energy efficiency and saving - · heating your home most efficient heating method...

energy efficiency and saving in households Alexander Block Philipp Mahlberg 06.12.2011 Johannes Müllers

Transcript of energy efficiency and saving - · heating your home most efficient heating method...

Page 1: energy efficiency and saving - · heating your home most efficient heating method depends strongly on individual house configurations, like outside temperature, size of

energy efficiency and saving

in households

Alexander BlockPhilipp Mahlberg

06.12.2011 Johannes Müllers

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Energy labeling

Heating & insulation

Electric appliances

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Improvements in Energy Efficiency

IEA 2008: Worldwide Trends in Energy Use and Efficiency

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future potential of energy efficiency

IEA World Energy Outlook 2009

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IEA: Worldwide Trends in Energy Use and Efficiency

Total energy consumption

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Motivation for saving energy

● Saving of ...○ money○ CO2 emissions○ fossil fuels

● Methods to save energy:

constrain yourself

use more efficient



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Page 8: energy efficiency and saving - · heating your home most efficient heating method depends strongly on individual house configurations, like outside temperature, size of

EU energy labels● mandatory to be

displayed when selling:○ refridgerators/freezers○ washing mashines/dryers○ dishwashers○ ovens○ light sources○ air conditioners○ televisions

● containes○ energy class (A - G)○ consumption, efficiency,

capacity, noise, etc.

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● appliances are sorted by energy consumed per typical task (e.g. washing 6 kg of cotton at 60 °C)

● A to G scale○ scale set in 1994○ today: nearly no products availible in classes E-G

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● A+ to A+++

○ A+ and A++ introduced in 2003○ A+++ in force for refridgerators since 30th Nov. 2011○ August 2011: 24.9% of all products A++, 1.4% A+++

● easy to read

● not suitible for long terms as scale is limited

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Other labels: Energy Star

● standard set by the EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA)

● awarded to products with certain amount of higher efficiency thanthe minimum standard, e.g. 20% for refridgerators

● program launched in 1992

● EPA: saved 18 billion $ of energy cost in 2010 in the USA

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Alternatives: Top Runner Program

● certain date: comparison of all products on the market

● a law could state that in a given time (e.g. 6 years) the most efficient product must be the sectors standard

● also applicable to motorized appliances

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Alternatives: Top Runner Program

● stimulates competition

● leads to a higher rate of (ecologic) innovations

● beneficial for:○ environment○ consumer○ economy

● short term competitive disadvanteges to other nations without top-runner programs

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Top Runner model in Japan

● developed in 1999 in the context of the Kyoto Protocol

● Top Runner Standard set by committees of industry, university, trade unions and consumer organisations

● Greenpeace: energy savings in 6-8 years:○ 63% for air-conditioning○ 83% for computers

● nearly all products reach the goals, which have been set realistically

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Page 16: energy efficiency and saving - · heating your home most efficient heating method depends strongly on individual house configurations, like outside temperature, size of

1. Insulation (Philipp)

2. Heating (Alex)

3. Electricity (Johannes)

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heat losses of private houses

Ristinen / Kraushaar: Energy and the Environment

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heat losses of private houses

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Characterising Parameters

● U - Value:The rate of conducting non-solar heat flow:

● G - ValueFraction of overall transmitted solar radiation heats up inside

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Principle of insulated glazing

1. reflection of thermal radiation

2. total enegy transmisson

3. glass pane4. metal coating5. gap, filled with

inert gas6. spacer

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Comparison of energy losses

Type U - Value[W / m2 K]

annual energy loss per m2

annual coasts per m2

single glazing 5.8 670 kWh 57 €

uncoated insultated glazing

2.8 330 kWh 28 €

coated insultated glazing (double paned)

1.2 -1.5 140 kWh 12 €

coated insultated glazing (triple paned)

0.7 - 0.8 8 kWh 7 €

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purchase advice andpayback periods● purchase new windows:

U-Value: < 0.9 W / m2KG-Value: > 0.55

● replace single paned glazing: 6 year payback period

● replace uncoated double pane glazing:15 year payback period

Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Energiesparfenster mit 3 Scheiben

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heating your home

● by far the largest amount of household energy is put into space heating

● about 47% of residential energy is used for space heating

● In 1994 Germans consumed about 3100PJ (860 billion kWh) of energy for space heating (2/3 for homes, 1/3 for workspace)

● this is an average of 180 kWh/(m2 a) per apartment

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heating your home

● many different energy sources○ heating oils○ natural gases○ coal, wood○ electricity

● many different systems:○ central heating○ district heating○ geothermal heating○ (night) storage heating

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heating your home

● most efficient heating method depends strongly on individual house configurations, like outside temperature, size of the house, distance to the boiler, etc.

● quantitatively: energy factor is a better measure than the pure energy conversion efficiency of the boiler

● The energy factor is a measure of how much of the energy can be used in a complete heating cycle!

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heating your home

Example: An oil boiler has a energy conversion efficiency of 85% at full performance. In real use it has an effective efficiency (energy factor) of only 60% due to losses in insulation and cooling at low power use

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Approximate energy factor for different systems

● wood boiler: ca. 0.51● oil boiler: 0.77● gas boiler: 0.77● condensing boiler with gas: 0.89-0.96● (night) electric storage: 0.89 *● electric direct heating: 1.0 * * remember: electric power is created out of primary sources with an efficiency of ~30% These numers vary a lot from source to source

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What is most efficient for me?

