Engish essays

AIR POLLUTION Air, water and sun are the most valuable gifts of nature. Poisonous gases released from factories and vehicles have made air unfit for breathing. This is air pollution. Life on earth may have to face extinction if air pollution is not checked. It has caused several incurable diseases like cancer, blood pressure ,diabetes, nervous disorders, asthma etc. A good number of measures to check air pollution are being popularized. They are, All vehicles must have suitable equipment so that lead free petrol and diesel can be used as a fuel. Cycles must be extensively used Cold storage and refrigeration must be minimized so that ozone layer is protected. Industrial complexes should have green belt areas around them. They can neutralize harmful effects of poisonous gases. Thus air pollution will be checked. WATER POLLUTION Water pollution is a part of environment pollution. Availability of pure drinking water is becoming difficult these days. Release of industrial waste to rivers lakes and even to the seas, is going on. Oil slick in the Persian Gulf during the Gulf war of 1991, release 0f molasses to Tungabhadra waters this year (1997) and such others have resulted in the death of fish and other sea creatures. Water pollution has been causing a number of problems to human beings, plants and animals. Plants grown with the help of polluted water are indirectly poisoning animals and human beings. So there are strange disease among animals and human beings. There is a great need to conserve our precious natural and water resources at any cost. The following measures can be suggested to check water pollution: - Industries should have safety devises and strict measures should be taken against erring industries. People should be educated in civic sanitation. Oil tankers, ships and motorboats pollute seawater. But proper care should be taken to avoid oil spill. Use of lead free petrol with converters should be insisted on. Special devices meant for the purpose can do recycling of polluted water. NOISE POLLUTION High intensity sound produced by vehicles and machines in factories disturb calmness in atmosphere. This is called Noise Pollution. Huge industrial complexes have machines, which produce sound of very high intensity. Extensive use of compressors, air conditioners etc. in cities are all adding to the problem. Two wheelers and four wheelers are the other sources of noise pollution. Noise pollution not only disturbs calmness but also causes deafness, nervous problems, and heat diseases, blood pressure act. Several remedies can be thought of, if noise pollution is to be checked effectively. They are— Framing and enforcing appropriate traffic rules for vehicle. Enforcing of restrictions on the use of public sound systems. Shifting of big factories away from residential areas. Spreading awareness about the horrors noise pollution. NEWS PAPER Radio, the T.V., Newspapers and magazines are called Mass Media. They spread information among a large mass of people. Newspapers are so much part of life of an educated man that, without them his routine work is incomplete. There are newspapers in Kannada, English, Hindi and all other regional languages of our country. Prajavani and Kannada Prabha are the leading dailies in Kannada. Indian Express. The Hindu, The Times of India and Deccan Herald are famous English dailies. Newspapers are storehouses of updated information from all parts of the world. They can be preserved and used for references. They give us news about cinemas, sports events held in various parts of the country and outside, political events, fluctuation in stock market, and prices of essential goods, advertisements, scheduled programs of music, dance, drama and so on. Hence it is popularly described as North, E-East and S-South- constituting news from different parts of the world. Newspapers have played a key role during the Freedom Movement of our country. They helped in spreading the spirit of nationalism. They have been creating a keen interest among rural masses about day- to- day events happening in the world. So they can be taken as an informal means of educating the masses.

Transcript of Engish essays

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AIR POLLUTION Air, water and sun are the most valuable gifts of nature. Poisonous gases released from factories and vehicles have made air unfit for breathing. This is air pollution. Life on earth may have to face extinction if air pollution is not checked. It has caused several incurable diseases like cancer, blood pressure ,diabetes, nervous disorders, asthma etc. A good number of measures to check air pollution are being popularized. They are, All vehicles must have suitable equipment so that lead free petrol and diesel can be used as a fuel.Cycles must be extensively usedCold storage and refrigeration must be minimized so that ozone layer is protected.Industrial complexes should have green belt areas around them. They can neutralize harmful effects of poisonous gases. Thus air pollution will be checked.

