ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS IV Sub Code : 16MA41 Credits : 04 CIE: 50 Marks SEE : 50 Marks Hours/Week: 4 Hrs (Theory) Total Hrs: 52 SEE : 03 Hrs Course objectives: To enable the students to obtain the knowledge of Engineering Mathematics in the following topics: Numerical methods to solve ordinary differential equations Series solution by Frobenius method Complex analysis and complex integration. Probability distributions and sampling theory Joint probability distribution and stochastic process Module I Numerical methods: Numerical solutions of first order and first degree ordinary differential equationsTaylors series method, modified Eulers method, Runge Kutta method of fourth order, Adams-Bashforth predictor and corrector methods(All formulae without proof). problems. Series solutions of ordinary differential equations and special functions Series solutionFrobenius method, series solution of Bessel‘s differential equation leading to Bessel‘s function of first kind. Series solution of Legendre‘s differential equation leading to Legendre polynomials. Rodrigue‘s formula. problems. 10 HOURS Module II Complex variables: Function of a complex variable, limit, continuity, differentiabilityDefinitions. Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations in Cartesian and polar forms. Properties of analytic functions. Conformal transformation-Definition. Discussion of transformations: W=z 2 ,W=e Z . Bilinear transformations. problems.

Transcript of ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS IV Sub Code : 16MA41 … ·  ·...

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Sub Code : 16MA41 Credits : 04

CIE: 50 Marks SEE : 50 Marks

Hours/Week: 4 Hrs (Theory) Total Hrs: 52

SEE : 03 Hrs

Course objectives:

To enable the students to obtain the knowledge of Engineering Mathematics in the following topics:

Numerical methods to solve ordinary differential equations

Series solution by Frobenius method

Complex analysis and complex integration.

Probability distributions and sampling theory

Joint probability distribution and stochastic process

Module I

Numerical methods: Numerical solutions of first order and first degree ordinary differential

equations—Taylors series method, modified Eulers method, Runge –Kutta method of fourth

order, Adams-Bashforth predictor and corrector methods(All formulae without proof).


Series solutions of ordinary differential equations and special functions Series solution—

Frobenius method, series solution of Bessel‘s differential equation leading to Bessel‘s function

of first kind. Series solution of Legendre‘s differential equation leading to Legendre

polynomials. Rodrigue‘s formula. problems.


Module II

Complex variables: Function of a complex variable, limit, continuity, differentiability—

Definitions. Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations in Cartesian and polar forms.

Properties of analytic functions. Conformal transformation-Definition. Discussion of

transformations: W=z2

,W=eZ. Bilinear transformations. problems.

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Complex integration:

Complex line integrals, Cauchy‘s theorem, Cauchy‘s integral formula. Taylor‘s and Laurent‘s

series(Statements only). Singularities, poles, residues, Cauchy‘s residue theorem. (statement



Module III

Statistical methods: Curve fitting by the method of least squares: ,

, Correlation, Rank correlation, lines of regression and angle between two

regression lines. Probability: Addition rule, multiplication rule, conditional probability,Baye‘s

theorem. Problems.


Module IV

Random Variable: Random variable (Discrete and continuous) p.d.f., c.d.f., Binomial

distribution, Poisson distribution and Normal distribution. Problems.

Sampling theory: Sampling, sampling distribution, standard error. Testing of hypothesis for

means. Cofidence limits for means, student‘s t-distribution, Chi-square distribution, test of

goodness of fit. Problems.


Module V

Joint probability distributions and Markov chains: Concept of joint probability distribution,

discrete and continuous random variables. Expectation, covariance , correlation coefficient.

Probability vectors, stochastic matrices, fixed points, regular stochastic matrices. Markov chains

and absorbing states. Problems.


Course outcomes:

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After completion of this course, the students will be able to:

1. Computation of numerical solutions to solve first and second order ordinary differential equations.


2.Solve series solution of ordinary differential equations by Frobenius methods. (C3)

3 Discuss complex functions. Solve bilinear transformation problems and evaluation of complex

integration, compute residues and apply residue theorem to evaluate complex integrals. (C2)

4.Use of probability distributions and joint probability distributions . Analyze, evaluate scientific

hypothesis and theories using statistical methods. (C4)

C2, C3, C4: Cognitive levels.

