Engineering Applications of IT s

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  • 8/3/2019 Engineering Applications of IT s


  • 8/3/2019 Engineering Applications of IT s


    What is Information Technology ?

    Introduction to Computer Fundamentals

    Classification of Computers

    Computer System Resources

    Current Trends in Computer


    Business application of Computer Systems

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    Information technology (IT) is theacquisition, processing and storage of vocal,

    pictorial, textual and numerical data by amicroelectronics-based combination of

    computing and communications-based

    devices and subsequent dissemination of the

    processed data - information.

    Nowadays, the basis of achieving the

    objectives of IT is through the Computer !!!
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    What is a Computer?

    Computers were originally designed to carry out mathematical computationsfor scientific research / studies. Hence, the term COMPUTER. But today, the

    activities being performed by the Computer is no longer limited tomathematical computations (electronic calculators have taken over thisfunction). Computers have now assumed the primary role ofenhancing thedecision making abilities of end users by giving them access to vast anddistant data resources and enabling them to evaluate / analyse useful datatimely and accurately. Therefore, the way we currently view computers havechanged, they are now seen as information processing systems.

    To this end, we shall define a computer as an interconnection of variouscomponents, coupled together for the purpose of accepting, analysing dataand eventually presenting the information derived therefrom based on apredefined sequence of logically related instructions.

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    Functions of a Computer




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    Storage / Memory

    Computer System Schematic

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    This represents the data capture point. Various input devices currently exist aswill be discussed in this course. The keyboard is undoubtedly the most

    common input device. Other commonly used input devices are the mouse,scanners, light pen, card reader, e.t.c.

    While the underlying technology of these input devices differs, theyessentially transform input data, in whatever form, into one recognisable tothe computer.

    Consider a system that processes the Materials Requirements of a largemanufacturing company. A typical input data for the system is the Bill ofMaterial structure for each product to made for a given period. This can becaptured by entering the data via the keyboard or by directly linking MasterProduction Scheduler system to the MRP I system.

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    This function of the computer system transforms the input

    data to information based on a predefined set ofinstructions. This set of instructions, universally referredto as a computer program, is human defined.Consequently, the computer will process the input datairrespective of whether the processing logic has beenproperly defined or not.

    The main processing component of the computer isreferred to as the Central Processing Unit [CPU]. Althoughone CPU is normally required, some computers employseveral CPU's working simultaneously.

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    This function presents information in auseful form to the outside world i.e. inreport form. A myriad of output devicescurrently exists. These include the visualdisplay unit (VDU), printers, plotters etc.

    Output from the MRP I will includenumerous management and statutoryreports such as production schedule, etc.

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    Traditionally, classification of computers was based ontheir:

    - Size,- Processing Ability,

    - Architecture,

    - Storage Ability, e.t.c,

    Computers were classified into the following categories:

    - Mainframe Computers,

    - Minicomputers,

    - Microcomputers.

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    This class of computers can handle the computing needs of several dozen to hundreds of users

    simultaneously. It is very bulky and has great storage capability. Consequently, mainframe

    installations are very big, expensive and exist where processing requirement is intensive in terms

    of volume and response time. Nowadays, these types of computer systems are referred to as

    Legacy Systems.


    Compared to the mainframe, the traditional minicomputer is a relatively smaller computer.

    Although it is powerful and has very good multi user capability, it is not designed to handle the

    same volume of transactions as the mainframe. Also, these types of computer systems are referred

    to as Legacy Systems.


    The microcomputer is the smallest member of the computer family. Unlike the mainframe and theminicomputer, the microcomputer is cheap, has moderate processing and storage abilities and only

    occupies a very small space e.g. the desktop. Originally targeted at the personal /domestic user -,

    hence the name Personal Computer [PC] -, however, advances in PC technology and the improved

    processing ability this engendered, has seen the incursion of the PC into the business world.

    In recent times, the line of demarcation had become blurred.

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    Resource Types

    There are three types of computer resources. These are

    hardware, software and data resources. Hardware is theall-encompassing term describing the electrical,electronics and mechanical components of the computersystem. Software refers to the suites of instructions thatrun the hardware, while, data are facts or observationsabout the entities that a computer system needs tomaintain details on. These data are processed into

    valuable information products by the other resources.

