English / Deutsch - Bródy Imre Gimnázium és AMI · 2017-04-12 · The name is a contraction of...

Bródy Imre Gimnázium és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola A sokszorosítást a Le Belier Magyarország Formaöntöde Zrt. biztosította. E E n n g g l l i i s s h h / / D D e e u u t t s s c c h h

Transcript of English / Deutsch - Bródy Imre Gimnázium és AMI · 2017-04-12 · The name is a contraction of...

Page 1: English / Deutsch - Bródy Imre Gimnázium és AMI · 2017-04-12 · The name is a contraction of "White Sunday", appeared in "The Holy-Ghost, which thou did send on Whit-Sunday"

Bródy Imr e Gimnáz ium és A lap f okú Mű v é s z e t i I s ko la

A s o k s z o r o s í t á s t a L e B e l i e r M a g y a r o r s z á gF o r m a ö n t ö d e Z r t . b i z t o s í t o t t a .

EEnngglliisshh // DDeeuuttsscchh

Page 2: English / Deutsch - Bródy Imre Gimnázium és AMI · 2017-04-12 · The name is a contraction of "White Sunday", appeared in "The Holy-Ghost, which thou did send on Whit-Sunday"

WWee wwiisshh yyoouu aaHHaappppyy SSuummmmeerr HHoolliiddaayy!!

PPaannccaakkee DDaayy

WWee aallll kknnooww ppaannccaakkeess……Chocolate pancakes, Nutella pancakes, jam pancakes, blueberry pancakes, cottage cheese pancakes, strawberrypancakes, honey pancakes……

But what is „Pancake Day”?Pancake Day or Shrove Tuesday is a day in February or March celebrated in some countries by eating pancakes. Pancakeday was originally a pagan holiday and has a lot of traditions.There are pancake races:The oldest and most famous is held at Olney in Buckinghamshire. The race is run over 415 yards (about 380 metres) bywomen over sixteen, wearing a cap and an apron. They must „toss” their pancake (flip it over in the frying pan) at leastthree times during the race. The winner receives a kiss from the Pancake Bell Ringer – church bells were traditionallyrung to remind parishioners (hívő) to come to confession (gyónás) – and a prayer book from the vicar!

This year we also celebrated Pancake Day but usually it is only 1 day. We celebrated for 3 days, we started it on 30thMarch and finished on 1st April.

„School is on fire! Walking along the corridor we felt the fragrance of heaven. What’s this?Waffles! (We violated the traditions, instead of baking pancakes, we made waffles. The reason:We have no oven at school… )

Everybody had a rucksack full of ingredients. It was filled with flour, milk, egg, jam and bowls tomake their waffles in classrooms.In addition, we could fill in a test about Pancake Day so we could get to know more about the history of this day. It was acompetition at the same time, so the winners got sweets to honour their successful achievements.The best day was Tuesday when every student was given a „pancake ticket”. In the third break everybody got a pancakefilled with different fillings such as Nutella, chocolate or jam. There was a huge crowd around the tables where teachersspread pancakes.Memory note: Do not be ill next year when Pancake Days will be held at school!”

( b y D a n i e l l a W e n c z e l 1 2 . b )

Page 3: English / Deutsch - Bródy Imre Gimnázium és AMI · 2017-04-12 · The name is a contraction of "White Sunday", appeared in "The Holy-Ghost, which thou did send on Whit-Sunday"

WWhhaatt iiss WWhhiittssuunn??( b y R e b e k a C s a l l ó 1 1 . g )

