Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety •...

Engaging Communities in Conservation in a Polarized Time Dr. Tora Johnson GIS Director/ Associate Professor University of Maine at Machias [email protected] (207) 255-1214 You can download a PDF of this slideshow at: http://bit.ly/JohnsonPAWsheds19 Or scan...

Transcript of Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety •...

Page 1: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Engaging Communities in Conservation

in a Polarized TimeDr. Tora Johnson

GIS Director/ Associate ProfessorUniversity of Maine at Machias

[email protected](207) 255-1214

You can download a PDF of this slideshow at:http://bit.ly/JohnsonPAWsheds19

Or scan...

Page 2: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Community Engagement

What does it feel like when it works?

Page 3: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Community Engagement

What does it feel like when it doesn’t work?

Page 4: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Communities in Conflict

Eastern US & Canada Johnson,2005

Page 5: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Geospatial Technology

By Publius (pseudonym; Alexander Hamilton (11 January 1755 or 1757 – 12 July 1804); John Jay (23 December 1745 – 17 May 1829); James Madison (16 March 1751 – 28 June 1836)). (Scanned from an original copy.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Important tools for community engagement

Page 6: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

By Publius (pseudonym; Alexander Hamilton (11 January 1755 or 1757 – 12 July 1804); John Jay (23 December 1745 – 17 May 1829); James Madison (16 March 1751 – 28 June 1836)). (Scanned from an original copy.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Communities Managing Change

African-American Enclaves in the South Carolina Lowcountry

Page 7: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •


Phillips Community

South CarolinaLowcountry

Charleston Public Library

Page 8: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •


54 yrs after settlement

Phillips Community

South CarolinaLowcountry

Charleston Public Library

Page 9: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •


71 yrs after settlement

Phillips Community

South CarolinaLowcountry

University of South Carolina


Page 10: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •


76 yrs after settlement

Phillips Community

South CarolinaLowcountry

University of South Carolina


Page 11: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •


101 yrs after settlement

Phillips Community

South CarolinaLowcountry

University of South Carolina


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116 yrs after settlement

Phillips Community

South CarolinaLowcountry

University of South Carolina


Page 13: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •


121 yrs after settlement

Phillips Community

South CarolinaLowcountry

Charleston County


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126 yrs after settlement

Charleston County

Phillips Community

South CarolinaLowcountry


Page 15: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •


140 yrs after settlement

Charleston County

Phillips Community

South CarolinaLowcountry

NAIP, 2018


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Washington County, Maine

By Publius (pseudonym; Alexander Hamilton (11 January 1755 or 1757 – 12 July 1804); John Jay (23 December 1745 – 17 May 1829); James Madison (16 March 1751 – 28 June 1836)). (Scanned from an original copy.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

● Deeply rural: 13 people / sqmi (U.S. Census)

● Poverty rates: ~20%(U.S. Census)

● Diverse, polarized electorate

● Strong vane of landowner rights/ home rule

Page 17: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Observed CC

By Publius (pseudonym; Alexander Hamilton (11 January 1755 or 1757 – 12 July 1804); John Jay (23 December 1745 – 17 May 1829); James Madison (16 March 1751 – 28 June 1836)). (Scanned from an original copy.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


Page 18: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •


By Publius (pseudonym; Alexander Hamilton (11 January 1755 or 1757 – 12 July 1804); John Jay (23 December 1745 – 17 May 1829); James Madison (16 March 1751 – 28 June 1836)). (Scanned from an original copy.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Each side views the other as “less trustworthy, more evil, and more powerful than they probably are.” (Sabatier, 2005, p. 192)


Sabatier, P. A. (Ed.). (2005). Swimming upstream: collaborative approaches to watershed management. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.

Page 19: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

By Publius (pseudonym; Alexander Hamilton (11 January 1755 or 1757 – 12 July 1804); John Jay (23 December 1745 – 17 May 1829); James Madison (16 March 1751 – 28 June 1836)). (Scanned from an original copy.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


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“[I]nherent characteristic of being human… felt as an attribute of the self... manifest through behaviour that demonstrates respect.” (Jacelon et al., 2004)

“[I]nternal state of peace that comes with the recognition and acceptance of the value and vulnerability of all living things.” (Hicks, 2011, p. 1)

Affected by… • How one is treated• How one treats others• Social, physical & historical context

Hicks, Donna (2011-09-06). Dignity: The Essential Role It Plays in Resolving Conflict (pp. 25-26). Yale University Press. Kindle Edition.