WATER POLLUTION Water pollution is a part of environment pollution. Availability of pure drinking water is becoming difficult these days. Release of industrial waste to rivers lakes and even to the seas, is going on. Oil slick in the Persian Gulf during the Gulf war of 1991, release 0f molasses to Tungabhadra waters this year (1997) and such others have resulted in the death of fish and other sea creatures. Water pollution has been causing a number of problems to human beings, plants and animals. Plants grown with the help of polluted water are indirectly poisoning animals and human beings. So there are strange disease among animals and human beings. There is a great need to conserve our precious natural and water resources at any cost.The following measures can be suggested to check water pollution: - Industries should have safety devises and strict measures should be taken against erring industries.People should be educated in civic sanitation. Oil tankers, ships and motorboats pollute seawater. But proper care should be taken to avoid oil spill. Use of lead free petrol with converters should be insisted on.Special devices meant for the purpose can do recycling of polluted water.

NOISE POLLUTION High intensity sound produced by vehicles and machines in factories disturb calmness in atmosphere. This is called Noise Pollution. Huge industrial complexes have machines, which produce sound of very high intensity. Extensive use of compressors, air conditioners etc. in cities are all adding to the problem. Two wheelers and four wheelers are the other sources of noise pollution. Noise pollution not only disturbs calmness but also causes deafness, nervous problems, and heat diseases, blood pressure act. Several remedies can be thought of, if noise pollution is to be checked effectively. They are— Framing and enforcing appropriate traffic rules for vehicle.Enforcing of restrictions on the use of public sound systems. Shifting of big factories away from residential areas.Spreading awareness about the horrors noise pollution.

NEWS PAPERRadio, the T.V., Newspapers and magazines are called Mass Media. They spread information among a large mass of people. Newspapers are so much part of life of an educated man that, without them his routine work is incomplete. There are newspapers in Kannada, English, Hindi and all other regional languages of our country. Prajavani and Kannada Prabha are the leading dailies in Kannada. Indian Express. The Hindu, The Times of India and Deccan Herald are famous English dailies. Newspapers are storehouses of updated information from all parts of the world. They can be preserved and used for references. They give us news about cinemas, sports events held in various parts of the country and outside, political events, fluctuation in stock market, and prices of essential goods, advertisements, scheduled programs of music, dance, drama and so on. Hence it is popularly described as North, E-East and S-South- constituting news from different parts of the world. Newspapers have played a key role during the Freedom Movement of our country. They helped in spreading the spirit of nationalism. They have been creating a keen interest among rural masses about day- to- day events happening in the world. So they can be taken as an informal means of educating the masses.

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Researches done or being done in archaeology, science, mathematics, medicine, etc are also being made known to the public through newspapers. Thus newspapers are very effective in making man more intelligent and well informed. Hence it has been termed as a significant part of modern culture.

THE T.V. ITS ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Radio, Television and newspapers are called mass media because they spread information among the people. Television is the most effective among the mass media it is called ‘One of the greatest creations of modern man’. Both visual and audio facilities are found in this electronic medium it was invented by John Baird. Black and white TV's have been replaced by colour T.V. sets. Music dance, drama, interviews talks, discussions quizPrograms, news items, serials in regional languages, movies in Hindi and regional languages etc, are some of the important programs of regular channels of T.V. Besides these, there are live telecast of matches, event and other sports competitions, conferences national and international importance etc. Since T.V. has a wide range of program, people of all categories- rural urban, workers in factories, doctors, lawyers, scientists etc like it. Even illiterate masses can learn several things about the world. T.V. is very popular for its entertainment programmes. A common man who cannot go to theaters auditoriums for drama, dance and files, can get them in his house. A busy workingman can get entertainment at the place of his work. It saves his time and energy as well. Thus there are a number of programmes coming though T.V. channels. Its popularity is increasing.DISADVANTAGES: All T.V. programs are not useful. There are some channels, which telecast programmes, which are harmful to the young. Obscene and vulgar scenes are polluting young minds at an alarming rate. Students lose interest in studies. They also become anti – social elements. Extreme violence shown in T.V. programs make them become hard- hearted and encourage them to resort to violence. So crimes are on the increase. Human values like love, affection, compassion honesty, punctuality, sacrifices etc. are fast vanishing. Viewing T. V. programs for hours together makes people lazy and inactive. The young are losing interest in playing games and in extensive reading habits. Hence, T.V. is been called the ‘Idiot Box’. If T.V has to be useful, viewers must be selective in viewing.

