Engineers Foundation - Wisconsin Society of Professional ... High School Seniors Memo C.pdf · A...

Engineers Foundation Steve Berg, P.E., EFW President RA Smith Inc. 16745 W. Bluemound Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005 Phone: (262) 317-3310 October 2017 To: Wisconsin High School Seniors From: Engineers Foundation of Wisconsin (EFW) Subject: 2017-2018 Scholarships: Engineers Foundation of Wisconsin The Engineers Foundation of Wisconsin, a non-profit foundation of the Wisconsin Society of Professional Engineers, is pleased to notify you regarding our 2017-2018 Engineering Scholarships. The scholarships are available to graduating high school seniors who plan to study engineering. The State’s EFW Scholarships will be awarded to students enrolled in an ABET accredited program leading to a baccalaureate degree in engineering and intend to enter the profession of engineering upon graduation. We are pleased to announce that we have 11 scholarships for a total of $22,000. The Engineering Foundation of Wisconsin Scholarship, 4 scholarships, each $2000 The Louis C Geiger Scholarship, 3 scholarships, each $2000 The Behling Scholarship, 2 scholarships, each $2000 The WSPE Past Presidents Scholarship, 1 scholarship, $2000 The Yu-Hwa Terry Ni FREE Program, $2000, awarded in 1 or 2 scholarships There are 3 scholarships in the name of Louis C. Geiger, who as the 1968 WSPE President advanced the engineering profession and our High School Students Awards Program. Another returning scholarship(s) is provided by Yu-Hwa Terry Ni, P.E. through the Funds for the Restoration and Enhancement of the Earth (FREE) Program. The FREE Program is established to encourage and increase involvement activities for restoration and enhancement of the Earth to improve sustainability. EFW will be awarding a total of $22,000 (an increase of $4000 since October 2016) through the 11 scholarships this year. Each applicant will be considered for all scholarships. In addition to the State’s EFW Scholarship Program, several local chapters of the WSPE organization, throughout the state, also award scholarships to students in their local areas. They will be using the same application form for their selection and awards. Please note that all scholarship applications should be returned to the local chapter scholarship chairman, in your area, identified near the end of the application form. All applications should be postmarked no later than Monday, December 18, 2017. If there are any questions about the application form or mailing instructions, please contact Al Lindner, P.E., at (414) 412-7333 during working hours (please leave a message), or any time by e-mail, [email protected] Also attached to this memo below, is a brochure describing the difference between a 2-year engineering technology degrees and 4-year engineering Bachelor of Science degree. The Wisconsin Society of Professional Engineers receives numerous inquiries from students and school counselors regarding the difference between the two degrees. We hope this clarifies the difference. Trustees 2017-2018 Steve Berg, P.E. Mark Conti, P.E. Martin Hanson, P.E. Glen Jablonka, P.E. Katie Jelacic, P.E. Albert Lindner, P.E. Kim Lobdell, P.E. Doug Senso, P.E. Glen Schwalbach, P.E.

Transcript of Engineers Foundation - Wisconsin Society of Professional ... High School Seniors Memo C.pdf · A...

Page 1: Engineers Foundation - Wisconsin Society of Professional ... High School Seniors Memo C.pdf · A state society of the National Society of Professional Engineers. Wisconsin Society

Engineers Foundation

Steve Berg, P.E., EFW President RA Smith Inc. 16745 W. Bluemound Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005 Phone: (262) 317-3310

October 2017

To: Wisconsin High School Seniors

From: Engineers Foundation of Wisconsin (EFW)

Subject: 2017-2018 Scholarships: Engineers Foundation of Wisconsin The Engineers Foundation of Wisconsin, a non-profit foundation of the Wisconsin Society of Professional Engineers, is

pleased to notify you regarding our 2017-2018 Engineering Scholarships. The scholarships are available to

graduating high school seniors who plan to study engineering. The State’s EFW Scholarships will be awarded to

students enrolled in an ABET accredited program leading to a baccalaureate degree in engineering and intend to enter

the profession of engineering upon graduation.

We are pleased to announce that we have 11 scholarships for a total of $22,000.

• The Engineering Foundation of Wisconsin Scholarship, 4 scholarships, each $2000

• The Louis C Geiger Scholarship, 3 scholarships, each $2000

• The Behling Scholarship, 2 scholarships, each $2000

• The WSPE Past Presidents Scholarship, 1 scholarship, $2000

• The Yu-Hwa Terry Ni FREE Program, $2000, awarded in 1 or 2 scholarships

There are 3 scholarships in the name of Louis C. Geiger, who as the 1968 WSPE President advanced the engineering

profession and our High School Students Awards Program. Another returning scholarship(s) is provided by Yu-Hwa

Terry Ni, P.E. through the Funds for the Restoration and Enhancement of the Earth (FREE) Program. The FREE

Program is established to encourage and increase involvement activities for restoration and enhancement of the Earth to

improve sustainability.

