English 3 Guide

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  • 7/28/2019 English 3 Guide


    Be going to" Se utiliza para hablar de planes. Es conjugado de la siguiente forma:

    I'm going to Spain this summer. Voy a ir a Espaa este verano

    You're not going to cook dinner for friends tonight. Tu no vas a cocinar la cena para tus amigos esta noche

    Is she going to leave at 8 p.m.? Va ella a irse a las 8 pm?

    They're going to play tennis. Ellos van a jugar tenis

    We're not going to make brownies. Nosotros no vamos a hacer brownies

    +) Sujeto + verbo to be + going to + verbo principal + complemento

    ) Sujeto + verbo to be + not + going to + verbo principal + complemento

    ?) Verbo to be + sujeto + going to + verbo principal + complemento + question mark

    Will" Se utiliza para hablar de acciones a futuro espontaneas y/o predicciones. Siempre debe ir acompaado de otro

    erbo para formar el futuro. Veamos algunos ejemplos:

    1. I will work hard Yo trabajar duro

    2. She will not (wont) study History Ella no estudiar Historia

    3. Will you work in your proyect? Trabajars en tu proyecto?

    4. They will learn Math Ellos aprendern Matematicas

    5. You will not fail the exam Tu no reprobars el examen

    (+) Sujeto + will + verbo principal + complemento I + will = Ill (contraccin)

    (-) Sujeto + will + not + verbo principal + complemento will not = wont (contraccin)

    (?) Will + sujeto + verbo principal + complemento + question mark

    Might Se utiliza para hablar de un futuro posible como consecuencia de una accin.

    1. I might be more strong Yo podria ser mas fuerte

    2. I might not have a flat abdomen Yo podria no tener un abdomen plano

    3. They might steal my car. Ellos podrian robar mi auto

    (+) Sujeto + might + verbo principal + complemento

    (-) Sujeto + might + not + verbo principal + complemento

    Will be able to Se utiliza para hablar de algo posible o de la habilidad de hacer algo en el futuro .

    1. I will be able to work in a big company Yo ser apto para trabajar en una gran compaia

    2. You wont be able to talk with american people Tu no seras apto para platicar con americanos

    3. They will be able to win the championship Ellos seran aptos para ganar el campeonato

    (+) Sujeto + will be able + verbo principal + complemento

    (-) Sujeto + wont be able + verbo principal + complemento

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    NOTA: No se acostumbra preguntar con MIGHT y WILL BE ABLE TO


    Walk two blocks Camina dos cuadras

    urn right/left/ Gira a la derecha/izquierda

    top on the corner Para en la esquina

    ollow the taxi Sigue al taxi

    e careful with Se cuidadoso con

    urn left/right on Gira a la derecha/izquierda en

    Across the street Cruzando la calle

    n the right/left A la derecha/izquierda

    etween Entre

    Go straight Sigue derecho

    eside Al lado de

    Next to... Despues de....

    orner of La esquina de

    Giving orders

    1. Please give me a hand

    Por favor dame una mano

    2. Would you give me a hand, please?

    Me darias una mano, por favor?

    3. Could you give me a hand, please?

    Podrias darme una mano, por favor?

    4. Would you mind giving me a hand?

    Considerarias el darme una mano?

    Cuando utilizamos Please no utilizamos el signo de

    pregunta, es una orden.

    Would y Could son tan similares que no se pueden

    distinguir, ambas respuestas en un examen serian


    Cuando utilizamos Would you mind el verbo principaladquiere terminacioning-

    ountable nouns / Non-countable nouns

    Utilizamos There is con uncountable nouns

    Utilizamos There are con countable nouns

    Quantifyers(Cuantificadores) Nos especifican cuanto

    o cuantos elementos tenemos. Algunos difieren

    en su uso para Countable y Non-countable


    ountable Non-Countable Both (ambos)

    anyalgunos muchmucho a lot ofun chorrode

    too manymuchos

    too muchmuchsimo


    fewpocos littlepoco moremas

    too fewmuypocos

    too littlemuy poco

    fewermenos lesmenos


    1. There is too much pollution

    Hay muchisima contaminacin

    2. There are too many cars

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    Hay muchos autos

    There are enough policemen

    Hay suficientes policias

    There is a lot of corruption

    Hay un chorro de corrupcin

    5. There is more crime

    Hay mas crimen

    Modals. Son utilizados para expresar obligacion, permiso, consejo o sugerencia.

    should study for the exam Yo deberia estudiar para el examen

    We need to pay the bills Nosotros necesitamos pagar las cuentas

    You must respect the speed limit Tu debes respetar el limite de velocidad

    hey have to turn off the radio Ellos tienen que apagar el radio

    Wed (We should) better go back Nosotros mejor deberiamos volver

    ara sus formas negativas solo agrega not despues de should, must y should better. Para need to y have to agrega

    ont antes.