THE RADIO Radio, the T.V and newspapers are called mass media because they spread information among large masses of people. Radio has been a simple and effective means of communication. Radio sets are easily portable. They have been playing a key role in popularizing a number of useful programs like news items, music concerts, running commentaries of sports events talks, quiz programs, educational programs, literacy programs for adults, film hits, drama relays etc. Since there are no visuals harmful effects of programs vulgarities and violence of films, film songs, ect. Don’t catch the attention of young minds and hence the radio is better than T.V. In the case of the T.V. programs, if they are not morally sound, children develop harmful habits and they may lose interest in studies. Radio programs can be listened to. At the same time we can do our work. In fact, good programs help us do our work more effectively because they reduce our fatigue. This extra advantage of radio over the T.V. because continuous watching of T.V. Programmes effects our regular duties, more with students. Radio sets are cheaper and more effective and popular in rural area Thus Radio has been playing a significant role in modernizing life in our country.

OVER POPULATION Over population is one of the spiel and economic evils. In fact, it is the root cause for most of the social and economic evils of our country. India has been the second largest populatedcountry in the world. It is a phenomenon where the number of births outnumbers the number of deaths. Over population has given rise to poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, underemployment, child labor, bonded labour and so on. Why is over population a serious problem in developing countries like India? Firstly, there is a decrease in death rate owing to the availability of medical facilities. At the same time, birth rate has not decreased at the required rate.

Secondly, no efforts had been made in early decades of 20th century, to reduce birth rate when death rate was going low hence there has been the problem of over population. Over population has created shortage of food supply, industrial equipment, lake of technical growth and all these lead to slow rate of progress of the country. Hence there is great need for checking the rate of growth of population.The following measures are being implemented: 1) Creating an awareness regarding the advantages small families slogans like “one couple one child” are being popularized through mass media.2) Several incentives are being provided to people who follow family planning.3) Illiterate and uneducated women are exposed to problem of large families and they are being educated about them.4) Popularizing and encouraging girl's education- more opportunities are being provided for women to get

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jobs. Workingwomen, do play a great role in limiting the size of families. 5) Problems of over population must be made known to rural mass and make them realize how it affects growth economy of the county.


India is land of several geographical and cultural diversities. There are different climatic zones. A wide range of plant and animal wealth is found in Indian forests. There are mountains, valleys, rivers, plains and as a result India earned the name sub- continent. On account of the rule of several foreign dynasties over India in the past, foreign cultural elements have got blended in our culture and Islamic and Western influences have been found in the fields of Indian architecture, sculpture, music, literature, drama dance, religious functions, languages and even social habits etc but there is an underlying feature which exclusively Indian, that is Indian culture and traditions. A synthesis of all cultural elements with those of India has even rise to a composite culture.

But, some of the universal ideas of ancient Indian culture have been retained. Broad-minded ideals like hospitality accommodative nature of Indians, compassion, non- violent attitude etc, are found in the lifestyle of all INDIANS irrespective of their differences in caste, creed or community. This factor has given unity and strength. This distinct feature of Indians has brought a special status for INDIAN Culture in the international scene also.


India is a land of cultural and geographical diversities. These diversities have resulted in political disunity and insecurity in the past. Our national leaders have made a great deal of sacrifice for bringing freedom to our country. Hence there is an urgent need to retain freedom in the form of national unity and integrity. National integration is an expression of emotional unity and patriotism. There are several factors, which promote national integration. The Constitution of India, National symbols, national festival, unity in diversity etc.Constitution: - Indian constitution is the largest written constitution the world. It has number of provisions, which uphold the unity of the nation. 1. Unitary features: -The central Government has supreme powers over the states in times of emergency. It has superseded the powers of state government if the states act against the unity of the country. 2. Independent Judiciary: - The Supreme Court, the High Courts and a network of lower courts have powers to cancel any of the decisions of legislature and executive if they do not protect the interest of the nation.3. Fundamental Rights and Duties: - The Fundamental Rights and Duties mentioned in the constitution are meant for all citizens of the country. Irrespective of difference in caste, creed, community race etc. 4. Single Citizenship: - National citizenship is a strong factor, which drills the idea of Indian ness into the minds of people of all states. 5) Secularism: - Secularism is respecting all religions as equals. It also means the religion has no place in public life. Socialism is economic equality. A; these features of the constitution safeguard the country against divisive forces and tendencies. Hence they promote national integration.