I don't know!

free calculation tool:

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Average energy usage in form of electricity in a 2 person household

Total: 3760 kWh, 830€ (0.22€/kWh)

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Calculation of energy efficiency (Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1060/2010 of 28 September 2010 supplementing Directive

2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to energy labelling of household refrigerating appliances Text with EEA relevance)

(1) The Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) is calculated and rounded to the first decimal place, as:

EEI = AEC/SAEC × 100where:AEC = annual energy consumption of the household refrigerating applianceSAEC = standard annual energy consumption of the household refrigerating appliance.(...)(3) The standard annual energy consumption (SAEC) is calculated in kWh/year and rounded to two decimal places, as:

SAEC = V_eq × M + N + CHwhere:V_eq is the equivalent volume of the household refrigerating applianceCH is equal to 50 kWh/year for household refrigerating appliances with a chill compartment with a storage volume of at least 15 litresthe M and N values are given in Table 7 for each household refrigerating appliance category.

Fridge and Freezer(14% of energy usage)

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Example 2: replacement of old fridge-freezer with efficiency C● equiv. energy usage: ~600 kWh/a

additional costs of 700€ amortise after 7 years

Example 1: new fridge-freezer (300 l) ● cost for A+++: 700€ (150 kWh/a)● cost for A+: 500€ (320 kWh/a)

additional costs of 200€ amortise after 5 years (lifetime 15 years)

Fridge and Freezer(14% of energy usage)

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● energy used for production, transport, storage, sale, disposal

● From a survey: Embodied energy of one specific A+ fridge-freezer (310 l) was equal to 2100 kWh

● Cumulated energy cost in assumed lifetime of 15 years of this A+ fridge-freezer: 200 kWh x 15 = 3000 kWh

● Same holds for e.g. washing machines

Fridge and Freezer - Embodied energy(14% of energy usage)

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Study (computer, printer, etc.)(11% of energy usage)

● Consumption:○ p. computer: 40-150 Watts○ screen: 20-100 Watts○ laptop: 10-50 Watts○ laptop instead of computer (4h/day, 330day):

saves 10-30 € a year● Amortisement of new hardware is very low

compared to "white goods"● Embodied energy in a computer: ~ 4000 kWh

much larger than cumulated energy costs!● Consciously using standby modes for

computer and screen has the most energy saving potential

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TV & HiFi(10% of energy usage)

● 4 types of TV: ○ LCD (LED/CCFL)○ Plasma○ CRT

● energy label for TVs since 30.11. 2011,but manufacterers can cheat easy on that!better: IEC 62087

● Power scales with screen size

● Similar to study appliances: resonable usage can save you a lot!

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Light - comparison of light sources(7% of energy usage)

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● Light output efficiency ○ lumen/watt

Light(7% of energy usage)

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● Temperature● Color rendering index (CRI)● Lifetime

○ light bulb ~ 1 kh○ CFL (compact fluorescence light) ~ 10 kh○ LED (light emitting diode) ~ 30 kh

● Disposal● Embodied energy: < 2%

Light(7% of energy usage)

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Max Schreck in Nosferatu, presumably climbing the stairs to plug in some unused appliances.

Are energy vampires sucking you dry?

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● Approx. cost for 1 Watt 24/7 per year:

1 W x 24 h x 365 x 0.22 €/kWh = 2€ ● crude example: Two chargers, one halogen

trafo, TV and PC plugged in 20/7~ 13 € / year

● Modern appliances have less than 1 Watt

standby power

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And now for something completly different

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Total amount of energy spent to prepare this presentation

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Total amount of electric energy spent to prepare this presentation

3 notebooks: 120 W x 60 hhalogen table lamp: + 40 W x 60 hoverhead light bulbs: + 20 W x 60 hcoffee on the stove: + 1300 W x 2 h1000 google searches : + 300 Wh

= 13700 Wh Cost: 3.0 € Emission: ~ 7 kg CO2

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Thank you for your attention

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● January 2003: Directive on the energy performance of buildings:EU member states have to introduce "Energy Performance Certificates"

● July 2007: "Energiepass- / ausweis" for residental and office buildings in Germany

● Has to be made accessible to new potential tenants

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carbon dioxideemissions

demand of final energy(characterises energy efficiency of buildings)

demand of primary energy(includes weighting factor for different energy sources)

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criticism:● quantities cause confusion to non-experts● two different bases of calculation

(energy - consumption vs. demand)● lack of simplicity

scale: characterize energy demand (in kWh / m2 a)

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● electric energy can be converted to heat very efficiently (about 100%), but electricity is produced from primary sources with an efficiency of about 30%!

● there are many different systems:○ traditional storage heater○ tankless heater○ solar water heater○ and many more...

● combination boilers are used for space heating and water heating together

Water heating

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● water is heated just when needed

● warm water is always availible

● can be installed at different points-of-use

● needs a largeer amount of power for a much shorter time

● in general more efficient

tankless heater

Water heating

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Light(7% of energy usage)