SEE Pattern:

1 Question paper will have TEN questions.

2 Each full question consisting of 20 marks

3 There will be TWO full questions (with maximum of four sub-questions) covering all the entire topic

under module.

4The student shall answer FIVE full questions, selecting one full question from each module.

Text books

1.Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S.Grewal, 36th


2.Engineering Mathematics by N.P.Bali and Manish Goyal. Laxmi publications,latest edition.

3.Higher Engineering Mathematics by H.K.Dass and Er. Rajnish Verma. S.Chand pnblishing 1st

edition - 2011.

Reference books:

1.Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E. Kreyszig, John Willey & sons 8th


2.A short course in differential equations – Rainvile E.D.9th


3.Advanced Engineering Mathematics by R.K.Jain & S.R.K Iyengar; Narosa publishing House.

4.Introductory methods of numerical analysis by S.S.Sastry.

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Sub Code : 15IS42 Credits : 04

CIE: 50 Marks SEE : 50 Marks

Hours/Week: 4 Hrs (Theory) Total Hrs: 52

SEE : 03 Hrs

Module I

Automata: Why study automata theory, introduction to formal proof, inductive proofs, the

central concept of automata theory. Deterministic Finite Automata, Nondeterministic Finite

Automata, An application: Text search, Finite Automata with Epsilon Transitions.


Module II

Finite automata, regular expressions: An application of finite automata; Finite automata with

Epsilon-transitions; Regular expressions; Finite Automata and Regular Expressions;

Applications of Regular Expressions. Algebraic Laws for Regular Expressions.

Properties of Regular Languages: Proving Languages not to be Regular, Closure Properties of

Regular Languages, Equivalence and Minimization of Automata.


Module III

Context-Free Grammars and Languages: Context-free Grammars, Parse Trees, Applications

of Context-Free Grammars, Ambiguity in Grammars and Languages.

Properties of Context-Free Languages: Normal Forms for Context-Free Grammars, The

Pumping Lemma for Context-free Languages,


Module IV

Properties of Context-Free Languages: Closure Properties of Context-Free Languages.

Pushdown Automata: Definition of the Pushdown Automaton, The Languages of a PDA,

Equivalence of PDA‘s and CFG‘s, Deterministic Pushdown Automata.


Module V

Introduction to Turing machine: Problems that Computers cannot solve; The turning machine;

Programming techniques for Turning Machines; Extensions to the basic Turning Machines;

Undecidability: A Language that is not recursively enumerable; An Undecidable problem that is

RE; Post‘s Correspondence problem;


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Course outcomes:

After completion of this course, the students will be able to:

1. Describe the basic concepts of formal languages and finite automata. (C2)

2. Construct automata to accept strings from a specified language. (C1, C3)

3. Convert among equivalently powerful notations for a language, including among DFAs,

NFAs, and regular expressions, between PDAs, CFGs and normal forms of CFGs. (C3, C5)

4. Apply finite automata concepts in complier design. (C3)

SEE Pattern :

1.The question paper will have TEN questions.

2.There will be TWO questions in each module, covering all the topics.

3.The student need to answer FIVE full questions, selecting ONE full question from each


Text Book:

Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation – John E.. Hopcroft, Rajeev

Motwani, Jeffrey D.Ullman:, 3rd Edition, Pearson education, 2007.

Reference Books:

1. Fundamentals of the Theory of Computation: Principles and Practice – Raymond Greenlaw,

H.James Hoove, Morgan Kaufmann, 1998.

2. Introduction to Languages and Automata Theory – John C Martin, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-

Hill, 2007.

3. Introduction to Computer Theory – Daniel I.A. Cohen, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.

4. An Introduction to the Theory of Computer Science, Languages and Machines – Thomas A.

Sudkamp, 3rdEdition, Pearson Education, 2006.

