the price.

/0. If you spend over !00 euro on furniture, the shop will deli...... it to your house for free.

/1. Is the film d!........ or s!bt........'

/!. The film is set in an !ninha........... city, destroyed in a nuclear disa.........

/(. 7any countries in 2frica have to fight with the problems of hunger, po&....., and dise........

/). &e set up a chari...... fo!nd........ to help war ref!g.......

/5. &er kindness appeared honest and gen!.......

/. 2 &ac........ cleaner is more effective than a broom. 2 light b...... is brighter than a candle.

/. 2t the enga%%... party, the fian%% lifted his glass of champagne and gave a toa%..

//. In the event of emerg%%, please proceed to the e%%% door nearest to you./. 2lthough the s!sp%%. denied killing the &ic%%., the detective thought he wasnt innoc%%

0. &owever, it was difficult to pro%.. that he was in fact a br!%% m!rd%%%

1. ithout electricity it would be impossible to use gadg%%, de&i%%., and kitchen applia%%

!. If the batt%%. runs out, you need to re-char%%.. it.

(. "eart att%% and canc%%. are both very common causes of death.

). The film was given an ?scar aw%% for its clever scri%%. and beautiful so!ndt%%..

5. The films pl%.. is based on 2gatha +hristies masterp%%." 9vil under the *un.

. >eople can fall in many things" love, a com%., a we%..

. (isg!%%.. food can be hard to swall%%.

/. +an you do me a fa&%%. and give me a lift to the railway station'

. >hones, toilets, and women are often eng%%%

100. &is face looks fami%..% 7aybe we met before.