Whitsun (also Whitsunday, Whit Sunday or Whit) is the name used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for theChristian festival of Pentecost (the American word), the seventh Sunday after Easter, which commemorates thedescent (leszállás) of the Holy Spirit upon Christ's disciples (tanítványok).The name is a contraction of "White Sunday", appeared in "The Holy-Ghost, which thou did send on Whit-Sunday" in theOld English homilies (szentbeszéd).As the first holiday of the summer Whitsun was one of the favourite times in the traditional calendar and Whit Sundayor the following week was a time for celebration.Whit Monday was officially recognised as a bank holiday in the UK in 1871 but lost this status in 1971 when the SpringBank Holiday was created.In Gloucestershire, Whit Sunday is often referred to as 'Bread and Cheese Day' because of a very strange custom thattakes place on this day.Basketfuls of bread and cheese are thrown from a wall near St Braivels castle, to be scrambled for in a lane below.The locals of this place have been hurling bread and cheese since the 13th century when the custom began probably asa payment for the villagers' right to cut timber (épületfa) from the nearby wood.

OOuurr GGrraadduuaattiioonn CCeerreemmoonnyy oonn 11sstt MMaayy,, 22001155( b y D ó r a H a v a s i 1 2 . b )

One of the most important events in every secondarygrammar school student’s life is the Graduation Ceremony.In our school it was on 1st May this year. All students tookpart in the preparations.Some people made beautifuldecorations with lots ofspring flowers everywhere inthe building. Others helped tocreate a nice show for theschool leavers and theirrelatives.We were really excitedbecause of all these. It was abit confusing first, but on theother hand a really nicefeeling. I could see myclassmates and schoolmatesall together, and I couldremember the memories of our school life. At 8 o’clockour last lesson started with our form master.After the last lesson we started to walk into every classand corridor with a bundle and a single rose in our handsfor the last time. We could say goodbye to our teachersand the other students and listen to the nostalgic and well-known songs. Finally we arrived at the school yard wherethere was a stage. There were nice performances and

some speeches about the past years. A few studentsperformed a song and some poems. Each performance wasinteresting and nice and we were very grateful to them.

At the end of the ceremonythe school leavers let theirballoons go and watched themflying into the sky. It was atouching moment. Itsymbolized our future lifewithout limits. The proudrelatives took lots of picturesand gave us countlessbouquets of flowers. Theneverybody went to celebratethis event with their families.I am sure that we willremember our school daysand school friends with a

happy smile on our faces because we have plenty of niceexperiences about Bródy Imre Secondary Grammar School.We would like to say thank you to the teachers and thestudents for the past few years. We will never forget thispart of our life.

Page 4: English / Deutsch - Bródy Imre Gimnázium és AMI · 2017-04-12 · The name is a contraction of "White Sunday", appeared in "The Holy-Ghost, which thou did send on Whit-Sunday"

NNaattiioonnaall PPiinnkk DDaayy

This day is about pink. It is celebrated on 23rd June each year. It was first used as a colour name in the late 17thcentury, it is a pale red colour which got its name from a flower of the same name.Pink, especially when combined with white or pale blue, is a colour that is most commonly associated with femininity,sensitivity, tenderness, childhood and romanticism. Pink, when combined with violet or black, is associated with eroticismand seduction (vonzerő).In the Middle Ages, pink was not a common colour however it was found sometimes in women’s fashion and religious art.Pink ribbons or decorations were worn by young boys in the 19th century England. Men in England wore red uniforms andsince boys were considered small men, boys wore pink.Pink became much bolder, and brighter in the 20th century and in 1931, the colour “Shocking Pink” was introduced

( b y B a r b a r a B a r á t h 1 2 . b )

There are some phrases in connection with the word “pink”• In the pink – To be in top form, in good health, in good condition.• To see pink elephants – To hallucinate from alcoholism.• Pink slip – To be given a pink slip means to be fired or dismissed from a job. First recorded in 1915 in

the United States.• Pink-collar worker – Persons working in jobs conventionally regarded as “women’s work”• Tickled pink means extremely pleased.

IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall DDaayyss

JJuunnkk FFoooodd DDaayy( b y Ö d ö n F a r n a d i 1 0 . a )

July 21st is the national day of junk food! Did you know that an average American eats about 12 kg of candy per year?What’s more, each American will consume about 45 slices of pizza annually. Now that’s a lot of sweet and saltygoodness!Grab a bag of buttery popcorn at the movies, order some fries at the drive-through, or make an ice cream sundae(fagylalt) for dessert. Whatever you do, enjoy National Junk Food Day with at least one of your guilty (bűnös)pleasures!