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Sub Code : 15IS43 Credits : 03

CIE: 50 Marks SEE : 50 Marks

Hours/Week: 03 (Theory) Total Hrs: 42

SEE : 03 Hrs

Module I

Introduction - Why UNIX? , Computer System, The UNIX Environment, UNIX Structure,

Accessing Unix, Commands, Common Commands, Other Useful Commands. File Systems-

Filenames, File types, Regular Files, Directories, File System Implementation, Operations

Unique to Directories, Operations Unique to Regular Files, Operations Common to Both.

Security and File Permission – Users and Groups, Security Levels, Changing permissions, User

masks , Changing Ownership and group

vi Editor - The Basic vi Editor and its operations


Module I1

Introduction to Shells- Unix Session , Standard Streams , Redirection, Pipes , tee command ,

Command execution , Quotes , Command substitution, Job Control, Aliases, Variables,

predefined variables, Options, Shell/Environment Customization.

Communications – User Communication, Electronic Mail, Remote Access, File Transfer.

Interactive Korn Shell – Korn Shell Features, Two Special Files , Variables, Output, Input, exit

status of a command, eval command , Environmental variables, options, Startup Scripts ,

Command History, Command execution process.

Korn Shell Programming – Basic Script Concepts, Expressions, Decisions: Making Selections,

Repetition, Special Parameters and variables, Changing Positional Parameters, Argument

Validation, Debugging Scripts, Script Examples.


Module III

Perl: Perl Preliminaries and its scripts. Awk: Awk program line and script structure and its all

built in commands

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The Process: Process Basics, ps: Process Status, System Processes (-e or -a), Mechanism of Process

Creation, Internal and External Commands, Running Jobs in Background, Killing Processes with

Signals, Job Control, at and batch: Execute Later

Introduction To System Administration: root: The System Administrator's Login, The

Administrator's Privileges, Maintaining Security, /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files, The crypt

command, User Management, Start up and Shutdown, Managing Disk Space, Device Files, Handling

Floppy Diskettes, cpio: A Backup Program, tar: The "Tape" Archive Program, Partitions and File

Systems, Mounting and Unmounting File Systems, System Startup and init, Shutdown and the sync



Module IV

Python Programming Language- About Python, Python development environment

programming fundamental concepts, literals, variables, identifiers ,operators ,data types

control structure ,conditional and loop structures, Lists, loop statements in lists, Functions.


Module V

Software objects- Fundamentals of Turtle attributes, behavior and graphics, Creating multiple


Models-Python models ,name spaces, text files, string processing, Exceptional handling in



Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course, the students will be able to:

1. Identify the process of UNIX operating system and Vi-editor and Familiarize with UNIX internal and

external commands.(C1,C2)

2. Apply the programming concepts of SHELL, AWK ,PERL and system administration commands and


3. Explain Python syntax and semantics and Illustrate the concepts of Object-Oriented

programming as used in Python.(C2,C1)

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4. Demonstrate the fluency in using Python flow control and functions and Design and develop

Python models and text files.(C5,C3)

SEE Pattern :

1.The question paper will have TEN questions.

2.There will be TWO questions in each module, covering all the topics.

3.The student need to answer FIVE full questions, selecting ONE full question from each


Text Books: 1. Sumitabha Das, UNIX Concepts and Applications, Fourth edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007

2. Charles Dierbach, Introduction to Computer Science using PYTHON - A Computational

Problem -Solving Focus, Wiley India Edition

Reference Books: 1. Behrouz A. Forouzan and Richard F.Gilberg ,Unix and Shell Programming A Text book, Thomson, Edition-2003. 2. Kenneth Rosen, Douglas Host, James Farber and Richard Rosinski, The Complete Reference UNIX, Tata McGraw- Hill, Edition 20.

