English 11 Taught by Mr. Sowers And Ms. Broker. Contact Telephone: (913) 993-7591 Email:...

English 11 English 11 Taught by Mr. Sowers And Ms. Broker

Transcript of English 11 Taught by Mr. Sowers And Ms. Broker. Contact Telephone: (913) 993-7591 Email:...

English 11English 11

Taught by

Mr. Sowers


Ms. Broker


Telephone: (913) 993-7591Email: [email protected] Page: www.sowers.info

Like other English ClassesLike other English Classes

ComprehensionBecoming independent learnersExpressionAppreciation of creative expression’s link

to understanding the human experience

Junior EnglishJunior English

Survey of American Literature Refine

– Literary analysis– Written expression– Critical thinking

Increase effectiveness in written expression through– Longer assignments– More complex assignments

Classroom Classroom GuidelinesGuidelines


Pens with blue or black ink.Pens with blue or black ink.

All work done in the classroom to be handed in for credit, including tests and writing assignments, will be done in ink unless you are specifically told to use a pencil.

White, loose leaf notebook White, loose leaf notebook paperpaper

Writing assignments will be done only on white, loose-leaf paper. Paper torn out of a spiral notebook is not acceptable.

Three-ring binder or binder Three-ring binder or binder with pockets.with pockets.

Most class handouts will be hole-punched for a three ring binder.

Assigned textbookAssigned textbook

An approved book for reading An approved book for reading must be brought to class on must be brought to class on Fridays.Fridays.

Supplemental MaterialsSupplemental Materials

The class will annotate a novel. Students will need to purchase the novel through the school or from some other source. The cost for students will be $5 or less.

Students will need a 3.5 high density computer disk.


I am usually in my room by I am usually in my room by 7:15 A.M.7:15 A.M.



Work missed during an unexcused absence cannot be made up.

Long-term assignments are due on the designated date even if you are absent and excused on that day. Have a friend bring in the assignment.

Missed TestsMissed Tests

Tests about which you knew in advance are to be made up on the day you return to class, or at teacher’s discretion. The “two days of make-up time for each day of absence” applies only to work that was assigned during your absence.

Plan AheadPlan Ahead

When you know about an absence in advance, make arrangements with the teacher beforehand for turning in work or making up missed tests. Such planned absences include field trips, school-sponsored activities, family vacations, scheduled surgery, etc.


1. Daily assignments are posted on my website at www.sowers.info. If you do not have internet access, arrange with someone else in the class (preferable someone you think is dependable!) to exchange phone numbers and find out what you missed.


Quarter GradesQuarter Grades

40% Major Projects and Essays40% Tests, Quizzes, and Worksheets10% Notes, Paragraphs, and Spelling10% Individualized Reading

Semester GradeSemester Grade

42.5 % First Quarter42.5% Second Quarter15% Semester Exam

Assignments about which the student knew in advance must be turned in on time to receive full credit. No credit will be given for any assignment after the grading period ends.

Work done in pencil or on the wrong kind of paper (see MATERIALS) will receive no credit. You are permitted to borrow paper and pen from classmates for in-class assignments should you need to do so. I keep extra pens in the room, which you may borrow in case your pen runs out of ink.

Bonus credit can be earned at teacher’s option, but only after regularly assigned work has been completed appropriately and on time. Extra credit does not and cannot replace missed assignments!

Completed assignments and tests will remain in the classroom, either in teacher files or in the student writing folders. It is up to each student to keep a current account of major grades. Student may come in before or after school to check on grades. The five-minute passing period before or after class in not sufficient time for this purpose.


We are here to learn, and you are expected to be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings. Anyone not in the right seat will be counted tardy. You are allowed one “free” tardy per semester. Detentions or discipline reports will result if there are further tardies.

Hall passes are issued only for emergencies during class. You are expected to make normal stops at restrooms, drinking fountains, lockers, telephones, etc., between classes or before and after school. Coupons will be issued as restroom passes, and unused coupons earn bonus points at the end of each quarter.

In accordance with district regulations, cheating of any kind will result in loss of credit for the assignment or test, and may also require parental and/or administrative notification. This policy includes plagiarism.

As a learning community, we will maintain a classroom that is conducive to learning. Talking during class, inattentiveness, walking around, or sitting in a seat other than your own without specific permission are disruptive and unacceptable conduct.

Electronic devices such as cell phones, pagers, CD players, and MP3’s are not allowed in Shawnee Mission Schools.