    You should not (shouldnt) stay out late Tu no deberias permanecer fuera tan tarde.

    imple past vs Progressive past

    .- Past simple

    l "past simple" describe una accin pasada ya finalizada.

    lived in Madrid the last year Yo viv en Madrid el ao pasado

    .- Past continuous

    ndica que una accin se estaba desarrollando en cierto momento del pasado al cual se hace referencia.

    he was playing videogames Ella estaba jugando videojuegos

    A veces se describen dos acciones simultneas que tuvieron lugar en el pasado. En dicho caso, se utiliza el "pastmple" para describiraquella que finaliz y el "past continuous"para aquella otra que estaba ocurriendo cuando

    a primera tuvo lugar.

    he mother arrived home while her husband was playing La madre lleg a casa mientras su esposo estaba


    was taking a showerwhen you called me Yo estaba tomando una ducha cuando tu me llamaste

    You left home while the children were watching TV Tu dejaste la casa mientras el nio estaba viendo TV

    Recuerda las estructuras

    imple past (+) Sujeto + verbo en pasado + complemento

    (-) Sujeto + didnt + verbo en presente + complemento

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    ara pares de personas o cosas

    Neither of them Ninguno de ellos

    ne of them Uno de ellos

    oth of them Ambos ellos

    ersonality traits

    Ambitious strong desire for success or achievement................. ..fuerte deseo por exito o metas

    eserved cool and formal in manner.. .............................. ..formal en su modo de comportarse

    ympathetic having similar disposition and tastes........... .......tiene similares gustos y preferencias

    Adventurous who takes risks................................................................................quien toma riesgos

    mpatient who doesnt like waiting................................................................no le gusta esperar.

    alkative always talking....................................................................................siempre hablando

    urious interested in learning more.................................interesado en saber mas

    omantic amorous idealist................................................................................idealista amorosompulsive lack ofprevious thought......................................................falto de pensamiento previo

    ntroverted never shares his ideas.................................................................no comparte sus ideas

    xtroverted always shares his ideas....................................................................comparte sus ideas

    asygoing taking life easy.....................................................toma la vida con calma

    aring empathy for others........................................................................empatia por los demas

    Hard-working who works hard..................................................................................quien trabaja duro

    ensitive mental or emotional sensibility.................................sensible mental o emocionalmente

    onformist doesnt want more......................................................................................no quiere mas

    ebelious discontented with authority................................................descontento con la autoridad

    Mature develop and reach maturity..desarrolla y alcanza la madurez

    Humorous always laughing an making jokes..............................soempre riendo y haciendo bromasutgoing extroverted, always talking with others..............extrovertido, siempre hablando con otros

    elfish only thinks in himself........................................................................solo piensa en si mismo

    Unsure lack of confidence....................................................................falto de confianza

    tubborn difficult to treat or deal with..........................dificil de tratar o pactar con e, necio, terco

    hangeable tendency to change..................................................................tendencia a cambiar

    ntelligent capacity for thought and reason..............................capacidad de pensamiento y razon

    atient enduring without protest or complaint.........................aguanta sin protestar o quejarse

    riendly not antagonistic or hostile..........................................................no enemigo ni hostil

    eliable worthy of reliance or trust........................................................merecedor de confiaza

    iligent perseverence in carrying out tasks..........................perseverancia al realizar tareas

    Messy dirty and disorderly...............................................................sucio o desordenadoimple lacking intelligence or common sense..falto de inteligencia o sentido comun

    omplicated difficult to analyze or understand....................................dificil de analizar o entender

    hy avoid persons or things........................................................evita personas o cosas

    uiet free from stress or emotion.................................................libre de estres y emociones

    Honest never cheats or defraudes...........................................nunca hace trampa o defrauda

    Adaptable capable of adapting...capaz de adaptarse

    Ahora que ubicas los significados de las palabras anteriores puedes crearSynonyms (sinnimos) que son palabras que

    gnifican lo mismo o casi lo mismo.

    Shy = Introverted

    Honest = Reliable

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    os Antonyms (antnimos)son las palabras que tienen significado opuesto.

    Ambitious Conformist

    Impatient Patient

    ealing with conflict Tratando con un conflicto.

    Hay formas variadas de atacar un conflicto verbal, los cuatro modos mas comunes son:

    . Flight: Cuando tenemos una discusin en un lugar o momento inapropiado podemos posponer la discusion para


    At work

    A: My team, Rayados is better than yours!!! A: Mi equipo, Rayados es mejor que el tuyo!!!: Ok, can we discuss this at lunch time? B: Esta bien, podemos discutir eso a la hora de comer?

    . Diversion: Cuando no queremos discutir y traemos a la conversacion algo que no tiene nada que ver con el tema

    ara sacarle la vuelta

    A: Do I look fat? A: Me veo gorda?