3. Reference Books: 1. Kenneth A. Lambert , B.L Juneja , ―Fundamentals of Python

Programming‖, Cengage Learning,ISBN:978- 81-315-2903-4, 2015

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Sub Code : 15IS44 Credits: 04

CIE: 50 Marks SEE: 50 Marks

Hrs/Week: 4 Hrs (Theory) Total Hrs: 52

SEE:03 Hrs.

Module I

Introduction: What is an Algorithm? Fundamentals of Algorithmic Problem Solving, Important

Problem Types, Fundamental Data Structures

Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency: Analysis Framework, Asymptotic

Notations and Basic Efficiency Classes, Mathematical Analysis of Non-recursive and Recursive

Algorithms, Example -Fibonacci Numbers


Module II

Brute Force: Selection Sort and Bubble Sort, Sequential Search and Brute-Force String

Matching, Exhaustive Search

Divide and Conquer: Merge sort, Quick sort, Binary Search


Module III

Divide and Conquer contd:Binary tree traversals and related properties, Multiplication of large

integers and Stressen's Matrix Multiplication .Decrease and Conquer: Insertion Sort, Depth First

Search, Breadth First Search, Topological Sorting.

Transform and Conquer: Balanced Search Trees, Heaps and Heapsort, Space and Time

Tradeoff :Input Enhancement in String Matching.


Module IV

Space and Time Tradeoff Contd: Hashing Dynamic Programming: Computing a Binomial

Coefficient, Warshall's and Floyd's Algorithms, the Knapsack Problem and Memory Functions


Module V

Greedy Technique: Prim's Algorithm, Kruskal‘s Algorithm, Dijkstra's Algorithm, Huffman


Limitations of Algorithm Power: Lower-Bound Arguments, Decision Trees

Limitations of Algorithm Power contd: P, NP and NP-Complete Problems. Coping with the

Limitations of Algorithm Power: Backtracking, Branch-and Bound, Approximation Algorithms


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Course Outcomes :

After completion of this course, the students will be able to:

1.Define the basic concepts of algorithm and analyze the performance of algorithms(C1,C4)

2.Identify the given problem and design the algorithm using various algorithm design


3.Discuss various searching , sorting and graph traversal algorithm.(C2)

4.Analyze deterministic and Non-deterministic completeness and identify different NP


SEE Pattern :

1.The question paper will have TEN questions.

2.There will be TWO questions in each module, covering all the topics.

3.The student need to answer FIVE full questions, selecting ONE full question from each


Text Book: Introduction to The Design & Analysis of Algorithms, AnanyLevitin.2ndEdition,

Pearson Education, 2007.

Reference Books:

1. Introduction to Algorithms, Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronal k. Rivesk

Clifford Stein, 2ndEdition, PHI, 2006.

2.Computer Algorithms by Horowi'tzE., Sahni S., Rajasekaran S.,Galgofia

Publications, 2001.

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Sub Code: 15IS45 Credits: 04

CIE: 50 Marks SEE: 50 Marks

Hours/Week:4 Hrs (Theory) Total Hrs: 52

SEE: 03 Hrs


Module I

The Microprocessor and its Architecture: Introduction, Internal microprocessor architecture,

Real mode memory addressing, protected mode memory addressing, memory paging.

Addressing Modes: Data Addressing Modes, Program memory-Addressing Modes, Stack

memory addressing modes.

8086/8088 Hardware Specifications: Pin-outs and the pin function, clock generator, bus

buffering and latching, bus timing, ready and the wait state, minimum mode versus maximum

mode 11 HOURS

Module II

Data Movement Instructions: MOV revisited, PUSH/POP, Load effective address, string data

transfers, miscellaneous data transfer instructions.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions: Addition, Subtraction and comparison, Multiplication and

division, BCD and ASCII Arithmetic, Basic logic instructions, shift and rotate, string

comparisons. 10 HOURS

Module III

Program Control Instructions: The jump group, controlling the flow of an assembly language

program, procedures, Introduction to interrupts, machine control and miscellaneous instructions.

Programming the Microprocessor: Modular programming using the keyboard and video

display, data conversions, disk files, example programs.