Jacelon, C. S., Connelly, T. W., Brown, R., Proulx, K., & Vo, T. (2004). A concept analysis of dignity for older adults. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 48(1), 76–83.

Page 21: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Elements of Dignity(Hicks, 2011)

• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion• Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition• Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding• Independence • Accountability

Hicks, Donna (2011-09-06). Dignity: The Essential Role It Plays in Resolving Conflict (pp. 25-26). Yale University Press. Kindle Edition.

Rosa Parks with Dr. Martin Luther King jr. (ca. 1955, right)

The Bus (below)

Rosa Parks with Martin Luther King [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Originally published in Ebony. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ARosaparks.jpg

Page 22: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Best Practices for Supporting Decisions

Align Scales of Action, Information, and Feedback(Wilbanks & Kates, 2010; Cash et al., 2006; Ostrom 1990)

Identify Local Vulnerabilities and Priorities(Hales, D. et al., 2014; Dunlap, 2010; Molnar 2010)

Avoid Conflicting Narratives about Conservation(Nisbet & Mooney, 2007)

Re-frame to Find Common Priorities(Dupuis and Knoepfel, 2013; Wilbanks and Kates, 2010)

Support Co-Production of Knowledge in Learning Loops(Pahl-Wostl, 2009; Cash, 2006; Cash et al., 2003)

Johnson, Tora, "Role of Dignity in Rural Natural Resource Governance" (2015). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 2267. http://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/etd/2267

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Practices that Support DignityBest Practices (Johnson, 2015) Elements of Dignity (Hicks, 2011)

Avoid Conflicted Frames Safety, acceptance, benefit of the doubt

Align Scales of Action, Information, & Feedback

Recognition, understanding, accountability

Identify Local Vulnerabilities & Priorities

Recognition, understanding, accountability

Frame around Existing Vulnerabilities & Priorities

Inclusion, acknowledgement, recognition, independence

Co-Production of Knowledge in Learning Loops

Acceptance, acknowledgement, recognition, independence

Page 24: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Best Practices

Align Scales of Action, Information, and Feedback

(Wilbanks & Kates, 2010; Cash et al., 2006; Ostrom 1990)

Correctly-scaled information:- Relevant- Comprehensible- Actionable- Credible

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Map by T. Johnson; data provided by GIS Data Depot, Center for Coastal Studies & Mass GIS

Align Scales: Action, Info & Feedback

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Best Practices

Align Scales with Local Perspectives

Sea, Lake, and Overland Surges from Hurricanes (SLOSH). (2013, June 2). Retrieved December 12, 2013, from http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/surge/slosh.php

Page 27: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Flooding fine resolution lidar elevation models with SLOSH Model inundation estimates.

Storm Surge Scenarios

Align Scales: Action, Info & Feedback

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Flooding fine resolution lidar elevation models with SLOSH Model inundation estimates.

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Align Scales of Action, Information, and Feedback

(Wilbanks & Kates, 2010; Cash et al., 2006; Ostrom 1990)


● Examples of scale mismatch?

● Strategies to align scale?

● How does this support dignity?

Elements of Dignity• Acceptance of

Identity • Inclusion• Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition• Fairness • Benefit of the

Doubt • Understanding• Independence • Accountability

Best Practices

Page 30: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Identify Local Vulnerabilities & Priorities(Hales, D. et al., 2014; Dunlap, 2010; Molnar 2010)

- Ask- Listen- Record- Consider- Incorporate

Best Practices

Re-frame Around Common Priorities

(Dupuis and Knoepfel, 2013; Wilbanks and Kates, 2010)

- Tangible- Relevant- Visible- A stepping stone...

Page 31: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Issue Involvement: Community Issue Involvement PersonalPlease indicate the extent to which each problem is significant in the Downeast town where you live or spend the most time.

Please indicate the extent to which each problem is important to you personally.


Ranking nStd. Dev. Item

Mean Ranking n

Std. Dev.