It's the 21st century and "junk food" has gone global. For better or for worse, junk food is now available all over theworld. We see it almost everywhere we go -- in groceries, fast-food restaurants, on television -- usually looking veryappealing (vonzó).

"Junk food" generally refers to foods that contain lots of calories but little nutritional value. Of course, what's considered"junk food" depends on who you ask. Some might say pizza is junk food, for example. But I personally don't think so,since it means real food with nutrients, like cheese and tomato sauce. Add whole-wheat or part whole-wheat crust, plusveggies as a topping, and I'd say pizza completely leaves the junk food category.

Page 5: English / Deutsch - Bródy Imre Gimnázium és AMI · 2017-04-12 · The name is a contraction of "White Sunday", appeared in "The Holy-Ghost, which thou did send on Whit-Sunday"

CCrroosssswwoorrdd PPuuzzzzllee(by Ödön R. Farnadi 10.a)

1: You wear it when it's cold. 13: You wear it in summer on your feet.2: You wear it under your jacket when it's cold. 14: You wear it with a shirt.3: Put it on your hands in winter. 15: Women wear it. It can be long or short.4: Shoes or belts are made of it. 16: A traditional dress for men in the Scottish Highlands.5: They warm your feet. 17: You wear them on your feet when you're doing sports.6: Women wear them on their legs. 18: You put it on your finger.7: It covers your head. 19: It consists of a jacket and trousers.8: It covers only a part of the legs. 20: Women wear it.9: Most of them are blue. 21: What ____? Large, please.10/1: You wear it to fix your trousers. 22: You wear it with a tie.10/2: Women wear it. It has buttons. 23: It covers your legs.11: It's on shoes. They're sometimes high. 24: You put it round your throat when it's cold.12: You put it on your feet.


Page 6: English / Deutsch - Bródy Imre Gimnázium és AMI · 2017-04-12 · The name is a contraction of "White Sunday", appeared in "The Holy-Ghost, which thou did send on Whit-Sunday"

AAllll AAbboouutt HHoorrsseess(by Zsófia Zsigmond 11.g)

Parts of a HorseThe anatomy of horses enables them to be fast enough toescape from carnivores (húsevők). In addition, they havea well-developed sense of balance and a strong fight-or-flight response. Because they are preys, they don’t likesleeping in horizontal position. Owing to their leg’s anatomy,they are able to sleep standing up. The importance of theirfeet and legs is summed up by the traditional phrase, "nofoot, no horse". Some of the foot diseases can be fatal forthe horses. The exterior hoof wall and the horn of the soleare made of keratin, the same material as a humanfingernail .

„Feeling down? Saddle up.”Riding or working with horses has a therapeutic effect too. It helps to improve the balance and coordination, increasesself-confidence, and gives a greater feeling of freedom and independence .Horses are very empathetic , and they can ’show you a mirror’: If you are nervous, they’ll be nervous too. But if you arecalm and determined, they’ll feel safe.If you want to ride, you and your horse need special equipment. You should wear breeches, boots and hats. Your horsewears a saddle and a bridle.

CompetitionsThere are two main branches of horse races (but there are a lot of different competitions, and riding styles). These areactually different riding styles too. The classical riding includes: Gallop and trot speed races, Cross-country, Show-jumping and Dressage contests. The other branch is western riding. It includes: Barrel Racing, Cutting, Reining, Westernpleasure and Trail class.Riding a horse is an exciting hobby which has a lot of fun. I can recommend it to everyone!:)

forelock – üstök; mane – sörény; withers – mar; back – hát; tail – farok; muzzle – orr, száj; pastern – csüd; hoof– pata; breeches - lovaglónadrág; boots – lovagló csizma; hat – kobak; saddle – nyereg; girth – heveder; stirrup– kengyel; saddle pad – nyeregalátét; bridle - kantár

HHoorrssee JJookkeess

A: Why did the horse cross the road?B: Because somebody shouted hay!