Module IV

Memory Interface: Memory devices, Address decoding, 8088 and 80188(8 bit) Memory

interface, 8086 (16-Bit) memory interface.

Basic I/O Interface: Introduction to I/O interface, I/O port address decoding,

The programmable peripheral interface 82C55, programmable keyboard/Display interface 8279,

programmable interval timer 8254


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Module V

Introduction to ARM: RISC and CISC Architectures

The ARM Architecture: The Acorn RISC Machine, Architectural inheritance

The ARM programmer’s model: General purpose registers, CPSR, SPSR, ARM memory map,

data format, load and store architecture, ARM development tools.

ARM Assembly language Programming: data processing instructions, Data transfer instruction,

Control flow instructions, Writing simple assembly language programs, examples.


Course outcomes:

After completion of this course, the students will be able to:

1. Describe the architecture and organization of the Processors and Design Operation Modes and

States using special purpose registers. (C1,C2,C5)

2. Develop assembly language programs using structures like loops and subroutines and design

the application programs with interfacing the input output devices (C5)

3. Formulate interrupt programs for memory systems using different interrupt methods . (c5)

4. Describe the internal architecture of ARM Processor.(C2)

SEE Pattern :

1.The question paper will have TEN questions.

2.There will be TWO questions in each module, covering all the topics.

3.The student need to answer FIVE full questions, selecting ONE full question from each


Text Books:

1. The Intel Microprocessors 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80486, Pentium and

Pentium pro processor by Barry B. Brey 6th

Edition, Pearson Education.

2. ARM System-on-Chip Architecture, Steve Furber, Second Edition, Pearson, 2015

Reference Books:

1. Advanced Microprocessors and peripherals Architecture, Programming and Interfacing

by Ajay Kumar Ray & Kishore M Burchandi

2. Microprocessor architecture, Programming and Applications with the 8085 by Ramesh

S Goankar,4th


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3. Microprocessors and Interfacing Programming and Hardware, Douglas V. Hall, 2nd

Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.

4. The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3, by Joseph Yiu, 2nd Edition , Newnes,


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Sub Code : 15IS46 Credits: 03

CIE: 50 Marks SEE : 50 Marks

Hrs/Week: 03 Hrs (Theory) Total Hrs: 42

SEE: 03 Hrs

Module I

Introduction: Professional Software Development, Software Engineering Ethics. Case Studies.

Software Processes: Models. Process activities. Coping with Change. The Rational Unified



Module II

Agile Software Development: Agile methods . Plan-driven and agile development. Extreme

programming. Agile project management. Scaling agile methods. Requirements Engineering:

Functional and non-functional requirements .The software Requirements Document.

Requirements Specification . Requirements Engineering Processes. Requirements Elicitation and

Analysis. Requirements validation. Requirements Management


Module III

System Models: Context models. Interaction models. Structural models. Behavioural models.

Model-driven engineering. Design and Implementation: Object-oriented design using the UML.

Design patterns. Implementation issues. Open source development


Module IV

Software Testing: Development testing, Test-driven development, Release testing, User testing.

Software Evolution: Evolution processes .Program evolution dynamics. Software maintenance. Legacy

system management


Module V

Project Planning: Software pricing. Plan-driven development. Project scheduling. Agile

planning. Estimation techniques. Quality management : Software quality. Software standards.

Reviews and inspections. Software measurement and metrics


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Course outcomes:

After completion of this course, the students will be able to:

1.Describe software development life cycle processes.(C2)

2: Analyze software requirements and generate SRS.(C3)

3: Describe design concepts and develop design document.( C2)

4: Describe SQA tasks, goals, and metrics, and test strategies and Explain Project management

concepts and metrics.(C2)

SEE Pattern :

1.The question paper will have TEN questions.

2.There will be TWO questions in each module, covering all the topics.

3.The student need to answer FIVE full questions, selecting ONE full question from each


Text Book:

Software Engineering by Ian Sommerville, 9th Edition, Pearson Education, 2012.

