Energy Saving in Appolo

1 ID: 97 Title of measure Sector: 2 Sur vey Year: 2006 Ener gy Efficient Temperature Control Technology: Control Systems 3 Name of the Company : 4 Agen cy th at execute d the pro je ct : In-house 5 Y ear of Implementation : 2005 6  Apollo Tyres Ltd., is a US$ 1.07 billion annual turnover company with its manufacturing plants at Perambra & Kalamassery in Kerala, Vadodara in Gujarat and Pune in Maharashtra. Apollo Tyres is engaged in production of Bias and Radial tyres for all types of vehicles. 7 Tyre industry uses a large number of temperature control units (TCU's) for maintaining constant temperature in its machinery. In the original system, tempered water at controlled temperature is circulated through the machinery using a pump. This water is heated using steam and cooled using cold water in heat exchanger as and when required, by using a single point pneumatic temperature control. The plant has developed an innovative energy efficient temperature control unit, which incorporates a compact energy efficient TCU which uses electricity for heating and radiator for cooling. Since the unit is very small it can be placed very close to the machine saving in pumping energy and reduced radiation losses. Heating and cooling controls made through electronic controllers avoid the valves and pneumatic systems making it accurate and energy efficient. 8 9 T ot al invest ment per unit: 1,250 US$ 10 First yea r ene rgy cos t sav ing s: per unit 17,500 US$ 11 First year addi tion al savin gs beyo nd ene rgy (i.e. water, raw materials etc. ): Nil 12 Ann ual ele ctr icit y consumpti on befor e, MWh 63 13 Annual electricity consumption after, MWh 27 14 First yea r electrici ty savings, MWh 36 15 Ann ual oil consumption before, kl 30 16 Annual oil consumption after, kl 0 17 First year oil savi ng s, kl 30 18 First ye ar tons of CO  mitigated 126 2 19 Assumed sustainability, years 10 20 Expecte d tons of CO mitigated throughout life cycl e 1,260 2 Tyre Industry Apollo T yres Ltd., Kerala, INDIA Unit Profile: Description of Energy Conservation Measure:- Picture Before Modification Picture After Modification Pump Load Steam Heat Cold Water Heat Pump Load Electric Heater Radiator 111

Transcript of Energy Saving in Appolo

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1 ID: 97 Title of measure Sector:

2 Survey Year: 2006 Energy Efficient Temperature Control Technology: Control Systems

3 Name of the Company :

4 Agency that executed the project : In-house

5 Year of Implementation : 2005

6  Apollo Tyres Ltd., is a US$ 1.07 billion annual turnover company with its manufacturing plants atPerambra & Kalamassery in Kerala, Vadodara in Gujarat and Pune in Maharashtra. Apollo Tyres isengaged in production of Bias and Radial tyres for all types of vehicles.


Tyre industry uses a large number of temperature control units (TCU's) for maintaining constanttemperature in its machinery. In the original system, tempered water at controlled temperature iscirculated through the machinery using a pump. This water is heated using steam and cooled usingcold water in heat exchanger as and when required, by using a single point pneumatic temperaturecontrol.

The plant has developed an innovative energy efficient temperature control unit, which incorporates acompact energy efficient TCU which uses electricity for heating and radiator for cooling. Since the unitis very small it can be placed very close to the machine saving in pumping energy and reducedradiation losses. Heating and cooling controls made through electronic controllers avoid the valvesand pneumatic systems making it accurate and energy efficient.


9 Total investment per unit: 1,250 US$

10 First year energy cost savings: per unit 17,500 US$

11 First year additional savings beyond energy (i.e. water, raw materials etc.): Nil

12 Annual electricity consumption before, MWh 63

13 Annual electricity consumption after, MWh 27

14 First year electricity savings, MWh 36

15 Annual oil consumption before, kl 30

16 Annual oil consumption after, kl 0

17 First year oil savings, kl 30

18 First year tons of CO  mitigated 1262

19 Assumed sustainability, years 10

20 Expected tons of CO mitigated throughout life cycle  1,2602

Tyre Industry

Apollo Tyres Ltd., Kerala, INDIA

Unit Profile:

Description of Energy Conservation Measure:-

Picture Before Modification Picture After Modification





Cold Water 







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1 ID: 98 Title of measure Sector:

2 Survey Year: 2006 Plant Lighting Technology: Lighting System

3 Name of the Company :

4 Agency that executed the project : In-house

5 Year of Implementation : 2004

6Perambra plant is known as the mother plant of Apollo tyres Ltd., and was incorporated in 1975. Theproduct range of this plant includes bias tyres for trucks, light commercial vehicles, passenger cars,front & rear tyres for tractors and radial tyres for various farm sizes.