A: What do race horses eat?B: Fast Food.

A: Where do horses go when they're sick?B: The horsepital!

A: What's the favourite sport of a horse?B: Stable tennis.

Page 7: English / Deutsch - Bródy Imre Gimnázium és AMI · 2017-04-12 · The name is a contraction of "White Sunday", appeared in "The Holy-Ghost, which thou did send on Whit-Sunday"

TThhee QQuuiizz ooff tthhee QQuueeeenn’’ss KKiinnggddoomm

(by Liliána Szentmiklóssy 10.b)How well do you know Great Britain?

1. The surface of Great Britain is….a. 243, 000 km2 b. 93,800 square miles c. 225,000 km2

2. What is the title of the anthem of Great Britain?a. God Save the King b. God Save the Queen c. God Save the Queen/King

(it depends on, what is the sex of the monarch)3. How many languages are spoken in England?

a. 52 b. over 300 c. less than 1404. England is ….. times smaller than the USA.

a. 74 b. 38 c. 605. About …. % of the Londoners were born inside of the UK.

a. 97 b. 63 c. 856. Which food or drink was originally invented in England?

a. semolina pudding b. champagne c. pancake7. ….. was the accompaniment of the medieval English breakfast.

a. beer b. tea c. wine8. How many cups of tea do people drink in the UK every day?

a. 800 million b. 48 thousand c. 165 million9. The population of the UK is almost … times bigger, than the population of Australia.

a.5 b.3 c.710. How many years of world civilization can we see in the British Museum?

a. at least 2 million years b. 1000 years c. a century

Tell me your result, I’ll tell you who you are!0-11 points:Not bad, Non-British!You have some good replies, but it seems this part of the world is strange for you. Perhaps you dream about the bigAmerican fairy tale or a wild African adventure. However, Great Britain has enough place to the different nationalities.Perhaps, one day you’ll be one of the British inhabitants, because you may be working there. You never know what thefate brings to you…

12-23 points:Especially Excellent!You answered well to a lot of questions, and you are on the right way to learn more about those unique countries whichcompose Great Britain. You’ll see that their culture and their traditions are wonderful and it’s worth dealing with them.

23-33 points:Great respect to the Royal Guard!Congratulations! You are a real expert on Great Britain! Perhaps you work for Her Majesty, and you even know the best-kept secrets…You could get on a double-decker bus and drive the curious tourists around in this multicolour empire!

Page 8: English / Deutsch - Bródy Imre Gimnázium és AMI · 2017-04-12 · The name is a contraction of "White Sunday", appeared in "The Holy-Ghost, which thou did send on Whit-Sunday"

CCrriimmeess(by Daniella Wenczel 12.b)

We all commit crimes. Usually not in the general sense but rather at home. What kind of a child he/she is whonever makes any pranks (csínyek) at home like breaking glasses, windows, vases, pouring out water in the house,or scrabbling the beautiful white walls. These can cause a little heart attack to our parents.

BUT!What if the police start to search for us? It does not really happen in childhood. In addition, every bad man was achild once. Even for example Jack the Ripper (Zsebfelmetsző Jack). His name is terrifying but he also used to be alittle child.

Jack the RipperHe is probably the best known murderer all over the world. This man lived in London in the 19th century. Hecommitted his murders with a lot of care and cruelty, he cut his victims’ organs such as hearts and kidneys withsurgical precision. Interestingly enough, he made his crime scenes to shape a cross in the map. He killed five womenbut he was suspected in much more murders.

In addition, there are some really strange, and sometimes very funny stories about people who wanted to commitcrimes.