Reference Books:

1. Roger.S.Pressman: Software Engineering-A Practitioners approach, 7th Edition, Tata

McGraw Hill

2. PankajJalote: An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, Wiley India

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Subject Code : 15IS47 Credits :01

Hours/Week: 02 Hrs (Practical) SEE: 50 Marks

CIE: 50 Marks SEE: 03 Hrs.

UNIX System Programming

1. Shell script that accepts two filenames as arguments. Checks if the permissions for these

files are identical and if the permissions are identical, outputs the common permissions,

otherwise outputs each filename followed by its permission.

2.Shell function that takes a valid directory names as an argument and recursively descends

all the subdirectories finds the maximum length of any file in that hierarchy and writes this

maximum value to the standard output.

3.Shell Script to display the calendar for current month with current date replace by * or **

depending on whether date has one digit or two digits.

4.Perl program to convert an unsigned binary number to decimal. If an argument is present, it

can be a valid binary number and if no argument is present the program should display an

error message.

5.Perl script that takes the temperature in centigrade and convert into Fahrenheit.

6.Perl script that check whether the given year is leap year or not.

7.Perl program which prompts for a decimal number and checks only for digits with a

decimal point (4 digit number).

8.AWK script that folds long line into 40 columns. Thus any line that exceeds 40 characters

must be broken after 40th

and is to be continued with the residue. The inputs to be supplied

through a text file created by the user.

9.Shell script to implement terminal locking. It should prompt the user for a password. After

accepting the password entered by the user it must prompt again for password confirmation

(to retype the password). If a match occurs, it must lock the terminal and prompt for the

password. If the proper password is entered, the terminal must be unlocked. Note the script

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must be written to disregard BREAK control-D etc. No time limit need be implemented for

the lock direction.

10.AWK script to delete duplicate lines from a text file. The order of the original must

remain unchanged.


11. Write a python program to that performs all the arithmetic operations on the basic salary

of employee, that calculates Gross salary including HRA, DA and bonus (if required).

Assume the data.

GS = HRA + DA + Bonus (if Required)

HRA = bs * 10/100

DA = bs * 50/100

12. Write a python program to display the grades of the students based upon the marks

obtained in the subjects.

13. Write a python program that allow us to determine the length of the time needed to pay

off a credit card balance, as well as the total interest paid.

14. Write a python program to display a calendar year for any year between 1800 and 2099.

15.Perform the following string operations

1. Extract the second letter.

2. Extract the first four letters.

3. Extract the last six letters.

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course, the students will be able to:

1. Express the basic features of UNIX operating system.(C2,C1)

2. Gain competency in using the Vi editor.(C1)

3.Describe the UNIX directory structure and permissions and shell scripts, text formatting,

PERL and AWK programming.(C2,C1)

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4. Learn about functions - definition, default arguments, Lists, modules and objects in detail.(C6)

SEE Pattern :

Students will be asked to do Two programs from Unix System Programming and One from


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Subject Code: 15IS48 Credits: 01

Hours/Week: 02 Hrs (Practical) SEE: 50 Marks

CIE: 50 Marks SEE: 03 Hrs


1. Implement Recursive Binary search and Linear search and determine the

time required to search an element.

2. Sort a given set of elements using Heapsort method and determine

the time required to sort the elements.

3. Sort a given set of elements using Merge sort method and determine the

time required to sort the elements.

4. Sort a given set of elements using Selection sort and determine the time

required to sort elements.

5. Implement 0/1 Knapsack problem using dynamic programming.

6. From a given vertex in a weighted connected graph, find shortest paths

to other vertices using Dijkstra's algorithm.

7. Sort a given set of elements using Quick sort method and determine the

time required to sort the elements.

8. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using

Kruskal's algorithm.

9. A) Print all the nodes reachable from a given starting node in a digraph

using BFS method.

B) Check whether a given graph is connected or not using DFS method.

10. Find a subset of a given set S = {sl,s2 ...... ,sn} of n positive integers whose sum is equal

to a given positive integer d. For example, if S= {1, 2, 5, 6, 8} and d=9 there are two

solutions{l,2,6}and{l,8}.A suitable message is to be displayed if the given problem

instance doesn't have a solution.

