Engineering Art House

Equilibria Strategic Services THE SOLUTION Building an ecosystem means managing a delicate balance of stakeholders. By analyzing distribution channels and stakeholder needs, go-to-market becomes clear: we can solve tougher pain points for more stakeholders by launching in the corporate market. Bay Area start-up 6-month engagement On-site strategic planning with Founder Collaboration with UI/UX prototype teams Produced business plans, sales collateral, and website copy, refining value proposition iteratively Case Study THE CHALLENGE What’s our best go-to-market strategy? We know we want to build an interactive, online product for young engineers. Should we sell it to schools? To employers of recent graduates? Both? © 2016 Equilibria Strategic Services, LLC

Transcript of Engineering Art House

Equilibria Strategic Services


Building an ecosystem means managing a delicate balance of stakeholders.

By analyzing distribution channels and stakeholder needs, go-to-market becomes clear: we can solve tougher pain points for more stakeholders by launching in the corporate market.

•  Bay Area start-up •  6-month engagement •  On-site strategic planning with Founder •  Collaboration with UI/UX prototype teams •  Produced business plans, sales collateral, and website copy, refining value proposition iteratively

Case Study


What’s our best go-to-market strategy?

We know we want to build an interactive, online product for young engineers. Should we sell it to

schools? To employers of recent graduates? Both?

© 2016 Equilibria Strategic Services, LLC