Engagement Training


Transcript of Engagement Training

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You are a professional. You've studied, you've trained and you have built a career that you are proud of.

The path has not been straight but you have persevered, and you have established a reputation, one built on experience, relationships, processes and


Now suddenly, the rules by which your game is played have changed.

Doubt, Fear, Disruption and Chaos have found their way into your world as you are faced with a very unpleasant reality...

You must search for a new job.

The Tale of The Job Seeker...

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You don't need your resume rewritten nor told how to dress for an interview. What you do need is a system that will help you turn this challenge into an opportunity.

You Need Help...But What Kind?

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There are 4 'commodities' that when disrupted, trigger emotional distress in all of us; Money, People, Information & Time.

Job Seekers are in the unique and unenviable position of having ALL 4 of these triggered at once leaving them worried, resentful, disillusioned & frustrated.

Left unchecked, the results are disastrous, leading to decisions that set careers back years.

The good news is, there is a way out.

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Setting Your Vision; Who Are You Trying to Become?



In order to master Money you must set your Vision. Who are you? Who are you trying to


You sit at a certain point, but you are pushing to get to the next level. Without the ability to

Assess how well you will perform within a new culture, your path will be disrupted; your

income potential with it.

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Discovering Your Purpose; Why You Do What You Do.



On this altered path you will find yourself out of Alignment with those around you.

You must discover your Purpose; Why it is you do what you do. Only then can you find

the right People that will make best use of ALL your talents, and allow you to get back

on track.

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Refining Your Strategy; Learning How to Win.



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Turning the corner is all about Attraction. You must learn How you process Information,

How others process Information, and How to alter your communication to better Attract

others to you.

You must learn to create a Strategy to solicit the opportunities you desire and the buy-in

needed to make them a success.

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Setting an Objective; What Success Looks Like.



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Back on track and with your destination in

sight, it's time to make up lost Time. You need to have an Objective.

What are you after? Now is when to learn

how to Activate yourself and

forge a level of performance uncommon in


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The CultureSmith System



Assessment (Who)

Alignment (Why)

Attraction (How)

Activation (What)

Within Assessment, we set Vision. We determine

Who we are as a company, Who we are trying to become, and plot a course to get us


When our path is disrupted and we begin to trend downwards, we re-Align. We determine Why our company exists

in the first place and discover the Purpose needed to get us from

1.0 to 2.0

Attracting the right buy-in allows us to pull out of the curve. We learn How to better communicate with

ALL stakeholders, and this Strategy sets our path back towards growth

and achievement.

When we Activate, we pour gas on the fire. We determine What needs to

happen and we get it done. We target and hit

Objectives our competition simply cannot match.

Companies recognize this curve as the backbone of the CultureSmith System.

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Alignment (Why)

Assessment (Who)

Attraction (How)

Activation (What)

CultureSmith Engagement SeminarsNow, for the first time ever, the same system companies have successfully used to tap

into their cultures and drive results, is available for Job Seekers looking to do the same for their careers.

Is this a fit? You will learn how to Align yourself

with only the best cultures after learning

Why things matter to you the way they do.

Can I be an A Player? You will learn a simple

system by which to Assess Who you stand to be in

any organization.

Will I ace this interview? You will learn to Attract

buy-in. You will learn How to determine other personalities in real time,

allowing you to better communicate and sell

your strengths.

Is today the day? Unemployment is

emotionally draining and this has a direct impact

on performance. You will learn to Activate yourself by learning What game you're playing, and how

to 'level up'.

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Challenge? Or Opportunity?

You can choose to remain disrupted, or learn the skills to leverage a win. The emotional distress Job Seekers encounter creates a unique opportunity for self-discovery that should not be squandered. Ask yourself, which of these states do you wish to be true for you?

Money - Vision = Worry

Vision + Money = Inspiration

People - Purpose = Resentment

Purpose + People = Engagement

Information - Strategy = Disillusionment

Strategy + Information = Certainty

Time - Objective = Frustration

Objective + Time = Dominance

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What other Job Seekers are Saying...

...about the value of learning how


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What other Job Seekers are Saying...

...about the value of learning how


...about the value of learning how


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What other Job Seekers are Saying...

...about the value of learning how


...about the value of learning how


...about the value of learning how


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What other Job Seekers are Saying...

...about the value of learning how


...about the value of learning how


...about the value of learning how


...about the value of learning how to ACTIVATE:

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SummaryWho Should Attend?

Any and all Job Seekers who are looking for a tool to help them determine THE ideal next move, as well as developing the skills to see it through to fruition.

Why CultureSmith Engagement Seminars?

This seminar is the ONLY one of its kind that not only addresses the functional aspects of searching for a new job, but the EMOTIONAL elements that derail Job Seekers, and how to effectively manage them.

How Do I Register?

Simply go to www.culturesmith.ca/classes to register for the next available session. If you are currently between employment opportunities, make sure to also contact your CultureSmith representative for a Promo Code worth 25% off

the session price.

What Do I Get?

Attendees receive 8 full hours of training. While all Job Seekers are welcome, this class does count as Verifiable Professional Development under CPA Alberta guidelines. You will receive the entire CultureSmith System, a library of takeaway support materials, breakfast, lunch and an outstanding networking opportunity with other professionals in

your field. As an added bonus exclusively to Job Seekers, you will receive UNLIMITED free coaching post-session, until such time

as you successfully land your new role.

Register. Attend. Develop. Succeed.