    Example of hardware resources include the system unit,magnetic storage devices, printers, the keyboard,microprocessor [CPU on a chip], e.t.c.

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    Hardware Resources System Unit

    The system unit houses the computer's electronic parts such as the CPU, the

    cooling system, power supply, storage, e.t.c.

    The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

    The CPU is the most important hardware component of a computer system.


    - performs all the arithmetic and logic operations

    - provides primary / temporary storage.

    - executes / coordinates the activities of the computer including

    the interaction with input / output devices (also known as


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    Computer Memory

    There are two general types of memory differing mainly in nature of use andvolatility. These are the Read-Only Memory [ROM] and Random Access Memory[RAM].

    1. Read Only Memory (ROM)

    It serves as the computer's permanent memory, housinginstructions and data essential for the working of computer.Information stored in ROM is not lost when power supply iscut.

    2. Random Access Memory (RAM)

    The RAM is designed and used as the computer's scratchwork area, where programs and data are processed. Thismemory is characterized by it's volatility as it's content islost when power supply to the unit is cut. However, it is fastand efficient. The RAM size is currently a major purchasecriterion.

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    Input Devices

    The Keyboard Mouse Joystick Touch Sensitive Devices

    Optical Scanner Voice Recognition

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    Output Devices

    Monitor or Visual Display Unit[VDU]

    Printers / Plotters

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    Secondary Storage Devices

    Floppy / Flexible Disk / Nowadays, most computer systems do not have this device and its usage is now limited to legacy industrial computer

    systems. Its role had now been taken over by USB flash drives.

    The Hard Disk

    Magnetic Tape

    Optical Disk

    USB Flash driveThis a secondary storage medium that is actually called Universal Storage Bus flash memory storage medium.
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    Software Resources

    As earlier stated, the software runs the hardware. There are two main types of software. These are:

    - System Software

    - Application Software

    System Software controls access to the system and its resources.

    The most important part or the heart of the system software is

    the operating system.

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    The Operating System manages system activities in the same way as the traffic cop directs the flow of traffic in anetwork of roads. Operating systems can support just one user at a time or could be designed to accommodate

    multiple users (multi-user) simultaneously. Also, an operating system can be multitasking, i.e. it can support

    the simultaneous processing of various tasks / processes.

    Specifically, the operating system:

    manages access to input and output devices

    facilitates the loading and execution of application programs

    controls access of application programs to system resources

    In a multi-user / multitasking environment, controls the

    sequencing of tasks and user access to shared resources.

    Examples of Operating Systems are MS-DOS [No Longer in use], UNIX, PC-DOS, XENIX, OS/2, Linux, WindowsXP/VISTA/7/2008 SERVER, e.t.c.

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    The user can access systemresources directly, withor withoutan application software

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    Data ResourcesThe data resources of a computer system are usually stored on the

    secondary storage devices. Normally, user's access to theseresources is through an application software, which understands

    how data is physically stored by the hardware.

    Logical Data ElementsData in a computer system are logically organised into characters,

    fields, records, files and databases. This arrangement is

    hierarchical in nature, with database being the highest level and

    character being the lowest level.

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    Physical Data ElementsAs stated earlier, the character is the most basic data element users can

    manipulate or observe (based on business activity). However, from the

    hardware or physical point of view (the way data is actually stored), the

    most basic data element is the binary digit, known as BIT. The next level

    of data representation is the BYTE. The byte is a basic grouping of bits

    that the computer operates on as a single unit. Typically, a byte is made

    up of eight bits and is used to represent one character of data.

    Hardware Storage/Memory Capacity are usually measured in

    multiples of bytes, such as kilobytes (KB, one thousand bytes) or

    megabyte (MB, one million bytes) or gigabyte (GB, one billion


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    Just as technology advances daily, computers are daily finding applications

    in new areas, redefining traditional ways of doing things in the process.

