Energy Efficiency as part of the integrated approach

Gisela Holzgraefe Energy Efficiency as part of the integrated approach


Energy Efficiency as part of the integrated approach. Gisela Holzgraefe. Content of this presentation. background objectives of the IMPEL project 2011 / 2012 methodology and work done results recommendations. 13-9-2014. 2. Background – EU policy. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Energy Efficiency as part of the integrated approach

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Gisela Holzgraefe

Energy Efficiency as part of the integrated approach

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Content of this presentation

background objectives of the IMPEL project 2011 /

2012 methodology and work done results recommendations


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Background – EU policy

EU policy regarding energy efficiency:reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20% of 1990 level by 2020

Member States agreed to reach the objective by

- Reducing energy consumption by 20 %

- Increasing use of renewable energy sources

by 20%;

- Increasing the share of biofuel in transport sector by 20%.

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Background – EU legislation

EU legislation related to industrial installations addresses energy efficiency

IPPC Directive (96/61/EC) Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions:

- Member States shall take measures that energy is used efficiently (Art. 11 f) permit applications include a description used in or generated by the installation (Art. 12 b)

BAT conclusions shall be the reference for setting the permit conditions (Art 14 (3)). EE = one criterion for determining BAT

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Background – IMPEL activities

IMPEL project „Energy Efficiency in Environmental Permits“ 2002/2003

Development of horizontal BREF document „Energy Efficiency“

IMPEL project „Energy Efficiency in Permitting and Inspection“ 2010 main item: evaluation of the current situation;

result: no improvements so far

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Background – IMPEL activities

Proposal of a follow-up project :

Development of a template for documents and data required regarding energy efficiency in the permit application


- development of the template in 2011 and- practical test 2012

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objectives of the IMPEL project 2011 / 2012

objectives:Identify how requirements of the EE BREF and EE related chapters of BREFs need to be integrated in permit activitiesExplore what kind of information is needed in permit applicationsDevelop a template for documents and data required regarding energy efficiency in the permit applicationCarry out practical tests with the template in permit procedures


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Methodology and work done in 2011 (1)

Work with an expert team (project team plus experts)

Discussion of EE items in the IPPC-Directive / IED

Presentations on EE items in LCP sector, iron and steel sector, manufacture of glass, cement industry and dairy sector and discussions with experts

Development of a draft general application form

Conclusion: general form applicable, but sector specific supplements necessary


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Methodology and work done in 2011 (2)

Development of draft supplements for: - the iron and steel sector*- the manufacture of glass*- cement, lime and magnesium oxide production*- food, drink and milk sector- intensive rearing of poultry and pigs

Basis:- BREF documents- BAT conclusions*- input of experts


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Methodology and work done in 2012 (1)

Work with a working group (project team and permit writers)

Improvement of draft application form and sector specific supplements

Test of the draft application form and the annexes in permit procedurestwo alternatives starting permit procedures or finalised permit procedures

translation of general application form, sector specific annex for glass industry and intensive rearing of poultry and pigs into German


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Methodology and work done in 2012 (2)

draft application form and sector specific supplements were tested in the following sectors: steel sector by ARPA Lombardia (IT) glass industry (DE) intensive rearing of pigs (DE) two small food processing companies

(DE) sloughter house (DK) large combustion plant based on

biomass (DK)


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Results (1)

evaluation of the work with the documents and the experience with them by using a questionnaire

Main results:clear definition of system boundaries – key challengeuse of benchmarks – good approach

collection of EE data from previous years would allow for comparisons and identification of improvements


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Results (2)

participating operators partly declared their data as confidential

existing installations: sometimes difficult for the operators to provide the necessary data(does not apply for companies with ISO 50 001 system)

new installations: operators have the data and are able to fill in the application forms

participants in the test said that sector specific supplemetns were useful


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Results (3)

motivation of operators was higher when they were directly contacted by representatives from the authority and advice was offered

representatives of an agricultural organisation said that the information required is available for new installations and made proposals for the improvement of the annex

motivation of operators does not necessarily correspond with the size of the installation – two small food processing companies were highly motivated


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Results – consequences for authorities

authorities: need for specialisation / training of staff members for dealing with EE

the general application form and the supplements were considered as valuable – provide basic knowledge

application should be well prepared and carried out in 3 steps- kickoff-meeting with introduction to the tools- completion of the forms by the operator- meeting for verification and discussion of the results


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Results – consequences for authorities

permit conditions related to EEsome authorities have developed a set of permit conditions for their installations

permit conditions become part of the inspections

exchange of information about dealing with EE in permit procedures is necessary


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Further developments

test of the use of the project products for the renewal of permits (Arpa Lombardia)

test of the draft application form and the annexes in permit procedures (SH)

discussion of indicators / benchmarking with permit writers

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Applicability of BAT conclusions

Focus on production of cement, iron and steel and manufacture of glass

Important that the item is part of the conclusions

EE chapters but give important input and orientation

For details permit writers have to use the BREF documents

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Recommendations for future work

Workshop on assessment of the application documents regarding EE

Development of a presentation for training on dealing with EE in permit procedures

Integrating the discussion on energy efficiency in other sector specific IMPEL-projects

Developing an online tool for energy data submission (e.g. electronic application form for EE)

Integrating EE in inspection work


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Thank you for your attention !

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