EFW will be awarding a total of $22,000 (an increase of $4000 since October 2016) through the 11 scholarships this

year. Each applicant will be considered for all scholarships.

In addition to the State’s EFW Scholarship Program, several local chapters of the WSPE organization, throughout the

state, also award scholarships to students in their local areas. They will be using the same application form for their

selection and awards.

Please note that all scholarship applications should be returned to the local chapter scholarship chairman, in your area,

identified near the end of the application form.

All applications should be postmarked no later than Monday, December 18, 2017. If there are any questions about the

application form or mailing instructions, please contact Al Lindner, P.E., at (414) 412-7333 during working hours

(please leave a message), or any time by e-mail, [email protected]

Also attached to this memo below, is a brochure describing the difference between a 2-year engineering technology degrees and 4-year engineering Bachelor of Science degree. The Wisconsin Society of Professional Engineers receives

numerous inquiries from students and school counselors regarding the difference between the two degrees. We hope

this clarifies the difference.

Trustees 2017-2018 Steve Berg, P.E. Mark Conti, P.E. Martin Hanson, P.E. Glen Jablonka, P.E. Katie Jelacic, P.E. Albert Lindner, P.E. Kim Lobdell, P.E. Doug Senso, P.E. Glen Schwalbach, P.E.

Page 2: Engineers Foundation - Wisconsin Society of Professional ... High School Seniors Memo C.pdf · A state society of the National Society of Professional Engineers. Wisconsin Society

A state society of the National Society of Professional Engineers

Wisconsin Society ofProfessional Engineers

Thinking aboutpursuing a career in


ABET (formerly the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) evaluates 2-year and 4-year engineering technology and 4-year engineering programs all differently. Only the 4-year engineering program accredited by ABET is expected to prepare a student for professional licensure.

It is GREAT that you areconsidering engineering asa career path! Serving the public as a licensed Professional Engineer can be particularly rewarding. If you think you may want to pursue licensure, we encourage you to pursue a 4-year engineering degree from an ABET-accredited engineering college as a starting point. WSPE also encourages licensure for engineers who may never work directly for the public or on projects that will be used/occupied by the public.

A state society of the National Society of Professional Engineers

Wisconsin Society ofProfessional Engineers

QUESTIONS?Please feel free to contact the

Wisconsin Society of ProfessionalEngineers for additional information and insight on

engineering as a career, and how to best startyour journey to becoming an engineer.

WSPE Contacts:

[email protected]

Links to additional information on the engineering profession and licensure:


What is a PE?

How to Get Licensed?

Why Get Licensed?


A state society of the National Society of Professional Engineers

Wisconsin Society ofProfessional Engineers

Page 3: Engineers Foundation - Wisconsin Society of Professional ... High School Seniors Memo C.pdf · A state society of the National Society of Professional Engineers. Wisconsin Society

A state society of the National Society of Professional Engineers

Wisconsin Society ofProfessional Engineers

That's excellent!Engineering can be a very rewarding

experience, not only as a great way to earn a living, but also as a satisfying experience of improving the everyday

lives of the general public.What do engineers do?

What is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE)?

"Engineer" is a broad term that many job descriptions may include. Position titles such as Maintenance Engineer, Boiler Engineer, Communications Engineer, and Engineer (operators of trains or other heavy equipment or engines) are examples of job titles that have developed over the years. These jobs are very important in today's workforce, but they may not embody the true definition of engineering.Many of these jobs are very important skilled trades but they normally only require a 2-year associate

degree and should be titled “technician” or “engineering technician,” not “engineer.” Note there are also 4-year engineering technology degrees available for becoming an “engineering technologist.”

A second grouping of engineering positions does require a 4-year Baccalaureate degree in engineering, but typically does not require licensure to practice by the state in which the work is taking place. Engineers who work for private manufacturers which sell their products, rather than engineering services, to individuals and various entities are examples of engineers who often fit into this grouping. Note that engineers in this type of engineering field sometimes pursue licensure from their state, but such licensure is normally not required to perform their job duties. Note: licensure is recommended for expert witness endeavors and for giving testimony for lawsuits.

A third grouping consists of engineers who are in charge of other engineers and engineering projects and offer their services to third parties. Examples are engineers who are involved in such projects as large buildings, roadways, bridges, water purification

facilities and waste water plants. To hold paramount the health, safety and welfare of the public, engineers who offer their services to the public or are in charge of public projects are required to be licensed by the state in which the work takes place.

Requirements for licensure vary slightly from state to state, but the typical requirements are:

• A 4-year degree in engineering from anABET-accredited engineering program

• Passage of the 6-hour Fundamentals ofEngineering (FE) exam,followed by

• Four years of engineering work experienceunder the supervision of a licensedProfessional Engineer,followed by

• Passage of the 8-hour Principles and Practice ofEngineering (PE) exam.

Engineering – the application of scientific principles to practical ends in the design, construction and operation of efficient and economical structures, equipment, and systems.