11. A. Implement Horspool algorithm for String Matching.

B. Find the Binomial Co-efficient using Dynamic Programming.

12. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using Prim's algorithm.

13. A. Implement Floyd‘s algorithm for the All-Pairs- Shortest-Paths Problem.

B. Compute the transitive closure of a given directed graph using Warshall's algorithm.

14. Implement N Queen's problem using Back Tracking.

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course, the students will be able to:

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1.Identify the problem given and design the algorithm using various design techniques.(C1)

2.Design and implement basic data structure for searching and sorting algorithm.(C5,C2)

3.Describe the advanced sorting and graph algorithm.(C1)

4.Illustrate concepts of computational complexity and computability and be able to apply in


Note: For SEE, students will be asked to do one program which may be related to

the above list of programs.

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Subject Code: 11IS49 Credits: 01

Hours/Week: 02 Hrs (Practical) SEE: 50 Marks

CIE: 50 Marks SEE:03 Hrs.

1. a) Write an assembly language program to find the average of N numbers

b) Read the status of the eight input bits from the logic controller interface and display FF

if it is the parity of the input read is even; otherwise display 00.

2. a) Write an assembly language program to find the factorial of given positive

number using recursive and non recursive method

b) Perform the BCD UP-DOWN counter using the logic controller interfaces

3. a) Write an assembly language program to Sort a given set of N elements in ascending

order using bubble sort.

b) Perform the RING COUNTER using the logic controller interfaces.

4. a) Search a key element in a list of ‗n‘ 16-bit numbers using the Binary search


b) Display message PDA and CSE alternatively with flickering effects on a 7 segment

display interface for suitable period of time. Ensure a flashing rate that makes it easy to

read both the messages.

5. a) Write an assembly language program to find whether a given string is a palindrome or


b) Convert a 16-bit binary value (assumed to be an unsigned integer) to BCD and display

it from left to right and right to left for specified number of times on a 7-segment display


6. a) write an assembly language program to read two strings store them in location str1 and

str2 check whether they are equal or not and display appropriate message. Also display

the length of stored strings.

b)Derive a stepper motor interface to rotate the Motor in anti-clockwise by ‗N‘ steps.

7. a) Write an assembly language program to read your name from the keyboard and

display it at a specified location on screen in front of the message What is your name?

You must clear the entire screen before display.

b) Derive a stepper motor interface to rotate the Motor in clockwise by ‗N‘ steps

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8. a) Write an assembly language program to compute nCr using recursive procedure

Assume that ‗n‘ and ‗r‘ are non-negative integers.

b) Generate the Sine Wave using DAC interface (The output of the DAC is to be

displayed on the CRO)

9. a) Write an assembly language program to read the current time from the system and

display it in the standard format on the screen.

b) Generate a Half Rectified Sine wave from using the DAC interface (The output of the

DAC is to be displayed on the CRO)

10. a) Write an assembly language program to simulate decimal up counter to display from

00 to 99.

b) To write and simulate ARM assembly language programs for data transfer,

arithmetic and logical operations

11. a) Write an assembly language program to read a pair of input co-ordinates in BCD and

move the cursor to the specified location on the screen.

b)To interface LCD with ARM microprocessor. Write and execute programs in C

language for displaying text messages and numbers on LCD

12. a) Write an assembly language program to create a file and delete an existing file

b)To interface Stepper motor with ARM microprocessor. Write a program to

rotate motor in half step and full step mode

Course outcomes:

After completion of this course, the students will be able to:

1.Examine the instruction execution stages .(C1,C3)

2.Devise a Microprocessor assembly programs using various techniques like searching, sorting,

string comparisons etc.(C5)

3.Test assembly language programs with I/O devices connected to microprocessor.(C4)

4.Formulate and test ARM programs and also to interface with I/O devices.(C5)

Note: For SEE, students will be asked to do one program which may be related to

the above list of programs.