Unemployment(tie for 1st)

4.18 231 1.04 High property taxes 3.89 218 1.21

School budgets(tie for 1st)

4.18 229 0.98 School budgets 3.79 219 1.32

High price of heating fuel 4.07** 226 1.02 High price of heating fuel 3.58** 212 1.33High property taxes 3.89 229 1.16 Aging roads, bridges &

culverts3.54** 217 1.17

Aging roads, bridges & culverts

3.75** 228 1.12 Unusually strong storms 3.32** 209 1.3

Interest & Relevance

Johnson, 2015

Page 32: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Common Priority: Flood & Stormwater Mgt

● Infrastructure Resilience

● Wetland Restoration

● Pollution & Erosion Prevention

Machias Hardware Parking Lot

King Tide 2017Photo: Shri Verrill

Page 33: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

By Publius (pseudonym; Alexander Hamilton (11 January 1755 or 1757 – 12 July 1804); John Jay (23 December 1745 – 17 May 1829); James Madison (16 March 1751 – 28 June 1836)). (Scanned from an original copy.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons



Page 34: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Identify & Reframe around Local Vulnerabilities & Priorities

(Hales, D. et al., 2014; Dunlap, 2010; Molnar 2010)

Consider...● Examples of local priorities?

● Which are shared?

● Strategies?

● Elements of dignity?

Best Practices

Elements of Dignity• Acceptance of

Identity • Inclusion• Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition• Fairness • Benefit of the

Doubt • Understanding• Independence • Accountability

Page 35: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Best Practices for Supporting Adaptation

Avoid Conflicted Narratives about Conservation

(Nisbet & Mooney, 2007)

Frame the conversation:- Relevant- Tractable- Local

Page 36: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Belief in CC

By Publius (pseudonym; Alexander Hamilton (11 January 1755 or 1757 – 12 July 1804); John Jay (23 December 1745 – 17 May 1829); James Madison (16 March 1751 – 28 June 1836)). (Scanned from an original copy.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

● Survey of people involved in municipal governance

● 214 (30%) of 708 responded

● 6 climate belief items

Johnson, T. (2015). The Role of Dignity in Rural Natural Resource Governance (Dissertation). University of Maine, Orono, Maine.

Page 37: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

“Have you observed…?” n% SeeEffect Mean Std. Dev.

Changes in abundance of animals or plants 197 81.7 1.22 0.734Changes in locations/ mvts of animals or plants 195 80 1.12 0.712

Lyme disease 184 81.5 1.11 0.688Loss of habitat for animals or plants 186 75.2 1.07 0.75Unusually high amounts of rainfall 196 78.1 1.07 0.709Forest pests or diseases 182 79.1 1.02 0.664River or stream flooding 198 81.9 0.98 0.587Agricultural pests or diseases 182 75.8 0.93 0.645Coastal flooding 198 66.1 0.8 0.666Unusually warm summers 198 59.1 0.7 0.658Mean 198 75.85 1.02 0.4420 = No Effect, 1 = Minor Effect, 2 = Major EffectExcludes "Unsure"

Johnson, T. (2015). The Role of Dignity in Rural Natural Resource Governance (Dissertation). University of Maine, Orono, Maine.

Page 38: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Avoid Conflicted Narratives about Conservation

(Nisbet & Mooney, 2007)


● Examples?

● Ideas for re-framing?

● Elements of dignity?

Best Practices

Elements of Dignity• Acceptance of

Identity • Inclusion• Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition• Fairness • Benefit of the

Doubt • Understanding• Independence • Accountability

Page 39: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Best Practices for Supporting Adaptation

Supporting Co-Production of Knowledge in Learning Loops

(Pahl-Wostl, 2009; Cash, 2006; Cash et al., 2003)

- Engaging- Builds Trust- Produces Useful Knowledge

Page 40: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Best Practices for Supporting Adaptation


Page 41: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Downeast Maine

Communities: Managing Change, Conflict & Crisis

Page 42: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Capacity Building

Interactive maps for community decision-making


Page 43: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Support Co-Production of Knowledge in Learning Loops

(Pahl-Wostl, 2009; Cash, 2006; Cash et al., 2003)

Consider…● Examples?

● Strategies?

● Elements of dignity?

Best Practices

Elements of Dignity• Acceptance of

Identity • Inclusion• Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition• Fairness • Benefit of the

Doubt • Understanding• Independence • Accountability

Page 44: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

A Dignified Process Makes Facts Matter

● Elements of dignity

● Open & inclusive

● Flexible

● Time to listen

● Atmosphere of respect (not necessarily agreement or affection!)