Police did not have to lift a finger to identify a thief after he had broken into a car equipped with cameras - becausehe had a huge tattoo revealing his name and date of birth.Aaron Evans, 21, was filmed breaking into the Peugeot 106 in an NCP car park before making off with a stolen sat-nav device. Not only had he failed to spot the camera filming his every move but he had the vital information 'Evans19.9.87' boldly tattooed on his neck. Evans was jailed for seven months.

Police in Nigeria held a goat on suspicion of attempted armed robbery. Vigilantes (polgárőrök) seized the black andwhite goat, saying it was an armed robber who had used black magic to transform himself into an animal to escapeafter trying to steal a Mazda 323. The group of men came to report that while they were on patrol they saw somegangsters attempting to rob a car. They chased them. However, according to the police, one of them escaped whilethe other turned into a goat. Belief in witchcraft (boszorkányság) is widespread inparts of Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation. Residents came to the police station tosee the goat, photographed in one national newspaper on its knees next to a pile ofstraw.

An Oak Hill community couple discovered a thief in their home. The husband told areally funny story and they heard someone laughing. That must have been a hell of ajoke.

It is not the best idea to rob a bank or a shop, and all in all, do something that collideswith the Law.On the other hand, if you decide to rob a bank, do not be so wretched like that!

Page 9: English / Deutsch - Bródy Imre Gimnázium és AMI · 2017-04-12 · The name is a contraction of "White Sunday", appeared in "The Holy-Ghost, which thou did send on Whit-Sunday"

AA QQuuiicckk RRoouunndd PPoollll(by Fanni Vasáros and Dóra Csabai 9.a)

What do you think of our school?

LLaauurraa CCssáánniicczz 1100..aaI love this school so much. My teachers are kind and helpful. I listen to the school radio in every school break and I likeit very much.

CCiinnttiiaa PPuuhhaa 99.. aaI think Bródy is a school of high standard and I’m very glad that I applied for this school. The teachers are kind and ourclass is a good group. The school organizes quite a lot of community programmes where the students can learn how towork with their peers. We take part in a lot of sports competitions including basketball and volleyball.

EEsszztteerr TTöömmppee 99.. aaThe atmosphere is unique. When I entered the main entrance on the first day I immediately felt that I would love it. Infact, it’s a real high school with good facilities.

WWhhoo aamm II??( b y R e b e k a C s a l l ó 1 1 . g )


FFiinndd oouutt wwhhoo tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ssttaatteemmeennttss rreeffeerr ttoo.. IIFF yyoouu nneeeedd ssoommee hheellpp,,ttuurrnn ttoo tthhee llaasstt ppaaggee..

1. I was born in 1974, I am an American actor and film producer. I have been nominated for ten Golden Globe Awards,winning two, and five Academy Awards. My most popular movies are „The Wolf of Wall Street”, „Inception” and „TheGreat Gatsby”.

2. I was born in 1967, I am an American actress and producer. I became a Hollywood star after starring in theromantic comedy Pretty Woman. I also played in the movie „Eat Pray Love”.

3. I am 53 years old, and I am an actor, comedian, impressionist, screenwriter, and film producer. I played in manymovies, I am known for the Ace Ventura movies, I played in the movie „Dumb and Dumber” too.

4. I am 54 years old. I have an Oscar Award. I am an actor, producer, writer, director and activist. I played in themovies „Gravity” and „Ocean’s eleven”.

5. I was born in 1962, I am an actor and filmmaker. My wife was Katie Holmes, and we have a daughter, named Suri.My popular movies are the „Oblivion”, „Mission:Impossible” and „The Edge of Tomorrow”.