    This trend is currently facilitated by advancements in:

    Data Communications. Advances in data communications techniqueshave effectively broken down physical and geographical barriers thereby

    transforming the world into a global village.

    Microprocessor Technology. Advancement in microprocessor technologyhas resulted in the development of faster, smaller, low cost and

    intelligent processors.

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    A Computer network is an interconnection of computer systems through

    communications links with the objective of sharing resources -

    hardware, software and data / information. Networks have the

    following advantages:

    - elimination of physical barriers

    - maximisation of investments on computer


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    Networks can be configured as follows:

    Local Area Network (LAN): Links systems, within the same location such

    as a local premise, office locations or manufacturing plants.

    Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): Links systems where thegeographical displacement is not so much.

    Wide Area Network (WAN): Links systems that are geographicallydisplaced such as systems in different states or even countries.

    Organisations usually employ this to link branches with each other or

    with the Corporate Headquarters.

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    Internet & Intranet: The internet is not really a network per say, but canbe described as a global collection of computer networks. It is also

    referred to as the information superhighway. The Internet provides

    access to information on any subject imaginable. People from various

    spheres of life currently use it. On the other hand, intranet can bedescribed as a private / local internet, since it is typically limited to a

    country or organisation. It incorporates the Internet technology to

    provide organisations, government agencies or any specific entity an

    internal pathway for information distribution, dissemination and transfer.

    Multimedia Technology: This refers to the ability to combine variousinformation formats e.g audio & video into one single medium.

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    Business Communications

    Electronic Mail: This is the transmission, storage, and distribution of

    text material in electronic form over networks. It entails sendingmessages from your PC to one or more persons in a network. Such

    messages are stored in electronic mail boxes on magnetic disk devices

    that can be displayed on the computer screen as at when required.If the

    network you are connected to or your PC has access to the Internet,

    then, you can send messages to people on the other side of the globe.

    Voice Mail: This is another form of electronic mail used to send, storeand transmit digitized voice messages. These are equally stored on

    magnetic disk devices attached to the voice mail system.

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    To access the voice mail system, an identifier code might be required. In

    addition, each subscriber has a mailbox number that is required for

    accessing or transmitting voice messages.

    Video Conferencing: This allows people at various distances from eachother to hold business conferences / meetings effectively as they would

    when within the same room. People via video conferencing are able to

    see each other when communicating from different locations thus

    enabling productive meetings without having to travel long distances.

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    Computer systems have become an inseparable

    part of human life. They daily enjoy new

    applications in virtually every imaginable area -from household applications, to education and

    also to high-risk areas as defence ===lets

    discuss briefly !!!

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    Production Accounting

    Order-Entry and Processing

    Production Scheduling

    Market Analysis

    Inventory Control

    Process Control

    Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II)

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    Data Acquisition and InterpretationData acquisition is the process of sampling of real world physical

    conditions and conversion of the resulting samples into digital

    numeric values that can be natively manipulated by a computer.

    In reality, Data acquisition and data acquisition systems typically

    involves the conversion of analog waveforms into digital values

    for processing. The components of data acquisition and

    interpretation systems include:

    Sensors that convert physical parameters to electrical signals.

    Signal conditioning circuitry to convert sensor signals into a form

    that can be converted to digital values.

    Analog-to-digital converters, which convert conditioned sensor

    signals to digital values

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    A practical Data Acquistion and Interpretation System is SCADA.According to webopedia, SCADA is an Acronym for supervisorycontrol anddata acquisition, a computer system for gatheringand analyzing real time data. SCADA systems are used to monitor

    and control a plant or equipment in industries such as

    telecommunications, water and waste control, energy, oil and gas

    refining and transportation. A SCADA system gathers information,such as where a leak on a pipeline has occurred, transfers the

    information back to a central site, alerting the home station that

    the leak has occurred, carrying out necessary analysis and

    control, such as determining if the leak is critical, and displaying

    the information in a logical and organized fashion. SCADA systems

    can be relatively simple, such as one that monitorsenvironmental conditions of a small office building, or incredibly

    complex, such as a system that monitors all the activity in a

    nuclear power plant or the activity of a municipal water system.
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