The shop-floor was illuminated with 3500 Nos. of 40 watts twin tube lights (each consuming 106watts) with electromagnetic ballasts. This has been replaced with

1) 1500 twin tube sets with electronic ballast and T8 tube lights (each consuming 80 watts) andaluminum reflectors.

2) 1800 single tube sets of 28 W T5 lamps with electronic ballast (each consuming 28 watts).


3500 tube light set with 2X40 watts T13 lamps 1500 nos of 2X40 watts T8 tube lightswith electromagnetic ballasts with electronic ballasts

1800 nos of 28 W, T5 tube lights

9 Total investment: 62,500 US$

10 First year energy cost savings: 147,500 US$

11 First year additional savings beyond energy (i.e. water, raw materials etc.): Nil

12 Annual electricity consumption before, MWh 3,200

13 Annual electricity consumption after, MWh 1,500

14 First year electricity savings, MWh 1,700

15 First year tons of CO  mitigated 1,7002

16 Assumed sustainability, years 3

17 Expected tons of CO mitigated throughout life cycle 5,1002

Tyre Industry

Apollo Tyres Ltd., Perambra, Kerala, INDIA

Unit Profile:

Description of Energy Conservation Measure:-

Picture Before Modification Picture After Modification


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1 ID: 99 Title of measure Sector:

2 Survey Year: 2006 Replacement of reciprocating Technology: Chillers

compressors with screw compressor 

in chillers

3 Name of the Company :

4 Agency that executed the project : In-house

5 Year of Implementation : 2005

6Perambra plant is known as the mother plant of Apollo tyres Ltd., and was incorporated in 1975. Theproduct range of this plant includes bias tyres for trucks, light commercial vehicles, passenger cars,

front & rear tyres for tractors and radial tyres for various farm sizes.

7  Chilled water at a temperature of 14 degrees Celsius was used in the process of tyre production4Nos. of 120 ton reciprocating compressor chillers were installed in 1990 and had an efficiency of 0.8 kWh/ton of refrigeration. This has been replaced with 2 Nos. of 215 ton screw type chillers withan efficiency of 0.45 kWh/tons of refrigeration.


9 Total investment: 125,000 US$

10 First year energy cost savings: 78,750 US$

11 First year additional savings beyond energy (i.e. water, raw materials etc.): Nil

12 Annual electricity consumption before, MWh 2,800

13 Annual electricity consumption after, MWh 1,900

14 First year electricity savings, MWh 900

15 First year tons of CO  mitigated 9002

16 Assumed sustainability, years 10

17 Expected tons of CO mitigated throughout life cycle 9,0002

Tyre Industry

Apollo Tyres Ltd., Perambr, Kerala, INDIA

Unit Profile:

Description of Energy Conservation Measure:-


Apollo Tyres Limited Picture After Modification


screw compressor chillers

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1 ID: 100 Title of measure Sector:

2 Survey Year: 2007 Optimization of Energy on Technology: Cooling Towers

Cooling towers

3 Name of the Company :

4 Agency that executed the project : In-house

5 Year of Implementation : 2006-07

6J K Tyre & Industry Ltd. (Formerly known as J K Industries Limited), is the flagship company under theumbrella of JK Organization. J K Tyre manufactures entire range of tyres for all four-wheeler vehiclesbeing manufactured in India. J K Tyres have pioneered Radial tyre technology in India in 1977 and stillhas largest market share. J KTyre has largest share of business with Maruti and Tata Motors, the

largest vehicle manufacturers in India.J K Tyre also provides compete range of technical services for tyre care. The annual turnover of theunit for the year 2006-07 is US$ 0.25 billion.

7  In tyre plants CT are used to remove process heat. In the original system, the unit 's two different plantssections in the same premises, were having separate cooling towers for catering to the processcooling demand. Both these CT's were under-utilized. The process heat was required to be removedat particular pressure & flow.

This is an innovative idea of the in-house team to optimize the plants energy consumption. In thisregard, pressure of one of cooling tower water was measured near another plant. Based upon study,one inline pump was incorporated to increase the pumps pressure, so that same cooling tower could also

cater another plants. This measure resulted in elimination of cooling towers.


9 Total investment: 2,500 US$

10 First year energy cost savings: 162,910 US$

11 First year additional savings beyond energy (i.e. water, raw materials etc.): Nil

12 Annual energy consumption before, MWh 3,411

13 Annual energy consumption after, MWh 1,899

14 First year electricity savings, MWh 1,51215 First year tons of CO  mitigated 1,5122

16 Assumed sustainability, years 10

17 Expected tons of CO mitigated throughout life cycle 15,1202

Tyre Industry

  M/s J K Tyre & Industry Ltd., Rajasthan, INDIA

Unit Profile:

Description of Energy Conservation Measure:-

Picture/ sketch/ drawing Before Modification Picture/ sketch/ drawing After Modification