English Assignment pre writing


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Transcript of English Assignment pre writing

Page 1: English Assignment pre writing

Pre writing: Making a list

Effects of adjusting the law for children over 15

Aggressive attitude

Influenced by the violent movies

There are verbal and physical violence in the movies

Learn the actor’s character

Throw things when get angry

Threatening attitude

Involve in accidents

Drive in high speed

Get angry when meet bad or clumsy drivers

Want to overtake the car

Can’t control the car well and accident happens

Accidents cause severe wound and death

Teenage pregnancy

Curious about sex

Forced by boyfriends

If they don’t use birth control, girls have babies

Affect their own future

Thesis statement:

In fact, adjusting the law for children over 15 will cause them to be

aggressive, rate of them involved in accidents increase and teenage


Page 2: English Assignment pre writing

References list

1. Sujula S.N & Thomas P.E (2012). A thematic study on the cause

and effects of television violence on children. pp.2. Retrieved

September 20, 2014 from http://www.ipedr.com/vol31/035-ICSSH


2. Tanner. L (September 14, 2011). Curbs on youngest drivers may

have bad side effect. Retrieved September 20, 2014 from



3. Teen Help (2014). The reasons teens get pregnant. Retrieved

September 20, 2014 from