Page 10: English / Deutsch - Bródy Imre Gimnázium és AMI · 2017-04-12 · The name is a contraction of "White Sunday", appeared in "The Holy-Ghost, which thou did send on Whit-Sunday"

BBeessuucchh iinn SSuulliinnggeennDie Organisierung hat schon im letzten September begonnen. Schließlich fuhren 16 Schüler mit 2 Lehrerinnen aus demBródy Imre Gymnasium nach Sulingen in Deutschland. Im Januar wurden die Flugtickets reserviert. Danach wurde es klar,wer, wo wohnen wird. Wir haben die Kontakte mit den deutschen Austauschpartnern per Internet gehalten. Wegen derReise und des wenigen Schlafens waren wir sehr müde, trotzdem warteten wir schon auf den Flug. Wir landeten inHannover am Samstagmorgen, dann fuhren wir zu den Familien in Sulingen. Einige Austauschschüler wohnen aber nicht inSulingen, sondern in der Umgebung. Nach dem Auspacken führten die Gastfamilien uns in der Stadt herum.

Das Wochenende verbrachten wir mit unseren Austauschpartnern. Am Sonntag hatten alle verschiedene Programme,aber viele gingen in einen der größten Vergnügungsparke von Deutschland, wo wir sehr viele spannende Achterbahnenausprobieren konnten.Am Morgen begannen die gemeinsamen Programme.

Zuerst begrüßte uns die Schulleiterin.

Wir bewunderten während der Woche in Sulingen und Bremen viele Sehenswürdigkeiten.

Wir machten am Wattenmeer und in einem Kletterpark Ausflüge.Außerdem besichtigten wir noch nachmittags mit unseren Austauschpartnern ein paar Museen, viele berühmteGebäude, und Schiffe. Am Donnerstagabend nahmen wir zusammen an einer Abschiedsparty teil. Die ganze Wochefühlten wir uns wohl und wir konnten die deutsche Sprache üben.Am letzten Tag wurde ein Sportprogramm für uns organisiert, und wir besuchten die Unterrichtsstunden unserer

Austauschsschüler. Danach fuhren wir leider nach Hause. Die Reise dauerte ziemlich lang, aber es hat sich dieMühe gelohnt, weil wir neue Kultur und interessante Menschen kennen lernten. Wir kamen mit vielenwunderschönen Erlebnissen zu Hause an.

( Z i t a P é t e r 1 0 . b )

Page 11: English / Deutsch - Bródy Imre Gimnázium és AMI · 2017-04-12 · The name is a contraction of "White Sunday", appeared in "The Holy-Ghost, which thou did send on Whit-Sunday"

DDeeuuttsscchhllaanndd QQuuiizz

11.. WWeellcchheess GGeebbiirrggee ggrreennzztt DDeeuuttsscchhllaanndd iimm SSüüddeenn zzuusseeiinneenn NNaacchhbbaarrlläännddeerrnn aabb??A. das ErzgebirgeB. der HarzC. die Alpen

22.. IInn wweellcchheerr SSttaaddtt lliieeggtt ddeerr ggrröößßttee HHaaffeennDeutschlands?A. in HamburgB. in BielefeldC. in Wismar

33.. WWeellcchheess LLaanndd ggrreennzztt nniicchhtt aann DDeeuuttsscchhllaanndd??A. PolenB. SlowenienC. Tschechien

44.. DDeerr lläännggssttee FFlluussss DDeeuuttsscchhllaannddss iissttA. der Rhein.B. der Neckar.C. die Elbe.

55.. DDiiee HHaauuppttssttaaddtt ddeerr BBuunnddeessrreeppuubblliikk DDeeuuttsscchhllaannddvon 1949 bis 1991 warA. München.B. Hamburg.C. Bonn.

66.. DDaass ggrröößßttee ddeeuuttsscchhee BBuunnddeessllaanndd ((FFllääcchhee)) iissttA. Thüringen.B. Bayern.C. das Saarland.

77.. IInn MMüünncchheenn ffiinnddeett jjeeddeess JJaahhrrein großes Fest statt,A. das Januarfest.B. das Julifest.C. das Oktoberfest.