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Works CitedCash, D. W. (2006). Countering the Loading-Dock Approach to Linking Science and Decision Making: Comparative Analysis of El

Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Forecasting Systems. Science, Technology & Human Values, 31(4), 465–494. https://doi.org/10.1177/0162243906287547

Cash, David W., Adger, W. N., Berkes, F., Garden, P., Lebel, L., Olsson, P., … Young, O. (2006). Scale and Cross-Scale Dynamics: Governance and Information in a Multilevel World. Ecology & Society, 11(2), 181–192.

Cash, David W., Clark, W. C., Alcock, F., Dickson, N. M., Eckley, N., Guston, D. H., … Mitchell, R. B. (2003). Knowledge systems for sustainable development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100(14), 8086–8091. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1231332100

Dunlap, R. E. (2010). Climate Change and Rural Sociology: Broadening the Research Agenda. Rural Sociology, 75(1), 17–27. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1549-0831.2009.00010.x

Dupuis, J., & Knoepfel, P. (2013). The Adaptation Policy Paradox: the Implementation Deficit of Policies Framed as Climate Change Adaptation. Ecology and Society, 18(4). https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-05965-180431

Hales, D., Hohenstein, W., Bidwell, M. D., Landry, C., McGranahan, D., Molnar, J., … Jadin, J. (2014).

Hicks, Donna (2011-09-06). Dignity: The Essential Role It Plays in Resolving Conflict (pp. 25-26). Yale University Press. Kindle Edition.

GROWashington-Aroostook. (n.d.). Retrieved December 12, 2013, from http://www.gro-wa.org/

Jacelon, C. S., Connelly, T. W., Brown, R., Proulx, K., & Vo, T. (2004). A concept analysis of dignity for older adults. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 48(1), 76–83.

Johnson, T. (2005). Entanglements: the intertwined fates of whales and fishermen. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

Johnson, T., & East, J. C. (2014). Washington County Climate Vulnerability Assessment. GROWashington Aroostook. Retrieved from http://gro-wa.org/washington-county-climate-change-response.htm

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Works Cited, ContinuedJohnson, Tora, "Role of Dignity in Rural Natural Resource Governance" (2015). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 2267.


Molnar, J. J. (2010). Climate Change and Societal Response: Livelihoods, Communities, and the Environment. Rural Sociology, 75(1), 1–16.

Nisbet, M. C., & Mooney, C. (2007). SCIENCE AND SOCIETY: Framing Science. Science, 316(5821), 56–56. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1142030

Pahl-Wostl, C. (2009). A conceptual framework for analysing adaptive capacity and multi-level learning processes in resource governance regimes. Global Environmental Change, 19(3), 354–365. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2009.06.001

Sabatier, P. A. (Ed.). (2005). Swimming upstream: collaborative approaches to watershed management. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.

U.S. Global Change Research Program Ch. 14: Rural Communities. Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment, 333–349. https://doi.org/10.7930/J01Z429C

University of Maine at Machias GIS Laboratory - Storm Surge & Sea Level Rise Maps. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2019, from https://sites.google.com/maine.edu/ummgis-planmaps/storm-surge-sea-level-rise-maps

Machias Resilience | The Washington County Council of Governments. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2019, from http://www.wccog.net/machias-resilience.htm

Washington County Council of Governments. Shoreland Zoning. (2013, April 7). Retrieved December 18, 2013, from http://www.wccog.net/shoreland-zoning.htm

Wilbanks, T. J., & Kates, R. W. (2010). Beyond Adapting to Climate Change: Embedding Adaptation in Responses to Multiple Threats and Stresses. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 100(4), 719–728.

Ostrom, E. (1990). Governing the commons: the evolution of institutions for collective action. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press.

Page 47: Engaging Communities in Conservation• Acceptance of Identity • Inclusion • Safety • Acknowledgment • Recognition • Fairness • Benefit of the Doubt • Understanding •

Engaging Communities in Conservation

in a Polarized TimeDr. Tora Johnson

GIS Director/ Associate ProfessorUniversity of Maine at Machias

[email protected](207) 255-1214

You can download a PDF of this slideshow at:http://bit.ly/JohnsonPAWsheds19

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