    : Hey, look at this, I bought a new DVD B: Hey, mira esto, compr un nuevo DVD

    A: Lets watch it A: Vamos a verlo

    . Domination: Cuando discutimos nos imponemos a la otra persona por medio de lenguaje fuerte, sin razonamiento

    lguno solo porque yo lo digo

    A: I want Hawaiian pizza A: Quiero pizza hawaiana

    : But I want American pizza B: Pero yo quiero pizza americana

    A: You are crazy!!, we will have Hawaiian pizza A: Estas loco!!, comeremos pizza hawaiana

    . Constructive Conflict Resolution: Aqui tratamos de resolver la sitiacion mediante un dialogo razonable y que deje

    onformes a ambas partes.

    At home....Watching TV

    A: Lets watch the soccer game A: Vamos a ver el partido de futbol: But this is the final chapter of the serie B: Pero este es el ultimo capitulo de la serie

    A: Ok, but we will watch the game after A: Ok, pero veremos el partido despues

    : Its OK. B: Esta bien.

    hrasal Verbs



    Meaning (significado) Example (ejemplo)

    ring up raise (a child) She stopped working to bring up her children.

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    all off cancel The meeting was called offbecause of the accident.

    arry on continue He carried on gardening in spite of the rain.

    gure out understand, find the answer I'm trying to figure out how to assemble the bookshelves

    and out distribute Samples will be handed out at the end of the demonstration

    reak into enter by force Burglars broke into the house around midnight.

    et in enter How did the burglar get in?

    et off leave (bus, train, plane) You should get offthe bus at Trafalgar Square

    ook after take care of A babysitterlooks after the children when they go out.

    heck out pay one's bill and leave (a hotel) Is Mr. Blair still at the hotel? No, he checked out this morning.

    et up rise, leave bed I usually get up at 7 o'clock.eep on continue doing something It told him to be quiet but he kept on making noise.

    ut off disconnect The telephone's been cut offbecause we didn't paythe bill.


    return something you'veborrowed

    I gave the money backthat she'd lent to me.

    all fordemand

    The Opposition party called for the minister'sresignation after the scandal broke.


    avoid a problem It'll be tricky, but we will find a way to get around theregulations.


    walk or go to places He's finding it hard to get around since the operationand spends most of his time at home.

    all up telephone I called him up as soon as I got to a phone to tell himthe news.


    become quieter orinaudible (of a sound)

    The last notes died away and the audience burst intoapplause.

    eep at continue with somethingdifficult

    She found the course hard but she kept at it andcompleted it successfully.

    as phrasal verbs o frases verbales son verbos ordinarios que se componen de un verbo y una preposicin. Si tienen

    ue ser conjugados solamente se conjuga la raiz de la phrasal verb osea la primer palabra o verbo.

    imple Present I get up at 7:00 everyday Yo me levanto a las 7:00 todos los dias

    imple Past I got up at 9:00 yesterday Yo me levanta las 9:00 ayer

    studia tambien para el exmen

    NO LONGER, ANYMORE Y USED TO ( lo que se solia hacer y ya no se hace )

    NARRATIONS ( las partes de la narracin )

    REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS ( myself, yourself, himself...)

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    ADVERBS OF MANNER ( slow-slowly, nice-nicely...)


    ontesta los ejercicios de apoyo...y mucha suerte!!!

    Antonio Vela

    Unuiversidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len.

    Esc. Ind. Y Prep. Tec. Pablo Livas Poniente.

    nglish 3

    ame: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

    CROSSWORD PUZZLE. Complete across and down according to the description of theports.




    2 D

    4 B O X


    S 3

    5 T E N N I S

    B O

    A C

    L C

    6 G O L F E


    . COMPLETE the following sentences with the appropriate verb go,play, or do. Write it inhe correct form for each subject.

    7. I __________ jogging every morning. Im preparing myself for the Trote Halcn.8. Angie _____________ basketball in the high school team.9. My mom _____________ aerobics while she watches WORK OUTon TV.

    I. CHOOSE the appropriate word to form the correct relative clause. (which, that, who)

    0. Noche de entierro is a famous song ______________ is sung by The Benjamins, Ivy Queen, Daddy Yankee andome other singers.) who b) where c) when d) which e) why

    1. Masoquismo is a tender song. Lola, ____________ is the singer of this melody, is very famous nowadays.) who b) where c) when d) which e) why

    DOWN1. Martial art in which two people fight andtry to throw each other to the ground.

    2. Its a game played with a bat, a glove anda ball by two teams of nine players. BabeRuth played this game. The Sultanes practiceit.3. Its a game that is played by two teams of11 members trying to score into the opposingteams goal by kicking a ball. David Beckhamplays it.

    ACROSS4. Sport in which two people wearing largepadded gloves fight according to specialrules. Rocky Balboa practiced this sport.5. Its a game which is played with racketsand a light ball by two players on a court

    divided by a net. Ana Kournikova plays thissport.6. Game in which you use long sticks calledclubs to hit a small ball into holes.

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  • 7/28/2019 English 3 Guide