88.. DDiiee SSttaaddtt hhaatt eeiinneenn sseehhrr bbeerrüühhmmtteenn DDoomm.. SSiiee lliieeggttaamm RRhheeiinn..A. FlensburgB. KölnC. Fürth

99.. DDiiee NNaammeenn SScchhaallkkee,, WWeerrddeerr,, BBoorruussssiiaa,, HHeerrtthhaahaben etwas mit der Bundesliga zu tun. Es handeltsich umA. Politik.B. Fußball.C. Ferienorte.

1100.. DDiiee BBrrüüddeerr GGrriimmmm ssaammmmeelltteennA. deutsche Briefmarken.B. deutsche Kochrezepte.C. deutsche Märchen.

1111.. NNeeuusscchhwwaannsstteeiinn iissttA. ein Schloss in Bayern.B. eine Insel im Titisee.C. ein Wolkenkratzer in Wuppertal.

1122.. DDiiee VVoorrffaahhrreenn ddeerr DDeeuuttsscchheenn wwaarreennA. die Slawen.B. die Gallier.C. die Germanen.

1133.. AAnn ddeerr NNoorrddsseeeekküüssttee lliieeggtt ddaass ggrröößßtteeA. Wattenmeer der WeltB. Schiff der WeltC. Hotel der Welt

1144.. DDaass WWaahhrrzzeeiicchheenn BBeerrlliinnss iissttA. der FernsehturmB. das Brandenburger TorC. das Reichstagsgebäude

1155.. DDiiee HHaauuppttssttrraaßßee BBeerrlliinnss hheeiißßttA. „Grüngürtel”B. „Unter den Linden”C. „Kurfürstendamm”

Page 12: English / Deutsch - Bródy Imre Gimnázium és AMI · 2017-04-12 · The name is a contraction of "White Sunday", appeared in "The Holy-Ghost, which thou did send on Whit-Sunday"

In this column the teachers of our school are interviewed about their life. The teacher interviewed throws the ball tothe next person to be asked.In this interview we asked Mrs. Anita Szövérfiné Pad to answer some of our questions.

Languages she speaks: English, GermanFavourite…Colours: violet, shades of brownAnimal: dogFood: sweet gnocchi with custard and grated walnutBand: 30Y, Honeybeast, Kispál és a Borz ( and the badger)Sport: basketball, runningFilm: Amellie's Wonderful Life, Dead Poets’ Society, In TimeActor: Robin WilliamsInstrument: violinBook: Bonfire,(The stake) by György DragománWhy did you want to be a teacher? –Because I like Literature and German. I was interested in studyingLiterarure and German after my school-leaving exam.What is the worst task you have to do as a teacher? -–Giving marks to test papersThe next snowball goes to: Boglárka Somogyi

(by Barbara Baráth 12.b)

FFuunnnnyy MMoommeennttss

SSnnoowwbbaallll TToo MMrrss.. AAnniittaa SSzzöövvéérrffiinnéé PPaadd

Editor-in-chief: Szilvia Pegánné GöntérJournalists: Dóra Havasi, Daniella Wenczel, Rebeka Csalló, Barbara Baráth, Ödön R. Farnadi, Liliána Szentmiklóssy,Fanni Vásáros, Dóra Csabai, Zita PéterCover: Barbara Baráth


(drawn by Dóra Havasi 11.b)

Who am I? Solution: 1. Leonardo DiCaprio; 2. Julia Roberts; 3. Jim Carrey; 4. George Clooney; 5. Tom Cruise

Crossword Puzzle Answers: 1. coat; 2. pullover; 3. gloves; 4. leather; 5. socks; 6. tights; 7. hat; 8. short; 9. jeans; 10. /belt /blouse; 11.heel; 12. shoes; 13. slippers; 14. tie; 15. skirt; 16. kilt; 17. trainers; 18. ring; 19. suit; 20. dress; 21. size; 22. shirt; 23. trousers; 24. scarf;

Deutschland Quiz: 1-C; 2-A; 3-B; 4-A; 5-C; 6-B; 7-C; 8-B; 9-B; 10-C; 11-A; 12-C; 13-A; 14-B; 15-B