India is a land of cultural and geographical diversities. These diversities had resulted in political disunity and insecurity in the past. Our national leaders are made great deal of sacrifice for bringing freedom to our country. Hence there is an urgent need to retain that freedom in the form of national unit and integrity. National integration is an expression of emotional unity and patriotism for the country. NATIONAL SYMBOLS: - National Symbols are the strongest and great ideals of our freedom fighters; the national flag, the national anthem and the national emblem are the national symbols of India. There are respected by all Indians all over the country.

The National flag consists of three coloured bands namely saffron, white and green. Saffron represents courage and sacrifice white stands for love and peace and purity, Green denotes prosperity and abundance. The wheel at the center is of blue colour. It has 24 spokes in the wheel has been a replica of the one found in the pillar of Ashoka in Sarnath. 24 spokes mean dynamic nature of Indian life. Ashoka’s Massage of peace and non-violence is also represented by it.

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The national anthem: - The national Anthem is a song written by Rabindranath Tagore. It is a patriotic song, which describes natural wealth and beauty of India-our motherland whenever it is sung, a deep sense of respect and love towards the motherland comes up in the minds of all Indians.The National Emblem: - Is a picture of four lions seated back, to back, a galloping horse, a wheel and a bull at the bottom. This has been selected from the Ashoka pillar at Sarnath. The Emblem has been adopted as the national symbol and it is seen in currency notes, coins, documents of national importance and it is displayed in all public buildings all over the country. The emblem has a special place in international scene also since India has been the only country, which has upheld the principles of peace, understanding and harmony among nations of the world. Thus national symbols of our country not only promote integration but also take us to the level of international understanding.

NATIONAL FESTIVALS National festivals are very significant in unifying Indians. Gandhi Jayanthi, The Republic Day and the Independence Day are the national festivals. They are celebrated all over the country.

15th Aug (1947): - The celebration of the Independence Day is the most sacred of all. It marks the dawn of freedom from the British Rule. Hoisting of the National Flag, singing of the National Anthem and speeches highlighting the sacrifices of freedom fighter are the main programmes of the celebration. The day stands for creating a sense of responsibility on the part of Indians. It strengthens freedom and hence its unity and integrity. Patriotic spirit takes the place of regionalism, casteism and communalism. So, it is a strong factor in promoting integration.

26th Jan 1950): - The Republic Day makes the beginning of the implementation of a Republic type of constitution in a Republic. The head of the nation is elected. Since equality is the key to our constitution, there cannot be any room for encouraging divisive forces.

2nd October (1869): - Gandhi Jayanthi is celebrated in order to express our deep respect for great ideals of Mahatma Gandhi on the occasion of his birth day. Truth, Non- violence, simplicity, universal brotherhood of ma, dignity of labour and such others, as practiced by Gandhi are highlighted so that students inculcatethese values of life styles also. These festivals help in the formation of a strong, safe and united India. They keep the spirit of freedom alive in the hearts of Indians for all times to come.

1. Imagine that you are Sandeep/ Shruti, a student of Govt High school Kushalanagar.Write a letter to your younger brother--- asking him to study hard using the clues given below.Wishing -----poor performance in the exam----- attending public exam ---- advise to study hard ----parents expectation --- career ----hoping good performance.

SandeepX, Govt High SchoolKushalanagarDate: 21-11-2009

To, Dear brother , Somu,

Somu, how are you? Everybody is fine here. I hope you are also fine.

I came to know that your poor performance in the terminal examination getting only

43% You know you are going to attend the VII std public examination .Stop watching T.V. all

the time. Try to spend more time in the school library. Try to make notes in all the subjects .Father

and mother expect a very good result from you. It also develops your career. Think of your future.

I hope you will do good performance in the next exam .Write me often .Wish you a

good luck.

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Your loving brotherSandeep

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Your loving brotherSandeep